April 12, 2015 - St Edward Confessor Church


April 12, 2015 - St Edward Confessor Church
St. Edward the Confessor
205 Jackson Avenue, Syosset, New York 11791
Jesus came and
When he had said
this, he showed
them his hands
and his side. The
disciples rejoiced
when they saw
the Lord.
stood in their
midst and said to
them, “Peace be
with you.”
Pastoral Team
Rev. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor
Rev. Hyacinth Jemigbola, Associate Pastor
Rev. Joseph Fitzgerald (in residence)
Deacon Raymond D’Alessio
Deacon James F. Murphy
Rectory Office Hours
Phone: 921-8030 ext. 110
Fax: 921-4549
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 8pm
9am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 1pm
Pastoral Associate Office
We Celebrate the Sacraments
9:00am & 5:00pm
7:30, 9:30, 11:30am & 7:00pm
Celebrated on the first and third Sundays of the month at
1:00pm. Please call the rectory to arrange.
12:30 - 1:30pm and upon request
Deacon Raymond D’Alessio ext. 134
Clare Crossley ext. 139
Please contact the rectory upon engagement.
St. Edward the Confessor School
Available upon request
2 Teibrook Ave.
Mr. Vincent Albrecht, Principal
Religious Education
Grades 1-6 921-8543
Grades 7-8 921-8544
Mrs. Rosemary Pettei, Director Grades 1-8
Mrs. Lisa Abramo Coordinator-Confirmation Program
Parish Social Ministry
Mrs. Susan Lawlor, Director
921-8030 ext. 137
Anointing of the Sick
• The Miraculous Medal Novena and the Rosary are prayed
each Friday at 8:30am, and the Rosary is prayed after the
5pm Mass on the First Saturday of the month.
• Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held each Friday
beginning at 9:30am and concludes with Benediction at 12
• Each Friday a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration begins at
7:00pm and concludes with Benediction at 8:00pm.
Music Ministry
Jeff & Marilyn Fox, Directors
921-8030 ext. 110
Youth Ministry
Carolyn Pugliesi, Director
921-8030 ext. 127
April 12, 2015
Saint Edward the Confessor Mission Statement
The people of Saint Edward the Confessor Parish live
and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
+ by praying and celebrating the Sacraments
+ by fostering a community of love among all people
+ by serving all, especially the poor, the vulnerable
and the alienated
+ by teaching from generation to generation
Please register at the rectory office.
Second Sunday
of Easter
Divine Mercy
St. Edward’s Annual Dinner & Fashion Show
From the Pastor’s Desk
“Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here
and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it
into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.’ Thomas answered… ‘My Lord and my
God!’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those
who have not seen and have believed.’”
This exchange of words between the Risen
Lord and St. Thomas are indeed familiar to us,
in fact we hear them every Second Sunday of
Easter. Yes, they are familiar, but the danger
with familiar words is that we get so used to
hearing them, that we fail to listen to them, or
they fail to move us as they should. When we
look at St. Thomas we are filled with many
emotions, especially when we hear that he refused to believe the account the other Apostles
told him about seeing the Risen Lord. We might
even be upset with him for leaving the room, for
abandoning the others. Some of us, however,
may totally agree with Thomas and say that they
too would not have believed the story of seeing
the Risen Jesus. They too would say I have to see
it with my own eyes!
But key to the account of Thomas’ doubt is
Jesus’ words to him to believe. Belief is defined
as the ability to accept or regard something as
true; to accept the truth of what is said by someone or what is written, and to trust completely in
the context (in this case the New Testament).
Without believing in Jesus, as He is and who He
is, you can never see the truth about Him. Without believing in Jesus as the one sent by the
Father, and who is one with the Father the
world cannot be saved. Not because God is petty
and says to us, if you will not accept me, I will
stop loving you and not allow you into the kingdom. God is never like that, because He loves us
unconditionally, but if we refuse to believe we
are the ones who are cutting ourselves off from
God and all He wants to give us through the
Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I believe that St. Thomas truly wanted to
believe the other Apostles, when they told him
about the appearance of the Risen Lord, and I
believe that he was hoping it was true, but it was
for him too much to believe. It was for Thomas
something that was too good to be true, so he
chose not to believe or trust.
This lack of trust is what got him into trouble
and it blocked his mind, heart and soul from
believing the others, even our dear Blessed
This all changes when he sees Jesus and Jesus
does take Thomas to task for not believing and
trusting in His word and the word of the others.
This is only for a short period of time, for
Thomas discontinues his disbelief and not only
does he believe, he is totally converted and thus
makes the most profound statement of faith
found in the New Testament when he falls on his
knees and declares, “My Lord and my God.”
How about us, will we be like doubting
Thomas and believe in only what we can see, or
will we trust completely in God and the promises
made throughout the ages (as we recalled them
last Saturday night at the Easter Vigil). The
promises that he would deliver us from sin,
death and darkness, that God would send us
a Messiah who would bring us new light and life.
Christ tells us in today’s Gospel blessed are
those who have not seen and have believed, is
that you, is that me? To some degree it must be
us, or we would not be here today, but we can
always grow more in our trust and faith and
perhaps we can share that with others. After all
once St. Thomas received the Holy Spirit, he
went out to India to share his faith and began
the founding of the Church in one of Asia’s most
important areas. And Thomas would die because of his faith in Jesus.
Today is also Divine Mercy Sunday, this day
was declared officially on the Church’s
Calendar by Saint Pope John Paul II, as he confirmed the visions of the Risen Lord to
St. Faustina, and that this day was to be
dedicated to the Divine Mercy and the Icon that
was written with the words “Jesus I trust in
you.” Our Lord wants us to approach Him, not
like Thomas with fear or disbelief, but with love,
confidence and total trust in Him.
Happy Easter!
Fr. Mike
Mass Intentions
9:00 a.m.
April 13
Joseph & Josephine Vallini
9:00 a.m.
April 14
Catherine Bartolomeo
9:00 a.m.
April 15
Donald & Jack Kempton
9:00 a.m.
April 16
Margaret M. Conway
9:00 a.m.
April 17
Louise Gibson
9:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
April 18
Paul D’Abbraccio
Edward Puerzer
Antonette DeSilva
Vincent M. Capobianco
Joseph Antario
Betty Polaschik
Peter Pinto
Grace Clasen
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
April 19
For Our Parishioners
Sylvester Simone
David LaMarca
Serge Penzi
Olympia Fasano
Elvira Bloodgood
George Edward McGuirk
Alice Berry
Sabby Crecco
7:00 p.m.
Gospel Glimpses
April 12, 2015
John 20:19-31
"Unless I see - I will not believe"
Whom we remember with love and gratitude.
The Altar Bread & Wine
For the week of April 12, 2015 – April 18, 2015
is Given in Loving Memory of:
Do you know the joy of the resurrection? The Risen Lord Jesus
revealed the glory of his resurrection to his disciples gradually
and over a period of time. Even after the apostles saw the
empty tomb and heard the reports of Jesus' appearance to the
women, they were still weak in faith and fearful of being
arrested by the Jewish authorities. When Jesus appeared to
them he offered proofs of his resurrection by showing them the
wounds of his passion, his pierced hands and side. He calmed
their fears and brought them peace, the peace which reconciles
sinners and makes us friends of God. Jesus did something
which only love and trust can do. He commissioned his weak
and timid apostles to bring the good news of the Gospel to the
ends of the earth. This sending out of the disciples is parallel to
the sending out of Jesus by his heavenly Father. Jesus fulfilled
his mission through his perfect love and obedience to the will
of his Father. He called his first disciples and he now calls each
one of us to do the same. Just as he gave his first disciples the
gift of the Holy Spirit, so he breathes on each of us the same
Holy Spirit who equips us with new life, power, joy, and
courage to live each day as followers of the Risen Lord. The
last apostle to meet the resurrected Lord was the first to go with
him to Jerusalem at Passover time. The apostle Thomas was a
natural pessimist. When Jesus proposed that they visit Lazarus
after receiving news of his illness, Thomas said to the
disciples: "Let us also go, that we may die with him" (John
11:16). While Thomas deeply loved the Lord, he lacked the
courage to stand with Jesus in his passion and crucifixion.
After Jesus' death, Thomas made the mistake of withdrawing
from the other apostles. He sought loneliness rather than
fellowship in his time of trial and adversity. He doubted the
women who saw the resurrected Jesus and he doubted his own
fellow apostles. When Thomas finally had the courage to rejoin
the other apostles, the Lord Jesus made his presence known to
him and reassured him that he had indeed overcome death and
risen again. When Thomas recognized his Master, he believed
and exclaimed that Jesus was truly Lord and truly God!
From Death to New Life
Henry “Guy” Lefler
By Doris Lefler
Charles Piraneo
The Sanctuary Candle
For the week of April 12, 2015– April 18, 2015
is Lit in Loving Memory of:
James Celauro
By The Scanapico Family
Presider’s Schedule
Sat., April 18, 2015
Sun., April 19, 2015
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
7:00 pm
Fr. Hyacinth
Fr. Hyacinth
Fr. Joe
Fr. Joe
Fr. Mike
Pray For The Sick
All names on the sick list will remain for six weeks, if you
would like a name to remain longer, please call the
Rectory Office.
Susan Sheehy
Andrew Grasso
Michael Cintorino
Ruth Odwazny
Kathy Rooney
Helen Ziegler
Julianna Key
William Benjamin
Joseph Phalen
John Maniscalco
Douglas Gerbosi
Alberta Zero
Molly Symington
Mary Vogt
Lisa Klingenberg
Katy Monte
Gerard Roman
Kristen Wadsworth
Christina Fisher
Carolyn Miller
Louise Gerosa
James Giambalvo
Lucille Juengst
Fran Sposato
Terry Ullrich
Lindsay Conologue
Elizabeth English –
Last Week’s Collection
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Serving God by Serving Others
Our Weekly Offering
Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday Budget
Difference +/-
$ -4950.00
Other Collections-Holy Thursday
Good Friday-Holy Land
$ 3336.00
$ 5301.00
We thank all who contributed to the support of our
*YTD=Fiscal year Sept.01-Aug. 31
Liturgical Ministry Training
There is still time to interview to become a new
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
(EM) or Lector.
Please contact Deacon Ray @ x134 or
Clare Crossley @ x139
SEC Parish Goal
Number of Donors
Pledges to Date
Percentage of Goal
$ 94,800.00
Parish Social Ministry
Pantry Hours: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Office Hours:
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Many thanks to the following merchants for their very
generous donations of delicious soup:
Chris and Tony’s Restaurant * George Martin’s Grillfire
Iavarone Bros./Woodbury * Woodbury Country Deli
Please support these generous local businesses!
A special thank you to Estelle Carnesi, Audrey Morris and
the young women from Our Lady of Mercy Academy
under the direction of Allison Morris, also to Chris Morris,
Deacon Ray & Nancy D’Alessio and Dr. Anthony & Mary
Wedding Banns
Kristi Lanier
St. Edward the Confessor, Syosset, NY
Dominick Tassone
Maria Regina, Seaford, NY
Cordaro for their help and support. Thank you to all who
attended and donated to the work of Catholic Relief
Services. We appreciate your generosity!
Alicia DeFino
St. Edward the Confessor, Syosset, NY
Kenneth Koerner
Bay Shore, New York
This Week’s Readings
April 12, 2015 – Second Sunday of Easter
First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 14:32-35
Psalm: 118
Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-6
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Next Week’s Readings
April 19, 2015 – Third Sunday of Easter
First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15
Psalm: 4
Second Reading: 2:1-5a
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48
Divine Mercy-Jesus, I Trust in You.
Positions Available
Job Opening
Harbor House of Oyster Bay is looking to hire CAN’s
PCA’s and HHA’s for our prestigious
assisted living facility. Day, evening and overnight
shifts are available immediately,
if you are interested please call us at :
516-624-9700 ext 6.
Help Wanted-Position of Cook
The Parish of St. Ignatius Loyola has an opening for a
part-time Rectory Cook. The applicant will plan, prepare
meals, shop and maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen/
dining room area.
Applicant must be able to set priorities, organize work
effectively, maintain confidentiality and work flexible
hours as needed. Applicant must provide own transportation and have a valid NY driver’s
license. The position includes but is not limited to shopping for food, household supplies, sweeping, mopping of
the kitchen/pantry areas. Good public relations skills and
a pleasant personality is a plus.
The position will require two to three days a week
(including Saturdays) approximately 14 hours a week.
Interested applicants please call 516-931-0056.
Can apply in person or by email at:
Fr. James T. Stachacz, Pastor
St. Ignatius of Loyola
From the Pastoral Associate’s Office
Since our last communication...we have had so many events
taking place, there was simply no space in the bulletin to add our
column. So, please allow us to report on some past and some
present news…
Our Parish Lenten Mission…with Redemptorist Fathers Pat
Woods and John McGowan was one of the finest Missions the
Parish has ever had. Parishioners who attended still speak of the
positive Lenten experience and our gratitude goes out to both
Fr. Pat & Fr. John and the many groups and volunteers who
worked each night to make our Mission one of spirituality,
prayer and community participation.
Throughout Lent...we had many great meaningful opportunities with Morning Prayer, Taize, Family Stations of the Cross,
the screening of Romero, Reconciliation & our Lenten Soup
Supper to name a few. Our thanks to all who worked on making
our Lenten experience a fruitful one.
Palm Sunday...unfortunately severe weather on Palm Sunday
caused us to cancel our Community Blessing of Palms with our
neighbors at Faith Lutheran. We wish to acknowledge Pastor
John Krahn and look forward to coming together again at our
Thanksgiving Interfaith Service.
Holy Week and the Triduum...could not have been more beautiful or solemn. Sister Sheila, Deacon Jim and Fr. Mike were all
inspirational in their Morning Prayer reflections and both Fr.
Mike and Fr. Hyacinth gave beautiful homilies throughout the
three days. Our thanks to our incredible Choir under the direction of Marilyn and Jeff Fox. The work and effort by our Music
Ministry was so evident in each and every note that was played
and sung. Thanks also to our Children's Choir under the direction of Ciel Hayden at the 9:30 AM Mass and our Youth Group,
under the direction of Carolyn Pugliesi for their presentation of
“The Living Stations of the Cross” on Good Friday. Thanks also
to all who served as Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, Ushers &
Greeters, Sacristans and Altar Servers. Each Liturgy was so well
executed, attended and made meaningful by the participation
and inclusion of the entire Parish.
Easter Sunday...with the spring weather finally with us, thousands came to worship here on Easter Sunday. So many commented on how beautiful the Church looked and we are grateful
to our dedicated team of decorators, cleaners and carpenters who
prepared the Church. There are too many to mention without
leaving someone out-THANK YOU! To all who were with us as
“regulars”, guests and visitors, we are grateful for your generosity and hope that somehow your Easter was made better by being
here as part of the St. Edward’s Community.
Our Capital Campaign...continues to move forward with over
50% of the $2,089,612.82 pledged already collected within the
first year of the 3-year pledge period. The Rectory kitchen is
now under construction and should be completed within the next
few weeks. The next major project that is under way now is our
Stained Glass Windows! A few memorial opportunities still exist for Stained Glass Windows. Contact Deacon Ray for information.
Catholic Ministries Appeal...is also underway with our Parish
achieving over 80% of its $116,000 goal. See the bulletin for the
weekly updates and please consider making your 2015 Appeal
gift. Once we achieve our goal, 20% of the $116,000 is returned
to the Parish!
The Sisters of Mercy...will be selling chances in the Church on
the weekend of April 25th & 26th. Please see next week’s
bulletin for additional details and please support our dedicated
Our hearing impaired system...is working very well and those
who have used it couldn’t be happier. Ask the Ushers for assistance when you enter the Church.
St. Edward the Confessor School Open House
St. Edward the Confessor School Open House
Parish News
Catholic Ministries Appeal-CMA
St. Edward the Confessor
2015 Catholic
Ministr ies Appeal
Serving God by Serving Others
Parish Family Barbecue
Celebrate the Spirit !
Save the Date-June 28th!
“Christ has confidence in
young people and entrusts
them with the very future of
his vision.”
-Pope Francis
Building a Strong Faith Community
Joseph has always been involved with his church
and youth programs and he believes it is one of the
most important inspirations in
his life.
Committee Meeting Schedule
April 15-7:30PM HFR
June 10-7:30PM Cafeteria
June 17-7:30PM Cafeteria
June 24-7:30PM HFR
It’s never too late to volunteer. If you
cannot make all the meetings, come to
those you can make. All are invited to
Help comes in many ways-share your
gifts with your Parish Community.
Donna Zaino 516-496-8296
Gio Gliner
Youth Ministry works with more than 6,000 young
people at Parishes all across Long
Island to create opportunities for them to come together to celebrate Mass, socialize and reach out
to help the needy in their Parish Communities.
“Youth Ministry changed my life. I would not
be the same person without youth ministry it molded me. I tell everyone the way to
be the best you can be is to give yourself fully
to your Faith and soak up everything you can
from your Parish Youth Ministry experience.”Joseph, Volunteer Staff Member
Sts. Philip and James, St. James
Make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal
Parish __________________________________
Name ___________________________________
Down payment:
City, State, Zip:
Phone: ________________________
Your Pledge/Donation will be credited to the Parish.
Please mail to or leave at the Rectory.
Vacation Bible School-Summer 2015
Don’t let your Kids miss out on all the fun!!
St. Edward’s Vacation Bible Camp 2015!
Bible Fun Camp for children entering
Nursery through Grade Six
8 mornings of Bible stories, outdoor playtime, gym sports,
music, snacks, crafts and a whole lot of fun.
Mon., June 29th — Thurs., July 2nd and again
on Mon., July 6th —Thurs., July 9th
9:30 am to 12:30 pm at St. Edward’s.
Tuition for 8 mornings is $120.
Please make check payable to: St. Edward’s Church.
All campers will receive a camp T shirt, daily snack
and camp music CD.
Each age group will be led by a N. Y. State
Certified Teacher/Counselor.
If you are interested in registering for VBS Camp 2015, please complete the form below,
detach it and return form to the Religious Education Office, School Office or Rectory
with the registration fee by June 16th.
To volunteer for VBS, please contact Mrs. Rosemary Pettei at 516-921-8543
or: rpettei@st-edwards.org.
Name (Parent, first and last)_____________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
Phone number (Home)_______________________ (Cell) ____________________
Emergency Contact Person:_______________________
(Cell #)______________________
Name of Child____________________________________ Grade_______ T Shirt Size______
Name of Child____________________________________ Grade_______ T Shirt Size______
Name of Child____________________________________ Grade_______ T Shirt Size______
Easter Flowers Donated in Memory Of:
Angelina Abbatiello
Giuseppe Abbatiello
Janet Allegro
Teresita and Fernando Ang
Ann and Tony
Bartilucci & Ostrowski Families
Anna Bedanset
Helen and Joe Beghin
Peter F. Brosnahan
Margaret and Frank Bundschu
Matthew Cashin and James Burke
Joseph Cavanagh
Richard Challed
Bernadette, Patrick & Michael Cooney
John P. Clarke & M/M Herbert Grant
Gregory F. DeVita
Ida & Joe Mernone
Ed DeVincentis
Alice Berry
Kevin Berry
Marion and Anthony Bianco
Dolores Bloom, Maryann Tully,
Donna Tully and Vincent Kelly
Angela Brancato
Brutsch and Miron Families
Otto and Anna Busch
Peter T. Carnesi,
Jurow and Sonoski Family
Dr. Thomas Catalano
Nunzio, Jr. and Ralph R. Cazzetta
Molly Ciminelli and Sarah & Andrew Perio
Cirello and Lonigro Families
John P. Collins
Christopher Conologue
John M. Conroy
Corkett and O’Connell Families
D’Alessio and Farrell Families
Frrances and Peter DeCarlo
Lorraine & Frank O’Brien
Nella and Dan DeFelitta
Clara & Domenick Mammano
Arthur DeFilippis
Dill and Muzii Families
Teresa Donatich
Dunleavy and Tahaney Families
Gail Ennis
Katy and Angelo Fede
The Ferri and O’Shaughnessy Families
Lee Franchi
Deceased Members & Friends of
the Frohnhoefer & Lozada Families
Deceased Members of Donnelly/O’Malley Families
Deceased Members of the Kempton Family
Deceased Members of Tyranski, Michalski, Waiter &
Wilson Families
Deceased Parents and Grandparents
Gehnrich and Carroll Families
Gentile and Bauer Families
Irene Gerosa and Mary Murphy
Pasquale & Maria Giannetta & Pasquale Giannetta, Jr.
Helen and Rocco Giannetta & Josephine Giannetta
Louise Johnson, Janet Giannetta, Ruth Guoch
Charles and Natile Essig
Henry F. Giovanelli
Gerald Gisonny
Joseph B. Greeley
Deceased Members of Gregorek and Bucknell Families
Robert F. Guder and Raymond & Kathleen Pick
In Thanksgiving
Mariamma Jacob
Kapey and Adamo Families
Jane Klingler
Roman and Emilia Kwarta
John and Irene Lapinski
Henry (Guy) Lefler
George C. Karpus
M/M Francis Kragel, Giuseppe Labozetta,
Teresa Amoroso, Dante Comparetto, Marlene Labozetta
Antonia Lattarulo, Giuseppe Vitti, Teresa Montanaro,
Angelo Vizzaccaro, and Vito Vitti
Joyce Lannig
Thomas and Charlotte Leonard and Neil & Frances Verdirame
Calogero Leone
Michael McGarry
McGlone and Quinn Families
Winifred and Theodore Meehan
Anne and Peter Swanson
Vicky Mongiardo and Richard Pietrafesa
Dominick Morea
Peter J. Morley & Cecelia & Howard P. Kreutzer
Nicasio and Susena Dizon
Paul Nikifor
Marjorie & Torazo Nishio & Mary Tom
John D. O’Brien
O’Hara and Horan Families
Robert O’Rourke
Kathleen O’Toole
The Paparella Family
The Parkes Family
Deceased Poggioli and Chimera Families
Gus Raima, Catherine & Charles Parziale & Lucille Boyle
Robert Ras
Lena & Robert Ravali
Linda Rice and Jerome & Elizabeth Schroeter
Adelina Robilotti
Gerald Rooney
Andy Rotunda
Peter Salazer and Helen Catanese
John Schiavone & Rose & Fred DeMaio
Martin Slattery
Squillante and Palmeri Families
Savino V. Stallone
Edward and Mary Stokes
Lee Swierski
John and Louise Tabone
Vincent & Antoinette Tancora, Ruth & Louie Berry, Louis Batto
Rafael and Aurora Tejeda
Giovanna Trachtenberg
Vincent Tricomi and Edwin Anthony Schantz
Urso and Uftring Families
Angela Vasile
Louis J. Vivenzio
Rosetta Wade
Gina Fariello Wilson
Thomas Wheeler
Bernadette & John Winzinger
Military List
“Lord, hold our troops in your loving hand. Protect
them as they protect us. Bless them and their families
for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of
need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen”
Lt. Jameson Adler, Navy SEAL
Lt. Kathryn Adler, U.S. Navy
S.R. Ryan Bell, USN
Maj. Joel Bernazzani U.S.A.F
1st Lt. Oliver Ennis, U.S. Army
Lt. John Hagerman, U.S. Navy
Lt. JG Amanda Hine, U.S. Navy
A1C. Christopher Hofer U.S.A.F.
Capt. Christian Kapey, U.S.M.C.
Capt. Karen Kobus, U.S.M.C.
Lance Corporal, James A. Krupa U.S.M.C.
Sr. Amn. Michael LiBretto, U.S.A.F.
Pvt. Erik Liebergall, U.S.M.C.
SSgt. Ryan Lutz, Air Force Nat. Guard
Pvt. Jonathan Maldonado U.S. Army
Lt. JG Brian Shields, U.S.C.G.
Ssgt. Paul Smith, U.S. Army
Capt. Carl Tiska, Navy SEAL
Maj. Michael F. Wendelken, U.S. A.F.
If you would like to inform us of any family member or
friend who has been called to active service, please call
our Rectory 516-921-8030 x 110 with information.
We will list their names so the entire parish can
include them in their prayers. Please call the Rectory.
when your loved one has returned from military duty.
Parish Devotions
Pastoral Council
Fr. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor
Deacon James Murphy
Gregg Bonomi
Sr. Monica, RSM
Fiona Castro
Gio Gliner
Francine Cosenza
Claire Kapey
Kathy DeNatale
David Krieg
Kevin Frain
Donna Zaino
“The Council serves as a forum of consultation for the pastor and
members, primarily by engaging them in ongoing dialogue about the
needs, feelings, hopes and reactions of parishioners.”
Guidelines for Pastoral Councils #B-2).
Please feel free to contact any council member at any time regarding
your “needs, feelings, hopes and reactions.”
All council members can be reached through the Rectory Office.
Telephone Directory
Rectory Office
Maryann Waite
Ann Fisher (evenings)
Karen Morrone
Florence Cassidy, Secretary
Pastoral Center Offices
Jack Malone, Parish Manager
Miguel DeLeon, Finance Director
Parish Social Ministry
Susan Lawlor
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Sister Sheila Browne, RSM
Religious Education Office
Rosanne Alexander, Grades 1-6
Roberta Zero, Grades 7-8
Please join us for the following
Parish Devotions
Holy Communion
The Miraculous Medal Novena and Rosary
prayed each Friday at 8:30AM.
Please contact the Rectory to arrange for Communion
to be brought to anyone in need at home, in the
hospital or nursing home.
The Parish Rosary prayed after the
5:00PM Saturday evening Mass, on the
First Saturday of the Month.
Community Hotline
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Friday
beginning at 9:30AM and concluding with
Benediction at Noon.
The Safe Center of Long Island is a new non-profit that
offers 24-hour, 7 day a week crisis counseling, advocacy
and assistance for women, men and children who are
victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or child abuse.
Services are free and confidential.
Parish Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration
beginning at 7:00PM each Friday evening with
Benediction at 8:00PM followed immediately by
Night Prayer and Blessing.
St. Edward’s Website
Please check our website for recent news, schedules,
updates and directions.
El Parral Restaurant
T. Zamow,
Edward Jones Daniel
Financial Advisor
Making Sense of Investing
Specialties From Spain & Italy
8 Berry Hill Road, Syosset
516 - 921 - 2844
343 Jackson Avenue
Family Dentistry
Cosmetics • Implants
Tuesday - Saturday
20 Cold Spring Rd., Syosset
Licensed Master Plumber
& Tony’s
All Plumbing Repairs
All Bathroom Leaks
including Tile Repair
serving the Community
Since 1990
Restaurant & Catering
352 Jericho Tpke., Syosset
Open 7 Days
Compounds • Fast Service
Great Customer Service
Organic Cosmetics • Beauty Aids
Most Insurance Accepted
10% Off Party Room w/ad
Some Exclusions may apply
Your Health Is Our Passion
340 Jericho Tpke., Syosset
(located next to Mario’s Pizza
and Cactus Salon
ousine Service Inc.
_ â ÇGarden
t S y os s e t L i mSince
110 Jackson Ave., Syosset
(516) 944-MATH (6284)
170 Jericho Tpke
516-864-2738 / 2730
Open 7 Days
Free Delivery
Executive Service - All Occasions
Danny & Tom Carbone, Proprietors
Luxury Buses / SUVʼs /Vans / Limos and Sedans
G in a m a r ie M. P al m ie r i
Attor ne y At Law
Tel (347) 561 4492 • gmp@gmp-law.com
55 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 304
20% OFF
Jericho, NY 11753
your front store or
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D a n i e l F . A . P a l m i e r i PERSONAL
purchase w/ad
In s ur a n c e & T a x S e r v ic es
Mathnasium of Syosset-Jericho
Fine Asian Cuisine
Syosset, NY 11791
Bus. 631-261-2602 Cell 631-848-3857
Printing and
Marketing Services
J Ekstrom & Son Plumbing and Heating
Tel (718) 835 8330 • Tel (516) 941-0921 • Fax (718) 835-3908 • dfap@aol.com
Credit Cards
A Business Built On its Reputation
Complete Plumbing & Heating Service
516-692-3142 or 631-385-1964
10% Senior Citizen Discount
99 Main St
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
Licensed &
Mary O’Rourke Cashin
Licensed Salesperson
Dedicated to achieving your goals.
Tel 516.799.3567
Licensed & Insured • Member BBB, NSLGA, PLCAA, IPCI
wedigdesign@optonline.net www.wedigdesign.net
“Cleaning Angels”
Fine Residential & Office Cleaning
Susan Perelli
Insured • Bonded • Excellent References
Over 20 Years Experience
Custom Exteriors
Home Improvements
Call for FREE estimate
#155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com
St Edward the Confessor 5K Run
516 - 921 - 2888
79 Berry Hill Road, Syosset
Beney Funeral Home
Attorneys at Law
116 Jackson Ave., Syosset
The Omni Building, Uniondale
516 - 448 - 2357
Real Estate
380 Woodbury Rd.
Hicksville, NY
Amalia (Molly)
Realty Connect USA
680-8123 cell
Someone U Can Trust
www.raimopizzeria.com 90 Underhill Blvd., Syosset, NY 11791
Luce Ristorante
1053 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich
516-624-8330 www.luce-ristorante.com
Pre-Need Counseling Available
Piccola Bussola
Family Style
Italian Restaurant
Lunch • Dinner
Open 7 Days
Catering Available
Randy Williams
Michael Dolinsky
516-364-9230 Fax: 364-6265
Debra McSheffrey
Doris Duvernoy
Mother, Daughter Team
Lic. RE Salespersons Premier Properties
41 Jackson Ave., Syosset
Income Tax Preparation
(516) 496-4622
Fax 921-5420
of Syosset
165 Eileen Way 2nd Fl., Syosset
• Classes
• Competitive Teams
• Camps
• Birthday Parties
Friendly Personalized Service
7929 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury Village Ctr
Prescriptions Filled
While You Wait
Gift Dept • House Accounts
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
“ If Stains Reappear, So Do We!”
921-0880 Fax 921-7975
Free Delivery
433-4701 Tile and Grout Cleaning
38 Cold Spring Road
(631) 242-1828
Pick Up & Delivery
15 Railroad Ave., Syosset
No Appointment Necessary
(516) 921-5051
ille Fl Where Excellence Prevails
Pizzeria & Restaurant
265 Jericho Tpke., Syosset
364-6900 (King Kullen Shopping Center)
18 Newbridge Rd
J.J. Gorman Council #5091
John G. Rooney, GK 516-496-2131
Ralph Catapano, Fin. Sec. 921-6281
Fresh & Frozen Seafood
Retail Division Wholesale Division
516.496.2416 Ph: 516.932-FISH
Same Day Service!
30 Underhill Blvd., Syosset
(516) 921-1300
C o t t a ge Ph a r ma c y & S ur g ic a l
Your Family Health Department Store
• Pharmacy Services • Home Medical Equipment
• Surgical & diabetic Supplies •Nursing & Companion Svces
8285 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury (516) 367-9030 www.cottagepharmacy.com
FREE $10 Gift Card with new Rx (Not for copays or prescriptions)
140 Jackson Ave., Syosset 516-921-3580 Fax: 921-3551
Dr. Sebastian Polizzi, Dr. Elena Rosen, Dr. Davin Dong
Participating in Most Insurances- Davis Vision•VSP•HIP
BC/BS•Aetna•United Health Care•Eye Med•Most Unions
Jerome Bogin, D.D.S.
99 Cold Spring Road
Syosset, NY 11791
N.Y.S. Inspections • Gasoline • 24 Hr. Towing
Jackson Avenue, Syosset
Vehicle Service Advisors
Complete Foreign & Domestic Repairs
Performance & Aftermarket Modifications
Fuel Economy Specialist
Open Mon-Sat
Complete Automotive Repair
Weddings, Funerals, Arrangements, Banquets
Plants For All Occasions, Fruit Baskets
We Deliver Anywhere
(516) 282-9611
516 - 364 - 0004
2 Split Rock Rd., Syosset
•Retirement Income
•Life & Health Insurance
•401(k), Pension Plans
Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning - Fuel Oil
* (One Hour Free Consultation)
Todd A. Hynes, CFP®
“3rd Generation” Family Owned & Operated
J a m e s T i n n e l l y C F P NYS Inspection
Credit Cards
Daily Specials • Catering & Take Out Available
30+ Flavors That Will Blow You Away
Visit us: King Kullen Shopping Center
275 Jericho Tpke., Syosset
Call us: 516.921.WING
Track us: Hurricanewings.com/Syosset
Facebook us: Facebook.com/hgwsyosset
8049 Jericho Tpke / Woodbury
($2off on $20 purchase w/ad)
Syosset Auto Body, Inc.
35 Underhill Blvd., Syosset
516-921-0174 Fax: 496-8819
921-2817 921-0711
Phone Systems • Full House Wiring • Key Pad System
• Lighting Controls
Premium Lines
& Ultimate Service
“We Specialize in Topsoil”
85 Oak Drive
142 Underhill Blvd., Syosset
P. 516.364.5599
Plasma’s • LCD’s • LED’s • Custom Home Theatre • 3D TV’s
516-938-1555 516-938-1660
440 South Oyster Bay Rd.
Hicksville, NY
#155 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com

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