By Juan-Carlos Mart´ınez Oliveros, Hugh S. Hudson, Gordon J. Hurford, S¨am Krucker, R. P. Lin, Charles Lindsey, Sebastien Couvidat, Jesper Schou, and W. T. Thompson The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 753:L26 (5pp), 2012 July 10 Nengyi Huang 2015-02-12 Event: • Time: SOL 2011-02-24T07:35 • Location: NOAA coordinates N14E87 • GOES class: M3.5 Data Origins: • RHESSI (Hard X-ray 30-80 KeV) • SDO HMI (6173 Å) • STEREO-b EUVI (195 Å) Objects: • To determine the heights of sources of whit-light continuum and hard X-ray emission. • To suggest the possibility that sources of WL and HXR should be lower than expected. • To strengthen the connection between WL continuum and HXR radiation. A. WL continuum 1. It’s known that: The intense energy release of impulsive phase Acceleration of particles High-energy non-thermal particles penetrate into the lower atmosphere White light emission 2. The energy release may drastically distort the structure of lower atmosphere B. Hard X-ray 1. Standard thick-target model: primary particle acceleration is in corona 2. Fast electrons implicate chromosphere 3. etc. C. Radiative backwarming: • Explain the correlation of HXR and WL • Irradiation and heating of the photosphere HMI intensity continuum (6173 Å) Difference image at 07:31:13.40 UT Reference: Average data 07:25-07:28 UT Time Series HMI contrast reference: Average data 07:2507:28 UT HMI intensity continuum (6173 Å) Difference image at 07:31:13.40 UT Reference: Average data 07:25-07:28 UT Positions of STEREO A and B for 2011-02-24 07:35 UT Earth Ecliptic (HEE) longitude of STEREO-B -94.550 • The line in the middle shows the limb • 16 columns(before rotating) of the CCD saturated • Excess charge for each saturated column should spread equally to both directions. STEREO-B EUVI (195 Å) HMI intensity continuum (6173 Å) Difference image at 07:31:13.40 UT Reference: Average data 07:25-07:28 UT Zero of height is set at the projected position of corresponding STEREO sources. HXR sources height: North FP 420±240 km ; South FP 210±240 km WL sources height: North FP 230±100 km ; South FP 160±100 km • The heights of WL/HXR sources match well Association between WL continuum and non-thermal electrons losses via bremsstralung HXRs • The depths of the sources lie well below the expected penetration depth of the ~50keV electrons needed to produce the HXR. My opinion: This method to measure the heights is an easy way, but because of the complex structure around the flare and also the extreme foreshortening of for the case of limb, this method is very inaccurate. And we need more events to be surveyed before we can explain the result of this analyses for this event.