Hervey Bay Anglican Parish - St. John`s Anglican Church Hervey Bay


Hervey Bay Anglican Parish - St. John`s Anglican Church Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay
Anglican Parish
Weekly News
21st August, 2016
Mission Statement—Through Christ: change lives, transform communities
Vision Statement—Inspired lives and inclusive communities rejoicing in and through Christ.
Church Growth - What Do We Mean and How Do We Achieve It?
When we hear the word 'growth' in association with Church life, we tend to think fairly immediately
of the number of people in the Church on Sunday. But that is not the whole picture of what growth
might be about.
Over recent years, Archbishop Phillip has been challenging the Church in this diocese to pursue
growth in four areas:
Growth in faith - those who are already members of the Church community becoming more
committed in their relationship with God through Jesus;
Growth in service - being more concerned about doing something to assist those both within and without of the
Church who are struggling in their lives for one reason
or another;
Growth in generosity - willingness to contribute more to the mission of the Church in terms of financial support and
availability of time.
Growth in congregations - numerical growth in the number of people attending our Churches.
Academic Loren B Mead also approaches the nature of growth in a broader way than just raw numbers on Sunday. He speaks
about growth in four categories:
Numerical growth - that is growth in the ways we ordinarily describe it. Sunday attendance, size of budget, number of
activities and growth in numbers of active
Maturational growth - this growth in the stature and maturity of each member and congregation, spiritual
development, etc.
Organic growth - this is the growth of the congregation as a functioning community, able to maintain itself as a living
organism and one which engages with other institutions within its context.
Incarnational growth - this is growth in the ability to take on the meanings and values of the faith story and make them
real in the world outside the congregation. The congregation grows in its ability to enflesh in the community, which is what
faith is all about.
How growth in these various senses might be achieved is something of a million dollar question. However, a way towards
answering the question is to begin to rediscover the core spiritual message that drives us as Christians. We need to be
constantly rediscovering the good news that Jesus' saving life, death and resurrection is for us.
The way we do that is as old as Christianity itself. It involves reflecting upon and being nourished by God's word to us in the
scriptures. It involves our commitment to regular sincere times of prayer. It involves our celebrating all that God has done
and will do for us through gathering together wholeheartedly to worship God.
Let us pray for and walk together towards growth in all its manifestations within this Christian community.
Parish Office: Ministry Centre, 5 Peters Lane, Pialba Tuesday—Friday: 9.00am -3.00pm Ph: 41241499
Postal Address: PO Box 35, Hervey Bay, Qld, 4655 Email: admin@anglicanherveybay.org.au
Parish Priest: Archdeacon Allan Paulsen Mobile: 0400 943 105 Email: ajpaulsen@bigpond.com
Associate Priest: Fr Greg Loumeau Mobile: 0431 065 118 Email: gloumeau@fcac.qld.edu.au
Hon Associate Priest: Fr Vic Burgess Mobile 0477 736 244 Email: vicburgess45@gmail.com
Our Worship Times
St John’s Church
Weekday Eucharists
7.00am Sung Eucharist
9.00am Family Eucharist
6.00pm Sunset Service
10.00am All Souls’ Chapel in St John’s Church
9.30am Kirami Aged Care Facility
10.00am All Saint’s Chapel in Ministry Centre, Pialba
1st Tuesday
(Doolong Road, Wondunna)
Burrum Heads Community Church
7.30am Sundays
9.15am Torbay Chapel & 10.30am Masters Lodge
2nd Tuesday
Howard Community Church
10.30am Fairhaven
3rd Tuesday
9.30am Sundays
9.30am Baycrest
All Saint’s Chapel in the Ministry Centre, Peters Lane, Pialba, is open for private prayer 9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday
Parish Family
Maureen Biri, Heather & Hans de Niet, Jean & David
Griffiths, Marleen & Martin Kroezen, Wendy Moffett,
Rada Radosevic, Maureen & Rev Ian Trainor, Bev
Murray, Sharon & Harold James.
Sick and in Need
June & Russ Merrin, Paula & Ron Rofe, Ted Fuller, Reg
Shaw, Max & Mavis Wilson, Jean Evans, Rose Maynard,
Julie Mills, Pat & Albert Patton, Rev John Pattison, Rev
Kev Lister, Norma Thomas, Anne Woolnough, JulieAnne Dick, Maisie Briskey.
Faithful Departed
Robert Dickinson, Queenie Walter, Arthur Brain, Roy
Scougall, Gladys Hiscoke.
TODAY — 14th Sunday after Pentecost – 21st August
Isaiah 58.9-14, Psalm 103.1-8, Hebrews 12.18-29,
Luke 13.10-17
Ps 104:1-25; 2 Chronicles 28:16-29:11; Acts 18:1-17
Ps 105:1-22; 2 Chronicles 29:15-30; Acts 18:18-28
Ps 106:1-24; 2 Chronicles 29:31-30:12; Acts 19:1-20
Ps 107:1-22; 2 Chronicles 30:13-27; Acts 19:21-41
Pss 110;111; 2 Chronicles 31:1-12a; Acts 20:1-16
Pss 114;115; 2 Chronicles 31:17-32:8; Acts 20:17-38
NEXT SUNDAY— 15th Sunday after Pentecost - 28th August
Proverbs 25.6-7; Psalm 112; Hebrews 13.1-8, 15-16;
Luke 14.1, 7-14
Men’s Breakfast
Come along for some great
Food, Bible Study & Prayer
In the Parish Hall at 7am
27th August
God of our joy,
We come before you as the parish family of Hervey Bay.
Thank you for calling us to this community.
Through your Holy Spirit lead us as we turn to you for
guidance, courage and faith.
Keep us faithful to all that is true and help us to willingly
follow you, so that we may become a more loving,
forgiving and affirming community.
Continue to nourish and
inspire us by your love so that
we may bring peace, hope
and justice to our families and
to our world.
Together may we journey
with you and with one
another. Amen
Offerings received last week :- $3,287
Budgeted Weekly Income:- $2,885
New parishioners—If you notice we have
some visitors within our services, please
make them welcome. It is everyone’s
responsibility to welcome not just those on
the door.
What’s On
7AM PARISHIONERS—We are in need of 2 more people to
assist with the Welcomer/sidespeople duties. Your duty will
be once a month or maybe less. When people go away it
leaves our sidespeople with more duties. Please contact the
office if you can be of assistance.
Coral Priestly, one of our
parishioners is has registered
to ride 540km in this event
from 3 - 11 September. The
race is from Woodford to
Hervey Bay. Please help
support Coral by donating or
sponsoring per km. Coral’s
charity is the Women’s Shelter.The donation form can be
found on Dee’s table. Your donation can be per km or a
straight out amount. Thank you for your assistance and
support of Coral.
Love In A Shoebox 2016
If you are wondering what you can
purchase to assist with the shoebox
filling, please see below:Boys and Girls Age 2-4 yrs—underwear
Girls 10-14—underwear
Colouring pencils & sharpeners
Saturday 10th September
Parish Hall
Open at 9.30am with a cuppa
Draw commencing at 10am
Please keep Gerry Barker and Lyle
Gronow in your prayers as they
prepare to attend their Cursillo
weekend from 25-28 August.
HELP NEEDED —Are you able to assist with the
changing of the sign at the front of the church for
the month of SEPTEMBER please. It needs only
be changed twice during that month.
Cakeless Cake Stall for August
If you would like to donate to the cakeless cake
stall for August, please place your donation into
the envelope provided and the envelope can be
placed into the offertory plate.
Thank you to Alan Moore
for driving
Mothers’ Union
to Kingaroy on Tuesday for
their regional meeting
At the Parish Hall
Encourage your friends to come along.
All Welcome.
A BIG thank you to the ladies from MU who
commenced the packing of the shoeboxes this
week. Just over 50 boxes were packed. As
mentioned in the advert above, there are some
items needed to continue packing.
DATE CLAIMER:- Spiritual Reflection Day on
Saturday 17th September at 8am at FCAC Chapel.
This Reflection Day will be conducted by Bishop
The FCAC entry into the Interchurch Floral Art Display held
at St Joseph’s Parish
Love in a Shoebox Total raised:- $752.40
Fraser Coast Anglican College
est. January 1995
Koala Kindy – Year 12
co-educational campus
For enrolments or information contact:
Ms Tracey Wigmore
Fraser Coast Anglican College
Doolong South Road
PO Box 1150
Hervey Bay Qld 4655
Phone (07) 4124 5411
Hervey Bay Croquet & Mallet Sports Club Inc.
Swing into CROQUET
Fun, Fellowship
Gentle Exercise
Body & Mind
Enjoy the Open Spaces
Joan 41244247 Jenny 0417334227
Peacheys Investment
Services Pty. Ltd.
“Adding Value to the Community”
Scott Bickerton
Authorised Representative of Peacheys
Investment Services Pty. Ltd.
Licenced Dealer in Securities No. 181337
Ph/Fax 4124 2722 Mob: 0427 131 945
Emma Shinner
Products and Services
Concrete—including decorative & coloured mixes
Steel & reinforcing mesh supplies
Quarry Products—Roadbases, CBR, crusher dust
Mary River natural decorative stones 7-150mm
Emerald white, gold & red decorative stones
Top soil & garden soil
Bagged cement supplies
0417 294 595
ABN 90 285 918
Maurice & Nicole Ellis
Licensed Real Estate Agents
Commissioner for Declarations
0427 246 261
Leslie G Ross
Fraser Coast Crematorium &
Bayside Memorial Gardens
Hervey Bay Office
Focal Point
Cnr Torquay & Taylor Street, Pialba
4124 4883
Fraser Coast Crematorium
on the Highway, Nikenbah
4124 7511
Personal Service with Professional People
20 Years in Hervey Bay
All Electrical, TV, Telephone
& Solar Needs
Ph: Colin 0427 027 472 or
4124 4600
Lic No. 10574
Lorelle Mathiesen—Dip. Qual.
Tony Port 0497 625 899
QBCC 1065825