About our scheme
About our scheme
About our scheme Welcome to our public exhibition for Land West of Hoo This exhibition gives you the chance to view and comment upon our outline proposals for a new homes development at Land West of Hoo St Werburgh. We are currently in the process of preparing a planning application for our proposed development which includes: - A financial contribution towards primary school provision. - Up to 500 new homes. - Off-site highway improvements. - Affordable housing (up to 25%). - Improved walking and cycling routes. - Vehicle access from Main Road and Ratcliffe Highway. -Possible commercial floorspace (comprising units for retail, café or takeaway). We intend to submit an outline planning application to Medway Council in September, which if approved, will mean the local planning authority has accepted the principle of developing the land. -Substantial areas of open space which include a circular walk of approximately 2.4km. - Children’s play areas. You can let us know what you think of our plans by filling in a feedback form and handing it to the team. Your feedback will help us refine our planning application before we submit it to the council. - Outdoor sports facilities and potential pavilion. - Ecological improvements. The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Date Drn Ckd Revision N LEGEND Built-up Area Main Areas of Woodland Countryside Water bodies Motorway A Roads B Roads Allhallows Railway Cliffe Railway Station The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Date Drn Ckd Revision District Boundary - St Mary Hoo Lower Stoke Cooling High Halstow Isle of Grain N LEGEND Upper Stoke Built-up Area Main Areas of Woodland Cliffe Woods Countryside Project THE SITE Land at Hoo, St Werburgh, WaterKent bodies HOO ST WERBURGH Chattenden Drawing Title Wider Context Plan Hoo Marina Motorway STROOD Scale Date NTS A Roads 15.01.14 Drawn by HS Check by CA Project No Drawing No Revision 20894 M04.2 - B Roads Allhallows Railway GILLINGHAM ROCHESTER CHATHAM Cliffe Railway Station Planning ● Master Planning & Urban Design Architecture ● Landscape Planning & Design ● Project Services Environmental & Sustainability Assessment ● Graphic Design St Mary Hoo Lower Stoke Cooling Isle of Grain District Boundary bartonwillmore.co.uk Certificate FS 29637 Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No 100019279. High Halstow Offices at Reading London Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds Manchester Solihull K:\20000-20999\20800-20899\20894 - Land At Hoo, St Werburgh\A4 - Dwgs & Registers\Master Planning\Drawings\20894 M04 Wider Context Plan.dwg - 04.2 Site A3 Upper Stoke About our scheme Cliffe Woods Project THE SITE 500 homes with up to 25% affordable housing. HOO ST WERBURGH Chattenden Hoo Marina STROOD Drawing Title Wider Context Plan Date Possible units for retail, café or takeaway. 15.01.14 Contribution towards primary school provision. Open spaces, children’s play areas and a circular walk. GILLINGHAM ROCHESTER Vehicle access from Main Road and Land at Hoo, St Werburgh, Kent Ratcliffe Highway. CHATHAM Scale NTS Drawn by HS Check by CA Project No Drawing No Revision 20894 M04.2 - Outline planning permission would establish principle of development. Planning ● Master Planning & Urban Design Architecture ● Landscape Planning & Design ● Project Services Environmental & Sustainability Assessment ● Graphic Design bartonwillmore.co.uk Certificate FS 29637 About our scheme Our proposals for Land West of Hoo The site Medway Council expects to announce its housing need in spring 2015, but in the meantime it has an interim target of building 1,000 new homes a year across the district. The proposed development site is greenfield land in agricultural use located on the western edge of Hoo St Werburgh. It extends to approximately 31 hectares in total and comprises four parcels of land between Aveling Close to the east and the A228 dual carriageway to the north-west. It is owned by Taylor Wimpey. However, it is likely that once the full assessment has been carried out, a higher housing target will be required. While Medway Council will continue to see its brownfield sites regenerated, particularly in the Medway towns, significant development of greenfield sites The scaling of this drawing cannot be assu will also be required to ensure housing needs are met. Date Revision The planning situation There is a shortfall of new homes being built across the country and so the The scaling of thisauthorities drawing cannot beto assured Government has ordered local identify the levels of housing need in Date Drn Ckd Revision their area to address this shortfall. N - - The development of our site would deliver up to 500 new homes –LEGEND a valuable contribution towards the district’s housing targets. LEGEND The Site The Site N ay w igh H e f if l c t Ra RS 10 2 Parcel 4 Parcel 3 Parcel 2 A2 28 Parcel 1 Project Land at Hoo, St Werburgh, Kent Project Land at Hoo, St Werburgh, Kent Drawing Title Aerial Photograph Drawing Title Aerial Photograph Scale Date Drawn by Project No Drawing No 20894 0 CA A 150 100 Check by Revision M07 50 oad R n i Ma 250m 04.06.14 1:5000@A3 Project No Drawing No 20894 RS104 HS 1:5000@A3 04.06.14 Scale Date Drawn by HS M07 50 0 150 100 200 200 Planning ● Master Planning & U Architecture ● Landscape Planning & Design ● Pro Environmental & Sustainability Assessment ● Gr About the site Planning ● Master Planning & Urban Design Architecture ● Landscape Planning & Design ● Project Services Environmental & Sustainability Assessment ● Graphic Design bartonwillmore.co.uk Certificate FS 29 Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No 100019279. bartonwillmore.co.uk Offices at Reading London Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds Ma K:\20000-20999\20800-20899\20894 - Land At Hoo, St Werburgh\A4 - Dwgs & Registers\Master Planning\Drawings\20894 M07A Aerial Photograph.dwg - A3 Certificate FS 29637 Offices at Reading London Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds Manchester Solihull sters\Master Planning\Drawings\20894 M07A Aerial Photograph.dwg - A3 Site is on western edge of Hoo St Werburgh. Medway needs 1,000 new homes a year. Site comprises four parcels of land. Our proposals would help meet housing target. Land is owned by Taylor Wimpey. Greenfield sites will need to be developed. Site considerations Before we start designing a new scheme, we complete an assessment of the site and the surrounding area as they are at the moment. We record those features we will need to take into account in our design. All of the relevant considerations, whether they fix the way our scheme will have to be designed or give us a real opportunity to make the most of a particular feature, are shown here. Information about the site we need to take into account The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Date Drn Revision - Ckd - LEGEND The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Date Drn - Ckd - Revision - LEGEND Site boundary Site boundary Opportunity for Vehicular Access Opportunity for Vehicular Access Opportunity for Pedestrian Access Opportunity for Pedestrian Access Opportunity for Circular Walk Opportunity for Circular Walk Approximate Location of Attenuation Features Approximate Location of Natural Fall of Land Attenuation Features Public Rights of Way Natural Fall of Land 60.50 61.00 RS 60.00 10 2 HSE Consultation Zone 60.50 59.50 61.00 60.00 59.00 62.50 60.50 Public of Way Max Extent of HSE Rights Consultation Middle Zone 59.50 58.50 62.00 60.00 59.00 61.50 58.00 59.50 61.50 57.50 51.50 61.00 58.50 59.00 51.00 61.00 58.00 60.50 50.50 60.50 58.50 60.50 60.50 51.00 57.50 61.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 58.00 RS 49.50 60.00 60.00 59.50 10 49.00 59.00 58.50 48.50 58.00 59.50 57.50 2 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Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No. 100019279. Certificate FS 29637 Offices at Reading London Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds Manchester Solihull K:\20000-20999\20800-20899\20894 - Land At Hoo, St Werburgh\A4 - Dwgs & Registers\Master Planning\Drawings\20894 M06C Opportunities & Constraints Plan.dwg 28.00 27.50 26.50 26.00 25.50 27.00 28.50 29.00 26.50 28.00 26.00 27.50 29.50 27.00 28.50 29.00 28.00 26.50 27.50 29.50 28.50 30.00 27.00 29.00 30.50 28.00 29.50 27.50 30.00 28.50 30.50 28.00 29.00 29.50 28.50 31.00 30.50 30.00 31.00 29.00 Project Hoo St. Werburgh Drawing Title Constraints & Opportunities Plan Assessing the site Scale Date 10.06.14 1:2500@A1 Project No Drawing No 20894 M06 20 0 RS104 We’ve assessed the site and the surrounding area. Drawn by BG Check by HS Revision C 60 40 100m 80 The plan illustrates the things we need to take into account in our design. Planning ● Master Planning & Urban Design Architecture ● Landscape Planning & Design ● Project Services Environmental & Sustainability Assessment ● Graphic Design bartonwillmore.co.uk Certificate FS 29637 Offices at Reading London Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds Manchester Solihull K:\20000-20999\20800-20899\20894 - Land At Hoo, St Werburgh\A4 - Dwgs & Registers\Master Planning\Drawings\20894 M06C Opportunities & Constraints Plan.dwg Our opportunities and constraints plan is based on the assessments. Read more about opportunities and constraints on the following board. Site considerations Information about the site we need to take into account Landscape We have carried out a Landscape and Visual Assessment which concluded there is potential for residential development on the lowerlying, less visually sensitive, land to the north and west of existing development. Land at the northern extent of the site, on the higher ground, is not proposed to be developed. In terms of the impact on the wider landscape, the site is physically and visually separated from Lodge Hill by the Deangate Ridge which rises beyond the site to the north. The prevailing topography will enable the separate identities (Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden) to remain within the surrounding landscape. Agricultural The site is comprised of predominantly Grade 3b agricultural land with small areas of Grade 3a agricultural land on the eastern edge of the site. Grade 3b land is categorised as moderate quality agricultural land. In view of this agricultural category, there are no policy constraints to the development of the land. Cultural heritage The site lies immediately south of Mill House, a Grade II-listed property. The significant distance between the site and Mill House, plus the intervening landscape, will ensure an appropriate relationship with Mill House. Flooding and drainage The site lies within Flood Zone 1 and is at low risk of flooding from a main river. An ordinary watercourse flows west to east through the site, and so the site layout is designed to take this into account. Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) will be used to ensure surface water run-off from the developed site will be discharged at rates no Before we start designing a new scheme, we complete an assessment of the site and the surrounding area as they are at the moment. We record those features we will need to take into account in our design. All of the relevant considerations, whether they fix the way our scheme will have to be designed or give us a real opportunity to make the most of a particular feature, are shown here. greater than existing equivalent greenfield run-off rates. Drainage measures could include permeable paving, dry basins, swales, ponds or storage tanks or a combination of SuDS components, before being slowly released to the watercourse through the use of flow control devices. Foul water will be discharged into the existing public sewer, within the site boundary, which has capacity to accommodate the development. Ecology The site is within proximity of a number of sensitive sites, in particular Medway Estuary & Marshes Special Protection Areas (SPA). On-site public open space, including a circular walk (and potentially off-site contributions to recreational measures) would reduce the recreational pressure on local sensitive sites and mitigate the impact of additional visitors to the SPA. The majority of the site is considered to be of low ecological value. There are some protected species that have been recorded on the site. These include reptiles, great crested newts, bats and birds. The layout has been well designed to retain habitats of value and create new habitat areas. Noise The site is not significantly constrained by noise, however, some proposed homes located next to the A228/Peninsula Way and Main Road will require careful design consideration to achieve relevant British and World Health Organisation standards. Gas mains Two gas mains cross the site. Southern Gas Networks (SGN) and the Health and Safety Executive have confirmed that additional ground cover is required and there must be a 9-metre ‘no-build’ area along the route of both pipelines. Things to think about No development proposed on the site’s higher ground. Drainage measures will maintain current levels of water run off. The land is not best quality agricultural land. Design takes into account the watercourse through the site. Site has lowest risk of flooding. No building can take place in close proximity of the gas pipe routes. Scheme proposal \\mlmips\WORK\MLM\6_\615_\61571_\615718\ISSUED\14_06_11_SK07\[615718-REP-CIV-Hoo-Accessibility.xlsx]Sheet1 Filter by numberFilter by location The may also be off-site highway improvements to mitigate any traffic impacts that are predicted. Medway Council has confirmed that significant funding is already in place to improve the Four Elms Hill roundabout. Taylor Wimpey is prepared to pay a further appropriate contribution to improve the existing roundabout if considered necessary as a result of its proposals. Traffic, parking and access We would like to hear your views on transportation issues as we continue with our Transport Assessment. Parking The parking strategy for the site will be in accordance with Medway Council’s guidelines. Tra The Bungalow RO PE LA N Four Wents Drain Shop/Post Office/PH Sports Ground Recreation Ground/Sports Pitch Drain Pav FI T H W S E G 800m walk distance Main Bus Route L A C D A R Y R U 98 C R E S CE N T Y Y A ns ai D ROA in D IT T ROA D HOO ST WERBURGH CP PW DN S FL A C K G T Site W C LA HA EE STR T T L MEDWAY DR I V E 4 10 RS Path F E Hoo Lodge W B E 400m walk distance 800m walk distance 190 Eureka Park, Upper Pemberton, Ashford, Kent TN25 4AZ Tel: 01233 610530 Fax: 01233 618299 Website: www.mlm.uk.com Main Bus Route L A C D Hard 98 th RS C E Pa C ES NT E I C H R E H T S T N E R Y FR O A E T VI EW ST ES D ch JUNE 2014 LAB LAB S O R CH Caravan Site IST E Street Junction Improvement Proposed Cycle/Footway link 1:5000 1:10000 . Proposed Access S MAIN U W R U B ea k FB EG/LAB E rR ee Cr R no oo tH C Y Up es rf HIGHWAY AND SITE ACCESSIBILITY PLAN W Mud Hard Mud N R AD Ford Marsh Footway Widening Drawing Title MHW Pontoons er NT A D D R J T AL N L T S ER RO A Y at Port Werburgh E W E IL S R G tty kw Wharf N L N H R IRE A S MA EY RL S L G NN L D OA D N KI Wharf Y L T B R O G E UN A MO TT A N IE R NR G RY HE ' S L LE VIC TO ater L LI TT wW BE AY Hoo Marina Je ea A n Lo Hoo Ness Yacht Club Br R E W ter N H IV S AT W TG I L L W A T ER M E Wa VE R EW HOO ST. WERBURGH KENT Jetty I DR D T S HOR 9 S9 RMean Low National Cycle Route No.179 Pa Jetty R L NO IL TE H Mea N ES ST dway Project Pontoon Works th r ME S Marina Fort (remains of) G FO R S Mud E E TH Path ate igh W nH TAYLOR WIMPEY UK LTDPublic Rights Of Way Footpath number RS104 Buttercrock Wharf Hoo Marina Park Slipway G C Wh a L IN r Me S EW A Y E E Mea Occasional Bus Route Client Gull Down Plantation Medical Centre/Dental Practice Multidisciplinary Consulting EA CK . Checked Petrol Station/Garage Spr Path . Made INFORMATION Reservoir k E re W ay Rive E S AU W DA C NT NT ON U ROA D ME LI N KH T RS RE MO PA Drain R E th Pa NE Pier Landing Stage E Club Sho Slipways C LA TH C k ac I V Tr D ) S C LO AT R OA D Recreation Ground Cockham Wood xon Description Community Hall/Library/Place of Worship ac Tr O (Sa Date Drawing Status: 2 IV 05 Issue Recreation Ground/Sports Pitch . Path G H . th T H RC . Pa Angel Farm CH U CL L A NE RS1 Slipways R Lower Upnor W EBB Mud Shop/Post Office/PH Drain M k Trac AR V I CA RA GE Slipway TE ay Wharf w se AY u Ca W Sl Slipway Primary/Nursery Schools E C H URC H N R ES T FB ' S R T BU PO Bus Stop PE E N RO C OO M BE NEW D Dra h ROA D GE t Pa ROA D ID Key: Dr E ain Dr Drain GRO V E O N S K I L L IC K n ai H W Dr ALL E LO T C RES C E N N H M C R Path Rayes Lodge K Jetty EON 500m VE ain 1 B R O O KS I D E TO A RS IST E R Dr A RS10 EV E D Causeway Hard 1:10000 THE ABOVE NOTES REFER SPECIFICALLY TO THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. AL Recreation Ground ROA RO Allot Gdns C 0 White House Farm 11 Bells Lane Stables th London Stone N A PE 8 NT R D A2 2 th I H C E H S A C HAT T E NDE N L A NE Pa E T Drain R S T N E W I O N R R D B O E E RO Yew Tree Lodge Mast Cockham Cottages RS Pa Pontoon E I FO FR D Drain U D D Drain S C E L A U NE G E N IRE N IL L RO Street Farm R LL LA R Y S A H AD Y IE T ON HI C A N L S RO V RI S Caravan Site O CH S BEAC W A O G E R ' S L G E N H E L N L L G BE N J E Y A E L O DG E IV LM W OOD E IV N H DR IV R L B R R E R NO D I th E TE L T C K TO Cockham Farm S S END O 2 Track Boat House Hard S O C HE L IS M 10 th ES RO F Sta RI E AL AD Riversview Pa RS105 (S axon Shor e Way) T C S RO U PN O R Proposed Access Masts DS W L AL O AT G PW W IE YL S H Jetty RS E LD R L Hillcrest Nursery BR Depot Proposed Cycle/Footway link FB Library C Mill Farm CH Mill Farm Cottages Mast R N F S Playing Field Medway Yacht Club L IF L ER A Path HE Tk UP R A TC R G FB Track Spr Sports Ground th Pa Drain T AL B A H E FI EE N K M Drain G H IL O E' S GR Beacon A N Pav Mast W Junction Improvement NT Y PW Lingley House Drain Y Sports Ground Tamarisk Beacon Hill E Playing Field Pav Deangate Ridge Golf As the site is within 400m of a number ofCourse bus stops, there is unlikely to be the need for any bus services to be re-routed through the site. This will, however, be reviewed as we develop our proposals. H C Sports Ground Hoo Common Path Drain S L IL ROA D C UR H D AV E N UE Drain FO MS EL DWOO Broadwood ELM L B RO A O M ON IL HO S H CT D D Drain ROA D HA LL D M E MA I N CO R M D D Haig Villas R C RE S C Swimming Pool D OA AIN N ROA School O E W Y TER G H RG W ER B U T OR TU D W H AD PW BS MA IN R D T A RO N K I MIS Broad Street S A Playing Field ON GORD School N DO W O AD O POT Homeleigh Path R R R OA D Chattenden Four Wents R RO Track E EY Schools H ERDS in N UE Footway Widening 9 S9 K N IG HT S Hoo St Werburgh Track Dra E RL S RO ING ck Playing Field n Drai Drain ck Tra H EN MA EL Tra Rams Bottom Wood TC N L C AV The Bungalow C Deangate Cottage Club House ME S Footpath number National Cycle Route No.179 P KI RO Rosehill Deangate ROA D T NN DA AV N RS T EN EO U EM O NT Stonebridge Coronation Bungalow Issues C KH N RS104 h at G R PA R MO Sundown AVE N UE IN TE th 2 G VID S W I N TON K S E Pa 10 Public Rights Of Way CK S O C HE S C LO RS IV E D Riversview Mill House LA N E O RI E Recreation Ground th E LAN ck Tra D Rayes Lodge W EBB Depot PH LI ILL C Pa L AL Occasional Bus Route EA T W Playing Field ROA A pedestrian and cycle access is proposed to be accommodated via an existing track west of the Hundred of Hoo Academy, which will provide a key link to the village centre. It is also proposed to extend the footway along the northern side of Main Road. Drain 400m walk distance Spr DS Hillcrest Nursery Drain k Drain Drain 2 H L Mill Farm Pa H I L L Tr KI Mill House Reservoir 11 C F H Y S L O DGE Farm Cottages Drain A full Transport Assessment to measure the impact of additional traffic on the surrounding area is being prepared. RS Bells Lane Stables D HE Mill Farm Cottages Mast Within the site, the proposed layout maximises the potential for neighbourhoods, where walking and cycling are encouraged. The proposed development will also have a Travel Plan to encourage future residents to choose alternative ways to travel, other than by car. PH O N IF L G A O TC A R Oak Lea House H E W L Drain Wind Whistle Drain Traffic generation Community Hall/Library/Place of Worship Petrol Station/Garage A Drain Playing Field in B Sports Ground R K M Chattenden Farm However, in addition, we are currently looking at creating a slip lane for Lodge Hill Training traffic turning left atArea the roundabout from Main Road onto the A228 dual Deangate Wood carriageway and would like to hear your views about this junction. Dra Medical Centre/Dental Practice Angel Farm S LD E E Sports Ground ac in Dra Primary/Nursery Schools E n Deangate Ridge Golf Course The access proposals have been discussed with Medway Council officers and are accepted in principle. in Site ' S R Drain in Dra Drain Dra ns Bus Stop Club House Issues Vehicular access to the site will be provided off Main Road (at the existing roundabout south of the site) and off Ratcliffe Highway (to the north). in Dra in Drain Drain ck Issues ai Tra E LAN Dr Homeleigh Dra LL H I in Dra Kennels Key: Dr DG E in Dra 3.03 3.92 2.35 2.37 2.37 2.21 1.77 1.32 1.03 1.03 1.03 0.60 0.89 0.45 1.12 1.50 1.44 1.50 1.44 1.35 1.54 1.66 1.72 1.75 1.64 1.79 1.65 2.16 ain LO Iss ai in Dra Distance Deangate Deangate Cottage in Iss Deangate Ridge golf course Deangate Ridge indoor bowls complex G.E.C. Avionics club bowls Peninsula Social Club Peninsula Sports Club Choice meats + KM Messenger Hoo Dental Care + Doctors and Surgeons KM Messenger, Hairtrends, Pharmacy and Off-Licence Community Hall Sports Pitch Community Hall Hoo St. Werburgh Primary School and Marlborough centre The Hundred of Hoo School Off-Licence + KM Messenger Hundred of Hoo Swimming Pool Medway NHS. The walter Brice rehabilitation Centre Five Bells Pub Indian restaurant/Take Away "Pink Paprika" "SPAR" Store Bank, Food Store, Pharmacy, Optitians, Estate Agents. Hoo Village Institute Coffe Shop " Taggs" Marine supply shop " Whitton Marine" Hoo Library Saint Werburgh's - Hoo Church Jet Fuel Station, Bosch Service and Car Wash Jet Fuel Station, "SPAR" Shop, Garage. Pub "The Chequers" + "SPAR" Shop "The Windmill Public House" Community facilities Deangate Wood Dra Access Filter by name Recreation ground/ Sports pitch Recreation ground/ Sports pitch Recreation ground/ Sports pitch Community hall/ Library/ Place of Worship Recreation ground/ Sports pitch Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Medical centre/ Dental practice Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Recreation ground/ Sports pitch Community hall/ Library/ Place of Worship Primary/Nursery Schools Primary/Nursery Schools Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Recreation ground/ Sports pitch Medical centre/ Dental practice Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Community hall/ Library/ Place of Worship Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Community hall/ Library/ Place of Worship Community hall/ Library/ Place of Worship Petrol station/Garage Petrol station/Garage Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Shop/ Post Office/ Public House Dr ck Lodge Hill Training Area COPYRIGHT © MLM CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD Filter by type of facility 01 Deangate 02 Deangate 03 Hoo 04 Hoo 05 Hoo 06 Hoo 07 Hoo 08 Hoo 09 Hoo 10 Hoo 11 Hoo 12 Hoo 13 Hoo 14 Hoo 15 Hoo 16 Hoo 17 Hoo 18 Hoo 19 Hoo 20 Hoo 21 Hoo 22 Hoo 23 Hoo 24 Hoo 25 Chattenden 26 Chattenden 27 Hoo 28 Ratcliffe Highw. A Masts RO Hoo Salt Marsh E ST OK Yew Tree 0 1:10000 500m km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km km Scheme proposal The sca Revision C PROPOSED 2.4KM CIRCULAR WALK Our masterplan for Land West of Hoo LOWER DENSITY HOUSING UP HIGHER SLOPES RETENTION OF OPENNESS AND VIEWS FROM LISTED BUILDING RS 10 2 SECONDARY SITE ACCESS FROM RATCLIFFE HIGHWAY PROPOSED STRUCTURAL PLANTING FOR VISUAL SCREENING AND BIODIVERSITY ENHANCEMENT E The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Date Drn 09.06.14 HS Revision C Ckd CA N Site Boundary POTENTIAL BUS ROUTE FROM MAIN ROAD TODENSITY PROPOSED 2.4KM LOWER RATCLIFFE HIGHWAY CIRCULAR WALK HOUSING UP Dwellings HIGHER SLOPES This is our emerging masterplan for our scheme, which has been drawn up following consultation with key stakeholders and Medway Council. RETENTION AND ENHANCEMENT OF EXISTING STRUCTURAL PLANTING WHEREVER POSSIBLE SECONDARY 2.4KM SITE LOWER DENSITY It indicates the proposed location of the PROPOSED new homes onHOUSING the UP ACCESS CIRCULAR WALK FROM RATCLIFFE HIGHWAY HIGHER SLOPES site. It also shows the location of open spaces, including the new village green and village square at the heart of the development, and the proposed hierarchy of roads within the PROPOSED STRUCTURAL site. It also shows the areas proposed for planting and key PLANTING FOR VISUAL SCREENING SECONDARY SITE PROPOSED 2.4KM LOWER DENSITY pedestrian/cycle links. AND BIODIVERSITY ACCESS FROM CIRCULAR WALK ENHANCEMENT RATCLIFFE HIGHWAY OPENNESS AND VIEWS FROM LISTED BUILDING RATCLIFFE HIGHWAY RETENTION AND LOWER DENSITY ENHANCEMENT OF HOUSING UP EXISTING STRUCTURAL HIGHER SLOPESPLANTING WHEREVER POSSIBLE POTENTIAL BUS ROUTE FROM MAIN ROAD TO RATCLIFFE HIGHWAY RETENTION AND ENHANCEMENT OF LOWER DENSITY EXISTING HOUSING UP STRUCTURAL HIGHERPLANTING SLOPES WHEREVER POSSIBLE RETENTION OF OPENNESS AND VIEWS FROM LISTED BUILDING RETENTION OF OPENNESS AND VIEWS AREAFROM FOR LISTED BUILDING OUTDOOR SPORTS FACILITIES Garages RETENTION OF OPENNESS AND VIEWS FROM LISTED BUILDING RS RETENTION OF OPENNESS AND VIEWS FROM LISTED BUILDING RS 10 2 2 Ckd CA Vehicular Access Points Site Boundary Main Pedestrian/Cycle Access Point KEY OPEN SPACES ACCOMMODATING Dwellings RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES AND Gardens CHILDREN’S PLAY AREAS The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Date Drn 09.06.14 HS Revision C 2 Ckd CA Primary Route Secondary Route Garages Access Street Vehicular Access Points Shared Surface N P Site Boundary Main Pedestrian/Cycle Access Point ACCOMMODATION Primary Route OF SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE ON Gardens Secondary Route SITE THROUGH THE PROVISION OF Access Street Garages VARIOUS SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE Vehicular Access Points Shared Surface SYSTEMS (SuDS) E Dwellings The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Date Drn 09.06.14 HS 10 Ckd CA Revision C 2 N Main Pedestrian/Cycle Access Point Site Boundary CREATION OF NEW HABITATS MAIN VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM Dwellings MAIN ROAD KEY OPEN SPACES ACCOMMODATING The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured RECREATION Date Drn Ckd Revision C 09.06.14 HS CA OPPORTUNITIES AND N CHILDREN’S PLAY AREAS Site Boundary 10 E N 10 E RS The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Date Drn Revision C 09.06.14 HS E RS HOUSING UP HIGHER SLOPES Please take time to look at the masterplan and let us know POTENTIAL BUS ROUTE what you think. RETENTION OF FROM MAIN ROAD TO PROPOSED STRUCTURAL PLANTING FOR VISUAL SCREENING SECONDARY SITE PROPOSED 2.4KM AND BIODIVERSITY ACCESS WALK FROM CIRCULAR ENHANCEMENT RATCLIFFE HIGHWAY Gardens E Emergency Link Village Square P Neighbourhood Green MAIN PEDESTRIAN/ CYCLE ACCESS FROM MAIN ROAD Key Open Space Semi-Natural Open Space Proposed and enhanced Structural Planting Emergency Link 17.04.14 Primary Route E IMPROVED FOOTWAY TO THE VILLAGE Village Square Key Green Link Gardens Secondary Route Neighbourhood Green Pedestrian Links Garages Access Street Key Open Space Circular Walk Approximately 2.5km Shared Surface Vehicular Access Points Semi-Natural Open Space Offices at Reading Lond Proposed and enhanced Structural Planting Existing Stream Primary Route Village Square Key Green Link Attenuation Pond Gardens Secondary Route Neighbourhood Green Pedestrian Links Pond for Habitat Creation Garages Access Street Key Open Space Circular Walk Approximately 2.5km Swale Shared Surface Semi-Natural Open Space Existing Public Rights of Way Emergency Link Proposed and enhanced Structural Planting Existing Stream Key Green Link Attenuation Pond Main Pedestrian/Cycle Access Point E E AREA FOR OUTDOOR SPORTS FACILITIES RS P KEY OPEN SPACES ACCOMMODATING RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES AND CHILDREN’S PLAY AREAS 10 2 E E ACCOMMODATION Vehicular Access Points OF SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE ON THROUGH MainSITE Pedestrian/Cycle Access Point THE PROVISION OF VARIOUS SUSTAINABLE Primary Route DRAINAGE E Archit Env K:\20000-20999\20800-20899\20894 - Land At Hoo, St Werburgh\A4 - Dwgs & Registers\Master Planning\Drawings\20894 M09C Illustrative Layout.dwg - A1 Emergency Link E Project No 20894 Existing Public Rights of Way Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No. 100019279. Dwellings Project ILLUSTR Land w HOW UP Drawing Tit OF DIFFE Illustr INCLUDI CANDateBE MAIN PEDESTRIAN/ CYCLE ACCESS Village Square FROM MAIN ROAD P Project Pumping Station ILLUSTRATIVE LAYOUT SHOWING Land west of Hoo St. Werburgh Scheme proposal Open spaces at Land West of Hoo 1 • • • • • Deangate Ridge and Slopes Wildflower grassland, scrub and woodland Low key recreational paths and open space Extend wooded ridgeline character Long views to south Naturalistic play area 2 The Green • Open grassed areas for informal recreation • Traditional orchard and wildflower swathes • Framed views to south-east • Equipped play 1 4 Wetlands • Wetland wildflowers, scrub and canopy trees • Drainage basins / ponds • Low key walking / cycle routes 1 1 Our emerging development proposals include approximately 14 hectares of open space. 1 2 The open spaces include: • W etland areas to create new habitats and for attenuation ponds. • A dditional buffer zones/valley vistas for planting and scrub for ecological/landscape enhancements. 3 5 • F urther areas of open space, including a village square, for informal recreation. • A network of footpaths, accommodating a circular walk of approximately 2.4km. 1 4 • A central village green area including children’s play areas. • A n area for outdoor sports facilities and a new changing pavilion. 3 Village Square • Semi-formal mix of paving / planting / grassed areas • Locally appropriate ornamental trees • Drainage basin / pond 5 5 4 6 5 Green Lanes • Wildflower grassland and scrub • Low key walking / cycle routes 5 6 6 Chattenden Buffer • Wildflower margins, scrub and canopy trees • Low key recreational paths • Formal sports provision • Trim trail • Ponds / Scrapes Key Open Spaces Indicative Proposals Economic benefits of development – Land West of Hoo St Werburgh. What will our scheme bring to the area? Our proposal is for a residential development of up to 500 new homes in Hoo St Werburgh. The development will include a range of property styles and sizes. Up to 25% will be affordable homes. Economic benefits Environmental benefits The development will make the following significant contributions to economic growth and employment locally: The development will also provide the following environmental improvements: • The site would provide for a population of 1,200 people. • All new homes will meet Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. • The total leisure and retail expenditure generated by future occupants of the scheme would be approximately £8.7m per annum, which will significantly benefit the local economy. • High quality ‘green infrastructure’ with a landscaped circular walk, sports and public open space. • The development will generate approximately 52 construction jobs per year on site. • The proposal will seek to conserve and enhance biodiversity and incorporate opportunities for biodiversity enhancement. • The scheme would provide accommodation for approximately 588 economically active people. • The scheme would equate to a New Homes Bonus payment of £3.2m from the Government to Medway Council over a six-year period. Social benefits The development will contribute to significant social improvements locally, including the following: • Contributions through Section 106 Agreement or Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) are proposed to part fund new primary school provision within The Hundred of Hoo Academy. The facility will be designed so that it could be converted to a 2-form entry school to accommodate pupils from the proposed development. It is the intention to open a primary reception class on the Academy site from September 2015. • The proposed scheme will deliver up to 125 affordable housing units (i.e. 25%). Approximately 60% of these will be allocated for affordable rent and 40% for intermediate/shared ownership. Benefits of our scheme New homes bonus to local council. Improved public services. Improvements to local infrastructure. Increased revenue from council tax. Contributions to local facilities. More money spent in the local economy. About Taylor Wimpey Information about our company, who we are and what we do Taylor Wimpey was formed by the merger of George Wimpey and Taylor Woodrow in 2007. We are able to draw upon experience and best practice gathered over a history dating back to the 19th century. Today we are one of the largest homebuilders in the UK, completing over 11,000 homes each year. Planning sustainable communities We want our developments to be environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. We understand the importance of stimulating strong, vibrant and healthy communities while protecting and improving the natural, built and historic environment. More than building homes Engaging with local people We build roads and junctions, sewers and utilities that link our developments with the surrounding areas. Where needed we provide community facilities such as schools, doctor’s surgeries, shops and offices, bus stops and even railway stations, as well as much needed affordable homes. Such provision can help meet the day-to-day needs of the people living on, or near, our developments. We are committed to working with local people, community groups and local authorities during the planning phase and aim to keep them up to date with our activities and progress during construction. We aim to plan and design developments that balance the demands of our business with providing for the needs of our residents and their communities. Green spaces We design landscaping and open space to provide an attractive and safe setting for homes, recreational space for residents, and habitats for plants and wildlife. Green spaces could include tree or hedgerow planting, playgrounds or sports pitches. Energy efficient homes We look to reduce the energy demand of our homes by improving wall and roof insulation. In some cases we may also fit more complex technologies. This means that residents benefit from energy bill savings while their long term maintenance burden and costs are kept to a minimum. “Our aim is to be the nation’s leading residential developer for creating value and delivering quality. We are passionate about working with local people, businesses, local authorities and our customers to build aspirational homes.” For more information, visit: about.taylorwimpey.co.uk Taylor Wimpey lays the foundations for thriving communities We completed 11,696 homes in 2013, of which 2,124 (about 18%) were affordable homes. In 2013, through planning obligations, we invested over £225m in the areas in which we built. We provide public transport, road improvements and education facilities on many developments. Landscaping and open space, including play areas and sports pitches, provide the structure to many of our developments. Next steps What we would like from you, and what you can expect from us Once you have had an opportunity to look at our scheme proposals, please do talk to us and ask any questions you may have, and feel free to fill in one of the feedback forms provided. Yours views are important to help us develop our scheme and are very much appreciated. We will review all comments received as we finalise our proposals before submitting a formal planning application in September 2014. At that time the Council will write to local residents again, giving details of the application and providing an opportunity for you to make further comments. Please leave completed feedback forms with a member of the project team today, or post to the following address: Land West of Hoo Consultation c/o Webb Associates Public Relations 22 The Point, Market Harborough Leicestershire, LE16 7QU Alternatively you can email your comments to: hooconsultation@webbpr.net Comments can also be submitted online at www.taylorwimpey.co.uk/hoo All feedback must be received by Monday 14th July 2014. Thank you for attending today, your views make a real difference What is Taylor Wimpey already doing in your area? Taylor Wimpey has a successful track record of building high-quality new homes in Kent and the South East. The following developments are now open across the county: Hayle Park, Maidstone. Kentleys Chase, Tonbridge. Meadow View, Herne Bay. Repton Park, Ashford. Rookery Court, Marden. The Bridge, Dartford. Taylor Wimpey also delivered The Pastures new homes development in Stoke Road, Hoo, which is sold out. Scheme proposal Our designs for Land West of Hoo Here you can see sketches of how our proposed development could look. The central open space The main green link The neighbourhood on the eastern side of the site The village square The images show the central open space, the main green link, the neighbourhood on the eastern side of the site and the village square.