St. Edward the Confessor - St Edward Confessor Church
St. Edward the Confessor 205 Jackson Avenue, Syosset, New York 11791 “They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother.” Pastoral Team Rev. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor Rev. Hyacinth Jemigbola, Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph Fitzgerald (in residence) Deacon Raymond D’Alessio Deacon James F. Murphy Rectory Office Hours Phone: 921-8030 ext. 110 Fax: 921-4549 Monday - Thursday: 9am - 8pm Friday: 9am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 1pm Pastoral Associate Office Deacon Raymond D’Alessio ext. 134 Clare Crossley ext. 139 St. Edward the Confessor School 2 Teibrook Ave. 921-7767 Mr. Vincent Albrecht, Principal Religious Education Grades 1-6 ext. 124 Grades 7-8 ext. 126 Mrs. Rosemary Pettei, ext. 125, Director Grades 1-8 Parish Social Ministry Mrs. Susan Lawlor, Director 921-8030 ext. 137 Eucharist Saturdays Sundays Weekdays “They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh” We Celebrate the Sacraments 9:00am & 5:00pm 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am & 7:00pm 9:00am Baptism Celebrated on the first and third Sundays of the month at 1:00pm. Please call the rectory to arrange. Confessions Saturdays 12:30 - 1:30pm and upon request Marriage Please contact the rectory upon engagement. Anointing of the Sick Available upon request Devotions • The Miraculous Medal Novena and the Rosary are prayed each Friday at 8:30am, and the Rosary is prayed after the 5pm Mass on the First Saturday of the month. • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held each Friday beginning at 9:30am and concludes with Benediction at 12 noon. • Each Friday a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration begins at 7:00pm and concludes with Benediction at 8:00pm. Music Ministry Jeff & Marilyn Fox, Directors 921-8030 ext. 110 Youth Ministry Carolyn Pugliesi, Director 921-8030 ext. 127 Saint Edward the Confessor Mission Statement The people of Saint Edward the Confessor Parish live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ! + by praying and celebrating the Sacraments + by fostering a community of love among all people + by serving all, especially the poor, the vulnerable and the alienated + by teaching from generation to generation We always WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS. Please register at the rectory office. January 4, 2015 Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord March for Life 42nd March for Life Washington, D.C. Thursday, January 22, 2015 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you” Jeremiah 1:4-5 Every human life that is conceived is a miracle and a gift from God. How heartbreaking that thousands of these little miracles of God are being destroyed every day. Since abortion was made legal in 1973, over 54 million pre-born babies have been violently destroyed. They have been denied the most basic of all rights, the right to life. Our Declaration of Independence calls this an unalienable right. How many is 54 million? Take the populations of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, West Virginia, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona and Idaho. That totals 53,789,702. Can you imagine all of these states without one person in them? On Thursday, January 22nd, Americans will once again gather on the Washington Mall. As President Bush stated in his address to the sea of people participating in the January 22, 2001 March for Life, “We share a great goal: to work toward a day when every child is welcomed in life and protected in law. We know this will not come easily, or all at once. But the goal leads us onward: to build a culture of life, affirming that every person, at every stage and season of life, is created equal in God’s image. The promises of our Declaration of Independence are not just for the strong, the independent, or the healthy. They are for everyone – including unborn children.” Join the ranks of thousands as we march to our nation’s Capitol to proclaim that “LIFE IS PRECIOUS AND WORTH DEFENDING.” If you are interested in going to Washington D.C. to participate in the March for Life, please fill out the tear-off below and bring to the Rectory Office. You will be contacted with bus departure and return information. If you have any questions, please call Diane Knausman at 516 528-8033. Thank you and God bless you! St. Edward’s Respect Life Group ————————————————————————————————————————————-- March for Life-January 22nd, 2015 Name:_________________________________________ Contact No. ________________________________ Best Day/Time to Call:________________________________ From the Pastor’s Desk “…behold Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem. Saying, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at it’s rising and have come to do him homage.’” “They were amazed at seeing the star, and entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother…and did him homage.” Today’s celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord (also known as Little Christmas) reminds us that even as an infant, Christ was made manifest to the whole world, as signified by this visit from these gentile noblemen. Just imagine how excited they were, as their long journey came to an end. A journey which began at the sighting of such a wonderful, strange star that moved through the night from the east to west. This wonderful occurrence in the universe was understood by the Magi as a sign of something wonderful happening here on earth. Imagine their confusion when the star they were following disappeared as they approached Jerusalem; the place they believed would be their destination. Think of how taken back they were to not find him in the palace, but in a humble house; a stable as Luke tells us in his Christmas account. Here is where they found not just the newborn King of the Jews, but also the King of Kings. Many would have said, well we are in the wrong place, let’s go! But keep in mind, these were scholars not just of the sky, but of the religious traditions of all the peoples in the area. They knew the promises given through the Prophets of Israel, they knew that a Messiah was expected, and they knew that God works in His own way. So instead of turning around, they dropped to their knees, paid Him great homage, and placed before Him gifts fitting a king. The Magi totally understood what God had done, how God would make His Messiah manifest not in a palace, but in a simple modest place, so that all could benefit from His mission on earth. They may not have known that Jesus was God made one of us, but they did know the He was certainly one sent by God to make all things new. Today also reminds us that God can be seen in so many ways in our lives, all we have to do is be open and look carefully. We must be like the magi who did not reject what they saw at Bethlehem, but embrace what God has shown each of us in our lives. If you are not sure what He has shown you, than take time to think, and ask God to show you again, and stop looking for God to act only in grand and miraculous ways. Remember God also works in little ways and in ways you least expect. At the end of this month, we will celebrate Catholic Schools’ Week, and it promises to be a great week. We will have Open House hours where you can come and tour the school and see all the good things that St. Edward’s School has to offer your children, grandchildren, cousins, and neighbors’ kids. During this week you can meet with our principal Mr. Vincent Albrecht, and many of our teachers. A Catholic Education provides your child with all they need to know about this world, and with all they need to know about the world to come. It provides them with all the tools they need to change the world, and to do their part in building up the church and the Kingdom of God. Please feel free to call the school at (516) 921-7767; you will be happy you did. Let us pray: O God, who on this day revealed your only Begotten Son to the nations by the guidance of a star, grant in your mercy that we, who know you already by faith, may be brought to behold the beauty of your sublime glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Fr. Mike Mass Intentions Monday 9:00 a.m. January 5 Mary Brett Tuesday 9:00 a.m. January 6 Jack O’Sullivan Wednesday 9:00 a.m. January 7 Louise Gibson Thursday 9:00 a.m. January 8 Anthony Tymann Friday 9:00 a.m. January 9 Anthony Calvano Saturday 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. January 10 Catherine & Michael Scanlon Don Knausman Grace Dierschke Anthony LoPresti Salvatore Foti Sean White Michael O. Sehanni Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. January 11 For Our Parishioners Marion & Lynn Tucker Andres Araoz Savino V. Stallone Helen McVey Don Knausman Glenn Sullivan Giovanna Rizzo Robert Joseph O’Rourke Bill Stouges 7:00 p.m. Gospel Glimpses January 4, 2015 Matthew 2:1-12 "They fell down and worshiped Jesus" The Altar Bread & Wine For the week of January 4, 2015 – January 10, 2015 is Given in Loving Memory of: If Jesus truly is who he claims to be, the eternal Son of God and Savior of the world, then why is he not recognized by everyone who hears his word and sees his works? John the Evangelist states that when Jesus came into the world the world knew him not and his own people received him not (John 1:1011). Jesus was born in obscurity. Only the lowly shepherds recognized him at his birth. Some wise men also found their way to Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn King of Israel. These men were not Israelites, but foreigners. They likely had read and discussed the Messianic prophecies and were anxious to see when this Messianic King would appear. God led them by means of an extraordinary star across the desert to the little town of Bethlehem where Jesus was born. John Chrysostom (347-407), in his homily on this passage from Matthew 2, explains the significance of the star of Bethlehem: "Note how fitting was the order of events: the wise men saw the star, were received by the Jews and their king; they heard prophecy to explain what had appeared; the angel instructed them; and then they journeyed from Jerusalem to Bethlehem by the guidance of the star. From all this we learn that this was not an ordinary star, for no other star has this capacity to guide, not merely to move but to beckon, to “go before them,” drawing and guiding them along their way. The star remained after bringing them to the place, in order that the child might also be seen. For there is nothing conspicuous about the place. The inn was ordinary. The mother was not celebrated or notable. The star was needed to manifest and illumine the lowly place, until they had reached their destination at the manger." [The Gospel of Matthew, Homily 7:3] In their thirst for knowledge of God, the wise men from the East willingly left everything, their home and country, in pursuit of that quest. In their diligent search they were led to the source of true knowledge - to Jesus Christ, the Light and Wisdom of God. When they found the newborn King they humbly worshiped him and gave him gifts fitting for a king. From Death to New Life Augie D’Alessandro By Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Cordaro Mary Santoro Paul Petrini Cordelia Mordi The Sanctuary Candle For the week of January 4, 2015 – January 10, 2015 is Lit in Loving Memory of: Pray For The Sick Don Knausman All names on the sick list will remain for six weeks, if you would like a name to remain longer, please call the Rectory Office. By Allison, Don and Mary Grace MacAvoy Presider Schedule Sat. January 10, 2015 Sun. January 11, 2015 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Fr. Mike Fr. Joe Fr. Joe Fr. Mike Fr. Hyacinth Andrew Grasso Michael Cintorino Ruth Odwazny Kathy Rooney Helen Ziegler Julianna Key William Benjamin Joseph Phalen Patricia Froehlich Douglas Gerbosi Alberta Zero Molly Symington Richard Strype Mary Vogt Lisa Klingenberg KristenWadsworth Christina Fisher Carolyn MillerLouise Gerosa Armand Sposato Terry Ullrich Elizabeth EnglishLong Parish Social Ministry Last Week’s Collection Pantry hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am to 12 noon Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Our Weekly Offering Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014 Envelopes $14,640.00 487 Weekly Budget Weekly Difference +/- $18,000 -3360 *YTD Actual *YTD Budget *YTD Difference+/- 288,258.10 306,000.00 -17,741.90 We thank all who contributed to the support of our Parish! *YTD=Fiscal year Sept.01-Aug. 31 SEC MISSIONER’S MONTHLY FOOD COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND AT THE MASSES PANTRY NEEDS: Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Pancake Mix, Tuna, Mayo, Mustard, Salad Dressings, Bread Crumbs, Cereal, Small non-perishable microwave meals, Pop-Tarts, Shampoo, Conditioner, Paper Napkins, Paper Towels, Cleaning Supplies, Laundry and Dish Detergent. Please be mindful of expiration Boys’ Volleyball Pass Athletics Inc. 7th & 8th grade Boys Preseason Volleyball Clinic St. Edward’s Gymnasium Dates: Saturday Jan. 10th, 2015 8:30AM to 11:30AM Monday Jan. 19th, 2015 9:00AM to 12:00 Noon dates. Thank you! HAPPY NEW YEAR! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT & GENEROSITY! Knight of Columbus Cost for two sessions-$130.00 For Information and Registration Email Coach Acquaro at Joseph G. Gorman Council 5091 Syosset, NY HAPPY NEW YEAR! Business Meeting – January 13, 2015 7:30 PM in Holy Family Room Check out our new website: CHARITY IS THE ROLE OF ALL CATHOLICS This Week’s Readings Next Week’s Readings January 4, 2015 – The Epiphany of the Lord First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm: 72 Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 January 11, 2015 – The Baptism of the Lord First Reading: Isaiah 55:1-11 Psalm: Isaiah 12 Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-9 Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 Welcome our Newly Baptized Fallon Frances Langan Max Francis Langan Ryleigh May Cerullo Salvatore Franco Moscato Sydney Ann Allen From the Pastoral Associate’s Office Christmas 2014...Our hear tfelt gr atitude to Ann Mar ie and Richard Mastino and their team of dedicated volunteers who prepared the Church for Christmas. The flowers and the crèche were beautifully done by the volunteer team while the Sanctuary trees and wreaths were the artistic work of Scarsella's of Laurel Hollow. We wish to thank our clergy; Fr. Mike, Fr. Hyacinth, Fr. Joe, Deacon Jim and Deacon Andrew for their ministry to us; their exceptional and uplifting homilies and their dedication to our Parish each and every day. They are a gift to our Church. Baptism Class There will be a Baptism Preparation Class held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 from 7:30 pm to 9 pm in the Youth Office located on the lower level in the school building. Parents who wish to have their children baptized at St. Edward’s are required to attend a preparation class. Please call the rectory at 921-8030 to register. We wish to thank Sr. Sheila Browne, our daily Sacristans, our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ushers and Greeters, Sunday Sacristans, Altar Servers and our Music Ministry including our Youth Group and the Children's Choir for all the time and effort they put into making our Advent and our Christmas celebrations truly meaningful and well executed. And we could not possibly forget to especially thank our entire Parish for their generosity, their financial support, their gifts and their cards and good wishes. We are fortunate and blessed to have so many wonderful people who make serving God's people a joy and a privilege. Our Rectory Open House…was very well attended this year. Our thanks to Clare Crossley, Mary Cordaro and Steven Beyer for their work in organizing the morning. A special THANK YOU to Beney’s Funeral Home for providing our 2015 St. Edward’s calendars. A happy and peace filled New Year, Deacon Ray K of C Columbiettes THERE WILL BE AN ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF ALL PARISHIONERS INTERESTED IN FORMING THE COLUMBIETTES AT ST. EDWARD’S Must be over the age of 17 DATE: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 TIME: 7:30 PM PLACE: Holy Family Room CHARITY IS THE ROLE OF ALL CATHOLICS Men’s Club Meeting On Tuesday January 16, 2015 the Men’s Club will meet in the Holy Family Room at 10 AM. The speaker will be Jay H. Broad. The Topic is Medicare: Facts and Fiction. All members are urged to attend! RCIA Sensational Senior Trips SENSATIONAL TRIPS PLANNED FOR 2015 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ At Christmastime, people often realize that something is missing in their life, a place to meet God! Know someone looking for such a place? …a place to know God …a place to fill the empty spaces in your heart … a place to belong? Perhaps they are looking for a place in our parish!! These questions - and many more can be answered at St Edward’s RCIA For information call May 20 or 21 Freedom Cruise when fleet is in. Lunch on trip. $89 to reserve, send check to: Denise Wetter, 102 Clover Rd, Woodbury NY 11797. Phone 921-0924 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ June 3 History Remembered, New 911 memorial. Lunch included. $99 to reserve, send check to: Barbara Conboy, 152 Meyers Ave., Hicksville, NY 11801. Phone 433-7649 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ July 14 Lauren Kristy River Boat on Great South Bay Lunch included. $99 to reserve, send check to: Pat Ennis 51 Willets Drive, Syosset NY 11791. Phone 921-8183 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ August 11 Grand Central Station N.Y.C. Lunch included. $105 to reserve, send check to: Peggy Dunleavy 204 Colonial Circle, Woodbury, NY 11797 Phone 516-364-0049 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ September 8 Culinary Institute & Hudson River Cruise. $113 to reserve, send check to: Eileen Paterson 17 Fieldstone Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 Phone 516-921-7673 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ October 4 Beautiful (a Broadway play). Information to follow. Sr Sheila Browne, 516-721-3593 Christian joy is borne out of nearness to Christ, said Pope Francis during his Angelus address for the third Sunday of Advent, adding that “gloomy-faced” saints are a contradiction. December 14, 2014 Sensational Trips for 2015 The next trip will be in May, a cruise in New York Harbor on The Spirit of New Y ork and should be especially exciting because it will be during Fleet Week—it’s called the Freedom Cruise. All of the trips scheduled for 2015 are posted on the bulletin board in the hallway off the Church vestibule. If room permits all of the trips will be listed in the church bulletin. If you are interested in a certain trip, call the person listed on the bulletin board, or for general questions call Dolores at 921-0484. If we get 40 or more persons for a trip we will be picked up at St. Edward’s. Remember all checks are to be made out to: Rendezvous Travel Christmas Flowers Donated in Memory of: Angelina Abbatiello Allen & Dowd Families Janet Allegro Christina Angelo Maureen Bevelaqua, Patricia DeWeger Jeanne & Andy Bisso Angela Brancato Bruce & Matthew Bunch The Byrne & Frake Families Joseph Chako Children of Sandy Hook Chris Conologue John M. Conroy William Crowe Jerry & Helene Cronin Michael & Mary Vissichelli D’Alessio & Farrell Families Frances & Peter DeCarol Lorraine & Frank O’Brien Dessoffy & Moran Families Deceased Members of Altman & Burggraf Families Deceased Members of Ennis Family Deceased Members of Grgas Family F. Arthur DeFilippis Florence Ferri Susan Foehrenbach Giannetti & Essig Families Bryan Gibbs and Sante Nicolia Ronald C. Graeber Edward P. Greeley William Grim Alan Hahn Horan & O’Hara Families Jose & Catalina Ingson Bridget Insall Raffaela Iovino Irene and Mary Cecelia & Howard Kreutzer Klingler & Dunn Families The Leonard Family Manfredonia & Hayes Families Arthur & Eleanor Marcell Thomas McGrath, Ritsa Hala & Charlotte Remsbecker Ellen L. McGann Peter J. Morley Liboria & Salvatore Mule Meehan & Swanson Families Mom & Dad Vicky Mongiardo John D. O’Brien Parents, Sister, Family & Friends The Parkes Family Andrew & Sarah Perro & Molly Ciminelli Poggioli & Chimera Families Saverio & Marillyn Rizzi Gerald Rooney, Martin & Margretta King Sister Jackie Walsh Paul Tourlis Clementine & Gerard Sarraf Michael J. Scicutella Savino V. Stallone Lee Swierski Tony Tortorici Johanna Trachtenberg Mary Ann Tully Angela Vasile Waiter, Wilson, Michaleskii and Tyranski Families Sr. Patrice Ward Charles L. Weber In Thanksgiving by the following families: M/M R. Debra M/M F. Hirt M/M S. Lobo M/M F. Palumbo M/M W. McHale Ms. J. Dellicicchi Mrs. M. Dunleavy M/M P. Tramantana M/M. M. Verdello Sr. Eleanor Nishio M/M R. Landherr Mrs. L. Manzella M/M G. Donatich M/M J. Craparotta All Our Loved Ones Who Passed (Donations recv’d. as of 12/29/14) Military List “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hand. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen” Lt. Jameson Adler, Navy SEAL Lt. Kathryn Adler, U.S. Navy S.R. Ryan Bell, USN Maj. Joel Bernazzani U.S.A.F 1st Lt. Oliver Ennis, U.S. Army Lt. John Hagerman, U.S. Navy Lt. JG Amanda Hine, U.S. Navy A1C. Christopher Hofer U.S.A.F. Capt. Christian Kapey, U.S.M.C. Capt. Karen Kobus, U.S.M.C. Lance Corporal, James A. Krupa U.S.M.C. Sr. Amn. Michael LiBretto, U.S.A.F. Pastoral Council Fr. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor Deacon James Murphy Gregg Bonomi Sr. Monica Henkemeier, RSM Fiona Castro Gio Gliner Francine Cosenza Claire Kapey Kathy DeNatale David Krieg Kevin Frain Donna Zaino “The Council serves as a forum of consultation for the pastor and members, primarily by engaging them in ongoing dialogue about the needs, feelings, hopes and reactions of parishioners.” Guidelines for Pastoral Councils #B-2). Please feel free to contact any council member at any time regarding your “needs, feelings, hopes and reactions.” All council members can be reached through the rectory office. Pvt. Erik Liebergall, U.S.M.C. SSgt. Ryan Lutz, Air Force Nat. Guard Pvt. Jonathan Maldonado U.S. Army 1st Lt. Christopher McCole U.S.Army Lt. JG Brian Shields, U.S.C.G. SSgt. Paul Smith, U.S. Army Capt. Carl Tiska, Navy SEAL Maj. Michael F. Wendelken, U.S.A.F. If you would like to inform us of any family member or friend who has been called to active service, please call our Rectory 516-921-8030 x 110 with information. We will list their names so the entire parish can include them in their prayers. Please call the Rectory when your loved one has returned from military duty. Parish Devotions Please join us for the following Parish Devotions The Miraculous Medal Novena and Rosary prayed each Friday at 8:30AM. The Parish Rosary prayed after the 5:00PM Saturday evening Mass on the First Saturday of the Month. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Friday beginning at 9:30AM and concluding with Benediction at Noon. Parish Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration beginning at 7:00PM each Friday evening with Benediction at 8:00PM followed immediately by Night Prayer and Blessing. Telephone Directory ST. EDWARD—TELEPHONE 516-921-8030 Rectory Office Maryann Waite Ann Fisher (evenings) Karen Morrone School Florence Cassidy, Secretary Religious Education Office Rosanne Alexander, Grades 1-6 Roberta Zero, Grades 7-8 Pastoral Center Offices Jack Malone, Parish Manager Miguel DeLeon Parish Social Ministry Susan Lawlor RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Sister Sheila Browne, RSM ext. 110 110 112 121 124 126 136 132 137 135 Community Hotline The Safe Center of Long Island is a new non-profit that offers 24-hour, 7 day a week crisis counseling, advocacy and assistance for women, men and children who are victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or child abuse. Services are free and confidential. 516-542-0404 St. Edward’s Website WWW.ST-EDWARDS.ORG Please check our website for recent news, schedules, updates and directions. El Parral Restaurant T. Zamow, Edward Jones Daniel Financial Advisor Making Sense of Investing Specialties From Spain & Italy 8 Berry Hill Road, Syosset 516 - 921 - 2844 KENS FAUCET 343 Jackson Avenue Family Dentistry Syosset Cosmetics • Implants FULL SERVICE SALON 516-496-3453 MARK A. DeNIGRIS, D.D.S. Open Tuesday - Saturday 34 South Oyster Bay Rd. PIPSYOSSET.COM 20 Cold Spring Rd., Syosset & TOILET REPAIRS INC. Licensed Master Plumber Chris & Tony’s All Plumbing Repairs All Bathroom Leaks including Tile Repair 516-488-2480 serving the Community Since 1990 Restaurant & Catering 352 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 516-496-1011 JERICHO PHARMACY Compounds • Fast Service Great Customer Service Organic Cosmetics • Beauty Aids Most Insurance Accepted 10% Off Party Room w/ad Some Exclusions may apply Your Health Is Our Passion 340 Jericho Tpke., Syosset (located next to Mario’s Pizza and Cactus Salon 516.864.0020 M. Taheri, D.D.S. 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Substance Abuse • Intervention • Psychotherapy 333 Glen Head Rd., Suite 155, Glen Head, NY 11545 516-521-1254 DESIGN • BUILD • INSTALL • MAINTAIN Tel 516.799.3567 Licensed & Insured • Member BBB, NSLGA, PLCAA, IPCI “Cleaning Angels” Fine Residential & Office Cleaning Susan Perelli 516-287-4432 Insured • Bonded • Excellent References Over 20 Years Experience Custom Exteriors Home Improvements SIDING • WINDOWS • ROOFING Call for FREE estimate 797-9610 Lic/Ins #155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • 2014 Christmas Tree Lighting Community News Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #2163 Order of the Sons of Italy Syosset-Woodbury, NY. Lodge Trustee Marie Suriano and Lodge member Linda Tiso, both Parishioners, present a check to Fr. Mike and Susan Lawlor for Parish Social Ministry on behalf of the Lodge to assist those in need from the SyossetWoodbury community at Christmas. 516 - 921 - 2888 79 Berry Hill Road, Syosset Beney Funeral Home CHRIS J. COSCHIGNANO, ESQ. SAHN WARD COSCHIGNANO & BAKER, PLLC Attorneys at Law 921-1000 228-1300 116 Jackson Ave., Syosset The Omni Building, Uniondale GEORGE HAAS 516 - 448 - 2357 Real Estate 681-2442 380 Woodbury Rd. Hicksville, NY Amalia (Molly) Symington Realty Connect USA 680-8123 cell Someone U Can Trust 24 HR TOWING & ROAD SERVICE 90 Underhill Blvd., Syosset, NY 11791 Luce Ristorante Pre-Need Counseling Available Steve’s Piccola Bussola Family Style Italian Restaurant Lunch • Dinner Open 7 Days Catering Available SERVICING SYOSSET WITH QUALITY SINCE 1964 Randy Williams Michael Dolinsky J & M AUTO REPAIR 516-364-9230 Fax: 364-6265 Debra McSheffrey Kiehn 516-647-6749 LUNCH•DINNER•CATERING•PRIVATE PARTY ROOM Doris Duvernoy OUTDOOR DINING • LUCE FOOD TRUCK 516-697-0899 1053 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich Signature Mother & Daughter 516-624-8330 Licensed RE Salesperson Premier Properties Income Tax Preparation “Physical Therapy...The Way It Should Be.” Specializing in Rehabilitation For: ORTHOPEDICS • TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENTS • SPORT SPECIFIC INJURIES OSTEOARTHRITIS • PRE/POST OPERATIVE CARE • PEDIATRICS BACK & NECK PAIN • GERIATRICS • HEADACHES 170 Crossways Park Dr. • Woodbury, NY 11797 • 516-921-2900 921-5400 Fax 921-5420 Village Pharmacy of Syosset (516) 496-4622 ACADEMY OF GYMNASTICS 165 Eileen Way 2nd Fl., Syosset 516-584-5157 • Classes • Competitive Teams • Camps • Birthday Parties Friendly Personalized Service 7929 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury Village Ctr Prescriptions Filled While You Wait DUMPSTERS CRYSTAL CHEM-DRY Gift Dept • House Accounts Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning ALL SIZES AVAILABLE “ If Stains Reappear, So Do We!” 921-0880 Fax 921-7975 CLEANOUT & DEMOLITION Free Delivery 433-4701 Tile and Grout Cleaning PROMPT & EFFICIENT SERVICE 38 Cold Spring Road (631) 242-1828 Pick Up & Delivery 516 - 364 - 0004 15 Railroad Ave., Syosset No Appointment Necessary (516) 921-5051 owe ille Fl Where Excellence Prevails v s k c i H Phil’s Pizzeria & Restaurant 265 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 364-6900 (King Kullen Shopping Center) 18 Newbridge Rd J.J. Gorman Council #5091 John G. Rooney, GK 516-496-2131 Ralph Catapano, Fin. Sec. 921-6281 516-681-5010 Fresh & Frozen Seafood Retail Division Wholesale Division 516.496.2416 Ph: 516.932-FISH Open Mon-Sat 8am-6pm Same Day Service! S & S REPAIR CENTER INC. EXPERT AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ASE CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS All Work Guaranteed 30 Underhill Blvd., Syosset (516) 921-1300 C o t t a ge Ph a r ma c y & S ur g ic a l Your Family Health Department Store • Pharmacy Services • Home Medical Equipment • Surgical & diabetic Supplies •Nursing & Companion Svces 8285 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury (516) 367-9030 FREE $10 Gift Card with new Rx (Not for copays or prescriptions) EYE and VISION CARE Assoc. 140 Jackson Ave., Syosset 516-921-3580 Fax: 921-3551 Dr. Sebastian Polizzi, Dr. Elena Rosen, Dr. Davin Dong EYE EXAMS ~ CONTACT LENSES ~ GLASSES ~ SUNGLASSES Participating in Most Insurances- Davis Vision•VSP•HIP BC/BS•Aetna•United Health Care•Eye Med•Most Unions Jerome Bogin, D.D.S. 99 Cold Spring Road Syosset, NY 11791 N.Y.S. Inspections • Gasoline • 24 Hr. Towing 921-8020 Jackson Avenue, Syosset Vehicle Service Advisors Complete Foreign & Domestic Repairs Performance & Aftermarket Modifications Fuel Economy Specialist ABALENE Inc Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning - Fuel Oil Complete Automotive Repair Weddings, Funerals, Arrangements, Banquets Plants For All Occasions, Fruit Baskets We Deliver Anywhere rs Cell: (516) 808-2432 “3rd Generation” Family Owned & Operated FERRARIʼS AUTO REPAIR 2 Split Rock Rd., Syosset Lic RE Sales Ready to Serve 364-8383 * (One Hour Free Consultation) SAGAMORE Jascintha Vaz Lobo 41 Jackson Ave., Syosset J a m e s T i n n e l l y C F P NYS Inspection COLLEGE & RETIREMENT PLANNING* Credit Cards Accepted 516-921-7444 Daily Specials • Catering & Take Out Available 30+ Flavors That Will Blow You Away Visit us: King Kullen Shopping Center 275 Jericho Tpke., Syosset Call us: 516.921.WING Track us: Facebook us: 516.921.3586 8049 Jericho Tpke / Woodbury ($2off on $20 purchase w/ad) Syosset Auto Body, Inc. 35 Underhill Blvd., Syosset 516-921-0174 Fax: 496-8819 INTERNAL MEDICINE DR. DANIEL J. CYRAN 921-2817 921-0711 99 & 85 COLD SPRING ROAD DR. JOHN MCGALEY 921-1240 85 COLD SPRING RD., SYOSSET Phone Systems • Full House Wiring • Key Pad System • Lighting Controls Premium Lines & Ultimate Service ISLAND TOPSOIL “We Specialize in Topsoil” S AN D • GR A VE L • FI L L • T O PS OI L TRUCK FOR HIRE 85 Oak Drive WE DELIVER 364-2972/4 142 Underhill Blvd., Syosset P. 516.364.5599 Plasma’s • LCD’s • LED’s • Custom Home Theatre • 3D TV’s 516-938-1555 516-938-1660 440 South Oyster Bay Rd. Hicksville, NY LUNCH ● DINNER ● CATERING #155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
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