Enter your PowerDialer e-mail under


Enter your PowerDialer e-mail under
•Logging on: Go to http://powerdialer.iBoomerang.com
-Enter your PowerDialer e-mail under
“Login”, followed by your iBoomerangassigned password in the box below.
•Click “Settings” along the top menu bar.
This will allow you to customize the features of
your PowerDialer. From here, you can:
-Set follow up call time intervals
-Add and manage new users
-Change your password
-Record voicemail messages
Send Leads To = All leads need to be sent to this email directly from
the lead provider. This connects the leads to us in real time
Main Inbound Line = This is the main line and will be displayed on
the consumer’s caller ID
Power Dialer Login = User login for the PowerDialer only.
Go to https://powerdialer.iboomerang.com
Change Password = Changes Password, does not show password
for security purposes.
Voicemail Message = New accounts need to call the number, enter
the pin and create a custom voicemail message. When a voicemail is
reached simply press “*” to leave the custom message after waiting
for the tone.
Set up schedule when starting account. This will configure the
hours in which leads will be called.
If a lead comes in after the close time of the schedule, the lead will
be placed in the uncalled queue.
Call Back Attempts are for all Unreached Leads
Each call back attempt must be checked under “Enabled” to activate.
Agent can select time range for each attempt.
If an automatic call is set for the same timeframe as the ‘Same Day Call’
only one attempt is made.
If an agent misses the initial call attempt or does not “press 1 to
connect” they can schedule retry attempts for missed leads.
Uncalled Setting =This allows you to choose to start the uncalled
queue at a specific time or to start and stop at your convenience.
Add New User = Set username, password, and phone number.
Adding a new user will create their own Power Dialer account.
Managers have the ability to pause and un-pause producer accounts.
Call Routing:
Round Robin = Distributes calls and leads evenly to active producers.
By User Number, Main line First = Calls start with the main line and
then roll-over to available producers based on priority.
By User Number, Main Line Last = Calls start with the top
priority user then roll-over to other producers and the main line
•If line is busy or on hold, it will automatically go to the next line.
•This is under Manager Account only.
•Arrows indicate calling priority. Use this to have top producers
get calls first.
Main page to view who you are calling
1. Click refresh=now calling box will be around the lead you
are attempting to reach.
Green Leads-Indication that it is in a calling queue
•We have two queues (Uncalled or Call Now)
•Scheduled manual or auto follow up calls
Blue Leads- Indication that there are no future calls set.
Indicates a lead has been reached.
Other options are not viewable until additional users are
added. Examples are:
Users and View will not be there until you add additional user
accounts. “Sort By” remains there for everyone.
View Function
1. All Leads-All leads that have
entered system
2. My Leads-Leads that have been
assigned to agent
Sort By Function
1. Received-When generated
2. Activity-Lead Action resulting from
entering a note, selecting a
disposition, call, follow up, click to
dial, add or delete from assigned
list, cancel call, and lead assigned
3. Call Back- Automatic Call Backs for
unreached leads.
Uncalled Leads
Leads that come in after hours set by
schedule or on the weekends go
into the uncalled list.
Call Attempt
Call Attempt Not
• If (1) is not pressed and there are
no additional attempts to be
made then the lead will go to:
• Closed
• Paused
• On a call
1. Call Now+Click Phone Number= Calls lead, aka click to dial
2. Follow Up= Scheduled appointment that calls you first at that
specific time and date.
3. Assign Lead= Assigns that lead to that producer
4. Dispositions= Used for reporting and cancels auto call backs
depending on selections.
5. Note= Keep track of sales process with each lead.
Click to Call
Click Phone Number
Select Call Now
Indication Calling
Does not disrupt auto callback process unless it connects, turning a lead
from unreached into reached.
Follow Up
Set Follow Up
1. Select Time and Date
2. Select which line
It calls that exact date + time and
phone line.
Indication Follow Up
Shows you the countdown until it
will call you.
Remove Follow Up= Cancels the
scheduled manual follow up.
Assigned Lead
1. Automatic Assigned= Connected, Scheduled Follow Up, Note, Sold,
Called In, Quoted,
•Producers or managers can assign
•Only Managers can reassign leads
•To assign or reassign a lead simply open that lead, click
assign lead at the top of the page and select a user.
1. Dispositions that cancel the
automatic call backs process=Not
Interested, Wrong Number, Called
In, Quoted, Sold.
• These Dispositions turn
unreached leads into reached.
Voicemail + No Answer=Unreached
•Follow the automatic call back
process under account settings
How to add note = Type text in box
and click add button.
Last note added will show up on the Leads page
Lead Status gives the user an indication
where that lead is in the sales process.
Disposition= Shows result of last call
Call Back= Shows you time that it will call
Reached= Yes / No
Activity= Time of last action
Cancel Call will cancel all future
automatic calls.
When the lead has been reached, the
automatic call process is stopped. If you click
“Unreached” the lead will turn back into an
unreached lead and follow the auto call back
Leads Page=Every lead will show latest note, assigned to, and
Lead Tracking
Each lead will have the last activity under
the notes section inside that lead. This
ties into the leads front page and Lead
When a lead is scheduled for a follow up, it will viewable on the
follow up page. Select from today, this week, view all, or previous.
The Reports Page allows agents to view leads based on producer,
timeframe, type, source, disposition and presence of notes.
How do I integrate or get my leads into the Powerdialer?
You go to the settings page and copy the email provided for you by power dialer. It should
be YourName@powerdialer.iboomerang.com. You then put that email in any lead provider
account you are currently using.
How do I know what lead I'm dialing out to?
Click Refresh button next to lead count on leads tab. There will be a green box called the
“Now Calling Box” around exactly who you are about to speak with at all times. Just click
anywhere inside that lead and have all their contact information in front of you to quote.
How does the uncalled list work?
Leads end up in the uncalled queue:
If a lead is received after hours and before 7:30 AM Eastern
If a lead is received and the agent does not press “1” and the attempts to press “1” are
What number shows up on the prospects caller ID?
The exact number that is in your account settings connected to the main line.
When does the system call my leads?
You can set the hours for your office in the schedule settings.
Pause Button
This allows for a quick break from the calling process. We recommend that the account is
never paused because it slows the calling process.