Join us! - McAuley High School


Join us! - McAuley High School
Dearest Alumnae
and Friends,
Happy New Year! May your heart
be centered on God throughout
this glorious new year. With the
new year for many comes the list of
resolutions to be the BEST you can
be. Well, one of our alumnae from
the class of 2010 crossed paths with me at a
restaurant and said, “College is great, Mrs. Sucher,
because I have the “McAuley Advantage.” She went
on to say, “McAuley is respected in the community as
well as at my out-of-state university. Graduating
from McAuley opened doors to college admission
counselors, got me college scholarship interviews,
and secured a premier internship for next summer. I
have no doubt my McAuley alumnae sisters will also
help me secure my dream job.” Well, this proud
mother hen loves hearing the good news about the
“McAuley Advantage.” Simultaneously, as this new
year begins, it prompts me to promise you – our
generous and loyal alumnae and friends - that
McAuley High School will work long and hard to
educate fantastic young women who represent our
promise in “The Portrait of the McAuley Graduate.”
The McAuley woman is:
a woman of faith
a woman of excellence
a woman of respect for herself and others
a woman of compassionate service
a woman empowered to influence the world
What a beautiful new year, knowing over 10,000
McAuley alumnae are out there making the world a
better place because they experienced the “McAuley
Advantage!” Let the good times roll throughout 2013
while the gatherings, friendships, and mentoring
opportunities of McAuley’s fantastic alumnae
May I share now with you recent confirmations of
your spiritually robust and intellectually vibrant
Alma Mater:
1. We welcomed to McAuley High Archbishop
Dennis M. Schnurr as the celebrant of the
Eucharist for our Mercy Secondary Education
Conference. It was an auspicious event.
2. The annual Thanksgiving Mass welcomed
alumnae and families of alumnae who had
passed away this past year. A candle was lit in
memory of each alumna and then presented to
family members. We welcome all alumnae to
come in the future on the Tuesday before
3. Encouraging intellectual vitality as well as
academic challenges, personalized scheduling at
McAuley fulfills the students’ needs in a 21st
century curriculum of excellence. McAuley’s
state-of-the-art technology program headed by
Mr. Kevin Stachowski affords students the
opportunities to take online classes. Dual
credits among Thomas More, Xavier University,
and the College of Mount St. Joseph and
McAuley allow students to take college classes
at McAuley. And athletes at McAuley who play
two seasons of a state-sanctioned sport can use
this athletic experience to fulfill their physical
education requirement. McAuley’s 12
Advanced Placement courses enable students to
have college credits earned and sent to the
college of their choice.
4. Awesome alumnae and friends: Angela
Morrissey, Kelli Buttelwerth, Mary Effler,
Brigitte Foley, Kelly Grote, Libby Hodapp,
Marla Kiley, Sue Rayburn, Karen Sillies, Angie
Stein, and Lisa Woods, made the third annual
“Women Who Inspire” a tremendous success!
The reputation of this marvelous evening
spreads wider each year.
This list of accolades plus our master teachers give
the “McAuley Advantage” to our beloved students.
None of the excellence that permeates this
educational institution would be possible without
you giving your time, talent, and treasures. Happy,
Happy New Year!
With love & gratitude,
Cheryl A. Sucher
Cover Story
Sr. Mary Perpetua
Overbeck, RSM
McAuley TIES is published three
times a year by the Advancement
Office of McAuley High School.
Cheryl Sucher,
Brigitte Foley,
Director of Advancement and
Alumnae Relations
Kathy Dietrich,
Public Relations
Marie Knecht,
Director of Admissions and Marketing
Lisa Starkey,
Executive Assistant
Libby Hodapp,
McAuction Coordinator
Comments and submissions
for the McAuley TIES,
c/o The Advancement Office,
McAuley High School
6000 Oakwood Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
(513) 681-1800
(513) 681-1802 (fax)
Please notify the Advancement Office
about any change of name or address
at (513) 681-1800 x 1148.
Cover Photo:
Banners lining the driveway proclaim the
“Portrait of a McAuley Graduate”
Campus Cameo:
Miss Carol Seissiger
Train for the
Flying Pig!
Cheryl’s Corner
McAuley Today
All About
Alumnae Activities
McAuley Milestones
Winter 2013 3
Sr. Mary Perpetua
Overbeck, 1923-2012
The McAuley community experienced an incredible loss in October
with the passing of Sr. Perpetua. After she was the longtime Principal
at Mother of Mercy, she came to McAuley and served as Assistant
Principal/Dean of Students from 1969-89. She was always close by,
living at the convent next door. And most recently she volunteered in
the Advancement Department, writing thank you letters, editing TIES,
and keeping us all in line! Here at McAuley we are saddened by the
loss of this amazing woman.
Just one year ago in TIES
she wrote about her
McAuley memories, “I
remember every day of
my 20 years: great friends
among the faculty and
staff, and lots and lots of
wonderful girls enthusiastic, fun-loving,
and funny. I never heard
so many and interesting
excuses in my life. My
days were full of ‘laughs,’
while presenting myself
as very business-like,
even somewhat severe. The girls who had the wildest excuses
and stories I seem to remember more. We always had great
students here, and we still do.”
course, remember. Sister Perpetua remembered the names of
girls from her days at Mercy, many of whom are now women
of 75 or 80, as well as she remembered the names of the
McAuley girls she met in September. I think that gift came
from her deep love for all of them.
The following is excerpted from Pam Vissing’s eulogy at
Sister Perpetua’s funeral Mass on October 26, 2012:
Sister was much like Catherine McAuley
herself, although she’s probably scoffing
right now and rolling her eyes in her own
inimitable way, saying, “Oh brother!” But
she was. Like Catherine, Sister Perpetua
was very humble. There was not a
pretentious bone in her body. Well, there
was the time a few weeks ago when some
students were filming Sister for a video to
be presented at a convention of Mercy
schools from across the nation as well as a
few international Mercy schools. She
called me a few days after the girls filmed
her and said, “You know, I won’t mind if
you take me out of that, that … movie.” I
was surprised at this and said, “We’d never
do that!” Sister’s response was, “Well,
listen, did I look okay? Are you sure my hair wasn’t sticking
out?” Even this, though, was said with great decorum and
Sister Perpetua was always joyful, enjoying a good laugh,
whether it was a hearty belly laugh or a silly giggle. Catherine
McAuley, too, had a tremendous sense of humor. Sister was an
inveterate story teller who loved to tell stories about the funny
things that happened in her years as principal at Mother of
Mercy and as disciplinarian at McAuley. One of my many
favorites is about a student who was a little mischievous and
liked to have her own good laugh. One day she tied a purse to
the broken cord of a venetian blind and
lowered it out the window to what she
thought was the classroom below. It was a
room, alright – it was Sister’s office. Sister
took the purse off the string and tucked it
into a drawer. When the girls were outside
searching the bushes for that missing
handbag, Sister watched from her window,
laughing. She let them search for a good
long time before she opened the window
and innocently asked, “Are you looking for
something, girls?” She once caught my
friend and me crawling (embarrassingly) out
of the auditorium so we could sneak a trip to
the water fountain during a class. When I
opened the auditorium doors with my head,
Sister’s black shoes and black stockings
greeted me at eye level. When I got my
breath back and had the nerve to look up at
her, Sister’s simple question was this: “Going
somewhere?” Though she certainly didn’t
laugh about that with me at the time, I’m sure she had a laugh
about it back home at the convent, probably over dinner,
probably entertaining the other Sisters at her table.
Like Catherine, Sister was very loving. She cared deeply for
her family, her fellow Sisters, her co-workers and her students.
The remarkable thing to me was that she remembered all
their names – literally all their names. Sister had a gift for
names that most of us will never equal. Cheryl Sucher talked
about always walking behind Sister so that she could pick up
on the names she didn’t remember: she knew Sister would, of
Catherine McAuley said, “Each day is a step we make toward
eternity and we shall continue thus to step from day to day
until we take the last step, which will bring us into the
presence of God.” May we all remember Sister Mary
Perpetua, who took her last steps into the loving arms of God,
and may we find ways to connect with her loving spirit every
There’s so much to say about my friend, Sister Perpetua. And
I’m very blessed to be able to call her that – my friend. When
I think about her, I think about her many families – the
Overbeck family; the Sisters of Mercy family, with whom
Sister was so proud to live; and I think about Sister’s Mother
of Mercy and McAuley families, where we
were so lucky to share life with her for
many years.
Sister Perpetua was one of the wisest women I’ve ever known;
she lived the wisdom of Catherine. Wisdom has to do not just
with knowledge, but with how we use our knowledge. Sister
used her knowledge for the betterment of all. She knew what
to do in a serious situation, and she knew what to do in an
amusing situation. More importantly, though, she could tell
one from the other and could use her discernment and
wisdom to determine the proper course of action and use her
courage to follow it. The rest of us have wisdom, too; I don’t
mean to imply that we don’t. But our minds are often too
busy, too occupied to hear the quiet inner voice, perhaps the
wise voice of the Holy Spirit, speaking to us. Sister heard it.
Winter 2013 5
Thanks to all who shared
stories or memories of
Sr. Perpetua at her funeral,
on Facebook, or via e-mail.
Here are just a few…
Sister approached me in my senior year at
Mercy. She asked what I had planned for the
next year. I told her I planned to get a job.
(No one in my family had any college
education.) She told me she’d be calling my
Dad that evening so he would be prepared.
Then she called, my father’s response was
“Yes, Sister.” I was so curious and couldn’t
imagine what she wanted. She was arranging
an appointment for me to meet Monsignor
Ryan, superintendent of schools. That led to a
scholarship at the Athenaum for one year.
After one year, I was teaching fourth grade. I
had a great career and loved my vocation. All
thanks to Sister Perpetua.
Joan Summe Koch
P.S. She often called me a “bold piece.”
There is not enough time nor enough paper to
put into words a memory of Sr. Perpetua.
Suffice it to say, all I have accomplished or
ever will accomplish personally or
professionally is a direct result of Sr. Perpetua’s
faith and confidence in me. Forever will I be
grateful. My heart is broken over her sudden
Margie Schmitz, McAuley, Class of 1979
Our class, 1977, had a nickname for her, “SSP,”
after the toy race cars that were popular at
that time. Two girls who were “regulars” in
her office came up with the nickname. She
always seemed to know what they did before
they did it. She was that fast!
Rosie Bernard, McAuley, Class of 1977
Way back when…I remember when Sr.
Perpetua would “teach” us new teachers (1975)
how to “give the look.” You had to purse your
lips and have your eyes roving around the
room—“let them think that you’re watching
Carol Seissiger, McAuley Spanish teacher
Sr. Perpetua never once failed to take the time
to ask about my mother, my family, each of my
children by name and my husband each and
every time we spoke. She was a mentor, friend
and one of the most kind and compassionate
women who has entered my life. Each
moment shared with her was a blessing.
I first met Sister Perpetua when I was a
sophomore at Mother of Mercy High School
in 1959 when I was in her journalism class. I
learned more about writing from Sister than
from any other teacher. I remember the day
that my two friends and I did not have our
assignments. My first friend flipped through
her notebook pretending to looking for the
assignment. I told Sister mine was in my
locker. Sister told me to go to my locker to get
it. My second friend just told Sister she did
not have it. When I came back into the room
(of course I was carrying a notebook but not journalism) Sister never
asked to see the assignment. We both knew I did not have it! After
journalism Sister Perpetua always needed someone to take her typewriter
to another classroom. Of course, it took two of us and my friend,
Colleen, became experts at riding the elevator to take the typewriter. We
liked doing this because we would then be late for Sister Helen Lucille’s
math class!
I also was in Sister Perpetua’s senior homeroom and in her senior English
class. It seems Sister was a much larger person then. If you were late for
class and were running down the hall, you could bet Sister Perpetua
would be at the end of the hall with her arms crossed asking where you
were going!
When I went to Edgecliff College, Sister Perpetua also was there for a
short time. After several years I saw Sister. She said, “Shirley Frey, how
are you? I always remember you with Marlene Overbeck and Colleen
Powell.” Sister not only remembered me but also my two friends!
When I started teaching at McAuley, Sister Perpetua and I became
friends again. On exam days we had an hour study time in the middle of
exams. I had my homeroom for an hour of study. I had the girls study
silently for 30 minutes. For the next 30 minutes they were allowed to
study with a partner. Sister Perpetua came by. She called me into the
hall. She said, “Mrs. Frey, What ARE your girls doing in there. This is
study time!” I explained what we were doing. She just shook her head
and walked away. I thought I was back in sophomore journalism.
When Sister came to our class reunions everyone wanted to talk with her.
Sister Perpetua was a wonderful person. She will definitely be missed at
McAuley. However, I am sure she was greeted in heaven by all of “her
girls”. Our loss is their gain. Sister Perpetua will always have a special
place in my heart. To be the caring and loving person she was is a goal
for all of us to achieve. God bless Sister Mary Perpetua, RSM.
Shirley Frey, retired McAuley chemistry teacher,
Mother of Mercy alumna
In September of 2011, I had the privilege of escorting Sister Mary
Perpetua to my 45th Mother of Mercy High School Reunion. What a fun
trip it was. Walking arm and arm and with her cane, she said she was
sorry she was so slow but she had a special way to do the steps on her
own—if I would just stay close to her. I said don’t give it another thought
as everything she was doing was exactly how I help my own mother.
Word soon spread that Sister was in the building and the alumnae came
streaming out of the cafeteria to greet her. She was held captive for 3-4
hours—one memory after another, one smile and a quick picture for each
graduate of the Class of ‘66—and they were thrilled. I told her on the
drive home that it was an honor to be able to drive my high school
principal to my 45th reunion. She said, “I know honey, it was the best
Carolyn Myers Dierkers, Mother of Mercy, Class of 1966
Sr. Perpetua was the person who conducted my first interview here in
1987. It was late August and I was desperate for a job. I bought a new
jacket, washed and waxed my car just in case the person I was going to
interview was watching me pull in the school. Well, of course, Sister was
watching everything. She commented to Jim Schneider, who was also in
the interview... “Well, he does have a nice shiny car!” All I know is that I
got the job!
“Sister Perpetua was one of the
wisest women I’ve ever known; she
lived the wisdom of Catherine.
Wisdom has to do not just with
knowledge, but with how
we use our knowledge.”
Shawn Young, McAuley social studies teacher
Winter 2013 7
National Merit News
Kelly Neeb is a graduate of St. Bernard Elementary
School. She will be attending Auburn University next
year on a soccer scholarship and plans to major in
business. Kelly’s activities at McAuley, in addition to
playing soccer, include membership in National
Honor Society, Spanish Club, the Green Team, and
Student Council.
Emily Paul attended St. Ignatius School. She is
uncertain at this time of her college plans, but would
love to pursue a career that involves animals. Emily is
involved in History Club and Yoga Club and has a job
at the Groesbeck Public Library.
Left to right: Kelly Neeb, Emily Paul, Emmy Schwartz, Lauren Wilke.
Congratulations to McAuley High School seniors Kelly Neeb,
Emily Paul, Emmy Schwartz and Lauren Wilke for achieving
the distinction of National Merit Commended Student.
Currently, about 1.5 million students in more than 22,000
high schools enter the National Merit Scholarship Program.
Of those 1.5 million only about 34,000 are honored as
Commended Students, and the McAuley community is
extremely proud of these bright young women.
McAuley Serves
All year long, each
McAuley “family”
(formerly homerooms)
collects money for
different causes and
organizations every
Wednesday. For
example, McAuleyans
raised $1555.20 during
From left to right: Andrea Trach, Abby Chaulk,
October for breast
Judy Pearce, Cara Walden, Gabby Stepaniak
cancer research. In
November, the collections included not just cash, but food items as
well, to provide Thanksgiving meals to needy families. The school as
a whole collected enough food and money to put together 34
Thanksgiving dinner baskets, each complete with money for a turkey
and all the trimmings. The meals and cash were donated to Christ’s
Community Food Pantry in College Hill. These efforts are integral to
McAuley’s outstanding Service and Justice Program, which is
coordinated by Gina Robbins Keith ‘93.
Emmy Schwartz attended Little Flower and Our Lady
of Grace Schools and plans to attend Xavier
University next year. Emmy is a member of McAuley’s
Vocal Ensemble, and she is president of Drama Club,
president of Life Club, and co-secretary of National
Honor Society.
Lauren Wilke is an alumna of St. Bernard School.
Her hope is to attend The Ohio State University next
year. Her involvement at McAuley includes
participation in National Honor Society, Women In
Medicine, Traveling Science Show, and being an
Emmaus retreat leader.
Fall Play showcases
McAuley’s dramatic
Crowds raved about the acting talents of McAuley students
who recently performed A Little Princess.
Campus Cameo
Innovative Career
Exploration with
“Women In”
Miss Carol Seissiger,
How did you decide
to become a teacher?
I fell in love with
Spain while my
family was stationed
in Madrid for three
years. I was in the
7th through 9th
grades and adapted
pretty easily to the
language and
culture. I continued
studying Spanish
here in the U.S. and
found that I wanted to share my love of the
language and to keep using it. Also, my father had
been a Spanish professor at West Point, so that
added a little incentive.
How long have you taught at McAuley?
Judge Melissa Powers ’79 with some of the freshmen
in the Women In Program
McAuley High School’s ground-breaking “Women In” Program is
now in its fourth year, with the Women In Medicine Program in its
sixth year. McAuley students with high academic achievement are
invited to join the program. During their freshman year, they
explore Women In Medicine, Women In Engineering, and Women
In Law, alternating monthly excursions and activities in each of those
fields of work. During their three subsequent years, the students
choose one of those career programs as their focus. Shirley Frey,
retired McAuley chemistry teacher, supervises Women In and runs
the Women In Medicine Program while current teachers Shawn
Young and Paul Kirila are responsible for Women In Law and
Women In Engineering. Alumnae advisors for Women In Law are
Beth Freemal ‘86 and Lori Vonderbrink Landrum ‘86.
The 25 freshmen in the Women In Program had their first outing in
August when they attended a Mercy Mt. Airy Hospital seminar. On
this inaugural trip, they focused on imaging services and special
services, which includes procedures such as ultrasounds, x-rays,
chemotherapy port insertions, and MRIs, among others. In
September, to learn first-hand about law, the freshmen visited
McAuley alum Judge Melissa Powers ‘79 at the Hamilton County
Courthouse. The students observed as she worked through her
docket, and after court she explained her career path. In October,
these same freshmen visited the baby products division of Procter &
Gamble at Winton Hill. The P&G engineers helped the students
learn about the day’s topic: “What is Engineering?” McAuley alum
Andrea Breitenbach Frazer ‘03, a P&G engineer, worked with the
students to investigate the absorbency of diapers. All of these
excursions occurred in just the first three months of school, and the
students are looking forward to more experiences before they select
medicine, engineering, or law as their focus for the next three years
of high school. The McAuley community celebrates the successes of
the wonderful Women In Program.
I have been teaching here for 37 years. I don’t
think that I have taught any of my students’
grandmothers yet…
What do you enjoy about teaching?
There is so much vitality in teaching. I enjoy the
students’ personalities and the experiences that
they bring to the classroom. Every day is different
and presents a learning opportunity for myself and
for students.
What are some of the biggest changes you’ve
witnessed at McAuley over the years?
The biggest changes are of course related to
technology. There have also been many changes in
the uniform and rules.
How do you spend your summers?
Typically in the summers I go to the beach, travel a
bit to visit relatives, relax by the pool with good
reading materials, and do lots of little projects that
I’ve saved up to do while on vacation.
Are there any funny/favorite McAuley memories or
stories you want to share?
I will always cherish the friendships that I have
made with faculty, staff, and students (alums and
families too). There are so many kinds of
memories, happy, sad, funny, and touching.
I appreciate them all.
Winter 2013 9
Future Mohawks
Red Carpet Event
6th and 7th grade girls are invited to
McAuley’s annual
March 8 at 9 p.m.
March 9, at 9 a.m.
This year’s Red
Carpet - themed
slumber party will
include a night
full of glamour
including activities,
games, prizes,
and food!
Registration will be available at
Please contact Marie Knecht at or 681.1800 x 2272 with questions.
Spring Showcase
McAuley welcomes 6th and 7th grade girls and their
parents on Wednesday, May 8 at 6 p.m. for our Spring
Showcase. Following dinner, families will learn about
McAuley’s Tablet PC technology program,
financial aid and scholarships, and the
admissions process. Concurrent
sessions will include optional tours as
well as more in-depth information about
some of McAuley’s special programs.
Registration will be available at
Please contact Marie Knecht at or
681.1800 x 2272 with
Need a New Year’s Resolution?
Are you looking for a way to jump start a fitness program? Do you need
some encouragement? Or are you tired of running alone? How about
connecting with other McAuley alumnae and participating in activities
during the Flying Pig Marathon weekend (May 4-5, 2013)? The Flying
Pig includes many events from the 5k race (3.1miles) to the full marathon
(26.2 miles). The Flying Pig will be celebrating its 15th year, and we hope
you will be part of these events that truly make Cincinnati proud!
Join us!
We will be gathering for group runs and
walks to train for the Pig weekend.
The training is organized by the steering committee,
which is comprised of women (alumnae, McAuley
teachers and staff ) with years of running and
walking experience and who represent a variety of
paces. These women will serve as mentors and
running/walking partners throughout the training.
In addition, monthly activities, including Stretching
101, brunch, and sports nutrition will complement
your ongoing training.
What a great way to connect with other alums and
McAuley supporters! And if that isn’t enough to
grab you—training participants will receive a
McAuley dry-fit shirt to wear during the race.
If you are not up for going the distances, how about
being part of the McAuley team by volunteering on a
cheer group along the race sidelines or serving on
the official McAuley volunteer group? How about
organizing some fellow classmates and showing the
Mohawk spirit for the runners? What a great way to
promote our school! You can make a “Go Mohawks”
sign along the road or gather a group together and
dress in McAuley spirit wear. What about waving
flags made with the school plaid? How about
bringing back the noisemakers you made for raffle?
Want to give back even more? We will be
fundraising for McAuley as an official charity
partner. You can raise funds on your own or
sponsor a participant with a donation. ALL funds
raised through the Flying Pig will go directly to
Participate in the Flying Pig as a runner or walker in
our training program or volunteer at an event.
Training will begin Saturday, January 19, 2013, at
McAuley and continue each Saturday until the
Flying Pig weekend (May 4-5).
Anyone is invited to participate!
To get healthy, connect with other McAuley
alumnae, and show your McAuley spirit!
Check the McAuley website
and facebook page for more information!
Thanks to our steering committee
for taking on this new adventure:
Kathy Isler Dietrich ‘74
Lorraine Schnier Effler ‘97
Barb Ehler
Brigitte Foley ‘89
Kathleen Mette Fussinger ‘78
Connie Helmers
Meghan Kemphaus
Emily Mouch ‘07
Jennifer Schneider Pierce ‘85
Maria Schweikert ‘04
Sandi Cassinelli Wethington ‘87
Winter 2013 11
All About Advancement
Jim and Elaine Day
We celebrated with our donors who give
at the Director’s Club level and above.
Guests heard from three current
McAuley students whose scholarships
and financial assistance are made
possible through donations. We
honored John Cook, John Kron, Sr.
Mary Amadeus Richter, and Mary Beth
Monter Salyers ’71 with the Circle of
Mercy Mission Partner awards for their
service and dedication to McAuley.
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Planning 2014
2014 marks the 50th reunion of McAuley’s first
graduating class! With this first golden anniversary,
we plan to hold two separate reunion weekends at
school, which will be a new adventure in
reconnecting with classmates.
We are looking
for a committee
of volunteers to
help with the
planning process
starting with
meetings in spring
2013. If you are a
member of a class with a reunion in 2014 (1964,
1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004,
2009) or just want to be part of the planning
process, please call or e-mail Brigitte Foley at
513.681.1800 x1150 or
We are grateful to all who choose
to support our mission by making
McAuley a charitable priority. Your
support in the form of a gift to the
McAuley Fund is evidence of your
commitment to an all-girls Catholic
high school education and a vote of
confidence in our efforts to provide
an exceptional education for each
of our students.
Consider a gift to the McAuley
Jill Hungler
Schlotman ’01
McAuley is so thankful to the Hungler and
Schlotman families for all they have done in the
last four years to raise money for a scholarship
dedicated to Jill. With the annual walk this past
September, the funds reached over $15,000,
which allows the scholarship to be endowed.
Jill’s scholarship will be given away to a
McAuley student each year starting
with the 2014-15 school year.
Fund again this year because your
contribution is critically needed,
much appreciated, and carefully
applied to the lives and learning of
our young women.
The attached envelope can be used
to make a commitment to the
McAuley Fund or take just a few
minutes to donate online at
Winter 2013 13
Nominated speakers Kerry Daugherty, Jillian Daugherty,
Alison Delgado, Sister Paula Gonzalez, SC, Jeni Jenkins,
Jeanne Schroer ‘75, and keynote Cea Cohen Elliott
McAuley High School’s third annual Women Who Inspire
was a tremendous success again this year. Over 340
attendees heard the inspiring stories of seven remarkable
women. Guests enjoyed delicious food and drink before the
program in the Performing Arts Center. This was the
largest crowd yet, as the reputation of this marvelous
evening spreads wider each year. Thank you to chairperson,
Angela Morrissey, and the committee members: Kelli
Buttelwerth ‘88, Mary Effler ‘80, Brigitte Foley ‘89,
Kelly Grote ‘98, Libby Hodapp ‘89, Marla Kiley ‘85,
Sue Rayburn ‘81, Karen Sillies ‘84, and Angie Stein ‘86.
Alumnae Activities
Alumnae Mother/Daughter Brunch
Saturday, April 27, 2013
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
At Clovernook Country Club
2035 W. Galbraith Rd.
$20 per person
Reservations for tables of 8-10
Reservation deadline is April 17th
Brunch will include a buffet of:
quiche, potatoes, bacon, chicken ala
king, vegetable medley, mandarin
orange salad, fresh fruit, crumb cake,
juice, soft drinks, coffee, and
chocolate covered strawberries.
Use the registration form below or register online at
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mother’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Additional daughters attending:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please indicate if you want to be seated at a table with someone sending in a separate reservation:
Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
$20 per person
Total enclosed __________
Make checks payable to McAuley and mail reservations to the
Advancement Office, 6000 Oakwood Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45224.
Chairpersons: Jill Hammann Katterjohn ’95, Emily Salyers Meyer ’96, and Mary Beth Monter Salyers ‘71
McAuley hosted 100
little girls, moms,
grandmothers, and
aunts at the bi-annual
Christmas Tea Party.
Santa could not
compete with the
sparkling students in
Vocal Ensemble who
entertained the guests
with songs and even
a little dancing.
Winter 2013 15
Margie Capuder ‘66 was recently named a member of the
Sioux (Dakota) Nation. The National Defense Council has
honored Margie many times. Additionally, she is a Friend
of the Smithsonian; she supports all the Smithsonian
Sue Kathman ’71 was honored by Impact 100 when her
organization, Mercy Neighborhood Ministries, received a
grant award of $107,500 to expand its training program for
home care aides.
Ann Witzgall Senefeld ‘88 started a business called
“Digging Cincinnati History.” She researches the history of
old homes and buildings around the Cincinnati area.
Some homes are featured on her blog,, and on her Facebook
page, Ann
was also featured in the Cincinnati Enquirer’s “Inspired
Locals” on October 22. A link to that article is
Ellen Schnier Daniel ‘01 has had a recent promotion at
Channel 5. She is now a producer of the news and works
on investigative, special interest stories as well.
Jane Clifton Josshua ‘00 recently won an award from the
Hamilton County National Alliance on Mental Illness. Jane
was named Exemplary Case Manager working with adults
for Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services.
Kelly Gaughan ‘08, while playing golf for DePauw
University, helped her team, the Tigers, to a second place
finish at the NCAA Division III Championships last May.
Kelly averaged just over 79 strokes, with seven top 10
performances and a team-best top five finishes. She played
golf four years at DePauw University and graduated this
past May with a degree in communications. Besides
becoming a better golfer and improving her average each
year, she enjoyed the camaraderie and travel associated
with college golf. One of her best friends at DePauw was
her teammate from Columbia, Camila Romero, who
became Kelly’s little sister in Alpha Phi. The team traveled
to Horseshoe Bay in Texas, Tunica National in Mississippi,
Stone Mountain in Georgia, and Mission Inn in Florida, just
to name a few sites. Her team qualified each of Kelly’s
four years for the NCAA National tournament. Kelly won
two individual college tournaments during her career and
was named Second-Team All-American for the 2011-2012
season. She now lives in Indianapolis and works as Director
of Communications for the Indiana Golf Association.
Nikki Pierson Mayhew ‘97 and her husband Chris
Amy Elizabeth Endres ‘05 married Zachary Walton in
welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Louis Braylon Mayhew, to
their family through adoption. Louis was born on February
9, 2012, and has brought infinite joy to their lives. Nikki
works as the design director at Pep, a strategic promotion
management agency located in downtown Cincinnati, and
Chris is a reporter for the Community Press, covering
Campbell County. They live in Westwood and have been
married nine years.
June. She lives in West Chester and is a pharmacist
working at the Walgreens in Sharonville.
Tasha Riley ‘00 is now a licensed attorney. The admissions
ceremony took place in Columbus on November 5, 2012.
Tasha will be doing freelance estate planning and
mediation beginning in January.
Michelle Blomer ‘08 is a senior at the University of
Cincinnati. In the month of October, she was named the
UC College of Engineering and Applied Science Engineer of
the Month. As of October, Michelle had a 3.87 GPA and is
studying chemical engineering, a major sparked because of
her love of AP Chemistry while at McAuley. She is also a
mentor with the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), and
acts as president of UC’s student chapter of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) where she recently
worked on building and reestablishing the co-op review
process. Having worked as a co-op at Kao USA, Michelle
hopes to work there full time after graduation.
Rachel Krabacher ‘08 was nominated for and made the
top 10 list of candidates for the NCAA Division I CLASS
award. To be eligible for the award, a student-athlete
must be classified as an NCAA Division I senior and have
notable achievements in four areas of excellence:
community, classroom, character and competition. Rachel
maintains a 3.556 grade point average in the University of
Dayton’s rigorous School of Engineering while playing
volleyball. She was named Capital One Academic AllDistrict V Second Team and Academic All-Atlantic Ten
Conference in 2011, distinctions based on both athletic
performance and grade point average.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt
thanks to all of the McAuley High School community for
the prayers, conern, visits, cards, and remembrances
during the time of my recent illnesses (two hip surgeries
and a broken wrist), and the loss of my two dearest
friends (Sr. Margaret Ann Schellenberger in June and Sr.
Mary Perpetua Overbeck in October). Both of these
Sisters were dedicated to the ministry of education and
loved McAuley High School.
It was indeed an honor for me to receive the Circle of
Mercy Mission Partner Award. There has been love in
my heart for McAuley High School all these years, and it
will endure forever. I am a firm believer in the mission of
McAuley and loved my years as principal there. It is a
tribute to the administration, faculty, and staff whose
dedication, commitment, and belief in upholding
excellence that McAuley remains an outstanding school
of which the Sisters of Mercy and Catherine McAuley can
be proud. Personally, I extend to each of you my prayers
for a New Year filled with peace, love, and hope.
Sara Knollman ‘09, who is a senior at the University of
Cincinnati majoring in communication and science
disorders, and also a member of the UC’s women’s cross
country team, was recently recognized at the UC
Department of Athletics’ “Legion of Excellence” induction
gala. This ceremony recognizes UC’s top student-athletes
and was held on October 30. Sara’s GPA is 3.9, a
remarkable accomplishment for an NCAA Division I athlete.
She is applying for graduate programs for next year.
Keep in
First Name
Sincerely yours,
Sister Mary Amadeus Richter, RSM
To have your update or announcement published in the Ties, please email information to or send the following form to Kathy Dietrich,
McAuley Advancement Office, 6000 Oakwood Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45224 or FAX (513) 681-1802.
Year of Graduation
Home Address
Home Phone
Work Phone
News to Share:
Winter 2013 17
Please remember the family and friends of
the following alumnae in your prayers:
Our best wishes to all the newlywed couples:
Katie Meyer ’00 to Mike Moroski, 9.1.12
Stephanie Pille ’01 to Nicholas Becker, 12.1.12
Becky Hock ’02 to Chris Ketchum, 9.1.12
Kara Kolkmeyer ’02 to Benjamin Yauss, 9.29.12
Kathryn Rischmann ’03 to John Junker, 6.9.12
Amanda Pick ’04 to Christ Wright, 10.13.12
Amy Elizabeth Endres ’05 to Zachary Walton, 6.9.12
Cathy Diegmueller
Holliday ‘70
August 23, 2012
Linda Elizabeth
Gooding Toepfer ‘72
July 27, 2012
Our congratulations to the parents
of these newest members of the
McAuley family:
Kathleen Drott Sands ’95,
boy, Brandon Walter, 9.12.12
Nikki Pierson Mayhew ’97,
boy, Louis Braylon, 2.9.12
Julie Rittmeier Brehm ’98,
girl, Grace Elizabeth, 11.9.12
Wendi Hinton Sexton ’98,
girl, Josie Marie, 8.16.12
Barbara Neal Staudigel ‘75
November 18, 2012
Laura Baringhaus Nieten ’00,
girl, Emily Isabella, 10.20.12
Erin Gerrety-Carovillano ’00,
boy, Easton Gerret, 6.5.12
On the Death
of their Fathers...
On the Death
of their Mothers...
Chris Appiarius Wright ‘69
Carole Appiarius Menke ‘70
Clare Appiarius Brichler ‘74
Pam Appiarius Schuster ‘78
Vicki Appiarius Kinney ‘90
Fonda Kimball Schloss ‘70
Joyce Zureick Dellecave ‘70
Sherry Kaiser Cummings ‘74
Jackie Kaiser Bohning ‘76
Connie Kaiser Powers ‘79
Jeanne Kaiser Conley ‘80
Kim Kaiser Speed ‘87
Jill Kaiser McElwee ‘91
Lynda Kress Rust ‘75
Amy Freking Klotz ‘89
Allison Leienberger Kingsley ‘99
Margie Neller Stigler ‘72
Jennifer Minda Meyer ’00,
girl, Stella August, 7.31.12
Kelly Amshoff Helferich ’01,
boy, Dominic Michael, 7.31.12
Chris Weingartner Hermann ‘74
Margie Weingartner Burgin ‘76
Claire Weingartner Bockhorst ‘85
Nikki Miller Link ’01,
girl, Abigail Jacqueline, 11.20.12
Gina Aielli Wintz ‘77
Rachel Lillis Robinette ’02,
boy, Kaleb William, 9.13.12
Kelly Enda Newcomer ’86
Shelley Warner Mills ‘92
Susan Middendorf ‘91
Mary Beth Middendorf Hawk ‘93
Tammy Middendorf Koehne ‘93
Leah Huhn Slicer ’03,
boy, Samuel Ryan, 8.21.12
Amy Schoenig Hawkins ‘05,
girl, Ellabelle Louise, 7.22.12
Upcoming Alumnae and School Events
Flying Pig Training
6th & 7th Grade Sleepover
Flying Pig Marathon
Runs Begin!
Catholic Schools Week
and Half Marathon
Grandparents’ Mass
Harmony Showcase
and Breakfast
7:30 p.m.
Spring Showcase
10 a.m.
6-8:30 p.m.
Alumnae Mother/Daughter
Spring Musical
Brunch at Clovernook
Vocal Ensemble
Once on this Island
11 a.m.
Spaghetti Dinner
7 p.m.
4-7 p.m.
Spring Musical
McAuction Mardi Gras
Once on this Island
Celebration at
2 p.m.
Clovernook Country Club
6-9 p.m.
Join us!
We will be
gathering for
group runs and
walks to train
for the Pig
Training Runs Begin Jan. 19
see page 11 for details
Winter 2013 19
McAuley High School
Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy
6000 Oakwood Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Cincinnati, Ohio
Permit No. 4265
McAuley High School, a comprehensive Catholic school for young women sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy of the
Americas, is committed to quality education and personal growth within a caring, Christ-centered community.
Faithful to the Gospel and the charism, core values, and traditions of Mercy, McAuley’s essential activity is to
create an environment designed to help each young woman develop her intellect, gifts, and talents.
an affair to remember at the
April 20, 2013
Join us for McAuley’s premier annual fundraiser, an elegant evening featuring a
champagne reception at Laurel Court (next door to McAuley), unique silent
and live auction items, and our signature jaw-dropping decorations.
More information including ticket purchases can be found at

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