

AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
(cristina diaz moreno + efren garcia grinda)
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
cristina díaz moreno & efrén garcía grinda
Paseo Imperial 6
28005 Madrid
+34 913653527
AMID.cero9 is a Madrid based architecture office founded in 1997 by Cristina
Díaz Moreno and Efrén García Grinda. They are Unit Masters in Diploma at
the A.A. (Architectural Association School of Architecture) in London since
2009 and they are also Directors of an Option Studio at the GSD Harvard.
Both got a Professorship in Vienna, in the Institut für Kunst und Architektur
Akademie der Bildenden Künste from 2013 till 2014.
Before that they were teaching together in Madrid from 1998 till 2013 (in
parallel at ETSAM and ESAYA UEM) and they have been visiting professors
and lecturers throughout Europe, Asia and the US. Their projects have been
widely disseminated and they have won more than 40 prizes in national and
international competitions. Their projects and writings of the last fifteen years
were documented in 2014 in the exhibition at the AA and a publication entitled
“Third Natures, a Micropedia”.
They have recently built the legendary Institución Libre de Enseñanza headquarters in Madrid for which they have received several mayor prizes. Among
them they have received First Prize Premios COAM 2015 (Colegio Oficial de
Arquitectos), First Prize “Nuevos Valores 2015” given by the Architectural Digest and Premio ACI A2015, for the best “Proyecto Sostenible y Contribucion
Social” given by the Asociacion de Consultoras Inmobiliarias.
AMID.cero9 is a medium scale office formed by 12 people, 3 senior architects
and 3 junior architects, 2 quantity surveyors, 3 graphic designers, and 1 artist.
AMID.cero9 is an office based on collaboration with external operators using
the synergy between various disciplines to link the professional practice with the
academic. After a decade marked by winning architectural competitions and a
constant presence in important events -such as the Biennale di Venezia- and the
specialized media, Amid.cero9 started building among others Giner de los Ríos
Foundation, Cherry Blossom Palace or Diagonal80 and is developing international projects in United Arab Emirates and Finland.
AMID.cero9 regularly collaborates with the best professionals and consultants in the areas of structure, digital tools, lighting, fire consulting, mechanics,
quantity surveyors, landscape, security and transport, forming multidisciplinary
teams of highly qualified specific for every occasion. ARUP Spain, AA EmTech
(Emergent Technologies), Teresa Galí (Arquitectura y Agronomía), BOMA /
BAC Engineering Consultancy Group (Brufau, Obiol and Moya), Iñaki Leite
(fire consultant), Úrculo Consulting engineers, J. Balague, Alfonso G. Gaite
(Gogaite Engineers), Ofinco Engineers, Visose or JG Consulting Engineers are
among the usual AMID.cero9 consultants.
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
Cristina Díaz Moreno and Efrén García Grinda are both Architects with Honours
in their Final Project (ETSAM, UPM).
School of Architecture of London (, since 2009
They are running an Option Studio at the GSD (Graduate School of Design)
Harvard University since 2015
They got a Professorship in Vienna, in the Institut für Kunst und Architektur
Akademie der Bildenden Künste from 2013 till 2014
Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM, UPM) 1999-2012
y Arquitectura (ESAYA, UEM) since 1998-2013
Cristina Díaz Moreno and Efrén García Grinda started their
partnership in 1997 as cero9, an open structure located in Madrid,
which facilitated a real connection between professional practice,
research and teaching inside architectural frame. Cero9 became
AMID.cero9 in 2003.
Unit Masters at Korea Summer Workshop A.A. School of Architecture, A.DU
School of Architecture Korean Institute of Architects of Daejeon University,
SAKIA (2010)
Visiting Professors at Cornell School of Architecture, Cornell University, New
York, USA (2006-2007)
Visiting Professors at EAPM, École d’Architecture de Paris–Malaquais (20032004)
Associated Professor of Landscape Architecture in the “Laboratorio de Paisajes
Contemporáneos” from architectural design department of Escuela Superior de
Arquitectura de Madrid, UPM (EG**, 2002-2003 and 2003-2004)
Visiting Professors of Architectural Design at Politechnic University of Alicante,
ETSA (1999-2000)
Visiting Professors of Architectural Design inside 222 studio at Universidad
Internacional de Cataluña, ESARQ (1999-2000)
Unit Masters of Diploma 5 at A.A. Architectural Association
School of Architecture of London (
Visiting Professors and Lecturers in the main Universities of USA, ASIA, Europe
and Spain (Harvard, Columbia, UCLA, Sci-Arc, A.A., Bartlett School, Tama
Tokio, ETH, Daejeon Korea, Syracuse, Mendrisio, Paris, Frankfurt, Bratislava,
Berlin, Graz, Hannover, etc...).
Members and President of Jury in Europan 8 and 9
Jury Member in the Holcim Awards
Member of the Committee of Culture
Madrid, COAM, (CDM*) 2003 - 2006
Chief Curators of Lectures Series and Exhibitions (Pop-Up, So.Up...) of
Fundación COAM, 2003 - 2006.
Chief Curators and Editors of Arquitecturas Silenciosas Series
Chief Curators of Arquitecturas Silenciosas Series, inside the Arquerías de Nuevos
Ministerios programme from the Dirección General de la Vivienda, la Arquitectura
y el Urbanismo, 1999 - 2001
Selected Projects
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 has won more than thirty prizes in national and international
competitions of architecture. Among other First Prizes can be cited:
-First Prize.
to the the best building constructed in Spain for Giner de los Rios Foundation
- First Prize, “Nuevos Valores 2015” given by the ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST
-First Prize. Premios ACI A2015 to the Institución Libre de Enseñanza as the best
“Proyecto Sostenible y Contribución Social” given by the Asociacion de Constructoras
-First Prize. Cherry Blosom Pavilion in Valle del Jerte, Spain (under construction)
-First Prize. Two Stages Competition Giner de los Ríos Fundation in Madrid
-First Prize. Intermediae-Prado museum in the old Serreria Belga in Madrid
-First Prize. Northern Exposure. 99 Housing Units, Europan 6, Jyväskylä,
-First Prize.
Made-Endesa in Medina del Campo, Valladolid
AMIDcero9 was galardonated with four First Prizes (two national and
Contractworld Award 2011, ‘New Generation’
Architectural Review Award 2010 for “Emerging Architecture”, RIBA
-”Opera Prima” 2010 award, given by the Architects Association in Madrid,
-and “Premio Construye” award to the best industrial building 2010, NAPISA
Selected as one of the Best 20 Young Architects in Spain by the editoriorial 2g for
the publication 2g Dossier because of their industrial building for the Company
Diagonal80 in Madrid.
Other prizes that can be cited:
-First Prize. III Architecture Competition of Madrid. Environmental Housing.
“Proposal for a temporary habitat in PRS”. Organized by Ministry of Public
Works, Urbanism and Transports and ETSAM.
-First Prize. International Competition of 25th Youth Salon, Croatian Association
of Architects (UHA) and Croatian Associationof Artists (HDLU), Zagreb,
-First Prize of the Nordic Section of the UIA. International Competition de la
Unión Internacional de Arquitectos (U.I.A.) in Barcelona for Students. (Spain)
-First Prize in the International Competition “A Vertical Village”, organized by hbg
-Second Prize. Hayakawa Prize. International Competition Shinkenchiku-Sha/
SxL Corporation. “House of Goethe”. Tokyo. (Japan). (CDM*)
-Second Price- Europa and Africa, and Special Citation for “Excellence in
Conceptual Design”. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International
Competition. Washington DC, ACSA/OTIS. “Urban Housing Plus”. (USA)
-Second Prize. Murakami Prize. International Competition Shinkenchiku-Sha/
SxL Corporation. “Sharaku´s House”, (Japan). (CDM*)
on the International Competition on two phases for the Ciudad de
la Justicia in Valdebernardo in Madrid, (Spain), convoked by the Comunidad de
Madrid in collaboration with the Architectural Association of Madrid (COAM)
. National Competition for an Auditorium and Cultural Center in
Laguna de Duero, Valladolid (Spain).
The Architectural Review Award 2010 for Emerging Architecture selected
Diagonal 80 Industrial Building as one of the 19 top candidates, from over
300 entries across the world
Diagonal 80 won the Contractworld Award 2011, in the 11th International
Architecture Award for Innovative Interior Design Concepts, at the ‘New
Moreover AMID.cero9 was awarded with NAPISA prize 2010 in 2010
And also received Opera Prima Award 2010 for Diagonal 80 industrial building,
given by the Architects Association in Madrid (COAM)
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
The work of their whole carrer was exhibited in an extensive monogra
phic exhibition entitled “Third Natures” at the A.A. (Architectural
Association School of Architecture) in London in 2014. The show was
an immense repository of AMID.cero9 archive ranging from 1998 till
2014, from the early projects till the last constructed building in
The term Third Nature was coined in the early renaissance to refer to
a new category of materiality radically new and constructed through
cultural links. Under that concept the exhibition showcased drawings,
physical models, collections of objects and pictures related with the
work through 25 projects.
In parallel to the exhibition, a publication entitled “Third Natures. A
Micropedia” was launched. The book is like the younger sister of the
Encyclopedia, it also tries to construct and describe a body of
knowledge, or in this case a very particular way of understanding the
world around us. It gathers definitions and texts referred to key words
and concepts that define the conceptual framework of AMID.cero9
practice and also depicts the projects as tools to define new realms
for our discipline.
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
They are Editors of books as Breathable, which includes part of their Ph. D. Thesis
as well as articles and interviews of their own and of other relevant authors.
They are colaborator to El Croquis magazine since the year 1999 making interviews
and articles published in different monographies of international offices.
Besides they have a huge experience on research and they have published a big
number of writings, essays and texts on specialised magazines. The publications
that can be cited are El Croquis, Architectural Design AD, Techniques et
Architecture, Tectónica, 2G, Bauwelt, Ark+, de Architect, Perspecta, Arquitectura,
neo2, Vanidad, Via Arquitectura, Arquitectos, Quaderns, A&V, Diseño Interior or
Arquitectura Viva, among many others.
Their projects as principals of AMID.cero9 ( are published on the
monographic book From cero9 to AMID, DD Series. Their projects have been
published in different spanish monographies in El Croquis since 1999 and in the
main architectural magazines in America, Asia and Europe.
They have been invited to the 12th, the 9th, the 8th and the 7th Biennale di
Venezia d’Archittetura in 2010, 2004, 2002, 2000.
They have also been invited to the Oslo Triennial 2007, London Architecture
Biennale, 2006; Bienal de Montevideo, 2006, Bienal española de Arquitectura
2005, Biennale of Sao Paulo 2003, Iberoamericana de Chile 2002 or ArchiLab
2001 among many others.
Besides their work has been widely exhibited in USA, London, Paris, Oslo, Estocolmo, Graz, Budapest, Karlsruhe, Rome, Venice, Orlèans, Barcelona, Zagreb,
Milán… and collected and presented in monographic exhibitions organised by
the Ministerio de Fomento or by Memoria Moderna in Budapest among others.
Their work has traspassed the limits of the architectural discipline and has been exhibited among artistical proposals in the Museum of Modern Art MOT in Tokyo
2007, Biennale “Trial Balloons/Globos Sonda” organized by MUSAC, Museo
de arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León 2006, in the exhibition META.morfosis in the MEIAC, Museo extremeño e Iberoamericano de arte contemporáneo
2005, the Biacs3, Bienal de Arte contemporáneo de Sevilla, Youniverse 2008, or
even in ACADIA “Silicon + Skin” in Minneapolis, Minesota, USA, 2008 or in
“Anxious Climate” travelling exhibition in galleries and Architecture Universities in USA, 2007-2009
Selected Projects
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
The Cherry Tree Blossom Pavilion was selected by Kazuyo Sejima to be
exhibited at the International Pavilion of the 12th Biennale di Architectura di
Venecia, “People Meet in Architecture”. The Biennale was held from August 29th
to November 21st, 2010.
In the exhibition space AMID.cero9 recreates the scenario of the modern chapel
that the Cherry Blossom Pavilion wishes to be. Dark and mist pictures on old
golden frames, videos, models, and a particular smell that will sure remind us and
bring us back to our ecclesiastical memories will build the perfect scenery to the
main item exhibited.
The Cherry Blossom Pavilion is nowadays under construction and the building
will be ready to enjoy it in the coming Cherry Blossom festival by next year.
AMID.cero9 was interviewed by Hans Ulrich Obrist at the Venice Architecture
Biennale 2010. (NOW Interviews) located in one of the halls of the old arsenale
building, the setting was designed by SANAA
(kazuyo sejima and ryue nishizawa) and features rows and rows of monitors set in
front ‘nextmaruni chairs’.
The Cherry Blossom Pavilion is also part of Itinerant exhibition “A City called
Spain” that started at the National Glyptotheque in Athens, Greece. May 20 August 29, 2010. Next winter 2011 this exhibition will take place in Moscow. The
exhibition compiles the most relevant examples of contemporary Spanish architecture, constructing a large city with the most significant elements projected through
a magnificent constellation of architects in the first decade of this century.
Queen Sofia of Spain during the opening of the exhibition
Selected Projects
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
Francisco Giner de los Ríos Foundation in Madrid
Urban Planning, Demolition Project, Project and Restoration and Renovation Project
for the Headquarters of the Francisco Giner de los Ríos Foundation.
Location: Paseo General Martínez campos 14, Madrid
Area: 5.200 sqm
Programme: Educational and Cultural Foundation
Client: Fundación Giner de los Ríos (Private)
Competition 2004 (FIRST PRIZE) Project 2005-2010. Construction 2010-2015
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID
AMID.cero9 Paseo Imperial 6 28005 MADRID