plain cushions
plain cushions
ph ANDREA PANCINO / style ANNA DE CILLIA PLAIN CUSHIONS SELL IN, SOLD OUT. IRISUN® LIVING PLAIN CUSHIONS ARE DESIGNED TO COMPLETE YOUR BUSINESS AND MATCH YOUR CUSTOMERS NEEDS WITH ELEGANCE AND STYLE. IRISUN® LIVING SOLIDS & TEXTURES CANAPÉ LINACRYL SOLIDS CANVAS MILLERIGHE PANAMA PLAIN CUSHIONS COLLECTION IS MADE WITH IRISUN® LIVING FABRICS • IRISUN® LIVING SOLIDS • IRISUN® LIVING TEXTURES: CANVAS / CANAPÉ / LINACRYL / MILLERIGHE / PANAMA CHOOSE YOUR FABRIC ON THE 2 COMPLETE COLOUR CHARTS. ph ANDREA PITARI IRISUN® LIVING SOLIDS ph ANDREA PITARI IRISUN® LIVING TEXTURES CHOOSE YOUR STYLE: SOFA OR FLOOR? ITALIAN MADE TEXTILES. IRISUN® LIVING FABRICS: UNIQUE FEATURES EASY CARE 3 4 IRISUN® UV 1 2 100% TESSUTO ACRILICO TINTO IN MASSA IDROREPELLENTE, ANTIMACCHIA, ANTIMUFFA UNA BARRIERA CONTRO I RAGGI UV NON TEME DI ESSERE TRASCURATO 100% SOLUTION DYED ACRYLIC FABRIC WATER REPELLENT, STAIN RESISTANT, MILDEW RESISTANT UV RAYS PROTECTION SHIELD EXTRAORDINARY FEARLESS FABRIC 100% SPINNDÜSENGEFÄRBTES ACRYL-OUT DOOR-GEWEBE WASSER-, SCHMUTZABWEISEND, FÄULNIS- UND SCHIMMELHEMMEND EINE BARRIERE GEGEN UV- STRAHLEN EIN GEWEBE, UM DAS SIE SICH NICHT SORGEN MÜSSEN 100% ACRYLIQUEOUTDOOR TEINTE MASSE TRAITMENT HYDROFUGE, ANTITACHES ET ANTI-MOISISSURE PROTECTION DES RAYONS UV UN TISSU QUI N’A PAS PEUR D’ETRE NEGLIGES 5 5 ANNI DI GARANZIA 5-YEAR WARRANTY 5 JAHRE GARANTIE 5 ANS GARANTIE La garanzia riguarda la resistenza agli UV e la solidità del colore e vale in caso di un normale utilizzo nel rispetto delle avvertenze circa pulizia e manutenzione. UV resistance and colour fastness are guaranteed. The warranty is valid in case of respect of the application of the fabric and of the instructions for care and cleaning. Die Garantie bezieht sich auf UV-Beständigkeit und Farbechtheit und gilt bei normalen Anwendungen und bei der empfohlenen Reinigung und Pflege. Le tissu est garanti concernant la resistance aux rayures UV et la solidité de la couleur. La garantie est valide en cas d’utilisation normal avec respet pour les instructions de nettoyage et entretien. SHAPES FINISHINGS 40x40 cm COLOURS SIMPLE MONO 60x60 cm 50x30 cm 50x50 cm 60x20 cm EDGE 70x70 cm BUTTON EDGE+BUTTON FURNITURE CUSHIONS FLOOR CUSHIONS SIZES TO FIT ALL YOUR NEEDS. STAIN CHART & REMEDY TIPS TIPO DI MACCHIE SOLUZIONI CONSIGLIATE TYPE OF STAINS CLEANING SOLUTIONS Muffa 1 tazza di candeggina 60 g di detersivo per piatti 4 l di acqua Mildew Bleach (1 cup) 60 g dishwashing liquid 4 l water Bacche / frutti di bosco / sangue essiccato / vino / cioccolato 120/240 g di detersivo per piatti 4 l di acqua 90 g di ammoniaca Berry / blood (dried) / wine / chocolate 120/240 g dishwashing liquid 4 l water 90 g Ammonia Guano / succhi di frutta / pomodoro / cola / tè / latte / caffè / mascara 60 g di detersivo per piatti 4 l di acqua Bird droppings / fruit juice / tomato juice / cola / tea / milk / coffee / mascara 60 g diswashing liquid 4 l water Birra / urina / vomito / caffè / vino / cioccolato 60 g di detersivo per piatti 4 l di acqua 90 g di aceto di vino bianco Beer / urine / vomit / coffee / wine / chocolate 60 g dishwashing liquid 4 l water 90 g white winegar Rossetto / pastelli Solvente per pittura, sgrassatore per olio o grasso Lipstick / crayon Paint remover, oil or grease remover Lozione solare Detergente all’olio di pino Suntan lotion Pine oil detergent Ruggine da ferro Smacchiatore specifico per ruggine Iron drust Specific iron dust remover Gomma da masticare / smalto per unghie / olio / caffè / burro / mascara Solvente (acetone 100%) Chewing gum / nail polish / oil / coffee / butter / mascara Volatile solvent (acetone 100%) MACCHIE COMUNI NORMAL STAINS Applicare IRISUN APCO FAST CLEANER, detergente pronto all’uso, e risciacquare con acqua. FADE RESISTANT. BREATHABLE AND BLEACH CLEANABLE. Apply IRISUN APCO FAST CLEANER, ready to use detergent, then rinse thorougly with water. IRISUN® LIVING PLAIN CUSHIONS ITALY F.LLI GIOVANARDI SNC T +39 0376 572011 F +39 0376 667687 E W GERMANY GIOVANARDI GMBH T +49 371 5611553 F +49 371 5611554 E W FRANCE GIOVANARDI FRANCE SAS T +33 2 54030472 F +33 2 54214811 E W SLOVAKIA GIOVANARDI EAST SRO T +421 2 38101106 F +421 2 38101106 E W RUMANIA POLYTEX COM SRL T +40 213265535 F +40 213265535 E W BULGARIA BULTEX SRL T +359 32 630065 F +359 32 630065 E W Via Marconi 63 46039 Villimpenta (MN) Italy T +39 0376 572011 F +39 0376 667687 W IRISUN is a brand of UNITED KINGDOM GIOVANARDI UK LTD T +44 1375 850035 F +44 1375 858464 E W
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COLLECTION 2013/2016 Les données techniques peuvent varier selon le lot de fabrication et sont sujettes à une tolérance de ±5%.