Harborlight House, Beverly - Harborlight Community Partners


Harborlight House, Beverly - Harborlight Community Partners
Harborlight House, Beverly Project Highlights Harborlight House is the flagship property of Harborlight Community
Partners. The stately historic home was the first property founded by
the First Bap st Church in Beverly in 1963.
Harborlight House serves very low‐income seniors in need who might
otherwise require nursing home care. It is a warm, friendly and
suppor ve environment offering daily enrichment opportuni es in
tandem with needed nursing care.
Harborlight House Renova ons and Improvements include: 
State‐supported housing vouchers for each unit to ensure
Dining Room expanded (to accommodate mobility needs)
Many units reconfigured to increase average unit size, adjusted
for increased mobility equipment
Kitchene es will be added to each unit
Siding, insula on and sealing up the exterior for energy efficiency
HLH will have a new roof, new boiler and mechanical systems to
improve energy efficiency and ensure comfort of our senior
Number of units will shi from 35 to 30 due of the expansion of
the unit space
Elevator will be upgraded
A new emergency call system will be installed throughout
New flooring and paint in all common areas
Water efficient fixtures for all units
Dec 2015 HCP Receives Grant &
Housing Vouchers from MA DHCD
August 2015
Construc on Begins
July 2016
Construc on Complete
For more informa on about this, or other HCP projects, please visit www.harborlightcp.org or contact
Andrew DeFranza, Execu ve Director, at adefranza@harborlightcp.org o r 978‐922‐105 x 207.