24 parliament street, york, yo1 8rs - Co-op
24 parliament street, york, yo1 8rs - Co-op
PRIME RETAIL FREEHOLD FOR SALE (WITH VACANT POSSESSION ON COMPLETION) 24 PARLIAMENT STREET, YORK, YO1 8RS 24 PARLIAMENT STREET, YORK, YO1 8RS LOCATION The city of York is the principle commercial and administra ve centre for North Yorkshire renowned for its rich heritage, numerous tourist a rac ons and York Minster. It lies some 26 miles to the north east of Leeds, 22 miles east of Harrogate and just over 200 miles from London. It benefits from excellent road and rail communica ons with the A1 approximately 15 miles to the west providing direct links to the M62 and M1. It has the fastest train journey mes from Yorkshire to London with typical journeys taking just 1 hour 50 minutes. A large part of the local economy of the City is based on its tourist trade, with an es mated 7m visitors a year spending around £442m (2010 es mate). Amongst its most famous a rac ons are York Minster, The Jorvik Museum, Cliffords Tower, The Na onal Railway Museum and its popular racecourse. SITUATION The property is located on the pedestrian sec on of Parliament Street near the corner with Church Street and opposite St Sampsons Square. This is one of the most central loca ons in the city centre benefi8ng from very high levels of pedestrian flow. The Cheltenham& Gloucester and Greggs are immediately adjacent with other occupiers in the vicinity including Marks & Spencer, Browns Department Store, The Disney Store, Aus n Reed, Gap etc. 24 PARLIAMENT STREET, YORK, YO1 8RS DESCRIPTION AND ACCOMODATION The property is planned on ground, basement with two upper floors (plus a8c). It provides the following approximate areas and dimensions: Floor Use Area sq m Area sq ' Ground Sales 37.53 404 Ground ITZA 26.24 282.5 First Treatment rooms 30.75 331 Second Ancillary 23.32 251 A.c Ancillary 9.85 106 Basement Ancillary 36.51 393 BUSINESS RATES We are informed that the current property is assessed as follows:Rateable Value (2010) £47,250 pa Interested parties should verify the actual figure payable with the local Rating Authority. ENERGY PERFORMANCE ASSET RATING Ra ng G247 A full copies of the EPC is available upon request 24 PARLIAMENT STREET, YORK, YO1 8RS COSTS Each party will be responsible for the payment of their own costs incurred in the transac on. VAT The property is registered for VAT which therefore will be payable on the purchase price. PROPOSAL Offers for our clients freehold interest in this property are invited in the region of £520,000 exclusive of VAT. CONTACT For further informa on please contact : Peter Heron Sanderson Weatherall Tel: 0113 221 6140 Email: peter.heron@sw.co.uk Misrepresenta5on Act 1967: Sanderson Weatherall LLP Ltd for themselves and for the vendor(s) or lessor(s) of this property whose agent it is give no ce that:-1. These par culars do not cons tute any part of an offer or contract. 2. None of the statements contained in these par culars as to the property(s) are to be relied on as statements or representa ons of fact. 3. Any intending purchaser must sa sfy himself/herself by inspec on or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these par culars. 4. The vendor(s) or lessor(s) do not make or give and neither Sanderson Weatherall LLP nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representa on or warranty whatsoever in relaon to the property. 5. None of the buildings services or service installa ons (whether these be the specific responsibility of the freeholder, lessor or lessee) have been tested and are not warranted to be in safe and working order. Finance Act 1989: Unless otherwise stated all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of VAT. Property Misdescrip5ons Act 1991: Every reasonable effort has been made by Sanderson Weatherall LLP and BSMH Ltd to ensure accuracy. Interested par es are strongly advised to take appropriate steps to verify by independent inspec on or enquiry all informa on for themselves and to take appropriate professional advice.