March | April - Missouri Optometric Association


March | April - Missouri Optometric Association
March | April 2009
Making the Most
Of Health Savings
Reaching Out With
MOA Members on
Heart of America
Hartstein Receives
Vision Service
MOA Hosts
Education &
New Members
Calendar of
Upcoming Events
Missouri Optometric
Society Reports
Midwest Eyecare Congress
The Midwest Eyecare Congress is scheduled for May 1-3 in St. Louis at the Union
Station Marriott.
If you haven’t already registered, it’s not too late to sign up. The MOA will be
hosting a non-MOA member reception on the opening evening of the event to
encourage those optometrists who are not currently members of MOA to join this
wonderful organization.
Full story, page 4.
R e t r e at
Mark your calendars and make
plans to attend the MOA Leadership
Retreat, at the Lake of the Ozarks on
Friday and Saturday, May 29 and 30,
Highlights will include a roundtable discussion with industry alliance members on
Friday followed by an MOA golfing event Friday afternoon. The golf outing will be
followed by an evening reception and dinner.
Complete story, page 6.
March | April 2009
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March | April 2009
President’s Message
As we move from the winter months and toss around the
word “spring” (although lately it hasn’t felt like spring),
many of you have already had your spring break.
Likewise, the current legislators have been back a couple
of weeks from their spring breaks and are headed towards
a very busy six week time frame.
This is the time of year we have to keep our eyes and ears
tuned in to what is happening in Jefferson City. There are
many pieces of legislation that can move forward that
are not in the best interest of our patients and may be a
setback to our profession. These changes may happen
very fast so we need to be ready at all times.
Wes Kemp, O.D., MOA President
Although we have a very competent staff at the central office and strong informed
lobbyists, it is not totally up to them to constantly be on the lookout. If you hear things
from people in your community that might affect your patients’ welfare or our profession,
please make the appropriate calls so the correct questions can be asked of the proper
legislators. We are very fortunate to have two of our own—Rep. Steve Tilley and Rep.
Terry Swinger—constantly watching and weighing in on decisions affecting us, and we
appreciate their efforts.
I want to make everyone aware of the Midwest Eyecare Congress May 1-3 that we are
co-sponsoring with the Illinois Optometric Association. This event may have a permanent
spot on our calendar if it becomes successful. We will also be having a non-MOA
member reception designed to get more involvement and membership from Missouri
doctors who are not current MOA members. The continuing education will be top quality
with Thomas and Melton leading the way with other very strong speakers. Remember
that the requirement for continuing education hours has gone up so don’t let it slip up
on you. Get your hours early with this conference, which happens to be in our state this
I hope by now many of you are aware of the topic and discussion being brought to
all states by the Joint Board Certification Project Team addressing the issue of Board
Certification. This team has spent two years researching this issue and would like to bring
it up for discussion and direction at Optometry’s Meeting™ later this year in Washington
D.C. This topic has heated up in the last three months with many questions being posed
by AOA members and the subsequent attempts to respond to these questions by the
project team.
Continued, see President’s Message page 19.
March | April 2009
The Midwest Eyecare Congress is
scheduled for May 1-3 in St. Louis
at the Union Station Marriott.
If you haven’t already registered,
it’s not too late to sign up. The
MOA will be hosting a nonMOA member reception on the
opening evening of the event to
encourage those optometrists who
are not currently members of MOA
to join this wonderful organization.
The Grand Hall at the Union Station Marriott in beautiful
downtown St. Louis.
This year’s Midwest Eyecare Congress also presentas a great opportunity to
get continuing education courses close to home, something that’s particularly
helpful since the number of continuing education hours has gone up for Missouri’s
This year’s MEC speakers include:
John McGreal, OD
Ron Melton, OD, FAOO
Carlo Pelino, OD, FAOO
Joseph Pizzimenti, OD
Randall Thomas, OD, FAOO
William Townsend, OD
John Warren, OD
This year the Missouri Optometric Association and Illinois Optometric Association are
co-sponsoring the event, and the MEC may garner a permanent spot on the MOA’s
calendar if it becomes successful.
March | April 2009
March | April 2009
R e t r e at
Mark your calendars and
make plans to attend the MOA
Leadership Retreat, at the Lodge
of the Four Seasons at Lake of the
Ozarks on Friday and Saturday,
May 29 and 30, 2009.
Lodge of the Four Seasons, destination of the 2009 MOA
Leadership Retreat
Highlights will include a roundtable discussion with industry alliance members on Friday
followed by an MOA golfing event Friday afternoon. The golf outing will be followed
by an evening reception and dinner.
On Saturday, we will be fortunate to have Dr.
David Cockrell update us about the Board
Certification proposal that will be presented for
approval at the June AOA House of Delegates.
Other speakers include Representative Brian
Nieves followed by a MOPAC discussion and
MOA committee meetings. Following the MOA
committee reports there will be an MOA Board
of Directors meeting.
MOA Golfers at last year’s Leadership
If you have not attended an MOA Leadership
Retreat and you are interested in attending,
then talk to your society trustee or the MOA
main office. We look forward to seeing you at
this year’s retreat.
March | April 2009
March | April 2009
Making the Most
Of Health Savings
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a taxexempt account in which funds accumulate
to pay medical expenses. HSAs allow you to
enjoy tax reductions while having affordable
health insurance premiums, and they allow
you to take control of your health care costs.
Health Savings Accounts create unique tax
benefits for account holders. Contributions
are 100% tax-deductible. Funds grow on a
tax-deferred basis, and if the funds are used
for eligible medical expense, the funds are
tax-free. Funds roll over from year to year, and
funds used after age 65 may be used tax-free for eligible medical expenses or at your
normal tax rate for any other reason.
To be eligible for a Health Savings Account you must:
have a high deductible health plan (HDHP) that covers yourself or your family;
have no other health coverage except what is permitted under “other health
not be enrolled in Medicare; and
not be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.
An HDHP is a plan with an annual deductible of at least $1,150 for individual coverage
or $2,300 for family coverage with a maximum out-of-pocket expense of $5,800 for
individual and $11,600 for family. (2009 figures)
You may contribute up to $3,000 for an individual and $5,950 for a family. Catch-up
contributions for those 55 and older are $1,000. (2009 figures)
Any eligible individual can contribute to an HSA. For an employee’s HSA, the employee,
the employer, or both may contribute to the HSA in the same year. You choose when to
make your contributions and how to invest them. The deadline for contributions is April
15th, the same as your tax filing deadline.
The account works with the ease of a checking account. You may use a debit card,
checks, or online bill pay to pay for your medical expenses.
If you would like further information about HSAs, contact Loriel Dulle with Central Bank at
573-634-1243 or
March | April 2009
Reaching Out With
In the past year, more than 50,000 people
have visited the Missouri Optometric
Don’t worry, the carpet in the building is still
in great shape because those 50,000 people
visited, and they
viewed nearly 150,000 different pages of the
web site. The Web site is visited, on average,
about 4,500 times each month and garners
more than 12,000 page views.
Gina Prosch, principal at Lohman Hills Creative, said, “Lohman Hills began working with
MOA six years ago when we first designed the MOA’s logo and developed the Web site.
Over the years we’ve worked with the MOA to expand the site and offer more services
to the public, as well as MOA members and potential members. Hundreds of people
each month use the online doctor search, and since the MOA went to an onlineonly membership directory last summer, MOA members have done more than 5,000
Some of the most frequently visited areas on the site relate to the Children’s Vision
Law (CVL). The MOA’s CVL page and the PDF of the CVL brochure have each been
accessed more than 4,200 times in the past year, and the CVL bookmarks more than
3,000 times.
The VISION, which went online in 2005, is another hugely popular area of the site. In
addition to hundreds of people using the online version of VISION, the back-issue PDFs
in the archives were requested more than 11,000 times. The VISION RSS feed, which was
added last July, has already been visited more than 3,000 times.
“Without a doubt, a Web site is an organization’s single most public face,” Prosch said,
“so it important that it be dressed for success.”
March | April 2009
March | April 2009
MOA Members on
Heart of America
The MOA is proud to announce that several
of our members have been elected to the
Heart of America Contact Lens Society’s
Board of Directors.
•Elected to his first 2 year term:
Dr. Brett King
Lee’s Summit, Missouri
Dr. Brett King
Dr. Delton Fast
Dr. Larry Davis
Dr. Joni LaFerla
•Elected to his second 2 year term:
Dr. Delton Fast
Nevada, Missouri
•Elected to the position of President Elect:
Dr. Larry Davis
St. Charles, Missouri.
•Serving as Past President:
Dr. Joni LaFerla
Weatherby Lake, Missouri
MOSA Members Receive Scholarships
The Missouri Optometric Association congratulates Stephanie Erker and Ryan Read.
During the awards luncheon of the Heart of America Contact Lens Society, both Erker
and Read were awarded $2,000 scholarships.
Both Erker amd Read attend the University of Missouri—St. Louis College of Optometry,
and both are members of the Missouri Opometric Student Association.
March | April 2009
Hartstein Receives
2 0 0 9 HOA CLS
Vision Service
The Heart of America Contact Lens Society
(HOACLS) Vision Service Award is presented
annually to an individual or group who exhibits
extraordinary dedication and untiring service
to the profession of optometry.
The 2009 honoree is no exception. The Board
of Directors of the HOACLS is proud to present
the 2009 Vision Service Award to Dr. Jack
Dr. Joni LaFerla and 2009 Vision Service Award
Winner Dr. Jack Hartstein
Dr. Hartstein was born in St. Louis and served in the Navy during the early 1940s. After
completing pre-medical training at Southern Methodist University, he enrolled in the
Northern Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago, which later became known as the
Illinois College of Optometry. He graduated from ICO in 1949.
Dr. Hartstein practiced optometry in St. Louis for two years, limiting his practice to contact
lenses, before deciding to enter Medical School. He completed medical training at the
University of Cincinnati School of Medicine in 1955, and subsequently completed an
internship and residency at the St. Louis Hospital. He went on to complete a fellowship in
Neuro-Ophthalmology at John Hopkins University.
Dr. Hartstein has numerous accomplishments including the following which are particularly
He was an innovator in the area of sclera contact lens designs and was one of the
first people to use corneal rigid contact lenses.
He has authored three books on contact lenses, one book on refraction, and one
book on dyslexia.
He wrote an article related to contact lenses published in 1965 titled “Corneal
Warping Due to the Wearing of Contact Lenses – A Report of Twelve Cases.” This
piece was one of the earliest descriptions of corneal warping in patients wearing
“hard” contact lenses.
He was also among the first to describe the possible association between contact
lens wear and keratoconus.
See, Hartstein, page 20.
March | April 2009
MOA Doctors
of Optometry
H o s t a G l a u c o ma
E d u c ati o n &
Screening At the
M i s s o u r i C a p it o l
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior
Services invited the MOA to exhibit at the Health
and Senior Services Education Day which was
held Wednesday, March 4, 2009, at the Missouri
State Capitol.
This event gave the Missouri Optometric Association an opportunity to educate others
about glaucoma and the effect it has on the citizens of Missouri.
More than 46,000 Missourians suffer from irreversible vision loss due to glaucoma. The
MOA and their member Doctors of Optometry are attempting to help reverse this
vision loss by diagnosing and treating this disease. It is also the hope of the MOA to stop
glaucoma’s progress in thousands of undiagnosed cases in Missouri.
The MOA had a booth set-up on the 3rd floor Rotunda of the Capitol and provided
glaucoma testing for the capitol visitors, members of the General Assembly, and their
staffs from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.
The MOA offered a special thanks to Dr. Scott Burk of Buffalo, Dr. Tom Greene of
Jefferson City, and Dr. James Hunt of Doniphan for volunteering their valuable time to
help educate and check people for signs of glaucoma.
MOA Director, Dr. Lee Ann Barrett, and MOA staff member Jay Hahn were instrumental
in getting the booth set-up and helping make sure the testing ran smoothly.
March | April 2009
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March | April 2009
Optometric Society Reports
Central Missouri Optometric Society
Trustee: Jeffrey M. Gamble, O.D.
No Report Available.
Greater Ozark Optometric Society
Trustee: Scott M. Burks, O.D.
Since the last newsletter we have had two well attended meetings.
Our February society meeting was a business meeting that was used to inform the
membership about the possible board certification.
Last month was our MOA presidential visit from Dr. Kemp and MOA Executive Director,
Dr. Lee Ann Barrett. Dr. Kemp and Dr. Barrett brought us up to speed on the many issues
concerning the MOA this year.
GOOS President Dr. Justin Hart has set up CE for our April 14th meeting in Springfield. We
are planning a business meeting for May, but do not yet have a firm date.
Kansas City Optometric Society
Trustee: John Gelvin, O.D., F.A.A.O.
No Report Available.
Northeast Optometric Society
Trustee: Mindy Blackford, O.D.
Due to a family emergency with our scheduled speaker, the NEOS did not have a
meeting in March.
We are looking forward to our Presidential visit on April 16 at the Pear Tree Restaurant in
Bevier, Missouri.
Society Reports, continued page 16.
March | April 2009
S o c i e t y R e p o r t s , continued from page 15
Northwest Optometric Society
Trustee: Jeffrey H. Powell, O.D.
No Report Available
Southeast Optometric Society
Trustee: James Hunt, O.D.
The Southeast Optometric Society hosted its presidential visit on March 18 at the Hickory
Log restaurant in Dexter, Missouri.
MOA President, Dr. Wes Kemp, and MOA Executive Director, Dr. Lee Ann Barrett, gave
an update on issues affecting optometry, including the Joint Board Certification Project
Team proposal. The MOA Leadership expressed an interest in finding out what the
Missouri doctors of optometry thought about Board Certification and asked us to provide
a survey to our members to express their views on the proposal. This information will help
our Missouri delegation know the views of the Missouri AOA members when they vote on
the proposal at the AOA National meeting this June in Washington, DC.
We would like to thank Dr. Scott McDougal of Cape Girardeau for his help getting
the online survey prepared and made available to the SEOS doctors to use. All the
anonymous survey information gathered from the SEOS optometrists has been sent to
the MOA Leadership.
The next meeting of the SEOS will be hosted by SightPath Medical, on Tuesday, May 19,
once again at the Hickory Log restaurant in Dexter.
Southwest Optometric Society
Trustee: Erica Burton, O.D.
No Report Available.
Society Reports, continued page 17.
March | April 2009
S o c i e t y R e p o r t s , continued from page 16
St. Louis Optometric Society
Trustee: Jeffrey L. Weaver, O.D. | Associate Trustee: Thomas J. Cullinane, O.D.
The Saint Louis Optometric Society continues to meet monthly, the second Tuesday of
the month, at the St. Louis Marriott West.
On January 13, 2009, Dr. Stephen Wexler presented “Refractive Surgery Update.” He
reviewed the ten most relevant peer-reviewed journal articles published on refractive
surgery in 2008. This event was sponsored by TLC Laser Centers.
The February 10, 2009, meeting featured Drs. John Crane and Ed Jarka discussing
“Regenerative Ocular Medicine: 21st Century Eye Care?” This treatment uses stem cells
or blood products to induce the repair of damaged or destroyed cell populations. The
Eye and Vision Regeneration Group sponsored this event. SLOS also welcomed MOA
President, Dr. Wes Kemp, and MOA Executive Director, Dr. LeeAnn Barrett, during their
annual visit this evening.
On March 8, 2009, Dr. Ian “Ben” Gaddie lectured on “Dry Eye Disease: Lids, Inflammation
& Management.” His talk featured a review of causes of dry eye, both local and
systemic, and he shared his cookbook approach for treatment. Inspire Pharmaceuticals
generously sponsored this event.
SLOS welcomes members and prospective members to join us on Tuesday, April 14. Drs.
Kevin Greuloch and Melissa Massey will discuss “The Newest Generation of Intraocular
Lenses,” and the event will be sponsored by Alcon.
Noteworthy: The spring conference for Missouri Association of School Nurses will be
held April 18-19 at Westport Sheraton Chalet. Dr. Mark Curtis from Warrensburg will be
spearheading an exhibit regarding vision and eye health on Saturday, April 18. SLOS
members will be participating in this event to help convey optometry’s position about
vision screenings and examinations.
St. Louis is looking forward to being the host city for the Midwest Eyecare Congress, May
1-3, 2009. SLOS members will be active in the special reception for non-MOA members
on Friday, May 1. Please register at, and join your
colleagues from St. Louis and all across the North Central States for this exciting event.
Society Reports, continued page 19.
March | April 2009
Don’t Miss
Make Your
Plans Now!
March | April 2009
S o c i e t y R e p o r t s , continued from page 17
West Central Optometric Society
Trustee: Jason Lake, O.D.
The WCOS will be meeting with President Wes Kemp on Tuesday, April 7, in Warrensburg
for our annual presidential visit. The topics discussed will be current MOA issues and the
Board Certification process that is presently occurring at the national level.
President’s Message, continued from page 3
Please be aware that I am trying to discuss this issue with the local societies on
my presidential visits. The delegates representing the MOA will have to assess the
information being presented to them and make a judgment at the meeting. The MOA
is trying to have open discussions with all its members so feel free to email concerns or
comments to the central office. There is nothing set in stone at this time as to what will
be presented.
There will be many potential changes occurring on the national healthcare scene, and
we need to be ever vigilant as to where optometry is going to fit in. The AOA is making
sure that optometry is represented at the discussions currently taking place.
One final note is that we have rented out the basement of our building, so we are now
completely full with tenants. A big thanks to the Administrative Services Committee and
MOA central office. The hard work of everyone involved is appreciated.
Things are still looking up for optometry and the MOA; make the best of it you can!
March | April 2009
Welcome New Members
The Missouri Optometric Association is pleased to announce the following new member.
Please introduce yourself the next time you see her at an MOA sponsored event!
• Melissa S. Massey, O.D
The Missouri Optometric Association Paraoptometric Section is pleased to announce
the following new members. We would also like to thank all the paraoptometric who
continue to renew their membership each year!
• Teresa L. Davis
• Kelly K. Rosemann
H a r t s t e i n , continued from page 12
In the late 1980s Dr. Hartstein, along with Dr. Rex Ghormley, began to explore the
idea of bringing together a small group of St. Louis ODs and MDs to discuss contact
lens practice and technology and to share ideas to improve patient care. Those
discussions led to the formation of the MD-OD Contact Lens Foundation of St.
Louis. Since the early 1990s, this group of optometrists and ophthalmologists meets
regularly as eye care professionals in the spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.
Dr. Hartstein’s 50 years as an eye care professional has made a better career for all
of us who practice this wonderful profession, and most importantly he has helped us
better meet the needs of the patients we serve.
March | April 2009
May 1 - 3
Midwest Eyecare Congress
Union Station Marriott
St. Louis, Missouri
May 29-31
MOA Leadership Retreat
Lodge of the Four Seasons
Lake Ozark, Missouri
June 24-28
Optometry’s Meeting™
Washington, D.C.
October 1-4
MOA Annual Convention
Lodge of the Four Seasons
Lake Ozark, Missouri
January 9-10
MOA Legislative Conference
Capitol Plaza Hotel
Jefferson City, Missouri
June 4-6
MOA Leadership Retreat
Country Club Hotel & Spa
Lake Ozark, Missouri
June 16-20
Optometry’s Meeting™
Orlando, Florida
U p c o mi n g E v e n t s
January 8-9
MOA Legislative Conference
Capitol Plaza Hotel
Jefferson City, Missouri
June 3-5
MOA Leadership Retreat
Country Club Hotel & Spa
Lake Ozark, Missouri
June 15-19
Optometry’s Meeting™
Salt Lake City, Utah
Optometry’s Meeting™
2012 – 2014
June 27-July 1, 2012
Chicago, Illinois
June 26-30, 2013
San Diego, California
June 25-29, 2014
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March | April 2009
L e a d e r s h i p & S ta f f
Executive Director
LeeAnn Barrett, O.D.
Finance Manager
Linda McDowell
Executive Assistant
Jay Hahn
Wesley D. Kemp, O.D.
P: 417/777-9000
Ryan H. Powell, O.D.
P: 816/476-4017
Duane Thompson
P: 660/258-7409
Debbie Hettler, O.D.
P: 573/814-6575
Immediate Past President
Gregory J. Goetzinger, O.D.
P: 417/359-0600
Governmental Relations
Jerry W. Burch
P: 573/636-4599
J. Scott Marrs
P: 573/636-5873
Legal Counsel
Marc H. Ellinger
P: 573/634-2500
March | April 2009
Central Society (5)
Jeffrey M. Gamble, O.D.
P: 573/874-2030
Southeast Society (9)
James M. Hunt, O.D.
P: 573/996-3937
Greater Ozark Society (8)
Scott M. Burks, O.D
P: 417/345-2901
Southwest Society (7)
Erica S. Burton, O.D.
P: 417/682-3301
Kansas City Society (3)
John B. Gelvin, O.D
P: 816/525-3937
St. Louis Society (6)
Jeffrey L. Weaver, O.D.
P: 314/991-4244
Northeast Society (2)
Mindy M. Blackford, O.D.
P: 660/665-6262
St. Louis Society - Associate Trustee
Thomas J. Cullinane, O.D.
P: 314/579-0909
Northwest Society (1)
Jeffrey H. Powell, O.D.
P: 660/582-4022
West Central Society (4)
Jason S. Lake, O.D.
P: 660/747-2000
March | April 2009
C o mmitt e e s
Administrative Services
Rob Bernskoetter, O.D.
P: 573/874-2030
Governmental Affairs
Tom Culllinane
P: 314/579-0909
Affiliated Organizations
Kenneth C. Detring, O.D.
P: 573/243-2020
Membership Services
Scott Ream, O.D.
P: 417/264-7418
Bradley C. Lewis, O.D.
P: 417/886-5444
Public Relations
Kyle Brost, O.D.
P: 573/334-8595
Coordinating Committee
Wesley D. Kemp, O.D.
P: 417/777-9000
Third Party Payments
Rich Wilson, O.D.
P: 816/353-1872
Convention Planning
Debbie Hettler, O.D.
P: 573/814-6575
A f f i l iat e d O r g a n i z ati o n s
Paraoptometric Chair
Cherie Harris
MOF President
Rex Newcomb, O.D.
P: 417/468-6682
MOAA President
Beth Thompson
State Board President
James Bureman, O.D.
P: 417/887-3900
March | April 2009
March | April 2009
A b o u t VIS ION
VISION is published bimonthly by the Missouri Optometric Association.
100 East High Street, Suite 301
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
P: 573/635-6151
Editors of Publications:
Lee Ann Barrett, O.D.
1201 West Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65203
P: 573/445-8636
F: 573/446-9122
James M. Hunt, O.D.
204 Washington St
Doniphan, Missouri 63935
P: 573/996-3937
F: 573/996-3937
Send all unsolicited articles, news, and advertising to the MOA Central Office. All opinions and statements of supposed fact in signed articles do not necessarily reflect the
views and policies of the Missouri Optometric Association.
Deadlines are the first of January, March, May, July, September, and November.

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