Class of - McAuley High School


Class of - McAuley High School
Dearest Alumnae
and Friends,
“Oh the places we’ll go! There is
FUN to be done! Today is our day.
We’re off to great places. We’re
off and away.” Yes, the McAuley
Class of 2014 and I are graduating.
(For me it has been 45 fantastic
years educating terrific teenagers.) “We’ll step with
care and tact and remember that life’s a great
balancing act. Oh, the places we’ll go!”
“CELEBRATION! Now, come on!” One of my
favorite “happy songs” reflects the emotions surging
through us as the magnificent Class of 2014 and
their Principal begin a new journey. Beautiful
Ladies, thank you for sharing daily life 27 glorious
years with me. How lucky I have been as I had 45
glorious years with a plethora of terrific teens
whom I adored. For a native of Connersville,
Indiana, it has been a dream come true. I was only
five when I began closely watching my beloved
great Aunt Ruth Koch teach first grade. I knew I
wanted to be a teacher also. Thank you, God, for
my blessed career.
How do I thank each of you loyal followers of
Catherine McAuley and our beloved Sisters of
Mercy? How do I express my gratitude to you
supporters of the mission and partners in providing
daily Christ-based academic excellence? You have
showered McAuley with your time, talent, and
treasures as you joined me on this incredible
opportunity to provide super young women and
education of excellence beyond their wildest
dreams. Please continue with zeal to move the
mission forward. McAuley High School is the
BEST high school in the USA. Embrace
passionately that each of You – Wonderful You –
has the power and ability to share this fantastic
educational institution with your family and friends.
Be proud always and boastful of your alma mater as
it educated you to be the incredible woman you are!
With you, my dear friends, I share the joys I look
forward to in my celebration of life.
First and foremost, always, God blessed me with a
devoted, compassionate husband, Ray, who is my
best friend, head cheerleader, sounding board, and
number one partner in enjoying life! Ray and I will
continue to embarrass our children by jitterbugging
throughout our house and delight our
grandchildren with our Halloween costumes.
“Celebration! Now, come on! There’s a party goin’
on right here; a celebration to last throughout our
years.” Joining Ray and me are four fabulous
children and their super spouses: Patrick and
Danielle, Kathleen and Mathew, Michael and
Tiffany, Maureen and Stelio. “We’re going to
celebrate and have good times.” Adding to our
celebration of life and laughter will be seven
adorable grandchildren: Caitlin (21), Erica (16),
Julie (13), Emma (9), David (9), Jocelyn (7), and
Gabriel (4). I thank my family for sharing me with
so many others. They did have easy access to
McAuley’s “Ho-Ho” room where all the Hostess
cupcakes are stored! Recently, at the intermission of
Cinderella, my grandchildren asked if I got to keep
the “Ho-Ho” key.
As I contemplate the adjustment, I think about no
more 5:30 a.m. alarms; sitting on our screened deck
reading as long as I want; preparing gourmet
delights for Ray, children, and fabulous friends;
playing lots of bridge; attending weekday Mass and
not racing out after Communion; and reconnecting
on a regular basis with extended family and our
I shall try to keep a stiff upper lip as I admit saying
“goodbye,” isn’t my cup of tea. I can’t help but smile
as the memories of 27 glorious years and 11,000
fantastic alumnae flash through my mind. Words
cannot express how grateful I am for the “Cheryl
Sucher Scholarship: Passionately Embracing the
Mission” that has been created. My goal is to help
each young woman, who desires to be at this school
of excellence, attend McAuley. That will be my
legacy with these donated monies.
So, today is a celebration of all that has been but
also of all that will be. “Oh, the places we’ll go!
There is FUN to be done!”
Thanks for the memories.
With lots of love and gratitude forever,
Cheryl Ann McDonough Sucher
Mrs. Sucher Retires
McAuley TIES is published three
times a year by the Advancement
Office of McAuley High School.
Cheryl Sucher,
Brigitte Foley,
Director of Advancement and
Alumnae Relations
Kathy Dietrich,
Public Relations
Marie Knecht,
Director of Admissions and Marketing
Kathy Hauser,
Administrative Assistant
Libby Hodapp,
McAuction Coordinator
Comments and submissions
for the McAuley TIES,
c/o The Advancement Office,
McAuley High School
6000 Oakwood Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
(513) 681-1800
(513) 681-1802 (fax)
Please notify the Advancement Office
about any change of name or address
at (513) 681-1800 x 1148.
Cover: Mrs. Sucher with our
newest alumnae: Cara Molulon ‘14,
Julie Newsom ‘14, Hannah Geckle ‘14,
and Ellie Thiemann ‘14
Traveling Science
Invades London
Fly Again
Cheryl’s Corner
McAuley Today
All About
Alumnae Activities
McAuley Milestones
Spring 2014 3
Mrs. Cheryl Sucher
Retires after a Plethora
of Years and Awards
To everything, there is a season, and June is
retirement season at McAuley High School.
We bid a fond farewell and wish a wonderful
retirement to Linda Goldbach, Theology
teacher and former Campus Minister; Laurel
Chambers, English teacher; Carolyn Dierkers,
a valued asset in the Main Office and Athletic
Office for many years; Barb Kramer, auxiliary
services clerk, and, lastly, to Cheryl Sucher,
McAuley’s fearless leader since 1987, when she
began her tenure as McAuley’s sixth principal
and first lay woman to hold that position.
Colerain High School’s loss was definitely
McAuley’s gain. Mrs. Sucher’s contributions
to McAuley are most auspicious. She had the
foresight to create new policies and traditions
to help fill the absence created by fewer and
fewer Sisters of Mercy on the staff. She
ensured the continuation of a Catholic identity
by introducing the story of Catherine McAuley
to all freshmen, and creating Mercy Day and
Founder’s Day traditions. She allowed for and
encouraged the blossoming and tremendous
growth of McAuley’s service and justice
Spring 2014 5
Three capital campaigns were forged during Mrs. Sucher’s tenure: one to remodel and
update the Chapel of Christ the Teacher; one to add an entire science and fine arts wing,
and expand the gym and cafeteria; and one to transform the auditorium into a state-ofthe-art performing arts center.
Mrs. Sucher’s vision of providing career readiness became a reality in the late 2000s with
the creation of the innovative Women In Programs: Women in Medicine, Women in
Engineering, and Women in Law. She also gave the green light to McAuley’s TabletPC
Program and became McAuley’s first president.
Although serving on and chairing countless committees for the Sisters of Mercy and the
Archdiocese of Cincinnati, she still had time to make school fun for the students, for
whom she was an excellent role model of a faith-filled, practicing Catholic woman. Her
Halloween costumes are legendary and every holiday was celebrated as much as possible
within the academic atmosphere at McAuley. Some of her favorite adjectives and nouns,
such as “auspicious” and “plethora” will be fondly remembered by many alumnae!
As this year, Mrs. Sucher’s last at McAuley, comes to a close, she has been honored in
three distinct ways by her peers and her constituents. Eearlier this year, she was selected
by the NCEA for an honor of the highest degree. The NCEA (National Catholic
Education Association) named Cheryl a recipient of the Secondary Schools Educational
Excellence Award. She was one of only six recipients of this award in the entire United
States, and, on April 23, she accepted her award in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
At McAuction this April, a scholarship fund in her honor was established, and over
$90,000 was raised in just one evening. Mrs. Sucher, who has tirelessly solicited and
obtained many donations for McAuley financial assistance over the years, is so thrilled to
be able to help needy students in this important way.
Thirdly, on May 1, Mrs. Sucher was awarded the Christ the Teacher Award by Dr. Jim
Rigg, Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. This award is
given to a principal who personifies the ideal of Christ the Teacher. Jesus is the ultimate
teacher and example of effective leadership. Recipients of this award demonstrate not
only excellence in school administration, but in Christian service to all of God’s children.
Through their love, compassion, dedication and faith, Christ the Teacher Award winners
serve as an example of Christian leadership and service in the Archdiocese.
Mrs. Sucher is humbled by all these accolades and will certainly miss the day-to-day
running of this wonderful school. She is looking forward to spending time with her
husband, Ray, and their children and grandchildren.
Graduation 2014
Congratulations to our newest alumnae, the Class of 2014! These
young women will be venturing near and far after high school. We
look forward to seeing what the future holds for these McAuley
graduates. Leading the Class of 2014 academically are
valedictorian Rachel Koize and salutatorian Lynn Schutte.
Rachel Koize will matriculate to the Honors College at Purdue
University, having received the Presidential Scholarship, and plans
to major in either chemical or mechanical engineering, with the
ultimate goal of working in a lab or developing processes. Her
plethora of awards and leadership positions while at McAuley
include: a perfect score on the National Latin Exam this year as
well as her freshman year; a Gold Medal all four years on the
National Latin Exam; Academic Team captain; Certamen (Latin)
Team captain; president of History
Club; president of Latin Club;
tutoring students at McAuley and
elsewhere in Latin; and National
Honor Society event chairperson.
Because of her achievement in
Latin, Rachel will have the chance
to apply for a Latin scholarship at
Lynn Schutte will be attending the
University of South Carolina next
year. She, too, was accepted into
the Honors College there and is a
McNair Scholar. Her plan includes
a major in psychology and a minor
in either neuroscience or communications disorders, eventually
working as a doctor of audiology or a speech pathologist. Her
McAuley kudos include: National Honor Society copresident; founder of the American Sign Language
Club; membership in History Honor Society, Spanish
Honor Society, Key Club, Spanish Club, and
Ambassadors Club; involvement in Drama; and Women
in Medicine. In fact, Lynn shares that her experiences
in McAuley’s innovative Women in Medicine program
greatly influenced her choice of major and career.
Spring 2014 7
Have Science,
Will Travel
Abby Sander, Caroline Schott, and Shirley Frey visiting
a classroom at St. Catharine of Siena.
McAuley has a longstanding reputation for excellence in the sciences.
Our teachers nurture student interest, which results in McAuleyans
taking far more science classes than required. In addition, our students
have the opportunities to share their love of science with younger
Sr. Doris Goettemoeller, MECC President,
with Sr. Helen Prejean
McAuley, along with Mother of Mercy
children through the McAuley Traveling Science Show, an ongoing
High School, and the College of Mount
outreach service to area elementary schools.
St. Joseph, collaborated on a moving
The program begins with four hands-on experiences: elementary
students make UV bracelets, learning about ultraviolet light; they make
production of the play Dead Man
Walking. As part of the experience, the
density columns, learning about density of various liquids; they do an
author of Dead Man Walking, Sister
acids-bases experiment; and they predict which kind of cola has the
Helen Prejean, C.S.J., spoke to each
most carbon dioxide in it by shaking different colas in baby bottles.
After the 30-minute hands-on session, four McAuley students, under the
student body at an all-school assembly.
She talked of her experiences with
direction of Shirley Frey, retired McAuley chemistry teacher, enthrall the
death row inmates and all the moral
younger students with a show entitled Solids, Liquids and Gases. This
issues surrounding the death penalty
year, 20 area elementary schools benefitted from the McAuley Traveling
Science Show.
punishment. At McAuley, one could
have heard a pin drop as she spoke
with such passion and clarity.
International Exposure
For 17 days this spring, six
young women from
McAuley High School and
four young men from
LaSalle High School visited
Denmark as part of the
inaugural McAuley Foreign
Exchange to Denmark
program. For the last 10
years, Danish students have
attended classes at McAuley
for a week every fall, staying
with McAuley host families.
The reciprocal visits to
From left to right: Gabrielle Dangel ‘14,
Denmark have finally
Abbey Meeks ‘14, LaSalle students,
Carrie Gordon ‘15, Maria Hughes ‘15, become a reality. Our
Anna Buczkowski ‘14,
students attended classes
Amanda Meiering ‘14
every day at Hasseris
Gymnasium (high school) and took excursions frequently to
various landmarks in Denmark, absorbing the culture.
Senior, Abbey Meeks, who was lucky enough to go on this
tremendous trip, shares, “Visiting Denmark was a great
experience. I learned about a new culture through complete
immersion by living with a Danish host family. While in
Denmark, I got to visit Copenhagen and Aalborg (a small city
about the size of Cincinnati). It was good to see both a larger
and smaller city to compare and contrast the lifestyles. There
were two major differences between Danish and American
culture. First, the Danes used various methods of
transportation on a daily basis. Bicycles and public
transportation were both very popular because the price of
gasoline was so high. The other major difference was the
length of meals. In the United States, we tend to eat dinner
in a half hour or so. In Denmark, my family spent at least
two hours eating dinner each night. It was great to spend so
much time with my family.”
Another senior, Anna Buczkowski, says, “Traveling to
Denmark was a new and exciting experience. This was my
first time traveling to Europe and I didn’t know what to
expect. The entire experience was wonderful and inspiring.
I was able to see the differences as well as the similarities
between the U.S. and Denmark. I made new friends with not
only the people in Denmark, but also the boys from La Salle,
and grew closer to the girls from McAuley. The trip will be
something that I look back on as memorable and an
experience that will shape my life in the near future.”
McAuley also participated in another exchange this spring
when 18 young women from Liceo Ginnasio Domenico
Morea, a high school located in Bari, Italy, spent five days at
school and lived with McAuley host families. In this cultural
experience, the Italian students attended classes all week with
their new McAuley sisters, sharing their Italian customs with
McAuley students and, in turn, soaking up the culture of
McAuley, Cincinnati, and the United States. McAuley
students will be traveling to Italy during the 2014-15 school
year to make this a true exchange. Overall, both partnerships
with schools in Denmark and Italy will foster firsthand global
awareness for McAuley students and parents.
Top Ten Club
Congratulations to Mr. Jim Schneider and McAuley’s History Club,
for being selected as one of the ten National Chapters of the Year by
the National History Club. Executive Director Mr. Robert L. Nasson
stated, “It’s an honor to work with your group and what you have
been able to achieve is truly impressive.” Among its many activities,
the McAuley History Club was cited for their program on the 50th
Anniversary Memorial for John F. Kennedy, fund raising for the
school’s annual McAuction, and continued efforts with the History
Scholars Program. To date, 475 History Club chapters at high
schools and middle schools in 44 states have joined the NHC, and
there are over 14,000 student members.
Members of McAuley’s 2013-14 History Club
Spring 2014 9
This is a great way to meet new friends while learning about McAuley! We’ll have wet
and wild fun in the water, so bring a towel and sunscreen. Girls should wear gym shoes
and their bathing suits under shorts and t-shirts. The girls will also have the opportunity
to ask a panel of McAuley students any questions they have about McAuley. Lunch
and prizes will also be included!
Parents are invited to join members of McAuley’s administration for coffee, pastries, and conversation.
Summer Splash is FREE, but space is limited! RSVP at
Questions should be directed to Marie Knecht at
The McAuley community put on another
tremendous fundraiser at McAuction: An
Affair to Remember in London. Ladies even
donned festive hats and fascinators to
celebrate the theme! A new game, the
Cupcake Challenge, brought people to their
feet while the old favorite split-the-pot
raised record funds. The highlight of the
evening was the money raised not only for
the Guardian Angel Fund but the tribute
paid to retiring President/Principal Cheryl
Sucher with the establishment of a
scholarship in her honor. Thanks to
incredibly generous supporters, the Cheryl
Sucher Scholarship: Passionately
Embracing the Mission has already
reached over $90,000. You too can add to
Mrs. Sucher’s legacy by giving to this
scholarship with the enclosed envelope.
Our goal is to raise a total of $100,000 for
the endowed fund, which will provide
several scholarships each year. We are
grateful to our McAuction chairs, Linda and
Darrin Roll and vice-chairs, Dianne and
John Hergenrother, for all of their hard
work and support. Be sure to save the date
for McAuction: An Affair to Remember in
Hawaii on Saturday, April 18, 2015!
Thank you to our sponsors:
Grand Raffle Ticket Naming Sponsor
Frederick Funeral Home, Inc.
Jake Sweeney Chevrolet
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
- South Central Community
Hodapp Funeral Home
Kate Messer Photography
Martin & Associates
Cincinnati Catering
Dr. Timothy Kreimer Endodontist
Harrigan Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning, Inc.
Kraemer Design and Production, Inc.
Mihovk-Rosenacker Funeral Homes
Modern Sheet Metal Works, Inc.
MR Label Company
Dr. Andrew Dorr DDS
Dr. Bert J. Jacob DDS
Hengehold Capital Management LLC
The Dental Care Plus Group
Spring 2014 11
All About Advancement
We have almost met our annual goal but we
still need your help! As you can see from the
list printed in the middle of this issue of Ties,
we are honored to be financially supported by
our alumnae, parents, grandparents, faculty,
staff, community, and special friends.
Will you partner with McAuley before June 30 to raise $225,000 that provides essential funding for tuition
assistance, program support, teacher salaries, and more? Your partnership makes our excellent McAuley
education a reality for our current students!
Use the attached envelope to make a difference. Or take a few minutes to donate online at
What started as part of
McAuley’s 50th
anniversary is now a
annual event. The fifth
annual Women Who
Inspire will be held on October 23, 2014, and
once again we rely on you for nominations!
Has your life, or the lives of others you know, ever been touched or influenced by a woman?
Is there a special woman in our community you feel has an empowering story to tell?
We are looking for a variety of experiences, causes, and stories that will inspire and empower others.
Nominators and nominees need not be affiliated with McAuley, and information from and about
local women is encouraged! Criteria for nominations include women who:
Are leaders in our community; are dedicated to charitable causes; are committed to women in
business; are distinguished academically and in their careers.
Have faced personal challenges or overcome significant obstacles (divorce, infertility, unplanned
pregnancy, adoption, drug or alcohol dependency, etc.)
Have strengthened and deepened your faith, knowingly or unknowingly.
Are “healthcare heroes” who go beyond the scope of what is expected.
Nominations must consist of the following information and be sent by July 1 to:
Brigitte Foley at or
McAuley High School, 6000 Oakwood Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45224
Name and contact information for nominator and nominee.
In 500 words (or less), describe why you are nominating this special woman.
Forms are also available at
Alumnae Activities
Flying Pig
McAuley was proud to be a Flying Pig partner charity for the second year in a row. We
had over 80 runners, walkers and volunteers participate in Flying Pig activities during the
first weekend in May. In addition, we raised over $5,200 that will directly help students
at McAuley. Our training group met Saturday mornings for three months. If you want
to join the fun next year, our training will begin on January 24, 2015! And be sure to
congratulate anyone you know on this list!
Karen Austin
Terri Baston ‘81
Michelle Beckman
Tara Binder ‘93
Robin Brown
Emily Chopelas ‘99
Kim Daly ‘89
Kathy Dietrich ‘74
Beth DiMuzio ‘73
Amy Drake ‘94
Lorraine Effler ‘97
Barb Ehler
Jamie Fehring ‘16
Kim Fehring ‘87
Brigitte Foley ‘89
Maureen Griffin
Connie Helmers
Kendra Hennard
Paula Hennard
Nikki Hudepohl ‘92
Linda Jeanmougin ‘85
Connie Kampschmidt
Jennifer Lampe
Kelsey Lemmel
Lynn Lemmel ‘73
Pam Lohbeck ‘84
Dave Lohbeck
Colleen Lohbeck ‘00
Karen Luken ‘05
Kelly Lyons ‘04
JoAnn McDaniel ‘86
Molly McHugh ‘73
Susan Moore ‘92
Diana Nash
Holly Paulinelli
Jennifer Pierce ’85
Trisha Prell ‘87
Terri Price ‘81
Janet Probst ‘76
Theresa Pyle ‘80
Anna Roetker ‘88
Jennifer Rosenacker ‘11
Karen Russell ‘01
Julie Schneider ‘85
Kristina Schwartz
Maria Schweikert ‘04
Donna Schweikert
Diane Sontag ‘79
Lisa Starkey
Sandy Stross ‘81
Kelli Torbeck ‘90
Linda Turner
Marcia Wessels ‘82
Sandi Wethington ‘87
Angela Weyer ‘85
Mary White
Stephanie White ‘01
Karen Wienkamp ‘83
Elizabeth Wietmarschen ‘05
Alicia Wooten
Beth Wurzelbacher ‘81
Spring 2014 13
Alumnae Activities
Mothers and Daughters
Career Day
Thank you to all of our alumnae who shared their school
and work experiences on Career Day.
Athletic Hall of Fame
McAuley High School held its bi-annual Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
on Saturday, March 1. The dinner celebration honored and recognized the
athletic achievements of four outstanding alumnae: Jessica Lemmink
Dilleree ’96, Amanda Pick Wright ’04, Karen Wiesman ’92, and Kristen
White ’07.
McAuley’s beautiful tradition of the senior
mother/daughter Mass and breakfast continues
each spring. The young women who are legacies,
daughters of McAuley alumnae, are pictured and
listed here with their mothers.
Alexis Baker
Abigail Ball
Jessica Beal
Jessica Bloemer
Shannon Bubenhofer
Brianna Burck
Katelyn Burkhart
Taylor Buttelwerth
Gabrielle Dangel
Madison Dauer
Annalise Eckhoff
Stephanie Glassmeyer
Annamarie Helpling
Shelby Hendricks
Margaret Keller
Samantha Kerr
Emily Knollman
Nicole Kuchenbuch
Elizabeth Kummer
Katlin Lovett
Marissa Mallios
Megan McGraw
Cara Molulon
Alison Moore
Veronica Murray
Heather Oberjohann
Leah Obert
Lauren Odioso
Jenna Pfiester
Kelsey Rack
Carrie Raterman
Katie Richmond
Emily Richter
Rachel Roberts
Abby Schindler
Madeline Schmidt
Madison Sillies
Meghan Sontag
Emily Strong
Ellie Thiemann
Katherine Weierman
Madison Woodard
Amanda Ziegler
Pamela Golsch Baker ‘86
Rita Uhrig Ball ‘77
Tammy Haag Beal ‘84
Jeanne Huesman Bloemer ‘80
Beth Sander Bubenhofer ‘88
Mary Hennard Burck ‘82
Jennifer Grome Burkhart ‘86
Kelli Heflin Buttelwerth ‘88
Karen Hudepohl Dangel ‘87
Michelle Black Dauer ‘84
Jennifer Obermeyer Eckhoff ‘82
Lori Meyer Engel ‘85
Kimberly Gehrum Glassmeyer ‘89
Alma Ruehl Helpling ‘76
Cheryl Braun Hendricks ‘79
Julia Blessing Keller ‘81
Michelle Gooding Kerr ‘96
Jodi Besl Knollman ‘83
Julie Fehring Kuchenbuch ‘85
Lori Schmid Kummer ‘83
Kim Wehmann Lovett ‘78
Marjean Marquet Mallios ‘76
Janice Schneider McGraw ‘85
Eileen Rafferty Molulon ‘80
Margo Kluener Moore ‘90
Teresa Schindler Murray ‘81
Jenny McBreen Oberjohann ‘87
Kelly Lambert Obert ‘92
Leslie Wernicke Odioso ‘83
Marcia Kluener Pfiester ‘87
Pamela Honold Rack ‘85
Mary Kluener Raterman ‘86
Patrice Bruening Richmond ‘83
Jennifer Smallwood Richter ‘89
Amy Schmid Roberts ‘86
Peggy Meiners Schindler ‘90
Rosmarie Dusa Schmidt ‘84
Christina Kraemer Sillies ‘83
Diane Martini Sontag ‘79
Jill Lafary Strong ‘86
Aimee Louder Thiemann ‘86
Mary Beth Kern Weierman ‘78
Julie Meyer Woodard ‘87
Milia Dick Ziegler ‘85
McAuley’s first 50th Reunion!
2014 Reunions
in the works:
We hope to see you at one
Class of ‘69
or all of these events.
Looking for a committee. Call us at
(513) 681-1800 x1150 if you are interested.
Official invitations will
Class of ‘74
be mailed this month.
Contact Mary Ann Staudigel Cook at
Wednesday, September 24
9:15 a.m. at McAuley
Mercy Day Mass and Reception
Class of ’84
Always First Class!
The Class of ’64 is invited to be honored
guests at Mass and stay for a reception
30 year Reunion - Save the Date
the weekend of October 10th
Friday night: Girls Night Out - details to come
Saturday night: Pebble Creek Event Center
with or without a guest, it’s up to you! Heavy
appetizers, drinks and classic 80’s music will all
be provided.
Friday, September 26
at Clovernook Country Club
Please go to McAuley’s website and make sure
your contact information is up to date and join
the Class of ‘84 Facebook page.
(2035 W Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45239)
Please feel free to contact:
Reunion celebration, $50 for dinner
with a cash bar.
Karen West Powell at
Pam Kerth Lohbeck at
Lori Cheevers Knab at
Kelley Frey Kluener at
Kelly Burke at
Saturday, September 27
4 p.m. Tours of McAuley
If you haven’t been back to school in a
while, enjoy guided tours by current school
administrators and students.
Saturday, September 27
5:30 p.m. Casual couples’ night
at the home of
Pat Schermer Woeste ’64
(6199 Thompson Road, Cincinnati, OH 45247)
BYOB and an appetizer to share.
Class of ’89 – this fall
Contact Brigitte Foley at if
you want to help us plan it.
Class of ’94 – this fall
Contact Jamie Knab Worrall at
Class of ’04 – this fall
Contact Maria Schweikert at
Check us out on Facebook at
McAuley, Class of 2004 - 10 Year Reunion +
Spring 2014 15
Ginny Niklas Kaldmo ’67 sent to McAuley a nice note about a
recent visit with her aunt, Sister Mary Johanna Niklas, who taught
at McAuley for many years. Ginny has been married to John for 44
years, has three grown children, Jackie, Joe, and Jim, as well as
three grandchildren. The couple is retired and loving it. They had a
four-bedroom cabin built at their farm in Scioto County, but they
spend a good deal of time at their home in Amelia with their cat,
dog, and hobbies. Ginny plans one or two bus trips a month as part
of her small travel business. She is looking forward to upcoming
trips to Branson/St. Louis and Pigeon Forge. She says “Hello!” to
all her classmates.
Teresa Armbruster Zumwald ‘81, owner and president of
Zumwald & Company, LLC, received a 2014 Cicero Speechwriting
Award from Vital Speeches of the Day. “Real Entrepreneurs Don’t
Go It Alone” – prepared for and delivered by Barbara Hayde of The
Entrepreneurs Center on April 9, 2013, at the University of Dayton –
won in the Leadership and Management category. Zumwald &
Company, established in 1989, provides speechwriting, speech
coaching and strategic communications services.
Angie Fay Priest ’86 married Jeffery in a surprise wedding with
their close family and friends last July.
Dr. Michelle Yee Louis ’87 was honored by St. Ignatius Loyola
School as the 2014 Distinguished Alumna. She has a fourth-grade
child who attends St. Ignatius and currently works as the associate
program director of the Internal Medicine Program at Good
Samaritan Hospital.
Sheila Gemperle Steimle ’88 was married in September and is
working as the supply chain manager at Chester Packaging. She
recently traveled to Peru to help build a house with Fuller Center for
Emily Rumpke Bourgeois ’98 lives in Clifton with her husband
Matt and three sons: Joe (5), Ben (2), and Sam (5 mos.) In June,
they will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. Emily has
taught second grade in the Oak Hills School District for 12 years.
Chrissy Sucher Davis ’98 has been married to her husband Dan
for seven years and they have two sons, Jack (5) and Luke (3). Last
winter, Jack was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, and, since then,
Chrissy has started a non-profit organization called Gluten Free for
Cincinnati, Making Strides Towards Celiac Awareness. She
organized a walk which was held in May. Interested alumnae can
check out, or, on
Facebook under Gluten Free for Cincinnati.
Mary DeNamur Butsch ’00 and her husband of five years, Ben,
have three beautiful children: Alyza (1), Miles (3), and Hunter (6).
Mary works as the pastry chef at McCormick and Schmick’s
restaurant and lives in Florence, Kentucky.
Jessica Schultz Schottelkotte ’04 graduated from the UC
Pharmacy School with a PharmD in 2012. She is married to
Michael and lives in Madeira.
Katie Huey Claar ’06 received her master’s degree in occupational
therapy in 2011 and has been working at the University of
Cincinnati Medical Center for the past two years. She married
Steve in October.
Emily Vehr Donoghue ‘06 married Doug in July 2013. They are
expecting a baby in June. Emily was one of the presenters at
McAuley’s Career Day in February.
Gina Palluconi Glynn ‘06 graduated from The Ohio State
University in 2010 with a degree in Spanish. She earned her
master’s degree in bilingual speech language pathology from
Indiana University in May 2013. In August of that same year, Gina
married her college sweetheart, Andrew. She works at Nationwide
Children’s Hospital in Columbus.
Lissa Comarata Korfhagen ’06 is currently attending Jewish
Hospital to earn her bachelor’s degree. She married Michael
Korfhagen in October and they have two children, Aubri (5) and
Andrew (1).
Angela Kircher Siefert ’06 and her husband Brian welcomed their
first child, Declan William, in December. Angela works as a nurse
for the Dermatologist Group at Group Health. Little Declan is
learning English and Spanish; Brian speaks to him in English, but
Angela, who credits McAuley Spanish teachers, speaks to him in
Jennifer Spears Lunkenheimer ’07 has been married to Josh for
a year. She is a registered veterinary technician for CARE Center
Cincinnati and lives in Finneytown.
Elizabeth Lind ’09 graduated from the University of Cincinnati with
a major in psychology and a minor in criminal justice. She was a
student intern at Children’s Hospital Cincinnati.
Taylor Mackenzie Bryant ‘12 was on the President’s List at Miami
University for her entire freshman year. Kenzie is a sophomore majoring in
interactive media studies and continues to maintain a 3.98 GPA. Kenzie
works in the Office of Student Activities and as an orientation coordinator.
Additionally, she is an officer for the Campus Activities Committee.
Our best wishes to all the
newlywed couples:
Angie Fay ’86
to Jeffery Priest, 7.6.13
Recent Births
Our congratulations to the parents of these
newest members of the McAuley family:
Sheila Gemperle ’88
to Steve Steimle, 9.1.13
Amy Hunseder Lynch ’95, girl,
Abigail Selah, 11.12.13
Lauren Hirth Lintz ’01, boy,
Samuel Robert, 4.19.14
Nicole Mahoney ’03
to Garry Fender, 1.10.14
Jen Tergerson Mueller ’95, girl,
Finley Jane, 11.6.13
Sarah Knab ’01,
Owen Patrick Murray, 5.2.14
Jessica Schultz ’04
to Michael Schottelkotte, 11.2.13
Holly Hyland Donley ‘97, boy,
Sawyer Edwin, 4.29.14
Maggie Linz Querry ’01, girl,
Ava Catherine, 7.6.13
Lissa Comarata ’06
to Michael Korfhagen, 10.12.13
Emily Wolterman Hermann ’97, boy,
Leo Fredrick, 9.26.13
Brigid Ward Huey ’01, boy,
Tristan Bailey, 3.12.14
Katie Huey ’06
to Steve Claar, 10.5.13
Mary Anne Evans Ott ’98, girl,
Lillian Mae, 8.4.13
Lindsey Fisher Zoeller ’02, girl,
Adelynn Rose, 2.18.14
Gina Palluconi ’06
to Andrew Glynn, 8.13.13
Emily Rumpke Bourgeois ’98, boy,
Samuel John, 12.12.13
Laura Burns Rohrig ’03, girl,
Isabella Grace, 3.26.13
Emily Vehr ’06
to Doug Donoghue, 7.13.13
Alison Saksefski Gates ’98, boy,
Sullivan David, 8.9.13
Angela Kircher Siefert ’06, boy,
Declan William, 12.2.13
Jennifer Spears ’07
to Josh Lunkenheimer, 5.3.13
Keep in
First Name
To have your update or announcement published in the Ties, please email the
information to or send the following form to Kathy Dietrich,
McAuley Advancement Office, 6000 Oakwood Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45224 or
FAX (513) 681-1802 OR submit your news online at
Year of Graduation
Home Address
Home Phone
Work Phone
News to Share:
Spring 2014 17
Please remember the family and friends of the following alumnae in your prayers:
Carol Knollman
VanKerckhove ‘71
November 23, 2013
Mary Elizabeth
(Beth) Fischer ‘72
December 6, 2013
Jill Fisher ‘72
November 7, 2013
Laurel Rotert
Loichinger ‘72
April 12, 2014
Bonnie Allgeier
Kabbes ‘75
January 20, 2014
LaPille-Geiser ‘79
March 25, 2014
Anderson-Diamond ‘81
February 22, 2014
Nicole Bigner
Day ‘98
May 10, 2014
On the Deaths
of their Husbands…
On the Deaths
of their Fathers…
Michelle Black Dauer ‘84
Amy Black Rink ‘91
Jodi Black Waters ‘93
Rose Ann Vogelsang Heidkamp ‘65
the late Mary Salyers Porter ‘65
Margaret Salyers Davis ‘79
Kelly Kollstedt ‘87
Stacey Kollstedt Sullivan ‘92
Nancy Stehlin Kist ‘76
Christa Rahrig Jester ‘89
Eileen Krommer Weigand ‘66
Mary Lee Krommer Brauer ‘76
Amana Kist Bowling ‘99
Mallory Kist ‘02
On the Death
of her Daughter…
Carol Niehaus Kunstman ‘70
Ann Niehaus James ‘80
Debbie Giesken Bigner ‘70
Karen Hollstegge Unger ‘74
Mary Holstegge ‘77
Laura Seyferth ‘01
Joanie Richter Paulsen ‘75
Lisa Richter Pragar ‘79
Laurie Richter Exson ‘86
Amber McCreadie ‘08
On the Deaths
of their Sons…
Gail Braun Trahan ‘72
Peggy Pierson Mosher ‘72
Jeni Daeger Schoenfeld ‘74
Lori Black Southwood ‘77
Terri Black Hessling ‘79
Jenny Black Doll ‘80
Wendy Black Popejoy ‘81
Shawna Hendricks Reifel ‘99
Savannah Hendricks ‘09
Shelby Hendricks ‘14
Christina Wittmeyer Yockey ‘01
Faith Rinklin ‘10
Samantha McQueen ‘11
McAuley mourns the death of alum
and former drama teacher/director,
Julie Anderson-Diamond, class of
1981. Julie passed away in February
after a long illness.
Note: Alice Jent, the mother of
alum Kathy Oberrecht, passed away
Upcoming Alumnae
and School Events
Summer Splash
Mercy Day Mass
in October. Many alumnae will
remember Alice as she worked in
the cafeteria from 1968-1991.
First Day of School
Class of 1964
50th Reunion
On the Deaths
of their Mothers…
Kathy Jent Oberrecht ‘68
Kathy Braun Kurtz ‘71
Mary Lynn “Peach” Hardig Harmon ‘72
Sally Hardig Ries ‘80
Kathleen Hooker Paul ‘76
Patricia Hooker Noakes ‘77
Suzanne Hooker Poulin ‘79
Kimberly Hooker Gray ‘84
Traci Carroll Noonan ‘77
Peggy Carroll Finnerty ‘80
Erin Carroll ’82
Tricia Carroll Metzner ‘85
Maridia Minor ‘13
Spring 2014 19
McAuley High School
Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy
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McAuley High School, a college-preparatory Catholic school for young women sponsored by the Sisters of
Mercy of the Americas, is committed to quality education and personal growth within a caring, Christ-centered
community. Faithful to the Gospel and the charism, core values, and traditions of Mercy, McAuley’s essential
activity is to create an environment designed to help each young woman develop her intellect, gifts, and talents.

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