Keystoner - Pennsylvania Optometric Association
Keystoner - Pennsylvania Optometric Association
KEYSTONER Volume 28, Number 5 July/August 2012 GO GREEN Get more POA info by e-mail If we don’t have a current e-mail address on file for you, you’ve received the new color Keystoner as a blackand-white copy via USPS. That also means you’re not receiving any of POA’s other e-communications either. If you want to not only receive your Keystoner via e-mail, but also receive legislative, education and general membership messages from POA via e-mail, please send us a quick update by fax at (717) 233-6833 (on white paper please) or by e-mail at Questions about HB 838? If you have any questions about HB 838 that haven’t been answered during a local society meeting or through online resources, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the following doctors: Dr. Charlie Stuckey Executive Director (717) 233-6455 Dr. Dan Russell Immediate Past President (814) 943-8164 Pennsylvania Optometric Association Health Information Exchange (HIE) update: FAQs ~ Get DIRECT free for a year A s reported in the last issue, the commonwealth is subsidizing one-year subscriptions of DIRECT Messaging for providers who sign up with a certified, commonwealthapproved health information service provider (HISP) by August 15, 2012 through a $2 million DIRECT Incentive Grant Program. DIRECT is a communications tool based on e-mail protocol to replace mail and fax transmissions for sharing health information. Developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), DIRECT was specifically designed to facilitate secure communication of health information directly from one provider to another. It is the first step toward the adoption of more robust forms of health information exchange (HIE). FAQs about DIRECT: Do I need an electronic health records (EHR) program to use DIRECT? No. Providers simply need access to the Internet with no additional in-house technology or resources required. However, doctors who do use EHR in their offices can attach structured data from EHRs to a DIRECT message. Doctors without EHRs can simply include health information in the body of the DIRECT message or attach a file containing the health information, like a text or PDF document. Do I have to apply for the DIRECT grant? No. Certified HISPs apply for the grants to provide DIRECT to providers. There will be no paperwork related to the grant for providers; they will only have a contract with a HISP to receive basic DIRECT Messaging for a year at no cost. Will I be able to sign up for DIRECT after August 15? Yes. DIRECT will be available after the grant incentive program ends on August 15. The grant program subsidizes early adopters for a year. After August 15, DIRECT will be available for a fee. Are there any services for which a HISP could charge? Yes. Some HISPs may offer and charge for additional services, like EHR programs, outside of basic DIRECT Messaging. It is important to review the “How to Choose a HISP Primer” on the PAeHC website for a list of questions to ask before choosing a HISP. Questions include: “What base services provided by a HISP?”; “What services are See DIRECT on page 5 September 29-30 • Eden Resort, Lancaster Board Certification Preparatory & Optometric CE Program 16-hour COPE-approved program Dr. Bob Owens DEO, State & National Affairs (717) 354-2251 Saturday, September 29 ~ 7:45 AM - 6:00 PM, and Sunday, September 30 ~ 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Dr. Bob Bittel Chair, Legislative Affairs Cmte. (412) 884-2020 Please see page 7 for more information ~ Download the Registration Brochure AOA Member (prior to 8/10) ~ $550 I AOA Member (after 8/10) ~ $600 Schedule Information & Registration July/August 2012 KEYSTONER 2 President’s Editorial Where have all the members gone? By Donna M. Buraczewski, O.D. H as anyone else noticed that wherto get this message out to others. ever you are – a Kiwanis Club Much time and effort has been spent meeting, a country club meeting, on conveying this message to the students church vestry meetings, in optometry schools around POA/AOA meetings, etthe country, and I have met cetera, – the discussion many who have received regarding the future of the message. I would like to organizations resolves publicly say a few words rearound increasing the garding the students I have membership. Members met at state and national are getting older and meetings. They are doing an newer members are not awesome job!! They are enjoining. How do we atgaged in the future of their tract new members and (our) profession. Over 300 ensure the financial viastudents personally financed bility of these programs? their expenses to attend the Dr. Donna Buraczewski Recently the AOA AOA Advocacy Meeting in proposed changes in the Washington, D.C. in April. membership classifications of the AOA. (See Members of the AOSA have contributed Dr. Christoph’s excellent report for the details more to AOA-PAC than those at many state and results of these proposals.) Whether you affiliates. Trustees of AOSA spoke in favor agree with these changes or not, the bottom of changing the ascending dues schedule for line is that all members – including Life newly graduated optometrists. They know Members, Partial Practice and new graduate the importance of membership and are commembers – are receiving all the benefits of mitted to our profession. I commend these membership, but many are not paying full students and request all members to also dues. Is it fair that 50% of the members pay congratulate these students when the op90% of the dues? These classifications had portunity arises. been created to encourage all optometrists No one agrees with every decision made to be members of the state and national asby an organization, whether it is a church, sociation. We do not want to discourage service or professional organization. The anyone who desires membership. What is answer is not to take your golf ball and go certainly unfair is that while all optometrists home. We need all members to be involved have benefited and prospered from the acso optometry can continue to be a great cativities of the POA/AOA, many have not reer. I challenge every member to invite a contributed to the efforts either financially non-member to lunch or to a local society or by volunteering time and effort. meeting; better yet, do both. Sometimes it is What is the answer to this dilemma? difficult for someone to make that first move Unfortunately there is not one simple anand attend a meeting on their own. Extend swer. First we need to convey the benefits a welcoming hand. Educate him or her on of membership to our colleagues who do the benefits of being a member. not belong to the POA. Without organized All optometrists – male or female; fulloptometry, we would not be able to use ditime or partial practice; private, corporate agnostic or therapeutic drugs. We would not or employed; established or new graduates – be able to treat diseases or glaucoma. It is need to be a member of the POA. Be as likely that optometrists would not be paid involved as you are able, now or later. By the same as ophthalmologists for the same recognizing the importance of membership services without advocacy from organized and increasing our numbers, we can provide optometry. Would optometrists be included even more benefits. The benefits are not alin the health care reform efforts without ways visible, but they are vital. organized optometry? Since you are reading Remember the thrill we felt at graduathis editorial, you already know the benefits tion and becoming a doctor. Let’s keep that of membership in the POA. Now we need feeling alive or, if necessary, let’s rejuvenate it. Be proud to be an optometrist and a member of the POA. Share that feeling with others. It is worth the effort. Thank you for being a member and sharing with others. President’s Editorials are now posted on POA’s President’s Editorials Blog at for your comments. New drug approved for use by optometrists T he Pennsylvania Secretary of Health has approved tafluprost topical ophthalmic solution for use by optometrists. Approval was effective upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on June 30, 2012. AOA and ASCO Optometric Workforce Study survey mailed O n Friday, July 13, AOA and the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO) mailed the Optometric Workforce Study surveys to more than 4,000 practicing optometrists across the nation. The AOA/ ASCO Optometric Workforce Study team hopes to have all survey responses by July 31, 2012. If you received the survey, we encourage you to return it by that date. When completed later this year, the new Optometric Workforce Study will provide the optometric profession, law makers and other stakeholders a definitive assessment of supply and demand for eye and vision care in the U.S. July/August 2012 KEYSTONER 3 AOA House of Delegates report POA Delegates address By-Laws changes and resolutions By Richard Christoph, O.D., POA Secretary/Treasurer T he AOA House of Delegates considered a number of resolutions and several By-Laws amendments at Optometry’s Meeting in Chicago. As you may know, the House of Delegates is the policy making body of the AOA. As the name implies, the House of Delegates is comprised of delegates from each of the affiliated organizations – each state association plus the District of Columbia, the student association and the armed forces optometric society. Your Pennsylvania delegation was comprised of five members of the Board of Directors, POA Executive Director Dr. Charles Stuckey and several volunteers from the membership. The following is a summary of the actions taken by the AOA House. • Based on actions taken at the 2011 AOA House of Delegates, a resolution was proposed to direct the American Council on Optometric Education (ACOE) to develop a program to accredit providers of continuing education. Prior to the meeting, this issue was a hot topic of discussion and debate. At the meeting of Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO) on the Tuesday before the House of Del- egates, AOA President Dr. Dori Carlson offered a compromise where AOA would work with ARBO/COPE to try to develop a new system of CE accreditation. Since that proposal was well received by ARBO, the ACOE motion was withdrawn. Another motion was passed directing AOA to continue to work with ARBO, and if a satisfactory compromise can’t be reached, to report back to the House of Delegates in 2013 with a new plan. • In the course of hearing preliminary information in the lawsuit that the American Optometric Society (AOS) has filed against the American Board of Optometry (ABO), a federal judge issued an opinion that stated that optometrists are not physicians. This was in response to AOS’s contention that ABO’s board certification program is not equivalent to medicine’s board certification because optometrists are different from medical doctors. In response, the AOA House of Delegates passed a resolution directing the AOA Board of Directors to vigorously defend optometry’s status as physicians using all means possible. The House of Delegates passed a second resolution calling on AOS to join AOA in affirming optometry’s status as physicians, and in working to have the opinion changed. In a surprisingly quick response, the federal judge has already issued a correction, changing the wording of his published opinion to state that optometrists are physicians, but do not hold the M.D. degree. AOA’s legal team will continue to monitor the progress of this litigation. • A resolution was passed directing AOA to share the profits from online educational programs with the state affiliate of any doctor taking online CE from AOA. Some states were concerned that as AOA develops more online CE, it would compete with programs offered by the state associations. • Two resolutions were passed that will change the way AOA handles endorsements. AOA will endorse programs that benefit members, but won’t endorse equipment, treatments or products provided or sold to patients. See House on page 5 A first-timer’s review of Optometry’s Meeting Four things I didn’t know By Marianne Boltz, O.D., POA Trustee C hicago has been my favorite city for the past 16 years, ever since it was my home for one year while I completed my pediatric optometry residency at ICO. It is a city that truly has it all: great food, beautiful downtown shopping along the Magnificent Mile, impressive architecture, renowned sports venues and incredible museums all sitting just blocks from Lake Michigan that most days is as turquoise blue as the Caribbean Sea! That being said, you could understand my delight upon first learning that Optometry’s Meeting was set for Chicago on June 27-30, 2012. Having just returned from this meeting, the AOA’s 115th Annual Congress, representing Pennsylvania as a delegate and president-elect-elect, I wanted to share a few highlights from the perspective of some- one experiencing it for the first time. After attending so many POA House of Delegates over the years, I thought I knew what to expect – that was true in some cases (like the strict attention to Robert’s Rules of Order), but not the case in others. Here are the four main things that surprised, impressed, educated and excited me at the AOA House of Delegates (HOD) Meeting... Pomp and circumstance The HOD began with a grand flag ceremony where the president of each state association carried his or her respective state flag around the meeting hall in a procession to patriotic music. Shortly thereafter, every delegate in attendance was asked to stand and recite the AOA Optometric Oath. The HOD ended with a rousing presidential procession (those crazy Texans!), a moving Presidential Inaugural Address by Dr. Ronald L. Hopping (whose optometrist father was also a past president of the AOA) and formal installation of the 2013 Board of Trustees. Getting to know the AOA Board and executive director Other than our appointed AOA liaison who annually attends our Congress and Board meeting, I can truthfully say that the See First on page 6 KEYSTONER 4 PRC ▼ ▼ ◆ PRACTICE RESOURCE CENTER july/August 2012 News you can use Implementation of HealthChoices New West Zone postponed to October 1 I mplementation of the HealthChoices New West Zone has been delayed by one month. Beginning October 1 (delayed from September 1), 13 counties in northwestern Pennsylvania will form the HealthChoices New West Zone. The ACCESS Plus physical health program and the United Health Voluntary Managed Care Program for Medical Assistance Recipients will end on September 30. Affected counties include Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, McKean, Mercer, Potter, Venango and Warren. The open enrollment period for Medical Assistance recipients in these counties to select a HealthChoices physical health MCO is August 10 through September 6. For additional details about the delay, please visit webcontent/documents/document/p_013034.pdf. To serve people on Medical Assistance, providers in these counties will need to join the following networks: • • • • Coventry Cares ~ (866) 903-0748 Gateway Health Plan ~ (800) 392-1145 AmeriHealth Mercy ~ (800) 521-6007 UPMC for You ~ (800) 286-4242 To enroll as a Medical Assistance provider, call the Department of Public Welfare’s provider enrollment number at (800) 537-8862. Research projects and studies Glaucoma research project POA has been contacted by the Department of Ophthalmology, UPMC Eye Center regarding a study on how the use of glaucoma imaging technology affects the diagnosis of glaucoma. Read the letter of invitation, and if you would like to participate in the research project, the online module can be accessed at Tools to Improve Your Practice Service member training survey The Pennsylvania Statewide Service Member & Veteran’s Behavioral Health Alliance has designed a survey to assess any potential training gaps or needs for professionals who come into contact with service members and their families. To participate, visit www.surveymonkey. com/s/9NNLT3G by Friday August 24, 2012. Novitas to cover OCT for Plaquenil E fforts by our colleagues at the New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians have resulted in a change in a Novitas Solutions Inc. (formerly Highmark Medicare Services) LCD that also benefits optometrists and their patients here in Pennsylvania. NJSOP recently spearheaded an effort to request a modification in the existing coverage policy for the performance of SCODI (Scanning Computerized Ophthalmic Diagnostic Imaging) for those persons beginning and in the midst of ongoing Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine) therapy for rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus. In 2011, the American Academy of Ophthalmology changed its own clinical policy guidelines concerning the care of the patient on HCQ or CQ therapy to reflect advances in technology that permitted the very early identification of the ultrastructural changes in the retina that would result in sight loss. The American College of Rheumatology subsequently agreed to the same recommendations. Armed with this information and considerable medical evidence, NJSOP petitioned Novitas to modify its existing LCD L27529 to allow for the performance of spectral domain-ocular coherence tomography (SD-OCT) at recommended intervals during the course of therapy with these agents. For those who own this technology and are interested in its application, the details are contained within the LCD at mac-ab/l27529-r9.html. In correspondence regarding the change, NJSOP President William Marcolini, O.D., F.A.A.O., reminded his society’s members that “Every practitioner would be well-served to be familiar with current versions of the coverage guidelines maintained by the local Medicare contractor. Each one of these documents is subject to periodic review and revision as technology emerges and clinical indications change. This ongoing work is performed by the volunteer members of the Carrier Advisory Committee in conjunction with the professional staff and medical directors of the carrier. It should be noted that any change to an existing policy must be based upon sound reproducible medical evidence and these recommendations must be endorsed by the relevant medical specialty societies. It is for this reason that not all contemporary applications of technology are reflected in the published clinical guidelines.” Thank you to our colleagues in New Jersey for recognizing the problem and pursuing a solution. The Keystoner is published by the Pennsylvania Optometric Association (POA). POA is the professional association for doctors of optometry in Pennsylvania, providing continuing education, public information materials, government relations and membership benefits. Direct any inquiries to the Keystoner, 218 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101. Phone: (717) 233-6455. Fax: (717) 233-6833. E-mail: Deb@poaeyes. org. Web site: Executive Director: Charles J. Stuckey, Jr., O.D. Editor: Deborah S. Blanchard. The Keystoner is partially underwritten by USI Affinity. July/August 2012 KEYSTONER 5 House Continued from page 3 • Eighteen By-Laws amendments were proposed, discussed and voted on. Some of the amendments were further amended by the House of Delegates. Most of them pertain to membership categories and payment of dues. The AOA secretary/treasurer provided a presentation showing the changing demographics of our membership and the effect that has had on dues income, along with projections for the future. The most telling statistics from that presentation were the fact that while AOA dues are currently $800, the average member is only billed $568 (and average dues paid are even less), and that less than 50% of AOA members pay 90% of the dues. I will try to summarize the more significant changes briefly, focusing on the potential effects these changes will have on the AOA, POA and membership. If anyone would like to see the full amendments you can contact the POA office for a copy. The effective date of these changes is January 1, 2013: • The deadlines for dues payment have been changed. Twenty-five percent of dues are now due at the end of each calendar quarter. One month after the end of the quarter, if dues are not paid, the member will be considered delinquent; two months after the end of the quarter, members will be terminated. You will no longer be able to maintain your membership if your dues are not current. All members should be aware of this change and plan accordingly for 2013. • An amendment was proposed to require $35 dues from student members, but an amendment was passed to change that to $0. • Post Graduate membership was defined as someone who has graduated optometry school and is enrolled in a fulltime, post-graduate program, including, but not limited to, optometric residency programs. Dues were set at $35. • An amendment was proposed to shorten the ascending dues schedule for new graduates from five years to four. It was defeated by less than 20 votes. The current schedule will remain in effect: 0% dues in the first year of license, followed by 10% in year two, 20% in year three, 50% in year four and 75% in year five. • Partial Practice was redefined as limited to those working 16 hours per week or less with dues set at 60% of full AOA dues. Previously, a graduated scale of dues based on the number of days worked per week was in place. The POA delegation voted against this amendment, but it did pass by a significant margin. • Life Membership is now conferred on those who have been a member for 45 years, regardless of age. The previous requirement was 35 years of membership plus age 65. All current Life Members will continue as Life Members (“grandfathered”). Life Members continue to pay no dues. This change means that the average optometrist who joined AOA upon entering school and maintained their membership continuously would achieve Life Membership between age 67 and 70. An amendment was proposed to change the requirement from 45 years to 40 years. That amendment was defeated. The POA delegation voted against this motion, as directed by the POA House of Delegates in Bedford Springs. • Retired Membership is defined as those optometrists who no longer work in any optometrically-related activity. Those who wish to receive benefits of membership will pay $100 in annual dues. Those who only wish to maintain the title “Retired Member” will not pay dues. • The descending dues scale has been eliminated. This scale provided graduallyreduced dues for Active Members over 70. Those members will now qualify as either Active, Partial Practice, Retired or Life Members, depending on their individual situation. • Changes in membership classification will be limited to once per year. Those changes effective in the first half of the year will be retroactive; those in the second half will take effect at the end of the year. This will make tracking membership easier and simplify bookkeeping procedures, since each member will be in only one dues classification for the entire year. • Several changes were made to the requirements for membership to allow optometrists who are no longer practicing and optometrists from other countries to join AOA more easily. • Members are allowed to affiliate through the state where they work or where they live. The House of Delegates also elected a new Board of Directors. In the one contested race, Dr. Hilary Hawthorne from California was elected to the one year trustee position over Dr. Bob Layman of Ohio. The POA delegation was split between the two candidates and felt both were well-qualified. Dr. Buraczewski, as chair of the delegation, cast 45 votes for Dr. Hawthorne and 40 votes for Dr. Layman. We were also introduced to AOAEXCEL, an exciting new online venture of the AOA, and presented with numerous reports, including reports from the executive director, secretary-treasurer, president, chair of AOA-PAC and the student association. DIRECT Continued from page 1 included in the subsidized first year?”; and “Will I be able to customize the service to better meet my organization’s needs, and what will the cost of customization be?” Who can I communicate with using DIRECT? Providers who contract with a HISP will obtain a DIRECT e-mail address and digital certificate, and can communicate with anyone who also has a DIRECT e-mail address and digital certificate. To use DIRECT to its fullest extent, it is important to encourage those with whom you have a communications relationship – optometrists and other health care professionals – to also sign up for DIRECT. How do I find a certified, commonwealth-approved HISP? A list of certified HISPs and important questions to ask HISPs can be found in the “How to Choose a HISP Primer” on the PAeHC’s website. How do I sign up for DIRECT? Visit the PAeHC DIRECT website. Read the “DIRECT Info Sheet for Providers” document; download the “How to Choose a HISP Primer” for a list of HISPs and questions; contact the certified HISPs and pick one that best fits your needs; and contract with your chosen HISP for a one-year subscription to DIRECT at no cost. Since POA has two members on PAeHC committees, we also ask that you contact POA at or (717) 233-6455 with your experience so that we can provide feedback to PAeHC. July/August 2012 KEYSTONER 6 First Continued from page 3 AOA Board members were just names to me in the past. The HOD provided the opportunity to hear most of the current Board and executive director give reports or speak on various topics. We learned quite a bit about 2013 President Dr. Ronald Hopping’s personal life and history, even getting to see his wife and children. Dr. David Cockrell’s wife Cherry, a fellow optometrist, was appointed to officially nominate her husband for vicepresident of the AOA in 2013. Those who attended the Saturday night reception at The Field Museum also had the opportunity to see and mingle with next year’s Board and significant others who were dressed in their finest formal attire. Being “part of the action” It wasn’t long into the meeting that I realized that we were participating in AOA history, helping to shape the direction of the organization. I don’t think most POA members realize the strength of the Penn- sylvania delegation’s vote at the AOA HOD. Pennsylvania has the fifth highest number of delegate votes (85), following California (183), Texas (118), Ohio (115) and Florida (114). This voting “strength” translates to Pennsylvania being one of the leaders to which other states seek support and even guidance. This was particularly evident during roll call votes; for example, during the election for the open AOA trustee positions. There certainly was an element of political intrigue during the meeting and “after hours,” with delegates from other states or trustee nominees approaching Dr. Buraczewski asking for Pennsylvania’s vote. One of my former PCO classmates who was a past president of another state association even approached me with a vote request! Not all state associations are created equal The longer I’ve been a POA trustee, the more I realize that we have such an active state association that stands out among others. For example, even though Illinois is a similar state in size and optometrist num- bers (i.e., delegate votes), they do not hold a yearly state House of Delegates meeting like we do. Other state offices do not have exceptional staff and such a respected executive director. There is no other state association that comes close to our successful involvement and outcomes with third party plans or insurance optometry advisory committees – other states look to us for advice on this topic. While sitting on the airplane from O’Hare back to Harrisburg, I reflected on the events of the past four days. Ultimately, what I felt was a sense of gratitude and pride: grateful for the opportunity to represent our state at this national meeting and proud of the POA for all that we are and all that we do for the profession that we love. I would encourage any POA member to attend next year’s Optometry’s Meeting in San Diego and sit in on the public session of the HOD. I guarantee you will leave with greater knowledge and appreciation of the AOA – and who knows, maybe even leave with a new favorite city! July/August 2012 KEYSTONER 7 Certification Preparatory & Optometric CE Program September 29-30, 2012 The Pennsylvania Optometric Association, in conjunction with Optometry Board Certified, is pleased to present Essentials in Eye Care 2012. This 2-day, 16-hour, COPE-approved program will cover a diverse list of topics designed to assist those doctors of optometry who are interested in pursuing the Board Certification designation, and to provide outstanding lectures to those who are just looking to add to their optometric education. Remember, this is a license renewal year and Pennsylvania doctors of optometry need to complete 30 credits by November 30, 2012. Presenters for this event are Joseph Pizzimenti, O.D., Susan Cotter, O.D., M.S., William Marcolini, O.D., and Susan Gromacki, O.D. Courses include: • • • • • • • • • • • Pharmacotherapy of Ocular Disease The ABCs of Refractive Error Management in Young Children Case Studies in Pediatrics and Binocular Vision Case Studies in Glaucoma Review of Systems Recognizing the Signs of Retinal Disease Mysteries of the Unexplained Anterior and Posterior Segment Grand Rounds Cataract Surgical Co-management Fundamentals in Refractive Surgical Care Update on Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses A Guide to Keratoconus This course is being held at the Best Western Premier Eden Resort in Lancaster. Registration information can be found on the POA website. Please feel free to contact Ilene at the POA office with any questions at or (717) 233-6455. PHOTOCHROMIC LENSES Mittelman succeeds Lewis as Salus University president S alus University has announced that Rear Admiral Michael H. Mittelman, O.D., MPH, a 1980 graduate of PCO, will succeed Dr. Thomas L. Lewis as the university’s next president. Dr. Mittelman has 32 years of experience as a senior healthcare executive in the US Navy. An active duty member of the Armed Forces, Dr. Mittelman will complete his service with the Navy before beginning as Salus University president sometime in late spring or early summer 2013. In order to accommodate this timing and to ensure a smooth transition, Dr. Lewis has agreed to delay his planned June 30 retirement to remain as president during this period. As president-designate, Dr. Mittelman will be in regular contact with Dr. Lewis and will be on the university’s Elkins Park campus on occasion, when time and his service obligations permit. July/August 2012 KEYSTONER 8 Calendar September 23, 2012 CPOS Fall CE Forum featuring Drs. Melton and Thomas. Hotel Hershey, Hershey. Six credits of CE. For more information, contact A registration brochure is available to download. September 29-30, 2012 Essentials in Eyecare: POA Board Certification Preparatory & Optometric CE Program. Eden Resort, Lancaster. 16 hours of CE for board certification prep or simply to count toward 2010-2012 license renewal. Visit the Meetings & CE Programs page at for details. October 21, 2012 NEPOS Third Annual CE Seminar. Hilton Scranton Conference Center. Eight credits of CE featuring Drs. Andy Gurwood, Marc Myers, Sachin Patel and Shakeel Shareef. For more infor- mation, contact Dr. Sherry Winn at or (570) 586-3228. A registration brochure is available to download. November 18, 2012 POA November CE Program. Hershey Lodge & Convention Center, Hershey. Featuring diabetes and glaucoma education. Mark your calendar! Any time, any place! POA Webinar Series (three available): HD OCT, Glaucoma or Oral Medications. On-demand online via POA’s website on the Meetings & CE Programs page. Each webinar provides one hour of CE at a cost of $25 for members; $50 for non-members. Format is 50-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A period. Contact with questions. 2012 Business Partners POA gratefully acknowledges our 2012 Business Partners PLATINUM C&E Vision Buying Group Ophthalmic Management Services, LLC GOLD Allergan USI Affinity SILVER Signet Armorlite Alcon BRONZE VSP Allergan and Optometry Proud to Be a Part of Your World Allergan supports the field of optometry with our products, educational programs, practice support, and online resources. Visit our optometry-dedicated website for more information. RESTASIS® (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05% LASTACAFT® (alcaftadine ophthalmic solution) 0.25% ALPHAGAN ® P (brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution) 0.1% COMBIGAN® (brimonidine tartrate/ timolol maleate ophthalmic solution) 0.2%/0.5% LUMIGAN ® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.01% ACUVAIL® (ketorolac tromethamine ophthalmic solution) 0.45% REFRESH® Lubricant Eye Drops ZYMAXID® (gatifloxacin ophthalmic solution) 0.5% LATISSE® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% ©2012 Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA 92612 ® and ™ marks owned by Allergan, Inc. ZYMAXID® is licensed from Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. APC03FP12 120628 July/August 2012 KEYSTONER 9 Classified Ads Practice for sale West Central PA. Forty-four-year-old practice for sale. Excellent location with high visibility. Building with ample parking included in sale. A complete primary eye care facility with 1,800 sq. ft. Call (814) 5358697 between 4-4:30 or (814) 255-1644 after 6:00 PM. Optometrist wanted Pittsburgh. Part-time optometrist needed in the South Hills on both Wednesday morning and all day Friday. If interested please call (412) 344-8691. Central PA. Exciting opportunity for an optometrist interested in a full time position practicing in a professional optometric practice in central Pa. Full scope of care: diagnosing and treatment of eye diseases, co-managing lasik and cataract patients, and general optometric care. Competitive salary and benefits. If interested e-mail to Allentown Area. Optometrist wanted for northern Lehigh Valley optometric practice. 2-3 days/week possibly leading to full-time. Please reply to or call Tanya at (610) 767-1555. Lehigh Valley Area. Part-time, two days per week. Professional environment and state of the art equipment. Call (610) 2586666 ask for Pat. Westmoreland County/Western PA. Optometrist wanted for fill in work, Monday or Friday, for end of June to mid-late July. Interested optometrists should contact Philadelphia area. Looking for energetic full-time optometrist western Philadelphia suburb. Please e-mail interest to Reading Area. Optometrist needed 1-4 days a week. Please call Dr. Dennis Linsey at (813) 960-8896. North Pittsburgh. Optometrist needed for part-time in a progressive private practice. 1.5 to 2 days a week with potential for growth in the future. Mondays and Saturdays needed now. Full-scope of care. Technology-driven practice with EMR, OCT, automated phoropter, Fundus Camera, VF. Excellent trained and dedicated staff. Please e-mail if interested. Central PA. Full-time optometrist wanted for medically-oriented practice. Well-equipped with OCT, Optos, Marco TRS and more. Send resume to or call (814) 375-0125. Central PA. Luxottica and Sears Optical seek to affiliate with independent doctors of optometry who share our passion, imaginative thinking, entrepreneurial spirit and patient-centric approach. As an affiliated doctor, you’ll be part of a patient-oriented team that provides convenient, caring and personalized eye care. We lead the way in ophthalmic frames and lenses and provide support to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. We currently have an opportunity for a full-time/part-time Independent doctor of optometry to lease space in our Sears Optical location in York and Lebanon. Associate doctors also needed in Hanover and Reading. For further information, please e-mail Emily Nyman at or go to to submit an interest form. Lebanon. Pearle Vision sublease opportunity available immediately! This is a fantastic opportunity with huge growth potential. If interested send a resume or quick note of interest to or call (717) 657-0803. Wilkes Barre. Available August 2012. Full-Time (5 day) salaried position, including comprehensive benefits package. Competitive salary, including relocation support. Days off include Sunday & one weekday. Busy, primary care practice. Contact Dr. Jennifer Lo at (206) 617-7467 or Pittsburgh. Available August 2012. FullTime (5 day) salaried position, including c o m p r e h e n s i ve b e n e f i t s p a ck a g e. Competitive salary. Days off include Monday & Tuesday. Busy, primary care practice. Contact Dr. Jennifer Lo at (206) 617-7467 or York. Full or part-time Fill-in Optometrist wanted for a 3 location private practice. Part-time permanent position potential. Full scope optometry with the latest technology including EHR. Fill-in position available 9/17/2012 through 12/30/2012. If interested, please forward CV to tracey@ or call Tracey at (717)7414788 ext. 1128. For more information on our practice visit Optometrist available Pittsburgh. TPA certified optometrist, currently completing a primary care residency (completion July 2012). Looking for a parttime or full-time position. Please e-mail Equipment for sale Diversatronics Desk with Sink; Smart Centration System Hardly Used in Excellent condition; 1 Optical display case. Call (610) 258-6666 ask for Pat. Woodlyn slit lamp. Includes Goldman tonometer. Instrument is in excellent working condition. $1800. Pittsburgh area. (724) 274-8383. Kowa non-mydriatic digital retinal camera. $8995. Excellent working condition. Includes camera, Kowa VK2 software, Windows XP Pro computer, installation and training. E-mail or call (570) 259-0458. Briot patternless edger, Accura CX. Good condition. $4,000. If interested, call (717) 926-2221. Heidelberg HRT 3 with Retina module includes HRT3 / laptop computer / software / table stand / printer / locking travel case. Excellent condition. $16,500 or best offer. Please e-mail National Optronics 6E patternless edger and 4T tracer both in great working order with the exception of the internal display. Edger uses external computer monitor. 12,000 cuts. $10,000. Two B&L 70 lensometers, one in mint condition the other can be used for parts. Additional lab equipment, hand edger, Speede blocker, buffing wheel and new ergo pro handle Hilco adjusting tools. e-mail Advertise in the Keystoner Free of charge to members; $1 per word, minimum $25, for non-members. Ads must be submitted in writing via e-mail to or via fax at (717) 233-6833. Please indicate the number of months you want your ad to run, up to a maximum of three months. The deadline to submit classified ads is the 1st of the month preceding publication. (Example: January 1 for the February issue.) POA/ C&E members can also post classified ads at KEYSTONER 10 July/August 2012 don’t be dr. stress c&e buying group provides more than discounts. 2% toWards your poa & aoa dues increased office efficiency consolidated billing one statement marketing resources practice management tools continuing education call 800-346-2626 *ABB percentAge is less thAn 2% POPAC Pennsylvania Optometric Political Action Committee Recurring Contribution – What color are you? DIAMOND LEVEL Over $1,000 Annually > $83.50 Monthly > $250 Quarterly > $500 Semi-Annually GOLD LEVEL $750-$999 Annually $62.50-$83.25 Monthly $187.50-$249.75 Quarterly $375-$499.50 Semi-Annually SILVER LEVEL $500-$749 Annually $41.67-$62.42 Monthly $125-$187.25 Quarterly $250-$374.50 Semi-Annually BRONZE LEVEL $100-$499 Annually $8.34-$41.59 Monthly $25-$124.75 Quarterly $50-$249.50 Semi-Annually Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually Other Recurring Contribution Amount $ q Monthly q Quarterly q Semi-Annually q Annually One-time Contribution q $120 q $250 q $500 q $1,000 q Other $ Member/Payment Information Corporate donations are not permitted under state law. All contributions must be made via personal check/credit card/bank card. Name q Check # $ q Credit Card # q MasterCard q Visa q Discover Expiration Date Name on Card Billing Address for Card q AmericanExpress 3-Digit Security Code (back of card) q Debit Card/Bank Account # Bank Routing # I authorize POPAC to charge my credit card or debit card according to the contribution I have pledged above and understand my account will be charged 1) ONCE for a one-time contribution or 2) MONTHLY, QUARTERLY or SEMI-ANNUALLY AS INDICATED for a recurring contribution until I cancel. Signature Online Contribution via PayPal To make a quick, easy and secure contribution through PayPal, please visit Both recurring and one-time contributions can be processed via PayPal. Mail or fax this form to: POPAC, 218 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101; Fax (717) 233-6833 Contributions for POPAC are not deductible for federal tax income as a charitable contribution. POPAC complies with applicable laws and files regular reports with the Bureau of Elections. July/August PRST STD2012 KEYSTONER 12 KEYSTONER US POSTAGE PAID HARRISBURG, PA PERMIT NO 400 Pennsylvania Optometric Association 218 North Street • Harrisburg, PA 17101 phone: (717) 233-6455 fax: (717) 233-6833 e-mail: Website: Address Service Requested & You eye New members We are pleased to announce the following new POA member. Please welcome this doctor to her professional association: Pamela J. Blade, O.D. (BMOS) Congratulations Congratulations to Vera Kohler, CPOA, who received the 2012 AOA Paraoptometric Section Paraoptometric of the Year Award in Chicago. Vera works with Dr. Delia Landy and Dr. Dan Casamento, who traveled to Chicago to celebrate her achievement. AOA appointments Thank you to the following members who have accepted appointments to serve in the AOA volunteer structure: Scott A. Edmonds, O.D. Accreditation Council on Optometric Education Lynn D. Greenspan, O.D. Evidence-Based Optometry Committee **Additional appointments appear in the April 2012 issue. ** Most of the information in the Keystoner is not only valuable for you, but also for your staff. We encourage you to share your Keystoner with your office manager, paraoptometrics and other staff. OFFICE ROUTING FORM Robert P. Bittel, Jr., O.D. Health Promotions Committee - Chair; Clinical Resources Group Executive Committee Janice E. Scharre, O.D. Accreditation Council on Optometric Education ARE YOU SHARING THIS NEWS WITH YOUR STAFF? Letters to the Editor Letters may be submitted to or Editor, POA, 218 North Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 ❑ Doctor ❑ Office Manager ❑ Para ❑ Para ❑ Para ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Paid Advertisement Information Technology SoluPartner with Total Merchant Services to process your credit card payments and we’ll give you a $300 credit voucher to be used towards your POA dues each year as a part of our special Optometric Payments Processing Program In recent years, Total Merchant Services has received the official endorsement from several professional societies nationwide. The company is endorsed in its home state of NC by the NC Veterinary Medical Association as well as the entire NC Medical Society (see reverse side for testimonial). LensCrafters (ALLDOCs), the Arkansas Optometric Society, and the SC Optometric Society have also selected TMS as its preferred processor, saving its members money on credit card processing fees as well as the following added advantages: A generous credit toward your POA compliance fees, and no IRS reporting dues each year going forward. Just fax fees that other processors are now or email TMS the receipt showing your paid membership fee in full and we’ll send you a reimbursement check for charging. your agreement is simply month to month year benefit! equipment (if applicable) at NO CHARGE to your practice. Standard 3 0 2 1 B e r ks W a y Ste 202 phone line connections to your credit card terminal are now optional. Raleigh, NC PH Support for your state’s optometric association. Quarterly, TMS will donate a portion of its profits to the optometric society in your state based on your volume of processed credit card Give us a call and allow us to review one of 800.823.2712 your current merchant statements so that we FX w w w . t m sn c. co m better offering. payments. 27614 888.488.4085 as you go. No fee to cancel if you find a Unlimited quantity, upgraded highspeed compatible credit card No obligation and no long term contract that other processors require. With TMS $300.00. Again, this is a year over No annual fees, no quarterly PCI can show you how many extra dollars your Susan A. Bobo National Account Executive PH 800.823.2712 ext. 120 current provider is charging you unnecessarily. Due to our no obligation offering, you really have nothing to lose and much is to be gained. Paid Advertisement July/August 2012 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Camille Seganos, CPOA It was great to see everyone at Bedford Springs! There certainly was a lot to celebrate. Congratulations! Roberta Beers, CPOT who was awarded 2012 PPA Para of the Year. Congratulations! Vera Kohler, CPOA who was awarded 2012 AOAPS Para of the Year. Congratulations! PPA was awarded 2012 AOAPS Bridgeway Award. Let’s celebrate the excellent speakers and education presented. We had great education in a fun environment. Celebrate leadership opportunities in Paraoptometry. Your involvement, dedication and support will help PPA to grow. It was wonderful to see old friends and make new ones in a venue where we encourage and support each other. Let’s celebrate the camaraderie among us. I hope you all are enjoying your Summer! Report of the VP of Continuing Education Sarah Owens, CPOA, CPOC PA Paraoptometric Association Fall Education 2012 HOLD THE DATE Sunday, October 14th 9am-2pm The Woodlands Resort 1073 Highway 315 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 Lunch Provided Education Topic : TBA Registration form available soon Rooms available Saturday evening with breakfast on Sunday morning at our group rate for PA Paraoptometric Association. The Woodlands is less than 1 mile from the Mohegan Sun Casino at Pocono Downs. Free shuttle service available. Book your room Saturday night and join your fellow paras for an evening of fun before education on Sunday. ParaEyes • Page 2 July/August 2012 PPA Board Members 2013 2013 PPA Board: Camille Seganos, CPOA, president; Vera Kohler, CPOA, president-elect; Sarah Owens, CPOA, vice president of continuing education; April Stewart, secretary/treasurer; and Estela Velara, CPO, vice president of communications. Congratulations! Congratulations to Vera Kohler, CPOA, and Roberta Beers, CPOT, who were honored with paraoptometric achievement awards this summer. Vera Kohler, CPOA, was awarded the 2012 American Optometric Association Paraoptometric Section Paraoptometric of the Year Award during Optomery’s Meeting in Chicago. Roberta Beers, CPOT, was awarded the 2012 Pennsylvania Paraoptometric Association Paraoptometric of the Year Award during the POA/PPA Annual Congress at the Bedford Springs Resort in May. ParaEyes • Page 3 July/August 2012 New Additions to PPA Loaner Library Awarded through AOAPS Bridgeway Award Self Study Course for Paraoptometric Assistants & Technicians Third Edition w/ Self Assessment Exam Certified Paraoptometric (CPO) study Flash Cards Introduction to Insurance Processing Study Flash Cards Certified Paraoptometric Assistant & Technician Study Flash Cards CD-ROMs CPO Review Course Education Module CPO Study Guide 2010 Practice Management 101 Anatomy & Physiology Special Procedures Ophthalmic Dispensing ABC’s of Optical Dispensing Optimizing Efficiency in the Optical Dispensary Introduction to Free-Form Soft Contact lens Wear & Care Fitting Soft Toric Contact Lenses DO YOU KNOW A GIRL SCOUT IN YOUR COMMUNITY? ARE YOU A GIRL SCOUT LEADER? PPA PROMOTES VISION AWARENESS BY ENCOURAGING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO EARN A VISION AWARENESS PATCH. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO EARN THE VISION AWARENESS PATCH, PLEASE CONTACT THE GIRL SCOUT PATCH COMMITTEE CHAIR: CAMILLE SEGANOS, CPOA Email: Phone: 814-266-7611 Fax: 814-266-3532 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT Paraoptometric Career Center - A new added benefit offered on our PPA website allows Optometrists to post wanted ads for Paraoptometrics in their area, or for Paraoptometrics to post their information if they're seeking new employment, and best of all there's no charge! ParaEyes • Page 4 July/August 2012 Charm Lanyards Recognition for your achievements and dedication to your career is very important to the PPA. May Congress was the first time the PPA used the Charm Lanyards, giving every member in attendance a football charm to go along with our theme “Friday Night Lights”. The Charms are a symbol of your involvement with the PPA and your community. Charms are given for attendance at May Congress and for accomplishments listed below. The charms are to be placed on your lanyard and worn to every PPA meeting for all to see. Remember to bring your charm lanyard with you to all PPA meetings. You can access the form online at in the Paraoptometric Section ( or fill out the following form and return it to: Felicia Kauffman c/o Berks Eye Physicians and Surgeons 1802 Papermill Rd. Wyomissing, Pa 19610 1. Have you ever served on the PPA Board of Directors? Y N If yes, what position(s)? 2. Have you ever been honored with the PPA Para of the Year Award? Y N If Yes, When? 3. Are you a CPC approved speaker? Y N 4. Are you a PPA Honorary Member? Y N 5. Please list any community service activities you are involved with personally and / or professionally: 6. Do you serve on the board of your local society? Y If Yes, what position and which society? 7. Are you a Certified Paraoptometric? Y N If Yes, CPO / CPOA / CPOT / CPOC (please circle) 8. Are you an AOA member? Y N N ParaEyes • Page 5 July/August 2012 VISIT OUR PAGE ON FACEBOOK AT PENNSYLVANIA PARAOPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION CPOA & CPOT STUDY FLASH CARDS Each set includes approximately 100 questions that cover a variety of topics. Flash cards are effective learning tools to test the type of knowledge needed for the CPOA and CPOT certification examinations. Set One: Item number: PS14 Practice Management Anatomy & Physiology Refractive Status Sports Vision Ocular Emergencies and Triage Set Three: Item number: PS15 Specialty Testing Visual Fields Contact Lenses Low Vision Examination Binocular Vision Set Four: Item number: PS17 Ocular Pharmacology Ophthalmic Instruments Common Pathological and Functional Disorders Ophthalmic Surgery Instrumentation Common Eye Disorder To view education module descriptions and learning objectives visit, DISCLAIMER: The certification study materials are not prerequisites for taking the paraoptometric certification examinations administered by the Commission on Paraoptometric Certification (CPC). Using these study materials and/or taking and passing the self‐assessment examination accompanying them does not guarantee passing the paraoptometric certification examinations administered by the CPC. ParaEyes • Page 6 July/August 2012 President Camille Seganos, CPOA (814) 266-7611 President-Elect Vera Kohler, CPOA (814) 368-7090 Secretary/Treasurer April Stewart (814) 677-6636 VP of Education Sarah Owens, CPOA (717) 355-2138 VP of Communications Estela Valera, CPO (610) 434-1000 ext. 242 Immediate Past President Dominga Pedraza, CPO (610) 372-0712 POA Liaison Marianne E. Boltz, O.D. (717) 531-6622 Order Form PPA Paraoptometric Reference Manual Name_________________________________ Phone_____________________ Address__________________________________________________________ Member Non- Member S&H QTY ____ ____ Price Each $25.00 $40.00 $4.00 (each) Total Amount Due TOTAL __________ __________ __________ __________ PPA Pin Name_________________________________________ Phone___________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________ QTY Price Each TOTAL _____ $7.00 __________ Checks payable to: Pennsylvania Paraoptometric Association Send to: Theola Amundson, CPOT 118 Scotland Ave. Punxsutawney PA, 15767
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