Introduction, Arusha, Tanzania - The International Renewable
Introduction, Arusha, Tanzania - The International Renewable
Introduction IRENA Global Atlas Spatial planning techniques 2-day seminar About Renewables Academy (RENAC) • RENAC is a berlin-based training specialist for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. • RENAC trained more than 4,000 persons from over 130 countries. • RENAC’s clients are from public and private sectors. • RENAC offers short-term trainings and academic education (MBA-Renewables, GPE-New Energy) Capacity Building Services (RENAC supports third parties to build up their own capacities for trainings) • RENAC is a private sector company with 27 employees. • RENAC is independent. 2 About the tutor • Degree in Industrial Engineering and Business Administration • 4 years project manager with the German Energy Agency, focussing on solar technology; managed solar lighthouse projects abroad, did market research on foreign markets and co-ordinated the EU consortium ‘PV Policy Group’ • Since March 2009 scientific coordinator, lecturer and project director for RENAC’s solar training programmes: Coordinates and develops the Masters Program Global Production Engineering in Solar Technology (GPE Solar) in cooperation with the Technical University Berlin Teaches photovoltaic engineering, solar project financing and energy economics Consults electric utilities, NGOs, national energy agencies a.o. on the development of own solar training activities Author of technical studies about PV power plant design and grid integration of photovoltaics 3 TECHNOLOGY FOCUS 4 Main renewable energy technologies • • • • • • • • Passive solar Solar energy Wind energy Hydro energy Bio-energy Heat pumps Geothermal Ocean power Source: Microsoft Office 5 Photovoltaics (PV) - grid-tied and off grid • PV produces electricity • no tracking required • works anywhere • electrochemical storage possible 6 Concentrated solar power (CSP) • Only for Sunbelt areas with high DNI • Tracking is mandatory • Hybrid operation possible (with CCP) • Molten salt storage possible Source: Wikipedia commons 7 Wind generators - dimensions Wind turbines, Brandenburg, near Berlin 8 SETTING THE FRAME 9 Resource Mapping Instruments for scenario development Once we know resource and zones: How do we get to realistic and feasible scenarios? Scenarios Political, regulatory & financial instruments What needs to be done to create the right framework for low-risk scenario deployment? RE Markets 10 Resource Mapping Instruments for scenario development Stand-alone …will partly be different for… Scenarios Grid-tied Political, regulatory & financial instruments RE Markets 11 Day 1 Resource Mapping Energy planning instruments 1. National capacity and electricity yield estimation Result: Technical potential for identified areas 2. Finding economically most viable applications and areas Result: Overview on RE generation cost 3. Define priority areas for various RE technologies Scenarios 12 Strategies: 1. Target setting 2. The availability of flexibility in the power sector? 3. The availability of grid infrastructure? 4. The availability of space (spatial planning)? Instruments: 5. Designing finance mechanisms for different market segments 6. Financing support mechanisms 7. Reducing administrative barriers Project development: 8. Resource mapping for investors and project developers 9. Monitoring and reviewing (target achievement) Day 2 Scenarios RE Market 13 Thank you very much for your attention! Jens Altevogt Renewables Academy (RENAC) Phone +49 30 52 689 58-76
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