Roncalli Report and Alumni Cavalcade - Fall 2015


Roncalli Report and Alumni Cavalcade - Fall 2015
Sponsored by
Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s Parishes
Fall 2015
A publication of the Aberdeen Catholic School System Development Office
Roncalli Hall of Fame Honors Religious
New Leaders Take Over
At its 18th annual banquet in October, the Roncalli Hall of Fame
inducted its newest members. In recognition of the 125th anniversary
of the Sioux Falls Catholic Diocese and the Year of the Consecrated
Life as proclaimed by Pope Francis, the Hall of Fame recognized two
priests and two religious sisters – two of whom are the first religious
vocations to graduate from Roncalli High School and two are former
teachers who made a significant impact at Roncalli High School.
The 2015 inductees are: Sister Eileen Brick OSB, RHS ’75; Sister Pam
Donelan, PBVM; Father Mike Kelly and Father David Roehrich, RHS
The Hall of Fame was inaugurated in 1998 to honor people who
have supported Catholic education in Aberdeen through significant
contributions of their time, talent, or treasure.
The new school year ushered in a significant amount of change in
the leadership of the Aberdeen Catholic Schools. As reported in the
spring newsletter, Jeff Simmons joined the system as president. He
comes most recently from serving as high school principal in Sturgis.
He replaces interim president Jim Mattern ‘72. Ed Mitzel, a 1989
RHS grad, has taken over the reins at RHS, coming from Bon Homme
Middle/High School, where he was principal for the past 10 years.
Paula Florey is the new preK-6 principal, coming from St. Edmond
Catholic School in Fort Dodge, Iowa.
The spirit of change spread to the parishes and the school board.
Both parishes welcomed new pastors over the summer. Fr. Mark
Lichter came to Sacred Heart parish most recently from Yankton. He
had previously served as an associate at St. Mary’s in the late 1990s.
Fr. Mike Griffin took over at St. Mary’s parish. The Aberdeen native
most recently served as pastor in Pierre.
The ACSS School Board welcomed three new members: Corey
Helms ’90, Catherine Knapp, and B.J. Schaefbauer. They join the
pastors and returning board members Ryan Hanson, Rita Pettigrew,
Todd Zens ’81, and Katie Mellor, who is the director of Catholic
schools for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. During the summer, Mrs.
Pettigrew was elected board president, and Mr. Zens, vice president.
In October, the board held a retreat to review the school‘s strategic
plan and consider opportunities for future directions.
The Roncalli Foundation reelected Deacon Peter Mehlhaff as
president and elected Brian Morgan vice president. The board
welcomed Angie Hammrich as a new member this year as well as Mr.
Simmons, Fr. Griffin, and Fr. Lichter who are members according the
Foundation bylaws. Returning board members are Janis Heier, Mike
O’Keefe ’93, Nathan Reede, B.J. Schaefbauer, Carrie VanOrman, and
Chad Weber.
Roncalli Hall of Fame inductees at the ceremony: Fr. David Roehrich
’74, S. Eileen Brick ’75, and Fr. Mike Kelly (S. Pam Donelan was unable
to attend due to the death of her mother).
Cavalier Campaign Sets New Record
The Cavalier Campaign Annual Fund for 2014-2015 reached a
new high during the last school year, increasing nearly 15% over the
previous year. The fund, which supports key annual needs at Roncalli,
reached $125,678 – $16,000 higher than 2013-2014. See page 3 for
a list of supporters.
The 2015-2016 Cavalier Campaign has been launched. Everyone
in the Roncalli family is asked to support it. The annual fund is one
of the key ways the school makes up the difference between tuition
received and the cost of education. Tuition makes up just under 50%
of the cost of education, followed by parish support at about 33%.
The Cavalier Campaign and other fundraising provide the remaining
Please support the Cavalier Campaign generously!
Top Classes
Top Classes
% Contributing
$7,275 1972
$5,850 1990
For more details on the 2014-15 campaign, visit
From the President
Development Corner
Experience tells me that as time passes
the newness of Roncalli will fade into a sense
of routine and familiarity. Until then I will
continue to discover things about this school
that I was unaware of. Simply walking down
the hallway provides a history lesson about
this institution. The tradition is powerful by the
evidence in the hallways of the school.
Trophies representing activity accomplishments and plaques
displaying names of contributors indicate a proud lineage of those
who, in some way, had a positive impact on this school.
Upon perusing the files from presidents of the past, I came across
a page of history illustrating pictures and names of some of the first
instructors at Roncalli. This nugget of history indicated that most
of the instructors were religious sisters and priests. Thanks to these
people, the Catholic foundation that this school was built on is rock
solid and will stand up to the test of time. Consequently, isn’t it
apropos that the annual Roncalli Hall of Fame celebration inducted
four distinguished priests and sisters? Their pastoral ministry and
heritage were celebrated that evening with high anticipation that
their dedication will inspire us today and the youth of tomorrow to
carry on the legacy of our Roncalli schools.
The aforementioned information is an appropriate segue to tell you
about the annual mission trip that our Roncalli High School students
participated in as they traveled to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
for the third year in a row. Obviously one’s first thought may be
about what everybody is giving. The mounds of donated winter boots,
jackets and blankets come from generous people in our community.
The work the students do while they are there is hard physical work
and the accommodations are modest. From the time this school
has been open, the teachers, sisters and priests have taught what it
means to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We are called to be servants.
Lots of changes going on at Roncalli. New
president. New principals. New pastors.
While it might be tempting to think change
is a sign of something wrong, the reality in
the personnel changes is simply a coincidence
of natural changes – retirements, new jobs,
new assignments. The deeper reality is that
Roncalli remains a strong school – excellence
in academics, activities, athletics, and arts
continue to be a hallmark of the Roncalli
education, and the practice of faith in worship and service are always
central to everything we do. Examples of these are throughout this
At the same time, this change is bringing fresh perspectives and
ideas that will build on those strengths. Our administrators are
evaluating options for enhancing our academic program to help
prepare our students even better for their next steps after graduation
– which, for most of our grads, means higher education. Our
activities advisors look for more opportunities to bring out the best
in our students on the stage or on the field. Our pastors and religion
teachers help students accept and share the love of Jesus Christ.
It’s an exciting time at Roncalli, and we look forward to bigger and
better changes. We know we can handle it because, as new St. Mary’s
pastor Fr. Mike Griffin reminds students in homilies and conversations,
We are Cavaliers!
Patrick Gallagher, Development Officer
Planned Giving Notes
IRA to Charity Option in Washington Limbo
In what is becoming a biennial dance, Congress has not taken final
action on extending the IRA to Charity option. This provision allows
seniors age 70½ and over to make direct distributions from their IRA
directly to qualified charities (including the ACSS, Roncalli Foundation,
and Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s parishes). In the past, IRA owners
could not declare the donation as a tax deductible gift but also did
not have to declare it as income, making it a tax-neutral event, plus it
could count as the required distribution. To be eligible, distributions
needed to be made directly to the charity and not first to the IRA
owner. It is an attractive option for many charitably inclined seniors.
Currently, the Senate and House of Representatives are taking
two approaches to the provision, with the Senate looking to extend
the current option to be available for 2015-2016, while the House
is considering a bill to make it permanent. Many observers expect
IRA to Charity to be available this year, whether temporarily or
permanently, but as in past years, action may not be taken until late in
the year.
Interested IRA owners can check for updates.
Anyone considering such a distribution should consult their
professional advisors on the suitability of the gift for their own
situation. It is helpful to notify the charity that such a distribution
may be coming; not all IRA providers supply information on the donor
with the distribution check.
Year-End Giving
The end of the year is not far away, and it’s a time when many
people review their tax situation regarding the timing of charitable
gifts. Be sure to allow time for any gifts to be received in time
to qualify as 2015 gifts. This is particularly important for gifts of
securities, which are considered gifts as of the date received by the
charity. Notify your investment manager early enough for processing
to be complete in time. It is also helpful to notify the charity what to
expect and when.
If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your
feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a
model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also
do. Amen, amen, I say to you, no slave is greater than his master
nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you
understand this, blessed are you if you do it. John 13:14-17
Many students may initially believe that it is all about giving of
time and treasure. Perhaps the students simply believe in what they
are doing because it is the right thing to do, but the teachers and
advisers know better. The joy the students feel in their heart providing
for those less fortunate is their blessing. People who have these
kinds of experiences as young men and women many times develop
into the types of leaders who are instrumental in building strong
communities. Be confident that Roncalli will continue the tradition of
creating the kind of leaders that we are all called to be.
Go Cavs!
Jeff Simmons, President
Aberdeen Catholic School System
(This article first appeared in the Aberdeen American News in October 2015.)
Please remember Roncalli in your will.
*Michael & Heidi Carrels
*Marie Crawford
*Mike & Rosemary Duch
Dean & Lori Elverud
Jeff Glover
*David & Pam (Gefre) Grabowska
*Robert & Gail Gunderson
*Dale & Jean Gutenkauf
*Chad & Kimberly Henrich
*Keith & Jana Hurley
*Pat & Tracy (Perry) Ireland
*Rev. Michael Kelly
Gerald & Mary Ann Krueger
*Ronald Lindner
M. J. McNickle
*Margaret McNickle
*Dean O. & Donna Mehlhaff
*Sandra L. Meier
Primrose Management
*Evalyn Smith
*Jody A. Stanton
*Jeff & Laura Stockert
Louis & Helen Thares
US Bank Foundation
*Paul & Kate Vetch
Chad & Benita Weber
*Kenneth L. & Camille Wolff
— $250 & above —
Troy Adolfson & Maria Lao
Advanced Hearing Technology
*Mark & Caroline Bain
Jon Berkley
*David Blando
Charlieʼs OK Hardware, Inc.
Ian de Hueck
Al & Audrey Dutenhoffer
David & Caron Ellerbusch
*Patrick & Roberta Gallagher
*Gerald Geditz
*Bill & Pam Gese
*Mark & Mary Gjernes
*Joan (Pettigrew) Goppelt
*Jim & Kimberly Grabowska
Wendy Howell
*Mark & Diane Jorgensen
*Bill & Norma Kale
James & Joann Kokales
*Scott & Monica Kuck
*Dwight & Cheryl Kvasnicka
Ron Lacher
*Michael Maher
Margaret Malsam
*Chris & Kristie (Erickson) Martin
*Ronald Meier
*Michael & Elaine (Mardian) Morrisey
*Teresa Morrow
Bill Mullally
*Dennis & Shirley Pelkofer
*Matt & Andrea Prehn
*Evelyn Rumrey
*Joe & Cindy Senger
*Juletta Smith
*Craig & Melanie Sommers
*James & Joann Sperry
*Jim & Jill Stephenson
Student Loan Finance Corporation
*Loring & Coleen (Marske) Thompson
Ken & Nancy Tiffany
Mary Vidoloff
*Jerry & Kathy Whiteside
*Joe & Niki Zikmund
— $100 & above —
Delbert & Frances Aldinger
Dennis & Sandy Angerhofer
Rodney & Brenda Artz
*Margaret Artz
*Bill & Diane (DeWalt) Baker
*Francis & Melissa Barnett
*George Barnett
*William & Vonnie Barnett
Keith & Lisa Beck
*Marvella Beck
*Joseph & Marie Blando
*Christine Bloom
Jody Bower
Daniel Boyle
*Kyle & Miko Brandner
*Clara Braun
Steve Breidenbach
*Monsignor Edward Burian
Thomas & Francella Butch
*Jeanette Butler
*Jim & Laurie Campbell
*Matt & Kayla (Woods) Campbell
Carrels & Bain Family Dental Care
*Arlene Cleberg
*Frank & Christy Coughlin
Don & Cynthia Cox
*Doug & Peggy Cox
*Glen & Heidi Crawford
*Kevin & Carla (Geffre) Dandurand
Steve & Pat Darling
*Lois Davis
Dental Center
Perry & Linda Deutsch
*Curt & Vicki DeWalt
David DeWalt
Linda DeWalt
Lawrence & Jan Diegel
*Mike & Vicki Dix
*Tom & Terri Dix
Robert Dobrick
*Carol (Schumacher) Dormady
*Geoffrey & Catherine Durst
Rod & Carol Eisenbeisz
Shirley Erickson
*Donald & Linda Erlenbusch
*Mike & Sheryl Evelo
Fayʼs Referigeration & Heating
*Don Fogle
*Otto Friske
Raymond Gallagher
*Al Gates
*Clayton & Marge Gaulrapp
*Marva Geffre
*Melvin Geffre
*Darlene Gefre
*Greg & Janet Gildner
*Alan & Kathryn Gobczynski
*Scott & Sharon Goodspeed
*Karl & Doris Graeber
*Randal & Connie Grote
*Roy & Lorraine Gruenstein
*Joseph & Gina Gruman
*Paul Haffeman
*Dale & Vickie Haiar
*Rev. Shaun Haggerty
*Pat & Monica (Vallie) Hale
*Max & Jane (Dix) Hammer
*Scott & Barbara (Kramer) Harris
*Kathy Harris
*Maxine Hauck
Mary Ann Heidt
*Shirley (Kaven) Heinle
*Todd D. & Gail Heintzman
*Mary Ellen Heitmann
*Warren & Deb Heitz
Jim & Michala Heller
Jean Hicks
*Milo & Melanie Holsten
*Cary Hornaman
*David & Kathy (Hare) Housel
*Marie Hovland
Tom Hovland
*Melvin & Betty Imbery
*Todd & Shannon (Westera) Imbery
*Richard Inman
*David & Mary Jaffe
*Delphine Janusz
*Mary Job
*Rob & Pat (Beckel) Johnson
*Lance & Lynn Kallas
*Jerald & Susan Kamen
*Dennis Kaup
*Don & Mary Keelin
*Paul & Robin Keenan
*Bishop Donald J. Kettler
*Bill Klein
*Jordan & Chelsey Kline
*Leonard & Caroline Kline
Jennifer Klisares
*Mike & Jan (Kippley) Kluis
*John & Stacy Kokales
Mary Korthour
*Irene Kraft
*Lyle & Lois Krueger
*Earl & LaVonne Kruse
*Tom & Peggy Kuck
*Land Oʼ Lakes Foundation
*Carrie Lang
*Jean Leif
Michael Leif
*Michael & Stacy Levsen
*Vernon & Lillian Lipp
*Brian & Melanie Lundquist
*Marcie (Jasinski) Maier
Wayne Mardian
Welton & Elizabeth Maunu
*Pat Merchant
*Jeff & Patti Mitchell
*Charles & Kaylene Moffenbier
*Renee (Tieszen) Mulvey
*Eleanor Nall
David Nikolas
*Mary Ann Nikolas
Ron Nikolas
*Gerald Ochs
Dorothy OʼKeefe
*Rev. Anthony Opem
*Cynthia (Sieh) Ostrander
*Wade & Janeen (Smith) Outka
*James & Karol Bormes Parsons
*Carl & Sheryl Perry
*Ann Piatz
Earl & Arlene Randall
*Janice Rausch
*James & Mary (Ness) Rieck
*Rebecca Rieker
*Joseph & Kris Rigg
Mike Russell
*Patrick & Theresa Russell
Steve Russell
S & D, Inc.
Alma Sahli
*Thomas & Phyllis Saunders
*Judy (Keller) Sauter
*Leo & Cathy Schatz
*Larry & Delores Scheid
Frank Schmidt
*John & Amy Schmitz
— $1,000 & above —
*Aberdeen Wendyʼs Restaurant/
Ron & Mary Schwab
*Michael & Luanne Anderson
Avera St. Lukeʼs
*Shad Baloun
*Joe & Lisa Berbos
*Doug & Rhoda Berkley
*Bill Bogenrief
*Keith & Kerry Brandenburger
August Braun
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Fndn.
*Susan Brummond
*Don & Marilyn Carrels
*Bill Charron
*Mark & Holly Engelhart
*Roger & Cathryn Feickert
*Eloy & Janice Heier
*Mary Hill
*Jerry & Royaune Jasinski
*Sylvia Jasinski
*Harvey & Cynthia Jewett
*Heath & Stacy Johnson
*Michael & Catherine Knapp
*Chad & Mechelle Lang
*Jerald & Marlene Loebs
*James & Lu Ann Mattern
Jane Miller
*Mike & Rose Nickolas
*David & Rita Pettigrew
*Reede Construction
Matthew & Diana Reynen
*Florence Richards
*John & Holly Rinke
*Colleen Whalen) Roper
*Michael Sayler
*W. J. & Karol Schaefbauer
Susan Schutz
Agnes Schwan
*Esther Smith
*James & Audrey Smith
*Tom & Cindy (Theunissen) Stephenson
*Russell & Marilyn Stone
*Bill & Dolores Streifel
*Arne & Bev Svarstad
*Wells Fargo Fndn. Ed Matching
— $500 & above —
*Betty Artz
Michelle Azure
*Donated to 2013-14 Campaign
Carol Green
Mark & Jeanette Hahler
*Jim Hansen
Tom & Mari Hansen
*Michael Heil
*Alene Hilsendeger
Patricia Hoffman
Sylvia Holtberg
Judith Hornaman
Ruel & Ginger Howell
Jerry & Jane Jangula
Linda Jones
*Jackie Jund
*James & Rose Kraft
Mary Kreuger
Marget Kugler
*Nathan & Marietta (Evelo) Lakness
Rev. John R. Lantsberger
*Greg Lingor
Dan & Dorothy Lipp
*Niklas J. Lipp
Fran A. Littel
*Marvin & Viola Lorenzen
*Arlene (Salwei) Madden
*Maxine Martin
Joe & Norma McFadden
*Kevin & Lorie McGrane
*Carmen Meyer
Stephen Morrow
*Chuck & Jeanette Nietert
*Kathryn OʼBrien
*Sharon Olbertson
*Pat Olson
*Mike & Michele Perrizo
Doug & Mary Pettigrew
*Walt Plumage
Amanda Prindiville
Dan & Sabrina (Pfeiffer) Quigley
*Marlon & Donna Rahm
Sylvia Regnier
*Victoria (Eckrich) Reid
*Sandra (Klein) Rennolet
*JoAnne Rieger
Mark Rieger
*Rich & Caroline Sahli
Neil & Lora Schaunaman
Virginia Schmitt
James & Diane Sitter
*Erica Sperry
*Jon & Angie Steinbach
Bonnie Van De Rostyne
Dan & Vivian Vetter
*Rob & Julie (Pelkofer) Waage
Timothy Weber
*Joel & Sheri Weig
*Jerry & Patty Weyrauch
Julie Wilson
Thank you for your support!
Roncalli gives special thanks, wishing to recognize these
people and organizations for their generous support of
more than $120,000 raised for the Cavalier Campaign.
Susan Schneider
*Ross & Jan Schochenmaier
*Brian & Marcy Schumacher
*Donald & Barbara Scott
*Grant & Lori Seaman
Todd Senger
Steven Siegel
Dennis & Anne Slaight
*Duane & Dorothy (Wangler) Stabler
*Kevin & Marie (Evelo) Steckelberg
*Tim & Teresa Stump
*Susan (Lapka) Taylor
*Judy (Prehn) Thomas
Velna Marie Tieszen
Jeris & Kristen Timmermans
Mike Tobin
Daniel Traver
Michele Turbak
*Jim & Kelly Weaver
*Robert & Kathy Webb
Thomas Weber
*David & Theresa Weigel
*Alan & Sandra Woytassek
*Francis Zacher
— Other gifts —
*Brad & Sandy Andera
*Edward & Muriel Andries
*Margaret Appl
*Dennis & Sue Arend
Diane Berreth
*Cheryl Biegler
*Susan (Jasinski) Bostian
*Sr. Eileen Brick
Cindy Callahan
Richard & Kathleen Cappel
*Jeanne (Hinds) Chappell
Catherine Clinton
*Jackie (Sanders) Cook
Tom & Vicki Croymans
*Patrick & Sharon (DeWalt) Dalton
Mary Ellen Debois
*Leonard & JoAnn Deibert
*Margaret Des Camps
*Aloys & Judy Dosch
Ernest & Janice Duenwald
Jonathon & Lori Eckrich
*Susan (Carrels) Elchert
Mary Ann Eye
Matt Feickert
*Dan & Katie Fritz
*Jim & Brenda Fuller
*Rodney & Rebecca (Schneider)
Mary Goetz
Peter Schmidt has been hired as the new VP of product
management for Deloitte Innovations Center in McLean, VA,
where he will work in health care, life sciences, financial services,
telecommunications, and retail.
Ryan Wise was named director of the Iowa Department of
Education in June 2015. As deputy director of the department,
he had managed the development and delivery of the teacher
leadership system considered the most ambitious in the nation.
Previously, he had taught in rural and urban schools in Mississippi
and Nebraska and launched Teach for America on the Rosebud and
Pine Ridge Indian Reservations in South Dakota.
The 2015 State A Basketball Championship got us thinking
about the 1975 team. We caught up with some of them to find
out what they’re doing today:
Cary Hornaman ‘75 is a retired teacher and lives in Florida.
Harley Zephier ’75 lives in Dupree, SD where he raises cattle and
Tom Dix ‘75 is a key account manager for Hub City, Inc., and lives in
Sioux Falls.
Dan Heintzman ’75 lives in Colorado where he is a government
Tim Roby ’75 is cofounder and president of PRW Communications, a
public relations firm in Madison, WI.
Kent Clausen ’76 is a hotel developer in Spokane, WA.
John Weismantel ’76 owns Weismantel Rent All in Watertown.
Casey Steele ‘76 is a teacher in Wyoming.
Ron Hart ’76 lives in Colorado.
Dave Nikolas ’76 is an elementary school counselor for the
Aberdeen Public School System.
Mike Keenan ’75 is a sales manager for a Coors distributor and lives
in Chandler, AZ.
Ward Schumacher ’76 is manager of merchant solutions at Dacotah
Bank in Aberdeen.
Don Dix ’75 and Mark Graeber ’77 are deceased.
Matt and Kayla (Woods) Campbell welcomed Jameson David,
who was born in May 2015. They live in Aberdeen, where Matt
works as general counsel for My Place Hotels, and Kayla works for
Sanford Health.
Elizabeth Falk Schwab opened a Schwab Audiology in Aberdeen
in September. She received her doctorate of audiology from USD
in spring 2015. She and Anthony Schwab ’07 were married in
Aberdeen in August 2015. Anthony works for Primrose Retirement
T.J. McGarry married Jill Swanson in July 2015 in Aberdeen. They
live in Aberdeen, where T.J. is an engineer for Hub City, Inc., and Jill
teaches English at Roncalli High School.
What’s Happening With You…
Send new jobs, new births, new addresses, new news to:
Roncalli Alumni Association, 1400 N. Dakota St., Aberdeen, SD 57401 or, or log on to and visit the
Alumni section to update your information.
Volunteer of the Year Award
Corporate Service Award
In 1992, the Frank DeWalt
award was established
to recognize people who
generously volunteer their
time to support the Aberdeen
Catholic School System. This
year’s recipient of the award
is Colette (Kokales) Carrels.
Among other contributions,
the 1981 Roncalli graduate has
served on the school
board, chaired the Roncalli Ball, volunteered with the All School
Reunions, and supported the school in numerous other ways. She
received the award from interim president Jim Mattern.
In 2008, the ACSS instituted the
Corporate Service Recognition Award,
to honor local businesses that have
made special contributions to support
the Roncalli schools. GCC Ready Mix
and Chad Henrich earned the award
this year. GCC was instrumental in
the playground renovation projects
at both Roncalli Primary School and
Roncalli Elementary School. They
donated gravel, concrete and sod as
well as time to the projects.
Student Activities Summary: Another State Championship!
The end of last school year and the beginning of this one have
been very active for Roncalli students. The boys golf team wrapped
up a terrific fall 2015 season with a State A team championship and
an individual champion in Gabe Heller ’16, the team’s lone senior.
Freshman Lucas Schaefbauer and sophomore Austin Kokales (son
of John Kokales ’83) also finished in the top 20. It’s the second
team championship for the boys program (2004) and the second
individual champion (Michael Duch ’14 in 2013). This marks the
16th season in a row that the team has finished in the top six at
Last year ended with a strong performance by the track teams in
the state meet. The boys team placed fourth at state, topped by a
state championship for Anthony Andera ’16 in the pole vault. Other
boys and girls came home with medals for placing at state as well.
The 2015-2016 year opened well for the RHS marching band,
which placed second in the Arlington Parade of Bands, a new event
for the band, earned a gold in the Gypsy Day Parade, and claimed
second in its class at the Lake Region Festival in Groton.
Two dozen Roncalli students and staff visited the Pine Ridge
Indian Reservation for the third mission trip in a row. They worked
with the people of Allen, South Dakota, and also visited and helped
refurbish the Catholic Mission Church in Kyle. All students in grades
7-12 went out into the community for a Service Day in early October.
Groups helped at each of the Catholic parishes, Mother Joseph
Manor, Capitol Theatre, the Humane Society, The Aberdeen Family Y,
Salvation Army, and many more spots.
More fall activities were wrapping up their seasons as this
newsletter went to press.
ACSS junior and senior high school students provided
volunteer help around Aberdeen on a Service Day in October.
At Mother Joseph Manor: Back row: (left to right) Kamryn Arment,
Miyah Cardella, and Grainne Dutter. Front row: McKenna Weekly,
Julia Schriver, a resident of Mother Joseph Manor, and Jemini
Photo by SDPB
State A Golf Champions: (left to right) Ramsey Johnsen, Austin
Kokales, Gabe Heller, Lucas Schaefbauer, Scipio Jeme, and Coach Ryan
At the Capitol Theatre: foreground Mariah Brandner and Leah
Photo by SDPB
State A Pole Vault Champion Anthony Andera.
At St. Mary’s cemetery: foreground Lucas Goetz.
Teacher of the Year Awards
Cavalier Classic Golf Tournament
About two decades ago, the children
of Stanley and Ilene Schmidt created
the Teacher of the Year award to honor
an outstanding Roncalli elementary
teacher and secondary teacher with a
cash award. The honorees for 2014-15
were sixth grade teacher Derek Larson
and secondary science teacher Amanda
Budig. Right, RHS principal Peggy Cox
joined Mrs. Budig. Below, St. Mary’s
Pastor Fr. Joe Holzhauser, Sacred Heart
Pastor Fr. Shane Stevens, and Roncalli Elementary School Principal
Mark Stone joined Mr. Larson at the presentation of the award.
The Cavalier Classic
Golf Tournament was
a great success this
year, with more golfers,
sponsors, and funds
raised than ever before
– the net exceeded
$28,000. Proceeds
support technology and
tuition assistance. Two
ringers in the
tournament included alumni Matt Campbell ’06 and T.J. McGarry ’08,
both former standouts in the Roncalli golf program with Campbell on
the 2004 state championship team, McGarry on the 2008 runner-up
team, and both placing in the top 20 at state meets.
In Memory
teacher salaries, finished at $240,000, up 1.3%. The Foundation
has a total of more than $6.5 million in assets under management.
Investments are managed according to Catholic social and moral
Last year, the Foundation made payments to the school totaling
$205,000. In 2015-2016, the Foundation will pay the school
save us $1
Parents: Give us your children‘s current address
1400 North Dakota
Aberdeen, South Dakota 57401
The Roncalli Foundation survived a slow market and posted modest
gains for 2014-2015. The main Foundation fund, which produces the
annual payout to the school finished near $5.5 million after a 1.2%
gain for the year. The Foundation also manages two funds on behalf
of the ACSS. The Scholarship Fund ended the year at about $860,000
(-3.7%). The Teacher Endowment fund, which supplements Roncalli
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Roncalli Foundation Increases Support
The Roncalli Family mourns the passing of the following:
Kathy Hare Housel ‘70 • Thomas Erz ‘71
John Carlson ‘74 • Joe Sterzinger ‘77
John Washenberger ‘79 • Ben Zerr ‘85 • Matt Cler ‘04
Mikayla Gruensten, Roncalli 4th grader
who passed away during summer 2015
Gordon Bell, Roncalli Hall of Fame
Karol Bormes Parsons, Roncalli Hall of Fame
Gene Schiller, Roncalli Benefactors Society

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