July 2016 Newsletter


July 2016 Newsletter
July 2016 Newsletter
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Important Announcements
Mark your Calendars for the 2016 Summer Garden Party!
Impact100 Sonoma invites all members and guests to our annual Summer
Celebration to be held this year on August 20 from 2:004:00 pm at Joanna Kemper's home. Watch your inbox for an email invitation you won't want to miss this fun event!
Have a play date with your dog at Pet's Lifeline!
September 8, 5:30-7:30 pm, email invitation to follow.
NOTE: There will be no August Newsletter
The Impact100 Sonoma Communications Team will be taking a summer break!
Look for the next newsletter on September 1.
Impact100 Sonoma Announces New Vision and Mission Statements:
Our Vision:
A Thriving Sonoma Valley.
Our Mission:
Empowering women of Sonoma Valley to invest in a more sustainable
nonprofit community through collective giving and responsible stewardship.
July 1, 2016
In This Issue
President's Letter
Changes to Grant Program in
Changes in Leadership
KSVY Morning Show
Impact100 Sonoma
We have new Impact100
Sonoma Board members
You can see bios of our new
and continuing board
members on the website.
Impact100 Sonoma
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July 2016 Newsletter
Showing our true colors...last summer's Impact100 Sonoma march in the
4th of July Parade - photo by Bari Williams -
President's Letter
Just before taking a well-deserved summer break, we welcome five
talented Impact100 Sonoma members to our board, all with experience
on grant review committees. These women are replacing eight
dedicated board members who have shown an unwavering
commitment to our organization during their terms. I want to thank all
of these retiring members for their service, particularly Celia Canfield,
our out-going co-president, who has patiently shown me the ropes this
past year, preparing me to follow in her footsteps.
Quick Calendar
The entire Impact100 Sonoma Board is very grateful for the
participation of so many of you who volunteered your time and
expertise on committees this year. You have welcomed new members,
helped plan and staff events, written articles for the newsletter, and
participated in reviewing grant proposals and leading site visits. Our
many accomplishments this year were made possible by your
involvement, and I thank you.
August 20 - Impact100
Sonoma Summer Garden
Party, 2:00-4:00 pm at the
home of Joanna Kemper.
Keep an eye out for an email invitation to our annual Summer Garden
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shares another fabulous
Thanks once again to Pat
Meier-Johnson and her
husband, Russ Johnson,
we have added our 13th
video to our collection -this one featuring 4Paws
Learning and Wellness
Center and showing the
bonds between those who
are trying to read and
those who patiently listen.
This new video is available
July 26 - Sonoma Farmers'
Market, Stop by the table.
5:30-7:30 pm, Sonoma
August 23 - Sonoma
Farmers' Market, Stop by the
table. 5:30-7:30 pm, Sonoma
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July 2016 Newsletter
Party on Saturday, August 20th--a favorite event of our members
judging by the turn-out every year. This casual, social gathering is a
great occasion to introduce a friend to Impact100 Sonoma and all the
wonderful women that make it what it is. I hope you and a guest can
join us.
This fall we will begin our efforts toward our eighth grant cycle. That
means it's not too soon to send in your 2017 membership donation.
There is much more we can do together to benefit our community. I
hope we can we count on your support for 2017.
September 8 - Pet's Lifeline
Dog Play Date Event,
5:30-7:30, email invite to
Enjoy the summer in our beautiful Sonoma Valley,
Details in the full calendar.
September 1 - Murphy's
Pub Happy Hour See you
there! 5:30 - 7:00pm.
Quick Links
Our Website
Grant Info
Become a Member
Community Calendar
Wendy Hoffman
Impact100 Sonoma President
Members' Portal
Contact Us
New Changes to the Impact100
Sonoma Grant Program for 2017
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July 2016 Newsletter
At the January 2014 Membership Envisioning meeting, Impact100
Sonoma members shared their ideas on where our grant-making
process could improve. The Grants Envisioning Committee took these
ideas, along with feedback from local nonprofits, and provided input to
the Board. The result is outlined in the following changes to our 2017
grant program for the coming grant cycle:
Extend the grant term for the $100,000 Impact Grant from a
maximum of two years to three years. Organizations will set a
customized timeline for their proposals for up to three years.
All Impact Grant finalists will receive an unrestricted merit grant
of $10,000 to be used by the nonprofit in any manner that
supports their operations.
Increase the maximum amount for a Community Grant from
$15,000 to $20,000.
Community Grant applicants will now be able to apply for the
exact amount they need up to $20,000. In past years, we asked
organizations for proposals of $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000.
See the full description on the website HERE.
A Change in Leadership:
Saying "Hello" to new board members
and a huge "Thank You!" to those
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July 2016 Newsletter
This year, we say good-bye to eight exceptional women--board
members who have contributed their time and talents to making
Impact100 Sonoma the extraordinary organization that it is. Three of
these are founding members*. We extend a special thank you to (from
left to right): Ann Reder*, Executive Vice-President; Cathy Gorham*,
2015/16 Impact Grant Chair; Judy Scotchmoor*, Communications;
Jeanne Montague, Treasurer; Grace Meeks, 2014/15 Impact Grant
Chair; Celia Canfield, Co-President; Amy Rassen, Grants Oversight
Chair; and Terri Rhodes, Secretary (not photographed).
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July 2016 Newsletter
As sad as it is to lose the leadership and knowledge of these
experienced women, we are truly excited to welcome five new board
members (from left to right): Claudia Sims, Impact Grant Chair; Susan
Porth, Treasurer; Cam McKinley, Assistant Communications; Judith
Walsh, Governance; and Margaret Grandy, Community Grants Chair
(not photographed).
We also have a few board members whose roles are changing for the
upcoming year. Deb Kweller will now be in charge of Information
Management & Technology, Diana Sanson will take on the role of
Grants Oversight Chair, and Liz Tunney Williams will fill the role of
You can read the bios of all board members HERE.
See the new Board of Directors organizational chart HERE.
KSVY Morning Show Features 10,000
Degrees and Impact100 Sonoma
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July 2016 Newsletter
10,000 Degrees Regional Director, Sonoma County, Lisa Carreño
and Wendy Hoffman were interviewed on the KSVY Morning Show
Wendy Hoffman was interviewed along with Lisa Carreño, 10,000
Degrees Regional Director for Sonoma County, on the KSVY Morning
Show by Leslie Tippell. Wendy covered Impact100 Sonoma's 2016
grant review process, the 11 grant recipients, and the organization's
critical role in Sonoma Valley in supporting nonprofits. Then Lisa
described potential obstacles faced and strategies used to educate
both parents and children in how to access resources to make college
more accessible and affordable with financial aid and scholarships.
Through this year's Impact Grant, 10,000 Degrees will be expanding
their programs at Sonoma Valley High School and into Hanna Boys
Center. An unexpected impact this grant will have is that 10,000
Degrees will also be able to reach out to middle school students and
parents to help them understand what a college path looks like early
on, preparing them with the right information to make better choices in
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July 2016 Newsletter
high school.
© 2016 Impact 100 Sonoma. All Rights Reserved.
Impact100 Sonoma, PO Box 1958, Sonoma, CA 95476
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