prologis park ryton - Prologis Property Search
prologis park ryton - Prologis Property Search
UNITED KINGDOM PROLOGIS PARK RYTON COVENTRY A45 / M45 • M6 J2 / M69 • M1 J17 BUILD TO SUIT BUILDINGS FROM 100,000 FT2 UP TO 350,000 FT2 DC3 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 225,000 FT2 FULLY AVAILABLE APRIL 2014 DC6 DC7 DC1 DC5 DC4 DC3 AVAILABLE APRIL 2014 DC2 FUTURE PHASE BUILD TO SUIT OPPORTUNITIES PROLOGIS PARK RYTON from 100,000 ft2 up to 350,000 ft2 at Prologis Park Ryton, an established location at the heart of the national transport network Within minutes of Coventry city centre, Prologis Park Ryton is a 100 acre site with B1, B2 and B8 planning permission It’s easy to see why Coventry is first choice for so many industrial/distribution decision makers: it sits at the heart of the national transport network and has an adaptable, hard working labour force. DC3 AVAILABLE APRIL 2014 DC4 DC2 Well placed for success Prologis has already delivered over 2million sq.ft of industrial/distribution space in Coventry for customers as diverse as Terex Benford (manufacturers of earth-moving equipment), British Gas, DHL and Halfords, who saw Coventry as the obvious choice when streamlining their operation. A423 7.51 ACRES Routes to M6 J2/M69/ M1 and M40 J15 DC1 Available on a built to suit basis DC5 DC5 Computer Generated Image DC7 16.64 ACRES Available on a built to suit basis Land for future phase Build to suit to occupiers detailed requirements from 100,000ft2 To M45 and M1 J17 Prologis Build to suit 5 year lease proposal for Prologis Park Ryton A45 Prologis will undertake the development of a building and the installation of high level services at Prologis Park Ryton in exchange for a 5 year lease at market rent. The lease will be in a standard form on a full repairing and insuring basis. COVENTRY CITY CENTRE (9 minutes) We already have planning in place and can commence development immediately on completion of legal formalities, allowing full operational occupation of the building in less than 10 months. STRATEGICALLY LOCATED FOR COUNTRYWIDE ACCESS M6 A46 to M6 J2/M69 and M1 J19 COVENTRY CITY CENTRE 24 EAST MIDLANDS INTERNATIONAL 14 STAFFORD SAT NAV Oxford Road CV8 3EA A46 23a A46 A42 BURTON UPON TRENT A51 A511 UK HQ LOUGHBOROUGH ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH A38 A5 5 Rail A50 A518 A41 Trunk Road PROLOGIS PARK RYTON A45 11 11a ELFORD M54 2 M42 10a M6 TOLL LEICESTER A444 To M45/M1 J17 21 M6 A454 A46 to M40 J15 A47 COVENTRY AIRPORT WOLVERHAMPTON 8 6 A442 7a 4 A45 A5 1 19 A14 RUGBY M42 3a PROLOGIS PARK RYTON A46 ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA M40 A441 15 Main entrance M6 COVENTRY A46 REDDITCH M5 MIDDLEMARCH BUSINESS PARK 2 M42 M 4a A6 M1 NUNEATON M6 BIRMINGHAM INTERNATIONAL IN M5 KIDDERMINSTER HAMS HALL RFI 5 BIRMINGHAM M69 A423 WARWICK M45 A45 A423 A423 A14 DIRFT RFI 17 To M40 J11 M1 NORTHAMPTON A435 6 WORCESTER A422 Ryton offers a prime location at the intersection of the country’s main motorway routes with access to 95% of UK markets within a five hour drive time. Mainline stations at Warwick, Rugby, Coventry and Birmingham put London and the major conurbations of the North West at just an hour’s train ride away. For more information regarding Toll Bar improvements visit: http://www.highways. 12 MOTORWAY ACCESS GUIDE* JunctionsMiles Time M6 7 11 min M40 13 15 min M1 J17 14 17 min M1 J18 17 37 min M42 14 20 min M6 Toll 22 26 min M5 32 36 min DRIVE TIME GUIDE* Town Miles Leicester 27 Birmingham 30 Leeds 119 London 93 Manchester 121 Bristol 108 PORT ACCESS GUIDE* MilesTime Liverpool 125 2 hr 13 min Hull 136 2 hr 18 min Southampton 124 2 hr 18 min Immingham 137 2 hr 24 min Felixstowe 148 2 hr 39 min RAIL PORTS MilesTime DIRFT 2122min Hams Hall 24 30min Time 39 min 37 min 2 hr 2 min 1 hr 48 min 2 hr 8 min 1 hr 50 min A WORKFORCE WITH THE RIGHT SKILLS £482.1 £492.4 • It has a highly skilled flexible workforce • 13.5% of the workforce in North Warwickshire works in transport and logistics • The West Midlands is one of the UK’s* top five distribution locations •C oventry sits at the heart of the national motorway network • The logistics sector is expected to generate 11,000 new jobs in the West Midlands over the next 7 years* •C oventry has an working age population of just under 195,000 • The West Midlands is the heartland for the manufacturing industry Weekly warehousing worker salary £534.4 •R ugby has an estimated workforce of around 54,000 •W ages in Coventry are below the regional average * Journey times are approximate and based on travel by car. Journey times to cities are calculated to city centres. Coventry West Midlands Great Britain EXISITING OCCUPIERS JOIN THE SUCCESS AT PROLOGIS PARK RYTON MIDDLEMARCH BUSINESS PARK A46 To M40 J15 COVENTRY CITY CENTRE A45 COVENTRY AIRPORT A46 To M6 J2/M69 and M1 J19 Why Prologis Park Ryton “This new building is an important step towards establishing our own distribution network in the UK. We are working to a tight timetable, so we began our search by looking for an existing warehouse. However, we are confident that Prologis can deliver a new facility that will suit our requirements exactly and that it will be ready to meet our operational deadline.” “We are delighted with the new distribution centre at Ryton. Prologis was able to offer us a facility that met the requirements of our parts logistics operations and ... the building was ready to meet our timetable. ” Stephen Dady Materials Business Manager Network Rail Dongcheol Kim Vice President Hi Logistics, an LG company DC2 300,000 ft2 DC6 FUTURE PHASE Main entrance DC3 225,000 ft 2 DC7 UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND FULLY AVAILABLE APRIL 2014 Quality Specification Warehouse Office • Steel Portal Frame • Enhanced cladding and curtain walling to improve natural lighting with Brise Soleil to reduce solar gain • Built-up cladding with 25-year system guarantee • Triple-skinned rooflights to 15% of floor area FM2 (special) floor slab: Uniformly-distributed loading of 50kn/m2 Rack loading of 7 tonnes • ‘Mixed mode’ mechanical ventilation system • 4 level access and 21 dock doors • Solar thermal hot water system • Pro-wall reinforced concrete dock areas with dock height of 1300mm • Rainwater harvesting • Adjustable dock levellers rated to 6,000kg with retractable shelters, LED traffic lights and lighting Oxford Road A423 DC4 165,200 ft2 170,535ft2 DC4 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 165,200ft2 To M40 J11 Banbury/Southam DC3 AVAILABLE APRIL 2014 DC2 300,000ft2 225,000 ft2 A45 DC5 170,535 ft2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION • Energy monitoring system with ’smart meters’ • Office lighting with automatic movement and daylight controls • Secured fenced yards • Heavy duty raised access floor • 12.5m eaves height • Fire alarm system and main panel designed for the future connection of a warehouse fire alarm system • 4 3 trailer parking spaces Request DC3 brochure for more information or download pdf at www.prologisryton/dc3 • High efficiency gas fired heating with radiators DC5 DC1 • 211 parking spaces • Hub office and gatehouse To M45/ M1 J17 Network Rail Network Rail Network Rail Network Rail Alternative Masterplan PROLOGIS PARK RYTON BUILD TO SUIT OPPORTUNITIES FROM 100,000 SQ FT UP TO 350,000 FT2 A45 DC2 DC5 Quality Specification 130,000ft2 50 M 55 M 50 M Warehouse Office • Steel Portal Frame • Built-up cladding with 25-year system guarantee • Enhanced cladding and curtain walling to improve natural lighting with Brise Soleil to reduce solar gain • Level access and dock doors • ‘Mixed mode’ mechanical ventilation system • Pro-wall reinforced concrete dock areas with dock height of 1300mm • High efficiency gas fired heating with radiators • Triple-skinned rooflights to 15% of floor area FM2 (special) floor slab: Uniformly-distributed loading of 50kn/m2 Rack loading of 7 tonnes • Rainwater harvesting • Adjustable dock levellers rated to 6,000kg with retractable shelters, LED traffic lights and lighting • Deliverable in 24 weeks 50 M DC1 Land for future phase Build to suit to occupiers detailed requirements from 100,000ft2 • Solar thermal hot water system • Energy monitoring system with ’smart meters’ DC8 50 M DC4 62 M Prologis provides distribution and industrial buildings for many of the UK’s leading companies and it has earned a reputation for delivering high quality facilities at strategic locations across the country. Working with the customer through every step of the development process, Prologis ensures that its buildings are designed and constructed to meet each operator’s individual business requirements. DC7 151,310ft2 50 M DC3 225,000ft2 Available April 2014 182,750ft2 • Office lighting with automatic movement and daylight controls Planning VAT Service charge • Heavy duty raised access floor Planning for B1, B2 and B8 uses. All rates quoted are exclusive of VAT. Terms Rent There will be a charge to cover the maintenance, repair and security of the common areas. Leasehold – terms to be agreed. Upon application. • Fire alarm system and main panel designed for the future connection of a warehouse fire alarm system Oxford Road A423 DC5 DC2 A45 50 M 55 M 50 M 50 M 50 M Land for future phase Build to suit to occupiers detailed requirements from 100,000ft2 DC7 322,970ft2 DC1 150,170ft2 DC4 DC3 225,000ft2 Available April 2014 Oxford Road A423 Request DC3 brochure for more information PROLOGIS PARK RYTON B4110 B4110 COVENTRY A46 to M40 J15 ER AST YE TR N VE CO NB YPA A46 A46 SS A46 to M6 J2/M69 and M1 J19 A45 A45 Tollbar Roundabout A45 A45 Coventry Airport To M45/ M1 J17 A45 A45 LO ND ON RD PROLOGIS PARK RYTON Middlemarch Business Park Main entrance SAT NAV Oxford Road CV8 3EA To M40 J11 A423 A423 WHY PROLOGIS Prologis is the leading global provider of industrial real estate with properties and development projects of approximately 563 million square feet in markets across the Americas, Europe and Asia. Its modern facilities in 21 countries are leased to more than 4,500 customers who include manufacturers, retailers, transport companies, third-party logistics providers and other enterprises. Prologis is one of the few real estate companies able to take a leading role in both global and regional markets – including the UK – as a property developer, owner and manager. Providing customers and investors with modern accommodation that is designed and built to high standards of sustainability, Prologis offers the development expertise required to build bespoke facilities that are designed to suit customers’ precise needs.For more information please visit Contact For more information please contact agents or visit 0121 643 6440 Robert Rae Tom Kimbell Carl Durrant 0121 616 4800 Richard Ludlow Myles Wilcox-Smith Misrepresentation Act: Particulars contained in this brochure have been produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide and do not constitute the whole or part of any contract. All liability in negligence or otherwise, arising from use of these particulars are hereby excluded. 21893 10/13
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