March 16, 2016


March 16, 2016
Shawn Lundberg
Tracy Kraakevik
Parent Coordinator
Upcoming Events…
• March 16 ~
PTA Community Concerns
Food Drive ends
• March 18 ~
Student Council meets at
7:45AM, room 14
Spirit Day, it’s 80’s day today!
• March 21 - 28 ~
Spring Break (yes, we get
Monday off as well)
• March 27 ~
Yearbook sales end today
at exactly 10:00PM, see details on Page 2
• March 29~
School resumes
• April 1 ~
Student Council meets at
7:45AM in room 14
Sly Park Payment due
Fox Trot Event:
3rd & 4th: 8:35AM - 9:05AM
1st & 2nd: 9:20AM - 9:50AM
5th: 10:15AM - 10:45AM
TK & K: 10:50AM - 11:20AM
• April 4 - April 29 ~
State testing window for
grades 3 - 5. See our website
for testing dates and times
• April 7 ~
FCUSD Board meeting at
the district’s Education Services Center (ESC), 6:00PM,
open to all
• April 8 ~
Fox Trot alternate date if
raining on the 1st
• April 11 ~
PTA General meeting and
election of officers for the
2016-2017 school year,
7:00PM in the library
• April 12 ~
Site Council meets today at
2:45PM in the staff room,
meeting open to all
M a r c h
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Principal’s Notes: Testing Updates & Schedules
California’s new standards (i.e., Common Core State Standards or CCSS) set
higher expectations for our students
than ever before. These higher expectations were carefully developed by classroom teachers, community colleges,
colleges, universities, and leaders in the
workforce. They represent the skills that
today’s students need to succeed in
college, career, and life. Skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and
strong writing so that our children are
competitive with peers from around the
world. Measuring these skills requires
different types of test questions.
For the last few years, students in Cali-
fornia participated in what was called
a field test, or a “test of the test.”
That means students who participated
tried out the new technology being
used to give the test (computers,
laptops, tablets). They also tried out
the test questions. Most importantly,
last year’s field test gave students and
their teachers a chance to have a trial
run with the new testing system. That
experience gave students and teachers the confidence needed to help
them succeed this spring. Because last
year’s field test was a first-time implementation, this is the first year that
results will be given to individual
students, their families, and their
PTA Needs You!
The PTA is still in need of some event coordinators for the 2016-17 school year. The
Folsom Hills PTA has over 45 events. Each event has its own monetary budget. A
huge thank you to the amazing number of parent coordinators who have already
committed to coordinating an event. Please contact the PTA to inquire about any of
the following open positions.
Discover Days - Science events put on twice each year that introduces and engages
students to the intrigue of science including engineering, archeology, technology,
anthropology, physiology, health and nutrition, robotics and more! All the plans and
materials have been created. This coordinator can use what is already created or
modify it as necessary.
FoxTrot Jog-A-Thon - Do you love to motivate kids to be active? The Fox Trot
fundraiser event gives the chance to engage our students in staying active and
healthy. We are looking for a coordinator to promote this event & coordinate volunteers to tally laps and donations. A mentor is available until the end of the year to
train and ask questions.
STEM Night Mentee - We are looking for a mentee to shadow our current coordinator to plan a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) event
for the 2016-17 school year. This event engages our students with STEM related
stations, games, and shows. This mentee will then become the main coordinator for
the following year 2017-18.
Spirit Day - Do you like the Spirit days at FHE? Each class tallies up how many
students participated and this coordinator will determine the weekly winner. This
event encourages school spirit for our students.
Tiles - Has your child not had a chance to paint a tile to add to the school's
walls? We are looking for a coordinator to run this event. It only happens once
every other year!
Teacher Breakfast Mentee - Our PTA provides breakfast for our teachers the day
before the first day of school. We are looking for a mentee to shadow our coordinator this year and then take on the event the following year.
Yearbook - Do you love to take pictures? PTA is looking for someone to coordinate
the yearbook.
Whether you choose to serve on our PTA board, coordinate an event or volunteer to
help out at an event, you will have fun, make lots of new friends, and best of all, you
will make a difference in the education of your child and all of the students at
FHE. These events cannot take place without someone to run them. Please
feel free to contact Kelly Mihelich at for any questions or to
volunteer your time.
teachers, and where the data will be
used for middle school placement in
honors or accelerated courses.
Results from the new tests are measured differently and cannot be compared to results from the previous
Standardized Testing and Reporting
(STAR) program. Because the tests in
each system measure different things
in different ways, comparing their
results would be like comparing apples
to oranges. Think of last year as us
hitting the reset button, with this
year’s results being a new starting
point for student achievement, against
which we can compare performance
for years to come.
The testing window is April 4th
through April 29th for grades 3, 4 and
5. Please see our website for testing
dates. Please review them carefully
and mark the dates accordingly. Similar (and more detailed information on
CAASPP and state-wide testing) can
be downloaded from the CDE, SCOE,
and FCUSD websites.
Science Fair Results
Congratulations to our 2016
Science Fair Winners!
This event was supported by the
donations to the Fox Fund.
3rd Grade:
1st Place - Ryder Hutcheson
2nd Place - Gargi Jejurikar
3rd Place - Elizabeth Herrick
4th Grade:
1st Place - Addie Kannegeisser
2nd Place - Austin Williams
3rd Place – Alyssa McNeel-Caird
5th Grade:
1st Place - Dylan Dray
2nd Place - Abby Gillum
3rd Place – Rasleen Kaur
Great job everyone! We look forward to seeing you again next year.
Free district TB Testing Clinics!
All volunteers have a negative TB
test on file with their volunteer
application. Those results are
good for 4 years, and then a new
TB risk assessment is required. If
yours is going to expire between
now through fall, why not take
care of getting a new test at one
of the district’s free testing clinics
and be set for 4 more years?
The last two of the school year
are on April 18th, and May 16th.
On all dates, the time is from
3:00-4:30 and you can drop in.
The testing clinic is located at
the district’s main office: 1965
Birkmont Drive, Rancho Cordova.
Please call the Folsom Hills office
with any questions at 985-0771.
Volunteering is so much fun!
Looking Ahead…
• April 15 ~
Student Council meets at
7:45AM in room 14
Popsicle sales after school
in the quad (on the stage if it
is raining)
Discover Days Docent
Training at 9:10AM 10:00AM in the library
• April 21 ~
FCUSD Board meeting at
the district’s Education Services Center (ESC), 6:00PM
• April 22 ~
Math Bowl Final, in the
multi, times TBA
The annual Adopt-a-Fox event at Folsom Hills Elementary School was a big success! A big thank you goes out to
our coordinator, Terri Langley. The families at Folsom Hills raised $697.82 to adopt 2 foxes, Mojo and Mindy, at
the Folsom Zoo Sanctuary. On Saturday, March 5th, the student council members and others were able to go to
the zoo and listen to a presentation about how the money will be used for the foxes. Also, a plaque was made in
honor of our generous donations and mounted on the fox enclosure for all visitors to view.
2015-2016 Yearbook
The deadline is SUNDAY, March 27, 2016 at 10:00PM.
Yearbooks will NOT be available for purchase after 03/27/16. If you
are not sure if you have purchased a yearbook, please feel free to
contact Tracy Kraakevik at
Yearbooks must be purchased on-line at: To purchase your child's yearbook,
enter the YEARBOOK ID Code: 1125616, or simply find your school
and follow the ordering instructions.
Also, this message serves as a reminder to 5th grade parents. Some
have ordered a Dedication Ad and have not yet ordered a yearbook.
Please be sure to do so before the deadline (03/27/16). Please feel
free to contact Tracy Kraakevik at
• April 27 ~
STEM Night: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Interactive Stations and a
Science Wizard in the multi
from 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Congratulations are in Order
• April 29 ~
Student Council meets at
7:45AM in room 14
Spirit Day ~ it is AntiBullying Day, details to come
• May 2 - 6 ~
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher of the Year:
Kari Bjork (2nd Grade)
Support Staff Member of the Year:
Melanie Facundo (School Psychologist)
Classified Employee of the Year:
Phil Warren (Custodian)
Keep up to date with Folsom Hills events, activities and information at