December, 2015 - Our Savior`s Lutheran Church


December, 2015 - Our Savior`s Lutheran Church
Visioning and Strategic Planning
Greetings family of Our Savior's!
In this email you'll find the latest edition
of 'The Crossroads' newsletter. The
links below will bring you to some
highlights of things happening in the
upcoming month at Our Savior's.
December 2015
Newsletter Highlights
Visioning and Strategic Planning
From Pastor Hansen: Love is
What’s Happening
Worship & Music
Christian Education
Youth & Family Ministry
Also Included
December Calendar
Events & Happenings at OSLC
December Servant Schedule
Greeters, Lectors, Ushers, etc
Worship Times
5:30pm - Saturdays
8:00am & 10:30am - Sundays
Thank you for your recent help with the asset mapping questions in the
narthex. We have developed a data base with the results and we will
use it to wonder together what opportunities God is inviting us into in this
place. A group of thirty people met with Luther Snow on November
7th to learn more about asset mapping and how we can begin to
discover a new way of looking forward in our ministry. Mr. Snow was
engaging and challenging and the gathered group is interested in
continuing the conversation. We will be meeting after the 10:30 worship
service on December 6th. If you would like to join us, you are most
The next phase of our visioning involves a bit of dreaming. In the
narthex is a “Dream Board” that is meant to be a depository of your
hopes and dreams for Our Savior’s. We are going to use these hopes
and dreams to help us figure out what direction we want to move. While
we have lots of general dreams that we desire-to be welcoming and
friendly, etc., try to be specific so we can think about what that might
mean as we plan for new staff and direction.
Finally, take a look at the map below and see what we are up to as a
congregation in these next months!
Baptismal Anniversaries:
Alivia Ann Trumpf
December 7, 2014
Paxton Jacob Roberts
December 20, 2014
Harper Madison Peck
December 28, 2014
Harper Camille Bruns
November 8, 2015
Parents: Chris and Sara Bruns
Sponsors: Andrea Kuipers and
Kevin Duerst
From Pastor Hansen
Love is Everything
3-7 If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be
burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter
what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
8-10 Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying
in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. We know only a
portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete.
But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.
11 When I was an infant at my mother’s breast, I gurgled and cooed
like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.
12 We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering
through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the
sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees
us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!
Financial Progress
Report for the Month
of Oct. 2015
For the month of October, 2015
1) General Fund
Giving: $42,497.70
Expenses: $29,653.07
Net Cash Flow: $12,844.63
YTD Cash flow: <$6260.22>
2) Building fund
Giving: $8035.00
Expenses: $14,294.00
YTD Cash Flow: <$9975.81>
13 But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to
do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope
unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.
1 Corinthians 13:4-13 (The Message)
Dear Friends in Christ, grace and peace to you from God our Father
and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
It is incredibly difficult: This calling to love. We live in a dangerous
world that often seems too fleeting. We see the chaos swirling around
us, coming to us from all devices, radio, computers, televisions, IPads,
newsprint, and in all of our circles. We wonder how we have lost the
sense of innocence that we have so desired over the years. In the 24
hour news cycle we have enjoyed this sense of insulation that comes
with a closing our eyes and thinking about something different. And
yet, in Beirut and Paris this past weekend we were confronted with
horror, once again. The acts of terrorism perpetrated by such a group
are simply hard to believe. They are unthinkable and in the repetition
of the events we are reminded of the horrors of 911 and our loss of
such innocence. What are we to do? What can we do?
Continued from page 2...
Most of us have not been personally affected by these recent events
and so we wring our hands wondering if this is the new reality. As a
former history teacher, I can assure you that events such as these are
not new to humanity. I suspect that the ability to communicate through
social media has just brought this closer to home. Humans have always
treated each other with disdain and mistrust. One can simply change
the names and sometimes the tactics, but the hatred and violence have
always been there. This is of little solace and comfort, however. One
needs to find a way to find hope, to discover something to cling to in the
midst of this chaos. This is the first step. In whom do you first place
your trust? In our lesson from Hebrews this week the writer reminded us
of the promise of God: “Once sins are taken care of for good, there’s
no longer any need to offer sacrifices for them. So, friends, we can
now—without hesitation—walk right up to God, into “the Holy Place.”
Jesus has cleared the way by the blood of his sacrifice, acting as our
priest before God. The “curtain” into God’s presence is his body. So let’s
do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s
keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps
his word.” (Heb 11:18-25) God is faithful. He is our rock. Luther wrote
in his famous, “A Mighty Fortress,” “Though life be wrenched away, they
cannot win the day. The kingdom’s ours forever.” If we can understand
this foundation, then we can begin to see how we can begin to make a
difference in our world. Hebrews continues,” Let’s see how inventive we
can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping
together as some do but spurring each other on,” If we are going to
change our world, it has to be done out of love, real AGAPE love. It has
to be through a love that lifts up the needs of the other before the self. It
has to be the kind of love that Paul writers about in our scripture from 1
But this love that bears witness to the love and faithfulness of God
needs to bear fruit within our own spheres of influence, first. We cannot
simply speak love or shout love to the world. This kind of love is an
active love that seeks to do good to those around us- our households,
neighbors, co-workers, schoolmates, and the folks that we rub shoulders
with every day. After that we can begin to work this love into an ever
broadening circle. Together, we at Our Savior’s meet regularly to
confess our regular turning away from God and each other, but we also
receive forgiveness in order to begin again. Living lives of love takes
work. It takes effort and money and sometimes this work means pain
and suffering. But God is faithful. God will never leave us and God will
always be present with us.
What can we do? Pray. Love God and love others. Believe in the
future and live in the present for all of it is held in God’s hands. As we
begin to prepare ourselves during the Advent season for Christmas, let
us remember what it is we are celebrating- God has chosen to be
present in a new way in our world and in our lives. Jesus is the Word
made flesh for our sake, and the sake of the healing of all of
creation. God is faithful. Thank you for being a loving community of
Pastor Tim
Christmas Worship Opportunities at OSLC
Community Food Pantry Concert-Friday Dec. 4 @ 7 pm at OSLC.
Do you like to sing Christmas carols, hear choirs, handbells, organ
and other instruments? Join us in helping out the Sun Prairie Food
 Children’s Program Sunday Dec. 20th at 10:30am
Come join us as our children will lead worship as they act out the
Christmas Story.
 Sunday Services by candlelight Dec. 20 @ 6 pm
The choirs and musicians at Our Savior’s welcome Christmas with a
festive concert featuring some of most beautiful music of the season.
 Christmas Eve Services @ 4:30, 7:30 & 11 pm.
 Christmas Day service @ 10 am.
These are great opportunities to invite friends & family to celebrate
Christ’s birth with you.
Lessons and Carols for Advent in Support of the
Ministry of Bright Stars of Bethlehem
December 6 at 7:00pm at Midvale Community
Tokay Blvd., Madison
Lutheran Church, 4329
Invite your friends and neighbors to this special Advent event, now in its
second year. The evening will feature musicians and readers from over
a half-dozen local congregations, including the Chancel Ringers and
Pastor Tim from OSLC. You will be moved by beautiful music and you
will be able to join in singing some favorite songs of the season. Your
heart and mind will be opened to the Bethlehem of Jesus' birth and to
the Bethlehem of today. The evening will conclude with a time of refreshments and fellowship. Handmade crafts from artisans who live in
refugee camps in Palestine will be for sale, featuring items that make
wonderful Christmas gifts.
Hope is the theme of Advent, and in these perilous times our sisters
and brothers in the Holy Land need our prayers and support so that
they too might experience hope. A free-will offering will be collected to
support Bright Stars of Bethlehem and the ministries associated with
Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, Palestine. Offerings will be
directed for student scholarships to build hope through education for
young people in this conflicted region. Your presence and gifts will
make a difference for many in the Holy Land.
WOW! Thank You
A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers, cookers of chili, bakers of pies,
and those who attended the recent 3rd Annual Chili Cook-off & Pie Auction. Due to all your efforts OSLC was able to raise $1526.00 towards
the Habitat for Humanities Project we will be involved in. Give yourself
a pat on the back! You are an awesome group with generous hearts!
Winner of the Chili Cook-Off with a White Chicken Chili was Wendy
Harris. Sue Lux came in second with a German Chili, and Scott Lux
came in third with a Hot D-Lux Chili. What fun we had! Thank you all for
the great support and fellowship!
2015 Pizza Wrap Up
I just wanted to give a big shout out THANK YOU to everyone who
helped make Pizza’s on Nov 15th!! You were excellent listeners to the
experienced pizza making instructors and became a well oiled machine
in no time. We made 600 quality pizza’s in a little over 2 hours. I would
like to thank everyone who purchased pizza’s to support the youth programs. The money will go toward future youth retreats and activities
and a portion to the 2018 national youth gathering.
Tom Hanser-2015 pizza coordinator
Contemporary Worship Practice
Calling all musician's interested in lending your gifts and talents in our
contemporary worship beginning in January. We are going to be practicing on December 12th at 9:00 am. in the sanctuary. Bring your instruments and voices for a fun morning of practice!
Hanging of the Greens
On Sunday, November 29 at 11:45am will be our annual Hanging of
the Greens party. A light lunch will be served and Christmas music will
play while we decorate God’s house. Sign up on the welcome center.
If you have any questions contact Peggy Schaub at
Food Pantry Christmas Concert at Our Savior’s on
December 4
Do you like to sing Christmas carols? Do you want to hear vocal choirs
from throughout the Sun Prairie area plus handbells, organ, piano, and
other instruments? Do you wish to help the Sun Prairie Emergency
Food Pantry in its mission to serve our community? You can do all of
this at once! Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the Food
Pantry Concert on Friday, December 4, at 7:00 p.m. at Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church. Join your voices with those of over 200 musicians
from 11 choirs as they usher in the seasons of Advent and Christmas.
Bring your donations of money and food to support the Food Pantry.
The Sun Prairie Emergency Food Pantry is an equal opportunity
Attention OSLC bakers: Your help is needed! Each church with
participating choirs is asked to supply 12-15 dozen cookies, bars, or
holiday treats for the reception in the narthex following the concert. If
you can provide any of these goodies, please bring them to the
kitchenette by noon on December 4.
Christmas by Candlelight at Our Savior’s on
December 20
We will once
again have
during the
holiday season. The Poinsettia
order forms are in the pews and
on the Welcome Center. The
deadline for ordering will be
December 6. The cost will be
Altar Flowers
The altar flower sign up board for
2016 is available in the narthex.
Choose a special day to honor
your loved ones birthday,
anniversary or in memory of a
loved one who has passed away.
Please fill out the order form and
attach payment to the order.
Your date gets reserved when all
necessary components have
been turned in. The cost is $20/
vase and there are two spots per
All the musicians of Our Savior’s invite you to celebrate the Christmas
season on Sunday evening, December 20, at 6:00 p.m. as all the
choirs, the handbells, plus organ, piano, and more offer music of hope,
comfort, and joy. Come, hear the Cherub Choir, Youth Choir, Alleluia
Singers, Grace Notes, Old Hims, Senior Choir, and Chancel Ringers.
No tickets are needed, but a free will offering to benefit the Sun Prairie
Emergency Food Pantry will be taken. A reception will follow the
program. The Senior Choir will also present their portion of the program
in the chapel at Oakwood Village East at 2:00 p.m.
Celebrate Christmas by Worshiping with Us
Christmas Eve offers opportunities to worship at 4:30, 7:30, and 11:00
p.m. Worship at 4:30 is family oriented, the service at 7:30 is a festival
service, and the 11:00 service is quiet and reflective. On Christmas Day
we will worship at 10:00 a.m. On Saturday, December 26, we will
worship at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday, December 27, we will worship at 8:00
a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Catch the Christmas spirit – December 20, 2015
This year’s Christmas pageant, The First Christmas, will be performed
on Sunday, December 20th at the 10:30 worship service. This is a great
program with the message of the real reason why we celebrate the first
Christmas in story and song. Rehearsals for the Christmas pageant will
be during Sunday School.
Book Club Reads
The Thirteenth Gift
December’s book will be The
Thirteenth Gift by Joanne Huist
Smith. There will be no meeting in
January. For meeting location and
information contact Jan Gaddis @
Please see the Welcome Center for
information on the upcoming
The Spirited Book Club
Creative Connections
Craft Night
Come enjoy an evening of
fellowship and crafts Friday,
December 18 6-9 pm. We'll meet in
the chapel and you are welcome to
bring your own projects to work on.
And bring your friends. All are
welcome! January 29 is the next
gathering, mark your calendars.
Forgiven: The Amish School Shooting, A Mother's Love, And a Story
of Remarkable Grace by Terri Roberts
In October 2006, her 32 year old son, Charlie,
walked into an Amish school in Lancaster, PA and
shot ten young girls, killing five of them before killing
himself. The Amish came to her the night of the
shooting to offer forgiveness and say they wanted
her to stay. "For the mother and father who had lost
two daughters at the hand of our son, to come up
and be the first ones to greet us - wow. Is there
anything in this life that we should not be forgiven?"
We will meet for conversation about this story
on Thursday, December 3rd, 6:30pm.
Dear and Glorious Physician by Taylor Caldwell
This is a novel about the triumphant story of St.
Luke, man of science and gospel writer. Taylor
Caldwell's travel through the Holy Land and years
of research give this book a fully developed portrait
of a complex and brilliant man, St. Luke. Here is a
story to warm, inspire, and call forth renewal of
faith lying deep within each reader's heart.
We will gather to share our thoughts about this
story on Thursday, Jan. 7 and Thursday, Feb. 4 at
6:30pm. Email Joy Kroeger
at for our gathering
Dinner and A Movie features
Heaven Is For Real
Based on the #1 New York Times best-selling
book of the same name, HEAVEN IS FOR
REAL brings to the screen the true story of a
small-town father who must find the courage
and conviction to share his son's
extraordinary, life-changing experience with
the world. The film stars Academy Award®
nominee and Emmy® award winning actor
Greg Kinnear as Todd Burpo and co-stars
Kelly Reilly as Sonja Burpo, the real-life
couple whose son Colton (newcomer Connor Corum) claims to have
visited Heaven during a near death experience. Colton recounts the
details of his amazing journey with childlike innocence and speaks
matter-of-factly about things that happened before his birth ... things
he couldn't possibly know. Todd and his family are then challenged to
examine the meaning from this remarkable event. So bring some food
to share. Invite a friend. Sign up at the Welcome Center or email
your RSVP to See you at the movies on
Thursday, December 10 at 6:30pm.
Christian Education
First Communion Recognition Milestone to be
Celebrated on January 31
Parents and children have the opportunity to attend one of two
opportunities where they will learn about God’s gift of love in the Holy
Communion. We ask that you come to one session:
Saturday, January 16, at 10am
Wednesday, January 20, at 4pm
All second graders, their parents, and those older than second grade
who have not attended a communion enrichment class are encouraged
to attend. Sign up at the welcome center to let us know you will be
Visit Your OSLC Library
From Anywhere
Our Savior's library is accessible
from your home computer,
Smartphone or tablet.
All you need to do is type:
H.html and hit Enter and Bookmark
the site.
Then you will have access to over
2,360 books, DVDs and CDs in our
church's collection. Explore by title,
author, subject, or series. Find the
call number to locate the item(s) on
the shelves at Our Savior's and on
your next trip to church, check out
the item(s) at the kiosk.
New to the library collection are
seven CD’s featuring Pastor Tim
Hansen. All the songs are written
by Tim. Check them out!
The communion milestone date has been set for Sunday, January 31,
at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. This is a wonderful opportunity to
celebrate the learning our young members have received in the
communion enrichment class. Contact Pastor Tim, at, if you have any questions.
Baptism Enrichment Class
Those who are planning a baptism in the
near future should attend the Baptism
Enrichment class planned for Saturday,
January 9 at 10:00am. In this 60 minute
class, we will discuss the meaning of
Baptism and how parents and sponsors can
nurture their children in faith. Participants can
sign up at the welcome center or call the
office. Childcare is available.
Confirmation Mentor Needed Through April 2016
Interested in mentoring some middle school boys?
We are still in need of a mentor to help with one group of middle school
boys. It does not take much of your time, but what you get out of it is
amazing, and the power of sharing your faith makes a difference in their
lives. Please call the office at 608-837-3111 if you are interested.
The College-Age Team News
The CAT team has done a fantastic job of collecting addresses for
many of our college youth. Fall cards introducing the CAT team have
been sent and next on their agenda is Christmas Cards. Youth can
always be added to this ministry, please contact Brandy in the office
by email, phone 608-837-3111 or leave a note
on her desk to get connected to the CAT ministry.
Family Movie Night-Rise of the Guardians
When the evil spirit Pitch launches an assault on
Earth, the Immortal Guardians team up to protect
the innocence of children all around the world.
The feature will be shown on Friday, December
11 at 6pm in Mission Matinee. This event is open
to all ages. Check out the Youth and Family
bulletin board by the library to sign up for this fun
fellowship event with your church family. For
questions please see Tamara Martin or email her
chaos and RIOT
All chaos and Riot families mark your calendars for January
31st! Plan for an exciting afternoon of laser tag. All middle and high
school students are welcome! Watch for more details coming in
January. Parents please consider driving and chaperoning this fun
event at Ultrazone. It's a blast and free for chaperons. If you have
questions or want to help contact Jim Sensenbrenner
Box Tops, Pop Tabs and Label Collection Site
Just a reminder Our Savior’s has collection
boxes for wonderful programs that help our
community. The Box Tops benefit the local
school programs earn extra “free” money.
The pop tabs benefit the Ronald McDonald
House supporting families who need
housing while a family member is in the hospital. Labels for
Education is also a program that simply by collecting labels from
various food items money can be earned for our schools. Collection
boxes are located on the floor near the pop machine. Your support is
greatly appreciated!
Play Group Tuesday Mornings at OSLC
Every Tuesday morning from 9:30am-11am a Play Group takes place
at OSLC in the nursery. This is a come & go atmosphere for ages birth
to 4yr. One adult needs to be present with the child or children for time
spent here. Daycare kids, non-members, anyone is welcome. Come
and enjoy fellowship with other parents or grandparents while the
children have fun.
Our Savior's is a member of the
American Red Cross One-A-Week
Blood Donor Club with an annual
goal of giving a minimum of 52
blood donations a year.
Remember to sign the One-A-Week
binder for our club # 80 after you
donate. Year to date total is:124
Prayer Requests & Hospital Notification
Do you have a prayer request or hospital notification you would like to
pass along? You can share your requests with the Communications
Secretary at, or Pastor Tim at or call the church office. When you submit prayer
requests, they are sent to the Our Savior’s prayer chain via email and
are added to the prayers during weekend worship.
Visit for more info on donating
or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.
If you would like your request to remain confidential to a pastor, or
would not like it shared with the prayer chain or included in worship
prayers, please note your wishes in your request.
On behalf of Our Savior’s—thank
you for your donations. Call to
schedule your appointment today!
Our contributors for October
include: Brenden Pautsch (dbl red
cell) x 2, Keith Heller, Jeff Meyers,
Judy Singletary, Dan Williamson,
Liz Thony, Wendy Harris
Spirit of Giving
Home Bound Visits
Do you know of a congregation
member who would appreciate a
home visit. If so, contact Brandy at
the church office (837-3111) or with the name
and number of the member to
include on our home visits lists.
The Giving Tree is in the narthex and was filled with wish lists of many
Sun Prairie children. There are a couple remaining tags if you would
like to participate in the Spirit of Giving program here is what you need
to do: 1. Choose a tag from the Giving Tree and sign it out with your
name and phone number.
2. Each child's wish list may include more than 1
item. You may choose any items from the wish
list, please keep the gift amount in the $30-$35
range. We know it may be tempting to purchase
more for these children, but as we're trying to
keep the program equitable for all involved it is
important to keep within the guidelines. If you
can't find the item the child is requesting, choose
a similar age-appropriate gift instead.
3. Return the gift to OSLC by December 6 along
with the tag clearly placed on the gift. The gifts
should be unwrapped.
Thank you for your amazing generosity!
Clothesline Ministry
It's time to pass on the thanks for giving so much wonderful clothing to
the Clothesline Ministry already this year! Sincere, sweet, thank you
cards sent from kids tell stories how donations make a difference!
Grateful school staff constantly thank the church for helping their
neediest students!
During December the narthex display will take a short break, but there's
still time to donate. All kids clothing is appreciated, but warm winter
wear is especially needed now. With snow coming soon waterproof
mittens and boots are always requested by the schools. Also; last
year's Christmas outfits would be great! New and used items can be
dropped off in the basket in the narthex after the holiday season in
The Salvation Army Bell
Help your neighbors this holiday
season by volunteering to ring
bells for The Salvation Army during
now until December 24.
Kettle shifts are available at over
70 locations throughout Dane
County. Funds donated to the red
kettles in Dane County stay in
Dane county to provide social services to homeless families and
support children’s programs such
as after school tutoring, sports and
other character building activities.
Volunteer at or
call 608-250-2235.
Agrace to Offer Orientation for Prospective Volunteers in December
In December, Agrace will offer volunteer orientation opportunities for
those interested in making a difference in the lives of others. An orientation session will be held Tuesday, December 8, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at
Agrace’s Madison campus, 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway. Prior to attending
orientation, prospective volunteers will complete an application and an
interview process with Agrace’s Volunteer Services staff to identify the
volunteer’s skills and interests. Call (608) 327-7163 to begin the preorientation process.
Agrace to Offer Weekly Grief Support in December
In December, Agrace will offer its Bridges Grief Support Group on
Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway, Madison. This ongoing, drop-in support group is for adults who are grieving
the death of a loved one. This group is open to the public and provided
without charge. Registration is not required.
Food Pantry Donations
We are collecting donations of food to support the Food Pantry. There is
a fall display in the Narthex where you may place your non perishable
food items in the baskets. Thank you for your support of our local food
pantry. The Sun Prairie Emergency Food Pantry is and Equal Opportunity Provider. Plastic & paper bags are needed also.
Staff at Our Savior’s
Senior Pastor
Rev. Tim Hansen
Home: (608) 838-7929
Administrative Secretary
Brandy Foulkes
Communications Secretary
Peggy Bjugstad
Director of Music, Organist
John Krueger
Cell: (608) 249-0679
Director of Adult Choirs
Mark Lehnowsky
Director of Chancel Ringers
Angie Schmidt
Director of Youth & Alleluia Choirs
Judy and Breta Saganski
Director of Cherub Choir
Kim Olander
Nursery Coordinator
Lisa Lee
Wedding Coordinators
Patricia McFadden, Brandy
Alex Bandli, Diane Padrutt
Chris Bruns
Church Office Phone
Finance Secretary
Bonnie Shema
Congregational Council
President: Steve Olson
Evangelism: Vicki Hanrahan
Vice President: Kela Feldman
Fellowship: Gretchann Dalgaard Stewardship: Paul Thurston
Secretary: Dean Sommer
Finance: Linda Frautschy
Treasurer: Barb Polishinski
Lay Ministry: Peggy Schaub
Church in Society: Dawn Bradley
Property: Wayne Engelbrecht
Education: Rosalynn Rudd
Public Relations: Katie Jo Borga
Youth & Family: Garth Jorgensen
December 2015 Newsletter
550 Lincoln Drive, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590-1399
Phone (608)837-3111
Fax (608)837-9378
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm
5:30pm Saturday
8:00am & 10:30am Sunday
Sunday School
9:15am Sunday
OSLC Offerings Online
or scan this code with
your smartphone for
instructions to give
your offering online!
The Crossroads is the official monthly publication of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, December 2015 edition, Volume 10, Issue 12 Membership is voluntary; we are located at
550 Lincoln Drive, Sun Prairie, WI 53590-1300, (608)837-3111
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