energy through education!


energy through education!
Training Courses
To make training suitable to customers’ needs, we design
seminars in various formats and offer classroom courses, online
training or a blended mix of both. We emphasize a practiceoriented approach in order to guarantee a fast and effective
learning success. Training can take place in RENAC’s Training
Centre in Berlin or at customers’ premises worldwide.
To make learning exciting and effective, we apply
interactive methodologies and practice-oriented tools in
our courses, such as:
 Case studies
 Real-life scenarios
 Presentations
 Open Training
 Software training
 Tailor-made Training
 Field trips
 Online Training
As specialists in the green energy sector, we can offer training
and educational services for the following technologies:
 Photovoltaics (grid-connected and off-grid)
 Solar thermal (small and large scale)
 Solar thermal power plants
 Wind energy (small and large scale)
 Bioenergy (biogas, biogene fuels, biomass)
 Electricity grids and grid-integration of renewables
 Energy efficiency in buildings
Masters’ Degrees
Capacity Building Services
 Energy efficiency in industry and commerce
In cooperation with universities, we have set-up masters’
programs focusing on renewable energies to support young
professionals aiming at a career in the green energy markets:
Through our Capacity Building Services, we support third parties
in building-up their own capacity to give RE and EE training. Our
many years of green energy expertise paired with know-how
on education and training methods flow into all the services we
offer to our customers.
To support the rapidly developing green energy markets, we offer
educational services and training covering the whole value chain.
We deliver customised educational content starting from the
setting up of political frameworks, to economics and financing,
through to design, installation, operation and maintenance.
 MBA Renewables: a unique online MBA combining management skills with know-how on RE, run in cooperation with
Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
 GPE New Energy: Master of Science in technology,
engineering and project management for solar electricity,
solar thermal or general renewable energies, carried out in
cooperation with Technical University of Berlin.
 Hybrid systems
RENAC is certified according ISO 9001,
so all our training meets the highest
quality standards.
 Capacity Assessment
 Development of Curricula and Training Material
Practical training and experience – the key to successful learning
 Turnkey Training Centers
 Train-the-Trainer Programs
Practical Training in the RENAC Training Centre
 Quality Assurance
To provide our course participants with a thorough understanding of green energy technologies, we place a high emphasis on
hands-on instruction – which takes place in the RENAC Training
Centre. It is equipped with an exhibition area, a computer lab for
software training and five technology-specific labs:
Market Development & Consulting
Through our Market Development & Consulting services, we
provide the essential expert resources needed to help emerging
green energy markets get established. We use our experience,
network and business contacts to deliver customized market
intelligence and resources.
 Advisory Services
 Delegation Programs
 Development of Conference Programs
 Market Research
Photovoltaics (grid-connected and off-grid)
Participants obtain hands-on practice in all stages of PV system
building – from planning, installation, maintenance, quality
management through to monitoring and remote control.
Industry standard components are available for inspection and
measurement exercises.
Solar Thermal (hot water and space heating)
The Solar Thermal Lab houses several rigs for demonstrating reallife systems. Participants can actively familiarize themselves with
the systems by fitting components, mounting collectors, faultfinding and going through the commissioning process.
Energy Efficiency
We make energy efficiency visible! A suite of model building
components demonstrates various approaches to building design
and construction. Experimental rigs for industrial applications
present the latest technologies in the commercial sector.
Wind Power
Through our micro wind turbines trainees can easily gain
familiarity with wind energy physics and principles of windmill
technologies. With our wind power simulator we can test the
performance of a complete wind energy system and study
power quality characteristics as well as technical regulations for
interconnection with the power system.
Electricity Grids
Our grid simulation systems let participants learn about
stabilizing grids and how to manage the currency and voltage
fluctuations as increasing amounts of renewable energy are fed
into the grid. They learn what to expect as the RE proportion
hits 10%, 30%, 50% and more.
RENAC Mobile Training Centre
For courses at, or near our clients‘ premises we have a Mobile
Training Centre, which we can transport to any location. We
can use this center to assist with training in photovoltaic, solar
thermal and wind energy technologies similar to that in our
Training Centre in Berlin.
Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) ▪ Schönhauser Allee 10 –11 ▪ 10119 Berlin ▪ Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 52 689 58 70 ▪ Fax: +49 (0)30 52 689 58 99 ▪ ▪
Training and Capacity Building for Renewable
Energy and Energy Efficiency
The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), based in Berlin,
Germany, is one of the leading international providers of
education and training in renewable energy (RE) and energy
efficiency (EE). Following our founding in January 2008 over
4,000 participants from more than 130 countries worldwide
have benefited from our expertise in the technology, financing,
management and market development of renewable energy
and energy efficiency.
Our Goal
Get Professional for Tomorrow’s Markets
RENAC supports people, companies, institutions and
organizations in developing renewable energy and energy
efficiency markets at a variety of levels – technical, political,
legal, financial. Our customers include engineers, technicians,
financiers, managers, sales people, legal practitioners, public
decision makers and those working in public administration or
for development organizations.
Our Vision: Foster Regional Development Through
Intercultural Exchange
RENAC’s vision is to make German and international knowhow in renewable energy and energy efficiency available to
an international audience and to facilitate an international
exchange of expertise and experience. At the same time, we
adapt all our courses and learning tools to a region’s specific
conditions, no matter if our clients are based in Europe, Africa,
Asia or America. As we operate independently of component
producers, we can always work with the best available
technologies according to an individual customer’s needs and
climatic preconditions.
MBA Renewables
Training for the World Bank
In cooperation with the Beuth
University of Applied Sciences Berlin,
RENAC initiated the MBA Renewables.
This MBA is the only part time distance
learning program worldwide with the
chance of obtaining the degree “Master
of Business Administration” which
focuses on RE and EE.
RENAC organized a series of training
modules in wind energy and
photovoltaics for employees of the
World Bank. Participants learned
about both typical project risks and the
technical foundations needed to obtain
a solid bases for decision-making on the
implementation of RE plants.
In a RENAC-designed and commissioned training center at
the Earth University in Costa Rica, students have undertaken
training in solar-, wind- and bio-energy. To increase the number
of local trainers, RENAC has also conducted several Train-theTrainer seminars. These take place in the newly implemented
training center.
Solar Training for Public Authority for Electricity and Water
(PAEW) in Oman
RENAC Mexico
Our Mission: Providing knowledge for the development of
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Our belief is that knowledge is one of the key factors needed
for the future growth of green energies that provide clean, yet
secure power. The rapid growth of the renewable energy and
energy efficiency technologies has led to a huge demand for
expertise and qualifications throughout the industry, and from
financial institutions and policy-setting bodies. By providing
training and educational services, RENAC aims to propagate the
necessary know-how for the growth of renewable energy and
energy efficiency markets.
“The more I look at my notes from the class, the more helpful I
find them. RENAC is really providing one of the strongest courses
For professional training in the Mexican
solar energy market, RENAC has set-up
a training centre for solar energies in
Mexico. Following a Train-the-Trainer
seminar at RENAC in Berlin, a number
of Mexican trainers have now been
qualified to conduct an open course
programme locally for engineers,
installers and non-technicians.
Administrative staff and engineers from the Public Authority
for Electricity and Water of the Sultanate of Oman undertook a
seminar on solar technologies, exploring the potential for photovoltaic, solar thermal and concentrating solar power projects.
Piper Foster, Ecologic Institute, Germany
“This lab is going to help students open up even more opportunities
as it expands the fields we can work in as professionals after
Helen Lankester, EARTH alumni from Costa Rica
Workshops on RE financing
Under the Green for Growth Fund,
Southeast Europe (GGF) Technical
Assistance Facility (TAF) RENAC was
commissioned to develop and conduct
workshops on renewable energy financing in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro,
Serbia, Kosovo and Turkey.
Training Programs for the Kuwait
Institute of Scientific Research (KISR)
For KISR, RENAC has developed a
number of seminars on basic and
advanced photovoltaic, solar thermal
as well as training in wind energy
TrEff – Training in Energy Efficiency
European EnergyManager – EUREM
RENAC had been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of
Economics and Technology to conduct the project TrEff as a
part of the Initiative “Energy Efficiency – made in Germany”.
TrEff was directed to participants from the public sector,
financing institutions and energy supply companies in
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine. The programme’s aim
was to deepen knowledge on energy efficiency and to raise
competence on policy approaches that may support market
mechanisms for improving energy efficiency in the countries.
EUREM is a training programme
comprising the areas of engineering
and management, which addresses
experts in the energy sector from
European and non-European countries.
The Indo-German Chamber of
Commerce aims to offer EUREM to
experts from India. For this purpose,
RENAC is adapting the learning
material to the local Indian conditions.
RCREEE Training for Delegates from 9
MENA countries
To foster the know-how of junior
executive managers of the region,
RCREE requested a training for 20 young
decision makers from ministries and
energy agencies. The training delivered
an overview on RE and EE technologies,
financing and frameworks.
Establishing Training Capacities for
Phovotoltaic in Malaysia
The Selangor Human Resource
Development Centre (SHRDC) is a
public-private learning centre aiming
to improve the human resource
pool in Malaysia. It has contracted
RENAC to carry out a Train-the-Trainer
seminar and a pilot training course on
photovoltaics, directed towards PV
ReGrid – Grid-Integration of Renewables
As part of its 3-year ReGrid project, RENAC is offering a variety
of educational resources both to grid operators and political
decision makers in the MENA region. They learn in particular
about the stabilization of electricity grids that integrate large
amounts of renewable electricity. Apart from the technical
input, one of the key aims is to encourage the participants to
actively cooperate with requests for grid connections, rather
than hindering them.
GPE New Energy – Master‘s Degree
In-house training for the giz
This master programme, established
by RENAC and the Technical University,
Berlin, is a unique study on PV, solar
thermal or general renewable energies
covering production, engineering and
project management.
For the giz – a German government
sponsored organization promoting
sustainable development – RENAC
designed workshops on renewable
energy market development, focusing
on developing countries.
Training Courses on Solar Energy in
Saudi Arabia
RENAC conducted three training
courses for Saudi Aramco employees.
RENAC also designed and purchased
the training equipment for practical
experiments and hands-on training.