Programme overview
Programme overview
Programme overview 25 th annual scientific meeting of the european association for osseointegration eao-c ongr ess .c om PARIS from september 29th to october 1st, 2016 Invited country Japan In collaboration with PROGRAMME OVERVIEW EAO BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Björn Klinge (Sweden) President Elect Alberto Sicilia (Spain) Secretary General Luca Cordaro (Italy) Treasurer Henning Schliephake (Germany) Past President Pascal Valentini (France) Members Gil Alcoforado (Portugal) Reinhilde Jacobs (Belgium) Ronald Jung (Switzerland) Turker Ornekol (Turkey) Bjarni Pjetursson (Iceland) CONGRESS CHAIRMEN 2016 Chairman David Nisand (France) Co-chairman Franck Renouard (France) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Stefano Gracis (Italy) Yataro Komiyama (Japan) Jose Manuel Navarro (Spain) Friedrich Neukam (Germany) Isabella Rocchietta (UK) Irena Sailer (Switzerland) Henning Schliephake (Germany) Goran Urde (Sweden) ABSTRACT COMMITTEE Chairs Bjarni Pjetursson (Iceland) Irena Sailer (Switzerland) Ralf Kohal (Germany) Members Goran Benic (Switzerland) Matteo Chiapasco (Italy) Nikolaos Donos (UK) Klaus Gotfredsen (Denmark) Robert Haas (Austria) Flemming Isidor (Denmark) Matthias Kern (Germany) Andrea Mombelli (Switzerland) Timo Narhi (Finland) Niklaus Lang (Switzerland) Gerry Raghoebar (Netherlands) Giovanni Salvi (Switzerland) Henning Schliephake (Germany) Lars Schropp (Denmark) Massimo Simion (Italy) Hendrik Terheyden (Germany) Daniel Thoma (Switzerland) Ann Wennerberg (Sweden) Jorg Wiltfang (Germany) 2 FACULTY Karl-Ludwig Ackermann (Germany) Tomas Albrektsson (Sweden) Antonello Appiani (Italy) Zvi Artzi (Israel) Wael Att (Germany) Martin Brient (France) Oliver Brix (Germany) Rino Burkhardt (Switzerland) Daniel Buser (Switzerland) Marcelo Calamita (Brazil) Matteo Chiapasco (Italy) Sarah Chick-Richardson (UK) Michael Cohen (USA) Luca Cordaro (Italy) Hugo De Bruyn (Belgium) David De Franco (Italy) Stefan Fickl (Germany) Caroline Fouque (France) Helena Francisco (Portugal) Bertil Friberg (Sweden) Laura Frost (UK) Petra Gierthmühlen (Germany) Stefano Gracis (Italy) Reinhard Gruber (Austria) Ueli Grunder (Switzerland) Christoph Hämmerle (Switzerland) Margareta Hultin (Sweden) Markus Hürzeler (Germany) Torsten Jemt (Sweden) Ryo Jimbo (Sweden) Thierry Joudet (France) Ronald Jung (Switzerland) Shohei Kasugai (Japan) Fouad Khoury (Germany) Björn Klinge (Sweden) Ralf Kohal (Germany) Yataro Komiyama (Japan) Niklaus Lang (Switzerland) Sonia Leziy (Canada) Jaime Lozada (USA) Carlo Maiorana (Italy) Jacques Malet (France) Tidu Mankoo (UK) Brenda Mertens (France) Konrad Meyenberg (Switzerland) Brahm Miller (Canada) Virginie Monnet-Corti (France) Jose Manuel Navarro (Spain) Friedrich Neukam (Germany) Ailsa Nicol (UK) Michael Norton (UK) Nicolas Picard (France) Bjarni Pjetursson (Iceland) Andrea Ricci (Italy) Giano Ricci (Italy) Isabella Rocchietta (UK) Mario Roccuzzo (Italy) Irena Sailer (Switzerland) Giovanni Salvi (Switzerland) Mariano Sanz (Spain) Keiichi Sasaki (Japan) Hironobu Sato (Japan) Marc Schätzle (Switzerland) Henning Schliephake (Germany) Lars Sennerby (Sweden) Alberto Sicilia (Spain) Nelson Silva (Brazil) Massimo Simion (Italy) Ward Smalley (USA) Paul Stone (UK) Joerg Strub (Germany) Peter Thomsen (Sweden) Maurizio Tonetti (Italy) Jean-François Tulasne (France) Goran Urde (Sweden) Pascal Valentini (France) Hannes Wachtel (Germany) Georg Watzek (Austria) Ann Wennerberg (Sweden) Daniel Wismeijer (Netherlands) Giovanni Zucchelli (Italy) Otto Zuhr (Germany) SATELLITE INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA FACULTY Tomas Albrektsson (Sweden) Hadi Antoun (France) Christèle Artz (France) Philippe Bousquet (France) Jean Pierre Brun (France) Marcus Dagnelid (Sweden) Guillaume Fougerais (France) German Gallucci (USA) Peter Gehrke (Germany) Arndt Happe (Germany) Ronald Jung (Switzerland) Ki-Tae Koo (South Korea) Mischa Krebs (Germany) Jan Lindhe (Sweden) Armando Lopes (Portugal) Jay Malmquist (USA) Paulo Malo (Portugal) Jorg Neugebauer (Germany) Robert Nölken (Germany) Marc Quirynen (Belgium) Matthieu Renaud (France) Mario Roccuzzo (Italy) Frank Schwarz (Germany) Daniel Thoma (Switzerland) Bernard Touati (France) Angelo Troedhan (Austria) Bart Vandenberghe (Belgium) Hannes Wachtel (Germany) Paris is always a good idea Audrey Hepburn WELCOME TO PARIS On behalf of the European Association for Osseointegration and the French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, we are delighted to announce details of the EAO’s 25th Annual Scientific Congress in Paris. The scientific committee and the EAO board have prepared an exciting programme focusing on many aspects of treatment planning and decision-making. As well as featuring world-renowned speakers, the congress will include numerous interactive elements involving the audience. We are also very pleased and honoured to welcome Japan as a guest country during the congress. The EAO Annual Congress provides a unique opportunity for researchers and clinicians to present their scientific studies, both as posters and during the oral presentation sessions. This year, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new session called “7 minutes to convince”. This will feature speakers whose abstracts have been selected by the EAO’s Junior Committee during the submission process. The congress will take place in the heart of Paris near the Champs Elysées, enabling you, your family and friends to enjoy many of the city’s attractions during your visit. On behalf of the EAO, we very much hope you can join us in Paris. We look forward to meeting you during the meeting and social events. David Nisand Franck Renouard ChairmanCo-chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Committee © asife – Cover : © ParisPhoto – 3 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW CONGRESS OVERVIEW Friday 30th Thursday 29th September 8.00 SATELLITE INDUSTRY BREAKFAST SYMPOSIA 30 9.00 30 10.00 SESSION 3 SESSION 4 32,000 implants down the road: what did we learn? Contest by the Junior Committee: “7 minutes to convince” ORAL COMMUNICATION 30 SATELLITE INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA 11.00 30 Organised by GEISTLICH Organised by OSSTELL Organised by ACTEON 12.00 ARENA 2 Treatment planning session: a clinical case with a “complex” problem or involving extensive rehabilitation 30 13.00 ARENA 1 30 14.00 Decision making on the basis of the level of disease: conservation versus extraction SESSION 5 SESSION 6 SESSION 7 Festival of complications Bone biology: where do we stand? Tips and tricks for a successful implant practice SESSION 8 SESSION 9 How to avoid the carpenter’s approach to implants Emerging technologies: head to head INVITED COUNTRY SESSION: JAPAN 30 15.00 30 16.00 SESSION 1 SESSION 2 Soft and hard tissue grafting: prevention and management of complications A digital revolution ORAL COMMUNICATION 30 17.00 Osseointegrated implants: looking for optimal long term results SATELLITE INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA SATELLITE INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA 30 18.00 Organised by DENTSPLY SIRONA IMPLANTS Organised by STRAUMANN 30 19.00 Faculty and EAO Members’ Dinner 4 To be confirmed Organised by NOBEL-BIOCARE Organised by ZIMMER-BIOMET Organised by DENTSPLY-SIRONA September = Japanese and French translation Simultaneous translation from English to Japanese and French will be available during some of the major scientific sessions Saturday 1st October 8.00 HANDS-ON SESSIONS SATELLITE INDUSTRY BREAKFAST SYMPOSIA 30 HANDS-ON SESSIONS - SESSION 10 SESSION 11 Organised by: Things we stopped in our practice due to failures Debate: “Machined or rough implants?” •3-SHAPE •NOBEL-BIOCARE •GEISTLICH •ZIMMER-BIOMET SFPIO PROGRAMME ORAL COMMUNICATION Implantology needs periodontology Organised by: •ZIMMER-BIOMET 9.00 30 10.00 30 11.00 ARENA 3 Please give me back my smile! Decision making in the aesthetic zone: Challenge your speakers 30 12.00 30 EAO GENERAL ASSEMBLY INDUSTRY LUNCH SYMPOSIA 13.00 Organised by: GC-TECH 30 ORAL COMMUNICATION HANDS-ON SESSIONS Organised by: •3-SHAPE •NOBEL-BIOCARE •GEISTLICH •ZIMMER-BIOMET AWARDS CEREMONY SESSION 12 Treatment planning session: multiple cases with a “simple” or “limited” problem ORAL COMMUNICATION HANDS-ON SESSIONS 14.00 - 30 Organised by: •ZIMMER-BIOMET CLOSING CEREMONY 15.00 30 ORAL COMMUNICATION 16.00 30 17.00 30 ARENA These plenary sessions will include a series of interactive debates exploring key topics in implantology. SESSION Hear presentations exploring topics in implantology. ORAL COMMUNICATION Hear about exciting new research findings selected from among the conference abstracts as presenters compete for prizes. INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA Learn more about key subjects in these industry sponsored symposia featuring research and innovation. HANDS-ON SESSIONS 18.00 30 19.00 The “hands-on” sessions promote new techniques and offer high-level practical training under the guidance of renowned experts. These courses are organised by industry partners. 5 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW CONGRESS PROGRAMME THU FRI SAT MORNING MORNING MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON Invited country: Japan Although the EAO was originally created as a forum for European professionals, the proportion of members coming from non-European countries has greatly increased over the past few years. We are delighted to now have so many members in Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and South/Central America. As a mark of recognition and appreciation, the association has decided to honour one of these countries during its annual congress. The exchange of knowledge and search for innovation is a true part of our mission to bridge the gap between science and clinical practice. This year, the Board of Directors has chosen to welcome Japan as a guest country during the annual congress. With the highest number of members in Asia and a very active dental community, Japan appeared the natural choice for a guest country on this occasion. The Congress Committee has introduced a guest country parallel session. This provides an opportunity for clinicians from the guest country to participate in a European event and demonstrate their professional achievements and research to an international audience. Delegates from Japan will be offered discounted registration fees, normally reserved for EAO members, which means that they can register for 360 € instead of 600 € (early bird). In addition, a “Japan Corner” will be located in the exhibition area, enabling Japanese associations to showcase their activities. Cultural events will also be organised to encourage exchange and networking between delegates from different countries. Local collaboration: Société Française de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale (SFPIO) The EAO is proud to work in partnership with local associations or scientific societies on the occasion of its annual congress. It will be a great honour for the association to collaborate with the SFPIO for the 25th Annual Meeting in Paris. The Société Française de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale is an internationally renowned scientific society which works to promote periodontology and implantology and provide training in these fields. With over 1,100 members, it is one of the major French societies within the field of dentistry. SFPIO members will benefit from discounted registration fees, normally reserved for EAO members, and can register for 360 € instead of 600 € (early bird). 6 © Nicolas Dieppedalle – Fotolia. com Thursday 29th September THU FRI SAT MORNING MORNING MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON 10.30 12.15 Satellite industry symposia see page 12 13.00 14.45 ARENA 1 Decision making on the basis of the level of disease: conservation versus extraction Chair: C. Hämmerle (Switzerland) Co-Chair: M. Tonetti (Italy) How far can we go to preserve periodontally involved teeth and when does it make sense to preserve periodontally involved teeth with a questionable prognosis Giano Ricci (Italy) Decision making process between conservation and extraction for periodontally compromised teeth with a questionable prognosis Giovanni Salvi (Switzerland) 15.15 16.45 SESSION 1 SESSION 2 ORAL COMMUNICATION Soft and hard tissue grafting: prevention and management of complications A digital revolution Chair: P. Valentini (France) Co-Chair: C. Maiorana (Italy) Marcelo Calamita (Brazil) The European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) encourages researchers and clinicians to present, discuss, and exchange new research results within the field of implant therapy and related disciplines via submission of scientific abstracts. During the oral communication sessions, delegates can hear short oral presentations from the authors whose abstracts were rated highest by the Abstract Committee. Prevention and management of soft tissue defects around implants Jacques Malet (France) GBR in vertical and horizontal defects: how to reduce complications Chair: J.M. Navarro (Spain) Co-Chair: P. Stone (United Kingdom) Virtual smile design to drive the restorative plan CAD-CAM technologies and new materials Wael Att (Germany) Optical impression and implant reconstruction: where are we? Nelson Silva (Brazil) Jaime Lozada (USA) How to reduce complications using autogenous bone blocks Matteo Chiapasco (Italy) 17.00 18.45 Satellite industry symposia see page 12 Evening Faculty and EAO Members’ dinner see page 21 7 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Friday 30th September THU FRI SAT MORNING MORNING MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON MORNING 8.00 8.45 Satellite industry breakfast symposia see page 15 9.00 10.30 SESSION 3 SESSION 4 ORAL COMMUNICATION 32,000 implants down the road: what did we learn? Contest by the Junior Committee: “7 minutes to convince” Chair: J.F. Tulasne (France) Speakers: Bertil Friberg (Sweden) & Torsten Jemt (Sweden) Chair: S. Fickl (Germany) Co-Chair: H. Francisco (Portugal) The European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) encourages researchers and clinicians to present, discuss, and exchange new research results within the field of implant therapy and related disciplines via submission of scientific abstracts. During the oral communication sessions, delegates can hear short oral presentations from the authors whose abstracts were rated highest by the Abstract Committee. One of the most experienced teams in the world in the field of implant dentistry will share its experiences with no limits. Concept: An opportunity to present new research which could change the world in the field of implant dentistry. Rules for submission: A one-minute video presentation featuring anything in the field of implant dentistry (no restrictions). Submit online at Session: Will feature 7 ‘out of the box and original’ presentations of 7 minutes each. At the end of the session the audience and the Junior Committee will vote for the best presentation. 11.00 12.30 ARENA 2 Treatment planning session: a clinical case with a “complex” problem or involving extensive rehabilitation Chair: M. Cohen (USA) Presenter: A. Ricci (Italy) Coordinator: S. Gracis (Italy) 8 Team America: Team Europe: Sonia Leziy (Canada) Brahm Miller (Canada) Ward Smalley (USA) Rino Burkhardt (Switzerland) Joerg Strub (Germany) Marc Schätzle (Switzerland) Challenge your treatment planning abilities and see the experts at work as they discuss a complex treatment plan. Friday 30th September THU FRI SAT MORNING MORNING MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON 13.30 15.00 SESSION 5 SESSION 6 SESSION 7 Festival of complications Bone biology: where do we stand? Tips and tricks for a successful implant practice Chair: I. Sailer (Switzerland) Co-Chair: B. Pjetursson (Iceland) Treatment planning away from biological and technical complications Ralf Kohal (Germany) Removable implant reconstructions and quality of life of the dentist Hugo de Bruyn (Belgium) How to solve or better how to avoid technical complications. Oliver Brix (Germany) Chair: F. Neukam (Germany) Co-Chair: G. Watzek (Austria) Cell biology and immune response related to implant dentistry Reinhard Gruber (Austria) Bone to implant interface: where do we stand and where do we go? Peter Thomsen (Sweden) What is osseointegration in 2016 and why are we losing bone around dental implants Tomas Albrektsson (Sweden) Chair: B. Klinge (Sweden) Co-Chair: A. Nicol (United Kingdom) Where to be trained in oral implantology (EAO Education Programme) Helena Francisco (Portugal) How photos can improve your private practice Antonello Appiani (Italy) Private practice management and development Sarah Chick-Richardson (United Kingdom) ORAL COMMUNICATION 15.30 17.00 SESSION 8 SESSION 9 INVITED COUNTRY SESSION: JAPAN How to avoid the carpenter’s approach to implants Emerging technologies: head to head Osseointegrated implants: looking for optimal long term results Chair: G. Urde (Sweden) Co-Chair: L. Sennerby (Sweden) The influence of insertion torque and primary stability on implant survival in immediate temporisation of singletooth implants. Chair: A. Sicilia (Spain) Co-Chair: L. Cordaro (Italy) Hand guided surgery versus guided surgery Daniel Wismeijer (Netherlands) Autogenous bone block versus allogenic bone block Michael Norton (United Kingdom) Zvi Artzi (Israel) Evidence based implant carpentry. What are we using, what are we doing? Connective tissue graft versus soft tissue substitute around implants Ryo Jimbo (Sweden) Chair: H. Sato (Japan) Co-Chair: Y. Komiyama (Japan) New strategy for bone augmentation Shohei Kasugai (Japan) Consideration of dental implant treatment based on biomechanics and mechanobiology Keiichi Sasaki (Japan) Giovanni Zuchelli (Italy) Bone versus implants! Do we need to grant the biomechanical to the biology? The orthopaedist’s perspective. ORAL COMMUNICATION Thierry Joudet (France) 17.15 19.00 Satellite industry symposia see page 13 9 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Saturday 1st October THU FRI SAT MORNING MORNING MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON MORNING 8.00 8.45 Satellite industry breakfast symposia see page 15 9.00 10.30 SESSION 10 SESSION 11 Things we stopped in our practice due to failures Debate: “Machined or rough implants?” Chair: H. Schliephake (Germany) Co-Chair: R. Jung (Switzerland) Immediate implant placement Mariano Sanz (Spain) Prosthodontic rehabilitation of edentulous jaws Karl-Ludwig Ackermann (Germany) Immediate CAD/CAM restoration Margareta Hultin (Sweden) Chair: A. Wennerberg (Sweden) Co-chair: N. Lang (Switzerland) Daniel Buser (Switzerland) Massimo Simion (Italy) This session will explore whether we should attempt to reduce healing time and speed up treatment times by using implants with rough surfaces, and if so how to balance this with any increased risk of biological complications. Cemented fixed restorations FRENCH SOCIETY OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY PROGRAMME Implantology needs periodontology Chair: V. Monnet-Corti (France) Co-Chair: B. Mertens (France) Perio plastic surgery to prevent biological complication in the aesthetic zone Caroline Fouque (France) Bone management for optimal aesthetic outcome Nicolas Picard (France) ORAL COMMUNICATION Konrad Meyenberg (Switzerland) 11.00 12.30 ARENA 3 Please give me back my smile! Decision making in the aesthetic zone: Challenge your speakers Chair: I. Rocchietta (United Kingdom) Co-Chair: M. Brient (France) 10 Team 1: Team 2: Markus Hurzeler (Germany) Otto Zuhr (Germany) Tidu Mankoo (United Kingdom) Laura Frost (United Kingdom) Do you go to conferences and always find there is a gap between your day-to-day practice and what you see and hear on the podium? If so, don’t miss this chance to challenge two teams of leading dentists about how they would approach your daily clinical decisions. The session will enable you to find out how to implement innovative techniques for treatment in the aesthetic zone. Make sure you don’t miss this interactive session! Saturday 1st October THU FRI SAT MORNING MORNING MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON 12.30 13.30 Industry lunch symposia 13.30 13.45 Awards ceremony see page 15 13.45 15.15 SESSION 12 ORAL COMMUNICATION Treatment planning session: multiple cases with a “simple” or “limited” problem The European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) encourages researchers and clinicians to present, discuss, and exchange new research results within the field of implant therapy and related disciplines via submission of scientific abstracts. During the oral communication sessions, delegates can hear short oral presentations from the authors whose abstracts were rated highest by the Abstract Committee. Chair: S. Gracis (Italy) Co-Chair: U. Grunder (Switzerland) Presenter of clinical case: Christoph Hämmerle (Switzerland) Periodontist: Mario Roccuzzo (Italy) Implant surgeon: Hannes Wachtel (Germany) Oral surgeon: Fouad Khoury (Germany) Prosthodontist: Petra Gierthmühlen (Germany) Orthodontist: David de Franco (Italy) 15.15 15.30 Closing ceremony © Francois Roux – 11 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Thursday 29th September THU FRI SAT MORNING MORNING MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON SATELLITE INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA 10.30 12.15 New perspectives for GBR in challenging situations Frank Schwarz (Germany) This lecture will present new perspectives in the field of regenerative dentistry by compound guided bone regeneration. Advanced surgical procedures will be demonstrated to reduce patient morbidity by the targeted use of biomaterials. The next level for hard and soft tissue regeneration Ronald E. Jung (Switzerland) Is Guided Bone Regeneration a safe therapy and what is known about long-term results? New innovative clinical approaches will be demonstrated to solve the problem of hardand soft tissue volume stability. Are there reliable off-the-shelf solutions that will bring us to a next level? Osseointegration of implants: how to reduce treatment time and better manage patients with risk factors – using the ISQ scale to make your treatment protocols more predictable Marcus Dagnelid (Sweden) Jorg Neugebauer (Germany) Jay Malmquist (USA) Requests for shorter treatment times along with a growing number of patients with risk factors place greater demands on dentists and available technology. These speakers represent more than 30 years of combined experience with Osstell and the ISQ scale in daily practice and will discuss how to reduce treatment time and manage patients with risk factors, while reducing the risk of unnecessary costs related to premature loading. During this unique and interactive session, you will get the opportunity to ask your questions to the doctors’ and to get involved in the discussion. The Piezotome-enabled flapless vertical alveolar crest-split and horizontal distraction Angelo Troedhan (Austria) The technique allows bone-lossless vertical osteotomies of ridges of only 1mm width with mean vertical bone-loss of max. 1mm after healing. Orthodontic bone stretching for ankylosed teeth or implant relocation Philippe Bousquet (France) Matthieu Renaud (France) Christèle Artz (France) The technique uses partial corticotomies, associated with orthodontic forces. This procedure leads to bone movement by the stretching effect. Orthodontic device induces and directs the movement until the good position. 17.00 18.45 Inspiration TALKS with DENTSPLY Implants – Challenging implantsupported single tooth restorations Experienced clinicians will share insights and trends in single tooth restorations. They cover solutions for limited bone volume, including sloped ridges, as well as state-of-the-art digital technologies – all of these for achieving best function and aesthetics for every single patient. The presentations will be followed by an expert debate on the topic of periimplantitis, with a critical review of the current differences in opinions and available scientific data. Join us for an interactive symposium with inspirational talks and lively discussions. Speakers: Peter Gehrke (Germany); Mischa Krebs (Germany); Robert Nölken (Germany); Daniel Thoma (Switzerland) Expert debate: Jan Lindhe (Sweden) Tomas Albrektsson (Sweden) 12 Improved treatment protocols – affordability and productivity German Gallucci (USA) Treatment solutions for the edentulous patient Mario Roccuzzo (Italy) How to select the right implant for the right indication Arndt Happe (Germany) Key factors for success with implants in the aesthetic zone Note for partners: one satellite industry symposia is available on Thursday afternoon. Please contact congress@ for more information. Friday 30th September THU FRI SAT MORNING MORNING MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON AFTERNOON SATELLITE INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA 17.15 19.00 Treatment enhancement and refinement – evidence counts Hadi Antoun (France) More information available soon at Explore the development of a variety of patient-centred protocols and the clinical and scientific evidence supporting them. Drs. Bert Vandenberghe and Bernard Touati will look at the role of emerging technology, specifically improvements to integrated workflows and their clinical application in everyday routine. The edentulous patient population is growing and will continue to present opportunities that will challenge even the most skilled clinicians. With this in mind, Drs. Paulo Malo and Hannes Wachtel will examine the continued evolution of the All-on-4® treatment concept. Guided Surgery with Dentsply Sirona workflow: From Good to Great Guillaume Fougerais (France) Interested in achieving long lasting and highly aesthetic results? Join us in the exciting journey of chairside Integrated Implantology with Dentsply Sirona. You will see on stage how easy digital planning can be and that fabricating a surgical guide in your practice is possible in less than 40 min. You can go even further and create individual abutments – all in one single visit. Learn more about this exciting revolution with Dr. Fougerais. Satellite Industry Symposia Each session is a real asset offered in addition to the official programme. The industry symposia sessions at the EAO Congress are rich in research and innovation. Industry partners place particular importance on developing solutions and products in collaboration with leading researchers and scientists working in the field of implant dentistry. On registration, delegates can apply to participate in any of these symposia. However, they are organised independently by the sponsors, and places are not guaranteed. 13 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Friday 30th September HANDS-ON SESSIONS 08.30 11.00 or 13.30 16.00 Morning: Compound GBR for horizontal augmentation in demanding cases Frank Schwarz (Germany) This hands-on course presents the advanced technique of compound guided bone regeneration to allow the augmentation of atrophied alveolar ridges also in challenging situations. Afternoon: Extraction Socket Management of infected sockets: classification and treatment concepts Ki-Tae Koo (South Korea) This hands-on course is aimed to introduce a new treatment classification system for extraction sockets based on the extent of inflammation and bone defect and the respective treatment of each type. CHO OS YOUR E HAN D SESS S-ON ION ONLY FOR 90€ Morning and afternoon: Reducing Time to Tooth with Guided Prosthetics Don’t miss this hands-on workshop and presentation of the digital implant treatment process and guided prosthetics. From intraoral scanning, implant planning and drill guide design to designing and manufacturing final restorations (crown and abutment), you will experience first-hand the game-changing benefits of digital implantology Morning and afternoon: “The All-on-4® treatment concept – how to prepare for an immediate temporary bridge” Armando Lopes (Portugal) Tilting implants to maximise available bone offers many advantages. But how should you plan the provisional and final bridges for the best possible outcomes? How valuable is the protocol for immediate provisionalisation? Using a model, learn the steps for placing implants and converting a denture into a provisional bridge. Hands-on sessions Note for partners: Hands-on sessions are still available on Friday and Saturday. Please contact for more information. 14 The aim of the “hands-on” sessions is to promote new techniques and offer highlevel practical training under the guidance of renowned experts. These courses are organised by industry partners and each sponsor will run its session twice during the day. Delegates can register for the morning or afternoon session. Choose your handson session for only 90€ (Including 20% VAT as of March 2016). Saturday 1st October INDUSTRY LUNCH SYMPOSIA 12.30 13.30 GC Tech.Europe GmbH L-PRF: the future for optimal bone & soft-tissue healing Marc Quirynen (Belgium) L-PRF, a second generation platelet concentrate offer “significant” and “clinically relevant” advantages in case of: sinus augmentation, ridge preservation, initial Osseointegration, soft tissue grafting, etc.… This presentation will show the data of several RCTs. How to reconcile function, aesthetic, simplicity and patient satisfaction Jean Pierre Brun (France) The contribution of the better implant ranges adapted to existing tissue evolutions, allow get to a more secure approach in complicated surgeries. Industry Lunch and Breakfast Symposia The Industry Lunch and Breakfast Symposia provide an opportunity to attend an industry symposium while enjoying lunch or breakfast in the room at the same time. Industry symposia are free of charge. Note for partners: Industry breakfast symposia are still available on Friday and Saturday morning. Please contact for more information. © Beboy – 15 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW GENERAL INFORMATION Date Transport to Paris Visa From Thursday 29th September to Saturday 1st October 2016. To get to Paris you can choose Charles de Gaulle airport (CDG – north of Paris) or Orly airport (ORY – south of Paris). Depending on your nationality, it may be necessary to obtain a visa before leaving. In this case, you can find all the information you need on the website of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs Venue The 2016 EAO Congress will be held at: Le Palais des congrès de Paris 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris Easily reachable by public transport via metro station line 1 “Porte Maillot”. (Metro line 1 is the main and central line in Paris). Official language The official language of the EAO Congress is English. Translation into Japanese and French will be available in the major sessions. AIR France & KLM Global Meetings Attractive discounts are available on a wide range of fares on all Air France and KLM flights worldwide. For more details visit : Use Event ID Code 27857AF when booking. © vichie81 – 16 From CDG Airport to Paris We recommend taking a taxi. The cost is around 60 €, depending on traffic. Not all taxis accept payment by banker’s card. The Air France shuttle departs from CDG airport and connects with Porte Maillot station. The journey takes approximately 40 minutes. For more information, visit Contacts EAO Office Delphine Vieljeux Congress Manager From ORLY Airport to Paris Hotel reservation We recommend taking a taxi. The cost is around 40 €, depending on traffic. Not all taxis accept payment by banker’s card. Accommodation Bureau appointed by EAO Justine Colaux The Air France shuttle departs from ORY airport and connects with Etoile/ChampsElysées station (two metro stops from Porte Maillot). The journey takes approximately an hour. For more information, visit www. Congress registration Colloquium: Registration Secretariat appointed by EAO Samya Boufar REGISTRATION Registration is available through the EAO congress website: Until June 20th From June 21st From Sept 28th, on site EAO members, SFPIO members and Invited country (Japan) 360 € 490 € 600 € EAO student members 90 € 190 € 290 € Non-members 600 € 700 € 800 € Groups 590 € – – Payment Payment must accompany your registration. Registrations received without payment will not be processed or confirmed. Your credit card transaction will be processed through Colloquium Paris (EAO Registration Secretariat). Please note that your credit card statement will show a payment to “16EAO – CLQ”. Confirmation Receipt of your registration and credit card payment will be acknowledged by email. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact: VAT All prices (registration fees, hands-on, Faculty and Members’ dinner) include French VAT at 20% as of March 2016. Invoice An electronic invoice will be emailed to you. The invoice will be issued within a week of registration and cannot be changed, so please make sure you have provided Colloquium with the correct information (company name, address and VAT number if applicable). In case of any enquiries, please contact: Cancellation policy All registration cancellations must be made in writing (by email) to Up to and including June 30th. You will receive a reimbursement of 50% of the fees paid. If you have not paid prior to cancelling, 50% of the registration fee will still remain due. From July 1st. No refund. If you have not made payment before that date, the total registration fee will still remain due to the congress office. All refunds will be issued after the congress. Queries will not be accepted after October 28th 2016. Name change Registered participants who are unable to attend the congress cannot nominate a substitute participant. Name changes are not permitted. Registration fees are based on the date of receipt of the registration. The prices indicated are per person and are only applicable if both the registration form and the payment are received before the deadlines above; otherwise the higher registration fee will be applied. Onsite registration desks will open on September 28th, from 16:00 to 19:00. The conference registration fee includes: admission to the congress sessions, poster areas and exhibition congress documents (final programme, digital abstract book) lunches and coffee breaks EAO member registration The member congress registration fee is reserved for EAO members. Please log in to your online member area to register for the congress or become an EAO member/student member and save on your registration fee! regular membership: 225€ (+50€ joining fee in the first year) Further info at Student registration The student congress registration fee is reserved for EAO student members. Please log in to your online member area to register for the congress or become an EAO member/student member and save on your registration fee! student membership: 50€ SFPIO member registration Please note that your SFPIO membership for 2016 should be up to date before you register at the preferential rate. SFPIO members should go to to register for the congress. Group registration (special rates) minimum: 10 participants deadline for group registration July 22nd payment upon receipt of invoice (final deadline for payment: September 1st) online registration via Hands-on Courses registration Delegates can register for the morning or afternoon session for only 90€ Faculty and Members’ dinner registration Places at the dinner are available to EAO members and an accompanying guest for 75€ per person. They will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 17 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW ACCOMMODATION 1 SLEEP JUST A STEP FROM THE PALAIS DES CONGRÈS Hyatt Regency FROM 300€ Méridien Étoile FROM 300€ MAKE YOUR STAY IN PARIS DURING THE EAO CONGRESS AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE! 2 A FEW MINUTES WALK FROM THE PALAIS DES CONGRÈS Fertel Etoile FROM 180€ Résidence Impériale FROM 200€ Paris Neuilly FROM 245€ Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world with its historical and cultural heritage. We have selected more than 40 hotels to allow you to visit Paris at your ease and according to your budget. 3 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AVENUE IN THE WORLD! BW Champs Elysées FROM 180€ Tivoli Hotel FROM 220€ Mercure Arc de Triomphe FROM 265€ More choices on: 4 AUTHENTIC CHARM IN MONTMARTRE Ibis Montmartre Mercure Montmartre To give you an idea, please find on the left a selection of hotels and areas. CHARLES DE GAULLE AIRPORT FROM 180€ MONTMARTRE FROM 280€ 4 LA DÉFENSE 5 IN THE HEART OF PARIS … Timhotel Louvre FROM 250€ Mercure Opéra FROM 280€ 7 PALAIS DES CONGRÈS 1 2 GARE DU NORD GARE DE L’EST ARC DE TRIOMPHE 3 5 LOUVRE 6 FOLLOW THE STEPS OF COCTEAU AND MODIGLIANI Ibis Montparnasse FROM 180€ Pullman Montparnasse FROM 280€ EIFFEL TOWER NOTRE DAME GARE DE LYON 6 GARE D’AUSTERLITZ 7 ENJOY A BRAND NEW HOTEL IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT Mélia La Défense FROM 250€ More choices: (Prices per room per night) 18 GARE MONTPARNASSE ORLY AIRPORT 1 KM OUR SPONSORS THE EAO WISHES TO EXTEND ITS SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS FOR THEIR SUPPORT: DIAMOND OFFICIAL PUBLISHER PUBLISHING PARTNER PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE GC Tech.Europe GmbH since 1888 M E TA Platelet Rich Fibrin Sponsors list as of March 15th 2016 19 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW DISCOVER PARIS PALAIS DES CONGRÈS CHARLES DE GAULLE AIRPORT STADE DE FRANCE 5 17 18 GARE DU NORD GARE DE L’EST 16 3 15 2 13 8 7 9 6 1 4 11 12 GARE DE LYON 14 10 PARC DES PRINCES GARE D’AUSTERLITZ GARE MONTPARNASSE LEGEND 1. Eiffel Tower 2. Champs Elysées 3. Arc de Triomphe 4. Notre Dame 5.Montmartre 6.Louvre 7. Musée d’Orsay 8. Place de la Concorde 9. Centre Pompidou 10.Montparnasse Tower 11.Bastille 12.Nation 13. Père Lachaise 14.Pantheon 15. Opéra Garnier 16.Galeries Lafayette 17. La Villette 18.La Défense 20 ORLY AIRPORT 1 KM 1 3 4 5 6 15 PHOTO CREDITS: 1 – © anyaberkut – / 3 – © thierry faula – / 4 – © Punto Studio Foto – 5 – © Punto Studio Foto – / 6 – © roman_slavik – iStock / 15 – © Thomas Launois – SHOPPING Paris, “Capital of Shopping”, is home to couturiers and concept stores that create the trends of the future. There is a shopping centre in the Palais des congrès where you will be able to enjoy food, beverage and general shopping. FACULTY AND EAO MEMBERS’ DINNER Luxury fashion areas: Avenue Montaigne, Rue saint Honoré and Place Vendôme. Designer fashion areas: Place des Victoires, le Marais. Ready to wear areas: Champs Elysées, Rue de Rivoli and Galeries Lafayette. GASTRONOMY Paris “Capital of Gastronomy” invites travellers from all over the world to have a feast! The art of French cooking owes its success to the mastery of classic basics updated by today’s chefs. You will be able to enjoy the famous Parisian bistros, cafés and brasseries, and also the most prestigious restaurants for French food. Bring back a souvenir from “La Grande Epicerie de Paris” at Le Bon marché. CULTURE Paris “Capital of Culture”, with its incomparable heritage and profusion of sites and monuments, is a dream destination for visitors in search of historic splendour. Thanks to its unique blend of iconic sights, innovative architecture and unusual places, the French capital promises a cultural journey like no other through 1,803 monuments, 173 museums and a host of other exceptional sites. Paris has the biggest museum in the world: Le Louvre. Other must-see locations include the musée d’Orsay with its 19th century Impressionist art and the musée Rodin with its famous sculptures. Thursday September 29th 2016, Le Grand Hotel Don’t miss the opportunity to join congress speakers and the EAO Board of Directors at the 2016 Faculty and Members’ Dinner. The dinner will take place at the magnificently restored Le Grand Hotel. The hotel opened its doors 150 years ago, during the reign of Napoleon III, and was inaugurated by the Empress Eugénie, in person, in 1862. It is located across the street from the Opéra Garnier, and close to the wonderful Place Vendôme. With its legendary Salon Opera, a listed historical monument, the ballroom is an invitation to experience what is unique in past and present-day Paris. This is your chance to experience the elegance of Paris in the company of friends and faculty from the EAO Congress. Note: Places at the dinner are available to EAO members and an accompanying guest for 75€ per person. They will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. ROMANTIC PARIS Paris is THE romantic city par excellence! With its little streets, secret passages and squares full of charm, it is the ideal setting for a romantic getaway. Lovers can stroll hand in hand admiring the capital’s magnificent monuments. Why not enjoy a dinner on the most romantic “Avenue” in Paris on the river Seine. For more information visit 21 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW ABOUT THE EAO HISTORY MASTER CLINICIAN COURSES The European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) is a non-profit organisation which was founded in 1991. It was formed as an international, interdisciplinary and independent science based forum for all professionals interested in the art and science of osseointegration. As one of the leading associations within the field in implant dentistry in the world, the EAO aims to improve the quality of patient care by bridging the gap between science and clinical practice. The Master Clinician Course series was launched in 2015, and since then participants have been hosted in Paris and Zurich by a number of internationally renowned master clinicians (Professor Khoury; Professor Hämmerle and his team; and Dr Valentini and Professor Chiapasco). MISSION promote and facilitate clinical applications of osseointegration for the benefit of patients all over the world promote the advancement of treatment methods in reconstructive surgery and prosthetic rehabilitation based on the principles of osseointegration and related disciplines promote and initiate research into improved clinical procedures for rehabilitation as a consequence of osseointegration promote international exchange of knowledge and understanding of the techniques and research in the field of osseointegration and related disciplines promote the publication of research findings and other materials as part of continuing education for the benefit of members and interested organisations Two courses are held every year, one which focuses on surgery in March and another one which deals with prosthodontics in December. Full details are available at: Master Clinician Course Implant prosthodontics – new concepts, new materials, new technology Professor Irena Sailer and team Geneva, Switzerland , December 9–10 2016 Book early to avoid disappointment STUDENTS The EAO is glad to welcome students registered in full time education to join the association at a greatly discounted rate of 50 EUR/year. This special membership gives students the possibility to access all EAO members’ privileges including online access to COIR and complimentary copies of Inspyred, the EAO members’ magazine. EAO student members can register for the annual congress at a preferential rate of 90 EUR. Students who choose to join the EAO will be given a chance to extend their professional network and meet colleagues from all over the world to share their experience and ideas. 22 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Björn Klinge (Sweden) President Elect Alberto Sicilia (Spain) Secretary General Luca Cordaro (Italy) Treasurer Henning Schliephake (Germany) Past President Pascal Valentini (France) Members Gil Alcoforado (Portugal) Reinhilde Jacobs (Belgium) Ronald Jung (Switzerland) Turker Ornekol (Turkey) Bjarni Pjetursson (Iceland) EDUCATION PROGRAMME The EAO has a long-standing commitment to dental education. In 2010, the association launched its Certificate in Implant-Based Therapy. This was established to recognise the skills and expertise of dentists practising in this field. It is the first and only Europe wide standardised assessment of knowledge in implant-based therapy. The EAO’s Postgraduate Diploma in Implant Dentistry complements the EAO Certification Programme and provides an additional service to EAO members and the wider dental community. Launched in 2016, the programme is made up of six modules to be completed over a three-year period. Each of the modules includes a three-day live learning course at one of Europe’s most prestigious universities (Malmö, Groningen, Düsseldorf, Zurich, Madrid, Lisbon). Applications for the 2016 intake of candidates for the Postgraduate Diploma in Implant Dentistry are currently being accepted and there is now a waiting list for places. For more information please visit: MAKE US BETTER: BECOME ONE OF US europeanassociation forosseointegration European Association for Osseointegration Regular membership: 225€ (+50€ joining fee in the first year) Student membership: 50€ @EAO_Association 23 Join Europe’s leading association for implant dentistry e of us. Expand your professional networks and make new CONTACTS al w CONTACTS tion fees eting access to IR enjoy reduced registration fees for the EAO’s annual meeting receive complimentary access to the online edition of COIR PARTICIPATE IN HANDS ON TRAINING COURSES LED BY INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS take part in A wide range of RAINING educational programmes ONAL EXPERTS e of es #EAO20 Education Programme Annual Congress Master Clinician Courses Certification Programme #EAO2015 Online Library Publications Consensus Conferences More info: europeanassociation europeanassociation forosseointegration European Association forosseointegration European Association for Osseointegration @EAO_Association europeanassociation forosseointegration European Association for Osseointegration @EAO_Association
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