02 Conifer Chamber Newsletter - Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce
02 Conifer Chamber Newsletter - Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce
www.goconifer.com JOIN US! · Monthly Membership Meeting the 2nd Friday of each month 7:15 a.m. at Brooks Place Tavern · Cost: $10 members · $15 nonmembers FEBRUARY 2013 It’s time to recognize the outstanding businesses, organizations, and leaders in our mountain area! Thank you for emailing your nominations to director@goconifer.com by Friday, Feb. 8th. Find the details on page 7 of this newsletter. Lunch and Learn Opportunity! Kelly Trik’s rescheduled workshop, Building Blocks of Strategic Planning, will be held on Feb. 27th. Details on page 6. You won’t want to miss this one! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: New Members 2 Renewals 2-3 Board Information 25 Speaking of Strategy… Have you read Tony Schwartz’s bestseller The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy Not Time Is The Key To High Performance? I might need to check it out because I was intrigued with his five keys to building Rituals (for me—new, healthy habits): 1. Target only one or two behaviors at a time. 2. Program for success: Successful small challenges are preferable to ambitious efforts that fail. 3. Be highly specific: Define the precise behavior you intend to do, the time you intend to do it, and don’t vary either one. 4. Focus on doing rather than not doing. 5. Cultivate support: Tell at least one person what you are doing and hold your self accountable by emailing that person every day for 30 days to report your progress. (And if you need that person to be me, just let me know!) We’re in a Membership Drive until February 28th which includes free benefits for those who join AND for those who refer a business or non-profit to the Conifer Chamber. Check out the details on page 23 of this newsletter. Hope to see you for our second FeBREWary on Feb. 21st at Los 3 Garcias! (details on page 10) Here’s to a prosperous 2013, and thanks for shopping locally! All My Best, Dawn Smith, Executive Director Our Mailing Address: Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 127 Conifer, Colorado 80433 (303) 838-5711~www.goconifer.com~ director@goconifer.com Welcome New Members! Denver Zipline Tours, LLC and Denver Adventures, LLC Stefan Van der Steen 26267 Conifer Road Conifer, CO 80433 PO Box 16969 Golden, CO 80402 (303) 984-6151 info@denveradventures.com Gerber Collision & Glass Cherlynn Wakehouse 19396 Goddard Ranch Ct. Morrison, CO 80465 303.697.2500 www.GerberCollision.com Cherlynn.wakehouse@gerbercollision.com Some of your membership benefits... Bulk mail stamp: Available to all members with out charge, this offers significant savings – often more that the cost of your annual membership dues. One of our members saves $2,160 annually! Access to the Chamber member mailing list: As a member you can receive an elec tronic copy of our mailing list free of charge; the cost to non-members is $300. Web Calendar Listings: Chamber and commu nity events are accessed by Chamber members and people in the surrounding mountain areas at www.goconifer.com. You may upload your community events and meetings with your log in and pass word. Ten percent discount on advertising in Score Foothills for new and existing members (some restrictions apply) Free copies of Summer in the Park and Winter in the Park for your office or lobby. Multi-Chamber Discount: New members who join both the Conifer and Evergreen or Conifer and Platte Canyon Chambers will receive a 10% discount on membership dues for both Chambers. P AG E 3 Renewing Members: Thank You! Ascent Accounting & Taxes, Inc. Kari Sandmeyer 480 Sioux Trail #3 PO Box 322, Pine, CO 80470 (303) 816-1191 ascentacctg@qwestoffice.net http://www.ascentaccounting.net Member Since 2006 Betsy Wilking, CPA Betsy Wilking P. O. Box 1497 Conifer, CO 80433 (303) 697-4805 eswilking@wispertel.net Member Since 2007 LCI Signs & Decorative Metals David & Eileen Wortman 480 Sioux Trail, Suite 49 Pine Junction, CO 80470 PO Box 203 Pine, CO 80470 (303) 838-2326 lcisigns@gmail.com http://www.lcisigns.com Member Since 2005 Melissa Baker (303) 816-9550 melissa@soulsticedesign.com Member Since 2011 Conifer Area Council Shirley Johnson PO Box 787, Conifer, CO 80433 (303) 697-9196 coniferareaforum@gmail.com http://coniferareacouncil.org/ Member Since 2011 Mountain Peace Shelter Kathy Mastroianni PO Box 836 Bailey, CO 80421 (303) 838-7176 info@mountainpeace.org http://www.mountainpeace.org Member Since 2001 Four Seasons Property Inspections, Inc. Phil Tatro PO Box 1425 Conifer, CO 80433 (303) 838-5175 phil@fspiinc.com http://www.fspiinc.com Member Since 2003 Mt. Evans Home Health & Hospice Kathy Engel 3081 Bergen Peak Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 (303) 674-6400 info@mtevans.org http://www.mtevans.org Member Since 2008 Starfish Ads Karen Heydman karen@starfishads.com Dave Erramouspe (720) 273-0471 dave@starfishads.com http://www.starfishads.com Member Since 2009 The Fine Art of Travel Kathy Dawson 30150 Chalet Circle Pine, CO 80470 (303) 816-1227 kdawson@thefineartoftravel.com http://www.thefineartoftravel.com Member Since 2011 Independent Propane Company Robert Blackwell 67302 US Hwy 285 Pine, CO 80470 (303) 838-9880 blackwell@ipropane.com http://www.ipropane.com Member Since 2000 Our Members Make Our Chamber Successful! Thank You! Don’t Forget To LIKE US on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/ConiferAreaChamberofCommerce And Follow Us on Twitter! NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: The Mountain Area Home & Garden Show At Conifer High School on May 18—19, 2013 (See more information on page 21 of this newsletter) The Mountain Area Home and Garden Show is an event created by the community for the community. We say the show is by the community because local vendors show their products and we say for the community because money raised gets put back into the community through the Evergreen and Conifer Rotary Foundations. Since its inception the Home Show has given back over $80,000 to the mountain community. At the show you’ll find vendor show specials, the Mountain Resource Center Food Drive, a recycling event along with Goodwill collecting furniture. They also produce seminars where you can learn about your areas of interest. Attendee testimonials include, “Great show – keep it up”, “Good size, just right”, “Well organized”, “Very friendly folks, helpful, no high pressure”. They also liked the awareness of the non-profits. The Home Show has several non-profits exhibit each year to show what they are doing in the community. The Home Show is where the community comes to support local businesses. A component of a healthy community is the support of businesses within the community. So come support our local businesses and join the fun. Are You Interested in a Chamber Board Position for the 2013 –2016 term? Contact Dawn at director@goconifer.com so she can share details with you. Voting will occur at the March 8th meeting. DEADLINE IS MARCH 2nd! (APPLICATION at GoConifer.com) To Be Eligible the Applicant Must: Be a graduating senior of Conifer High School who is planning to attend a college, university, or vocational school as a student for the upcoming year Minimum G.P.A 2.5. Complete the entire application form. Attach one copy of your most recent official high school transcript. Attach a letter of recommendation from a teacher or staff member. Completed application package must be returned by Friday, March 2, 2013 to the counselor’s office. Basis for Selection: A fully completed application package and at least one completed letter of recommendation are required. An interest and aptitude in business. A personal interview may be requested. General Information: Winner will be notified no later than Friday, April 26, 2013. Scholarship recipients will be asked to attend the regularly scheduled Chamber meeting Friday, May 10, 2013 at 7:15a at Brooks Place Tavern. The scholarship funds will be paid directly to the institution of choice or to the Parents/ Guardian of the recipient in the event a college choice has not been made at the time of the award. W WW .G OCON IFER.COM P AG E 6 P AG E 7 Nominations for the 2013 Annual Conifer Chamber Awards are due by Friday, Feb. 8th Information at GoConifer.com CATEGORIES: Business of the Year Home-Based Business of the Year Non-Profit of the Year Norman F. Meyer Award for outstanding service and dedication to our mountain area Around Town! Please send your event information for publication to director@goconifer.com ONGOING: Rotary Club of Conifer 285 Backpack Project Volunteer to help feed the kids on the 285 Corridor by contacting mfhc@passionatemarriage.com ONGOING THRU APRIL 8th Photo Cover Contest for the 285 Chambers Directory $5 per photo or $20 for 5 Email photos to info@mtnconnection.com Send checks to Conifer Chamber at PO Box 127, Conifer, CO 80433 Or if photo is from Park County, to the Platte Canyon Chamber at PO Box 477, Bailey, CO 80421 February Specials from First Feather Day Spa $80 chemical peel. $35 Shellac Manicure or $45 pedicure. www.FirstFeatherDaySpa.com February Specials from Soul Path Living 20% off of massages, energy work and intuitive readings. www.SoulPathLiving.com or (303) 815-7826 Now Through February 14th 20% off jewelry including Kameleon and Bijoulee sterling silver interchangeable settings. (Some exclusions apply). Free gift with purchase of $20 or more. (While supplies last). Ladies are encouraged to come in and place items on hold for their significant others or loved ones to "surprise" them with on Valentines Day. We're also free gift wrapping of small items (jewelry). Look What I Found Boutique. http://www.LookWhatIFoundBoutique.com Each Friday from 9:30a—10:45a Discovery Time with crawlers through age 5 Mountain Resource Center. $8/child per class. Contact Laurie at 303.838.7552 x30. Friday, Feb. 1st at 9a: Conifer Neighbors & Newcomers Meeting. Our Lady of the Pines Church. Opening Friday, Feb. 1st at 5p (exhibit runs through March 7th) Dine’ - The Navajo Way Exhibit. Center for the Arts Evergreen. 32003 B. Ellingwood Trail. www.EvergreenArts.org Opening Night, Feb. 1st (show runs through Feb. 16th) The Full Monty. www.StageDoorTheatre.com Monday, February 4th from 5:30p—7:30p Kids, Read to the Dog! Free event at the MRC but RSVP to Laurie at 303.838.7552 x30. February 6—27 on Wednesdays from 11:30a—12:30p First Time Parent (or Grandparent) Class $40 for four week session. Mountain Resource Center. Contact Laurie at 303.838.7552 x30. Friday, February 8th at 7:15a Conifer Chamber Membership Breakfast Meeting. Speakers: County Commissioner Don Rosier and Elk Creek Fire Department Chief Bill McLaughlin Brooks Place Tavern Friday, Feb. 8th DEADLINE FOR ANNUAL AWARDS NOMINATIONS Saturday, February 9th at 10a Find information at GoConifer.com Pleasant Park Grange Meeting at the Pleasant Park Schoolhouse Saturday, February 9th from 10a—2p FREE Great Backyard Bird Count with the Audubon Society. Hiwan Homestead. 720.497.7650 FEBRURA RY N EW SLETT ER Monday, Feb. 11th from 10a—11a (Occurs the second Monday of each month) FREE Storytime & crafts with Conifer Library’s Brian Mosbey. MRC. RSVP to Laurie at 303.838.7552 x30. Tuesday, February 12th at 7:30a Platte Canyon Chamber Breakfast Meeting. Crow Hill Fire Station. Bailey. Tuesday, February 12th from 3p—5p Teen Time Activities. Conifer Library. 10441 Hwy 73. Contact Brian at 303.235.5275, ext. 8952 Tuesday, February 19th from 6p—7p Public Affairs Committee Meeting. Los 3 Garcias Restaurant. 25567 Conifer Road, Suite 120. Conifer Tuesday, February 10th at 7p (doors open at 6:30p) Mountain Area Land Trust presents "The DREAM FACTORY" a ski & snowboard film from Teton Gravity Research. Evergreen Fire Rescue Auditorium. $10 Adults/ $5 Students Tickets at 303-679-0950. Wednesday, February 20th from 8a-9:30a Enhanced Website Class. Conifer Chamber Office. 25997 Conifer Rd., Second Floor Learn about the features of the Enhanced Website on GoConifer.com February 20 at from 7a—8:30a Be a Judge for the DECA students. CHS. RSVP to JP Little at 720.335.7448 Wednesday, February 20th from 1p – 3p Alzheimer's Association Offers Class for Caregivers. Mt. Evans Home Health & Hospice. 3081 Bergen Peak Drive. Contact Sara Spaulding at 303-564-9268 or Sara.Spaulding@alz.org. Thursday, February 21st from 8:30a to 4p Government, non-profit, businesses and the faith-based community will discover the power of working together at the 3rd Power of Partnership Conference. WaterStone Community Church, 5890 S. Alkire Street, in Littleton. Thursday, Feb. 21st from 4p—7p at Los 3 Garcias Restaurant. Presale Tickets are $15 by calling Dawn at 303.838.5711. Tickets $20 at the door. Thursday, February 21st Parenting Class (occurs the third Thursday of each month) Little Britches Boutique. 26437 Conifer Road. Friday, February 22nd at 9:15a Ribbon Cuttings for 285Bound.com and Joy International. At the Chamber. Saturday, February 23rd from 6p—9p Workshop Howling at the Moon: Releasing Our Inner Wolf—How To Honor Your True Calling and Achieve Your Dreams. Led by Kim Burnett. $25 includes dinner. Register at 720.277.7419. Sunday February 24th from 9a to 4p "Maximizing the Health and Performance of Your Horse" Jefferson County Fairgrounds. $10 (includes lunch and gift bag) Participants must register in advance (no registration at the door) www.aspencreeklac.com Tuesday, February 26 from 6:30p—8:30p Book Club Discussing The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Conifer Library. 10441 Hwy 73. Contact Brian at 303.235.5275, ext. 8952 Thursday, February 27th from 11:30a—1p Lunch and Learn: Strategic Planning. See info on page 6 of this newsletter. Thursday, February 27th (Tentative Date: Call Brooks Place for Details) A special dinner paired with beers from Boulder’s Upslope Brewing Co. Brooks Place. (303) 816-1499 And now a Message from Your Chairman of the Board: Stan Foxx Stan can be reached at 720.635.9310 and nmrsearch@gmail.com I just read Pastor Lance’s New Year’s Resolution about getting out of shape and how proud he was that he has accomplished that goal so quickly in the New Year. It started me to thinking about all the resolutions I have successfully kept. Nope. Can’t think of a single one. I did manage to quit smoking a couple of decades or so ago but that wasn’t because of a resolution. I have managed to lose weight a couple hundred times but that wasn’t the result of a resolution, either. I also put it back on which certainly wasn't a resolution, either. Actually, my weight has ping ponged most of my adult life and I’ll probably never be in the shape I was in when a bunch of gung-ho Marines at NAS Cherry Point goaded me into running with them. Good-bye lunch. Hello 3 mile run. I really don’t believe in resolutions though they do work for a lot of people. I believe in evolutions. That is meaningful change doesn’t come from resolving to do something on a certain day on the calendar, it comes from a gradual awareness of self; that one needs to do something different or better in order to achieve some goal. Last month I wrote that January was a good time to reassess and take stock and, while I’m not backing away from that thought, there is, as a wise man once said, “no time like the present.” If you have evolved to a certain point in your thinking about a problem, a business or personal issue that makes you stop and think “it’s time to do something,” than, why wait? Many of us, my own self included, tend to spend a lot of time ruminating, cogitating and reflecting (my apologies to the Rev. Jesse Jackson) when positive action is required. As February approaches, it’s time to think about the composition of our Board of Directors. As many of you know, this is a working board and everyone contributes to the success of the Chamber and its many activities. With the unlimited supply of energy and effort from Dawn Smith, our Executive Director and the help of our Board, 2012 was a successful year for us. As 2013 begins to take hold, we need at least 3 rock stars to step up and fill the 3 spots that will become vacant in March. If you have ideas, time, energy, interest and a strong desire to contribute all four to the betterment of our business community, make yourselves known to either Dawn or myself. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to FeBREWary at Los 3 Garcias! If it’s anything like OctoBEERfest it should be a hoot. Happy Valentine’s Day, Stan P.S. With all due respect to the West Metro Chamber of Commerce, aren't the speed traps in Morrison a little over the top? C'mon people, pretty soon no one is going to visit your town. Come to think of it, Conifer hopes you continue busting people for doing 6 in a 5 mph zone. NEW MONTHLY FEATURE: PRACTICAL TIPS FROM THE JEFFERSON COUNTY BUSINESS RESOURCE CENTER Plan to work ON your business not IN your business in 2013 A new year can be new beginnings even if your business is not new. Here are a few tips to consider: Shift your focus from day-today details to strategically planning how to grow the business. Before immersing yourself into a task that is taking a lot to time, ask yourself, “is this activity helping to achieve my goal?” If not drop it or delegate if possible. Join a “success” team or master mind group to help you review goals and be accountable. (Check with Jefferson County Business Resource Center on their coming soon Master Mind Group. Document the key processes in your business, the critical steps you must do to run the business smoothly, what can you automate or delegate or do without? Don’t spend your time reacting; be intentional in how you use your time each day. Develop a systemized marketing plan including social media. Do not be reactive- karma and coincidence really do not work when it comes to marketing. Schedule time for learning, if you stop learning, you’ll stop growing. The Jefferson County Business Resource Center (JCBRC) is here to help you identify 3 key questions with your business: 1. What am I doing now that I should continue doing? 2. What am I doing now that I should stop doing? 3. What have I not considered that I should be doing? Your mission is to be successful; our mission is to help you! Jayne Reiter Jayne at jayne@jeffcobr.org Greetings Everyone! We are just about ready to kick off sales of ads for our 2nd edition of the Foothill Adventure Maps, so if you bought a space on last year’s be looking for that notice in your Inbox. If you didn’t have one last year and would like to get on the map, please send me an email! To go with the map, we will also be requesting “coupons” that we can arrange as a coupon sheet to hand out at events to give further enticement to come visit us! Be thinking of what you can offer... We have settled on a schedule for the 285 Tourism Meetings in 2013. We’d love to have you join us every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Conifer Chamber office at 6:30pm. If you can’t make the meeting, but want to be in the loop, let me know and I’ll add you to our email distribution. Looking forward to a great year! With gratitude, Sharon Trilk Reach me at SharonT@285Bound.com or 720-608-0285 FEATURED HOT DEALS List your Hot Deals at GoConifer.com & they will be posted for the world, & published in the newsletter & sent to 700 people. AUTHENTICITY WITH HORSES FREE Discovery Session: Come meet the horses and coach for a 30 minute discovery session to experience the magic of horse healing facilitated by your coach. NO horse experience required; no riding involved; all "work" is on the ground in a safe and serene environment. phone: (303) 669-0327 email: info@authenticity-with-horses.com www.authenticity-with-horses.com BIG R FARM & RANCH SUPPLY Big R Offers 10% off of your in store purchase at Big R in Conifer. 25557 Conifer Rd., Building 7B phone: (303) 816-7124 email: bobbywinstead@mybigr.com Conifer Lobos United Boosters (CLUB) DONATE TODAY - LIGHTS AT LOBO FIELD GIVE NOW FOR PHASE 1 - TAXABLE DONATION FOR 2012! 501(c) 3 Tax ID 20-2336368 phone: (303) 929-6810 email: conifer.club@gmail.com website: www.clubchs.org CLARITY COACHING Free First Meeting: Initial coaching consultation which will include discussing where you are now and where you would like to be and first steps to get there. phone: (303) 437-2226 email: jan@myclaritycoaching.com website: www.myclaritycoaching.com CREEKSIDE INSURANCE We are offering all Chamber Members a $10 Gift Card if you provide us the opportunity to provide you a no cost, no obligation quote on your Home, Auto, Business or Life Insurance needs. Just mention this ad when you contact our office at 303/838-8338. Email jim@creeksideinsurance.com. GOODRICH CHIMNEY SERVICES 15% off of cleaning services to chamber members. Free in-home estimates for anyone interested in putting in a new unit or refacing an existing fireplace. 20% off of vent systems to chamber members that purchase a new unit from us. phone: (303) 816-4900 email: gcssamanthag@gmail.com HALEY’S CLOSET (now at NEW LOCATION by Peak Academy of Dance) 10% off when you print coupon from GoConifer.com phone: 303-816-9757 email: danaport@msn.com website: www.haleysclosetconifer.com LCI SIGNS DISCOUNT on Signs, Banners, Posters, Carved Wood ,Bronze Plaques, & Metal with Discount code ( LCISigns ) phone: (303) 838-2326 email: lcisigns@gmail.com website: http://www.lcisigns.com LEGAL SHIELD: NANCY DUNKIN Free registration: purchase a family or business plan and we will play your registration fee. phone: (303) 674-2791 email: nndnkn@yahoo.com website: www.NancyDunkin.com LIONS HEAD RANCH SUBDIVISION Free $1500 Closing Costs through 12/31/2012: Buy a gorgeous home site at Lions Head Ranch where owner financing is available, and close by Dec 31, 2012 to get $1500 in closing costs free! phone: (303) 816-2316 email: happy.heart.321@gmail.com website: www.LionsHeadRanch.net METRO BROKERS: NANCY WOODSON FREE Buyer's Home Warranty: Sign a Buyer's Agreement with Nancy Woodson and you will receive a FREE Buyer's Home Warranty on your new home purchase! ($250 value) Some restrictions apply. phone: (303) 697-1767 email: ncwcpa@aol.com website: http://www.cohomedeals.com MILE HIGH DIVAS SPRAY TANNING 4 Tahitian Tan get 1 Free $125.00. Prom 1 Tahitian Tan $25.00. Bride to Be 1 Tahitian Tan $25.00. phone: (720) 365-5149 email: milehidivasfitness@hotmail.com website: www.milehighdivas.com SOUL PATH LIVING 20% Off of Services for Conifer Chamber Members Conifer Chamber Members: Treat yourself this February and save 20% on the following services: Massage, Energy Work and Intuitive Readings. For more information: phone: (303) 815-7826 email: davidwaldas@gmail.com website: http://www.soulpathliving.com New Member Profile Bill Budroe 1st Business Funding 303-501-9079 Bill Budroe is the owner of 1st Business Funding (1stbusinessfunding.com), a leading source for commercial lending of all types, (see list below.) In today’s world of banking and finance, the small business owner who may have a need for additional cash flow, or maybe some equipment to keep his business operating, or even wants to buy his own building, has very few options. The banks have tightened up their commercial lending guidelines, (very similar to how they have put the squeeze on the residential lending parameters!) to such a degree that there are very few avenues for the small business owner today. Bill has over 25 years of financial experience, ranging from residential mortgage, to Merger and Acquisition financing, to Real Estate and Stock Market Investing, and more. With this background and his many long lasting acquaintances, he has developed a list of lenders who can help small business owners out in most situations. Please contact Bill today for a free, no obligation analysis of your financing needs at 303-501-9079 or email at bill@1stbusinusfunding.com Available types of loans: Commercial Real Estate Loans, Cash Flow lending, Equipment Leasing, Sale Leasebacks, Heavy Equipment Leasing, Heavy Equipment Financing, Medical Financing, Accounts Receivable Financing, Factoring, Bridge and Hard Money Loans, SBA Financing, Business Acquisition Financing, Hotel Financing, Stock Loans, Portfolio Liquidations, Private Equity, Joint Ventures and more. FREE Chamber Website Workshop February 20th from 8:00-9:30a at the Chamber Office Please RSVP to Dawn by Feb. 18th POWERFUL VISIBILITY ON THE CHAMBER WEBSITE! People on our website have already made an important decision; they are looking for a business right here in our area. Recent Chamber Website Statistics Business Directory Category Searches—921 Big R Store had the most searches at 180 Hot Deals were hit 36 times Are you reaching this targeted market? Many members realize the benefit of their membership and the value of targeting the market already driven to the Chamber’s Online Business Directory. It is about utilizing the web and the Chamber name to promote your business. Upgrade opportunities are available, including the ability to display your logo in our Online Business Directory, increase visibility to your own web link, and provide enhancements that give a professional first impression. Learn how to: · Enhance your Listing Logo, Photos, Priority Placement in the Online Business Directory, a 1600 Character Business Description, with an additional 200 Character Description right in the Search Results · Receive an Enhanced Map Listing Pin which includes more information when clicked · Be Highlighted in your Business Category Display a custom banner ad as one of our Limited Business Category Sponsors · Select Premiere Visibility on High Traffic Pages Choose to become a Complete Website Sponsor Are You Interested In Receiving The Following Special Benefits? Eligibility for Ambassador of the Quarter which offers the following: Profile and photo in the Conifer Chamber Newsletter Ad in the Conifer Chamber Newsletter for three months Four minute presentation of your business at a Membership Meeting Free breakfast ticket Still Not Sold? Check This Out! The Top Twelve Benefits of Being A Conifer Chamber Ambassador Meet New People Ability to Earn Free Marketing Keep Your Business in Front of the Public Opportunity to Become the Ambassador of the Quarter with Bio & Photo in the Newsletter and at GoConifer.com Opportunity to Become the Ambassador of the Year Free Listing in the Monthly Chamber Newsletter Opportunity to Enhance Your Professional Skills (like Public Speaking!) Be Part of the Creative Team Making Things Happen in the Conifer Chamber Grow Your Business Through Networking Increased Recognition in the Community Receive Free and Discounted Tickets for Working Events Increase Credibility Through Leadership Positions Our Mission is to be the liaisons between the Conifer Chamber and the businesses community in an effort to vitalize our mountain area. Requirements Attend Quarterly Ambassador Meetings Must be an active member of the Conifer Chamber of Commerce Be the Liaison To A New Member Attend Mixers, Monthly Breakfast Meetings, Ribbon Cuttings and Mixers per availability Promote the Conifer Chamber throughout the community Questions? Contact Diana Paty at 303.242.4150 Membership Drive to 285! Our goal is to reach 285 members in 2013 And we’re offering extra encouragement until Feb. 28th EXISTING CONIFER CHAMBER MEMBERS Refer a potential member and if they join by Thursday, Feb. 28th you will receive the following: Business card-sized ad in the Conifer Chamber newsletter for six months (a $140 value and distribution of 700 and growing) One Free Chamber Breakfast Meeting ticket (a $10 value) Recognition at a Chamber Breakfast Meeting BECOME A NEW MEMBER! In addition to all of the existing benefits you will also receive the following upon payment of annual dues by Thursday, Feb. 28th: Business card-sized ad in the Conifer Chamber newsletter for three months (a $70 value and distribution of 700 and growing) One Free Chamber Breakfast Meeting ticket (a $10 value) Contact Dawn Smith at the Conifer Chamber to join today! 303.838.5711 or director@goconifer.com Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce 2012—2013 Board of Directors Dawn Smith, Exec. Dir. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 127 President – Stan Foxx 720.635.9310 nmrsearch@gmail.com Director – Chris Courtney EDS Waste Solutions 303.901.7130 1st Vice Pres.—Melissa Baker ccourtney@edswaste.com Gerou & Associates Director—Dave Erramouspe 303.674.4177 Starfish Advertising mbaker@gerou.net 720.273.0471 dave@starfishads.com 2nd Vice Pres.—Barry Schroeder FirstBank of Aspen Park 303.838.2030 barry.schroeder@efirstbank.com Treasurer—Diana Paty Bookkeeping by the Numbers 303.242.4150 Director– Tony Perry Morse Evergreen Auto Body 303.670.1333 tperry@morseautobody.com Director—Shelley Turkington Mutual of Omaha Bank (303) 838-1214 diana@bookkeepingbythenumbers.c Sheley.Turkington@mutualofomaha om bank.com Director– Robert Blackwell Independent Propane Co. (303) 838-9880 blackwell@ipropane.com Director—Cliff Bowron Conifer Kitchen Design 303.594.3151 cliffbowron@coniferkitchendesign.com Past President – Jennifer Eleniewski Creekside Insurance, Inc. 303.838.8338 jennifer@creeksideinsurance.com Conifer, CO 80433 Physical Location: 25997 Conifer Rd., Second Floor Phone: 303-838-5711 E-mail: director@goconifer.com www.goconifer.com Office Hours are typically 9:00a to 3:00p Call first as office hours may vary. Harmony HorseWorks is looking for volunteers for horse and ranch help. No horse experience necessary. We train you! Call Barbara Wright at 303.816.0766 for orientation hours. Make room for a horse in your heart! www.harmonyhorseworks.com. Blue Spruce Habitat ReStore in Bergen Park, Evergreen is looking for volunteers who would like to be outside working with plants and flowers. Jared's with Altitude is open 7 days per week at the Blue Spruce Habitat ReStore. No experience necessary. Call Boadachia, ReStore Assistant Manager at 303-908-3199. Discounts for Multiple-Chamber Members! If you belong to more than one of the Conifer, Evergreen and Platte Canyon Chambers, you are eligible to receive a 10% dues discount! Please, let us know, and thanks for your support! GOT SCHWAGG? We are looking for door prizes for our monthly meetings. What a great way to showcase your business or organization! Contact Dawn Smith at 303.838.5711. Thank you! JOB OPENING at the Mountain Resource Center Workforce Services Coordinator. Part-time (20 hours per week) $12.00 to $14.00 per hour. Please submit cover letter and resume to info@mrcco.org Looking for Tax Forms? Due to ongoing budget cuts, Jefferson County Public Library (JCPL) is reducing the number of paper tax forms it will provide to patrons. In 2013, the Library will carry only the most common tax forms; in 2014, JCPL will eliminate paper tax forms altogether. Residents can download, print and request tax forms here:Federal Forms |State Forms. Paper forms can also be ordered online for delivery through the mail. For additional information,contact the Library. Pleasant Park Grange is seeking new members! The Grange is an agricultural family fraternity whose purpose is to build a program of fellowship, service, and member activities. Members must be 14 years or older, and membership is just $25/year. Contact Yvonne at