May 2012 - GalcomUSA
May 2012 - GalcomUSA
Galcom International, USA, Inc. PO Box 270956, Tampa, FL 33688-0956 Ph. #813-933-8111 Dear Friends of Galcom: May 2012 The Ken Crowell Legacy Project … there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. (Rev. 7:9a NIV) Last month’s report noted that Galcom, MegaVoice and TheoVision have agreed to work together with the church in Ghana to reach an unengaged unreached people group using Christian radio and oral Scriptures. Thus, the Ken Crowell Legacy Project to honor our deceased founder was born. Currently no one is working to reach this totally unreached people group of 71,000, causing it to be officially designated as an unengaged unreached people group (adding the populations in neighboring countries brings the total population to 430,000+). For security reasons, we are referring to them as the ‘Leemah’ people (not their true name). The dream to reach the ‘Leemah’ with the Good News of Jesus Christ began when MegaVoice CEO Charles Cibene noticed this tribe on the list of 639 unengaged unreached people groups at the 2010 Lausanne Congress On World Evangelization in Cape Town. He quickly enlisted Theo Asare and the two agreed to pray about what could be done to connect this totally isolated group with the message of salvation. Galcom became involved in March of 2011 and Theo was invited to keynote our annual banquet and to attend joint strategy meetings last month. The Leemah are an agrarian people who tend livestock and cultivate crops. They are skilled in the art of barter, live in mud huts, have arranged marriages and are governed by a tribal Uro (chieftain). They became Islamic beginning in the 18th century through contact with warlike Muslim tribes spreading south from North Africa. They practice a mixture of Islam and tribal religion based on placating fearsome spirits with witchcraft, fetishes and amulets. Bible translation was attempted some years ago in one Leemah dialect in a neighboring land, resulting in Genesis, Mark and James being translated. Research is needed to determine if the Ghanaian Leemah can understand this dialect and if any of these Scriptures have been recorded in oral form. As our theme Scripture indicates, there will be someone in heaven from every people, kindred, nation, tribe and tongue. As far as we know this tribe as yet have no representation there. The Ken Crowell Legacy Project aims to change that through teamwork and the application of Christian radio and oral Scriptures. No one believes that reaching the Leemah with the life-changing spoken message of Christ in their language will be quick or easy, but by God’s grace, with prayer, persistence, teamwork and a deep work of God’s Spirit, this dream is achievable. Can this people now locked in darkness count on your prayers and generous support to free them from oppression and the chains of spiritual bondage? Margie Crowell and the family have approved this key project in memory of Ken. Thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support of this critical outreach. US donations can be made by check to Galcom with “IMO Ken Crowell” in the memo line. Canadian gifts may be sent to 115 Nebo Road, Hamilton, ON L8W 2E1. Online gifts by credit card may be made via For the unreached, Tom Blackstone Executive Director Galcom May 2012- Ken Crowell Legacy Project In northeastern Ghana & Togo there is a totally unengaged, unreached people group of 71,000 + Security concerns prohibit us from using their true name- we’ll call them the ‘Leemah’ people instead Galcom, MegaVoice &Theo Asare committed to reach the Leemah with radio and oral Scriptures Theo’s Radio GAAKII on the Togolese border will be instrumental in reaching the Leemah people To reach the Leemah in Ghana and Togo, Radio GAAKII needs help to increase its power output We think founder Ken Crowell would be pleased that his name is now linked with this special project
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