Saint Bernadette Parish
Saint Bernadette Parish
Saint Bernadette Parish A Roman Catholic Faith Community of the Diocese of Worcester 266 Main Street * Northborough, MA 01532 Pastoral Office 508-393-2838 * Fax 508-393-2718 * Religious Education Office 508-393-7445 School 508-351-9905 * Sisters of St. Anne 508-393-4410 * Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 508-393-1290 Email Address: * Web Address: Saint Bernadette Parish strives to embody the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ as a prayerful, Orthodox, Eucharistic, Marian, and faith-filled community of believers. We are committed to teaching the Catholic faith with joy and open arms and hearts, for all are welcome in God’s house. Welcome Home! Rev. Stephen M. Gemme Pastor Deacon George E. O’Connor Parish Deacon Sr. Muriel Audette, S.S.A. Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Ginny Boland Administrator of Religious Ed. Ms. Lori Howard Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Celeste Mikitarian Parish Secretary Mrs. Amy Halloran Holy Baptism & the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Contact Sr. Muriel Audette to make arrangements for Infant Baptisms as well as for adult Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation. Schedule of Masses Saturday, Lord’s Day Vigil, 5:00 p.m. Sunday, 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. Holy Days, 8:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Pastoral Care of the Sick Please inform a pastoral staff member of the needs of those who may be ill, hospitalized or elderly. We are privileged to serve the infirm. Confessions The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated on Saturdays, 4:00 p.m. or contact Father Gemme Bookkeeper Mr. Thomas Lowe Director of Contemporary Choir Mrs. Kathrine Waters Director of Adult Choir Mrs. Priscilla Nardi Director of Youth Choir Mrs. Deborah C. O’Neil School Principal Christian Marriage Contact Father Gemme or Deacon O’Connor for preparation for Christian marriage and wedding plans. First Communion & Confirmation Contact Mrs. Boland for registration. New Parishioners Contact the Parish Office to register. Holy Orders Contact Father Gemme for information on priesthood or Deacon O’Connor for permanent diaconate. Third Sunday of Advent Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, December 10 5:00 PM † William Edward Collagan by Patti Mahoney † Fr. Dennis J. Rocheford by Pat & Gerard Patulak Sunday, December 11 9:00 AM † Miranda Faith Berry by Mr. & Mrs. Peter Amato † Laura Breyfogle by Maureen Walker 11:00 AM † Peter Cook by Ron & Jayne Stokes † Helen Laquidara by Ron & Jayne Stokes Monday, December 12 8:30 AM † Jackie Angers by the family † Thelma LoPorto by Barbara Audet Tuesday, December 13 8:30 AM † Donna Rule by the Litteer Family † Ann M. Silva By the Faculty & Staff of St. Bernadette School Wednesday, December 14 8:30 AM † Connor Patrick Kane by the family † Jean Doherty by the Seymour Family Thursday, December 15 8:30 AM Our Lady’s Respect for Life Intentions Friday, December 16 8:30 AM † Special Intention for Pauline Charbonneau By MaryAnn MacKoweck † John Bonina By St. Bernadette School Faculty & Staff Saturday, December 17 5:00 PM † Rose Murray by the family † Susan O’Keefe by the Halloran Family Sunday, December 18 9:00 AM † Laura Breyfogle by a friend † Robert Hart by a friend 11:00 AM † Hector E. Moineau & Lucy Moineau by Joseph & Claudette Moineau Masses, Feasts & Gospels Sun. Jn. 1:6-8, 19-28 Third Sunday of Advent Mon. Lk.1:26-38 Our Lady of Guadalupe Tues. Mt. 21:28-32 Saint Lucy, virgin and martyr Wed. Lk.7:18b-23 Saint John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church Thurs. Lk. 7:24-30 Advent Weekday Fri. Jn. 5:33-36 Advent Weekday Sat. Mt. 1:1-17 Late Advent Weekday Please remember in your prayers … For healing: William, Kathy, Allison, Hannah, Ed, Fr. Marteka, Carolyn, Jennifer, Emily, Nicholas, Mike, Becky, Colleen, Jeanne, Andrew, Jeannette, Susan, Jason, Erin, Ruth, Joan, Samantha, Marion, Pauline, Donald, Marie, Yvette, Sandra, Aiden, Helen, Richard, Bill, Alan, Norma, Andrea, Tyler, Jeanne, Tracy, Sharon, Jane, Barbara, Lynn, Sr. Joan McDermott, Ann, Peter, Bob, Dawn, Daniel, Arlene, Anna, Skip, Charlie, Jim, Jeremiah, Jackie, Dick, Hailey, Irene, Sandy, Georgiana, Valerie, Mary, Kenneth, Jim, Clarice, Francine, Shane, Lynn, Joanne For peace of mind and strength: Joan, Karen, Patti, Linda, John, Joseph, Lisa, Rosie, Joanne, Mary Frances, Jane Paul, Shirley Please pray for the sick, suffering & shut-in’s of our parish. Keep them in your daily prayers that when they are physically weak, they will have the strength of God and His love. December 11, 2011 From the Pastor ~ Advent is a time to prepare and to repent, and a time to pray. Our prayer life is extremely important to maintain and work on. How do you pray? How often do you pray? Daily prayer in addition to meal time gives us an opportunity to grow closer to God. Do we pray for our family our children and the members of our parish? Each week in the bulletin there is a section called please remember in your prayers... and lists the names of those in need. Please take the time to review these names and pray for them and for the sick, the suffering, and shut-ins of our parish. Please pray for all those in need. You will also notice in the bulletin times listed for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. I ask you to consider taking one of these open hours and come and pray with our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. This weekend we will have the collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Last week, Sister Marguerite Timothy spoke at all the Masses regarding this appeal. We thank Sister for her powerful and very personal witness and I ask for your generous support of the appeal. This Tuesday Night at 7:00 PM I will be in the parish church in the confessional to hear confessions. If you need the sacrament, I encourage you to come and make a good confession. This Thursday night and Friday night at 7:00 PM we invite our parishioners to attend the Christmas Show at the Saint Bernadette School to be held in the Charbonneau Center. Please join us for this great night of Christmas music and cheer. Next weekend we welcome Deacon Peter Faford back to our parish. Deacon Peter will speak about his work in Haiti, how he and others care for over 600 orphans in Haiti and we will take up a collection to help Deacon Peter in his good work. It is better to give than to receive, for in giving we are truly blessed. Thank you for your generous support of all our social justice efforts here at the parish. In Christ, Fr. Stephen M. Gemme Week at a Glance PK, K and Grade 1 Classes for grades Pre-K, K and Grade 1 are10:15-11:15am in the Pre-school building. December Classes: Dec. 18th Grade 3 thru Grade 6 All classes for grades 3 thru 6 are 10:15am -11:45am in the school building. Please enter the building through the glass doors by the activity center. December Classes: 18th Grade 7 & 8 Junior High Classes are 10:15am-11:45am in the school building. December Classes: Dec. 18th Grades 9 thru 11 High School classes are 6pm-8pm in the school building. December Classes: Dec. 11th & 18th High School Penance Service: December 11th at 7:00pm Upcoming Events: December 17th Youth Ministry “Extreme Event” Christmas Festival of Lights ~ “Light of Life” At The National Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette The Youth Ministry will be taking a bus that will leave St. Bernadette’s at 6:15pm. Sign-up in the Gathering Space after Mass 39th Annual March for Life ~ 2012 January 23, 2012 Busses leave St. Bernadette’s Sunday, January 22, following a 7:00pm Mass, and travel to Washington DC. The March for Life begins with a rally at noon on Monday, January 23, at the National Mall. Bus Fees: $80 per person Registration deadline: January 9, 2012. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament We invite you to come and spend time with our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Our chapel is open 24 hours - 7 days a week. If you would like to sign up for a particular hour, please call the parish office at 508-393-2838. Sunday, December 11th Third Sunday of Advent Mass 9:00am & 11:00am Classes: Gr. 9-11: 6:00-8:00pm High School Penance Service 7:00pm Monday, December 12th Youth Choir, 6:00pm Tuesday, December 13th Adult Confirmation, 7:00pm Knights of Columbus, 7:00pm Wednesday, December 14th Secular Franciscans St. Ann Fraternity Mtg, 7pm Thursday, December 15th SBS Christmas Show, Grades 5-8, 7pm Adult Choir, 6:30pm Prayer Group, 8:00pm Friday, December 16th SBS Christmas Show, Grades 1-4, 7pm Saturday, December 17th Confession 4:00pm Vigil Mass: 5:00pm Youth Ministry Extreme Event, 6:00pm Sunday, December 18th 4th Sunday of Advent Mass 9:00am & 11:00am Classes: Gr. PK, K & 1: 10:15-11:15am Gr. 3-8: 10:15-11:45am Gr. 9-11: 6pm-8pm 13 Reasons to Spend One Hour with Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hours that need to be filled by an adorer 6. 7. Monday - 5am 8. Tuesday - 1pm, 4pm, Wednesday - 8am, 3pm, 4pm 9. Thursday - 3pm Friday - 8am, 4pm Saturday & Sunday - All are welcome at anytime During Eucharistic Adoration and through our prayers, we watch and wait; we remain silent in His presence and open ourselves to His graces which flow from the Eucharist. Intimacy with the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration can deepen our awareness of just how much God loves us and how we respond to that love. “Let this meeting with Jesus be a time of healing in mind, body, spirit and heart.” Vandy Brennan Nies “Be Still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 10. 11. 12. 13. You are greatly needed! This is a personal invitation to you from Jesus. Jesus is counting on you because the Eucharist is the center of life. Your hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will repair for evils of the world and bring about peace on earth. Day and night Jesus dwells in the Blessed Sacrament because you are the most important person in the world to Him! Jesus wants you to do more than go to Mass on Sunday. You grow spiritually with each moment you spend with Jesus. The best time you spend on earth is with Jesus, your best friend, in the Blessed Sacrament! Just as you can’t be exposed to the sun without receiving its rays, neither can you come to Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament without receiving the Divine Rays of His Grace, His Love, His Peace. If Jesus were actually visible in church, everyone would run to welcome Him, but He remains hidden in the Sacred Host under the appearance of Bread, because He is calling us to faith, that we may come to him in humility. For Peace in our country. With transforming mercy, Jesus makes our heart one with His. If the Pope himself would give you a special invitation to visit him in the Vatican, this honor would be nothing in comparison to the honor and dignity that Jesus Himself bestows upon you with the invitation of spending one hour with Him in the Blessed Sacrament. WE CONGRATULATE ALL OF THE CHILDREN WHO CELEBRATED THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THE ADVENT PENNANCE SERVICE LAST SUNDAY. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO FILL THEM WITH HIS GRACE. Paul Alfonso Meghan Litteer Paulo Borges Alex Macdonald Kristina Callahan Adam Mowry Ryan Cassery Tess Murphy Tyler Clancy Lana Pacific Jack Clifford Lonnie Quirion James Dacey Alessandro Rabines Jake Despres Grace Rebello Harrison Dichmann Analise SanClemente Malcolm Dichmann Aidan Shupp Rachel DiDonato Cameron Shupp Alyssa Doane Angela Sutton Grace Donfield Joseph Tomasso Jonathan Fantasia Lauren Tran Megan Garner Mina Utzschneider Anton Jayavendra Outreach St. Bernadette Outreach is collecting diapers for local needy families living in area motels. Families are in great need for diapers in sizes 5-6, as well as 3 & 4. They can also use Pull-ups 2t/3t and 4t/5t. We will be collecting diapers through Sunday December 18th. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Christmas Pageant We are still in need of a few more shepherds and angels for the Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve. All children in Grades Pre-K thru Grade 5 who are interested in participating, please signup in the Gathering Space. Rehearsals will take place on Thursdays, December 15th and 22nd at 5pm. The Christmas Pageant will take place at the 6pm Mass on Christmas Eve. Giving Tree Items All items for the Giving Tree are to be placed under the tree by 12 noon on Sunday, December 11th. Thank you for your generosity! Haitian Outreach Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Because of the earthquake in January, 2010, the living conditions, especially for children, have become increasingly difficult. On December 17th & 18th, Deacon Peter Faford, Project Manager of Pwoje Espwa (Creole for Project Hope) will once again, be with us at all of our Masses to share the amazing accomplishments and tremendous challenges they now face since that earthquake. Pwoje Espwa is a miracle that began with a compassionate priest with a mission to help the poor, Father Marc Boisvert, from Maine. In 1998 he rented a small house in Les Cayes, Haiti and filled it with street boys. Now 13 years later, there are more than 600 orphaned children living on a huge piece of property outside the city of Les Cayes. Pwoje Espwa feeds, houses, teaches skills and provides medical care to those orphaned children. There will be a second collection at all Masses that weekend to help Father Marc and Deacon Peter continue this miracle in one of the poorest places on earth. Thank you for helping the poor in Haiti. Altar Society Ministry Needs Your Help! The Altar Society Ministry members are responsible for cleaning and preparing the church for weekend services. No one is asked to work beyond his or her capabilities. You can expect to work in small groups for 2 hours (usually Saturday mornings) once every 2 months. The ministry is made up of individuals, couples and families. We hope you will consider serving in this ministry. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Rose or Walter Zydlewski at 508-485-7683. Thank you to our catechists and classroom aides who taught our children the sacrament of Reconciliation. They have given their time, talent and faith generously. Mrs. Maggie Lellman Mrs. Marie DiMauro Mrs. Cheryl Maenhout Mrs. Lisa DiDonato Mrs. Annamarie O’Donnell Mrs. Jen Tomasso Mrs. Christine Mowry Mrs. Monica Borges Knights of Columbus The December meeting for the St Augustine Council of the Knights of Columbus will be held on Tuesday, December 13th at 7PM at the St Rose Family Life Center Franciscan Meeting The monthly meeting of the St. Ann Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order will be held on Wednesday, December 14th at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall Advent Women’s Faith Sharing with Peg Lien Mondays during Advent at 12:45pm December 12th and 19th For more information, contact Peg Lien at 508-393-7180 Fatima Shrine Christmas Lights Display The Xaverian Missionaries will hold the traditional Christmas Lights Display beginning on Saturday, November 26th through Sunday, January 8th, from 5:00pm-9:00pm. On Sunday, December 4th at 3:00pm there will be a Christmas Concert performed by the St. Cecilia’s Parish Choir of Ashland, under the direction of Ms. Lelia Viana. It will be followed by the Blessing of the Nativity Scene on the Shrine grounds. Outreach Ministry Community Meals - The St. Bernadette Outreach Ministry serves meals at the Trinity Church in Northborough approximately every six weeks on Wednesday evenings to help those in need. Dismas Family Farm - Help prepare and serve a meal to men who are living and working on a farm as they prepare to go back into the community. The next Dismas Family Farm meal will be held December 12. Our Father’s Table - Approximately every 6-8 weeks we prepare and serve a meal at a Church in Marlborough to help those in need. The next meal will be held on December 27. Food Pantry Collection - The first weekend of every month a collection is taken up to help stock the local Northborough Food Pantry that assists those in need in our community. Interested in helping out? Contact Mary Ellen Duggan at 508-393-1819 or Catholic seminary enrollment up, but numbers seen as only part of story By Nancy Frazier O'Brien Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In his first months as rector of Theological College in Washington, Father Phillip J. Brown has been confronting a problem that the national diocesan seminary for the U.S. Catholic Church "has not had for a long time" -- it is bursting at the seams. Enrollment is maxed out for the 2011-12 academic year at 90 seminarians. Five of those seminarians are back in their dioceses this year gaining pastoral experience, but a Sulpician seminarian and five priests from other countries also live there, bringing the total number of residents to 91 plus faculty members. "If I had to start with a problem, that's the problem I'd like to have," Father Brown told Catholic News Service. "It's a very healthy sign, a positive sign for Theological College and for the U.S. priesthood." The trend of rising seminary enrollment is being duplicated around the country: -- At the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, 40 new seminarians arrived this year, bringing total enrollment to 186, the highest level since the 1970s. -- St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., welcomed 30 new graduate-level seminarians, making its class of 100 seminarians the largest since 1980. The influx forced 24 seminarians and two priests off campus into leased space at a former convent. -- In the Diocese of Scranton, Pa., where the St. Pius X diocesan seminary closed in 2004 because of declining enrollment, the number of seminarians has more than doubled from eight to 17 in the past two years. Most of the Scranton seminarians are studying at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, Pa., where communications specialist Dan Skalski said enrollment has remained steady over the past five years, or at the Pontifical North American College in Rome, where a class of 76 "new men" brought enrollment this fall to a full house of 250 seminarians. In an April report, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University said enrollment was up for those studying for the priesthood, diaconate and lay ecclesial ministry during the 2010-11 academic year -- the latest for which statistics were available. In all, there were 3,608 post-baccalaureate U.S. seminarians last year, a net increase of 125 seminarians, or 4 percent, over the previous year and the highest number since the early 1990s. More than three-quarters of them were studying for the diocesan priesthood, while 24 percent intend to be ordained for religious orders. The trend goes beyond Catholic schools to all seminaries, according to figures from the Association of Theological Schools in the U.S. and Canada from 2010-11. The organization that accredits theological schools said 75,431 people were studying for the ministry at 261 institutions during the last academic year, an increase of .6 percent from the year before. But Theological College's Father Brown said a rise in enrollment is only part of the story. "It's not just the numbers but the quality and spirit of the men who are coming," he told CNS. "I'm tremendously impressed with the quality of the candidates, their zeal," he added. "We're seeing a real renewal of the priesthood." Father Brown said the full house has led to "a nice and interesting atmosphere" at Theological College because of the racial and ethnic diversity of the seminarians, who come from "a wide diversity of backgrounds and from a wide diversity of parts of the U.S." Having more applicants than Theological College can accept also benefits some of the seminarians, who might be referred to a school "better suited to the candidate's academic achievements and aptitudes," he said. Because its seminarians participate in "an exacting and demanding program" at The Catholic University of America, Father Brown said, Theological College accepts those candidates considered most likely to succeed in a rigorous academic environment. "As the numbers seem to be increasing for all major seminaries, it's easier to have a more cooperative relationship" among the schools, so that seminarians end up at the seminary that will benefit them the most, he added. But he said those at Theological College never lose sight of the fact that "our goal is not to produce academicians or intellectuals but to provide good pastors for parishes." Contributing to this story was Julie Asher. Welcome to St. Bernadette Parish Thank you for joining us in the celebration of the Mass! It is our sincere wish to welcome you to our parish. If you are new to our parish or to the Catholic faith, we are honored to have you with us. Registration packets are available in the Gathering Space of the Church and at the Pastoral Center Office or by calling 508-393-2838. Please feel free to ask any questions about our Church. Frequently, those seeking to celebrate Marriage, Baptism or serve as sponsors for Confirmation or Baptism request a letter stating that they are active parishioners. To receive such a letter one must be registered in the parish, attend Mass regularly and be committed to stewardship of time, talent & treasure. One means of verifying participation is through the use of parish offertory envelopes. If you choose not to participate in the support of the parish, or are unable to contribute at this time, please note your prayerful support on your envelope and place it in the weekly offertory. We will then be aware of your continued participation, and you will not be noted as “inactive” on our roster. To request envelopes, contact the parish office at 508-393-2838. Offertory Collection Week of December 4, 2011 Offertory Commitment: Loose: $10,288.25 $210.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Liturgical Roles - December 17 & 18 Lector 5:00 p.m. Sr. Muriel 9:00 a.m. M. Herlihy 11:00 a.m. M. Maguire EMC Servers Deacon George M. Darmiento L. Griffin K. Lambert J. Winning D. Parent M. Parent C. Lambert Deacon George P. Amato B. Breyfogle R. Vigeant W. Wojcik E. Rodriguez Y. Herlihy M. Driscoll P. Reuter M. Curtis N. Martel J. Parisi R. Stokes T. Reuter L. Allor G. DiBenedetto Altar Society Ministry - December 17 M. Walker J. Foster Bulletin Information: Please email all bulletin information to or drop it off to the Pastoral Center office no later than Friday of the prior week. Thank You. D. Pirie Parish Ministry Leaders Altar Servers Chuck Dinovo 508-366-5288 Altar Society Walter & Rose Zydlewski 508-485-7683 Art & Environment Anne Wall 508-393-3042 Baptism Preparation Sr. Muriel Audette 508-393-2838 Bereavement Mary Jane Pierson Sr. Muriel Audette 508-393-2766 508-393-2838 Coffee Hour Marie LeBlanc 508-836-4490 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Deacon George O’Connor 508-393-3431 Knights of Columbus St. Augustine Council #5724 Ken Foster, (Grand Knight) 508-393-7582 Parish Finance Amy Halloran 508-393-2838 Lectors Horace Turner 508-393-5340 Marriage Ministry Deacon George & Joyce O’Connor 508-393-3431 Mom’s Group Cristina Phaneuf 978-562-0333 Music Ministry Contemporary Choir Tom Lowe 508-393-8113 Adult Choir Kathrine Waters Youth Choir Priscilla Nardi 508-485-2705 Outreach Mary Ellen Duggan 508-393-1819 Eucharistic Adoration Sr. Muriel Audette Celeste Mikitarian 508-393-2838 508-393-2838 Prayer Group Marianne Kearney 508-351-6099 Prayer Shawl Ministry Mary Anne Curtis 508-393-6751 Respect for Life Evelyn & Russ Lindquist Lee Crowley 508-393-9199 508-887-1064 R.C.I.A. Sr. Muriel Audette 508-393-2838 Women’s Faith Sharing Peg Lien Sr. Muriel Audette 508-393-7180 508-393-2838 Youth Ministry Lori Howard 508-393-2838 508-393-6484