Jan-Feb 2015 Post 112 American Legion Newsletter


Jan-Feb 2015 Post 112 American Legion Newsletter
 Winter Park Memorial Post 112
4490 North Goldenrod Road
Winter Park, FL 32792
Billy Dover
Vice Cmdr.
Gerard (Jerry) Dress
Bob Colbert
Finance Officer
Dyke Shannon
Sgt. at Arms
James Middlekauff
Judge Advocate
Volume 7, Issue 4
Jan.—Feb. 2015
What a year 2014 has been. I personally wish to
thank the Post Staff for covering me this past year.
For those who do not know I had a knee replaceSee Bob to
ment along with treatment for cancer that appears
sign up!
to be in remission. Many of our members have had
other issues greater but if we are not aware then
Do you
please make us aware of your situation. We would
like to help you if you need it or assist you in whatever way we can. YOU ARE OUR BROTHERS
AND SISTERS, and we continue to pray for each of Inside this Issue:
you daily.
Our Vice Commander still amazes us daily by the
events scheduled and implemented during the
year. The coordination of Post Activities, Sea CaAsst. Judge Adv. det drills, community meetings and private parties
Terry Brown
are quite impressive. As he says he is ALWAYS
THINKING on how to help out our members, veterService Officer
ans and community, thanks Jerry. NOW THE
Billy Dover
his heart and soul into is the FOUR CHAPLAIN’S
SERVICE on 01 FEB 15. What an honor to remember these four heroes of WWII. The research
and planning for this event started over a year ago
James Middlekauff
and I know you will be impressed with the producSons of the Legion tion of this event.
As many of you know the calendar year for the
Bob Colbert
American Legion runs from July 1 to June 30th,
however if you have not sent in your dues please
do so ASAP. District/Post Membership Report: DePresident
cember 11, 2014 11:44 AM shows us at 73.333
Marge Berrios
percent which means that we need 42 members
Sea Cadet Liaison to step up. I know that we can break the record
Gerard (Jerry) Dress for having 100% membership but we need YOU to
RENEW NOW. If you have paid and not reNewsletter Editor
ceived your card then please contact the Adjutant
Nell Colbert
ASAP. We have all been busy and dealing with
work, family and health issues but you are imWebsite
portant to US. Our job is to serve you.
Cont’d on Page 8
Page 2
 From the Vice Commanders Table
Page 3
 The Adjutants Desk
Page 4
 How to Advertise in our
Page 5
 What’s Happenin’ Auxiliary?
Page 6
 Our Sea Cadet Squadron
Page 7
 Happy Birthday to YOU!
 Be Prepared!
Page 8
 Words from the S.A.L.
 Commanders Minute
Cont’d from Page 1
Page 9
 The Value of Powers of
Attorney—Part 2
Page 10
 Sea Cadets cont’d from
Page 6
 Value of PoA’s cont’d
from Page 9
Page 11
 Christmas Party FUN!
Page 12
 Calendar
 Officers Directory
Page 2
Newsletter Title
From the Vice Commander’s Table
As we say goodbye to 2014, we now look to the future for OUR post and all our members. This past
year we have celebrated Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, Easter, Halloween, given out over 110
meals to our Veteran’s in the Nursing home and many other things. OUR post is very active but we
need YOUR help in keeping this up.
I hope you have all had a Merry Christmas with your family and love ones. If you missed our Post
Christmas Dinner at Perkins, then you missed a good time. We are having our monthly pancake
breakfast on the 27th of December and we welcome our Nursing Home guest again along with veterans in the CLC section.
The NEW YEAR, 2015, starts out with our Sons of the American Legion meeting on the 5th of January at 1800 hours. We encourage members who are interested in learning about what the S.A.L.
stands for and our functions to come and join us. If you have family members they can become part
of the American Legion through the S.A.L organization.
The post is putting on a FOUR CHAPLAIN’S SERVICE ON FEBURARY 1, 2015. This program
is to honor those four individuals who gave up their life vests to save fellow service members during
WWII. These brave chaplains show what sacrifice for others is all about. PLEASE JOIN US AT
2:00 P.M. for this very moving and important service.
We are reaching out to those members who are having a difficult time and trying to help all our members along with other veterans. If you need assistance please contact use so that if we are not able
to help directly, we can assist you in getting the help you need.
Jerry, Vice Commander
Volume 7, Issue 4
Page 3
From the Adjutant’s Desk
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2015! As we
close out 2014 and open up 2015, there is much to
look forward to. One of the most important events of
the next two months is our FOUR CHAPLAINS SERVICE coming up on February 1st at 2 p.m. We also will
have our Oratorical Contest at the January meeting
and need your help to judge the contestants. A good
turnout of members will show the youth that we care
about them and their development.
The Post has been hosting the Sea Cadets another
year and the unit has been growing. In fact, due to the
growth of the unit and its popularity, other units
around the state are being formed. The Sea Cadets
boast of members who have received Military Academy appointments and others who have joined the military after graduating from High School. By the way,
the time that our members spend with this organization counts as participation in “Children and Youth.”
Our Auxiliary has been very busy, this year. As of this
writing, the members are shopping for the five food
baskets that they will be distributing to families of military veterans in financial need so that they have what
they need to have a good traditional Christmas Dinner. They have done this every year and this year, the
Post has joined in, asking the Auxiliary to shop for and
deliver two baskets funded by the Post. Other funding
comes from the Poppy donations and donations to the
Unit. They also sent a young lady to Girls State this
year and helped the Post with the Halloween Party,
Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas in July, Memorial Day
service and Yard Sales during the year.
We did not succeed in getting Oratorical candidates in
2014 but are well underway in getting candidates for
the 2015 competition. We did send four boys to Boys
State this year. That is one more than we have done
in the past. PLUS, we were able to find sponsors for
all of the candidates that we selected to be alternates.
The weather played a part in the two Yard Sales, this
year. Neither of them came up to what the Vice Commander had hoped for. And, in spite of the bad weather for the FALL Yard Sale, it was held as scheduled. A
special thank you goes out to Vice Commander Dress
for all of his effort in setting these up and handling
the administrative details that come with them. AND,
good weather permitting, we hope for a much better
turn out in the coming year.
In support of the Boy Scouts, we hosted an activity
for Troop 613 in the course of the year. We also
work with Troop 219. Both troops have Post members involved in their activities. We want to thank
these veterans for taking the time to help mentor our
youth on their own time! We look forward to future
activities with both Troops in the coming year. Some
of these VETERAN/SCOUTERS also support
Scouting in other ways. There are many support
positions within the scouting world that do not require that you belong to a Troop, Pack or Crew.
They are always looking for Unit Commissioners to
work with our Troops, Packs, Crews and Exploring
Posts. This is not the same as being a member of
the unit. The time commitment that you would be
incurring is much less and you would be mentoring
the adults who run the units as well as answering
questions and giving suggestions that help them
accomplish their unit’s goals. You can check with
the Adjutant or our Auxiliary Secretary for more details on how this works . The Post member’s
SCOUTING activities go to help the Post’s AMERICANISM report.
Finally, the Veterans Administration (VA) is in desperate need of volunteers. They have jobs covering
many different skills. One of the major needs is for
“Golf Cart Drivers” to help the visiting veterans with
disabilities get from their car to the facility. It is not
hard work and it can be quite rewarding. And, when
the new facility opens at Lake Nona, there will be
double the need for volunteers as the VA has announced that they intend to keep both facilities
open. AND, time spent on VA activities that are reported back to Post will count in our annual report to
National showing National, the Department and
CONGRESS that Veterans DO HELP veterans.
Let’s work together to make 2015 a BANNER
Bob Colbert, Adjutant
Page 4
Would your business like to advertise in our
Post newsletter? This newsletter, with distribution via email and USPS to over 200 members
and organizations, is now accepting advertising
for our monthly newsletters.
Advertising rates per issue are as follows:
Business card size - $ 6.00 (3 3/4"w x 2 1/4"l)
1/4 page - $ 10.00 (3 3/4"w x 4 3/4"l)
1/2 page - $ 18.00 (7 3/4"w x 4 3/4"l or 3 3/4"w
x 9 3/4"l)
Full page - $ 30.00 (7 3/4"w x 9 3/4"l)
If paid in advance for FIVE ISSUES, THE
Copy MUST be emailed to the editor as a jpg or
Publisher file but payment MUST be mailed to
the Post’s PO Box or hand delivered to the Post
by the 15th of the month preceding publication.
Jan-Feb issue—15December
Mar-April issue—15February
May-June issue—15April
July-August issue—15June
September-October issue—15August
November-December issue—15October
QUESTIONS—Contact the editor at
407.401.8360 or email
Page 5
Our Happenin’ Auxiliar y
What a busy couple of months
we’ve had!
We kicked off November by attending the Department Fall Conference. Marge and Nell attended
some very interesting classes and
were able to bring back lots of
great information that our Unit can
use. Next up was Veterans Day.
Aunita placed flags on Veterans
graves in a local cemetery aided
by her hubby Dick; Marge and her
hubby Lou, the Commander for
Post 243, attended Veterans Day
services in Oviedo; and Nell and
hubby Bob,
Post 112 Adjutant attended the Veterans Day program at Eastbrook
well as stopping by our Post to
support Jerry’s Veterans Day open
house. Of course, Unit 112 was
well represented at the 6th District
meeting at Post 80 on November
15th. Our annual Reading Rockets
book project came in conjunction
with National Education Week. We
packets of
books to a
total of 20
at Aloma,
Cheney and Eastbrook Elementary Schools. Each packet contains one fiction and one nonfiction paperback book along with
reading helps program guides for
parents. Dinosaurs was the theme
this year for the third grade Cheney students. To support our teach-
ers and staff
at the three
schools, we
ered huge continental breakfast food
baskets. We just
love to see the smiling faces of our
school Principal’s.
We took a short
breather for Thanksgiving but hit
December by
attending the
Posts annual
Christmas party held this
year at Perkins. The Post
our annual
Basket project. This year, the Auxiliary funded three baskets and shopped for
the food for
baskets given
out on behalf
of the Post.
The week of
15th was very
busy and after
spent and more
than 100 miles
delivered baskets to
five Veteran fami-
lies, all with children, who were
very grateful for our assistance.
Special thanks to Marge and Nell
for handling the shopping detail
and to Nell and Bob for delivering
the baskets from Oviedo to Pine
Hills, Kissimmee and a few points
in between!
Next month—delivering our stuffed
backpacks to our schools followed
by Girls State interviews.
As always, we welcome new
ladies who would like to actively support our military,
our youth and our community through our community
service projects. To become
involved, please call us at
Check out our Facebook
page at:
or our website at:
to see what we’ve been doing.
Page 6
Sea Cadet Update: Billy Dover
During the month
of November, we
attended the US
Navy SEAL Muster in Ft. Pierce,
Florida along with
a memorial service for 14 members of the Special
died this past
year. In December we attended
the Winter Park
Christmas Parade to represent all Veteran’s and
especially Winter Park Memorial Post 112. Thank
you for your assistance during this past year. We
have seen four of our members go on active duty
this year to serve just as you have.
Just to show you how the cadets react to attending
the SEAL Muster I have attached one of the reports
by a new cadet.
By Seaman Recruit Muehlbauer
As of 7 November 2014 to 9 November 2014, the
Navy Seal Muster Demonstration for the year of
2014 took place at Fort Pierce. This was a great experience for me. I had the opportunity to provide my
service and demonstrate my patriotism for my country. I had the opportunity to work side by side with
my fellow cadets, as well as enjoy camaraderie with
cadets from other units. I had an amazing time at
this event. I watched active Leapfrog SEAL’s skydive and parachute their way down to the field, observed a demonstration of trained attack dog units,
and participated in many other activities. I felt proud
that I joined the Sea Cadets and very fortunate to
be included in the SEAL Muster. I was particularly
struck by the ceremony Sunday morning. I knew we
were being included in something special, but was
truly moved and honored to hold a flag and witness
something that meaningful.
When we arrived at the beach I noticed the state
flags from the SEAL Muster demonstration were on
the beach. I was instructed to grab one and stand at
attention while holding it. I saw the American
Rogues appear and others begin to show up. I realized I was about to be included in something very
important so I held my flag standing at attention and
awaited further instruction. I was captivated by the
veteran who spoke of the sacrifice, dedication and
contributions of former Navy SEALs. When he began to mention former SEALs who have fought in
previous wars for our country I truly began to understand the honor in which these soldiers lived and
died. Honoring those Seals who have fought and
died for our country was truly a moving experience.
There was a helicopter that dropped off about 6 to 7
men at about 500 yards from the shore where they
swam to the beach to receive the remains of those
SEALs who fought from WWII to present day. I saw
them swim back out and spread their shipmates
across the ocean. It did not take long for me to realize that what I just saw was the SEAL service of
those honored men and women that sacrificed and
fought for our country.
Another activity that was exciting was exploring the
US Naval Special Warfare Museum where we were
paired up into groups with 30 question surveys that
we had to complete. It was assigned by Commander Almon a former SEAL himself. I enjoyed Commander Almon's point of leaving with more
knowledge than you came with it that was definitely
one of my objectives. I felt the whole experience
really brought the meaning of Honor, Courage, and
Commitment home for me. It was truly an honor for
me participate in the ceremonial service of what I
consider some of our nations heroes. During the
exploration of the museum I learned about some of
the famous Navy SEALs and their ranks and what
they did in the Navy. One interesting thing that I
learned from the exploration was the type of dog
that they used, it was not the German Sheppard,
but the Belgium Malinois. Although, I learned some
new and interesting things at the museum I wished
that I had more time to learn and explore. I am particularly interested in learning more about the UDT’s
in WWII and the types of special warfare boats outside the museum.
Page 7
New article
Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday to you! Happy
Birthday dear ____. Happy
Birthday to YOU!
Mar n, Druce McNamer, Michael Tegnazian, Walter Randall, Beuford Brasher, Lawrence Domke, Richard Laney, Reed Roberts, Wayne Schecher, Henry Travers, Charles Date
01/01 01/02 01/04 01/11 01/15 01/17 01/17 01/17 01/18 01/21 FEBRUARY
Casiano, Joe Crowley, Chris na Lawrence, William Flanagan, Donald Meiner, Herbert Ackley, Wayne Posada, Eduardo Hale, Jr, Philip Jackson, Gary Colbert, Bob Ely, Albert Roberts, Marian Sines, Irvin Boyle, William Padge , Norma Date
02/04 02/05 02/05 02/06 02/06 02/07 02/08 02/09 02/09 02/10 02/12 02/17 02/18 02/23 02/23 Member
Griffin, Walter Towles, Robin Nunn, June Marie Comstock, Charles O Langis, Johanna Paquin, Jr, Joseph Date
02/24 02/24 02/25 02/25 02/27 02/27 BE PREPARED! Are YOU Prepared?
Everyone knows that the Boy Scout Motto is Be Prepared! But are YOU really prepared for 2015?
Do you have a safe deposit box? Are you the only one authorized to access your box?
Are you prepared for that emergency trip to the hospital where you may not be able to make decisions about
your own health care?
And what about your final trip home? Are your affairs in good order?
As a mobile Notary, I meet a lot of very wonderful people … in their homes, at their offices, in banks, in hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers and even hospice care facilities. The one thing that many of them have in
common is that something serious has happened in their lives and they need to have their signature notarized on documents right now … so that their car that was impounded can be picked up by another family
member while they are hospitalized, so that they can authorize another family member to handle their finances and/or healthcare decisions while they are hospitalized, grant temporary custody of their minor children to
another family member, or even take care of their Last Will and Testament because they have a terminal illness and are being moved to hospice.
So, as we begin the New Year, please take some time and make sure that your affairs are in order—don’t
wait until it’s too late. Add a trusted loved one to your safe deposit box so they can access it if you can’t; get
your Last Will and Testament written; have your attorney draw up (or use one of the on-line services) the
Powers of Attorney that you need so a loved one or family friend can handle your finances and health care
decisions if you are incapacitated. Wishing everyone a very Healthy and Happy 2015!
Article submitted by Nell Colbert, CommuniMatics Mobile Notary Services
Newsletter Title
Page 8
Words from the S.A.L. Chaplain:
The New Year is beginning and
have you looked at how GOD
has protected you, comforted
you and your family during the
past years. The old saying, “I
woke up this morning and did
not see my name in the obituary
so it is a good day”. Just this
past month of December I attended three funerals of my fellow firefighters, one who was a
Vietnam Vet, all three died due
to cancer.
During the Vietnam conflict
there was a song by Don
McLean “American Pie” that discussed death and looking for
some happy news. Well let me
tell you the happy news is that
death will come to us, but we
can ALL have Life Eternal if
you accept it Christ. The decision is YOURS and YOURS
Billy Dover
Second Samuel 22:3: My
GOD is my rock, in whom I
find protection.
Billy Dover, Jr.
No one is granted tomorrow nor
our next breath but THANKS
BE TO GOD you can have eternal life. My prayer this year is
that we seek the face of GOD
in all things, quick to forgive
and slow to react towards others who wrongs you. Everyone
has good and bad days, but
you can always look for the
GOOD in all things.
Commander’s Minute Cont’d from Page 1
The VA facilities is looking for volunteers to help out at both the VA Clinic and VA hospital or Nursing
facilities. AND, if you know a veteran who DOES FINE ARTS, APPLIED ARTS and CRAFTS
THERE IS A COMPETITION at the Orlando VA ART SHOW. If interested please contact Jenny
Danieli at 407-631-7209, the deadline for entry is Feb. 2, 2015 and if you wish to visit the show it will
be held on Feb. 14, 2015 at the Lake Baldwin Campus of the Orlando VAMC Auditorium. While
there why not APPLY FOR YOUR BENEFITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Vaughan property which surrounds the Post has been rezoned to Residential 3 which means
that they can place 320 apartments around the property. This is a concern for the Post due to traffic,
and parking for our members not to mention the possibility of crime. The positive side is that there
may be the potential for new members in walking distance of the post.
Our annual Oratorical contest will be held during our January 13, 2015 meeting. We have three
young adults from different schools who have shown interest in the competition. We need you to assist in the evaluation of these speeches to determine who will represent us at the next level.
Page 9
The Value of Powers of Attor ney in Estate
anning — Part
Why You Need to Look at Your Old Power of Attorney Now:
When you, as the Agent, present the PoA to another person or business, for them to act on it for your Grantor, there is a
moment when those who receive the PoA are skeptical - at best. The older a oA is, the more skeptical they become.
Banks are notorious for this, usually setting their own arbitrary time frame, before that PoA becomes “stale”, or too old.
Then they reject it.
Imagine that horrible day, with your family’s affairs in total disarray and requiring one of the kids to do something on a
parent’s behalf. You presented the PoA to some banker and they throw the PoA back in your face, saying it’s “too old”.
Why? Because they can?
Not any longer, at least not in Florida as of October 1, 2011.
Florida’s New Power of Attorney Law:
This new law is pretty sweeping and some lawyers are claiming that it caused them to
their six page PoA into a
30 page PoA. Whatever… One change is the stronger duties of the Agent that are built in as a fiduciary, obligated with
asset preservation. And beyond that there are some more vital changes of interest:
1. Good news: your pre-October 1, 2011 PoA is “grandfathered in” and you do not have to get a new one (although
you really should). The bad news: at least one “American” bank (I won’t give you its full name) is rejecting old PoA’s,
telling customers that they must get a new one. When do the law suits start?
Banks - and all others who are presented with a PoA (called “Third Parties”) - must give a specific
reason in writing, as defined in the law, as to why the PoA is being rejected. Being “stale” is not one of those reasons. Four days is deemed by the law to be a “reasonable” time for banks to respond. I wonder if the “American”
bank does that.
3. There is an affidavit suggested in the new law that an Agent can use to clarify any questions about the status of
the PoA and about whether or not the Grantor is still living or the PoA has been revoked.
4. Most sweeping is the need to spell out every single act the Agent is allowed to do for the Grantor. Actually, the
old PoA’s seemed to do that, but maybe I missed something.
The New “Super Powers” and What I Do:
The new PoA law requires certain actions granted by the Grantor to be individually approved, with that grant of authority signed or initialed on the document. The lawyers refer to these as the “Super Powers” and they include the
right to change beneficiaries, change rights of survivorship, disclaim (i.e., reject) property given to the Grantor by Will
or Trust, make gifts, and waive rights under annuities and retirement plans.
Those are all very powerful Estate Planning tools, to be used by the lawyer when the Grantor can’t do things for himself, but there is one that pops up constantly involving my work. It is the right to create, and change, trusts for the
Typically the old PoA’s included the right to change a Grantor’s trusts but I rarely saw where the Agent had the right
to create new trusts. It’s not so much that the new law allows this. You could do this before. But the new law calls
attention to it. We hope that attorneys will now regularly add that “Super Power” to the granted authorities. It will
sure make a Caregiver’s work much easier.
Here’s why: Sometimes I have to help families with someone who cannot afford Nursing Home care. We have to
consider Medicaid. Medicaid has set income limits and asset limits.
In 2014, in Florida, an individual on Medicaid cannot have income over $2,163 per month (he or she gets to keep all
of $105 of that and the rest pays for care). If her or his income is even a penny over that amount, he or she is ineligible for Medicaid.
Page 10
Sea Cadets Update - Cont’d from Page 6
Overall, the exploration was an
excellent experience and I plan
on learning more
through my training.
Finally, I also really
meeting the other
Naval Sea Cadet
units that came. I
was happy to see such a diverse
group of people come together for
a common cause. Although I respect everyone, I must compliment
Centurion Battalion on being a pro-
fessional, class act. Overall, the
Seal Muster of 2014 was a lot of
fun the experience taught me a lot
of new things about the SEALs,
SEAL history, and serving for the
SEALs in an appropriate fashion.
In those three days I made a lot of
new friends and felt good about
helping the community for our military. I was intrigued with the Navy
SEAL Museum. I even had the
opportunity to look up a friends
grandfather E.S. Hochuli, C.O.
UDT 12. Very worthy experience,
very honored to have had it.
The Value of Powers of Attor ney in Estate
Cont’d. from Page 9
But the State of Florida allows for the creation of what is known as a “Qualified Income Trust” that directs all income,
including the excess that made him or her ineligible, into this trust. This make the person eligible for Medicaid.
However, if the person is not legally competent, or physically able, to create this new trust, and if the proper language is
not in the Power of Attorney, you have big problems. You either don’t become eligible for Medicaid, or you must seek a
Guardian through the court system, to get the authority to create the trust.
This is also true if an applicant for Medicaid has too much “countable assets”. If, after converting countable assets into
things allowable by Medicaid, there are still assets that a person must “Spend Down”, often it is a good idea to look into
what is known as a “Pooled Special Needs Trust”. This trust put the funds into a place where they can be accessed by
the Caregiver, with Trustee approval, for the direct benefit of the Medicaid recipient. Any funds left at the end of his or
her life, go to pay for the care given.
This is specifically allowed by statue, but, as with the Qualified Income Trust, if there is no authority granted by the PoA,
it can’t get done without court approval.
Volume 7, Issue 4
Page 11
The American Legion 112 Family Holiday Party
was held on Dec. 9th at the Perkins Restaurant
on University Blvd. Special thanks to Vice Commander Dress for making all the arrangements for
this FUN event. We had some good food and
awesome fellowship. The room afforded us the
opportunity to share great conversation with each
other and everyone agreed that this was the best
holiday party we’ve held in several years.
Winter Park Memorial Post 112
4490 North Goldenrod Road
Winter Park, FL 32792
S.A.L. Meeting (6pm)
Executive Board Meeting (7pm)
Monthly Post & Auxiliary Meetings (7pm)
Post Pancake Breakfast (8-11am)
Four Chaplains Service (2pm)
S.A.L. Meeting (6pm)
Executive Board Meeting—7pm
Monthly Post & Auxiliary Meetings (7pm)
Happy Valentines Day!
Auxiliary Girls State Interviews (12n-4pm)
Post Pancake Breakfast (8-11am)
Commander: Billy Dover
407-383-9455 – bgdjr14@gmail.com
Vice Cmdr.: Gerard (Jerry) Dress
407-671-8616 – gdress2@cfl.rr.com
Adjutant: Bob Colbert
407-619-9611 – bcolbert@usa.net
Finance Officer: Dyke Shannon
407-322-6126 – dshannonfl@aol.com
Chaplain: Open
Sgt. At Arms: James Middlekauff
Newsletter Editor: Nell Colbert
321.303.7445— necolbert@usa.net
Winter Park Memorial Post 112
PO Box 910
Goldenrod, FL 32733‐0910