May | June - Missouri Optometric Association


May | June - Missouri Optometric Association
May | June 2009
Eye on the Future:
MOA Annual
Conference 2009
Surety Bonds and
Save Your
Children’s Vision
Examination Data
Optometrists Attend
School Nurses’
Take a Closer
Look at the Benefits
of MOA / AOA
New Members
Calendar of
Upcoming Events
Missouri Optometric
Society Reports
MOA: Leadership
That Works
Doctors of optometry from across the
state gathered, on the last weekend
in May, at The Lodge of Four Seasons
at the Lake of the Ozarks in central
The MOA Leadership Retreat allows
optometrists, industry alliance groups,
and paraoptometric members to meet
and improve communications and
leadership skills.
Dr. David Cockrell speaks to MOA members via
Webex during the MOA Leadership Retreat.
Continued, see Leadership, page 4
MOA Winners
In the AOA
Winners of the 2009 American
Optometric Association Photo Contest
were announced June 3, 2009, and
two of those honored were MOA/
MOSA members.
Special Populations--1st Place
Tonia Batts, UMSL Student, MOSA Member
This was taken after a long day during a mission trip.
The childern all wanted to become doctors when
they grew up, so I let them play with my equipment
and snapped some photos during “play time.”
The contest was open to AOA
member ODs, American Optometric
Student Assoication members, and
Paraoptometric section members. The four categories were Practice Settings, Special
Popluations, Community, and Events, and the contest’s top prize in each category
received $500 in cash. A panel of 10 judges selected winners from the 130 entries
Continued, see Photography, page 6.
May | June 2009
May | June 2009
President’s Message
As you receive the VISION the legislative session has been over
for about six weeks. There are two ways to look at this session: we
can say “nothing took place for the betterment of optometry”
or we can say “nothing was signed into law that is a detriment or
takes away any current privileges.” Although this is questionable
way to look at this annual gathering of legislatures, it is reality.
Our number one priority is to take care of our patients, but we
must never forget that with votes cast and a stroke of a pen at
the state capitol, the way we practice could all change.
These are comments that lead into what took place at the
Wes Kemp, O.D., MOA President
MOA Leadership Retreat on May 29-30 at the Lodge of the Four
Seasons. Hopefully the MOA membership appreciates the doctors that took time out of their
practices and time away from their families to put their energy and efforts into helping our
profession. Many members question...”Is this really important?” assured that it is key to
making sure we are continue to move the MOA in positive direction and try to make decision
that will only strengthen our profession.
We were fortunate to have Rep. Nieves come and present to committee members how
important leadership is within our organization and how critical it is to be politically involved.
Although we tire of hearing these comments, it is so imperative that we continue to place our
efforts into the legislative process whether we enjoy it or not. Due to term limits it also requires
us to keep our grassroots effort strong and this process does take time, energy and money.
We also had David Cockrell by webcast to provide a presentation about Board Certification.
This method allowed for live interaction and the ability to ask questions in real time. This was
available to all members,
and we hope you took advantage of this if you had questions you needed answered.
Although this is a contentious subject, please understand that your MOA Board has tried
to give you avenues to be educated and hear your concerns about this subject. Trustees
have made efforts to communicate with their societies and hopefully have directed you
to numerous sites with opportunities to be informed about this topic. Please understand
whichever way the AOA moves forward with this issue remember we are all supportive of one
another. There have been many decisions throughout the history of the MOA and AOA that
could have been divisive issues if members would have continued to dwell on them. Having
so many different ideas and opinions is the strength of any organization and should always be
used to the advantage of its members.
Coming up this October is our annual convention at Lodge of the Four Season. The convention
planning committee and central office have been working hard to prepare for this upcoming
event. Again this year members will be able to register online, so be looking for that
information. The continuing education looks to be well rounded with strong lecturers. Please
plan on attending the event and being involved in your MOA.
Again it is a pleasure to serve the membership of the MOA, and if I can be of help or answer
any questions please feel free to call or email me. I hope you have a fun, family-filled summer.
May | June 2009
f r o m p .1
On Friday there was a meeting with industry
alliance members and members of the MOA
with a discussion on mutual issues that affect
each group. Each of the members shared
information with each other that will improve
communications and understanding of the
events that affect eye care in Missouri.
It wasn’t all work and no fun on Friday
afternoon. A golf tournament was held at
MOA leaders discuss board certification, a hot-button
the Lodge of the Four Season’s Golf Course,
topic for the Optometry’s Meeting™
The Witch’s Cove. Following the golfing there
was a welcoming reception and Mexican style dinner at the Lodge.
At the Saturday morning meeting a major focus of interest was
Board Certification and how this proposal was developing as we
get closer to the June AOA meeting in Washington, DC. To help
inform MOA members about this important issue the MOA invited
Dr. David Cockrell from Stillwater, OK, to be our guest speaker.
Dr. Cockrell currently serves on the AOA Board of Trustees.
He updated everyone on what is going on with the Board
Certification issue by a special live Webex feed that could be
viewed by MOA members from around the state.
Another honored guest at our retreat was Republican Majority
Whip, Representative Brian Nieves. He talked about issues that
affect legislation and optometry in the state capitol.
On Saturday afternoon there were
committee meetings to discuss
important issues that could affect
Drs. Cullinane & Klein getting
optometry and eye care in Missouri.
ready for a round of golf.
Those committee members split up into
subgroups for intense discussions. Each area of discussion leads to
recommendations on action items that will help shape the MOA in
the future.
Saturday evening and Sunday morning the MOA Board of Directors
held their meetings to act on items dealt with during the committee
Any member of the MOA may attend the yearly Leadership
Retreat. If you are interested in attending next year, talk to any
MOA society officer or MOA board member to find out how you
can become more active in your profession.
Missouri Republican Majority
Whip, Rep. Brian Nieves
May | June 2009
May | June 2009
from p.
Missouri Optometric Student Association (MOSA) member Tonia Batts, took first and second
place in Special Populations and third in Practice Settings. Batts is currently an optometry
student starting her third year at UMSL. MOA member Dr. James Hunt, Doniphan, won second
in Practice Settings and third in Special Populations. Hunt has been honored MOA as Young
Optometrist of the Year and OD of the year.
Here are the additional winning photographs.
Special Populations--3rd Place
James Hunt, OD
Special Populations--2nd Place
Tonia Batts, UMSL Student
This was a photograph taken of another student
examining a young woman during a mission trip
to Jamaica. It is the detail of this picture that
makes me love it. Everything from the cross on
the doctor’s neck to the look on the woman’s
face makes this photograph mean a lot to me.
More photos, page 18
I’m having my eyes checked by my 3 year old
grandson, Trace Lapar. The picture was taken
by Trace’s mother, my daughter, Bryanna Lapar.
We were at the office and Trace wanted to
wear my practice lab coat. That led to several
pictures of him acting like he was checking my
eyes. It was fun for both of us. He looks so serous
in this picture. I was trying to get him to smile.
May | June 2009
May | June 2009
Continuing Education Topics for Optometrists
Continuing Education Topics for Paras
•Contact Lens Management of Presbyopia
•It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way
in the 21st Century
•Ophthalmic Medications
•Managing Anterior Segment in Systemic
•Low Vision Workshop
•Today’s Products
•New Technologies in AMD Management
•The Sales Process
•The Sales Process
•Visual Fields
•Low Vision—What They Didn’t Teach You •Cyberaccess Update
in School
•Radiology Update
•Recognizing Signs of Retinal Disease
•The Top Ten Management Concepts ODs Must Know
This year the MOA Golf Tournament will be held at the Osage National Golf Course, Missouri’s
only Arnold Palmer designed course! And our Friday night entertainment will be provided by
Wite Lite, with the MOA’s own Dr. Tom Greene.
To reserve your room, please contact The Lodge of Four Seasons in Lake Ozark, Missouri, by
calling 1-800-THE LAKE or visiting them online at The convention room
rate is $139/night, plus tax, and the cutoff date for reservations is September 1, 2009.
Thanks to our 2009 Convention Planning Committee!
•Dr. Jeffrey Weaver, Chair
•Dr. Jeff Gamble, Exhibit Hall
•Dr. Bradley Lewis, Continuing Education
•Dr. Ryan Powell, Sponsorship
•Dr. Mark Curtis, Entertainment
•Cherie Harris, PARA Representative
•Dr. Tom Cullinane, Golf Tournament
•Beth Thompson, MOAA Representative
•Dr. Scott Burks, Exhibit Hall
•Alicia Triplett, MOSA Representative
• Dr. Lee Ann Barrett, MOA Executive Director
May | June 2009
Surety Bonds and
The AOA and the MOA are getting
numerous calls and emails regarding
optometrists and surety bonds. Most
optometrists are not subject to the surety
bond requirement.
The surety bond requirement for DME
suppliers traces back to a 1997 federal law
that CMS has finally implemented. The AOA
and others successfully explained to CMS
that the surety bond requirement was not
intended to apply to physicians (including
In January 2009, CMS published the final
regulations and agreed with us that
physicians who supply DME do not need to
obtain a surety bond; however, there are
two exceptions.
CMS does not want DME supply
companies to elude the rule by naming a
physician as a figurehead, so CMS cautions
that the exemption applies only to physicians who supply DME to their patients. When
a patient comes into an optometrist’s practice for care, a doctor-patient relationship is
probably established.
2. Since opticians are not physicians, opticians still need a surety bond. If an optometrist
employs an optician and the optician has a DME supplier number, then the entire practice
might need to obtain a surety bond.
We think these two carve outs will not subject many ODs to the surety bond requirement.
The bottom line is that all or nearly all ODs who supply post-cataract eyeglasses to their
Medicare patients do not need to obtain a surety bond.
A new DME supplier enrollment form has a section on surety bonds and includes an option
for the OD to check a box that they are exempt from this requirement. If CMS, the National
Supplier Clearinghouse (Palmetto) or your DME contractor insists that an OD must obtain a
surety bond, then please let us know about that situation.
May | June 2009
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May | June 2009
Save Your
Children’s Vision
Examination Data
The MOA was instrumental in passing
children’s vision legislation. Since July
1, 2008, all children in kindergarten or
first grade entering Missouri schools for
the first time are required to have a
comprehensive eye exam. This important
measure helps ensure children have the
visual skills necessary to learn.
One part of the Children’s Vision Bill
stated that it had a sunset clause of four
years, which means that if we can not
show that examinations are superior to
screenings, this much needed service
could expire by June 30, 2012.
The MOA is working on an electronic form
for reporting children’s vision examination
data. This will allow us to enter the
information into a database to statistically analyze the data. Details on use of the new form
and how to access the form will be forthcoming, but in the meantime, continue to give one
copy to the patient to present to the school administration, keep one copy in the patient’s
files, and file another copy in a separate folder for easy access until further notice.
In Kentucky, where comprehensive children’s vision exams are mandatory for all students
entering kindergarten, 20% of the children examined had some type of vision problem.
This type of statistical data is needed to show the benefit of this legislation and continue
mandatory eye examinations for the children of Missouri.
May | June 2009
Attend School
The Missouri Association of School
Nurses (MASN) held their annual
convention in St. Louis on April 17th
through April 19th, and the MOA was
there with a booth in the exhibit hall.
Dr. Mark Curtis and Patti White, 2009 Missouri School Nurse
Dr. Mark Curtis, Dr. Tom Cullinane, Dr.
Administrator of the Year.
Robert Goerss and Dr. Jeff Weaver
discussed the Missouri Children’s
Vision Law with more than 100 school nurses while manning the MOA booth. The nurses were
eager to learn tips on everything from screening techniques to filing exam and screening
During one of the break-out sessions, Dr. Curtis and Dr. Cullinane presented an hour-long
class on implementing the exam law requirements. This same presentation is available on
powerpoint through the MOA and is easily customized for optometrists to do for local nurses.
If you’d like a copy, please contact Jay ( at the MOA central office.
One of the highlights of the convention came during the awards ceremony when Patti
White of Warrensburg was named the 2009 Missouri School Nurse Administrator of the Year.
White serves on the MASN board and has been a leading voice in Missouri supporting the
Children’s Vision Law. Dr. Curtis was able to help present the award to her as a school board
member for the Warrensburg School District.
The MASN annual convention will be in Kansas City in 2010. The MOA looks forward
to working with the MASN in the future to help reduce the number of children with
undiagnosed vision disorders.
May | June 2009
Take a Closer
L o o k at t h e
B e n e f it s o f
M e mb e r s h i p
There are many benefits to being
an MOA/AOA member, so many
that most of us are not aware of them all. From advocacy and education
to public relations and continuing education programs, there are many
benefits for all MOA/AOA members, benefits that have a major impact on
our practices.
In order to inform y ou of the many benefits, in the coming months the
MOA will highlight a different benefit on the website and in the VISION
The Member Services Committee developed the MOA New Practitioner’s
Guide which will be available on the MOA website very soon. The
guide contains information indispensable to new graduates, as well as
established optometrists. For example:
Resources for employed/affiliated optometrists
Obligations of an employer/business owner
Lists of managed care plans in Missouri
Practice management software suggestions
The MOA New Practitioner’s Guide also tackles common questions
Jury duty
Sales tax
Car window tinting
Spectacle and contact lens release laws
Driver’s license requirements
Contact information for optometric, government and ophthalmic-
related organizations
Watch upcoming issues of VISION and the MOA Web site. Further details
and information will be available soon.
May | June 2009
May | June 2009
O p t o m e t r ic S o ci e t y R e p o r t s
Central Missouri Optometric Society
Trustee: Jeffrey M. Gamble, O.D.
Central Optometric Society continues to meet monthly for learning and fellowship.
In April we were pleased to host Dr. Wes Kemp for the MOA presidential visit. There was
extensive discussion about board certification. Dr. Kemp was able to clarify some areas of
concern and give insight into the AOA’s motivation for developing the proposed model.
Coopervision sponsored our May meeting to provide information to our doctors about newly
released Coopervision contact lenses.
COS is planning on having a family picnic in July and then taking a break for a few months
before starting again in the fall.
Greater Ozark Optometric Society
Trustee: Scott M. Burks, O.D.
At our April meeting we had a CE presentation that GOOS President Dr. Justin Hart arranged
for us. This month we held our annual elections and the following doctors were elected for
President-Dr. Julie Hart
Vice President-Dr. Devon Jarvis
Secretary/Treasurer-Dr. Lane Nutt
Trustee-Dr. Scott Burks
Congratulations and thanks to all our new officers. All the members of GOOS would like to
thank all the outgoing GOOS officers, especially Dr. Justin Hart, for all their hard work over the
past couple of years.
We once again hope to have CE at out July meeting.
Kansas City Optometric Society
Trustee: John Gelvin, O.D., F.A.A.O.
The Kansas City Optometric Society has been meeting monthly this year. We had some very
well attended meetings with contact lens related continuing education in 2009.
Discussion was held regarding Board Certification. With the AOA continuing to send out
information, we agreed to continue to send out information by email to society members.
Then, have a vote by email ballot closer to the national AOA meeting.
At the May meeting, the Society voted unanimously to nominate Dr. John Gelvin to MOA
Secretary status on the MOA Board in October 2009. The Society also voted unanimously to
nominate Dr. Melanie Linderer to KCOS Trustee at the same time.
Society Reports, continued page 16.
May | June 2009
S o ci e t y R e p o r t s , continued from page 15
KCOS, continued
Many Kansas City doctors are planning to attend the MOA Leadership Retreat.
We are currently working on plans for our Legislative Thank You Barbeque taking place on
June 1st out at Longview Lake. We hope to see many State Representatives and Senators at
this fun event.
We will then be taking a break for the months of July and August before we start up with
Society meetings again in September.
Northeast Optometric Society
Trustee: Mindy Blackford, O.D.
The Northeast Optometric Society met on April 16, 2009 at The Pear Tree in Bevier, MO. This
event was attended by both OD’s and their spouses.
Our guest was MOA Executive Director Dr. Lee Ann Barrett. Dr. Barrett gave an overview of
the proposed board certification plan and answered members’ questions regarding the
proposal. In addition, we were given an update on the improvements to the MOA building
and other issues currently affecting MOA members.
Our next meeting will be scheduled for sometime over the summer months depending on
speaker availability.
Northwest Optometric Society
Trustee: Jeffrey H. Powell, O.D.
No Report Available
Southeast Optometric Society
Trustee: James Hunt, O.D.
Several members were in attendance at the May SEOS meeting, at the Hickory Log
Restaurant, in Dexter, MO. This meeting was hosted by SightPath Medical and CE was
presented by Dr. Pamela Lowe, from Chicago.
The informative meeting highlighted advances in monitoring AMD patients and the use of
the Foresee PHP instrument to identify CNV lesions at an early stage, often before the patient
notices loss of visual acuity.
There was also a discussion about the optometry board certification process and all members
of the SEOS were urged to attend the Leadership Retreat at the Lake of the Ozarks. An
important item at the Leadership Retreat will be a Webex presentation by AOA trustee Dr.
David Cockrell, O.D., updating us on optometry board certification.
Society Reports, continued page 17.
May | June 2009
S o ci e t y R e p o r t s , continued from page 16
Southwest Optometric Society
Trustee: Erica Burton, O.D.
Our March meeting included our Presidential Visit by Dr. Wes Kemp and our Executive Director,
Dr. Lee Ann Barrett. We discussed issues regarding the Children’s Vision Bill and the proposed
board certification that will be brought before the AOA in June. This visit is always enjoyed by
the membership.
Our next meeting is scheduled for June.
St. Louis Optometric Society
Trustee: Robert Goerss, O.D. | Associate Trustee: Thomas J. Cullinane, O.D.
The Saint Louis Optometric Society is pleased to support Dr. Jeff Weaver’s selection as
Secretary of the Missouri Optometric Association, filling the vacancy created by the departure
of Dr. Debbie Hettler. Further, SLOS proudly announces the confirmation of Dr. Robert Goerss to
serve as the new MOA Trustee to serve alongside Dr. Tom Cullinane.
SLOS Meetings
The Saint Louis Optometric Society continues to meet monthly, the second Tuesday of the
month, at the St. Louis Marriott West.
On April 14, 2009, Drs. Kevin Greuloch and Melissa Massey presented “The Newest Generation
of Intraocular Lenses,” emphasizing pre- and post-operative management, the different lenses
available, and how to choose based on patient needs. Alcon was the host of this meeting and
the sumptuous buffet dinner.
On May 12, 2009, SLOS welcomed special guest (albeit SLOS and MOA member!) Dr. Barry J.
Barresi, Executive Director of the American Optometric Association. He discussed “Optometry’s
Response to Value Added Health Care Reform,” addressing the need to demonstrate our
competence and embrace a process for board certification in optometry. He answered
questions of attendees regarding the latest movement in governmental agencies, as well as
the model framework of Optometry’s Joint Board Certification Project Team.
Education at the May meeting was delivered by Drs. Andrew Blatt and Brent Davidson. Dr.
Davidson Blatt presented cases entitled “The Harlequin and the Mosquito” that included his
personal bout with Dengue Fever. He also discussed “The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful”
regarding his study of results of strabismus surgery. Dr. Blatt concluded the evening by lecturing
on Neuro Optic Vision Assessment system from Diopsys. Diopsys was the generous sponsor of
the evening’s activities.
SLOS is looking forward to their biggest event of the year, the SLOS Installation and Awards
Banquet. Dr. Erin Sullivan will be handed the Presidential gavel at the Forest Park Visitor Center,
and the new slate of officers will be installed. In addition, two SLOS ODs will be recognized for
their service to the profession.
Society Reports, continued page 18.
May | June 2009
S o ci e t y R e p o r t s , continued from page 17
West Central Optometric Society
Trustee: Jason Lake, O.D.
The West Central Optometric Society hosted MOA President Wes Kemp and MOA Executive
Director Lee Ann Barrett for the annual Presidential visit. The meeting was held at Hero’s in
Warrensburg and was very well attended. The current legislative and national issues brought
about lively debate and conversation.
We look forward to our next meeting during the summer months to determine the new slate
of officers for the West Central Optometric Society.
P h o t o g r a p h y , continued from page 6
Practice Settings--3rd Place
Tonia Batts, UMSL Student
Practice Settings--2nd Place
James Hunt, OD
I was trying to get an interesting picture for a
local year book ad--something along the line of
“Congratulations Seniors For Keeping Your Eye
on the Prize!” My daughter, Bryanna took this
picture and the other picture that won 3rd place
in the AOA 2009 Photo Contest. She didn’t write
the year book ad copy. I was totally guilty of
This was a photo that I took of two young sisters
after they both had their first eye exams. I asked
the older sister what she wanted to be when she
grew up, and she said that she wanted to be
a doctor. I asked her what kind of doctor, and
she said, “One like you!” It was so adorable that
I let her “examine” her younger sister. It took me
back to when I was able to answer the question,
“What you you want to be when you grown
View all the winning photos from the AOA’s photo contest online at
May | June 2009
Welcome New Members
The Missouri Optometric Association is pleased to announce the following new member.
Please introduce yourself at an MOA sponsored event!
Chantal H. Jacques, O.D.
Lesley K. Olswing, O.D.
Tawna L. Roberts, O.D.
The Missouri Optometric Association Paraoptometric Section is pleased to announce
the following new members. We would also like to thank all the paraoptometric who
continue to renew their membership each year!
• Dawn M. Setzer
• Laura F. Spurlin
May | June 2009
October 1-4
MOA Annual Convention
Lodge of the Four Seasons
Lake Ozark, Missouri
January 9-10
MOA Legislative Conference
Capitol Plaza Hotel
Jefferson City, Missouri
June 4-6
MOA Leadership Retreat
Country Club Hotel & Spa
Lake Ozark, Missouri
June 16-20
Optometry’s Meeting™
Orlando, Florida
U p c o mi n g E v e n t s
January 8-9
MOA Legislative Conference
Capitol Plaza Hotel
Jefferson City, Missouri
June 3-5
MOA Leadership Retreat
Country Club Hotel & Spa
Lake Ozark, Missouri
June 15-19
Optometry’s Meeting™
Salt Lake City, Utah
Optometry’s Meeting™
2012 – 2014
June 27-July 1, 2012
Chicago, Illinois
June 26-30, 2013
San Diego, California
June 25-29, 2014
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May | June 2009
L e a d e r s h i p & S ta f f
Executive Director
LeeAnn Barrett, O.D.
Finance Manager
Linda McDowell
Executive Assistant
Jay Hahn
Wesley D. Kemp, O.D.
P: 417/777-9000
Ryan H. Powell, O.D.
P: 816/476-4017
Duane Thompson
P: 660/258-7409
Jeffrey L. Weaver, O.D.
P: 314/983-4244
Immediate Past President
Gregory J. Goetzinger, O.D.
P: 417/359-0600
Governmental Relations
Jerry W. Burch
P: 573/636-4599
J. Scott Marrs
P: 573/636-5873
Legal Counsel
Marc H. Ellinger
P: 573/634-2500
May | June 2009
Central Society (5)
Jeffrey M. Gamble, O.D.
P: 573/874-2030
Southeast Society (9)
James M. Hunt, O.D.
P: 573/996-3937
Greater Ozark Society (8)
Scott M. Burks, O.D
P: 417/345-2901
Southwest Society (7)
Erica S. Burton, O.D.
P: 417/682-3301
Kansas City Society (3)
John B. Gelvin, O.D
P: 816/525-3937
St. Louis Society (6)
Robert Goerss, O.D.
P: 636/272-1444
Northeast Society (2)
Mindy M. Blackford, O.D.
P: 660/665-6262
St. Louis Society - Associate Trustee
Thomas J. Cullinane, O.D.
P: 314/579-0909
Northwest Society (1)
Jeffrey H. Powell, O.D.
P: 660/582-4022
West Central Society (4)
Jason S. Lake, O.D.
P: 660/747-2000
May | June 2009
C o mmitt e e s
Administrative Services
Rob Bernskoetter, O.D.
P: 573/874-2030
Governmental Affairs
Tom Culllinane
P: 314/579-0909
Affiliated Organizations
Kenneth C. Detring, O.D.
P: 573/243-2020
Membership Services
Scott Ream, O.D.
P: 417/264-7418
Bradley C. Lewis, O.D.
P: 417/886-5444
Public Relations
Kyle Brost, O.D.
P: 573/334-8595
Coordinating Committee
Wesley D. Kemp, O.D.
P: 417/777-9000
Third Party Payments
Rich Wilson, O.D.
P: 816/353-1872
Convention Planning
Jeffrey L. Weaver, O.D.
P: 314/991-4244
A f f i l iat e d O r g a n i z ati o n s
Paraoptometric Chair
Cherie Harris
MOF President
Rex Newcomb, O.D.
P: 417/468-6682
MOAA President
Beth Thompson
State Board President
James Bureman, O.D.
P: 417/887-3900
May | June 2009
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May | June 2009
A b o u t VIS ION
VISION is published bimonthly by the Missouri Optometric Association.
100 East High Street, Suite 301
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
P: 573/635-6151
Editors of Publications:
Lee Ann Barrett, O.D.
1201 West Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
P: 573/445-8636
F: 573/446-9122
James M. Hunt, O.D.
204 Washington St
Doniphan, Missouri 63935
P: 573/996-3937
F: 573/996-3937
Send all unsolicited articles, news, and advertising to the MOA Central Office. All opinions and statements of supposed fact in signed articles do not necessarily reflect the
views and policies of the Missouri Optometric Association.
Deadlines are the first of January, March, May, July, September, and November.

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