THIS ENGLISH VERSION OF THE PROSPECTUS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSLATION. THE ONLY OFFICIAL VERSION OF THE PROSPECTUS IN VIETNAMESE THAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE HO CHI MINH STOCK EXCHANGE CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEBSITE OF THE HO CHI MINH STOCK EXCHANGE ( AND CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION ( PROSPECTUS CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION (Business Registration Certificate No. 0302018927, issued for the first time by Ho Chi Minh City Department of Planning and Investment on 11/04/2005 and amendment 13rd on 14/01/2015) SHARE LISTING ON HO CHI MINH STOCK EXCHANGE (Decision No.410/QĐ-SGDHCM dated 10/09/2015 by The Ho Chi Minh Stock exchange) This prospectus and attachments will be provided at: 1. CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Headquarter: B1-1 Northwest Cu Chi Industrial Zone, Cu Chi district, HCMC 2. DONG A SECURITES COMPANY LIMITED Headquarter: Floor 2&3,building 468 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai St, Ward 2, District 3,HCMC Ha Noi Branch: 181 Nguyen Luong Bang Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi Sai Gon Branch: 60-70 Nguyen Cong Tru Street, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, District 1, HCMC Reponsibility of Information Disclosure: Full name: Ms. Nguyen Phuong Chi Position: Strategic Development Director Tel. : (08) 37907565 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPECTUS CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION (Business Registration Certificate number 0302018927, issued for the first time by Ho Chi Minh City Department of Planning and Investment on 11/04/2005 and amendment 13rd on 14/01/2015) SHARE LISTING ON HO CHI MINH STOCK EXCHANGE Share name : Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation Type of share : Ordinary share Sharesymbol : STK Par value per share : VND 10.000 Number of shares : 42.305.336 shares Value of shares (by par value): VND 423.053.360.000 (Four hundred twenty three billion fifty three million three hundred and sixty thousand Vietnam dong) THE AUDIT FIRM: ERNST & YOUNG VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED Address: 2 Hai Trieu Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel.: (08) 3824 5252 Fax: (08) 3824 5250 Website: THE ADVISOR: DONG A SERCURITIES COMPANY LIMITED Headquarter Address : Floor 2&3, Building 468 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 2, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel. : (08) 38 336 333 Fax : (08) 38 333 891 Website : Email : Ha Noi Branch Địa chỉ : 181 Nguyen Luong Bang Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi. Tel. : (04) 3944 5175 Fax : (04) 3944 5178 Sai Gon Branch Address : 60 – 70 Nguyen Cong Tru Street, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel. : (08) 3821 8666 Fax : (08) 3914 4372 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 2 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPECTUS INDEX INDEX.................................................................................................................................. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... 6 CHARTS .............................................................................................................................. 6 TABLES ............................................................................................................................... 6 I. Risk factors ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. Economic risks ......................................................................................................................8 Legal risks ...........................................................................................................................10 Specific risks .......................................................................................................................10 Other risks ...........................................................................................................................13 PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENTS OF THE PROSPECTUS 14 1. Listing Company .................................................................................................................14 2. The Advisor .........................................................................................................................14 III. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................. 15 IV. STATUS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LISTING COMPANY ........... 15 1. Summary of formation and development milestones ..........................................................15 1.1 About the Company .....................................................................................................15 1.2 History of formation and development ........................................................................16 1.3 Business activities and products / services offered by the Company ..........................18 1.4 Introduction to the Company's capital raising progress .............................................19 2. Structure of the Company ...................................................................................................20 3. The management structure of the Company .......................................................................21 3.1 General Meeting of Shareholders (GM) .....................................................................21 3.2 Board of Directors (BOD)...........................................................................................22 3.3 Supervisory Committee (SC) .......................................................................................22 3.4 Board of Management .................................................................................................22 3.5 Departments and divisions within the Company .........................................................23 3.6 Labor unions ...............................................................................................................28 4. List of shareholders holding over 5% of Chartered capital, list of founding shareholders and shareholder structure ....................................................................................................29 4.1 List of shareholders holding over 5% of the company’s Chartered capital ...............29 4.2 List of founding shareholders: ....................................................................................29 4.3 Shareholder structure ..................................................................................................30 5. List of parent companies and subsidiaries of the listing company, the companies that the listing company is holding controlling or dominant stake, the companies holding control or dominant stake of the listing company ..........................................................30 5.1 List of parent companies and subsidiaries of STK ......................................................30 5.2 the companies that STK is holding controlling or dominant stake, the companies holding control or dominant stake of STK ..............................................................................30 5.3 List of associates or join ventures of STK ...................................................................30 6. Business activities ...............................................................................................................31 6.1 Business model ............................................................................................................31 6.2 Product Quantity / Service value over years ...............................................................33 6.3 Plant capacity and sales volume through the years ....................................................38 6.4 Raw materials ..............................................................................................................40 6.5 Production cost ...........................................................................................................43 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 3 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPECTUS 6.6 Production processes of main products ......................................................................45 6.7 Technology level ..........................................................................................................46 6.8 Research and development of new products ...............................................................48 6.9 Quality control ............................................................................................................48 6.10 Marketing activities .....................................................................................................52 6.11 Customer network of STK ...........................................................................................53 6.12 Customer services .......................................................................................................54 6.13 Labor force ..................................................................................................................55 6.14 Trademarks, registered patents and copyrights .........................................................56 6.15 Unfinished or signed contracts ...................................................................................56 7. Income Statement in 2013, 2014 and 6M2015 ...................................................................59 7.1 Summary of some items on income statements of the Company in 2013, 2014 and 6M2015....................................................................................................................................59 7.2 Factors affecting the Business and Production activities of the Company:................60 8. Position of the Company compared with other firms in the same industry ........................62 8.1 Position of the Company in the industry .....................................................................62 8.2 The industry’s development prospect ..........................................................................65 8.3 Evaluating the compatibility of Company's development strategy with industry’s, state’s policy and the general trend in the world ....................................................................72 9. Employee policy .................................................................................................................73 9.1 STK’s human resource ................................................................................................73 9.2 Working regulation and remuneration, allowances policies for employee.................73 10. Dividend policy ...................................................................................................................74 11. Historical financials activities............................................................................................75 11.1 Basic of preparation of historical financial statements ..............................................75 11.2 Financial ratios ...........................................................................................................81 12. Board of Directors. Board of Management, Supervisory Committee and Chief Accountant .............................................................................................................................................82 12.1 Board of Directors ......................................................................................................83 12.2 Supervisory Commitee .................................................................................................90 12.3 Board of Directors ......................................................................................................94 12.4 Chief Accountant .........................................................................................................94 13. Assets ..................................................................................................................................95 14. Development orientation, profit and dividend in the next year. ..........................................96 14.1 Development Orientation ............................................................................................96 14.2 Business Plan in the period of 2015-2016: .................................................................97 14.3 Purusant to achieve the earning and dividend plan in 2015 -2016 ............................98 15. Advisory‟s opinions on profit and dividend plan ................................................................99 16. Information of listing organization about the commitment but not yet implemented.........99 17. Information of litigation involving the Company that may affect the price of the listing shares ..................................................................................................................................99 V. LISTING SHARES .................................................................................................. 99 1. 2. 3. 4. Type of shares .....................................................................................................................99 Par value ..............................................................................................................................99 Total number of listing shares .............................................................................................99 The number of shares is restricted to transfer according to the regulations of law or of listing organization ..............................................................................................................99 5. Price valuation method ......................................................................................................101 5.1 Selection criteria of comparing companies .............................................................101 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 4 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPECTUS 5.2 The calculation formula of method P/E ..................................................................101 5.3 The calculation formula of method P/BV ...............................................................101 5.4 Determine (P/BV)average và (P/E) average: ...................................................................102 5.5 Determine price of shares ........................................................................................102 5.6 Summary of results ...................................................................................................102 6. Limitation on number of shares held by foreigners ..........................................................103 7. Related taxes: ....................................................................................................................104 VI. THE PARTNERS WITH REGARD TO LISTING ............................................ 105 1. Advising Company: ...........................................................................................................105 2. Auditing Company: ...........................................................................................................105 VII. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................. 106 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 5 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPECTUS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHARTS Chart 1: Inflation Index period 2013 - 2015 ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Chart 2: Selling price and chip’s price ...........................................................................................11 Chart 3: Net Revenue and average selling price (2008 – 2014) .....................................................35 Chart 4 : Breakdown revenue by product .......................................................................................36 Chart 5 : Gross profit and gross margin(2008 – 2014) ..................................................................37 Chart 6 : Designed capacity and machine using rate of the Company from 2008 to 2014 ............39 Chart 7: Sale volume from 2008-2014 ............................................................................................39 Chart 8 : Sale volume by export and domestic market from 2010 - 2014 .......................................40 Chart 9 : The violation of raw materials PTA and MEG from 9/2014 to 3/2015 ...........................42 Chart 10 : The fluctuation of fiber selling price and PET chip purchased price ...........................42 Chart 11 : The cost factors in 2013, 2014 and the first 6 months of 2015......................................44 Chart 12: Top 10 – 20 clients in Total Revenue .............................................................................53 Chart 13: Market share of STK .......................................................................................................63 Chart 14: Avarage wage of some countries ....................................................................................67 Chart 15 : Forecast of Vietnam T&G turnover (2014-2020)..........................................................69 TABLES Bảng 1: Capital raising progress of the Company .........................................................................19 Table 2 : List of shareholders holding over 5% share capital of the Company .............................29 Table 3: The company’s list of founding shareholders ...................................................................29 Table 4: The Company’s shareholder structure .............................................................................30 Table 5: The percentage of each operating revenue to total revenue .............................................35 Table 7: Actual days of machine using from 2008 to 2014 .............................................................38 Table 9 : COGS, selling expenses and general administration expenses of the Company from 2013 – 6M2015.........................................................................................................................................43 Bảng 10 : Some operation indicators of some companies of the industry ......................................44 Table 11 : Some typical equipment of the Company .......................................................................47 Picture 12: Some unfinished or signed large contracts ..................................................................56 Table 13: Some income statement items of the Company in 2013, 2014 and 6M2015 ...................59 Table 14 : The direct Company’s domestic competitors .................................................................63 Table 15 : Criteria of companies in fiber, weave and clothing industry in 2014 ...........................64 Table 16: The world textile and garment revenue ..........................................................................66 Table 17: Vietnam and China market share in some main markets ...............................................67 Table 18 : The World Top Ten T&G exporters ...............................................................................68 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 6 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPECTUS Table 19 : Vietnam T&G industry’s market share and proportion of import in the US and EU-27 .........................................................................................................................................................69 Table 20 : Number of new investment projects in Vietnam T&G industry .....................................70 Table 21: Import rate of fiber in some countries ............................................................................72 Table 22 : Employee structure by the Company qualifications ......................................................73 Bảng 23 : History of dividend payments from 2009 to 2014 and dividend plan in 2015 (expected) .........................................................................................................................................................75 Table 24: Status of authorized capital and operational capital of the Company ...........................76 Table 25: Average income of the Company’s employees ................................................................77 Table 26: Labor average income of certain Vietnam T&G companies on 2014 ............................77 Bảng 27: Balance of Company’s funds over the years ...................................................................78 Table 28 : The Company's receivable .............................................................................................78 Table 29 : The Company's payables................................................................................................79 Bảng 30 : The Company’s Total outstanding debts ........................................................................79 Bảng 31 : The Company’s main financial ratios in FY2013A, FY2014A .......................................81 Table 32 : Members of BOD, BOM, SC and Chief Accountant of the Company ............................82 Table 33 : Tangible and Intangible fixed assets of the Company at 30/06/2015 ............................95 Table 34 : List of real estate the Company is managing and using ................................................95 Table 35 : Disbursement progress Trang Bang Phase 3 project ....................................................96 Table 36 : Investment Projects ........................................................................................................96 Table 37: Business plan in period of 2015-2016 ............................................................................97 Table 38: The total number of shares is restricted to transfer......................................................100 PICTURES Picture 1: The organizational model of the STK.............................................................................21 Picture 2 : Company’s business model ...........................................................................................31 Picture 3: Activity diagram of the Company ...................................................................................32 Picture 6: Pictures on some machinery and equipments of the Company ......................................47 Picture 9: The value chain in the textile and garment industry ......................................................65 Picture 10 : Major textile exporting – importing countries on the world .......................................66 Picture 11 : The textile and garment shift from China to Southeast Asia .......................................67 Picture 12 : Bottleneck in Vietnam T&G industry ..........................................................................68 Picture 13 : Vietnam's T&G export value grows gradually with the increase of the free trade agreements ......................................................................................................................................69 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 7 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION I. RISK FACTORS 1. Economic risks PROSPESTUS Economic risks are changes in the economy along with the change of fiscal and monetary policies that directly affect the operation of the company. Economic growth rate risk In recent years, the global financial crisis and economic downturn had a strong impact on the economy of the world and Vietnam‟s. However, according to forecasts of the World Bank, the global economy is recovering with GDP growth expected to rise from 2,6% (2014) to 2,8% (2015), 3,3% (2016 ) and 3,2% (2017)1. With that trend, in 2014 Vietnam‟s economy has become brighter and gradually more stable than the previous year. The macroeconomic indicators shown that the momentum of growth is sustaining strongly, the recovery becomes clearer and more stable. In addition, financial market also shows positive changes; government budget is improved. Specifically, data from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam showed that in 2014, all the macroeconomic indicators have increased significantly, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate was estimated at 5,98% in 2014 compared to 2013, while the first quarter grew 5,06%, the second quarter grew 5,34%, the third quarter was 6,07% and the fourth quarter rose 6,96%. The GDP growth rate in the year of 2014 is higher than the growth of 2012 and 2013, which respectively are 5,25% and 5,42%. In the first half of 2015, Vietnam‟s economy continues to have good growth signs. According to statistics of the National Financial Supervisory Commission, the GDP growth rate of the first 6 months of 2015 was estimated at 6,1%, which is the highest compared to the same periods of the 5 most recent years. Based on the recovery momentum, the Commission forecasts the GDP growth rate in the first 9 months of 2015 would be 6,3% and the year 2015 could potentially reach 6,5%. However, difficulties in production and business activities have not been fully addressed, the internal weaknesses of the economy have not been completely overcome, therefore the economic risks will remain as significant factors to all of the enterprises in general and Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation in particular. Even so, economic risks still have less influence on the textile and garment industry than other industries. Retail sales in the global garments market maintained an average growth rate of about 3,8% per year over the period 2010 to 2014 and achieved sales of USD 1.317 billion in 20142. During the period 2014 – 2019, 1 Source: 2 Source: THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 8 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS expects retail sales in the global garments market will continue to grow rate of 4,6% per year and reach USD 1.651 billion in sales in 2019. The growing demand for apparel products in the up coming years will be due to population growth, expectation of the recovery in global economic, the increase in per capita income and purchasing power in developing countries. For filament polyester industry, the average growth rate is 8,4% per year during 2010 – 20143 period. According to the Japan Chemical Fiber Association, polyester fiber demand is expected to maintain the growth rate of 4,1% per year from 2013 to 2030. Interest rate risk When a company raises external capital to use for production and business activities, it will face risks when market interest rates rise or fall. In 2014, the interest rate is dropped 1,5 – 2% per year and maintaining a stable trend compared to the year of 2013. Specifically, the prime rate is remained at 9% per year, the re-discount interest rate is 4,5% per year and the re-financing interest rate is 6.5% per year. The deposit interest rate generally fluctuate between 5% to 5,5% per year with maturity from 1 to 6 months, maturity from 6 to 12 months has the interest rate is 5,7% to 6,8% per year and from 6,8% to 7,5% per year for maturity over 12 months. In addition, the lending rate for short – term maturity is 7% to 9% per year and from 9,5% to 11% per year for medium and long term maturity. In general, the interest rate trend is downward and stable throughout 2014 compared to the end of 2013 which has contributed positively supporting for production and business activities to all of the enterprises, creating favorable conditions to access to cheap loans, expanding their investments efficiently. The Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation has obviously gained benefit from that. Inflation risk During 2014, Vietnam‟s inflation remained low while oil prices and goods are under downward pressure. According to the General Statistics Office, inflation in 2014 reached its lowest level in the last 10 years. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is 1%, core inflation is 2,37% in the first half of 2015 compared to the same period last year. Overall, both inflation and core inflation has been almost unchanged for the last 4 months. The National Financial Supervisory Commission 3 Source: The Fiber Year 2015 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 9 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS forecasts the core inflation in 2015 will be about 3% and inflation will be lower 3%. A stable inflation has contributed to improving the actual living standards of people, strengthening the purchasing power of the domestic currency, improving liquidity, reducing deposit interest rate and lending rate, increasing investment attractiveness in Vietnam… As a result, the business environment becomes favorable, more attractive for domestic firms. 2. Legal risks Like other companies operating in Vietnam, STK has also been influenced and governed by the domestic legislation system. In addition, as a public company, STK is also affected by the Enterprise Law and other legal documents on Securities and Stock Market. As Vietnam is still a developing country, many laws and bylaws at this stage are still in the fine-tuned progress. The change in policy is somehow inevitable and more or less causes a certain impact on the Company's business operations. However, legal risk is a systemic risk, it requires each company to adjust and adapt accordingly to maximize its positive sides, and limit its negative effects. STK already has an appropriate mechanism to monitor, update and adjust to get the best adapting to the changes in the regulatory environment in Vietnam. 3. Specific risks Cost fluctuation of raw materials risk With business activity is fiber production, price fluctuations in raw materials are a particular risk to STK. Polyester fibers are made from polyester resin pellets, a composition of the oil. Therefore, a downturn in oil price in recent time has affected to raw materials costs and product‟s price. However, the level of influence of the oil price depends on market‟s supply and demand and company‟s position, negotiation capability in the market. The company aims to maintain a certain margin between the selling price and the cost of raw materials. To achieve this target, the company bases on a mechanism of buying raw materials and selling goods, which is the price of goods is always determined based on the inventory and goods to arrive. Besides, thanks to the high quality production of goods and company‟s reputation in the market, when raw material prices fall, STK can still maintain selling prices in spite of downturn in raw materials costs. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 10 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Chart 1: Selling price and chip’s price Moreover, to minimize the risk of price fluctuations in raw materials, STK has actively expanded the supplying sources of raw materials and not to depend too much on any single supplier. Any main products has been purchased continuously with at least 3 suppliers. Besides, the company has registered member of a prestigious international site to update market price regularly to make sure buying raw materials with reasonable prices. This measure helps the Company to ensure the stability of raw material price in a certain period of time, minimize the shortcomings in production and business when raw material prices fluctuate widely. Exchange rate risk The company is exposed to exchange rate risk due to the fair value of future cash flows will fluctuate simultaneously with the changes in foreign exchange rates when the loans, revenue and the company's costs using other currencies than Vietnam dong. Thanks to the consistent operating solutions, the State Bank‟s synchronous combination between exchange rate policy, interest rate and monetary policy instruments, the exchange rate in 2014 has remained stable trend, the fluctuation range has been narrower. On June 19th 2014, the State Bank announced adjusting the average exchange rate of interbank between VND and USD. Consequently, the exchange rate of the USD increased to VND 21,246, after a year holding rate of VND 21,036. As a result in 2014, the exchange rate beetween VND and US dollar in general is relatively stable and located entirely within the control of the State Bank. The fluctuation range within VND 21.200 per USD to VND 21.300 per USD in 2014 is considered to be relatively stable compared to other currency pairs in the region and around the world. In the first 6 months of 2015, The State Bank has adjusted up two times with total tuning is 2% of the averageinterbank rate from 21,246 VND/USD to 21,458 VND/USD on January 7th and up to 21,673 VND/USD on May 7th in order to maintain the competitiveness of Vietnam‟s economy. China, Vietnam‟s large trade partner, devaluate their Renminbi for 4.6% in August 2015 will cause adverse effect on THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 11 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Vietnam‟s economy. Therefore, on August 12th 2015, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) decided to raise the exchange rate margin between the Vietnam dong and US dollar from +/- 1% to +/- 2% and on August 19th 2015, the SBV adjusted the average exchange rate of interbank between the Vietnam dong and US dollars from 21,673 VND/USD to 21,890 VND/USD, while exchange rate margin was adjusted from +/- 2% to +/- 3%. Currently, production and business activities of the company is using multiple foreign currencies. Raw materials are mainly imported from abroad with the proportion accounting for 75%-80% in cost of goods sold. In addition, the company has long-term loan worth USD 24 million investment to expand fiber production in Trang Bang branch - Stage 3. However, the company has always maintained the proportion of export sales (STK‟s productions export 70% of their capacity) to have enough foreign currency to import raw materials, repayment of principal and interest of loan in USD. Therefore, exchange rate losses are very low. When Vietnam dong devaluating, the company shall primarily losses in unrealize exchange rate relating to the revaluation of foreign currency loan at the end of the accounting period. Specifically, financial expenses include foreign exchange losses and interest from 2013 to the first 6 months of 2015 have the proportion ranged from 0.86% - 3.29% / net turnover sales. Labor supply risk The free trade agreements like FTA, TPP bring many opportunities to develop production and business activities in textile and garment industry, making Vietnamese enterprises require more labor. However the southern enterprises in textile and garment industry facing a situation of manpower‟s movement, making it harder to recruit high quality labor. According to the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, total workforce of textile and garment industry is currently about 2.5 million people but industry workers are only accounting for 15%. Especially, the shortage of senior personnel with experience working in an international environment, qualifications and highly discipline labor is a challenge for STK. Therefore, the company has always focused on training labor, improving remuneration policies and the qualitiy of working environment in order to minimize the risk of labor shortages. Competitive risk Competitive risk is when the company lose the competitiveness in market. In order to maintain the competitiveness in the same sector, not only in domestic but also in worldwide, the strategy of company is providing the best quality products with competitive prices and good after – sales service. To do this, the company has invested in modern machinery, training a skilled workforce and applying modern management system to strictly control the quality and costs. In addition, to attract and retain employees, besides competitive salaries, the company also has a program to issue preferential shares which is restricted to staff and employees, training policies, opportunities for advancement, and other welfare programs. For suppliers, to obtain products with stable quality and competitive input prices, the company has maintained its THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 12 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS reputation as a reliable partner. In addition, prudent investment policy and controlling financial situation closely can help company maintaining a healthy financial situation to be able to overcome all of the market‟s waves. Thanks to that proper strategic direction, the company has continously maintained a high growth rate during the past 15 years despite of fierce competition in the domestic and international market. In 2015, when Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP), Free trade agreement with South Korea, the EU and the Customs Union Russia - Belarus Kazakhstan being negotiated and signed, growth opportunities for Vietnam‟s textile and garment industry continue to expand. So, although many FDI enterprises have already had investment activities in Vietnam's garment sector in all phases from spinning to knitting, weaving, designing, and sewing, but with available competitive advantage along with market expansion, increasing in demand for fiber while the fiber supply remains limited, especially for long staple fibers with high quality that STK are focusing on production, STK forecasts that It will have better growth prospects than Femalea thanks to the advantages and preference from the Free Trade Agreement. 4. Other risks Credit risk The client does not implement its contractual obligations may cause financial loss to the company. However, in order to minimize credit risk, the company requires almost all of the customers paying cash on delivery and only granted trade credits to a small number of traditional customer. Shares’s price fluctuation risk When the company's shares are listed on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange, the shares‟s price will fluctuate not only depend on the internal operations but also affected by the market fluctuation. In recent times, due to the negative impact from the domestic economic and government‟s operating measures the macroeconomic to control inflation, the stock market and the price of most shares was falling. However in exciting period, the stock market has become undeniably a pretty good capital mobilization channel for businesses. The share listing is also an inevitable trend to enhance value for shareholders throughout increasing liquidity and enhancing governance practices thereby improving the company‟s business performance. Other risks Beside the above mentioned risks, there are other unforseen risks such as natural disasters (drought, storm, flood, etc.), war or epidemics, etc. These risks are less likely to happen, but when it does, the Company might be heavily affected. For prevention of such risks, the company has purchased insurance for all risk assets and business interruption as a precaution to the property‟s damage and commodities as well as a cost recovery and profit when production and bussiness activities is interupted. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 13 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS For the new plant, the company always protect the machinery by buying an insurance for inland shipping process from the port to operate the official production. II. PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENTS OF THE PROSPECTUS 1. Listing Company Mr. Dang Trieu Hoa Title: Chairman & GENERAL DIRECTOR Mr. Nguyen Tu Luc Title: Chief of Supervisory Committee Mr. Phan Nhu Bich Title: Chief Accountant We ensure that the information and data on business activity and financial position in the past and the present of the Company in this Prospectus is accurate, and commit to be responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information and data provided. 2. The Advisor Ms. Truong Nguyen Thien Kim Title: Deputy General Director ( According to the Authorization Decision No. 24/2014/QĐ-DAS of the General Director of DongA Securities on 13/02/2014.) This prospectus is part of the registration dossier to be listed on Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange offered by DongA Securities on the basis of the consulting contract with STK. We guarantee that the analysis, evaluation and choice of words in this Prospectus has been made reasonably and prudently based on information and data provided by STK. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 14 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS III. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS The listing company The advisor Report DAS AGM Audit firm Charter DO QA QC Company Shares BOD EBIT EAT STK Corp. finance GD SSC VSD Chartered capital Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation Dong A Securities Company Limited Financial report Supervisory Board of STK Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation A certificate issued by STK confirming the ownership of one or a number of STK‟s shares Dong A Securities Company Limited‟s abbreviation STK‟s Annual General Meeting Business Registration Certificate Business activities Board of Directors Profit Earning before interest and tax Earning after tax Stock Exchange Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation‟s abbreviation Corporate finance General Director State Securities Commission of Vietnam Vietnam Securities Depository The amount of capital contributed or undertaken to be contributed by shareholders in a certain period and stated in the charter of the company Ernst & Young Vietnam company limited Charter of Organization and Operation of the STK Delivery Order Quality Assurance Quality Control IV. STATUS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LISTING COMPANY 1. Summary of formation and development milestones 1.1 About the Company Company's name : CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Abbreviate : STK Charter capital : VND 423.053.360.000 Head office : B1-1 Northwest Cu Chi Industrial Zone, Cu Chi district, HCMC Phone : (08) 3790 7565 Website : Fax: (08) 3790 7566 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 15 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Business registration certificate : new number 0302018927 (old number 4103003288) issued 1st by HCMC Department of Planning and Investment on 11/04/2005 and amended 13th on 14/01/2015. Bank account 1.2 : 000149960001 at DongA Bank – Head office History of formation and development 2000: Established on 01/06/2000 STK was formerly named Century Producing – Trading Company Ltd.. The Company was established on 01/06/2000 under the Business Registration Certificate number 4101001242, issued by HCMC Department of Planning and Investment on 01/06/2000, major in producing DTY yarn (Draw Textured Yarn) from the imported POY material yarn (Partially Oriented Yarn). Head office and plant of STK are built in the area of 16,800m2 at Northwest Cu Chi Industrial Zone, Cu Chi district, HCMC. The plant is equipped with modern production lines imported from the Barmag Oerlikon Group, specializing in producing synthetic fibers of polyester with full specifications and categories. Total designed capacity of DTY (Draw Textured Yarn) plant is 4,800 tons/year. 2003: Further investment to expand production capacity In 2003, taking advantage of the strong growth in the textile industry, STK has invested to further expand DTY production capacity to double, equivalent to 9,600 tons/year to meet market demands. 2005: Transformed into a joint stock company On 11/04/2005, STK was transformed into a joint-stock company under the business registration certificate number 4103003288, issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of HCMC with a charter capital of VND50bn. This strategic change helped diversify STK‟s mobilized capital to meet the constantly evolving needs of the Company. 2007: Increased capital, invested in expanding production capacity, received ISO 9001: 2000 certificate STK received ISO 2000 version 9001 certificate issued by the AFNOR organization (the Association Française de Normalisation), a branch of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Currently, the Company has been certified ISO 9001: 2008. The Company‟s production processes always strictly adhere to ISO 9001: 2008 standards, KAIZEN, and 5S consulted and implemented by Japanese experts. On 2007, STK increased its chartered capital by issuing new shares to existing shareholders, strategic shareholders and employees. The Company‟s chartered capital was THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 16 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS hence increased from VND50.0bn to VND91.5bn. The additional capital was then invested in POY production plant with a capacity of 14,500 tons/year and expanding export markets to strengthen the "Century" brand name‟s position in the international market. The total production capacity of DTY rose to 15,000 tons/year during the same period. 2008: Became the first company in Vietnam to produce polyester microfilament from polyester chip STK began to operate the POY (material to produce DTY) production plant to help boost the Company‟s profit. The investment in POY production also aims to reduce the dependence on imported raw materials, to hedge against the fluctuations in price and supply of POY. The total production capacity of POY reached 14.500 tons/year. The investment in POY production line is a turning point in the development of the STK and it opened up new opportunities for STK, because in this event, STK officially became the first company in Vietnam to be able to produce polyester microfilament from polyester chip. 2009 - 2010: Increased capital and further investment in the second plant in Trang Bang Branch, Tay Ninh Province Established “STK Branch” at: Road No.8, Trang Bang Industrial Zone, An Tinh commune, Trang Bang district, Tay Ninh province with investment certificate No.45211000130 issued on 26/06/2009 by the Tay Ninh Industrial Zones Management Committee. During the year, STK issued new shares to existing shareholders and strategic investors to increase its chartered capital to VND180bn. Mobilized capital was used to invest in POY, DTY, FDY production lines at Trang Bang Branch, increasing the production capacity of DTY and POY by another 11,000 tons/year. The plant construction started on 28/11/2009 and began operations from 18/01/2011. 2011: Became a public company On 21/02/2011, STK officially became a public company. Becoming a public company showed that the Company always commits to maximize the benefits of clients and shareholders. The Company constantly enhances administration efficiency, transparency in management and information disclosures. 2011 - 2013: Began to operate the yarn plant at Trang Bang Branch The plant was inaugurated to put into operation from January 2011. Besides POY and DTY, the plant also produces a new product – FDY to meet the needs of customers and markets. With this project, the Company‟s total capacity was raised to 29,500 tons POY/year and 37,000 tons DTY & FDY/year. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 17 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS To meet its long-term development strategy, from the beginning of 2012, the Company was formally adopted the most modern business resources governance system – ERP (SAP All-in-One) and now all the work has been operating on this SAP system. 2014 - 2015: Further expansion at Trang Bang Branch – Phase 3 To seize 1) The opportunity of shifting orders causing fabric manufacturer (fiber manufacturers' customers) to move from China to Vietnam, 2) The tremendous opportunities brought by TPP, and 3) At the same time to optimize the production scale of the Company, STK has implemented an investment project to expand the plant at Trang Bang Branch - Phase 3. Details of the project is as follows: Total investment: ~USD33.9mn. The Company will import an entire automatic DTY spinning machines with the most modern technology that is made by the top European Corporation Oerlikon Barmag. This technology will help the Company further improve its product quality. This is an important point to increase customer satisfaction. Also due to being automated, the labor required for each stage of production is effectively reduced, especially at night shifts, which helps reduce costs and increase productivity. The new plant has a production capacity of about 15,000 tons of POY/year and 15,000 tons DTY/year, lifting the total capacity of the Company to about 52,000 tons DTY & FDY/year and 44,500 tons POY/year. About the construction progress, by the time of July 2015, the company has completed 100% of the project. Currently, the project Trang Bang - Phase 3 is performing as planned and mining officially a half of its capacity from July 2015, bringing total capacity up to 44,500 tons per year in 2015 and 50% of the remaining capacity will continuously put into an official operation from the beginning of January 2016, the total capacity is expected to be raised up to 52,000 tons per year in 2016. In this project, STK will also invest in a Plant Operation System (Plant Operations Center - POC), designed and provided by Barmag Oerlikon Group. POC system will help STK improve the production management efficiency and control product quality to increase customer satisfaction. 1.3 Business activities and products / services offered by the Company As the Business Registration Certificate new number 0302018927 (old number 4103003288) issued 1st by HCMC Department of Planning and Investment on 11/04/2005 and amended 13th on 14/01/2015, the Company is allowed to operate in the following business field: Producing synthetic filament (Detail: Producing Synthetic filaments) THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 18 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Manufacturing knitted fabrics, knitting fabrics and other non – woven fabrics (Detail: Knit). With the registered business field, the Company currently offers the following products: POY, DTY and FDY yarn. 1.4 Introduction to the Company's capital raising progress Since its equalization, STK has raised its charter capital by 13 times, details as follows: Bảng 1: Capital raising progress of the Company No Date 1 05/2007 2 09/2007 3 01/2008 8,500,000,000 4 12/2008 12,000,000,000 5 11/2009 28,000,000,000 6 01/2010 40,000,000,000 7 09/2010 17,326,400,000 07/2011 SSC (as announcement Issuing Stock dividends and posted on SSC‟s 32,561,940,000 ESOP shares to employees website on 06/04/2011 and 07/06/2011) 9 05/2012 SSC (as Dispatch number 1236/UBCKQLPH issued on 20/04/2012 10 06/2013 8 Incremental Capital Value Capital raising type Licensors Issuing new shares for 15,000,000,000 founding shareholders and employees, Issuing new shares for current 26,500,000,000 shareholders and strategic partners Department of Planning and Investment of HCMC Department of Planning and Investment of HCMC Department of Planning Issuing new shares for and Investment of strategic partners HCMC Department of Planning Issuing bonus shares and Investment of HCMC Department of Planning Issuing new shares for current and Investment of shareholders HCMC Department of Planning Issuing new shares for and Investment of strategic partners HCMC Department of Planning Issuing bonus shares and Investment of HCMC 45,026,570,000 Issuing Stock dividends 40,510,930,000 Issuing new shares to increase SSC (as Dispatch charter capital number 2024/UBCK- THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 19 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION No Date Incremental Capital Value PROSPESTUS Capital raising type 06/2014 Issuing new shares to pay 77,627,520,000 2013 dividends and increase charter capital 12 06/2014 Issuing shares to pay dividends in 2013 and issued 77.627.520.000 shares to increase the equity from equity sources 13 11/2014 11 Issuingsharesby offering public Licensors QLPH issued on 22/05/2013) SSC (as Dispatch number 1883/UBCKQLPH issued on 08/05/2014) SSC (as Dispatch number 1883/UBCKQLPH issued on 08/05/2014) SSC (as Certificate number 92/GCNUBCK issued on 31/10/2014) Source: STK 2. Structure of the Company Head office: - Address: B1-1 Northwest Cu Chi Industrial Zone, Cu Chi district, HCMC - Phone: (08) 3790 7565 Fax: (08) 3790 7566 - Website : Branch: - Address: Road No.8, Trang Bang Industrial Zone, An Tinh commune, Trang Bang district, Tay Ninh province, Vietnam - Phone: (66) 3899 537 Fax: (66) 3899 536 Company’s representative office: - Address: 102-104-106 Bau cat street, Ward14, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Departments of the Company: Departments of the Company include: - Strategic Development Department; - General Management Department; - Business Department; - Production – Technology Department; - Finance – Accounting Department; These departments perform work functions to ensure that the management, organization and administration of the business operations of the Executive Board are THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 20 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS effective and lawful. The organizational model of the STK is shown in the following diagram: Picture 1Error! Bookmark not defined.: The organizational model of the STK General Meeting of Shareholders Supervisory Committee Board of Directors Board of Management Strategic Development Deparment General Management Department Business Deparment Production – Technology Deparment Finance – Accounting Deparment Human Resource Development Human Resource Internal Control Business Production Unit Finance Business Development Supply General Service Production Planning Quality Control Unit Accounting Purchasing Technology and R&D IT Import Export Source: STK 3. The management structure of the Company 3.1 General Meeting of Shareholders (GM) General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest authority of the Company. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held once a year. General Meeting of Shareholders shall be held annually within four months from the end of the fiscal year. Board of Directors convenes an annual meeting of shareholders and chooses the suitable site. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders decide the matters in accordance with the laws and the Company Charter , particularly through its annual financial report and budget for the next fiscal year. The independent auditors may be invited to attend the THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 21 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS meeting to advise the adoption of the annual financial report. 3.2 Board of Directors (BOD) The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Company, which includes 06 members, responsible for orientation, directing business operations and internal affairs of the Company. The BOD has full power to implement all the rights in the name of the Company except those belong to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The BOD is responsible for overseeing the General Director and other management staff. The rights and obligations of the Board of Directors are regulated by law, the Company Charter, internal regulations of the Company and the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The number of members on the Board of Directors ranges from five (05) to seven (07) persons. Number of the Board of Directors‟ members of each term, each stage will be approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders based on the recommendation of the Board of Management. The term of the Board of Directors shall be five (05) years. The term of the members of the Board of Directors shall not exceed five (05) years; members of the Board of Directors may be elected for an unlimited number of terms. The total number of members of the independent Board of Management must occupy at least one third (1/3) of the members of the BOD. The minimum number of independent Board members is determined by the method of rounding down. 3.3 Supervisory Committee (SC) The Company's Supervisory Committee consists of 03 members. The SC is the agency responsible for assisting the General Meeting of Shareholders to monitor, and to evaluate the business performance of the Company in an objective manner to ensure benefits for all shareholders. SC‟s members must not be in the Accounting – Finance department and members or employees of the independent auditor that conducting the auditing of the financial statements of the Company. The SC must have at least one (01) member who is as an accountant or an auditor. SC‟s members must not relate to the members of the BOD, CEO and other management staff of the Company. The SC must appoint one (01) member as its head. Head of the SC must have expertise in accounting. 3.4 Board of Management The Company‟s Management system must ensure that the Company‟s Management is held responsible to the BOD and operates under the leadership of the BOD. The Company has one (01) CEO appointed by the Board of Directors. The CEO has the authority and responsibility as followed: THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 22 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Implementation of the BOD‟s and the GM‟s resolutions, business plans, and investment plans approved by such parties; Deciding all matters that not require the resolution of the BOD, including being on behalf of the Company to sign trade and financial contracts, organizing and administrating the normal production and business activities of the Company with best practices; Recommending the number and types of management staff that the Company should hire, appoint or dismiss as needed. Determining the salaries, remuneration, benefits and other terms of the labor contract for management staff. 3.5 Departments and divisions within the Company Departments and units of the Company perform work by functional expertise and are built in streamlined structure but still ensuring the management, organization and administrating of production and business activities under the direction of the BOD effectively and productively. The Company's departments and divisions include: a. Business Department Sales Function: Building and developing customer network, negotiating sales transactions. Observing orders, delivering progress, clients‟ payment progress. Market research: understanding demand, price, market potential and current market share of the Company. Assessing customer needs and learning the rules of supply and demand of seasonal products being traded. From those information, the team will forecast future development which helps the Company effectively build its production and business strategy . Customer support: frequently contacting customer, receiving and resolving all requests from customers about providing new products, delivery time, service quality and product quality. b. Production Planning Department Building actual manufacturing plan for the DTY, FDY and POY plant by orders; controlling the production progress, product quality to ensure delivery on schedule. Planning in SAP: Creating production orders in SAP; Create PR processing for the factory of Trang Bang branch; Regulating POY products between the Head Office and branch to meet production requirements. Providing materials for plants: to balance and request purchasing orders correctly, adequately and reasonably the following items: materials, auxiliary materials, oilimpregnated fiber serving production; Observing material needs; Inventory control according to the maximum – minimum norm. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 23 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS c. Procurement Department Ensuring the sufficient supply of materials and equipment to meet production needs. Negotiating with service providers to meet the requirements of production and usage of departments within the Company. Responsible for meeting goods purchasing schedule that meets required standards in terms of quality, quantity, specifications and categories with appropriate price and complete and valid payment invoices. Coordinating with related parts to control and to build order plans, delivery plans to ensure safe level of inventory, meeting production plan. Plans established must be reasonable, effective and cost saving. Developing a network of suppliers, monitoring and evaluating capacity of suppliers, helps the Company build a network of stable supply in terms of quality, quantity, timing with best prices. d. Production Unit Setting up and control the company products‟ quality. Managing manufacturing operations: arranging, organizing, and managing staff to meet production needs. Improving skills and training for employees. Implementing production plans: organizing production to meet both requirements of orders and proposed production plans. Setting up plan and implementing equipments maintenance to improve the its quality, maintancing smooth operation as well as products quality. Strictly controlling quality and efficiency of using the materials and sub-material by assessing and sending the monthly efficient material report to suppliers to let them improve product. Besides, the Production Unit associated with the Quality Control Department, Purchasing Department and Production Planning Department to assess and eliminate unqualified syppliers. Building monthly budget and other monthly plans on costs, raw materials and auxiliary materials for production. Setting up and control the budget capial, the quota of using materal, sub material and operation expenses. e. Production – Quality Control Department Controlling the production process: : controlling product quality to ensure provide customers products that meet the criteria and demand of customers. Controlling working processes to ensure product quality meet the standart of Company. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 24 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Strictly controlling of input materials through the evaluation criteria of the material quality and acceptance method, then proactively feedback to providers to improve quality and firmly rejected the poor quality and lack of stability suppliers. Collecting data, analyzing and improving production process: updating data, evaluating daily production results and proposing improvement plans to improve product quality to increase the satisfaction of customers, reducing waste in production. Advising the BOM on production planning. f. Import – Export Division Performing the Import - export procedures to timely meet up the production needs of Company. Updating and applying provisions of international trade law. Ensuring the compliance of tax, customs procedures and State regulations. Making the tax payments on time to optimize the import expenses. g. Technology and R&D Department (QA-R&D) Satisfying the requirements of the market and customers: seeking information about customer requirements for products; guiding customers to use products efficiently; providing product samples to customers. Improving product quality: collecting information about the quality of similar products. Utilizing data from QC, analyzing of potential shortcomings with the quality of the product. Resolving complaints: in cases of receiving complaints from customers, analyzing the causes and coordinating with relevant units to resolve complaints and track improvement after complaints. Developing new products: using information from the business units and customer to develop new features based on the understanding of the Company's existing machines characteristics and the firm‟s capability in developing new products. h. Human Resource Department Researching and planning human resource development: adjusting organizational personnel at company level and department level in accordance with company developing objects. Setting objectives, policies and planning human resource development. Managing labor resource and other labor relations. Recruitment and training: recruiting as planned and on-demand from production units. Identifying needs and organizing training internally and externally. Assessing the effectiveness of training programs. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 25 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Managing and implementing regulations and policies on salaries, bonuses, benefits and allowances: building income incentive programs in consistent with the business model of units within the Company. Constructing bonus and other benefits system. i. Finance Department Creating ample financial sources for the business of the Company. Providing financial information accurately, timely and useful to serve the administration and management of the BOM; Forecasting the operation results, managing the budget and finance, analysing and making investment plans, business policies in order to achieve optimal efficiency and minimize risk to the Company. j. Accounting Department Providing accurate accounting information, timely and helpful for governance and excutive works for the company‟s BOD and others; Improving and developing management tools; managing incomes and expenses, control materials and assets; Cost control, business results reflect timely, adequate in principle comply with current legislation. k. Information Technology Department Management information infrastructure and developing information technology applications applied in all areas of the Company‟s operations. Developing and implementing short-, medium- and long-term plans in terms of applications and information technology development in accordance with the Company‟s strategic planning. Ensuring information security for all information technology activities of the Company. l. General Administration Department Maintaining discipline in accordance with the rules and other regulations of the Company. Protecting the Company‟s assets through infrastructure adminstration, managing people and assets going in/ out of the Company. Implementing logistic works through providing shuttle buses to pick up employees, providing mid-shift meals, health care, accommodation, uniforms, and workwear items. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 26 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Implementing governance, administration, compliance: reception, internal events, updating business licenses, storage hubs. Managing security works, labor protection, fire protection, sanitation. m. Supply Department Managing inventory, warehouses. Managing and be responsible for the accuracy of records, data and documents related to the goods, materials and other components and parts. Implementing operational warehousing work, including importing / exporting goods, materials, and components in accordance with standards, schedules, documents and prescribed operational procedures. Managing the external transportation to deliver goods in accordance with schedule and customer requirements. Storing products in accordance with the standards required for each item. Be responsible for arranging goods to ensure ease of management and entry under the stated regulations. Delivering/ receiving goods to meet production needs. Coordinating in tracking calendar on goods import / export to arrange and conduct works effectively. Establishing documentation relating to the delivery of goods and be responsible for the accuracy and validity of the documents. Performing freight delivery and storing goods during transportation to ensure onschedule delivery to meet requirements for production and business activities of the Company. n. Internal Control Department Operational controls: Controlling the execution of all functions and duties of departments vertically and business processes horizontally. Financial controls: establishing audit procedures to prevent financial risk and to ensure that the Company‟s financial statements do not have any significant misstatements. Advising the BOD/ BOM: identifying risks and recommending measures to restrict and/or eliminate risk. o. Human Resource Developing Deparment: Based on Company‟development strategies, Human Resource Developing THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 27 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Deparment make the research to advise to BOD in improve orgrnazation structure, find out the qualified personnel for each position. Finding out the potential staff and training them. p. Enterprise Development Department: The function of research and development strategy: analyzing macroeconomic situation, trends and industry perspective in order to find out the company‟s growth opportunities as well as risks and challenges. On that basis, along with gathering information and analyzing the operations of the Company, the Finance Department will give advice to BOD in developing the company‟s business strategies. The function of investor relations and public relations: - A liaison between the company and shareholders, potential investors, financial service organizations and the public via AGM meeting, meetings with investors, the analyst, reports preparation and updating the company‟s operations for shareholders and investors, answer and receive feedback from investors and hareholders. - Implementation of information disclosure in accordance with the Ho Chi Minh Stock exchange‟s regulation. - Fulfillment of the offering, dividend payment and listing shares. - Accuracy transparent managing and updating shareholders‟s information. Building relationships with the investment community. - Managing and updating the company’s website. - Documents preparation to promote own business with customers and business partners. - Update the articles written about the company and giving feedback on the article‟s accuracy. - Building relationships with the media. 3.6 Labor unions Labor Union of STK is an union unit subordinating EPZ & IPZ Management Board Ho Chi Minh City (Hepza) which was established in 2002, whose functions are: Representing workers in the enterprise to ensure the legitimate rights of workers (in accordance with the policy of the State regarding welfare, income, and reward, etc.) Communicating with and educating workers to contribute to the production of the Company in a practical and effective way to ensure the Company‟s stability and sustainability with the aim to increase employees‟ income and to enhance their quality of life. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 28 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION 4. PROSPESTUS List of shareholders holding over 5% of Chartered capital, list of founding shareholders and shareholder structure 4.1 List of shareholders holding over 5% of the company’s Chartered capital Up to the time May 15th, 2015, list of shareholders holding over 5% of the company‟s chartered capital as follows: Table 2 Error! Bookmark not defined.: List of shareholders holding over 5% share capital of the Company No ID/ Business registration license Stock-holder 1 Dang Trieu Hoa 2 Dang My Linh 023323687 3 Dang Huong Cuong 023323688 4 Huong investment consultant corporation 0309139688 CS1077 5 Vietnam Limited 023323686 Viet Holding Address 51 (A30) Bau Cat Street, Tan Binh district, HCMC 65/39 Phu Tho, Ward 1, District 11, HCMC 65/39 Phu Tho, Ward 1, District 11, HCMC Shares holding Number of Ownership shares proportion holding / capital (%) 5.881.419 13,9% 3.608.251 8,53% 3.608.251 8,53% 52 Dong Du st., Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC 7.928.668 18,74% Floor 8, Nam A Bank‟s building 201 – 203 Cach mang thang Tam st., Ward 4, District 3, HCMC 3.396.750 8,03% 24.423.339 57,73% Total Source: STK 4.2 List of founding shareholders: Table 3Error! Bookmark not defined.: The company’s list of founding shareholders Shareholder’s name Dang Trieu Hoa ID Address 023323686 51 (A30) Bau Cat Street, Tan Binh district, HCMC THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD Number of shares owned at 15/05/2015 Ownership rate on chartered capital (%) 5.881.419 13,9% 29 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Dang My Linh 023323687 65/39 Phu Tho, Ward 1, District 11, HCMC 3.608.251 8,53% Dang Huong Cuong 023323688 65/39 Phu Tho, Ward 1, District 11, HCMC 3.608.251 8,53% 4.3 Shareholder structure As of 15/05/2015, the Company‟ sharesholder structure is as follows: Table 4Error! Bookmark not defined.: The Company’s shareholder structure No Shareholders 1 Shares number Domestic Investors Ownership (%) 38.308.586 90,25% 0 0,00% 9.445.156 22,33% 28.863.430 68,22% Foreign Investors 3.996.750 9,45% 2.1 Institutionals 3.996.750 9,45% 2.2 Individuals 0 0,00% 42.305.336 100% 1.1 The State 1.2 Institutionals 1.3 Individuals 2 3 Total Source: STK 5. List of parent companies and subsidiaries of the listing company, the companies that the listing company is holding controlling or dominant stake, the companies holding control or dominant stake of the listing company 5.1 List of parent companies and subsidiaries of STK NA. 5.2 the companies that STK is holding controlling or dominant stake, the companies holding control or dominant stake of STK NA. 5.3 List of associates or join ventures of STK In the second quarter of 2015, STK has invested in a joint-venture company named Unitex Corporation with detail business registration information as follow: Business name: Unitex Corporation Address: Unit A17/1 C1 Street, Thanh Thanh Cong Industry Part, Tay Ninh Province. Certificate No.: 452033000336 issued on 29 June 2015 by Economic Zone Management Board of Tay Ninh province . THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 30 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION No 6. PROSPESTUS Business type: Manufacture of fiber ; Manufacture of finished cloth ; Finishing textiles , dyeing ; Producing all kinds of twine and netting. Chartered Capital: VND (eighty billion dong) Contributed Chartered Capital: At 30 June 2015, STK contributed the capital of VND 7.468.652.342. The other founding shareholders will fully pay in within 90 days from Business Register Certificate issued date (29th June 2015). STK‟s registered capital/ contributed capital: VND 39.992.000.000 / VND 7.468.652.342. The total shares of fouding shareholders are 8.000.000 common shares as follow: Fouding shareholders name Number of share Registed Capital (VND) Proportion (%) 1 Century Synthetic Corporation Fiber 3.999.200 39.992.000.000 49,99 2 Uni Industrial and Investment Corporation 4.000.000 50,00 3 Mr Nguyen Van Hai 800 8.000.000 0,01 Business activities 6.1 Business model Picture 2 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Company’s business model THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 31 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Logical organizing : The company has a efficient organizational structure by flows of work. Departments coordinate with and support each other during the operation. Lean manufacturing: The flow chart below shows that the Company allocates departments and divisions efficiently as workflows. All phases are well planned and tightly controlled so that working capital need is minimal. Thanks to the application of SAP All in One, the company has a resourceful management system to ensure that inventory level is minimal but still meets customer‟s demand. Quality-oriented products: All processes comply with standard operating procedures and are controlled by modern quality assurance systems such as ISO 90012008, Kaizen, and 5S. Especially, production, operational testing, product quality and machinery controlling are put in the company‟s top priority. Picture 3Error! Bookmark not defined.: Activity diagram of the Company THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 32 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION 6.2 PROSPESTUS Product Quantity / Service value over years STK‟s main products are polyester Draw Textured Yarn (DTY) and Fully Drawn Yarn (FDY); both are synthetic fibers and are manufactured from polyester chips (a petroleum product). Polyester fiber is physicochemically more stable than other artificial fibers such as nylon, acrylic; suitable for high-speed and continuous production technology, and polyester fiber can easily replace other natural fibers such as cotton. Product made from polyester is smooth, light and airy, and better than cotton yarn in terms of price, quality and usefulness. Polyester fiber is used to produce outdoor garments such as ski jacket, windbreaker, sportswear and leisure wear. Also, polyester fiber combined with spandex yarn can be applied to the production of products with fourway stretch such as swimwear, elastic belt, elastic bands and other household products such as cloth, towel chairs, sofa fabric, window blinds, carpet, etc,… STK‟s products meet international quality standards and are provided for weaving factories (producing woven fabric such as fleece fabric, brushed fabric, trousers, vest). These factories then would supply footwear raw materials for multinational companies such as Nike, Adidas, Uniqlo, Columbia, Ikea, Reebok, Guess, Decathlon. 100% POLYESTER TEXTURED YARN (DTY), S/D,R/W, FDY Picture 4Error! Bookmark not defined.: Some pictures about the company’s productions THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 33 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS SOME FINISHED PRODUCTS ARE MADE OF SPECIALIZED FIBER Source: STK Revenue growth in the previous years and the latest quarter The STK business generally maintains a stable growth over the yeas. As 2008 2014 period, net revenue grow more than 5 times reaching up revenue of 1.458 billion by FY14, equivalent to average compounded annual growth rate of 31,96%/year. Revenue increased in this period came from : (1) the increase of plant capacity and sales volume THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 34 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS over the year, and (2) the increase of average of sales price from VND 28 million/ton at 2008 to VND 48,35 million/ton in 2011 – 2014 period. STK had net revenue of VND 1.458 billion, slightly up by 3% yoy and CAGR reached to 16%. Due to ỉncease plant capacity, FY2014 revenue increased by 4,8% yoy. Nontheless, fiber selling prrice decreased by 4,3%, due to the down trend of market price, has made the company‟s revenue increased slight by 3%. Revenue Growth: Chart 2: Net Revenue and average selling price (2008 – 2014) 1.600 55,3 47,9 1.400 43,2 1.200 1.458 60 46,1 44,1 50 40 935 28 30 30 506 600 400 1.453 1.099 1.000 800 VND million/tấn Net Revenue and selling price VND billion 276 20 373 10 200 00 0 FY2008A FY2009A FY2010A FY2011A FY2012A FY2013A FY2014A Net Revenue Average selling price By half year 2015, Net revenue of approximately 60 billion, 46% higher than planned in 2015 (VND 1.695 billion) and decrease 18% compared to the same period last year. This resul came from: (1) 1H 2015 average selling price decreased to VND 39.9 million/ton due to material price continue to decline in the 1H 2015 and (2) STK focused on selling luxury products (chopped fibers) to meet market demand. Revenue breakdown: Table 5Error! Bookmark not defined.: The percentage of each operating revenue to total revenue Unit: million Vietnam dong 2013 Items Sales Net 2014 6M 2015 Volu me Value %/ total rev Volu me Value %/ total rev Volu me Value %/ total rev 31.524 1.453.047 99,48 33.053 1.457.517 99,80 15.795 630.345 98,69 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 35 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS 2013 Items 2014 6M 2015 Volu me Value %/ total rev Volu me Value %/ total rev Volu me Value %/ total rev DTY 28.722 1.349.812 92,41 29.257 1.323.287 90,61 14.113 576.865 90,32 FDY 2.802 103.235 7,07 3.796 134.230 9,19 1.682 53.480 8,37 7.090 0,49 2.126 0,15 7.928 1,24 471 0,03 845 0,05 440 0,07 1.460.608 100 1.460.488 100 638.713 100 Revenue Financial Income Other Incomes Total (From Audited Financial Statements of 2013, 2014, and Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015) Source: STK At the end of FY2012, STK focused on producing DTY fiber that make the DTY revenue account for 99,9% on total revenue. Entering FY 2013, to exploit the market demand, STK started producing FDY fiber to meet the market demand. Nontheless, STK had just producing low number to test the market. Therefore, FDY revenue just accounted for 7,1% on total revenue. By FY 2014 and FY 2015, DTY revenue primarily accounted for 90,79% on 2014 revenue and accounted fỏ 91,52% on 1H 2015 revenue. FY 2014 and 1H 2015 FDY revenue had slightly increased compare to 2013. Chart 3 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Breakdown revenue by product FDY 7,11% 2013 DTY 92,90% 2014 DTY 90,79 % 6 tháng/2015 FDY 9,21% FDY 8,48% DTY 91,52% Nguồn: STK Source: STK Profit Growth: THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 36 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Operating gross profit tends to increase. FY 2014, gross profit reached VND 213 billion, more than 6,17 times over FY 2008 gross proifit (VND 34,5 billion) and more than 20% over the last year. The vertical development (Produced POY started in 2008), increase plant capacity and the decrease of material prices contributed to the increase of gross profit in this period. Chart 4 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Gross profit and gross margin(2008 – 2014) Tỷ đồng Gross profit and Gross margin 23% 250 20% 25% 19% 200 150 13% 16% 14% 20% 15% 12% 15% 100 10% 050 5% 35 75 118 178 175 177 213 000 0% FY2008A FY2009A FY2010A FY2011A FY2012A FY2013A FY2014A Gross profit Standard gross margin Gross margin Source: STK Gross margin fluctuated sharply in period of 2008 – 2014. During this period, gross margin increased from 12,5% in FY2008 to 23,4% in FY2010 before declining to 15% at the end of FY2014. The gross margin increased in period of 2008 – 2009 had been contributed from starting producing POY (STK imported polyester chip and produced POY instead of buying POY from the market as before); Beside that, due to the scarcity of global cotton demand, the increase of demand of buying polyester to replace cotton increase STK profit. Since 2009 – 2011, selling price increased faster than input price. But it had been versus since 2012 – 2013, leading gross profit margin had been narrow toward the standard Company gross margin (approximately 13,5%). Nonetheless, gross margin has increased, rising from 12% at 2013 to 15% at 2014, exceeding the company standard gross margin. First half of 2015 Gross profit was approximately VND 116 billion, increase 10,13% yoy. First half of 2015 raw material price continued to fall more than selling price, leading gross profit up to 18,13% yoy. First half of 2015 net profit was VND 54,66 billion, increased 16% compare to planed and increased 3,6% yoy. Financial income (FX gain) has increase over last year although Company has booked FX loss of the loan of USD 24 million (this loan is used to expand factory at Trang Bang branch – Phrase 3). Net profit breakdown: In 2014. DTY pre-tax profit still accounted for a large propotion in total net profit. But FDY will account for a large propotion in the future due to the improvement the THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 37 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS technology and take advantage from TPP. Table 6Error! Bookmark not defined.: Break down pre-tax profit Item Operating profit DTY FDY Financial Profit Other Profit Total FY2013 Value %/total pre-tax profit 109.401 114,87 115.448 121,22 (6.047) -6,35 (13.975) -14,67 (186) -0,20 95.240 100 Unit: million Vietnam dong FY2014 6M2015 Value Value %/total % Tổng pre-tax LNTT profit 145.833 107,10 82.604 117,17 143.301 105,24 81.725 115,93 2.532 1,86 879 1,25 (10.416) -7,65 (12.479) -17,7 747 0,55 372 0,53 136.164 100 70.497 100 (From Audited Financial Statements of 2013, 2014, and Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015) Source: STK 6.3 Plant capacity and sales volume through the years STK capacity has increase sharply from 15.000 ton/year to 37.000 ton/year in period of 2008 – 2014. Sale volume also increased rapidly, reaching 33.053 ton/year at the end the 2014, corresponds to the plant capacity of 94% at the end 2014. The designed production capacity is the average capacity of a standard product and for 365 days/ year. However, to ensure quality machines always in condition to meet the required standards of Europe, machine using productivity is usually eliminated time needed for maintenance, about 25 days a year. The actual machine using time is about 340 days/year (equivalent to exploiting ability of 93%). The actual capacity may increase or decrease depending on the product index (denier). With the modern technology and equipments, the Company is capable of producing multiple product lines with broad product index. The Company changes the production based on the market demand from time to time. Those years of lower machine using productivity below 300 days was mainly due to machine mantainance. In addition, the Company experienced manufacturing downtime triggered by frequent change in product specification. Table 7Error! Bookmark not defined.: Actual days of machine using from 2008 to 2014 2008 Actual days of machine 335,80 using (days) (1) Designed days of machine using (days) (2) 365 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 343,10 335,80 299,30 288,35 328,50 345,74 365 365 365 365 365 365 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 38 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Actual machine using rate (%) (3) = (1)/ (2) PROSPESTUS 94% 92% 82% (1) 79% (2) 90% 94% Actual production 10.940 volume (tons) 12.095 10.706 17.833 23.080 30.375 32.442 Sales volume (tons) 12.405 11.709 16.900 22.930 31.525 33.053 92% 9.850 Note: (1),(2): machine using productivity is lower than the standard because the Trang Bang factories 1 and 2 officialy went to the manufacturing in the end of the year but the increasing productivity of these factories is still accumulated the total production capacity of the year. Chart 5 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Designed capacity and machine using rate of the Company from 2008 to 2014 Design capacity & plant extraction rate Ton/ year 40000 35000 100% 92% 94% 92% 94% 93% 95% 90% 30000 90% 25000 82% 20000 85% 79% 15000 80% 10000 5000 75% 15000 15000 15000 26000 37000 37000 37000 0 70% FY2008A FY2009A FY2010A FY2011A FY2012A FY2013A FY2014A Công suất thiết kế Design Capacity năng suấtCapacity khai thác thực tế Actual năng suất khả năng khai thác Potential Capacity Source: STK From 2008 to 2014, STK has constantly expanded production to meet the market demand. After investing and expanding the factory 2 times, the current designed capacity of the Company has increased to 37,000 tons/year from the capacity of 15,000 tons/year in 2008. Chart 6Error! Bookmark not defined.: Sale volume from 2008-2014 Tons 40.000 31.525 30.000 33.053 22.930 16.900 20.000 9.850 10.405 11.709 10.000 0 FY2008A FY2009A FY2010A FY2011A FY2012A FY2013A FY2014A Sản lượng tiêu thụ Sale Volume Source: STK THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 39 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Along with the capacity expansion, sales volume of STK increased rapidly at CAGR of 22.36% during the 2008 – 2014 period. In general, STK manufactures unseasonal products. The sales volume and and revenues are fairly equal over the years due to reasonable allocation of products among domestic and export markets. This is also an important factor contributing to maximizing the machine using efficiency and the production capacity. Export revenues accounted the majority of total sales volume, on average at 71% 87% during the 2010 – 2014 period. The main export markets of the Company are Europe and Asia countries. Also, the Company sells their products to FDI companies through "On-land Export" form. Chart 7 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Sale volume by export and domestic market from 2010 - 2014 Sale Volume 29% 25% 13% 15% 23% 71% 75% 87% 85% 77% FY2010A FY2011A FY2012A FY2013A FY2014A Export Domestic Source: STK Focusing on export maket is one of STK‟s business strategies. This strategic advantage helps the company balance foreign currency source as well as maximize the production capacity of value-added products with high technical requirements and gross profit. STK has obtained its competitive advantages in the export markets thanks to the competitive pricing strategy, stable product quality and modern production capability. 6.4 Raw materials Raw materials sources Currently, about 90% raw materials of STK are imported from major countries such as South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Germany. Remaning smaill proportion (mainly paper tube and carton) were sourced from China and Vietnam. Table 8Error! Bookmark not defined.: List of some main material suppliers of the Company NO Material 1 2 3 4 Polyester Chip Supplier Nation Kolon Global Corp Korea Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd. Taiwan Itochu Corporation Japan Able Glory Pte Ltd China THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 40 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION NO Material 5 PROSPESTUS Supplier Nation Taiwan Kyoin Enterprise 6 Oil 7 Matsumoto Yushi-Seiyaku Japan Sojitz Corporation Japan 8 Schill + Seilacher GMBH 9 Xiamen Hengxiangfeng Import & Export 10 Germany China Palm Paper Company Limited Vietnam 11 Sonoco Taiwan Limited Taiwan 12 Kaoten Packaging Company Limited Vietnam Vinh Xuan Packaging Company Limited Vietnam Phuong Yen Company Limited Vietnam 15 Vinh Khang Packaging Company Limited Vietnam 16 Oerlikon Barmag, Zweigniederlassung Der Oerlikon Textile Gmbh & Co. Germany 17 New Taiwan Filters Corp Taiwan Li Chen Filter Equipments Enterprise Corp Taiwan Paper tube 13 Carton box 14 Other components 18 19 Saurer Components Ag 20 Changzhou Jason Precision Machinery Co., Ltd Swizerland China Source: STK The stability of raw material resources To guarantee the product quality, STK always focused on choosing the reputation raw material suppliers who meet all STK‟s criteria about quality, price and volume to guarantee the stability of input raw material. In addition, STK implement well the planning of materials procurement, ensure enough materials for reserves and production, control of product costs. To minimize the risk of unstability and price fluctuations in raw materials affecting to the company production, STK has actively expanded the supplying sources of raw materials and not to depend too much on any single supplier. Each main goods, STK maintained to purchase from at least 03 suppliers. Besides, STK has registered to be a member of one prestigious international site to update market price regularly, guaranteed to purchase raw materials with reasonable prices consistent with market prices. This measure helps the Company to ensure the stability of raw material price in a certain period of time, minimize the shortcomings in production and business when raw material prices fluctuate widely. Impact of raw material price fluctuations on revenues and profits THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 41 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Cost of good sold of the Company accounting for a large proportion (about 8085%) of revenue from sales and service provision, in which main raw material is polyester chip accounting for about 70% of the COGS. Because the polyester chip is a petroleum product, the volatility of world oil prices will affect sales and profits of the Company. However, the Company always maintains a certain gap between the selling price of products and the purchased price of raw materials. This objective is achieved based on mechanism of buying materials and selling of the Company, which is the selling price is always determined based on the price of raw material inventories and goods on road. Also, thanks to the production of high quality goods and reputation in the market, when raw material prices fall, STK can still maintain selling discount prices lower than the discount prices of raw materials. In fact, in 2014, due to the impact of plummeted oil prices making PTA prices (petroleum products and is the raw material to produce polyester chip) decreased. PTA selling price differences of around 150 USD / ton while MEG differences of about $ 100 / ton at the beginning and the end of December. Chart 8 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The violation of raw materials PTA and MEG from 9/2014 to 3/2015 In 2014, the price of PTA and MEG prices declined sharply, respectively 30% and 25%, led to the raw material polyester chip prices fell to 11,1%, much higher than the rate of decline of the selling fibers price is 4,3%. That led to the STK gross margin this year increase highly to 14,6% over the same period was 12.2%. Simultaneously, gross profit reached 212,8 billion respectively, up 20,1% over the same period last year. In the first 6 months of 2015, the average price of polyester chip decreased 19,9% while the average THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 42 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS selling prices just decreased 10,5% compared to the same period in 2014. Thus, the difference between the fiber selling price and the purchased price of polyester chip in the first 6 months 2015 improved 2,6% from the same period in 2014. Chart 9 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The fluctuation of fiber selling price and PET chip purchased price Average PET chip price 6.5 Selling price – PET chip price Selling price Production cost Cost structure Table 9 Error! Bookmark not defined.: COGS, selling expenses and general administration expenses of the Company from 2013 – 6M2015 Unit:million VND 6M2015 2013 2014 Item Value COGS 1.275.819 %/Total revenue Value 87,35% 1.244.748 %/Total revenue Value 85,23% 514.160 %/Total revenue 80,50% Financial expenses 21.066 1,44% 12.542 0,86% 20.407 3,20% Selling expenses 34.306 2,35% 31.645 2,17% 14.765 2,31% General administration expenses 33.520 2,29% 35.290 2,42% 18.816 2,95% Other expenses Total expenses 657 0,04% 97 0,01% 68 0,01% 1.365.368 93,48% 1.324.322 90,68% 568.216 88,96% ( From Audited Financial Statements of 2013, 2014, and Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015) Source: STK There are some positive signs about cost fluctuations over time when comparing the relationship between total costs and net revenue. Percentage of total expense over total revenue has decreased gradually over the recent years, in detail from 93,48% in 2013 to THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 43 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS 90,68% in 2014 and continued to decline to 88,96% in the first 6 months 2015. That shows the performance of STK is gradually improving by time. In the cost structure of the Company's operations, cost of goods sold accounted for a major proportion. Cost of goods sold accounted for 93,44%, 93,99% and 90,49% of the total costs in 2013, 2014 and the first 6 months of 2015 respectively. The proportion of cost of goods sold in the total cost structure of STK remained stable over the years and began a downward trend when stepping through 2015. The proportion of cost of goods sold over total revenue decreased markedly over the years, from 87,35% in 2013 to 85,23% in 2014 and through the first 6 months of 2015, it dropped to 80,50%. It was caused by a decline in raw material prices. Besides, the proportion of selling expenses and administration expenses over the total revenue are maintaining stability over years, ranged from 2,17% - 2,95%. In general, these costs account for a small proportion of the total cost structure and relatively stable in the recent period. Chart 10 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The cost factors in 2013, 2014 and the first 6 months of 2015 1400000,0 1200000,0 1000000,0 800000,0 600000,0 400000,0 200000,0 ,0 Giá vốn hàng COGS bán Năm 20132013 Other Chi phí bán Chi phí QLDN Chi phí khác Selling Administration expense hàng expense expense Chi phí tài Financial chính expense 20142014 Năm 66M2015 tháng đầu năm 2015 Production costs of some enterprises operating in the fiber industry in 2014 According to the 2014 Audited Financial Statements of some companies operating in the textile sector had listed in the stock exchange, some indicators of the cost of operations of these companies are as follows: Bảng 10 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Some operation indicators of some companies of the industry Unit: Million VND TT Item Thanh Cong Textile Garment Investment Trading JSC. (TCM)* Value 1 Total revenue 2.603.811 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD %/Total revenue 100% Phong Phu Corporation* Value 3.739.158 %/Total revenue 100% 44 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION TT Item 1.1 Net revenue 1.2 Fiancial revenue 1.3 other revenue 2 Total cost 2.1 Cost of good sold 2.2 Selling expense 2.3 General and administration expense 2.4 Financial expense 2.5 Other expense PROSPESTUS Thanh Cong Textile Garment Investment Trading JSC. (TCM)* Phong Phu Corporation* Value %/Total revenue 2.580.429 99,10% 3.480.451 93,08% 13.415 0,52% 233.279 6,24% 9.967 0,38% 25.428 0,68% 2.416.091 92,79% 3.631.702 97,13% 2.195.153 84,31% 3.311.579 88,56% 68.630 2,64% 66.349 1,77% 102.168 3,92% 110.593 2,96% 46.669 1,79% 114.208 3,05% 3.471 0,13% 28.973 0,77% Value %/Total revenue 3 Net profit 168.360 6,47% 107.453 2,87% 4 Average owner‟s equity 771.516 29,63% 1.063.362 28,44% 5 ROE 21,82% 10,11% Source:Audited Financial Statement in 2014 of Thanh Cong Textile Garment Investment Trading JSC. and Phong Phu Corporation Note: (*)Data was taken from the Parent Company Financial Statements because the Consolidated Financial Statements of TMC and Phong Phu including business results of several subsidiaries operating in other fields such as investment, trade, real estate, etc. Therefore, the Parent company Financial Statements will accurately express the situation of the businesses that just have activities in fiber, weaving, dyeing and garment industry. The proportion of total production costs over the total revenue in 2014 of some companies in the same industry with STK ranged from 93% - 97%, while the total cost of STK in 2014 and early 2015 just accounted for only about 89-91% of total revenue. Thus, in comparison with peers, STK is controlling well their operating costs to bring high efficiency in production and business processes. 6.6 Production processes of main products The process of producing main products of the Company are described as follows: Picture 5 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Production processes of main products THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 45 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Source: STK Material mainly used in yarn production of the Company is polyester chip. After 06 production stages including Pump chip, crystallizing, drying, Extruder, Spinning, Winder to create POY; POY yarn continues to be used to produce DTY. Four (04) transition stages from POY to DTY includes Up rig, Queuing, Production and Quality control. Then, qualified products will be packaged and warehoused. With the stratergy of producing high-quality products, STK has established a quality control system comprehensively in the production processes, from purchasing, producing to packaging, warehousing products. The company has invested in modern DTY manufacturing machines imported from Oerlikon Barmag Group with automatic operation and control systems as well as online quality control. 6.7 Technology level STK currently owns 02 manufacturing plants, one (01) in Cu Chi district with 16,800 sqm and one (01) in Trang Bang district, Tay Ninh province with 50,000 sqm. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 46 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Technology of the Company in Polyester filament industry is at upper intermediate level. Technology of the Company in Polyester filament industry is at upper intermediate level. Currently, competitors of the Company are the leading companies in the region such as Taiwan, South Korea. The high technological level of STK is attributable to: - - Business strategy focuses on developing market segments with high requirement on product quality, hence, the Company have been invested in technology devices and management system so that can satisfy advanced technology standard. Invested technology is new generation and modern. Machinery and equipments are manufactured by the leading European group namely Oerlikon Barmag with the latest machine version having wings for POY and EFK for DTY machines; ensure finished product with high precision and stable quality, ensure high consistency. In addition, these equipments are energy-saving and environment friendly. In 2011, to improve transparency and increase efficiency of production and management, STK has applied ERP system - SAP All In One. Since early 2012, the Company has successfully put the system into operation. New project in Trang Bang 3 factory has been applied with the POC system from the Oerlikon Barmag. This is the world‟s advanced system to enhance production efficiency and product quality control. The supplier will periodically visit the Company to give guidance and technical support. Thanks to that, the Company can master the features, manipulate precisely on the mechanical system. In addition, at each plant, the Company has built a laboratory with modern machinery and equipments in order to control quality of the whole production process. Table 11 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Some typical equipment of the Company No Machinery/ Equipment Brand Manufacturer Origin Production Year 1 Producing POY - EVO spinning - Wings winder Oerlikon Barmag Germany 2010, 2014 2 Producing DTY - EFK Oerlikon Barmag Germany 2010, 2014 3 Air compressor - TA 3000 Cameron (USA) America 2010, 2014 4 Air conditioning system - Chiller Carrier Hong Yan Engineering Taiwan 2010, 2014 Source: STK THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 47 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Picture 6Error! Bookmark not defined.: Pictures on some machinery and equipments of the Company Source: STK 6.8 Research and development of new products In 2015, the company will research to develop some new product lines as follows: Full Dull Yarn: UV resistant fiber, reflectance sunlight, not luminous, not absorb heat, reduce breaking POY, DTY yarn when production. Q & A Department and Sales Department will explore the using demand of customers for this product before implementing production. Recycle Yarn: STK is researching to cooperate with foreign suppliers, in which suppliers will provide chip and technical support for STK to produce Recycle yarn and then provide back the yarn for those suppliers. Flame Retardant Yarn: STK is researching to cooperate with Korean suppliers in which these suppliers will provide fireproof chip and technical support for STK to produce the Flame Retardant Yarn and then provide back the yarn for those suppliers. 6.9 Quality control The company has the operational processes regarding to sales, production planning, producing, materials supplying, logistics, quality control, customer service, IT, administration and human resources that comply with ISO 9001-2008, Kaizen and 5S, THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 48 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS ISO 9001-2008 granted by AFNOR. The operating procedures are updated and revised periodically to improve performance. To ensure strict adherence to procedures, the Company builds quality control teams and issues attractive remuneration policies based on production efficiency and employee‟s target completion. Production department is tested and evaluated monthly in terms of the product quality for reward based on work performance. STK commits to provide high quality products and services, proven by developing the professional operation process, investing in modern machinery and equipments, developing the network of materials suppliers with good quality, recruiting and developing skilled human resources and strictly adhering to KAIZEN, 5S and ISO 90012008. 1 Nguyên liệu Inputs đầu vào 3 2 Sản xuất – Production hành - Vận Operation Products Sản phẩm 1: First, raw material (polyester chip) by order will be thoroughly checked by QC lab. If qualifed, it will be used for the production. 2: All stages of production are applied with 5S, KEIZEN, ISO 9001: 2008, from which the product quality is controlled strictly. During the manufacturing process, even though most of the stages are automatic, controlling the output quality of POY, DTY and FDY is still very important. POY quality management requires to control denier, evenness and physical features. DTY quality management requires to control failure rate (machine stops running) at low level, physical features (clean packaging), even knitting/dyeing (check all packages) and actual test before packaging. Semi products and finished products are all labeled in order to easily track to the machine producing error products and quickly fix that machine. QC Division (quality control) carries out technical checking at all stages. 3: Products will be double-checked by QC by probability method to evaluate quality and ensure the quality requirements as ordered. Picture 7 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Some pictures about checking, controlling product quality of the Company Equipments to test products before packing THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 49 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Checking, controlling in production Source: STK Internal control system Internal control system of the Company is built based on 5 main components: Controlling environment This is the environment in which the entire operation of internal control is deployed. Tools are used for the internal control as follows: STK has issued a written form of rules and standards of advoiding interest conflicts between management team and employees and the appropriate promulgation in case any rules, standards are violated. At the same time, the Company popularizes the rules and standards mentioned above to all staff, requires all employees to sign a commitment to comply with the rules and standards. STK has a logical corporate structure to ensure the management (planning, organizing, staff managing, directing and controlling) carried out accurately, timely and effectively. The Company has an internal control division to control the compliance with the production procedures and awake risks in producing and trading in order to ensure products quality and efficiency in producing and trading activities. Besides, the Company also has general regulation documents as well as specific guidances in the overall management and the funds transfer operations. The Company has a unified documents system regulating the recruitment, training, employee evaluation, salary, bonuses and allowances to encourage people to work with integrity and efficiency. STK has used “Job Description” to define requirements of knowledge and personnel quality for every position in the Company. The Company does not set unrealistic standards or indicator or unreasonable lists of priorities, incentives, salary, bonus, etc. causing undisciplined or cheating behaviors. In addition, the Company regularly THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 50 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS rotates staff in sensitive areas; cares, reminds, protects the rights of those who work in hazardous, heavy-work areas in accordance with regulations. Risk evaluating STK has set out the overall as well as detailed objectives for all employees to use as a basis of reference when deploying work. On the other hand, the BOD of the Company has cared and encouraged employees to detect, assess and quantitatively analyze effects of these existing and potential risks. The Company has proposed measures, plans and procedures of specific actions to reduce risks to an acceptable limit. The Company also has taken measures to make all employees aware of effects of risks as well as minimize risks for the Company. Internal control activities The company has set out financial determining items and basic indicators of performance evaluation such as managing indicators of planning and controlling to adjust production in line with the objectives proposed. The Company has regularly recorded, synthesized producing results; compared the results obtained with the predetermined items and indicator to correct, replenish timely. STK has detailed provisions on rights, responsibilities and obligations in three areas: Licensing and approval of financial problems, Accounting and Warehousing which are delimited clearly and independently. The Company has issued documents regulating clearly who has the right and/ or authorizes all or any financial problems. The Company has kept the evidence in written form to easily demarcate work section with supervision at any given time, including identifying individuals who are responsible for the mistakes occurred. STK also has its own regulations to monitor, protect properties, equipments from loss, damaging or used for improper purposes. The Company also prohibits and takes measures to prevent its senior leaders using funds and assets of the Company for private purposes. Information and communication system STK has regularly updated important information for board of management and competent persons. Communication system of the Company ensures employees at all levels can know and understand rules and standards of the organization, information are provided timely, accurately to the authorities as prescribed. In parallel, STK has also established hot communication channels (a committee or an individual who is responsible for receiving information denounced by installing a suggestion box) to allow staff to report on unusual behaviors, events that may cause damage to the Company. In addition, the Company also has installed protection systems to prevent data accessing from those THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 51 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS not authorized. The Company has built disasters, dangers prevention and information lost rescue plan by backing up data promptly and safely. Controlling and assessing system This is the process of monitoring and assessing the quality of internal control to ensure that it is deployed, adjusted and improved continuously. The Company has a reporting system allowing the detection of deviations from planned targets. Upon bias detection, the Company has implemented appropriate corrective measures. The defects of the internal control system detected by independent auditors will be report directly and promptly to a higher level manager, even board of management to correct timely. The company also has asked intermediate level managers to immediately report to leaders all cases of fraud, suspected frauds that violate rules and regulations of the Company as well as provisions of law and are capable of reducing the Company reputation and causing economic harms. 6.10 Marketing activities With more than 14 years experiences, products with "Century" brand name have gained customers‟ trust and belief. Because STK has positioned itself in the medium and high-end segment, the Company focused on customers requiring high quality standards and customers that supply their products to international brands. The Company has appropriate approaches to each kind of customers: - Establishing relationships with representative offices of international brands to learn about the seasonal ordering plans. - Developing network of customers in ASEAN and customers exporting their products to Europe, America and Japan markets. - Maintaining existing customer networks, exploiting more customers from Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Turkey, existing FDI and new FDI companies trending to shift their production from China to Vietnam. - Potential and major customers of the company in the future are domestic textile manufacturers, FDI companies having factory in Vietnam to take advantage of TPP trend. Besides, STK will also continue to expand and look for customers which are foreign textile and garment manufacturers. - QA and R&D department collaborates with Sales Department to provide beforesales and after-sales services to customers by exchanging information with customers (fabric producers) to understand final products, specific technologies, THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 52 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS machinery and equipments to consult the customers thoroughly. Then, Production and Technical Department of the Company will provide appropriate products based on specific needs of customers. 6.11 Customer network of STK The Company has over 250 clients usually trading with STK and and currently meets only 20% customers‟ total demand. The Company‟s customers are mostly foreign customers. The customers‟s loyalty is at high level, thanks to the Company‟s high and stable quality products coupled with reasonable selling price and good after-sales service. In order to diversify its customer base as well as to mitigate concentration risks, STK proactively reduces the share of Top 10 and 20 customer‟s revenues over the years. Each customer‟s order is limited up to 10%-20% total production capacity of the Company to minimize the risk of dependence on a few customers. Chart 11Error! Bookmark not defined.: Top 10 – 20 clients in Total Revenue Top 10 - 20 customers in Total Revenue 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 84% 70% 2010 65% 64% 50% 49% 2011 2012 Top 10 67% 62% 45% 2013 46% 2014 Top 20 Source: STK Main export markets of the company are Europe and Asia, typically Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Turkey. Export revenue accounted for approximately 71% to 87% of total revenue during the 2010 – 2014 period. Customer network of the Company includes many worldwide famous brandnames. Before the debt crisis in Europe, due to high demand from customers as well as the good reputation of STK, the Company frequently could not meet all of its customers‟ orders. The world economy recovery along with the increasing demand in Asian countries brings more opportunities for yarn manufacturers with high quality products. This helps the Company choose good customers who can cooperate with in the long run as well as satisfy the Company‟s targeted profit margins. Therefore, targeted customers of the Company are quite diversified, including large multinational corporations, commercial companies as well as local medium- scaled companies. The Company‟s domestic customers are well-known brands include Thanh Cong Textile Corporation, Thai Tuan Textile and Garment Co., Huge Bamboo, Formosa, THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 53 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Decotex, Daluen, Samil Vina, Samwoon, Global Dyeing, Khang Vietnam, Eclat Fabric, Sue, Chung Luong, Ly Minh, Hoa Khanh Textile Da Nang, etc. The Company‟s foreign customers are YRC, Tongsiang, Golden Empire, Huge Rock, Universal, Pinewood, Hiknit, Hansea, Panko, Handoo, Shindo, Hansung, etc. which are supplying input materials for global famous brands like Nike, Adidas, Uniqlo, Decathlon, Puma, Columbia,Guess, etc…. Picture 8 Error! Bookmark not defined.:The Company’s customers categorized by regions Current customers Source: STK The Company has a global customer network in Europe and Asia, typically Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Turkey. The Company has expanded its market and exported to Indonesia and FDI textile companies that have been shifted their production into Vietnam to produce fabric. Thanks to capacity expansion, STK can meet existing and potential customers needs. However, if Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is concluded, the market demand will excess the Company‟s supply capacity. 6.12 Customer services The Company maintains customer service to ensure customers‟ satisfaction, and therefore are able to maintain long-term relationships with customers. This helps to bring continuous orders from existing customers for the Company. The Company carries out customer services both before and after selling its products. Before the selling, personnel from Company‟s business division will meet customer and assesses their needs. Depending on their existing machinery and desired output, this division will consult customer to choose input materials with appropriate standard and quality. The company also regularly assesses customer satisfaction by surveying customers in many other aspects. The customer feedbacks over the past years show their high satisfaction with the Company. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 54 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Good customer services gives the Company the loyalty from existing customers who frequently have transactions with STK and at the same time, helps introduce new customers. 6.13 Labor force As of 30/04/2015, STK has 839 employees (including staff and trainees). All positions have their own specific job description. Currently, in 2 factories, the Company arranges three shifts; each shift lasts 8 hours and 7 days a week. SAP system is also applied in human resource management for better management of employee evaluation, qualifications and skills of employees. Appropriate training plans in accordance with employees‟ orientation and company goals are also applied. To ensure a highly skilled workforce, especially at the production stage, the Company sets high requirements in recruitment compared with other domestic companies. For production staff, at first the Company will arrange for them to learn new job in 2 months. In particular, new employees must experience two weeks learning about the company's culture, rules, SOPs and 5S and then new staff will get started with actual shifts, and be evaluated after the training period. If qualified they will sign official labor contract. At each stage, employees are evaluated in details to determine whether they are qualified in accordance with the environment and the culture of the Company. In order to motivate and reward employees correctly, the Company has implemented a balanced scorecard system in human resource management and evaluation, To motivate and encourage the production employees, the company set up Standard Operation Procedures – SOP. If these workers abide fully with the standard operation, which helps to eliminate error products and improve working performance, they will be rewarded depending on the results achieved. HR Policies of the Company are highly appreciated compared to other domestic companies. Employees are given free accommodation near the working places, get above average salary, accident insurance, travel benefits, bonuses during the holidays. In addition, staffs are given regular training programs to enhance the professional knowledge. Every year experts from Japan are invited to the Company to train the employees on 5S, KAIZEN. In addition, the Company also rotates personnel among departments as employees‟ aspiration to enhance their knowledge in various business fields. The skilled and senior production staff can rotate to the Training division of Human Resources department to implement culture and skills training for new employees. Thanks to appropriate personnel policies, the Company has been successful in building a core management team with mostly young, high qualified, disciplined managers, consistent with the culture of the Company. Most of the key personnel were THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 55 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS trained and worked since the Company„s inception, hence, showing high loyalty and commitment with the Company. The Company‟s culture can attract and retain qualified personnel. This core management staff is an important factor for the Company‟s expansion and long-term development. 6.14 Trademarks, registered patents and copyrights STK registered the trademark and was granted the Certificate of Trademark Registration by Vietnam National Office of Intellectual Property valid from 2002 to 2021. In addition, the Company also registered the trademark and was granted the Certificate of Trademark Registration valid from 2010 to 2020 by World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO. Trademark logo of STK: 6.15 Unfinished or signed contracts STK has signed and been implementing some large contracts with domestic and abroad customers as follows: Picture 12Error! Bookmark not defined.: Some unfinished or signed large contracts Unit: billion VND No Partner Prod uct Volume (ton) Contract Implementation period value % (billion From date To date Finish VND) 1 UNIVERSAL FDY 308,88 9,61 09/01/2015 30/01/2015 100% 2 HUGE ROCK TEXTILE FDY 41,68 1,40 10/01/2015 30/01/2015 100% 3 GULCEK DTY 174,00 6,82 13/01/2015 28/02/2015 100% 4 POPLIN DTY 43,25 1,87 19/01/2015 20/03/2015 100% 5 GOLDEN DTY 39,93 1,53 23/01/2015 28/02/2015 100% 6 Y.R.C TEXTILE DTY 438,35 18,80 26/01/2015 30/03/2015 100% 7 H.B.C DTY 40,80 1,74 26/01/2015 30/03/2015 100% 8 OKYAY DTY 60,93 2,60 28/01/2015 30/03/2015 100% 9 YUKSEL DTY 66,91 2,54 29/01/2015 30/03/2015 100% THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 56 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION No Partner PROSPESTUS Prod uct Volume (ton) Contract Implementation period value % (billion From date To date Finish VND) 10 ISIKSER DTY 147,78 6,71 05/02/2015 31/03/2015 100% 11 TONG SIANG DTY 269,03 10,97 12/02/2015 20/05/2015 100% 12 PAIHO DTY 44,77 1,50 12/02/2015 31/03/2015 100% 13 BASAK DTY 128,41 5,63 24/02/2015 24/02/2015 100% 14 AKPA DTY 104,59 4,10 24/02/2015 09/03/2015 100% 15 DALUEN FDY 103,14 3,43 25/02/2015 15/05/2015 100% 16 KENAN OZSOT DTY 50,49 2,00 26/02/2015 31/03/2015 100% 17 KARKENT DTY 36,69 1,53 26/02/2015 20/05/2015 100% 18 IMC-N DTY 42,84 1,81 04/03/2015 01/04/2015 100% 19 HAKCAN DTY 40,80 1,76 06/03/2015 30/04/2015 100% 20 KABAL DTY 45,02 1,37 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 100% 21 THÀNH CÔNG DTY 60,03 2,07 25/03/2015 31/05/2015 100% 22 VINATEX DTY 50,02 1,93 25/03/2015 30/04/2015 100% 23 YILKAR DTY 61,20 2,56 27/03/2015 22/05/2015 100% 24 KHANG VIỆT DTY 150,01 6,18 01/04/2015 31/05/2015 100% 25 FUAT DTY 43,66 1,78 02/04/2015 30/04/2015 100% 26 SARP DTY 40,80 1,71 02/04/2015 30/05/2015 100% 27 ASLANLAR DTY 81,82 3,42 07/04/2015 31/05/2015 100% 28 FIBER DTY 41,04 1,70 07/04/2015 30/05/2015 100% 29 HANSEA DTY 40,00 1,54 17/04/2015 30/06/2015 100% 30 TREASURE STAR DTY 190,04 7,62 21/04/2015 30/06/2015 100% 31 COLOR & TOUCH DTY 62,26 2,39 02/05/2015 15/06/2015 100% 32 TOÀN CẦU DTY 50,00 2,05 04/05/2015 30/09/2015 56% 33 HARPUT DTY 235,82 10,28 08/05/2015 30/07/2015 65% 34 UGUR IPLIK DTY 87,22 3,85 09/05/2015 30/06/2015 77% 35 KOCER DTY 102,00 4,42 29/05/2015 30/07/2015 100% 36 AKPA DTY 84,20 3,89 29/05/2015 30/07/2015 100% 37 ECLAT DTY 130,42 5,66 05/06/2015 20/07/2015 100% THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 57 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION No Partner PROSPESTUS Prod uct Volume (ton) Contract Implementation period value % (billion From date To date Finish VND) 38 MARSAN DTY 217,95 9,35 06/06/2015 20/07/2015 100% 39 IKBAL DTY 39,98 1,98 12/06/2015 30/06/2015 100% 40 ISIKSER DTY 86,82 3,74 16/06/2015 30/07/2015 100% 41 HUGE-BAMBO FDY 198,91 6,30 19/06/2015 30/07/2015 100% 42 LIÊN AN DTY 46,32 1,59 19/06/2015 30/06/2015 92% 43 SAMIL VINA FDY 92,61 2,89 23/06/2015 30/06/2015 89% 44 FORMOSA TAFFETA DTY 73,35 2,70 26/06/2015 31/07/2015 100% 45 MIRAE DTY 28,89 1,76 26/06/2015 30/08/2015 100% 46 HARPUT DTY 107,71 4,65 27/06/2015 30/07/2015 100% 47 DALUEN FDY 93,76 3,07 03/07/2015 30/07/2015 100% 48 PHÚC PHÁT LÀO CAI FDY 75,00 2,46 06/07/2015 15/08/2015 52% 49 GULCEK DTY 65,12 2,78 10/07/2015 30/07/2015 100% 50 YILMAZ DTY 62,22 3,02 15/07/2015 20/08/2015 100% 51 Y.R.C TEXTILE DTY 428,25 19,62 16/07/2015 30/08/2015 84% 52 UNIVERSAL DTY 200,02 7,15 17/07/2015 30/09/2015 15% 53 SAMIL VINA DTY 100,01 3,56 30/07/2015 31/08/2015 96% 54 PAIHO DTY 80,00 2,59 04/08/2015 31/08/2015 84% 55 ECOFIL DTY 65,08 2,40 13/08/2015 20/09/2015 100% 56 YUKSEL DTY 68,28 2,55 15/08/2015 31/08/2015 100% 57 COBANLAR DTY 87,82 3,27 18/08/2015 31/08/2015 100% 58 TONG SIANG DTY 112,1 4,37 22/08/2015 20/09/2015 0% 59 BIREL DTY 82,91 3,71 22/08/2015 30/09/2015 0% 60 HAKTIM DTY 64,87 2,47 22/08/2015 30/09/2015 0% 6.216,81 248,75 TOTAL Source: STK THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 58 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION 7. PROSPESTUS Income Statement in 2013, 2014 and 6M2015 7.1 Summary of some items on income statements of the Company in 2013, 2014 and 6M2015 Table 13Error! Bookmark not defined.: Some income statement items of the Company in 2013, 2014 and 6M2015 Unit: Million VND Items Total Assets 2013 2014 % changing 6M 2015 1.025.471 1.244.953 21,40% 1.618.131 Owner Equity 503.063 674.817 34,14% 673.285 Net Revenues 1.453.047 1.457.517 0,31% 630.345 95.425 135.417 41,91% 70.125 -185 747 Earnings Before Tax 95.426 136.164 42,69% 70. 497 Earnings After Tax 74.400 106.107 42,62% 54.585 15% 15% Net Operating Incomes Other Incomes Dividends Earnings After Tax/ Average Owner Equity 15,30% 18,02% - 2,71% 372 8,10% (From Audited Financial Statements of 2013, 2014, and Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015) Source: STK Regarding total assets, at 31/12/2014, the total value of assets of the Company increased by 219,482 billion compared to 2013, equivalent to an increase of approximately 21,4%. The reason is that the Company increased long-term debt, mainly long-term accounts payable to suppliers (increase about 155 billion compared with 2013), this is the asset value of machinery and equipment STK imported for the expansion of the factory in Trang Bang Branch - Phase 3 and is sponsored by long-term loans from banks. Additionally, in 2014 the Company increased its share capital of approximately 107 billion to create funds for the construction of new factory in Trang Bang - Phase 3. Regarding profit, the profit before tax of the Company in 2014 reached VND 136,164 billion at the end of 2014, up 42,69% over the same period in 2013 and exceeded 14,29% of the planned profit for the year (VND119 billion ). Profit after tax of the Company accordingly has the same strong growth as profit before tax, increased by 42,62% compared to 2013. Profit after tax increased from the same period last year mainly due to (1) gross profit margin increased due to the rate of selling prices‟s decline was lower than the raw material prices, (2) selling expense over revenue downed from 2,4% to 2,2% due to the proportion of exports by CIF method (the seller must arrange transportation and insurance) decreased leading to the shipping costs and insurance THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 59 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS reduced and (3) the interest expense decreased from 13,9 billion to 7,6 billion thanks to lower interest rates. The proportion of profit after tax / average owner‟s equity increased 2,71% in 2014 over the same period. This increase is not as strong as the growth rate of profit after tax because the Company already issued shares to the public in order to increase the Chartered capital, leading to the equity in 2014 also increased by 34,14% compare to 2013. 7.2 Factors affecting the Business and Production activities of the Company: Favourable factors: - Abundant and long time commitment customers: As a reputable and experienced company for many years, the brand name "Century" has been recognized in textile raw material producing industry, not only in Vietnam but also in the international market. In Vietnam, STK is a company specializing in manufacturing and supplying long staple fiber, and is one of two leading companies (STK and Hung Nghiep and Taiwan Formosa) providing long and high-class fibers. With modern technologies, high quality and good after sales service, STK‟s products can satisfy demands of domestic customers including Thanh Cong Textile Garment Investment Trading JSC, Thai Tuan Textile and Garment Co., Ltd, Huge Bamboo, Formosa, DECOTEX, Daluen, Samil Vina, Samwoon, Global Dyeing, Khang Viet, Eclat Fabric, Sue, Chung Luong, Ly Minh, Hoa Khanh Da Nang Textile, etc and foreign customers like YRC, Tongsiang, Golden Empire, Huge Rock, Universal, Pinewood, Hiknit, Hansea, Panko, Handoo, Shindo, Hansung,... These companies provide materials for world-famous brands such as Nike, Adidas, Uniqlo, Decathlon, Puma, Columbia, Guess, etc. Owning a various customer list with long relationships and loyalty means a lot for the sustainable development of the Company. - Management team is highly qualified, experienced and having strong attachment with the Company: STK has a dynamic management team with high responsibility spirits and strong attachment with the Company, technical staff also has skilled workers who are highly qualified and experienced in the industry. Due to being invested with modern machinery and equipments, scientific management methods, STK‟s plant has effectively increased productivity and output, lowered product cost and contributed to increase competitiveness of Company‟s products. At the same time, STK has maintained good relationships with machinery vendors, helps the Company receive technical supports as well as update latest advances in the field. Gradually changing of units management method will contribute to streamline personnel apparatus, reduce cost, well manage cost, and increase the Company‟s operational efficiency in the future. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 60 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS - Shareholders unite, support production and Business activities well: Shareholders of the Company are domestic and foreign experienced investors, both individuals and organizations. They contribute helpful opinions in financial aspect as well as global vision. Therefore, every direction and development strategy of the Company have always been considered and comprehensively planned. - Trend of Orders shifting from China to Vietnam Order shifting wave leads to the increasing mass shifting of fabric manufacturers (fiber manufacturer's customers) from China to Vietnam due to higher production cost in China (labor, land renting, environment etc.), inherent risks, and imposing technical barriers and import tariffs of other countries on manufacturers from China. - Opportunities from FTA Agreement: According to FTA between Vietnam and South Korea (“VKFTA”), the import tariff of fiber from Vietnam to Korea will decline from 8% to 0% as soon as the VKFTA takes effect at the beginning 2016. This tariff reduction will directly boost the demand for import of Vietnamese fiber of Korean customers. In addition, VFKTA will cut the import tariffs of Vietnam‟s garment from 13% to 0%, Which will indirectly promote the development of textile and increases demand for fiber in Vietnam Market. Under the FTA between Vietnam and EU (“EVFTA”), (to be signed in 2015), the import tariffs of clothing product from Vietnam to EU market will be reduced to 0% (from 9.6%) during 7 years since EVFTA agreement becomes effective. In order to get this tax preference, garments must be made of fabric produced in Vietnam, Asean, Japan, South Korea or EU. Therefore, the argreement will be a contributor promoting the development of the Weaving and Dyeing industry and increase the fiber demand in Vietnamese market. - Opportunities from TPP Agreement: TPP agreement is expected to bring great opportunities for the textile industry including STK to improve the scale, quality and competitiveness in supplying raw textile materials. With the advantage of being one of few companies in Vietnam satisfying TPP‟s "Yarn forward rule”, demand for STK‟s yarns is considered to soar when the TPP agreement is signed. - Other advantages: In addition, strong relationships with key raw materials suppliers help the Company get favorable purchase terms. Besides, a healthy financial standing is the basis for STK to attract capital investment to grow stably. With reasonable export revenue structure, STK uses sales proceeds in USD to fund raw material purchases and to repay USD denominated loans, by which, the Company creates a natural hedge mechanism for foreign currency risk. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 61 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Furthermore, based on stable export revenue, STK can access low cost loans dominated in USD to finance working capital and its construction investments. Disadvantages: In general, the economy is still in a tough period which limits the purchasing power of the whole economy as well as the domestic and foreign textile industry. Beside market‟s purchasing power, STK is also influenced by the following factors: Increasing input costs: input costs such as gas, oil, electricity, wages and compulsory insurance (social and health insurance) costs have simultaneously risen, affected significantly the performance of garment enterprises. - Filaments fiber production requires high technique and stable power. STK asked the electric power plant Cu Chi and Trang Bang to ensure the supply of electricity for its stable production. - When TPP Agreement is signed, there will witness a new wave of foreign as well as domestic investing in Vietnam soon to take advantage of domestic fabric shortage, leading to a large demand for yarns in general and the Company‟s yarn products in particular. However, in the long run, other yarn manufacturers will invest in Vietnam or expand capacity to catch the needs of yarn shortages. Note: STK has currently competed globally; while foreign firms in Vietnam would be more vulnerable than in their domestic market due to language barriers, customer network. Investing in modern or obsolete machinery and equipments, etc. will affect the competitiveness on product quality, depreciation, costs, etc. - 8. Position of the Company compared with other firms in the same industry 8.1 Position of the Company in the industry Currently, there are only 5 DTY producers in Vietnam, including: STK corporation. Formosa Hung Nghiep Co., Ltd. Hualon Corporation. Dong Tien Hung Company Limited. PetroVietnam Petrochemical and Textile Fiber Joint Stock Company (PVTex) Of which, only STK and Formosa Hung Nghiep Co., Ltd. position themselves and focus on high quality products. Founded in 2000 with an initial capacity of 4,800 tons DTY, after 15-year development, STK has increased capacity to 8 times, up to 37,000 tons DTY/FDY per year. As a result, the Company‟s business grows rapidly, revenues and net incomes in 2014 was VND1.457billion, VND106,1 billion, respectively. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 62 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS The Company invested in expanding Trang Bang Branch 3 factorywith a total investment of USD33.9mn, or VND729bn, to meet market demand on high-class polyester filaments DTY. In this project, the Company will invest in automatical DTY spinning machines with the most modern technology provided by Oerlikon Barmag, the world market leader in development and production of spinning systems and equipment for manmade fibers. This project is expected to provide 15,000 tons of POY and 15,000 tons of DTY per year for domestic market and exporting, bringing the total capacity of the Company to more than 52,000 tons of yarn per year. Currently, about 50% of the expanding capacity already is put into commercial operation from July 2015 and other 50% will continue to be put into operation in Q1/2016. With the economies of scale advantage, STK is considered to benefit more from catching the opportunities of shifting fabric production from China to Vietnam as well as the opportunities from TPP. Along with the purpose of maximizing production capacity, the USD33.9mn investment in Trang Bang 3 is a preparation in anticipation of the opportunities mentioned above. The Company also plans to expand to weaving and dyeing sectors to fulfill the supply chain. Table 14 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The direct Company’s domestic competitors Company name Capacity Product segment Business policy 1. STK corporation Current capacity: 37,000 tons of DTY & FDY per year High quality High quality product segment average price and 2. Hung Nghiep Formosa Company Limited 38,400 tons of DTY & FDY per year High quality product High quality segment high price and 3. Hualon Corporation 84,000 tons of DTY per year Average quality segment and low Low quality and low product price 4. Dong Tien Hung Company Limited 20,400 tons of DTY per year Average quality segment and low Low quality and low product price 5. PetroVietnam Petrochemical and Textile Fiber Joint Stock Company (PVTex) 144.000 tons (PSF, POY, DTY) / year. The capacity of DTY production is 28.800 tons/year. N/A N/A Market share is calculated based on actual production capacity and export value: Chart 12: Market share of STK THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 63 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Market share on Capacity Dong Tien Hung 9,80% PVTEX 13,80% STK 17,70% PROSPESTUS Market share on export value PVTEX Dong 3,30% Tien Hung 10,21% STK 25,43% Formosa 18,40% Hualon 37,24% Hualon 40,30% Formosa 23,82% The Company’s competitive strategies over its competitors: - For Formosa Hung Nghiep: The Company applies competitive price and after-sales service. - For Hualon and Dong Tien Hung Company: The Company competes based on product quality and after-sales service. - For PVTEX, the new factory officially opearated in May 2014, reaching average capacity of approximately 50% by Q1/2015 and is expected to operate under 100% capacity by Q2/2015. PVTEX primarily focused on Staple – Polyester Staple Fiber (PSF), positioning as the low quality segment, therefore PVTEX is not a direct rival to STK. The company‟s driving forces are quality, price and after-sales service to compete with PVTEX‟s DTY. STK has proved its brandname and position as a leading yarn producer, with modern machinery and technologies; dynamic and experienced management team; skilled workers, capable technical staff; and effective corporate governance. As a result, the Company's products can compete with other companies‟ products globally. In addition, the Company also has the advantage of building brand reputation in the market and has a large network of high-end customers who are in need of a stable supply of high-quality DTY and FDY. STK prospect is very promising given its advantages and brandname. Compare financial Status and business Activities of enterprises in same industry The direct competitors of STK are not currently listed, thereby having insufficient information for comparison, therefore, listed companies in textile, garment sectors or similar business are selected to compare STK‟s financial status and business activities. Particularly: Table 15 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Criteria of companies in fiber, weave and clothing industry in 2014 Unit: VND Criteria Chartered capital STK 423.053.360.000 TCM 491.999.510.000 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD Phong Phu 733.505.810.000 64 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Criteria Total Assets Equity Revenue Profit from Operating Other income Earning before tax Earning after tax Dividend payout ratio PROSPESTUS STK 1.244.952.643.195 674.817.311.072 1.457.517.160.473 135.416.787.278 747.454.487 106.106.992.222 15%/VĐL EPS ROE Average 2.725 18,02% TCM 2.021.424.582.480 776.694.490.697 2.541.985.434.265 173.745.881.089 6.686.049.852 180.431.930.941 6%/ VĐL (tạm ứng năm 2014) 3.405 22,54% Phong Phu 3.991.776.749.421 3.480.451.310.249 110.999.143.349 (3.545.611.550) 107.453.531.799 107.453.531.799 15%/ VĐL 1.465 10,11% Source: Annual General meeting and Audited 2014 financial statement of TCM, Phong Phu and STK 8.2 The industry’s development prospect 8.2.1. Textile and garment industry overview The value chain in the textile and garment industry Picture 9Error! Bookmark not defined.: The value chain in the textile and garment industry Material -Natural (cotton, silk) - Synthetic products Fiber - Short staple fiber - Long staple fiber -Large material areas and suitable climate for cotton plant - Capitalintensive Fabric - Weaving & Knitting - Dyeing - Capitalintensive -In developed -In developing and developing and emerging countries countries Garment - CMT - OEM - ODM - OBM - Laborintensive -In emerging countries -Capitalintensive (petrochemical products) Distribution -Wholesalers - Retailers - Supply chain management (short transport time and low inventory management) Consumer - Frequently changing fashion trends - Pricesensitive Definitions: THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 65 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS CMT (Cut – Make – Trim): Processing export goods − OEM (Original Equiment Manufacturing): Manufacturing under package contracts − OBM (Original Brandname Manufacturing): Manufacturing under own brand − ODM (Original Design Manufacturing): Designing and producing for major brands in the industry. − Global textile and garment industry In 2013, total global textile and garment revenue reached USD766.2bn, rose 8,4% compared to 2012 and achieved an average growth rate at 4,71% during the period from 2006 to 2013. China was the world largest textile and garment exporting country with total revenue of USD316,6bn (2013), rose 9,9% compared to 2012 and made up 41% in the global sales. China‟s neighbor country, India ranked No. 3, with an increase of 23% over 2012 – the highest growth rate in the textile and garment exporting countries with a turnover of USD35,8bn (2013). The others in Top 5 were from European countries namely Italy, Germany and Turkey with USD37,2bn, USD35,8bn and USD27,6bn export value, respectively. Picture 10 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Major textile exporting – importing countries on the world Cáccountries nước xuất nhập export-import khẩu chính Main of –textile Khối SNG SNG North Bắc Mỹ America EU-27 Japan Nhật China Trung Trung Mỹ Central America Nam South Asia Á Quốc ASEAN Australia Úc Export Xuất khẩu Import Nhập khẩu Table 16Error! Bookmark not defined.: The world textile and garment revenue Revenue (USDbn) FY2011A FY2017E FY2020E FY2030E 617 800 943 1,664 Source: Malcolm Newbery (Just Style 2011) According to Malcolm Newbery (Just Style, 2011), the world's textile and garment industry was expected to grow in revenue during the period from 2011 to 2030, reaching 1,664bn USD, an annual growth rate of 5.4% per year. This will be the key THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 66 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS growth driver of T&G industry in general and the fiber subsector in particular. destinations for manufacturers in the textile and garment industry. Picture 11 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The textile and garment shift from China to Southeast Asia Although China remains the largest player in term of market share and export value for many years, it is gradually losing advantages due to increasing labor costs, one-child policy reduced the amount of common labor and some manufacturers are applying the strategy "China + 1" to diverse suppliers and reduce excessive dependence on China. Some emerging countries with young, abundant and low-cost labor force and encouragement from the government such as India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, etc. are now attractive In major textile and garment importers such as USA, EU and Japan, China's market share has continued to decline in recent years. Meanwhile, emerging countries that have advantages in textile and garment industry gradually occupy China‟s market share. Table 17Error! Bookmark not defined.: Vietnam and China market share in some main markets Export USA Vietnam 2013 4 months 2014 8.38% 9.37% 39.79% China 4 months 2014 34.93% EU Japan 2.72% 6.74% 39.91% 71.08% 34.36% 66.55% Import 2.70% 7.62% 2013 Source: UAS Ministry of Commerce, Eurostat, Vitas Chart 13Error! Bookmark not defined.: Avarage wage of some countries * Total payment includes basic salary, allowances, social insurance costs, overtime pay and bonuses THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 67 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Lương cơ bản Base Salary Basic salary Bangladesh, 112 Cam pu chia, 147 Việt Nam, 250 Ấn Độ, 269 Cam pu chia, 101 Việt Nam, 162 Bangladesh, 86 - Ấn Độ, 217 100 Philippines, 248 200 Indonesia, 234 300 Thái Lan, 366 400 Philippines, 327 xuất Thái Lan, 578 dịch chuyển sản giữa các quốc gia Trung Quốc, 375 USD/month USD/tháng 500 Clearly, the wage gap leads to về a Rõ ràng, khoảng cách tiền lương dẫn đến sự production shift among countries Trung Quốc, 625 600 Indonesia, 346 * tổng số chi trả bao gồm lương cơ bản, phụ cấp, bảo hiểm xã hội, làm thêm giờ và tiền thưởng. 700 TổngTotal chi phí 1 lao động * costs of one Total Paycho Burden *labor Nguồn: Khảo sát các doanh nghiệp liên doanh Nhật Bản ở châu Á và châu Đại Dương. Source: Survey ofJETRO. Japanese joint ventures in Asia and Oceania. December 2013 JETRO Tháng 12 năm 2013 Vietnam Textile and Garment (T&G) industry Vietnam is now in Top 5 T&G exporter The T&G industry has grown impressively during the last 20 years with an average annual growth rate of 15% and become the leading industry in the economy, with export turnover contributing 10% - 15% to total GDP. The Vietnam‟s textile and garment industry is expected to continue to grow to around 13% in 2015. Vietnam is now one of the 5 leading T&G exporters in the world accounts for 4% - 5% market share. However, currently the Vietnam T&G industry has only participated in the 3rd part of the global T&G supply chain which is Cutting and Sewing. Table 18: The World Top Ten T&G exporters Unit: USDbn 2005 2012 2013 China 156.3 China 288.2 China 316.6 Italia 33.5 Italia 35.3 Italia 37.2 Germany 26.0 Germany 32.0 India 35.8 Turkey 18.9 India 29.1 Germany 33.3 United Turkey Turkey States 17.4 25.3 27.6 India 17.1 Bangladesh 21.4 Bangladesh 25.4 France 15.5 United States 19.1 Vietnam 22.0 Belgium 14.2 United States 19.8 Vietnam 18.3 Korea 13.0 France 15.7 France 16.5 Korea Pakistan 10.7 13.9 Belgium 14.7 Source: WTO Bottleneck at dyeing in the domestic T&G supply chain. According to Vitas, Vietnam T&G industry currently has 5,982 companies. Along those companies, garment companies accounted for a large proportion (70%), followed by spinning (6%), dyeing (4%) and supporting (3%). Besides, the T&G industry is still dependent on imported raw materials (about 70%), mainly from the China, Taiwan, South THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 68 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Korea. Local supply for yarn and fabric are not sufficient for export and local consumption because of the bottleneck in dyeing. Currently, Vietnam still has to import 6 billion sqm of fabric. To meet the garment‟s fabric demand, domestic yarn producers need to increase production capacity to provide more 600,000 tons of yarn for producing finished fabrics. Picture 12: Bottleneck in Vietnam T&G industry Short staple fiber: 96 Sợi ngắn: 96 DN companies Sợi dài: 5 5DN Long staple fiber: companies Kéo sợi Spinning Dệt Weaving 27% Nhuộm Dyeing May mặc Garment số công ty 70% Thắt nút cổ chai Bottleneck Source: Vitas, 2012 FTAs bring more opportunities for Vietnam's T&G industry. Picture 13: Vietnam's T&G export value grows gradually with the increase of the free trade agreements Source: Vitas A number of FTAs, typically Free Trade Agreement with Japan (signed in 2009), with Korea (signed in 2015) and the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP) and the Free Trade Agreement with Europe (will be signed in 2015) are expected to bring tremendous push for Vietnam T&G industry. Table 19: Vietnam T&G industry’s market share and proportion of import in the US and EU27 Total import 2013 Marketshare of Vietnam (USDbn) The US 112 9 EU - 27 103 2.8 Market Vietnam proportion (%) Vietnam market share‟s growth Current tax rate Tax rate after FTA is concluded Estimated year of FTA concluded 8.83% 5% - 25% Average 17% 0% 15% 2014 2.72% 9,6% - 11% 0% 20% End of 2014 Source: Statistics General Office, AmCham, Project of Trade Policy and Investment Support of the European Union (EU-MUTRAP), DAS collected Vietnam T&G industry is forecasted to develop at a rapid pace in the upcoming years. Vietnam government had set a target for the T&G industry in 2017-2020, which will rank in the world Top 2 or Top 3 T&G exporter. And most recently, in the Vietnam THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 69 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS T&G industry development planning to 2020, vision to 2030 approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade on April 2014, the industry export growth and domestic market growth targets reach 10% - 12% per year. Dự báo kim ngạch xuất khẩu của ngành Dệt may Chart 14: Forecast of Vietnam T&G turnover (2014-2020) Việt Nam (2013 - 2020) 2020 40.9 2019 37.4 2018 34.1 2017 30.6 2016 CAGR 11,5% 26.9 2015 25.9 2014 21.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 Source: Vinatex This is also a prerequisite for enterperises to invest in expanding production in Vietnam textile industry to seize the opportunity from upcoming important free trade agreements and increasing demand from domestic market. Table 20: Number of new investment projects in Vietnam T&G industry Time Project Company Partner Industry Investment value (USDnm) Location 2013 Crystal Pacific Yarn- FabricGarment 525 Lai Vu Hai Phong, Industria l Park 2014 TAL (HongKong) Yarn- FabricGarment 600 Hai Duong Yulun (China) Yarn- FabricGarment 68 Nam Dinh Weaving& Dyeing 120 Binh Duong 50 HCMC 140 Tay Ninh 2014 Jiangsu Yulun Textile Group 2014 Haputex Nam Phuong Development Textile Ltd. Ltd. (HongKong) 2014 Forever Glorious 2014 Gain Lucky Shengzhou Limited International Viet Huong JSC Sheico (Taiwan|) THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD Fabric – Garment project producing water-sport clothes Weaving projects (55.000 tons in stage 1 and 70 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Time Project Company PROSPESTUS Partner Investment value (USDnm) Industry Location 27.500 tons in stage 2) 2015 TNHH Worldon (Vietnam) 2015 Gain Lucky Limited (British Virgin Island), a subsidiary of Shengzhou International Dong Nam Increasing High quality Industria to 300 Garment l Park, from 140 Cu Chi, HCM Nobland International Inc. (Korea) Garmen 20142015 Regina Miracle International Vietnam Garment (Female Undewear) 20142015 Delta Galil Delta Galil Industries Industries (Isarel) (Isarel) Weaving Dyeing Increasing Tan Thoi to 61 from Hiep, 43 HCMC and 90 Hai Phong 13 Phu Cat, Binh Dinh Source: General Statistics Office Spinning subsector Spinning is the first stage in the textile value chain and keeps a critical role in providing inputs for remaining stages, including weaving - dyeing, cutting and sewing. Until 2012, Vietnam has about 5.1 million spindles, accounts for approximately 2.04% of global total spindles, producing 720,000 tons of fiber and yarn, of which 470,000 tons were exported. On the World, Fiber is classified into two types including natural fibers (about 33% of total demand) and manmade fibers (about 67% total fiber demand, of which polyester fibers accounts for about 73% total manmade fiber demand). Compared to the other kinds of fiber, polyester filament fiber achieved the highest growth rate at 8,6% in the period 2005-2013, higher than the industry average growth at 2,9%, the polyester staple at 3.7% và and the cotton at negative 0,75%. The Polyester filament fiber accounted for 32,8% of global fiber demand. Of which, long staple polyester fibers (polyester filament fiber) production fibers in the world 1 reached 29.6 million tons in THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 71 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS 20134 and is expected to continue to grow faster than other kinds of fibers thanks to its competitive price. Vietnam fiber industry will take preferential tariffs benefit when exporting to foreign markets under EPA ( Vietnam- Japan FTA), EVFTA (Vietnam EU FTA), VKFTA (Vietnam Korea FTA) and TPP. In detail, Vietnam fiber, fabric and garment products selling to EU will all enjoy 0% import tariff, down from 3,2%, 6,4% and 9,6% respectively. For the US market, import tariff could be reduced to 0% from the current of 17,5% if TPP is concluded.. Moreover, according to VKFTA which was already signed on 5 May, 2015, the current import tariff imposed on Vietnam fiber and garment respectively 8% and 13% will be reduced to 0%. In addition, Vietnam T&G is expected to grow rapidly in order to satisfy the serious lack of raw material supply. (Currently, Vietnam only produces 0,9 billion meters of fabric while total domestic fabric demand is 6.8 billion meters). The development of weaving and dyeing subsectors will pave the wave for using fibers made in Vietnam in order to enjoy preferential import tariffs imposed by EU, Japan (if fabric forward rule requirement is met) and US ( if yarn forward rule requirement is met). Import tariffs of fiber: Table 21Error! Bookmark not defined.: Import rate of fiber in some countries Item Mặt hàng HS Chapter/ HS Chapter/ HS Chapter/ Subheading Subheading Silk 5003-5006 Cotton 5306-5308 Synthetic 5401-5406/5501Sợi nhân tạo fiber 5511 US US EU EU 0-2.5 0 0-13.2 0-5 4-5 3.8-5 Thổ Nhĩ Trung Japan China IndiaẤnIndonesia Malaysia Vietnam Nhật Turkey Taiwan Đài Loan Độ Indonesia Malaysia Việt Nam 0-6.9 3-5.6 0-6.6 Kỳ 0-5 4-5 3.8 - 5 2.5 - 10 4 1.5 - 4 Quốc 6-9 5-6 2-5 10-15 10 5 - 10 5 5 0-5 0 10 - 15 0 - 30 5 - 10 5 0-5 Source: The United States International Trade Commission (USITC); Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA); World Trade Organization (WTO) The strong growth prospects of the T&G industry, the demand - supply gap of materials in the textile subsector, and the advantages from the TPP Agreement are expected to bring tremendous opportunities for Vietnam T&G industry in general and STK in particular. 8.3 Evaluating the compatibility of Company's development strategy with industry’s, state’s policy and the general trend in the world About the Company‟s capability, it has delicated, experienced and visionary management team, modern factories with state-of-the-art equipment supplied by European reputation supplier, good product quality to compete with products of other leading companies in Vietnam as well as in the world. STK also has a flexible production of high 4 Source: "The Fiber Year 2014 - World Survey on Textile & Nonwoven" is published by Oerlikon on 14/05/2014 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 72 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS quality outputs which meets international standards and ensure good and stable quality products. The company‟s export revenue accounts for 80% total revenue due to higher demand from foreign countries than Vietnam. In fact, the domestic supply of fiber does not enough to meet the demand, so STK has not faced fierce competition. Especially in polyester filament yarn, there are not many companies can meet the standards in technology, product quality and management to be able to produce this kind of product. STK has not faced direct competition from Chinese companies as China fibers are mostly of low quality while STK‟s products are positioned as the high quality segment. So this is also a huge competitive advantage of STK. In the near future, there will be a dramatic increase in high quality fiber demand when the FDI companies shift their production into Vietnam. Therefore, STK is expected to expand their domestic market share. Besides, the Company intends to expand business activities along the supply chain of T&G industry in both upstream and downstream, in particular it will expand operations in weaving - dyeing (in Q22015, STK invested in Unitex and collaborate to build Polyester Chips manufacturing plant to produce raw materials feeding to the existing production lines, effectively to eliminate the need for external suppliers and avoid any unnecessary mark-up (if have suitable partner). With existing advantages and business expanding strategy, STK is expected to exploit its advantages to catch the developing trend in both Vietnam and global T&G industry. 9. Employee policy 9.1 STK’s human resource As of 30/04/2015, STK employs 839 staff across the two factories with the labor structure as following: Table 22 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Employee structure by the Company qualifications Indicator Number of employees Percentage (%) Direct labor 654 77,95 Indirect labor 185 22,05 University and higher 60 7,15 College and Vocational School 194 23,12 Unskilled workers 585 69,73 By the nature of labor By qualification By contract term THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 73 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Indicator PROSPESTUS Number of employees Percentage (%) Indefinite contract 299 35,64 Definite contract 355 42,3 Being trained, evaluation of contract signing 185 22,05 Source: STK 9.2 Working regulation and remuneration, allowances policies for employee Working regulation: The Company applies 08 working hours/day and 48 working hours/week policy; indirect employees work by office hours, direct employees work by work-shifts. Wage policy: Salary scheme and minimum wages applied in the Company comply with the Government regulations. The Company‟s policy registered and approved by Labor Administration Authority. Employee‟s basic salary depends on corresponding skills and qualifications and employees will be arranged in accordance with STK‟s requirements. Employees are paid accordingly to the quantity and quality of actual completed work. Salary funds are distributed directly to employees, not used for other purposes. In case of employees work overtime or night shift, the Company pays overtime work in accordance with the regulation of the Labor Code was enacted. Reward Policy: Employees are rewarded based on job performance, productivity and compliance with manufacturing process and the Company‟s internal rules. In addition, to encourage employees‟ effort and completing targets, based on business performance, each year the Board decide a Welfare Funds for employees. Company’s Welfare: Besides the salary policy, the Company also build different beninfits for employees through collaborating with Labor Union to provide accommodation for employees. In addition, employees are offered a free and quality meal on shift at cafeteria. When employees have accident or are hospitalized due to illness, they will be subsidized by each specific case. Company‟s collective labor agreement was made and registered with the Labor Administration Authority in accordance with law. The Company fully implements compulsory insurance schemes (social insurance and health insurance) for its employees on a timely basis to the Vietnam Social Security of Ho Chi Minh city. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 74 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Training Policy: The Company pays properly attention to training programs aiming to enrich skills for staff and workers. In particular, the Company has established a training team to conduct training for workers in production units to ensure proper operation of 5S and KAIZEN processes (Internal governance and management of production and business activities process) of the Company. The Company carries out the training programs for officers and employees in accordance with each departments‟ function and Company‟s strategy, and satisfy employees‟ needs and personal development. All training costs will be covered by the Company. 10. Dividend policy In fiscal year 2012, the Company paid cash dividends to existing shareholders at a rate of 15% of par value. In fiscal year 2013, the Company paid dividends in shares to existing shareholders at a rate of 15% of chartered capital. In fiscal year 2014, the Company paid dividends by cash at a rate of 15% of chartered capital and issued stock for current shareholders to raise equity from equity capital at the rate of 10% of chartered capital. History of dividend payments of the Company's from FY2009 to FY2014 and expected dividend in FY2015 as follows: Table 23 Error! Bookmark not defined.: History of dividend payments from 2009 to 2014 and dividend plan in 2015 (expected) Payment method FY2009A 1. Cash dividend VND 1.200 2. Stock dividend - FY2010 A FY2011 A FY2012A FY2013 A VND 1.500 15% 20% 3. Stock compensation / Stock issuance to raise 10% chartered capital from equity capital FY2014A VND 1.500 At least 15%/ Par value.* 15% 15% FY2015E 10% 10% Source: STK (*):The company targets to pay at least 15% dividend (based on par value) and could pay more stock dividend depending on its annual business performance. Dividend payment is based on the principle that the company prefer retaining earnings for reinvestment. Therefore,the mixture of cash and stock dividend will depends on the company’s cashflow and annual investment plan. The 2015 dividend payment will be considered and approved at 2016 AGM. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 75 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS 11. Historical financials activities 11.1 Basic of preparation of historical financial statements The Company's fiscal year begins on 01 January and ends on 31 December of respective year. The financial statements of the Company presented in VND, was prepared and presented in accordance with the Vietnamese Accounting Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance, and are audited annually. As stipulated in Circular No. 75/2015 / TT-BTC dated 18/05/2015 on amending and supplementing Article 128 of Circular No. 200/2014 / TT-BTC dated 22/12/2014 guiding the corporate accounting principle, Century Synthefic Fiber JSC‟s financial statements of Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and semi-annual financial statements in 2015 will comply with Decision No. 15/2006 / QD-BTC dated 20 / 03/2006 and Circular No. 244/2009 / TT-BTC dated 31/12/2009. For the financial statements onwards, Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation will comply with the Circular No. 200/2014 / TT-BTC dated 22/12/2014. Report of the chartered capital and operational capital Table 24Error! Bookmark not defined.: Status of authorized capital and operational capital of the Company Unit: VND 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 Owner’s equity 503.063.414.380 674.817.311.072 + Owner‟s investment capital 315.425.840.000 423.053.360.000 + Equity premium - 40.026.904.470 + Treasury shares (11.826.900.000) (11.826.900.000) - - + Retained earning 198.245.463.380 222.344.935.602 Liabilities 522.407.728.355 570.135.332.123 + Short-term liabilities 306.047.497.556 207.533.888.644 + Long-term liabilities 216.360.230.799 362.601.443.479 1.025.471.142.735 1.244.952.643.195 Item + Investment and development fund + Financial reserve fund Total operational capital Source: FY2013A, FY2014A Audited Financial Statement The utilization of operational capital: THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 76 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Short-term debts of the Company are primarily used to finance working capital. Long-term debts and the Company's chartered capital are used to invest in long-term assets, including investment in imported machinery and equipments (Used in Phase 2 of the project) which are accounted for a large proportion. Depreciation of fixed assets The Company applies straight-line depreciation method at Point a, Clause 2, Article 13 of Circular 45/2013 / TT-BTC dated 04/25/2013 of the Ministry of Finance. Quoted as follows: “Pursuant to the ability to satisfy the applicable conditions specified for each method depreciation, businesses are allowed to choose the suitable method depreciation method for each type of its fixed assets: Straight-line depreciation method brings the annually stable cost of production. Enterprises operating with high economic efficiency can choose accelerated depreciation method, but not exceed 2 times the level of depreciation based on straight-line basis for rapid technological innovation. For accelerated depreciation method, fixed assets involved in business activities includes machinery and equipment; measuring and laboratory instruments, motor vehicle; management tools; livestock, perennial gardens. When applying the accelerated depreciation method, enterprises must ensure profitable business. Where enterprises accelerated depreciation exceeds 2 times the levels specified in the Time frame mentioned in Appendix 1 of this Circular, the part of the accelerated depreciation in excess (more than 2 times) are not included in reasonable expenses when calculating income tax in the period.” Depreciation of tangible assets, financial leasing assets and amortization of Intangible fixed assets by the Company are consistent with the provisions criticized by the Ministry of Finance, according to the straight-line method over the estimated useful Time of the asset as follows: Assets Buiding and Structures Machineryand Equipment Motor vehicle Office equipment Computer software Time 04 – 25 years 02 – 15years 04 – 10 years 03 – 05 years 04 – 05 years Average income of employees: Table 25Error! Bookmark not defined.: Average income of the Company’s employees Unit: VND/person/month Year 2012 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 2013 2014 77 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Year Average Salary PROSPESTUS 2012 2013 2014 VND 6.049.000 VND 6.461.000 VND 6.669.000 Source: STK The Company‟s employees‟ average income is relatively high compared to companies operating in the same industry in Ho Chi Minh City. Table 26Error! Bookmark not defined.: Labor average income of certain Vietnam T&G companies on 2014 Chỉ tiêu TCM Phong Phú Labor cost per employee 2014 (mnVND) 382.989 N/A No of employees 2014 (people) 4.514 5.880 Income per employees 2014 (1.000 VND/employee/ month) 7.070 5.300 Source: TCM and Phong Phu Financial Statement and Annual Report 2014 Payment of due date debts The Company's debts were fully paid. Currently, the Company does not have any overdue debts. Statutory payables The Company always pays tax obligations and other payables fully and timely in accordance with Government‟s regulation. Specifically, the company strictly implement the tax payment including VAT, corporate income tax, personal income tax and other amounts payable to the State. Table 27Error! Bookmark not defined.: Payables to the State Tax and payables to the State Corporate income tax 2013 2014 9.372.343.472 3.500.125.020 2.529.151.028 160.358.850 117.671.051 VAT 47.518.956 - Others 22.010.340 13.305.600 13.102.356.638 7.954.297.693 Import Export tax Personal Income tax Total Source: STK’s audited financial statements 2013, 2014 Appropriation of statutory funds THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 78 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS According to the Enterprise Law, appropriation and use of funds are decided annually by the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Company sets aside funds under the regulation of the Company‟s Charter and in accordance with current legislation. Balance of Company’s funds Bảng 28Error! Bookmark not defined.: Balance of Company’s funds over the years Unit: VND Items 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 30/06/2015 Financial reserve fund Bonus and welfare fund 2.668.669.922 1.921.391.255 2.552.579.855 (Audited Financial Statements of 2013, 2014, Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015) Source: STK Current liabilities o Receivables Table 29 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The Company's receivable Unit: VND Items Short-term receivables 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 30/06/2015 102.610.110.331 111.723.137.946 73.450.072.603 94.102.791.586 49.526.060.005 62.369.296.255 Advances to suppliers 6.497.190.493 60.711.348.389 10.447.142.639 Other receivables 1.485.729.552 633.633.709 Long-term receivables 500.000.000 - - Other long-term receivables 500.000.000 - - 111.723.137.946 73.450.072.603 Receivables from customers Total (From Audited Financial Statements of 2013, 2014, and Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015) Nguồn: STK o Payables Table 30 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The Company's payables Unit: thousand VND Items Short-term payables Short-term borrowings and liabilities Accounts payables Advances from customers 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 30/06/2015 306.047.497.556 207.533.888.644 285.501.374.674 25.927.315.002 95.814.061.777 202.035.732.451 143.401.284.862 143.098.715.619 5.310.643.377 6.993.191.400 11.251.715.531 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 79 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Items Taxes and payables to the State budget Payables to employees PROSPESTUS 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 30/06/2015 13.102.356.638 7.954.297.693 14.127.420.371 4.414.071.427 10.845.779.461 7.734.124.683 Payables expenses 4.966.056.295 8.149.984.136 Other current payables 2.458.721.302 3.477.398.912 2.772.772.702 - - - 2.668.669.922 1.921.391.255 2.552.579.855 216.360.230.799 362.601.443.479 659.345.135.840 155.183.680.160 - 216.006.903.840 207.105.841.360 658.976.683.090 353.326.959 311.921.959 368.452.750 522.407.728.355 570.135.332.123 944.846.510.514 Defered Reveneus Bonus and welfare fund Long-term payables Long term payables Long-term loans and liabilities Other long-term payables Total (From Audited Financial Statements of 2013, 2014, and Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015) Source: STK Total outstanding loans Bảng 31 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The Company’s Total outstanding debts Unit: thousand VND Outstanding loans to 31/12/2013 Outstanding loans to 31/12/2014 Outstanding loans to 30/06/2015 Short-term borrowingsv 41.634.451 25.927.315 87.403.737 1 VietinBank 27.241.620 25.927.315 42.177.037 2 China Trust Commercial Bank 14.392.831 - 45.226.700 II Long term loans due to date 29.456.795 - 8.410.325 1 Sacombank Finance Leasing Company 16.828.884 - 2 Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint - Stock Bank 12.627.911 - 3 DongA Joint Stock Commercial Bank TT Items I THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD - 8.410.325 80 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS TT Items Outstanding loans to 31/12/2013 III Long-term borrowings 216.006.903 207.105.841 658.976.683 1 DongA Joint Stock Commercial Bank 137.493.862 114.277.088 99.779.635 2 Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint - Stock Bank 58.879.764 92.828.753 559.197.048 3 Sacombank Finance Leasing Company 19.633.277 - - 287.098.149 233.033.156 754.790.745 Total Outstanding loans to 31/12/2014 Outstanding loans to 30/06/2015 (From Audited Financial Statements of 2013, 2014, and Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015) Source: STK In general, the Company used its loans effectively. While long-term loans are mainly used to finance plant expansion activities, to enhance production capacity, the Company is quite flexible with its short-term loans policy. Until the end of 2014, total outstanding short-term loan was just VND 26 billion, significantly decreased from VND 41,6 billion at the end of 2013. Hence, the Company is able to borrow more short-term loans in the coming time. Beside the streamlined business operating model, taking advantage of suppliers‟ capital (the Company can defer payments to suppliers thanks to its reputation), competitiveness of product quality and market also contribute to reduce its receivables and even ask customers to pay in advance. Therefore, depend on short-term borrowing rate and suppliers‟ credit policy, the Company is flexible to choose which policy that advantages to the Company. For instant, if short-term rate is more competitive than suppliers‟s credit policy, the Company will immediately pay suppliers and borrow shortterm loans with competitive interest rates to ensure the Company‟s financial performance. In term of debt structure, long term debts in the 2013-2105 period accounted for the major portion of 75%-89% total debt. The long term debts above were used to finance for Trang Bang 3 project which has the investment of USDmn33,9. The longterm debts reached to bnVND659 at the end of 1H2015, up from bnUSD207 at the end of 2014 when the TB3 project was completed and put into operation. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 81 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS 11.2 Financial ratios Bảng 32 Error! Bookmark not defined.: The Company’s main financial ratios in FY2013A, FY2014A Items Unit 2013 2014 Solvency ratios Short-term solvency ratio Quick Ratio Times Times 1,32 0,63 2,23 1,35 Financing structure Debt/ Total Capital ratio Debt/ Equity ratio % % 50,94 45,80 103,85 84,49 Turnover 6,30 6,32 Turnover 1,42 1,28 Earning after tax/ Net sales % 5,12 7,28 Earning after tax/ Equity % 15,30 18,02 Earning after tax/ Total Assets % 7,29 9,35 Profit from business operations/ net sales % 6,57% 9,29% VND/share 1.917 2.725 VND/share 15.949 15.951 Operational capability ratios Inventory turnover (Cost of goods sold/ Average Inventory) Total asset turnover (Net Sales/ Total Assets) Profitability ratios Indicators related to shares Earning per share (earning after tax/Weighted average outstanding shares) The book value of a share (Equity/ Weighted average outstanding shares) Source: STK’s Audited Financial Statement of FY2013A, FY2014A Generally, the Company‟s business is stable and well developed over the years. This is demonstrated through financial ratios as follow: - About solvency: Short-term ratios and quick ratios in FY2014A increased significantly compared to FY2013A due to the significant increase of the cash equivalents (deposits with maturity of 03 months or less). - Capital Structure: Debt proportion in the Company‟s total capital in FY2014A decreased compared to FY2013A. This is a necessary move to balance STK‟s capital structure to continue to lend from banks to fund Trang Bang plant expansion project – Phase 3 to ensure the Company's capital structure remains balance. - Operational capability ratios: With streamlined production methods (Kaizen, 5S, etc.) as well as the application of advanced software for management (eg. SAP All in One), THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 82 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS the Company has managed inventory well and increased its production capability and revenue thoughout the years. Consequently, inventory turnovers indicators have significantly improved in the past years. - Profitability ratios: As mentioned in the previous section, the Company‟s historical net profit margin was affected by input and output markets. By the end of FY2014A, ROE and ROA increased to 18,02% and 9,35%, respectively. This ratio is kind of high compared to the same industry‟s other firms in the region. 12. Board of Directors. Board of Management, Supervisory Committee and Chief Accountant Table 33 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Members of BOD, BOM, SC and Chief Accountant of the Company No Full name Year of birth Title BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 Mr. Dang Trieu Hoa 1969 Chairman of the Board 2 Mrs. Dang My Linh 1972 Member of the Board 3 Mr. Dang Huong Cuong 1976 Member of the Board 4 Mrs. Cao Thi Que Anh 1966 Independent member of the Board 5 Mr. Lee Chien Kuan 1962 Independent member of the Board 6 Mr. Thai Tuan Chi 1963 Independent member of the Board SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE 1 Mr. Nguyen Tu Luc 1952 Head of Supervisory Committee 2 Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Linh 1976 Member of Supervisory Committee 3 Mr. Le Anh Tuan 1951 Member of Supervisory Committee BOARD OF MANAGEMENT AND CHIEF ACCOUNTANT 1 Mr. Dang Trieu Hoa 1969 General Director 2 Mr. Phan Nhu Bich 1970 Chief Accountant THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 83 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS 12.1 Board of Directors 12.1.1. Mr. Dang Trieu Hoa - Chairman of Board Of Directors cum General Director - Full name: Dang Trieu Hoa - Gender: Male - ID number: 023323686 - Date of birth: 19/10/1969 - Nationality: Vietnam - Hometown: China - Permanent Address: No. 51 (A30) Bau Cat Street, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City - Education level: 12/12 - Qualifications: Business Administration - Working experience: Time Issued on: 25/12/2006 Issued by: HCMC Police Place of birth: Campuchia Ethnic: Chinese Working place Position 1991 - 1995 Viet Phu Company Limited Director 1995 - 2000 Hoan A Company Limited Director 2000 - 2005 Century manufacturing – trading Co., Ltd. Chairman of BOD cum General Director STK corporation Chairman of BOD cum General Director 2005 - Present - Position in the listing organization: Chairman of BOD cum General Director - Position held at other institutions: None - Number of shares owned: 5.881.419 shares, accounting for 13,9% of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital - Ownership of related persons: No Relationship 1 Sister 2 Brother Full name Dang My Linh Dang Huong ID number/ Business Registration Certificate ID number: 023323687 Issued on:16/02/2011 Issued by:TP.HCM ID number: 023323688 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD Number of shares owned 3.608.251 Owned %/charter capital 3.608.251 8,53% 8,53% 84 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Cuong - Issued on:12/07/2014 Issued by:TP.HCM Liabilities to the Company: None. - Remuneration and other benefits: 90.000.000 VDN/ year - Benefits related to the listing organization: None - Law violation: None. 12.1.2. Mrs. Dang My Linh - Member of Board of Directors - Full name: Dang My Linh - Gender: - ID number: 023323687 Issued on: 16/02/2011 Issued by: HCMC Police - Date of birth: 19/01/1972 Place of birth: Campuchia - Nationality: Vietnam Ethnic: Chinese - Hometown: China - Permanent Address: 65/39 Phu Tho Street, Ward 1, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City - Education level: 12/12 - Qualifications: Master of Business Administration Female Degree - Majors Education Unit Master Business Administration Maastricht School of management (Netherland) Bachelor English University of languages and international studies Working experience: Time Working place 1993 - 1999 Worldtex Enterprise Co., Ltd 2000 - 2005 Century manufacturing – trading Co., Ltd. 2001 - Present Lien An Investment and Commercial JSC Position Assistant of General Director Member of BOD General Director 2005 - Present STK corporation Member of BOD 2011 - Present General Director Khai Tien Real Estate Development Company Limited THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 85 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS - Position in the listing organization: Member of BOD. - Position held at other institutions: Lien An Investment and Commercial JSC: General Director Khai Tien Real Estate Development Company Limited: General Director - Number of shares owned: 3.608.251 shares, accounting for 8,53% of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Ownership of related persons: No Relationship Full name ID number/ Business Registration Certificate Number: 023323686 Issued on: 25/12/2006 Issued by: TP. HCM Number: 023323688 Issued on: 12/07/2014 Issued by: TP.HCM Number of shares owned Owned %/charter capital 5.881.419 13,90 3.608.251 8,53 1 Brother Dang Trieu Hoa 2 Brother Dang Huong Cuong - Liabilities to the Company: None. - Remuneration and other benefits: 90.000.000 VND/ year - Benefits related to the listing organization: Lien An Investment and Commercial JSC has trading relationship (purchasing) with the Company with a total transaction value in FY2014A accounted for approximately 0,4% of STK‟s revenue. - Law violation: None. 12.1.3. Mr. Dang Huong Cuong – Member of Board of Directors - Full name: Dang Huong Cuong - Gender: - ID number: 023323688 - Date of birth: 04/07/1976 - Nationality: - Hometown: China - Permanent Address: 65/39 Phu Tho Street, Ward 1, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City - Education level: 12/12 Male Vietnam Issued on: 12/07/2014 Issued by: HCMC Police Place of birth: HCMC Ethnic: Chinese THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 86 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS - Qualifications: Business Administration - Working experience: Time 2000 - 2005 2004 - Present Working place Century manufacturing – trading Co., Ltd. Asia P.A.N Company Limited 2005 - Present STK corporation Position Member of BOD Director Member of BOD - Position in the listing organization: Member of BOD. - Position held at other institutions: Director of Asia P.A.N Company Limited. - Number of shares owned: 3.608.251 shares, accounting for 8,53% of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Ownership of related persons: No Relationship Full name ID number/ Business Registration Certificate Number of shares owned Owned %/charter capital 5.881.419 13,90 3.608.251 8,53 Number: 023323686 1 Brother Dang Trieu Hoa Issued on: 25/12/2006 Issued by: HCMC 2 Number: 023323687 Sister Dang My Linh Issued on: 16/02/2011 Issued by: HCMC - Liabilities to the Company: None. - Remuneration and other benefits: 90.000.000 VND/ year - Benefits related to the listing organization: P.A.N Asia Co.. Ltd. has trading relationship (purchasing) with the Company with a total transaction value in FY2014A accounted for approximately 0,46% of STK‟s revenue. - Law violation: None 12.1.4. Mrs. Cao Thi Que Anh – Independent member of Board of Directors - Full name: Cao Thi Que Anh - Gender: - ID number: 025490567 - Date of birth: 17/04/1966 Female Issued on: 08/10/2011 Issued by: HCMC Police Place of birth: Thanh Hoa Province THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 87 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS - Nationality: Vietnam - Hometown: Thanh Hoa Province - Địa chỉ liên lạc: 31A Le Van Mien Street, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, HCMC - Education level: 12/12 - Qualifications: Food Chemical Engineer (Ha Noi University of Science and Technology). - Working experience: Time Ethnic: Vietnamese Working place Position 1991 - 2003 The Republic of Poland Free business 2003 - 2008 Ho Chi Minh City Free business Greenfood Company 2008 - Present Joint Stock General Director Member of Investment Board; Vietnam Securities JSC. 2009 - 2012 International Member of Board of Directors; Chairman of Board of Directors. 01/2015 - Present Century Synthetic Corporation Fiber Member of BOD - Position in the listing organization: Member of BOD - Position held at other institutions: General Director of Greenfood Joint Stock Company. - Number of shares owned: 0 shares accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Ownership of related persons: No Relationship 1 - General Director Full name ID number/ Business Registration Certificate Number of shares owned Owned %/charter capital Greenfood Joint Stock Company Number: 3700151313 Issued on: 20/11/2014 Issued by: Department of planning and investment Binh Duong Province 300.000 0,71 Liabilities to the Company: None. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 88 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS - Remuneration and other benefits: 90.000.000 VND/ year - Benefits related to the listing organization: None. - Law violation: None 12.1.5. Mr. Lee Chien Kuan – Independent member of Board of Directors - Full name: Lee Chien Kuan - Gender: - ID number: 300136393 - Date of birth: 05/07/1962 - Nationality: Taiwan - Hometown: Taiwan - Permanent Address: 1F. No 22, Lane 180, San-Ming Rd, Taipei, Đài Loan - Education level: - Qualifications: Bachelor of Management - Working experience: Male Time Issued on: 09/02/2009 Issued by: Taiwan Place of birth: Taiwan Ethnic: Chinese Working place 2008 - Present STK corporation Position Member of BOD - Position in the listing organization: Member of BOD. - Position held at other institutions: None. - Number of shares owned: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Ownership of related persons: None. - Liabilities to the Company: None. - Remuneration and other benefits: 90.000.000 VND/ year - Benefits related to the listing organization: None - Law violation: None 12.1.6. Mr. Thai Tuan Chi – Independent member of Board of Directors - Full name: - Gender: - ID number: Thai Tuan Chi Male 022054568 Issued on: 11/06/2012 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD Issued by: HCMC Police 89 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS - Date of birth: 10/08/1963 Place of birth: Vietnam - Nationality: Vietnam - Hometown: - Permanent Address: QQ18B Ba Vi Street, Ward 15, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City - Education level: 12/12 - Qualifications: Master of Business Administration Ethnic: Chinese Guangdong - China o High level of Business Administration (University of Tuck - Dartmouth, USA) o Business Management Asia Pacific (Japan) o Mini - MBA (IIM International Management Institute - National Institute CNAM. Legal) - Working experience: Time Working place 1982 - 1991 Position Ho Chi Minh City Free business 1991 - 09/1995 District 4 Service Trading Company Limited Staff 09/1995 - 1998 Thai Tuan Textile Co., Ltd Chairman of BOD cum General Director 06/1998 - 2003 Thai Tuan Textile Co., Ltd Chairman of BOD cum General Director 02/2003 - 2007 Thai Tuan Textile and Garment Co., Ltd Chairman of BOD cum General Director 12/2007 - 2009 Thai Tuan Textile and Garment Corporation Chairman of BOD cum General Director Thai Tuan Group Corporation Chairman of BOD cum General Director STK corporation Member of BOD 05/2009 Present 2007 - Present - Position in the listing organization: Member of BOD - Position held at other institutions: Chairman of BOD cum General Director of Thai Tuan Group Corporation. - Number of shares owned: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Ownership of related persons: THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 90 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION No Relationship 1 Full name Chairman of BOD cum General Director PROSPESTUS ID number/ Business Registration Certificate Number Owned of shares %/charter owned capital Number: 301455459 Thai Tuan Group Corporation Issued on: 25/12/2009 458.245 1,08 Issued by: TP. HCM - Liabilities to the Company: None. - Remuneration and other benefits: 90.000.000 VND/ year - Benefits related to the listing organization: None - Law violation: None 12.2 Supervisory Commitee 12.2.1. Mr. Nguyen Tu Luc - Head of the Supervisory Commitee - Full name: Nguyen Tu Luc - Gender: - ID number: - Date of birth: 05/01/1952 - Nationality: Vietnam - Hometown: Ha Noi. - Permanent Address: 227/28 Nguyen Trong Tuyen Street, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City - Education level: 12/12 - Qualifications: Bachelor of Accounting. - Working experience: Male 020064724 Issued on: 18/07/2002 Time Issued by: HCMC Police Place of birth: HCMC Ethnic: Kinh Working place Position 1980 - 1984 Ho Chi Minh City Hotel Company Chief Accountant of Saigon Hotel 1984 - 2000 Nam A Shoes Import – Export Company Chief Accountant 2000 - 2007 STK corporation 2007 Present STK corporation Chief Accountant Assistant of General Director Head of Supervisory Committee 2006 Present Thanh Cong Textile Garment THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD Head of the Supervisory 91 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Time 01/2015 Present Working place Investment Trading JSC. Mai Hoang Vu Co., Ltd. PROSPESTUS Position Commitee Chief Accountant Head of Financial Department - Position in the listing organization: Assistant of General Director, Head of Supervisory Committee - Position held at other institutions: Head of Supervisory Committee of Thanh Cong Textile Garment Investment Trading JSC. (TCM) Chief Accountant and Head of Financial Department of Mai Hoang Vu Co., Ltd. - Number of shares owned: 47.656 cổ phần, accounting for 0,11% of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Ownership of related persons: None - Remuneration and other benefits: 32.000.000 VND/ year - Liabilities to the Company: None - Benefits related to the listing organization: None - Law violation: None 12.2.2. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Linh - Member of Supervisory Board - Full name: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Linh - ID number: 012545593 Issued on:14/02/2008 Issued by: Ha Noi Police - Date of birth: 21/02/1976 Place of birth: Ha Noi - Nationality: Vietnam Ethnic: Kinh - Hometown: Ha Noi - Permanent Address: 1225/24/9 Huynh Tan Phat Street, KP 4, Phu Than Ward, District 7, HCMC - Education level: 12/12 - Qualifications: Finance, Bank - Working experience: Time 1998 - 2003 Working place Position Thang Long Computer Supermarket – Thang Long brance – FINTEC Chief Accountant Company THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 92 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Dong A Securities Company Limited Director of – Consultant division (IB) Organizational Customer Service, Head, Leader, Senior officer Incomfish Fisheries Commercial Investment Corporation; Phu Hoa Tan Member of Supervisory Water Supply Corporation; Ben Board Thanh Water Supply Corporation; Nha Be Water Supply Corporation; Dong A Securities Company Limited Deputy Director, - Ha Noi branch Director of Hanoi Branch Member of Supervisory STK corporation Board 2004 - 2014 2006 - 2014 2008 - 2014 2007 - Present - Position in the listing organization: Member of Supervisory Board. - Position held at other institutions: None. - Number of shares owned: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Ownership of related persons: None - Remuneration and other benefits: 32.000.000 VND/ year - Liabilities to the Company: None - Benefits related to the listing organization: None - Law violation: None 12.2.3. Mr. Le Anh Tuan - Member of the Supervisory Board - Full name: Le Anh Tuan - Gender: Male - ID number: - Date of birth: - Nationality: Vietnam - Hometown: Ho Chi Minh City - Permanent Address: 46/10/30 Nguyen Cuu Van Street, Ward 17, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City - Education level: 12/12 - Qualifications: Economic Management - Business Management MSc. - Working experience 020151867 Issued on: 20/11/2009 31/10/1951 Issued by: HCMC Police Place of birth: HCMC Ethnic: Kinh THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 93 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Time PROSPESTUS Working place Position 1985 - 1998 Saigon Co-op Deputy General Director 1996 - 1998 HCM Council of cooperative alliance Member.Chief of Economic Committee 1995 - 1998 South Saigon Development Corporation Member of BOD 1998 - 1999 HCMC Community Party‟s Organizing Committee Executive 1999 - 2012 Management Board HCMC Export Processing And Industrial Zones Authority (HEPZA) Deputy head STK corporation Member of the Supervisory Committee 2013 - Present - Position in the listing organization: Member of the Supervisory Committee - Position held at other institutions: None - Number of shares owned: 50.312 shares, accounting for 0,12% of charter capital - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital - Ownership of related persons: None - Remuneration and other benefits: 32.000.000 VND/ year - Liabilities to the Company: None - Benefits related to the listing organization: None - Law violation: None 12.3 Board of Directors 12.3.1. Mr. Dang Trieu Hoa – General Director (Curriculum vitae presented above) 12.4 Chief Accountant Mr. Phan Nhu Bich - Chief Accountant - Full name: Phan Nhu Bich - Gender: Male - ID number: 026000231 Issued on: 03/03/2015 - Date of birth: 13/06/1970 Place of birth: Quang Ngai Province - Nationality: Vietnam Ethnic: Kinh THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD Issued by: HCMC Police 94 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS - Hometown: Quang Ngai Province - Permanent Address: 69/14/9 No 3 street, Quarter 2, Binh Hung Hoa Ward, Binh Tan District, HCMC. - Education level: 12/12 - Qualifications: Accouting, Auditing - Working experience: Time Working place Position 1997 - 2004 Binh Phuoc Province Electric Accountant 2004 - 2010 ThanhCong Textile garment investment Accountant and trading joint stock company Supervisor STK corporation Chief Accountant 2010 - Present - Position in the listing organization: Chief Accountant. - Position held at other institutions: None. - Number of shares owned: 28.625 cổ phần, accounting for 0,068 % of charter capital. - Number of shares represented ownership: 0 shares, accounting for 0% of charter capital. - Ownership of related persons: None. - Liabilities to the Company: None. - Remuneration and other benefits: None - Benefits related to the listing organization: None. - Law violation: None 13. Assets Fixed Assets value of the Company as of 30/06/2015 as follows: Table 34: Tangible and Intangible fixed assets of the Company at 30/06/2015 Unit: VND Remaining No Item Cost Remaining value ratio 1 Tangible fixed assets 874.640.556.581 453.650.450.338 51,87% 1.1 Building and structures 150.598.256.568 78.081.341.721 51,85% 1.2 Machinery and equipments 661.440.723.589 343.198.208.967 51,89% 62.315.221.616 51,77% 1.3 Means of transports and transmission equipments THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 95 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION No 1.4 2 3 Remaining value Remaining ratio 286.354.808 107.812.695 37,65% - - 13.834.916.387 5.093.886.080 36,82% 13.834.916.387 5.093.886.080 36,82% 715.634.264.852 715.634.264.852 100,00% 1.604.109.737.820 1.174.378.601.270 73,21% Item Cost Management devices and tools Fixed assets of financial leasing Intangible assets 3.1 Computer software 4 PROSPESTUS Construction in Progress Total Source: Reviewed 6M2015 Finanicial statements Construction in Progress as of 30/06/2015 included construction cost of machines and factory in the process of investing Trang Bang - Phase 3 project (TB3). List of real estate the Company is managing and using: Table 35: List of real estate the Company is managing and using TT 1 2 Danh mục Địa chỉ Head office of B1-1 Cu Chi North West Industrial STK Zone HCM City Trang Bangbranch No 8 Street. Trang Bang Industrial Zone. An Tinh Ward. Trang Bang District. Tay Ninh Province Diện tích (m2) Thời hạn Ghi chú 11,200 5,600 Leased Land, paid 50 years periodically until 2045 land 45 years (long-term leasing) 50,000 Certificate of land using right number: BA 021765 on 07/05/2012 issued by 45 years People‟s Committee of Tay Ninh province (Long term leased land) Source: STK 14. Development orientation, profit and dividend in the next year. 14.1 Development Orientation In the period 2015 - 2016, the most important objective is to build up Trang Bang Phase-3 project (TB3). When completed, it will be a factory owned the most modern equipment chain, ensuring the supply of advanced fiber for Vietnam market. Table 36 Error! Bookmark not defined.: Disbursement progress Trang Bang Phase 3 project THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 96 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION Project Estimate of Expenditure PROSPESTUS Disbursement Progress Billion VND 2015 2016 729 525 91 Trang Bang Phase 3 project Source: STK The plant has been put into operation since July 2015. 50% of Trang Bang 3 capacity will gather steam by 3Q2015 before the factory is running at full capacity of 52,000 tons starting January 2016. Moreover, the company is expected to invest 12.5 million USD (approximately 273 billion VND) in the plant Trang Bang 4 to raise its capacity by 8.000 tons / year. Machinery installation is projected to be occured from Q4 2015 to Q2/2016. By the end of Q3/2016, it is expected for the company to complete the machinery installation and production launching, raising the total capacity to 60.000 tons/year. Table 37: Investment Projects July 2015 First quarter 2016 Implemented 50% capacity of 100% capacity Trang Band 3 of Trang Bang 3 Expected The feasibility of the establishment of fiber/weaving/dye ing is now under consideration Fourth quarter 2015 to second quarter 2016 Fourth quarter 2016 Installing Trang Bang machines and Phase-4 will be equipment of under operation Trang Bang Phase -4 project Source:STK Beside investing activities for production expansion, the company will focus on important activities in 2015 and upcoming year: - - Promoting the rebranding, expanding markets, particularly in advanced fiber products; Increasing productivity, output, lowering product cost, enhancing the production of advanced products, increasing operation efficiency of production lines, machinery; Recruit and train staff; improve quailifications and quality labor; THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 97 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION - PROSPESTUS Focusing on developing added value products; Restructuring capital, focusing capital on development. investment and sustainable 14.2 Business Plan in the period of 2015-2016: According to this orientation, the major financial targets for the years 2015 and 2016 of STK are as follows: Table 38Error! Bookmark not defined.: Business plan in period of 2015-2016 Unit: Million VND FY2014A Plan Finished Item Revenue 1.579.000 Earning before tax FY2015F Plan % 2014 1.457.517 1.694.884 FY2016F Plan % 2015 16,29% 1.978.000 16,70% 119.000 136.146 148.842 9,33% 179.000 20,26% Earning after tax 92.820 106.107 116.097 9,42% 160.000 37,82% Chartered capital 423.053 423.053 465.358 10% 465.358 - Return on chartered capital (%) 21,94% 25,08% 24,95% -0,13% 34,38% 9,43% 63.458 63.458 69.804 6.346 69.804 - 15% 15% 15% - 15% - Dividends Dividend payout ratio (%) Source: STK 14.3 Purusant to achieve the earning and dividend plan in 2015 -2016 In the period 2013-2014, because the machinery and equipments of the Company have been fully exploited, there is no way to increase production and revenue significantly. To ensure the achieving of profit targets in 2014, the Company focuses on implementing action plans as follows: Marketing plans to expand the market Developing marketing strategies focusing on customer needs, enhancing on diversifying customer base. Expanding marketing plans in other countries in the region and with FDI enterprises in Vietnam. Technical and personnel investment plans Recruiting and training employees in order to creating comparative advantage in human resource, improving product quality, product diversification, product costs cuts. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 98 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Build up a good trained labor force, having policies to attract and retain highly skilled and experienced experts. Offer Professional Training courses about technical and management skills to staff. Planning successor programs to ensure that qualified candidates have opportunities to be promoted to management positions. Advancing the quality control in the factory to every individual in the management team to insure productivity and product quality. Other plans Expanding Trang Bang Phase-3 project (TB3) advanced in economy of scales. When the plant is completed in middle 2015 and early 2016, revenue will grow significantly, leading to profit increasing (30.3% in 2016 compared to 2015). According to STK, these revenue and profit targets have not included the positive impact (if any) from the TPP Agreement. Focusing on creating added value products. Investing in R&D to provide products that meet the unique needs of each client. Strictly follow manufacturing processes to ensure the quality standard of ISO 9001-2008, continuing to apply management methods like Kaizen and 5S as well as inviting experts from abroad to train and enhance management team. 15. Advisory’s opinions on profit and dividend plan In 2015, STK will focus on market expansion, improving productivity and efficiency of human resources. In addition, the Company also strives to implement Trang Bang Phase-3 project and restructuring capital, taking advantage of opportunities in the capital markets to help the Company reduce finance cost, increasing profit for the coming years. Based on the information collected, analyzing business situation and the current financial situation of The STK, along with market analysis, Dong A Securities Company considers that the profit and dividend plan STK expected in 2015 is feasible without encountering unforeseen risks and other unchangeable factors. We note that our comments are only for reference for investors and based on the collected information. We do not intend to guarantee the value of the securities as well as the reliability of the forecast data. 16. Information of listing organization about the commitment but not yet implemented None. 17. Information of litigation involving the Company that may affect the price of the THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 99 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS listing shares None. V. LISTING SHARES 1. Type of shares All offered shares of STK are common shares. 2. Par value Share par value is 10,000 VND per share. 3. Total number of listing shares Total number of listing shares is 42.305.336 shares. 4. The number of shares is restricted to transfer according to the regulations of law or of listing organization Pursuant to the regulation at Article 53 of the Government's Decree No. 58/2012/ND-CP dated July 20, 2012 of the Government stipulating in detail and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the securities Law and the law amending and supplementing a number of articles of securities Law: “ Shareholders who are individuals and organizations that property representatives are members of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, Director (General Director), Deputy Director (Deputy General Director) and Chief accountant of the company; major shareholders who are related to members of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, Director (General Director), Deputy Director (Deputy General Director) and Chief accountant of the company must commit to hold 100% of the their own shares in the period of 06 months from the listing date and 50% of these shares during the next 06 months, excluding the shares owned by the State that above individuals represent to hold”. Accordingly, the total number of shares is restricted to transfer for individuals and organizations as stipulated above of the Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation from the date of listing is 13.224.514 shares, detail as follow: Table 39Error! Bookmark not defined.: The total number of shares is restricted to transfer No Full name Position in the listing company Number of owned share (share) Owned proportion (%) Note Board of Director, Board of Management and Chief accountant 1 Mr Dang Trieu Hoa Chairman of Board Of Directors cum General Director THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 5.881.419 13,9% 100 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION No Full name PROSPESTUS Position in the listing company 2 Mrs. Dang My Linh Member of Directors Board Of 3 Mr. Dang Huong Cuong Member of Directors Board Of 4 Mrs. Cao Thi Que Anh 5 Number of owned share (share) Owned proportion (%) 3.608.251 8,53% 3.608.251 8,53% Independent Member of Board Of Directors 0 0% Mr. Lee Chien Kuan Independent Member of Board Of Directors 0 0% 6 Mr. Thai Tuan Chi Independent Member of Board Of Directors 0 0% 7 Mr. Phan Nhu Bich Chief accountant 28.625 0,067% 47.656 0,11% Note Supervisory Committee 1 Mr. Nguyen Tu Luc Chief of Committee Supervisory 2 Mr. Le Anh Tuan Member of Supervisory Committee 50.312 0,12% 3 Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Member of Supervisory Linh Committee 0 0% 13.224.514 31,26% Total Source: STK 5. Price valuation method Shares price of the Company is calculated by comparing with other companies operating in the textile and garment industry (P/E and P/BV). 5.1 Selection criteria of comparing companies The companies operating in textile and garment industry, relating to textile industry and their shares already listed on the Stock Exchange (HNX/ HOSE); The Chartered capital Scale of the companies selected to compare are not exceed 20 times of the Chartered Capital of the Company. 5.2 The calculation formula of method P/E P = EPS x (P/E)Average In which: P : 1 share market price at the time of valuation (07/08/2015) THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 101 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS EPS: Earnings per share (calculated for the last 4 quarters to the time of valuation) (P/E)Average : Average coefficient of share market price/ Earnings per share Determine EPS for the last 4 quarters EPS for the last 4 quarters are calculated base on financial statements of the first and second quarter of 2015, and the third and fourth quarter of 2014 of compared companies published on the website of Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange, detail as following: Net profit (VND) Stock code The last 4 quarters The average number of outstanding shares for last 4 quarters EPS for last 4 quarters (VND/share) GMC 78.536.168.363 11.641.070 6.746 TCM 170.830.898.232 49.099.501 3.479 NPS 1.643.881.345 2.170.000 758 TNG 67.612.581.221 18.745.167 3.607 5.3 The calculation formula of method P/BV P = BV x (P/BV) Average In which: P : 1 share market price at the time of valuation (07/08/2015) BV : Book value per share at the time of valuation 30/06/2015 (P/BV) Average : Average coefficient of share market price/ Book value per share 5.4 Determine (P/BV)average và (P/E) average: Stock code EPS for last 4 quarters (VND/share) BV (VND/share) P (07/08/2015) (VND/share) P/E P/B GMC 6.746 22.730 48.400 7,17 2,13 TCM 3.479 14.926 36.500 10,49 2,45 NPS 758 15.224 14.000 18,48 0,92 THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 102 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Stock code EPS for last 4 quarters (VND/share) BV (VND/share) P (07/08/2015) (VND/share) P/E P/B TNG 3.607 13.614 26.500 7,35 1,95 10,87 1,86 Average 5.5 Determine price of shares Price of shares of Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation is determined as follow: Owner‟s equity at the time 30/06/2015 673.284.544.687 VND Intangible asset at the time 30/06/2015 5.093.886.080 VND Total number of outstanding shares 42.305.336 share Book value per share (BV) 15.794 VND/share Earnings per share for last 4 quarter (EPS) 2.620 VND/share Average P/E of industry 10,87 time Average P/B of industry 1,86 time Share price P = EPS x P/Eaverage 28.487 VND/share P = BV x P/BVaverage 29.417 VND/share 5.6 Summary of results The valuation results of STK share are summaried as follow: Share price (VND/share) Proportion Method P/E 28.487 50% MethodP/BV 29.417 50% Method Average share price 28.952 Thus, Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation expected their share price trading on Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchage is 29.000 VND/share. However, depending on the market situation and the activities of the Company at the time of listing, the Board of Director of STK may consider to change the expected trading price above and decide share price officially listed on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchanges. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 103 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION 6. PROSPESTUS Limitation on number of shares held by foreigners Currently, the Company‟s Charter of does not regulate specific provision on foreign ownership ratio. After STK shares are listed on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchanges, the foreign ownership ratio will comply with the regulation at the clause 2 Article 1 of Decree 60/2015/NĐ-CP dated 26th June 2015 (effect as from 1st September 2015) of the Government about amending and supplementing some articles of Decree No.58/2012/ND-CP dated 20th July 2012, in which regulates: “1. Foreign ownership caps at public companies: a) If Vietnam is a member of the international treaties containing provisions on foreign ownership caps, such provisions of the international treaties shall apply; b) If a public company operates in an industry or sector related to business investments and the laws on investment and relevant laws contain provisions on foreign ownership caps, the provisions of such laws shall apply. If a public company operates in an industry or sector related to business investments that are conditional applicable to foreign investors, and where there is no specific provision on foreign ownership caps, the maximum of 49% shall apply; c) If a public company operates in multi – sectors and different foreign ownership caps are stipulated, the applicable cap shall not exceed the lowest limit among the foreign ownership caps provided for the sectors (in which the company operates businesses), unless the international treaties specify otherwise; d) If a public company does not fall into any above circumstances, the foreign ownership cap shall be unrestricted, unless its Charter specifies otherwise.” However, until now there are no documents guiding in detail about the foreign ownership ratio for specific businesses of public companies according to the Decree 60/2015/NĐ-CP. Therefore, Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation will temporarily apply the provision on foreign ownership ratio is maximum 49% of charter capital. After having documents guide about the foreign ownership caps for specific businesses, STK will review their business and base on that, STK will estimate the foreign ownership ratio according to the regulation of law. Then STK will amend and supplement their Company‟s Charter (if necessary) via convening the General Assembly of Shareholders. Regarding to reporting and announcing information about the foreign ownership ratio, the Company will comply with the provisions of law. On 15th May 2015, the proportion of the foreign ownership cap over the Company‟s charter capital is 9,45%. 7. Related taxes: Corporate Income Tax: Currently, STK pays enterprise income tax in accordance with the tax rate 22% for business and production activities in the Cu Chi plant and THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 104 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Trang Bang plant phase 1 & 2. However, the factory Trang Bang Phase 1 is reduced by 50% tax rate for 2015 and 2016, the factory Trang Bang Phase 2 is reduced by 50% from 2015 to 2018. After the completion of Phase 3 of the Trang Bang plant, the Company will be entitled to the preferential tax rates for manufacturing operations of the plant with the tax rate as follows: tax exemption in the first 2 years, reducing 50% of 20% tax rate in the next 4 years, and paying tax rate of 20% in the next 4 years later : Miễn thuế trong 2 năm đầu, giảm 50% mức thuế suất trong 4 năm tiếp theo sau đó. Value Added Tax: The Company pays tax under the Value Added Tax deduction method with a rate of 10% for types of products. Personal Income Tax: The investors participating in the securities market are subject to personal income tax under the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Law No. 04/2007QH12 dated 21/11/2007. As the rule, investors can choose one of two ways to determine the amount to be paid: 0.1% of the total transaction value or 20% of the total profit from investment securities. In addition, pursuant to Decree 111/2013/TT-BTC, dividends received from capital contribution or share purchase will be subject to 5% tax. THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 105 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS VI. THE PARTNERS WITH REGARD TO LISTING 1. Advising Company: Dong A Securities Company LTD Headquarters Address : Floor 2 & 3, Building 468 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 2, District 3, HCMC Phone : (08) 38 336 333 Fax Website : Email : : (08) 3835 1919 Hanoi Branch Address : 181 Nguyen Luong Bang Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi Phone : (04) 3944 5175 Fax : (04) 3944 5178 East Saigon Branch 2. Address : 60-70 Nguyen Cong Tru Street, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, District 1, HCMC Phone : (08) 3821 8666 Fax : (08) 3914 4372 Auditing Company: Ernst & Young Vietnam Co., LTD Address Phone : No. 2 HaiTrieu Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC : (08) 3824 5252 Fax : (08) 3824 5250 Email : Website : THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 106 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION VII. PROSPESTUS APPENDIX Appendix Documents Appendix I A valid Copy of business registration Certificate Appendix II A valid copy of Company's Charter Appendix III Audited Financial Statements of 2012, 2013, 2014, and Reviewd Financial Statements in 6M 2015 Appendix IV Person information of the members of the Board, Board of Management, Supervisory Board and Chief Accountant THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 107 CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION PROSPESTUS Ho Chi Minh City, on ………… 2015 LISTING REPRESENTATIVE CENTURY SYNTHETIC FIBER CORPORATION CHIEF OF SUPERVISORY COMMITEE CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS CUM GENERAL DIRECTOR DANG TRIEU HOA NGUYEN TU LUC CHIEF ACCOUNTANT PHAN NHU BICH CONSULTING UNIT REPRESENTATIVE DONG A SECURITIES COMPANY LIMITED DEPUTY GENERAL DIRECTOR TRUONG NGUYEN THIEN KIM THE ADVISOR: DONG A SECURITIES CO., LTD 108
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