From the Principal`s Desk - Cheat Lake Elementary PTO


From the Principal`s Desk - Cheat Lake Elementary PTO
 Dennis Gallon, Principal  Claudia Zimarowski, Vice Principal 154 Crosby Road, Morgantown, WV 26508 Phone: (304) 594-­‐2772  Fax: (304) 594-­‐2283 Attendance Line: (304) 291-­‐9203 Mon County Schools Parent Educator Resource Center Sponsored Talks The Mon County Schools Parent Educator Resource Center (PERC) is sponsoring three talks Thursday, March 26th from 6:00-­‐
7:00 p.m. at South Middle School, 1500 East Parkway Drive. Choose one topic, and come learn and share. Topics include Challenging Behaviors in Your Child (speaker: Keegan Kowcheck), Anxiety, Depression or Bullying Affecting Your Child (speaker: Nicole Vernon) and Dyslexia in Your Child (speaker: Avan Tallman) An iPad will be given to one lucky parent. For more information, contact Julie Parsons at 304-­‐291-­‐9210, extension 1703 or at Newsletter Editors If you have any news to include in the newsletter, please contact: Charmin Lerfald (304) 288-­‐8969 Linda Jackson (304) 680-­‐0589 th
Deadline is the 15 of each month. From the Principal’s Desk During a recent visit to CLES, WVDE Office of Child Nutrition representatives observed that not many of our students eat breakfast at school. While there may be many reasons for this, we want to make eating at school as easy as possible, and avoid someone choosing not to eat because of a perceived lack of time or opportunity. nd
Beginning on Monday, March 2 , all students who enter the upper building in the morning will be offered a Grab ‘N Go breakfast pack as they walk through the doors. They can take the pack to their homerooms, prepare for the day and eat a morning meal. This will save time and eliminate the need to travel to the cafeteria. If students enjoy eating the hot breakfast, I would suggest dropping them off at the lower entrance, where they can go directly to the cafeteria and enjoy a hot meal without feeling pressured for time. Typically, students eating breakfast go directly to the cafeteria after entering the building. This is a great routine. However, for our younger students, in closer proximity to the cafeteria, the teachers will encourage them to m ake a visit back to the cafeteria, even after they unpack for the day. We’d love for all students to enjoy a hot breakfast, but if students arrive late, they can still get a Grab ‘N Go breakfast pack from the cooks and take it to their rooms. Breakfast provides fuel to power our students through their busy day. We want to make it as easy as possible for all students to enjoy breakfast, especially as a hot meal. We hope this helps. Request for Parent Volunteers Our Librarian, Mrs. Kintigh, is looking for a crew of parents who would be willing to work as regularly scheduled volunteers in the school library. With a collection of more than 14,000 volumes, there is much work to do. She is hoping to find parents who are able to commit to volunteer on a regular basis, at the same time each week, for the same amount of time. Of course, she will happily accept any level of volunteer support…one hour…two hours….five hours. If you’d like to volunteer, please call the school and leave her a message. She’ll call you back and get you started as soon as possible. Did someone say…Spring? Try to stay warm. Mr. Gallon Daylight Savings Time Begins: Spring Forward! Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 8th. Turn your clock ahead one hour before going to bed on Saturday, M arch 7th. This is also a good time to check the batteries in your smoke detectors. 1
Page 2 2 March 2015  Volume 3  Issue 6 Make-­‐up Snow Dates The Monongalia County Board of Education has listed the following as make-­‐up snow days: th
March 18 nd
April 2 th
April 7 nd
May 22 th
June 5 th
June 8 th
June 9 Teacher Appreciation The Teacher Appreciation Committee will have a meeting on March 16th at 9 a.m. in the PTO Room. We will discuss and plan Teacher Appreciation Week. Please contact Amy Robbins with questions at Academic Games Tournament and TAG Picnic Academic Games Tournament for TAG students (Grades 3-­‐5) will be held on March 25th at the Mylan Park Event Center. The students have been working hard in preparation for this event! The TAG picnic will be held May 14th. Time and location to be announced. Reading Counts Update Scholastic Reading Counts! is an independent reading program for Grades K–12 that combines reading practice and software-­‐based reading assessment. Students read books and take online quizzes based on the books. Congratulations to January’s leaders: Top Homerooms for January nd
2 Grade: Mrs. Kimble’s class rd
3 Grade: Mrs. Hylton’s class th
4 Grade: Mr. DeHaas’s class Top 3 Student Readers by grade: nd
2 Grade: Ellie Underdonk, Dominick Cabrera, Susannah Sherwin rd
3 Grade: Hailey Kramer, Rudy Zhang, Zoe Barnhart th
4 Grade: Kyle Patterson, Zachary Harman, Kaya Kuehn th
5 Grade: Nathan Vest, Naomi Mayfield, Nicholas Lemoff Beautification Committee The Beautification Committee would like to thank each individual for helping to plant 500+ spring bulbs during the month of October. Please contact Erin Kelly at, if you would like to join in upcoming efforts for the spring and summer. This is a great outdoor activity for all members of the family! got up out of their seats and got moving. CLES was one of the many schools in the county to participate By Mr. Wamsley, CLES Gym Teacher in JAM, and schools in West Virginia On Thursday, February 12th at 10 were some of the most active in the a.m., students and teachers at United States! CLES participated in an activity By moving periodically throughout called JAM, a the day, students are able to get nation-­‐wide their blood pumping and brains initiative that thinking. In recent studies, brain encourages function has been linked to exercise schools to and body movement. Through the get their JAM initiative, students in schools students up and moving for Just across the country are taking time A Minute. out of their busy d ays to fire up their At 10 a.m., students and teachers muscles, their hearts and their in many classes across the school minds. CLES JAM Activity Above are pictures of Mrs. Holdworth’s 5th grade class doing the “Cha Cha Slide” for its JAM activity. 1
Page 3 3 March 2015  Volume 3  Issue 6 Smarter Balanced Test Dates 2014-­‐15 CLES EXECUTIVE BOARD President Heather DeMoss (304) 864-­‐6262 Vice President Melody Thomas (304) 288-­‐9160 Secretary Nicki Pauley (304) 381-­‐2581 Treasurer Debbie Kuhens (304) 594-­‐0966 CLES PTO WEBSITE: You’ll find teacher email addresses, breakfast and lunch menus, a calendar of CLES events, PTO newsletters and PTO meeting minutes, our online school directory & volunteer opportunities Don’t forget to check out our PTO Student Directory App! “LIKE” us on FACEBOOK at Cheat Lake Elementary School PTO PTO MEETING DATES March 6, 9:30 a.m. May 7, 6 p.m. Please join us! Smarter Balanced Test dates have been announced. Please check this list before scheduling appointment or trips: rd
3 Grade: Reading/Language: April 14, 15, 16 Math: May 4, 5 th
4 Grade: Reading/Language: April 20, 21, 22 Math: April 23, 24 th
5 Grade: Reading/Language: April 27, 28, 29, Math: April 30, May 1 Spelling Bee Update We are so proud of our Cheat Lake Dolphins who competed in the 2015 Mon County Spelling Bee on February th
12 . Congratulations to Gabe Christopher, Josh Agazie and Luke Watson for a job well done! Gabe Christopher will advance to the regional spelling bee th
on March 19 at South Middle School. He earned a position in the final round as one of 24 students in grades 5 -­‐8 from Mon County who are trying to be the one to represent our region at the National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. Mark Your Calendars! March March Cont’d. 3 LSIC Meeting, 4:30 p.m. 2014-­‐15 CLES Yearbooks will be on sale soon and are a wonderful way to remember your child’s year! Be on the lookout for an order form in your child’s take-­‐home folder. The yearbook staff makes every effort to make sure that each child’s photo appears at least twice in the book! 5 6 Princess Fairy Tales on Ice The Mason-Dixon
Skating Club (MDFSC), WVU
Figure Skating and BOPARC
present “Princess Fairy Tales
on Ice” at the Morgantown Ice
Arena at 4:30 p.m. on March
28th & 5:30 p.m. on March
29th. Come and see your favorite tales on ice. Performances
include Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and
the Little Mermaid. Pre–sale tickets are $8 and will be on sale at
the Ice Arena. Children under age 3 are free. The Ice Arena is
located at 1001 Mississippi Street, near White Park 18-­‐20 Book Fair in the Library 5 Grade PBS Reward 19 PTO Meeting, 9:30 a.m., LGI Room Regional Spelling Bee 21 Regional Math Field Day th
6 Report Cards 9 1 Grade PBS Reward 23 2-­‐hr Early Dismissal 10 Spring Picture Day 25 10 Mon County School Calendar Meeting, Suncrest Middle School, 6-­‐7 p.m. Academic Games at Mylan Park 27 PTO Family Fun Night, 6 p.m. 30 Kindergarten PBS Reward 1 Grade—WVU Pediatrics Presentation April 13 st
14 5 Grade-­‐-­‐WVU’s March to College 16 1 grade-­‐-­‐WVU Pediatrics Presentation 18 st
2 SCHOOL IN SESSION 3 No School 6 No School 7 SCHOOL IN SESSION 14-­‐30 Smarter Balanced Testing March 2015  Volume 3  Issue 6 Page 4 4 March 2015  Volume 3  Issue 6 Page 5 5 March 2015  Volume 3  Issue 6 Page 6 6 March 2015  Volume 3  Issue 6 Page 7 7