Do - Nutrients For Life


Do - Nutrients For Life
Global Challenges The current growth rate of our world’s
population – more than a quarter of a million people per day
– is as staggering as the overwhelming challenge to provide
nutritious and affordable food for an ever-increasing population. While the use of fertilizers and best-management practices during the last 50 years have revolutionized crop production and productivity, continuing to feed our world using
effective, efficient and sustainable growing methods – within
the finite land resources available – continues to be one of
the great human challenges of our time.
Awareness is Key One of the keys to success in feeding a
hungry world involves helping the general public understand
the role of fertilizer in both the production of nutritious, abundant food and the preservation of healthy green spaces. Here in the United States, many people are generations
removed from the farm and, as a result, often take their food supply for granted. In their
day-to-day lives, crop yield and the sustainable use of crop nutrients are not something with
which they are concerned.
Local Understanding Koch Fertilizer, LLC recently became the founding sponsor for
Nutrients For Life Foundation’s in-school fertilizer education and public service awareness
programs in Kansas. As a Kansas-based company, we are proud to support this program
designed to help expand the knowledge and importance of fertilizer in our home state. As
the Nutrients For Life Kansas Regional Representative, Sarah Bowser will work with two
key audiences: schools and community organizations - including Future Farmers of
America chapters and 4-H programs.
In her work with elementary and secondary educators, Sarah will promote Nutrients For
Life Foundation’s plant and science curriculum, Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century,
first published in 2007. This free curriculum has been reviewed by the Smithsonian
Institution and addresses the key objectives of the National Science Education Standards.
One of the primary goals of the program is to ‘teach the teachers’ in the areas of plant nutrition, modern food production, and food security.
With practical, hands-on activities, the learning modules for elementary, middle and high
school classrooms provide informative and engaging lessons to show how the challenge of
feeding our world's growing population can be solved with science. The curriculum is
designed to help students understand that nutrients can enhance soil fertility and minimize
losses to the environment when the right product is applied at the right time, right place
and right rate.
Sarah’s work with FFA chapters and 4-H programs will provide members with the opportunity to gain skills in leadership, public speaking, team building and community awareness
while increasing knowledge of soil science and agricultural issues. The “Helping
Communities Grow” chapter recognition program is designed to provide the opportunity
for FFA members to help their communities become better informed about the positive
role of plant nutrients, fertilizers and related agricultural issues through educational, community building and hands-on activities. I am confident that Sarah’s leadership and the
Nutrients For Life Foundation’s educational resources will be an excellent combination to
provide a greater understanding of fertilizers and help spark local solutions for the many
challenges we face in the global food chain.
Steve Packebush
William Doyle, PotashCorp
Brent Hart, Transammonia, Inc.
Robert Jornayvaz, Intrepid Potash, Inc.
Garrett Lofto, Simplot
Steve Packebush, Koch Fertilizer LLC
Bart Pescio, Yara North America, Inc.
Jim Prokopanko, The Mosaic Company
Terry Roberts, International Plant Nutrition Institute
Ford West, The Fertilizer Institute
Michael Wilson, Agrium Inc.
Steve Wilson, CF Industries, Inc.
Carol Anderson, Community Volunteer
Doug Beever, Agrium Inc.
Nancy Bridge, Orlando County School Teacher
Annette Degnan, CHS Inc.
Mary Hartney, Florida Fertilizer &
Agrichemical Association
R. L. Moore, Intrepid Potash, Inc.
Rosemary O’Brien, CF Industries, Inc.
Diane Kooistra, PotashCorp
Ben Pratt, The Mosaic Company
Sarah Bowser, Kansas Regional Representative
Julie Buratowski, Education Specialist
Debra Kearney, Iowa Regional Representative
Joan Kyle, Florida Regional Representative
Dee McKenna, Contributor
Rick Phillips, Northwest Regional Representative
Harriet Wegmeyer, Executive Director
Ford West, President
in every issue
From The Board ..................................2
From The Editor ................................4
Students ............................................15
Teachers ............................................16
Benton’s Backyard ..............................5
Agriculture in a Growing World ....8
Soil Science Education ..................10
Craving Food History ....................13
The Need for Soil Science Education
Each year teachers face the challenge of shifting content to
make room in their already-jam-packed lessons for the “new
stuff.” And there will always be new materials and teaching
methods. Do you remember the days before the iPad and
apps? As jockeying for coveted class time persists, the
Nutrients for Life Foundation hopes that you will continue
to realize the importance of soil science and keep it relevant
in the classroom. Formed in 2008 with the mission of educating people about crop nutrients and their role in our
lives, Nutrients for Life offers a wide variety of resources for
all ages about the science of crop nutrients.
Plant and soil science are among the most basic of concepts
and ones learned long, long ago. People have been applying
this knowledge as long as human history has been recorded.
At Thanksgiving, my kindergartener was taught the story of
Native Americans who showed the Pilgrims how to use the
whole fish to fertilize their corn plants. Egyptian children
learn about their ancestors using fish to feed plants along
the Nile, and children in Peru are taught that their preColombian ancestors put a kernel of corn into the mouth of
a fish and planted the whole thing. The key nutrient in fish
bone is phosphate, and phosphate plays a major role in the
process of photosynthesis, nutrient transport, and energy
transfer. For plants to grow healthy and produce food for our dinner
plates, they must have the necessary nutrients. Most notably,
plants need ample amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and many micronutrients for a total of 17 different
essential nutrients. Without these nutrients, plants will fail to
thrive and food will fail to be produced. These nutrients,
which occur naturally in our environment, are found on the
periodic table of elements. Soils, nutrient cycles, plants and
the periodic chart are a part of every state’s required life science curriculums, and we hope will remain a part of the
Next Generation Science Standards. When completed and
adopted, these new standards will change the way science is
taught and learned in the classroom by focusing on three
dimensions—disciplinary core ideas, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts—in a way that will
deepen and strengthen their knowledge and skills in science.
Rows of peas, rows of corn and rows of flowers have much
to offer us. First, food and beauty, but secondly, they offer an
incredible learning opportunity for each of us to share the
basics of plant and soil science.
Harriet Wegmeyer
Executive Director, Nutrients for Life Foundation
ontrary to popular belief, carrots
do not come from a plastic bag,
and supermarkets do not grow
lettuce. To help dispute these
growing myths, Nutrients for Life blogger,
Dee McKenna, is showing students exactly
where their food comes from – by turning
the classroom into a garden.
Gardening makes me happy, especially when I am gardening with my
three girls, ages 3, 6 and 11. The benefits of a garden are undeniable.
As we work with the soil to grow our vegetables, we learn about soil
(Earth science). When we sow the seed, we read label
directions on the seed packet (reading) and learn the depth at
which to plant the seed (math). We look to the sun to provide heat
to warm the soil, and we add water that provides the moisture for the
seeds to germinate (botany). Then, we wait (delayed
fication) for the seed to root and pull up nutrients from the soil
(agronomy). The seedling grows into a plant that produces a
vegetable (food production). We use our harvest basket to collect the
vegetables that we grew together (teamwork). We sit down at the table (sense of belonging) to enjoy
a meal (nutrition) grown from our hard work (work ethic) and care (nurturing).
Educational? Yes!…Healthy? Yes!…Fun? Yes!
ardening is a hands-on approach to teaching
vital subjects, skills and attributes to the next
generation. As seen in my local elementary
school, Circle Benton Elementary in Benton,
Kansas, building learning gardens can bring a
school to life. Over three years we created and
implemented a plan to build Benton’s Backyard: An Outdoor
Classroom and Learning Garden.
University research supports the benefit of school learning gardens and our desire to bring students out of the traditional
classroom and into a natural environment. However, you do
not need research to tell you that - just spend twenty minutes
in a garden with curious second graders (or a whole classroom
of second graders, if you are brave)! Our planning committee
knew the short-term and long-term benefits of teaching children about gardening; however, in order to get funding and
approval we had to validate its benefits. Our teachers, staff,
school board, and parents needed to know that building a
learning garden was a worthy effort that would enhance and
improve the overall education of our students.
With a vision and a plan, teachers, parents, and students of
Circle Benton Elementary presented “Benton’s Backyard: A
Learning Garden” to the school superintendent and school
board. Their support and enthusiasm for Benton’s Backyard has
been phenomenal. The school district assured us the space
would be protected from future school expansion, blessing the
project, and opening the doors for us to move forward.
A year and a half after our initial presentation and with the
addition of a $10,000 grant from Nutrients for Life, we broke
ground on Benton’s Backyard. The groundbreaking ceremony
was like a big pep rally. Normally, pep rallies and gardens are
not used in the same sentence, but everyone was excited about
the project.
Many teachers want to incorporate a learning garden into their
curriculum but do not know how to garden. The solution is
simple: find an experienced gardener, horticulture agent, garden club, or master gardener to help train the teachers. Within
almost any school district and community, I bet at least one
gardener is willing to assist.
In our first year, it was important to take the time to equip and
train our teachers; now they are prepared for years to come
with Nutrients for Life curriculum and materials. We took the
“learning by doing” approach in guiding our teachers in the garden. It is better to work alongside the teacher rather than doing
all of the work for the teacher. If the teacher is to embrace the
learning garden, they should initiate the gardening experience.
Each classroom received a garden guide from the local extension
office covering basic gardening directions. This is a great resource
for teachers and students to review as garden questions arise.
Reviewing the garden guide helped us determine which vegetables would be tasty and appealing to the students. The vegetable
transplants and seeds were purchased at a local garden center.
The local garden center is a great resource and place to get seeds,
because they sell seeds that will do well in your climate.
Other demonstrations to
complete during the growing
season include how to:
• Thin the seedlings;
• Mulch the transplants;
• Find and manage insect damage;
• Add nutrients to the soil;
• Harvest their vegetables;
• Store and prepare freshly harvested vegetables.
On planting day, I demonstrated how to:
• Prepare the soil;
• Dig a hole and plant a transplant;
• Use string to make straight lines;
• Make a furrow to sow the seeds;
• Sow the seeds and plant at the proper depth;
• Water properly.
After the demonstration, the teachers led the students in planting their first learning garden! It was a great educational day!
Hands were dirty and kids were learning. Throughout the year,
groups provide garden and agricultural training to teachers. We
continue to encourage them to pursue this professional development. The teachers that have attended these workshops show
more confidence and ease in the learning garden. The job of
“teaching the teacher” is not complete until they have had a successful harvest.
In Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century curriculum, Lesson
1: Plants All Around You, students begin a gardening project to
gain experience with plant growth and to deepen their understanding of how plants and their environment interact. To complement this lesson, show the Lesson 1 virtual classroom video
that introduces the students to the vast diversity in seeds size,
shape and color.
The curriculum lesson encourages students to plant a variety of
seeds in cups, then observe and document the germination and
growth of the seeds. If you have a garden at your school, you
can complete the lesson entirely in the garden.
Allowing students to dig in the soil and grow a garden teaches
them how to grow their own food from seed, as well as cultivate
an appreciation and connection to American farmers who are
growing the food that we purchase at the supermarket.
Students will see for themselves, that in fact, carrots do not
come from a plastic bag, and supermarkets do not grow lettuce,
they do grow in the soil from farmers’ labor and care.
Follow the learning garden series from start to finish on the
Nutrients for Life blog:
During the demonstration, we talked about what is in the soil,
such as air, water, nutrients and the requirements for a seed to
germinate and sprout. For beginners, gardening basics, seeds
and soil can be a bit intimidating.
Have you ever opened a package of seeds and been surprised
by how tiny the seeds are? I have! I am amazed at how a
tiny seed can produce a bountiful harvest of tomatoes or
grow into a forty-foot oak tree. Every seed is unique and full
of life! It just needs a few things in its environment to make it
grow: sun, water, soil, nutrients, and air.
“When you introduce technologies,
like chemical fertilizers and GPS
equipped machinery to agriculture,
it creates a boom in the economy
for everyone.”
“‘The Agriculture in a Growing World’ contest offers a great
opportunity for classrooms all over the country to talk about
modern agriculture and its role in feeding a growing population,” said Nutrients for Life Executive Director Harriet
Wegmeyer. “This book brings to life the story of a man who
came from a one-room schoolhouse
in Iowa and became one of the 100
most influential persons of the 20th
Century. Norman Borlaug is a great
American, and hero to many.”
The book, The Man Who Fed the World, is an authorized
biography of Nobel Laureate Norman Borlaug and describes
his lifelong quest to “feed the world” through his contributions as a scientist. To help teachers use the book in their
classroom, the American Farm Bureau Foundation for
Agriculture also publishes a teacher’s guide, which provides
rigorous and relevant instructional plans for using the book
to address standards in Social Studies, Science and Language
Arts. Visit to order the curriculum.
“The purpose of the curriculum is to help high school students examine the element of sustainable international development efforts, specifically with respect to the role agriculture plays in spurring economic transformation and growth
in developing countries,” said Dan Durheim, executive director at the American Farm Bureau Foundation for
Agriculture. “We want to encourage a whole new generation
of students asking themselves questions such as, ‘What role
does agriculture play in ensuring food security?’”
In Daniel’s Words
I believe that modern agricultural development is vital to the
survival of the human race given the pace of current population
growth. The way agriculture was done in the past no longer can
keep up with the population bomb that is building in our
world. Bringing modern technology into agriculture will also
stir up the economy, bringing new jobs and development to
society. When you introduce technologies, like chemical fertilizers and GPS equipped machinery to agriculture, it creates a
boom in the economy for everyone…There is no arguing that
the world’s population will continue to increase toward the 10
NFL Executive Director Harriet Wegmeyer, Powell
billion mark in the next 50 years. We need to keep people alive
County High School student Daniel Beck and AFBFA
Executive Director Dan Durheim together at the Farm
and healthy so that they can contribute their part to making the
Bureau Annual Meeting.
world productive. As described in the book, The Man Who Fed
the World, there have been many advances in the agricultural field. But we can’t just stop there if we plan to
keep feeding a growing population. Norman once said, “Without aggressive agricultural research programs,
the world will soon be overwhelmed by the Population Monster.”
orman Borlaug was an
American agronomist,
humanitarian and Nobel
laureate, and by the way,
the man who saved a billion lives through the
Green Revolution. Borlaug
understood the critical
importance of modern farming technology and worked
throughout his life to use those practices to increase world
food supply. In Borlaug’s eyes, fertilizer was a key component
to staving off starvation, and Nutrients for Life carries this
message forward on a daily basis. The Foundation proudly
worked with the American Farm Bureau Foundation for
Agriculture to sponsor “The Man Who Fed the World” essay
contest, which asked high school students across the country
to think about modern agriculture. This year’s winner is
Daniel Beck from Powell County High School in Deer
Lodge, Mont.
A Growing Need
t a recent meeting of the National
Science Teachers Association, the
Nutrients for Life Foundation’s booth
was swarmed with teachers as soon
as the opening bell rang signifying the beginning of the
exhibit show. Teacher after teacher remarked that their
state had changed their science standards, and they
were in search of soil science curricula – thank goodness Nutrients for Life was there with science-based
curricula to meet the need.
Actual amount Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2012
No question about it: Nutrients for Life Foundation is
growing! In 2012, the Foundation’s Nourishing the
Planet in the 21st Century curriculum reached 153,000
students, which is well above the 2012 goal of 98,000
students. To put the growth in perspective, we achieved
a 159 percent increase in the number of students
reached in 2012 than in 2011.
A Growing Need
Soil Science
Assumptions: a) 65% of teachers (i.e. 6,617) use at least one lesson of curriculum
b) average number of students per teacher = 24
c) Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2012 ACTUAL
hy was 2012 such a fertile year for the
Foundation? Primarily, supporters of
the Foundation make it possible for
staff to attend teacher meetings and
conferences, develop new materials, and keep our quality
education materials relevant. The Foundation is able to provide three levels of the Smithsonian-reviewed Nourishing the
Planet in the 21st Century curriculum easily available online,
in binder form, and on USB flash drive.
In addition to curriculum numbers, requests for posters,
flashcards, and all other resources increased in 2012.
Another reason for such a dramatic jump in numbers
relates to more ‘boots on the ground.’ Nutrients for Life
added three regional representatives in 2012, and the
impact was instantaneous. New representatives in
Colorado, Illinois, and Kansas joined the well-established
and busy representatives in Florida, Iowa, and the
Northwest. Regional representatives provide educational,
grassroots and public awareness in their states. For instance,
representatives present workshops at local science and agriculture education meetings and collaborate with state FFA
Finally, the Foundation can attribute this immense growth
to the constantly evolving variety of materials. With the
addition of new materials, like the periodic table of elements poster highlighting plant nutrients and cross-curricular agriculture word magnets, the Foundation continues to
provide a quality education opportunity to teachers and
students. The Foundation hopes to continue this rapid
growth, bringing soil science curriculum to educators across
the country.
The Smithsonian Museum of
American History now features an entire
exhibition highlighting food: its history, production,
and consumption. “FOOD: Transforming the
American Table 1950-2000” explores some of the major
changes in food and eating in postwar America. The Nutrients
for Life Foundation is a sponsor of the exhibit which opened
Nov. 20, 2012 in Washington, D.C.
“Crop nutrients play a pivotal role in the production of our food.
In fact, fertilizer is responsible for fifty percent of our food production,” said Nutrients for Life Foundation Executive Director
Harriet Wegmeyer. “The Smithsonian has put together a phenomenal exhibition on the myriad of aspects surrounding food,
including food production practices, and we are honored to be
part of this tribute to food.”
Among the topics on the 3,800-square-foot exhibition’s menu
are changes in food production and processing, in who cooks
and why, where and when meals are consumed and what people
know (or think they know) about what is good for them. Julia
Child’s kitchen, which she donated to the museum in 2001
along with its hundreds of tools, appliances and furnishings,
serves as the opening story of “FOOD,” demonstrating her influence on the culinary field, food television and the ways many
Americans think about food and cooking.
“Food is a fundamental subject that everyone can relate to,” said
Paula Johnson, museum curator and project director for the
exhibition. “The second half of the 20th century was a time of
rapid change in America. This exhibition taps into the widespread and robust interest in food-related topics and encourages
dialogue about food and the forces and factors that influenced
how and what we eat.”
In the exhibition, a glimpse of fertilizer is seen through the eyes
of a LIFE magazine article from November 1962. “Possessing no
life of their own, these mountains of chemicals in a Hopewell,
Va., fertilizer factory will touch a fallow earth with magic and
cause its green treasures to leap to life. The key nutrient in agriculture is nitrogen, the chemical most vital to plant growth –
and also the one most quickly used up by plants…. Today nitrogen is recognized as the difference between famine and plenty.”
“FOOD” has been made possible through support from Warren
and Barbara Winiarski (Winiarski Family Foundation), the
Land O’Lakes Foundation, the Julia Child Foundation for
Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts, the History channel,
Miljenko “Mike” Grgich and the Nutrients for Life Foundation.
For information on “FOOD,” visit
Getting the Dirt on Fertilizer
o you know what N-P-K stands for? What potash
is? What kinds of fertilizers are used by farmers? If
you don’t, you’re not alone. The Nutrients for Life
Foundation recently visited the streets of New York City to
test pedestrians’ knowledge about fertilizer and plant nutrient needs. We found that while most respondents had a
vague idea of what plants need to grow, they didn’t know
much about how fertilizer works and the important role it
plays in growing the world’s food and fiber.
Most of our respondents knew that plants need water and
sunlight to grow. Yet without fertilizer to give them muchneeded nutrients, crops could not thrive. As the world’s population expands, fertilizer will become even more crucial in
keeping people fed. Currently, fertilizer is responsible for 50
percent of the globe’s food production. But in order to keep
up with Earth’s expanding population, farmers will need to
produce 70 percent more food by 2050.
Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about the
important role that fertilizer plays in helping farmers grow
more food. Luckily, the science is actually pretty straightforward. Plants need 17 elements to survive, with the primary
needs being are nitrogen (N), potassium (P), and potassium
(K). In addition to these, there are substances such as
potash (potassium salts combined with nitrogen and phosphorus to make a fertilizing substance) and urea (a fertilizer
with the highest nitrogen content of all solid nitrogen fertilizers) which contribute to the overall success of crop and
plant nutrients.
Although people commonly think of
animal waste as fertilizer, manure only
plays a small role overall. Fertilizer
takes many forms, from compost to
organic to synthetic, all of which can
provide the nutrients plants need to
grow. Also, fertilizer type and use differs from region to region, depending
on the makeup of the native soil, the
types of crops planted that season and
plans for the next planting season.
Fertilizer is not a
solution by any
You may ask why plants can’t just use nutrients already
found in the soil. The farming process uses the nutrients
into the soil, year after year, which must then be replenished
somehow. Plants need these nutrients to reach their full
potential, just as humans do. For example, if plants don’t get
enough nitrogen, their leaves turn yellow and growth can be
stunted; if humans don’t get enough calcium, their bones
may not be as strong.
The importance of good fertilizer in feeding the world’s
people cannot be overestimated. As Nobel laureate Norman
Borlaug once said, “This is a basic problem, to feed 6.6 billion people. Without fertilizer, forget it. The game is over.”
Visit to view the
man-on-the-street video and see if you have
some of the same misconceptions about fertilizer.
Then explore the website and learn about the
important role that plant nutrients play helping
farmers feed the global population.
Hunger Games
n the Humanity Against Hunger web module, students
become volunteers to help solve the severe food shortage facing Africa. In sub-Saharan Africa, nearly one third of the population, almost 200 million people, lack enough food to lead
healthy, productive lives. Students can help three farmers –
Makini, Tamu, and Kamau – increase the health of their crops,
and ultimately the health of the people in the village.
Through an interactive experience, students learn how nitrogen,
potassium, and phosphorus deficiencies can stunt plant growth
in multiple ways. They also learn that replenishing the land with
fertilizer can help farmers achieve higher crop yields to feed more
This is the virtual version of Lesson 5 in the Nourishing the Planet
in the 21st Century middle and high school curriculum.
Interactive and fun, visit
to help discover solutions for these farmers.
Give Me a P!
hat do fire extinguishers, toothpaste, and feeding the
world have in common? Phosphate! Phosphate is the “P”
in N-P-K; one of three macronutrients that plants need
to thrive. Complete with sweeping shots of reclamation land, upclose footage of a dragline in action, and colorful animation of
ancient sea life, the Foundation’s new Phosphate Mining video
shows students the amazing process of mining phosphate and its
importance for global food security. For instance, did you know the
largest phosphate deposits in North America lie in the Bone Valley
Region of central Florida? Furthermore, Georgia, Idaho, Montana,
North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Utah, and Wyoming
also have significant phosphate deposits. Scientists believe these
large phosphate deposits formed from the skeletons and decomposition of sea creatures that lived during the Miocene period more
than 20 million years ago.
Next, in the phosphate mine, the gigantic dragline steals the scene.
It can carve over 75,000 tons of rock per day, and the workers
behind the joystick controller hydro-blast the rock, like in a high-
tech video game. Then, students see amazing reclamation lands,
which is land carefully restored and reclaimed back into beautiful
and high-quality ecosystems. Finally, students view the larger scope
of phosphate’s essential role in feeding the world. This short video
is an effective way to introduce a unit on soil science, add context to
an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production lesson, or provide
enrichment information about fertilizer to students.
But don’t forget about our new Phosphate Life Cycle poster!
Recently, educators specifically requested an effective visual for the
sophisticated phosphorus life cycle. An important supplement to
the video, the poster shows how phosphorus exists in various forms
in soil, and it examines various components, such as organic phosphorus, primary minerals, and mineral surfaces.
Both the video and poster are exciting additions to the Nutrients
for Life materials list; the Foundation hopes the lively video and
colorful poster will make phosphorus’s role in feeding the world
apparent to all that view the materials.
Double the Learning,
Double the Fun
On the magnet, each agriculture-themed word is color coded for
various parts of speech, such as noun, verb, or adjective. Students
can work individually or in groups to create as many sentences as
possible in five minutes. One student in the group should record
each complete sentence to share with the class. As groups present
their sentences to the class, the educator should facilitate discussion
about world food supply and agriculture. This activity goes nicely
with Nutrients for Life’s middle school curriculum, Nourishing the
Planet in the 21st Century, Lessons 5 and 6.
For an alternative activity, students can create a sentence with an
error (such as an improper conjunction) and then ask their
partner to find the mistake in the sentence.
To request your free magnets, please visit
ross-curricular lessons are an important part of learning in
today’s classroom. Teachers are always looking for ways to
link one subject area to another. At the Nutrients for Life
Foundation, we redesigned our word magnets to be a ready-to-go
cross-curricular activity, bringing a language arts lesson into the
science classroom.
NSTA Conference
fter attending the 2012 National Science Teachers
Association (NSTA) Conference in Indianapolis
last spring, the Nutrients for Life Foundation
team also attended several NSTA regional conferences
in the fall. Nutrients for Life team members traveled to
Louisville, Atlanta, and Phoenix for the opportunity to
speak with educators one-on-one about the Foundation’s
great programs and materials available at no cost. The
chance to connect with motivated science teachers
allowed the Foundation to both promote the everexpanding list of materials available, as well as receive
comments and feedback about products currently in use.
Overall, attending these meetings are an important part
of keeping educators informed while gaining insight
about the ever-changing world of education.
In April 2013, the Nutrients for
Life Foundation will be attending
the NSTA Conference in San
Antonio, Texas. Be sure to stop
by exhibit booth #1413 to see
our latest materials, including cross-curriculum nutrient
word magnets, fun introductory videos, and supplemental posters. Copies of the plant and soil science curriculum, Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century, and plenty
of other materials will be distributed to educators and
students. Take this great opportunity to enhance your
teaching resources and register to attend the 2013
National Conference today!
Nutrients for Life in Colombia
he basics of crop nutrition are the
same around the world. Seeds, sunlight, water, soil and fertilizer are all
necessary to grow the food our world’s population needs. In countries around the world,
the Nutrients for Life Foundation strives to
educate people about fertilizer’s critical role
in this process. In Colombia the team focuses
its education resources on farmers.
Nutrients for Life Colombia was formed in
late 2009. Known as Mentes Fertiles, it
hosted over 100 farmer education activities
this past year that taught nearly 4,100 farmers how to use fertilizer for their crops. In
Colombia, coffee farmers had the greatest
attendance at the meetings with 33 percent.
Fruits followed in second with 23 percent
and platano was third with 14 percent. The
total program area covered 88,000 hectres,
or 217,360 acres, of the country.
Presentations begin and end with an assessment of the attendees’ knowledge. The goal
is to provide overview lessons during the
presentations and then give the attendees
takeaways to aid in their continued learning.
Nutrients for Life Colombia believes that
the hands-on approach is vital to fully
learning these concepts. Farmers walk away
from the presentation with an entirely new
set of tools to implement immediately and
to share with others in the farming industry.
“We conducted surveys before and after the
training to measure the fertilizer knowledge
of the beneficiaries,” said Maria Helena
Latorre, executive director of the
Procultivos House of ANDI. “Mentes
Fertiles achieved awareness about nutrition
of soil and crops, as well as the change of
habit on improper practices in the process
of fertilization.”
Mentes Fertiles expanded beyond its traditional farmer audience in 2012 and hosted
learning sessions for business professionals as
well. Looking to 2013, Mentes Fertiles plans
to continue to strengthen its training for
both farmers and business officials. In addition, it will add a new focus on the schoolage children in agricultural communities.
Mentes Fertiles hopes to teach the youth the
importance of fertilizer, proper application
and how agriculture contributes to the development and competitiveness of Colombia.
“This year, we impacted more departments
and crops that we ever have,” said Latorre.
“We have achieved awareness on the importance of fertilizers and its efficient use in
production agriculture, complying with the
premise ‘to feed the world, we must also
Nutrients for Life has chapters in Canada,
Colombia, Mexico and the United States.
Sarah Bowser is based in Topeka and can be reached
via e-mail at
or by phone at (785) 234-0461.
Kansas’ Sarah Bowser
Joins NFL ‘Boots on the
“Kansas is an excellent state to launch the Nutrients for
Life Foundation program, and Sarah is just the person
to share the foundation’s resources,” said Foundation
Executive Director Harriet Wegmeyer. “She is ready to
hit the ground running and provide teachers with the
tools they need to educate students effectively about
fertilizers and soil science.”
Sarah’s background in agriculture, as well as passion
for plant nutrients, has shown the Foundation that
she is the best person for the job. “Practical, hands-on
curriculum is exactly what science education needs,” she said. “Through
the Nutrients for Life Foundation, I am excited to deliver those excellent
resources to enhance their science curriculum and promote greater
understanding of fertilizers and their role in the global food chain.”
Sarah Bowser was recently a runner-up in the Excellence in Agriculture
competition; the Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes young
farmers and ranchers who do not derive the majority of their income
from an agricultural operation, but who actively contribute and grow
through their involvement in agriculture, their leadership ability and participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations.
Sarah Bowser graduated from the Kansas State University with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics and recently graduated from The
University of Kansas with a Master in Public Administration. Bowser
also works for Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association providing
membership services to more than 700 Kansas agribusinesses. Her representative position for the Nutrients for Life Foundation is sponsored
by Koch Fertilizer, LLC.
ansas became the sixth state to join the growing list with
Nutrients for Life Foundation representatives with the addition
of Sarah Bowser. Sarah provides grassroots educational and
public awareness services in the state of Kansas. The Foundation is
excited for the opportunity to reach teachers and students with materials
and knowledge in the state through Sarah. She works primarily within
the school system to promote the Foundation’s plant and soil science
curriculum, Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century. Additionally, Sarah
is strengthening community relations and sharing the Foundation’s core
programs with industry members throughout the state.
Fertilizer Is Life’s Main
Ingredient Posters
A series of four educational
campaign posters.
Materials Available
Fertilizer Is Life’s Main
Ingredient Bumper Sticker
Showcases the Foundation’s message
of Fertilizer, Life’s Main Ingredient.
Seed Bookmarks
Deliver these cute and creative seed bookmarks to the
classroom. The bookmark
coordinates with the
Nourishing the Planet in the
21st Century curriculum.
Students can remove the
“plant container,” plant it in
the soil and watch the
flowers grow.
There’s What in
My Food?
A fun and valuable resource
for teenagers and adults,
There’s What in My Food?
offers insight to improve
understanding about modern production agriculture
and why it is so important
in assuring plentiful, affordable and safe food supplies.
Fun With the Plant
Nutrient Team
The perfect activity book to
help children (grades 3-5)
understand the basics of
crop nutrition.
It’s All About the Food
A resource for high school
teachers that focuses on
problem solving and critical
thinking in relation to food.
It’s All About the Food is
divided into three sections
to teach students about
food production, plant
nutrients and fertilizer.
For more information on items featured here, please visit the Nutrients for Life
Foundation website’s teacher section:
Take a deep breath of fresh fertilizer.
Apple, Air and Ocean Postcards
Series of three postcards highlighting the
origins of nitrogen, potash and phosphate.
Periodic Table
Connect biology to chemistry
in this colorful periodic table
of elements poster. This
piece highlights the primary
macronutrients, secondary
macronutrients and micronutrients; all of which are
essential for plants.
Apple Poster
Can a single apple slice feed
the world? This is a great
resource poster for teachers
to use as they address the
challenges of feeding a
growing population.
Nourishing the Planet
in the 21st Century
Nourishing the Planet in
the 21st Century is a
science-based curriculum
supplement for middle and
high school students. The
supplement offers six lesson
plans designed to teach
students about feeding
the growing world.
5 Key Message Cards
The wallet-sized 5 Key
Message Card concisely
states five of the top truths
about fertilizers.
Six-inch ruler that publicizes
the Nourishing the Planet in
the 21st Century curriculum.
Cross-curricular Magnets
Promote cross-curricular connections with the new word magnets. Make sentences with agriculture buzz words color-coded
by the part of speech.
NPK Poster
Plants, like humans, need
nutrients. This resource poster
is a great addition to your
classroom showing the basics
of primary nutrients.
(Also available in Spanish)
Elementary Curriculum
Smithsonian-approved, these five
supplemental lessons teach plant
and soil science, while using gardening to make the lessons fun,
interactive and educational.
More Materials Available
Recipe Cards
A series of eight recipe cards. Recipes include pumpkin soup,
chocolate chip cookies, raspberry crumb bars, moist carrot
cake, apple cookies, baked spaghetti cakes, broccoli quiche
and vegetable soup.
Play a fun game (Around the World, Beat the Clock or Circle
Up) and test your students’ plant and soil science knowledge.
Designed specifically for the elementary curriculum, these
cards can also be used with the middle school curriculum.
For more information on items featured here, please visit the Nutrients for Life
Foundation website’s teacher section:
Curriculum and Virtual
Classroom Videos USB
Flash Drive
The USB flash drive includes all
three levels of curriculum, the
virtual classroom videos, and
pre- and post-test assessments.
Introduce lessons from the
Nourishing the Planet in the
21st Century curriculum with
the short, interest grabbing
Virtual Classroom videos, featuring spokesperson Dee
McKenna. Also available online.
Phosphorous Cycle Poster
Perfect for the high school classroom, this poster
focuses on the various forms of phosphorus in soil.
Phosphate Mining Video
This lively video shows students the
amazing process of mining phosphate
and its relevance in global food security. Available to stream online!
Thank You 2012 Donors
Leadership Circle ($100,000 and above)
Agrium Inc.
Brandt Consolidated
CF Industries, Inc.
Intrepid Potash, Inc.
Koch Fertilizer LLC
The Fertilizer Institute
The Mosaic Company
Yara North America, Inc.
Nutrient Network ($10,000-$99,999)
Frit Industries, Inc.
GATX Corporation
Gavilon Fertilizer, LLC
International Raw Materials LTD
Shrieve Chemical Company
Southwestern Fertilizer Conference
The Andersons, Inc. Charitable Foundation
The William and Kathy Doyle Foundation
N, P, K Booster ($5,000-$9,999)
Agrium Advanced Technologies
Ameropa North America, Inc.
Asmark Institute
CHS Inc.
Compass Minerals
Crowell & Moring LLP
David Carson
David Delaney
Dyno Nobel Inc.
El Dorado Chemical Company
Gallagher & Kennedy, PA
Kirby Agri, Inc.
Morral Companies, LLC
Nitron Group
Nutra-Flo Company
The Andersons
Thompson Hine LLP
Twin State, Inc.
UKT Chicago, Inc.
Sustaining Sponsor ($2,500-$4,999)
Bennett Foundation
Robert Felgenhauer
Jim Hicks & Company
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
RD Electrical Services, Inc.
Billy Willard
Lynda and Robert Willard
Wilson Industrial Sales Co., Inc.
Fertilizer Friend (up to $500)
Andrew Abercrombie
Timothy Abrams
Gary Adams
Zachry Adams
Catherine Adams
Kenneth Adams
Clifton Adams
Douglas Adams
John Adams
Kenneth Adams
Michael Adams
Samuel Adams
Denny Addis
Luisa Aitken
Ann Alexander
Gary Alexander
Ray Alexander
Dakota Allen
Thomas Alligood
Gary Alligood
Levi Alligood
Stephen Alligood
Leonard Allison
Richard Almond
Steven Alton
David Ambrose
Walter Anderson
Paul Anderson
Brandon Anderson
John Anderson
Walter Anderson
Chad Anderson
NFL Foundation Champion ($501-$2,499)
Agricultural Retailers Association
Carol and Michael Anderson
Jeffrey Bennett
Gerald Byrd
Carstens Donation
Stephen Dowdle
Douglas Engel
John Estey
Charles Foster
Wesley Graves
Brent Heimann
David Honeyfield
Robert Jenner
Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association
Garrett Lofto
Dirk Lohry
Stephen Minor
Overseas Marine Services
Rosemary O’Brien
Thomas Pasztor
Bradley Peacock
Thomas Philbin
Joseph Podwika
Christopher Reynolds
Jonathan Ruff
Jim Schellhorn
Michael Schlumpberger
Michael X. Schlumpberger
Ted Schulte
Elbert Seamster Jr
Warren Stroman
Todd Sutton
Christopher Toppin
Harry Vroomen
Wegmeyer Farms
Ford West
Larry Yargus
Robert Andrews
Chester Andrews Jr
Michael Ange
Natasha Aragon
Tim Arel
Timothy Arel
Christopher Armstrong
Stewart Armstrong
David Arquitt
Michael Arthur
Walter Asby
Thomas Ashley Jr
Russell Askew
Joshua Atwell
Augusta Industrial Services, Inc.
Stephen Auman
Joseph Avery
David Avriett
John Aycox
Randy Aymond
Kimberly Babin
William Badame
Mitchell Badger
Ernest Bailey
Philip Bailey
Steele Bailey
Karl Bain
Terrance Baker
Jeffrey Baker
Clifton Baker
Dale Baker
Edward E Baker
Thank You 2012 Donors • Fertilizer Friend (up to $500)
Russell Boyd
Allen Boyd
Michael Boyd
Donald Boyd
Billy Boyd
John Boyd
Laura Boyd
Martin Boyd
Stacey Boyd
James Boyd
Russell Boyd
Walter Boyd Jr
Kenneth Boyd Sr
William Bradford
Jeffrey Brame
Corey Bramlett
Lesa Branham
David Brantley
Robert Braud
Peter Braud
Wendi Braud
Valerie Breeden
Ronnie Bridges
Michael Bright
Keith Brinkman
Cleveland Brinn
David Brinn Jr
Jamie Brinson
Charles Brinson
Tony Brinson
Travis Brinson
Gerald Bristol
Alphonso Bristol
Ronardo Bristol
James Broadway
Michael Brom
Austin Brooks
Jason Brooks
Charlie Brooks III
Paul Brooks Jr
Michael Broshar
James Broughton Jr
Charlie Brown
Keith Brown
Orval Brown
Brock Brown
James Brown
James Brown
Jeremy Brown
Keith Brown
Mollie Brown
Robert Brown
Scott Brown
Shane Brown
Orien Brown
Eric Brown
Cecil Brown Jr
Samuel Bruckner
Joseph Bruyninckx
Michael Bruzzini
Sharon Ann Comer Blau & Bryan T. Blau
Johnny Bryant
Sam Bryant
Robert Buck
Jim Buck
Gary Buck
Megan Buck
Thomas Buck
William Buck
Troy Buck
Roy Buck III
Roy Buck Jr
Marvin Buckner
Jay Bucksot
Patrick Bucksot
Jeffrey Bullock
Thomas Bunting
Kenneth Burnett
Garrett Burroughs
Grady Burroughs Jr
Todd Bush
Jamie Byers
William Cahoon
William Calvelage
Richardson Cameron
Paul Campbell
William Campbell
Kenneth Campen
Demion Campen
Bradley Cannon
Christopher Cannon
James Cannon II
James Cannon Jr
Michael Carawan
Teresa Caraway
Stephen Carey
Amanda Carey
James Carmichael
David Carmichael
Aderian Carowan Jr
Maranda Carpenter
Stuart Carpenter
Daryl Carpenter
Allen Carrow
Danny Carrow
Robert Carrow
Charles Carter
Jason Carter
Jerry Carter
Jesse Carter
Jimmy Carter
Joseph Caruso
Lawrence Carver
Raleigh Casebolt
Jerry Casey Jr
Marcus Cason
Gary Castleberry
Regina Castro
Joseph Cavanaugh
Cedar Point Supply, Inc.
Catherine Chachere
Ian Chamberlain
Ronnie Chandler
Elvis Chapman
Russell Chapman
Kenneth Chasteen
Gary Checkley
Brandon Cherry
Bryan Cherry
Franklin Cherry Jr
Jimmie Cheshire
Bobby Cheshire
Christopher Chrismon
Daniel Chrismon
Donald Chrismon
Debra Cipolla
Bruce Clarisse
David Clark
Jacob Clark
Joseph Clark
Peter Clark
James Clayton
William Clayton
William Clayton
Jamie Clements
Jerry Clemmons
Jacob Cofer
Joe Coghill
Gary Cole
Ben Coleman
Frank Coleman
Jimmy Collier
Kelly Collier
James Comardelle
Michael Combass
Robert Combass
Alton Congleton
Alton Congleton Jr
Amos Connor
Ricky Cooke
Michael Cooke
Warren Cooks
Jon Cooper
Paul Cooper
Anthony Cooper
Matthew Cooper
Jimmy Corbett
Andrew Cote
Robert Cotton
Ian Cotton
William Cowan
John Coward
Mary Cowart
Guy Cowell
Edward Cox
Ben Cox
Stanley Cox
Christopher Craddock
Donald Craddock
Willard Crain Jr
Martez Cratch
Michael Cratch
Stephen Cratch
William Cratch Jr
Crawford’s Contracting Services
Henry and Sharon Crawford
Cedric Cray
Michael Creasy
Charles Credle
Willard Cribbs Jr
Keith Cropp
Steven Crowson
Daniel Cumpton
Jesse Cunio
Laurie and John Cunningham
Robert Cusimano
Brock Cuthrell
Christopher Cuthrell
David Cuthrell
Frederick Cutler Jr
Don Dahlgren
Paul Daniels
Frank Daniels
Johnny Daniels
Starling Daniels
Olan Daughtry
Stanley Davenport
Anthony Davis
Bradley Davis
Brenda Davis
Ronnie Davis
Thomas Davis
Woodrow Davis
Richard Davis
Larry Davis Jr
Johnnie Dawson Jr
George Day
Hallet Deans
Clarence Deans Jr
Alfred Deas
Calvin Deas
Joshua Deese
Paul Dekok
Alvin Dempsey
Robert Dempsey
Joseph Denslow
David DePlato
Daniel Devens
Trevor Devins
John Dhamer
Juan Diaz
Mickey Dickinson
Isaac Diffee
Thomas Diggs Jr
Brandon Dillard
Adam Dixon
Larry Dixon
Carl Dixon
Keith Dixon
Rufus Dixon
William Dixon Jr
Randall Dobbs
Jenna Doering
Roxanne Doll
Medgar Dominique
Don’s Welding
Harold Baker
Kevin Baker
Natasha Baker
Lee Ball
Kip Banks
Donald Banks
James Banks Jr
Merle Barber
James Barber
Robert Barber
Candler Barker Jr
Archie Barnes
Corey Barnes
Douglas Barnes Jr
James Barnett
Will Barrett
Willard Barrett
Eric Barrho
Joni Barrie
Mike Barrs
Darlene Barrs
Paul Bartle
Dustin Barton
Jerry Bass
Leroy Bass
James Bass
Joseph Batchler
Teri Baugh
Clifford Bean
David Beasley
Donald Beatty
Paul Beauchamp
Valerie Beck
Steven Beckel
Mark Beckert
Gregory Beckman
Christine Beeman
James Bell
Ross Bell
Benjamin Bell
David Bell
Ryan Bell
Winston Bell
John Belleu
Roger Bembry
Leonard Bennett
James Bennett
Shawn Bennett
William Bennett
Thomas Bennett
William Berkey
Lisa Berti
Darren Best
Duane Bielling
Bryant Biggs
Chester Biggs
Gregory Bilbrey
Graham Blackburn
Carlos Blackburn
Andrew Blango
James Blanton
Richard Blattner
Bryan Blau
Johnny Blaylock
Aaron Blevins
William Bolds
Thomas Bonnell
Donald Bonner
Richard Bonner Jr
Kenneth Boomer
Don Borges
Laura Borovik
Christopher Bostic
Dean Boston
Jerry Boudreaux
Mark Boulanger
Stanley Bourassa
Blake Bourgeois
Jamie Bowen
Douglas Bowen
Charles Bowles
Freddy Bowles
Thank You 2012 Donors • Fertilizer Friend (up to $500)
Aaron Donohue
Carol Dorrough
Brian Dowless
Richard Dowse
Charles Draughon Jr
Timothy Ducharme
Gregory Dudley
Mark Dudley
David Dugger
Saul Duhon
Wayne Duke
Michael Dunker
Eric Duplessis
Claude Dupree II
Selina Dyke
Gordon K Ealey
Randall Eason
James Eatmon
Richard Eatmon
Jason Eborn
Hendrick Ebron
Mark Edinger
Carl Edwards
Kenneth Edwards
Anthony Edwards
John Edwards
Guy Edwards III
William Edwards Jr.
Steven Eisenzimmer
Anthony Elder
Jeremy Eldridge
Finas Elkins
Jeffrey Elks
Steven Elks
Chris Elks Jr
Chad Elliott
Charles Ellis
William Ellis
William Ellis
Dewayne Ellison
Luther Ellison
Betty Elzey
Michael Elzey
James Ensley
Thierry Enslow
Paul Eppenbrock
Terry Erixton
Michael Ernsberger
Clay Ernst
Matthew Erwin
Mark Etienne
Robert Eubanks
Jonathan Eubanks
Marcus Eubanks
Linda Evans
William Evans
Crystal Everett
Daniel Everett
Kevin Everett
Tracy Faglier
Judy Fair
John Fairburn
Rusty Fairchild
Justin Falcon
Jimmie Farabee
Jeanette Farley
John Farrow
Timothy Fau
Joseph Faucette
Eric Favreau
Shirley Feck
Don Fenneman
David Ferguson
Ruth Ferguson
David Fernald
Braxton Fernald
Blaze Ferreira
Jacob Ferrell Jr
Frank Filibi
Carlton Fisher
Mark Flanagan
Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical
Ricky Foncree
Jenny Foncree
Timothy Fontenot
Teddy Forbes
Bruce Ford
Alton Ford
Dallas Foreman
Allan Foreman
Julie Fortunato
Robert Foster
James Fottler
John Fowler
Virgil Fowler
Jeffrey Fox
Dwayne Foy
Robert Francis
Joseph Franklin
Joseph Franko
Debi and Steve Franzen
Ronnie Frazier
Timothy Frazier
Ted Frederick
George Freeman
Jonathan French
Daryl Friske
Brandon Fritzler
David Fritzsche
Ryan Frost-Shoemaker
Clyde Fulk Jr.
Alvin Fullbright
Lee Fullbright
Jeffrey Furness
Gregory Gaines
Loran Gaines McDonald
William Gales Jr.
Joshua Garner
Keith Garner
Cynthia Garrett
Lacy Garrett
James Garrison
Carlton Gaskins
Robin Gaudin
Jackie Gaylard
David Gennantonio
Charles George
Wayne Gheesling
Gary Gibbs
William Gibbs
Marlow Gibbs
Susan Gibbs
Kenneth Gibson
Paula Gibson
Bradley Gilbert
Tim Gill
Kimball Gill
Scotty Gillen
Mona Gillen
Scott Gilmer
William Gilmer
Jeremy Gilmore
Ronald Girouard
Larry Givens
Daniel Glover
John Godber
Franklin Godley
Ricky Godley
William Godwin
Edward Goldsberry
Danielle Good
Jason Goodlin
William Goodwin
Clayton Goolsby
Bhshyam Gopaul
Larry Goss
William Grant
Estelle Grasset
Phillip Greene
Danny Greene
Kevin Greenwell
Kevin Grieve
Jesse Griffin
Billy Griffin
Bryant Grimes
Ronnie Grimsley
Amber Grinstead
Jason Groesser
Jason D. Groesser
Mikel Grose
Jared Grummert
Pam Guffain
Alton Guion
Jeremy Gunn
David Gurganus
Philip Gurganus
Gregory Gurganus
Jason Guthrie
Joseph Gysbers
Claude Hackney
David Hackney
John Hadden
Charles Hadwin Jr
Derrick Hall
Donnie Hall
Linda Hall
Robert Hall
Jeffrey Hallberg
Dannie Ham
Joshua Hamby
Cordice Hamilton
Francis Hamilton
Winfred Hamilton
Timothy Hamilton
Lester Hammock
Michael Hammonds
Connie Hankerson
Erica Hanley
Stephen Harding
Mark Hardison
Robert Hardison
Jeremy Hardison
Jimmy Hardison
Daniel Hardy
Jimmy Hardy
William Hardy III
Audry Hardy Jr
David Harmon
Richard Harnung
Christopher Harper
Theodore Harper
Joseph Harper Jr
Joseph Harrell
Jerald Harrell Jr
Donald Harrington
Gary Harrington
Kenneth Harrington
Dana Harris
Donald Harris
Jesse Harris
Albert Harris
Donald Harris
Gregory Harris
Roy Harris
Steven Harris
Mitchell Harris Jr
Robert Harris Jr
Kevin Harrison
Christopher Harrison
Jason Harrison
Steven Harrison
Albert Hart Jr.
Mary Hartney
James Hartopp
Charles Harvey
Harveyville Seed Company
Charles Hatcher
Richard Hauenstein
Donald Hauk
David Haverick
Amon Haywood
James Head
Randy Heath
Donald Hebert
Robbie Hedgepeth
Robert Hedgepeth Jr
Daniel Heffernan
Michael Henady
Walter Henderson
Ricky Henries
Ricky Henries
Norman Henry
Bonnie Hepworth
Edward Herman
Thomas Herring
Daniel Herring
James Hersey
William Herz
Debra Hetzel
John Hewson
Willie Hiatt
Randy Hicks
Daniel Hill
Chad Hill
Dwight Hill
Cecil Hillhouse
Gary Hillhouse
Richard Hillhouse
William Hingson
James Hinton
William Hippard III
Alvin Hitson
David Hodges
Benjamin Hodges
Selena Hodges
Wayland Hodges
Durwood Hodges Jr
Barry Hodowanic
Richard Holder
Richard J. Holder
Janna Holley
J and K Hollingsworth
Ricky Hollowell
Bart Holton
James Holton
Matthew Holtz
Hyman Honeycutt Jr
Lisa Hook
Joshua Hopkins
Jonathan Horne
David Horne
Beverly Horvath
Albert Houchins
Pamela Hough
Glen Houston
James Houston
Rex Howa
Darrin Howard
Marshall Howard
Roland Howard
Curtis Howard Jr
Keith Howell
Murl Howell
Matthew Howington
Travis Hubers
Robert Hudson
Jason Hudson
Marty Hudson
Travis Hudson Jr
George Huffstetler
Steve Huggins
Colvin Hughes
Keith Hughes
Terry Hughes
Julia Hulbert
Nina Hultman
Michael Humphries
Alexander Hunt
Oliver Hunter
Gary Hunter
David Hurst
Ronald Huss
Pamela Hyde
Larry Hyman
Larry Hyman
Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical
Association, Inc.
Thank You 2012 Donors • Fertilizer Friend (up to $500)
John Kelly
Natalie Kennedy
Ricky Kennington
Tonya Kervin
Ronald Key
Karl Keyes
Ray Keyes
Ronald Kijowski
Dennis Killebrew
Henry King
David King
Jeffrey King
Christopher King
Michael King
Paul King
Robert King
William Kinion
Kenneth Kinlaw
James Kirby
Jeffery Kirkland
George Kirkland III
Michael Kissiah
Jeffrey Kitto
Douglas Klingler
Pamela Klippert
Bradley Knapp
Michael Knox
Les Kohli
Diane Kooistra
Anupama Kosaraju
Chaitanya Kosaraju
Michael Kosto Jr
John Kowalczyk
Thomas Kriehn
Erica Kritikos
Ronda Kujawinski
Piotr Kurlenka
Joan Kyle
Deborah Marie Lafontaine
Christopher Lagcher
Michael Laliberte
Michael Lalond
Philip Lamar
Derwin Landry
Timothy Lane
Ann Lang
Jason Lang
Ed Langley
Sonya Langston
William Lanier
Michael Lannon
Danny J. and Bonnie J. Lanoux
Kevin Lassiter
Michael Lassiter
Terri P. and Alden J. Lauzervich
Ethan Law
Joey Law
Lowell Law
James Lawrence
Milton Laws
Kathleen Leahy
Jason Leaming
Justin Leaming
Lewis Leaming Jr
Breamon Ledbetter
Edward Lee
Wanda Lee
John Lee
Christopher Lee
Gloria Lee
Gloria B. Lee
Martin Lee
Raleigh Lee
Ralph Lee
Joe Lee
Robert Lee Jr.
Robert LeFever
Benjamin Leggett
Christopher Leggett
Steven Leggett
Stephen Leighty
Tatiana Len-Bork
Anita Lessman
Terry Lewandowski
Guilford Lewis
Douglas Lewis
Edward Lewis
Nathan Lewis
Kathy Lewis
Gary Lewis
Ronald Lewonski
Stevie Lind
Thomas Lindsey
Theresa Line
Paul Lippi
Russell Little
Gregory Little
Barbara Little
Thomas Little
Earl Lockwood
Kenneth Logue
Christopher Long
Janice Long
Henry Long
Chad Long
Ronald Long
Daniel Lopez
Phillip Love
Arthur Lovett
Owen Lowe
Thomas Lowe
Debra Lower
Jeremy Lowery
William Lowery
David Luckey
Terry Ludwick
Tony Lupton
Richard Luzwick
Cameron Lynch
Megan Lynch
Josh Maag
Scott Maczka
Mark Maez
John Maginot
Martin Maher
Lisa Malueg
Don Maneval
Ronald Mann
James Mansukhani
Logan Markezich
Melvin Marshall
Clinton Martin
Forrest Martin
Gary Martin
Michael Martin
Ronnie Martin
John Martinez
Harry Mason
Randy Mason Jr
Kathleen and David Mathers
Alec Mathis
Dudley Matthews
Jeffrey Mayer
Joe Mayer
Cynthia Mayo
Gary Mayo
Ronnie Mayo
Edgar Mayo
Melvin McCallum
Cindy McCausley
R. Scott & Betty McClelland
Herbert McClelland Jr
Willie McClendon
William McClung
Irvin McCook
Jackie McCotter
Christopher McCoy
Jackie McCoy Jr
Scott McCullough
Loran McDonald
William McGhin
Frederick McGowan
Elizabeth McGrail
Renee McGuinness-Moll
Russell McHatton
James McIlwain
Phillip McIntyre
George McIntyre
William McKeithan
Robert McKinney III
Philip McKinnon
David McKire
L McLaughlin
John McLawhorn Jr
Stephen McMannes
Robert McManus
Brooke McMullin
Leon McNinch
Sidney McVicker
Ricky McVicker
Chad Meads
Russell Mehaffey
Joseph Mendoza
Charles Mercado
Gene Mercer
Bryan Merchant
Daniel Merritt
Jeffrey Meyer
Jonathan Meyer
Clark Mica
Michigan Agri-Business Association
William Mickler
Micronutrient Manufacturers Association
Alexander Midgette
Darryl Midgette
Travis Midgette
Jeffrey Midyette
Jerry Midyette Jr
Wanda Miley
Christopher Miller
Donald Miller
Michael Miller
Pat Miller
Ricky Miller
Terrence Miller
Leo Miller
Randy Mills
Richard Mills
Hugh Mills III
Bryan Minor
Carlton Minor
Missouri Agribusiness Association
Mark Mitchell
James Mitchell
John Modlin
Renee Moll
Jeffrey Monds
Gregory Monette
Lara Moody
Roy Moody
Durwood Moore
Randall Moore
David Moore
Thomas Moore
Christopher Moore
Bernard Moore
Charles Moore
Daniel Moore
Danny Moore
David Moore
Eddie Moore
Keith Moore
Levi Moore
Michael Moore
Rodney Moore
Kirby Moore
John Moore Jr
Lawrence Moore Jr
Ezekiel Moore Jr
James Moore Jr
Maurice Moore Sr
Kenneth Mooring
Patrick Moran
Charles Morf
Darrell Morgan
James Morgan
Brian Ireland
Danny Ireland
Donald Ireland
Wesley Ireland Jr
James Isbell
John Ives
Bruce Jackson
Patrick Jackson
Jared Jackson
Sarah James
Barbara James
Keith Jancsy
Nick Jarman
Johnny Jarman Jr
Curtis Jarvis
Michael Jarvis
Alvin Jarvis
JCO Fertilizer, LLC
Anita Jefferson
Fred Jefferson
Lora Jelks
Curtis Jenkins
Vergil Jenkins Jr
Timothy Jestness
Valerie & John Breeden
Donna Johns
Michael Johns
Brian Johnson
Mark Johnson
Frank Johnson
Sherry Johnson
Betty Johnson
Clarence Johnson
Donna Johnson
Jeremiah Johnson
Mark Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Tyrone Johnson
Joe Johnson Jr
Thomas Johnson Jr
Jacquelyn Jones
Kenneth Jones
Douglas Jones
Alan Jones
Alphonso Jones
Brandon Jones
Charlie Jones
Christopher Jones
Janith Jones
Kenneth Jones
Mickey Jones
Timothy Jones
William Jones
Gregory Jones
Milton Jones
Michael Jones
Thad Jones III
Christopher Jones Jr
Douglas Jones Jr
Halstead Jones Jr
Marvin Jones Jr
David Jordan
John Jordan
Susan Jordan
Thomas Jordan
Richard Joyner Jr
Samuel Juneau
Trudy Juneau
Eugene Kasey
Matthew Kaushagen
Timothy Kearns
Lewis Keech
Gregory Keech
Andrew Keech
Gilbert Keech
Jason Keech
Mack Keech
Stacey Keech
Whitford Keech
Edward Keel
James Keen
Leonard Keen
Thank You 2012 Donors • Fertilizer Friend (up to $500)
Robert Morgan Jr
Daniel Morlock
Major Morning Jr
Bennie Morris
Troy Morris
Zachary Morris
Raymond Morrone
William Moseley
John Mullis
Eric Munday
Joseph Murphy
Al Murphy
James Murphy
Jerry Murphy
Stephen Murphy
Joshua Murphy Sr
Earnest Murray
Jason Murray
Thomas Musgrove
Linda Musgrove
Paul Myers
Richard Nabinger
Addie Nanney
John Nanney
Melissa Nanney
David Nanney III
David Nanney Jr
Shone Nash
Dennis Neal
Edward Neal
William Neal Jr
Michael Nettles
Roy Nettles
William Newell
Michael Newman
Dale Newman
Donald Newman
Jonathan Newman
Samuel Newman
Iris Nicholaichuk
Evan Nichols
Charles Nichols
Joshua Nichols
Joel Nickel
Christopher Niemann
Jennifer Niese
Douglas Niethammer
Steven Nix
Richard Nixon
Bobby Nixon
Larry Nobles
Robert Nobles
Leonard Nobles
Tony Nobles
Eric Norman
Levie Norman
James Norris
Sylvia Norris
Wayne Norris
Douglas Norton
Joseph Norville
Rudy Nyssen
Lawrence O'Brien
Shane O'Connor
Tim O'Daniel
Kareem Odom
Brae Oktober
Wayne Oliver
Michael O'Neail
Johnnie O'Neal
Curtis Ormond Jr
Jeff Osburn
Tracy Osburn
Kerry O'Steen
Ted Overton
James Overton III
Tony Owens
Wesley Padgett
James Papesca
John Parham
James Park
Gordon Parker
Charles Parker Jr
Michael Parlato
David Parmer III
Charles Parrish
Vernon Parsons
Stephen Paschall
Gregory Passman
Ronald Pate Jr
John Patten
John Paul
Deborah I. & Paul Myers
Mose Payne
PCS Administration (USA), Inc.
Elton Peacock Jr
Linda Pebworth
Fredrick Peed
Clarence Peed
John Peeler Jr
Amy Pender
Wade Pender
Ronald Pendleton II
Hector Perez
David Perkins
Douglas Perry
Jackie Perry
Richard Perry
Bobby Perry Jr
Gary Peterson
Richard Peterson
Christopher Peyton
Brandon Phelps
Joyce Philbeck
Tommy Phillips
George Piegols
Jeremy Pierce
Mark Pierce
Brandon Pinkham
Dustin Pinkham
Donna Pipsair
Robert Pitts
Robert Pitts IV
Michael Plemmons
Ernest Poling
Ernest A. Poling
Daniel Poling
Kay Polito
Ceil Polk
Brian Pomeroy
Paul Pomeroy
William Ponton
Keith Poole
Angela Poole
Chad Poole
Poole Chemical Co.
Joseph Porter
Benjamin Porter
John Porter
Raymond Porter
Robert Porter
Tab Porter
Winfred Porter
Stanley Posey
George Potter
George F. Potter
Nicholas Potter
Julia Potter
William Powell
Shannon Powers
John Prescott
Tony Pressley
Christina Preston
William Price
Robert Price Jr
John Prine
William Purdue
Henry Purdy
Patrick Purifoy
Arlon Puryear
Edward Rahn
Dale Rahuba
Jesse Rains
Mauricio Ramirez
Rhonda Ramme
Charles Ranck
Kelly Rasmussen
J Raulerson
Billy Raulerson
Norman Ray
Jeffrey Raycroft
Lorne Raymer
Emanuel Redmond
Freddie Reed
Bruce Register
Calvin Reid
Clarence Reid
Willie Reid Jr
Michael Resar
George Revoir
Julie Reynolds
Don Reynolds
Jason Rhem
Kevin Rhem
Wendell Rhoden
Joshua Rice
Curtis Rice
Johnny Rice
Phillip Rice
Phillip Rice Jr
Timothy Richard
Joseph Richard
Marvaer Richard-Pero
Bryan Richards
Gregory Richards
Frank Richards Jr
Mervin Richardson
John Ricks
Dale Riggs
Timothy Ring
Terrence Ringgold
Matthew Rivenbark
Jeffrey Rivenbark
Joel Rivers
Joel C. Rivers
Anthony Roark
Delano Roberson
Terry Roberts
Samuel Roberts
Christopher Roberts
Danny Roberts
Joey Roberts
Milton Roberts
Robert H Roberts
John Robinson
Samuel Robinson
Frederick Robinson
Larry Robinson
Rex Robinson
Derek Roddy
Darrell Rodgers
Fentress Rodgers
Timothy Rodrigue
Moronia Roe-Buckman
Darrell Rogers
Samuel D Rogers
Samuel G Rogers
Bennie Rogers Jr
Dolores Rogge
Joshua Rohman
Joseph Rollins
Lamar Rollins
Roland Roper
James Rosene
Michael Ross
Robin Ross
Daniel Rothstein
Robert Roulhac
David Rouse
Gregory Rowe
John Rowe
Larry Rowe
Travis Rowe
Bobby Rowe Jr
Linwood Rowe Jr
Brett Ruark
Van Rucker
James Ruis
Mark Russell
Donald Rydberg
Kenneth Sadler Jr
John Sale
Bryan Salter
Sonny Salter
Michael Salvucci
Sarah Samuelson
Lavon Sanchez
James Sandage
Billy Sanders
Jeffery Sanders
Thomas Santovin
Richard Sapp
Scott Sard
Kelly Sarka
Anthony Sauls
Mark Savage
Randy Savoy
Anthony Sawyer
Frank Sawyer
Edgar Sawyer III
Thomas Say
Katherine Scaff
Richard Scales Jr.
Sharyl Schaller
Travis Schexnaydre
Eric Schillie
James Schmid
Keith Schniering
Susan Schrader
Daniel Schuler
David Schultz
George Schumpert III
Milton Scippio
Matthew Scott
Elliott Scott
James Scott
Kenneth Scott
Odell Scott
Otis Scott
Travis Scott
Seams Sew Right
Robert Sellers
John Shaheen
Justin Sharbaugh
Todd Shaw
David Shaw
James Shearry
Michael Shelton
Carla Shelton
Brian Shepard
Robert Sheridan
Tom Shiozaki
Thomas Shipman
Allen Shive
John Shoemaker
Joseph Shoniker
Mary Shore
John Shuck Jr
Rebecca Sikes
Edward Sillman
William Silverthorne
Gregory Simeon
Terence Simmons
William Simmons
William Simmons
Jansen Simmons
Leonard Simmons
Robert Simon
Thomas Simpson
Jason Simpson
John Sinclair Jr
James Singletary
Anthony Sireci
Curtis Sistrunk
Ricky Skiles
Robert Skinner
Colleen Small
Kevin Smiley
Thank You 2012 Donors • Fertilizer Friend (up to $500)
Jack Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan
Kathleen Sutherland
Timothy Sutton
Carl Swain
William Swain
James Swain Jr
Leslie Swain Jr
William Swindell
Justin Swinson
Robert Tabor
Melody Tate
Christopher Taylor
Nickolas Taylor
Katie Taylor
James Taylor
Mark Taylor
Alfred Taylor
Frederick Taylor
Jason Taylor
Jordan Taylor
Randy Taylor
Mark Taylor
Jack Taylor Jr
Eric Tetterton
Retha Thomas
Maurice Thomas
William Thomas
Stephen Thomasson
Edmond Thompson
Jerome Thompson
Carl Thompson
Glenn Tillman
Lee Tillman Jr
Jack Tillman Jr
David Todd
Sabina Todorova
Carl Toews
Luther Toler
Dean Toler
Johnnie Toler
Kelvin Toler
Kimberly Toler
Mark Tomlinson
Thomas Tomlinson
Gregory Tomlinson
Rhonda Tomlinson
Roger Tomlinson
Ronnie Tomlinson
Ronald Toppin Jr
Karin Torain
Charles Townsend
Brian Townsend
Errol Tripp
Raymond Trojanowski
Clarence Troupe Sr
Phillip Trueblood
Phillip Trueblood Jr
Charles Truluck
Melissa Tullier
Peter Tuohey Jr
Ricky Turnage
Thomas Turnage
Kenneth Tutt
James Tutt
Stephen Tutt
Simon Twiddy
Willie Tyndall Jr
John Tyree
Daniel Umstead
James Van Der Have
Jonathan Van Essendelft
Kurt Vance
Christopher Vann
J. M. and Carmen Vara
Justin Varley
Rachel Vautrin
Robert Vautrin
Charlie Vendrix Jr
Peter Venters
Jacoby Vereen
Kevin Vick
Stephen Villar
Milagros Villegas
David Vincent
Drew Vincik
Aaron Vinson
Donna Vishoot
William Wagaman
Allen Wainwright
Martin Waites
Christopher Walker
Daniel Walker
Steve Walker
Steven Walker
Johnny Walker Jr
Ted Wallace
Enoch Walls
William Walston
William Ward
Michael Ware
Don Warren
John Warren
Wayne Wasden
Daniel Waters
James Waters
Jennifer Waters
Marlin Waters Jr
Jacob Watson
David Watson
Lela Watson
Charles Watson
Terry Weatherington
Cy Webb
Melvin Weber
Melvin L. & Milrea Ann Weber
Sandra Welch
Chris Werner
Gail Wernette
Jeffrey West
Luke West
Calvin Westberry
Ronnie Wetherington
Cecil Wetherington
Robert Whealton
Reggie Wheat
Frances E. Wheeler
Brent Whitcomb
Harold Whitcomb
Nancy White
Craig White
Eric White
Michael White
Gregory Whitehurst
Ervin Whitehurst
Michael Whitfield
Brian Whitford
Bruce Whitford
James Whitford
Joshua Whitley
Philip Whitley
Martina Whittaker
James Whitting
Paul Whitworth
Mark Whorton
Pauletta Wiener
Michele Wigelsworth
Robert Wigelsworth
Ronald Wiggins
Timothy Wiggins Jr
Jamey Wiley
Samuel Wilkerson
Samuel Willard
Michael Williams
Michael Williams
Jerry Williams
Benjamin Williams
Antonio Williams
Brice Williams
Christopher Williams
David Williams
David Williams
James Williams
Marvin Williams
Ronald Williams
Terry Williams
Wendell Williams
James Williams Jr
William Williams Jr
Bryan Williams Jr.
Timothy Williamson
Rosemary Williamson
Gene Williamson Jr
Nelo Williamson Jr
Kelvin Willis
Ricky Willis
Herbert Willis III
Keith Wilson
Douglas Wilson
Elizabeth Wilson
Jerry Wilson
Jonathan Wilson
Phillip Wilson
Gary Windley Jr
Randy Wingard
Edward Winn Jr
Druie Winstead
Justin Winstead
Roger Winstead
Nancy Wireman
Jason Woehler
James Wolf
Russell Womble
Stuart Wood
Wash Wood
Randy Wood
C Wood
Patrick Wood
Lori Woodard
Ricardo Woolard
David Woolard
Kenneth Woolard
Darrell, Jr. Woolard
James Woolard
Marty Woolard
Patricia Woolard
Patsy Woolard
Ronald Woolard
Troy Woolard
Whitford Woolard
Frederick Woolard Jr
Murphy Woolard Jr
William Works
Caleb Wright
Kevin Wright
Kenny Wrightsel
Billy Wynn
Robert Wynn
Stevie Yates
Walter Yeates
John Young
Ronnie Young
Jennifer Zagorski
Sophie Zak
Bruce Zwiebel
Jeanice Smith
Rory Smith
Billy Smith
Lawton Smith
Johnny Smith
Alan Smith
Annette Smith
Archie Smith
Bryan Smith
Christopher Smith
Clay Smith
Cynthia Smith
Danny Smith
David Smith
Dennis Smith
Melvin Smith
Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Milton Smith
Ross Smith
Sherman Smith
William Smith
Gary Smith
James Smith
Michael Smith II
Alton Smith Jr
Bobby Smith Jr
Charles Smith Jr
Walter Smithwick Jr
George Sneed Jr
Jared Snell
Michael Sondys
Robert Sowell
David Spain
Derek Spain
Todd Spangler
Kim Spear
Channing Spears
Saul Speights
Ronald Spells
William Spence
Claud Spencer
Bernard Spencer
John Spencer
Johnny Spencer
Richard Spivey
Mark Spray
Christopher Sprencel
Eric Sprouse
Michael St Clair
Martin St John
Kurt Stadlbauer
Anthony Staley
John Staley
Dorothy Stalnaker
Michael Stalnaker
Samuel Stalvey IV
Ronald Stapleton
Dustin Stark
Clarence Staten Jr
Arthur Staton
Kevin Stearns
Dianne Stebel
William Stembridge Jr
Jacob Stephens
Richard Stevens
Nancy Stilley
Joseph Stills
Jayson Stoddard
Sylvia Stokes
David Stombaugh
Lawrence Stone Jr
Bruce Stoner
Dwayne Stormant
Curtis Stotesbury
Glenn Stowe Jr
Andrew Strang
Lyndon Strawder
Lisa Strbik
James Streer
Thomas Street
Donald Strength
Donor’s Corner
Yes! I want to donate to the Nutrients For Life Foundation! Please complete this form, and return it with your
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! Nutrient Network ($10,000 to $99,999)
! NFL Foundation Champion ($501 to $2,499)
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