January 2016 - Belfast Central School
January 2016 - Belfast Central School
Volume 38/Number 5 l January 2016 ‘Stocking Stuffers’ Full of Holiday Cheer “Stocking Stuffers” was a smashing success that had audiences laughing out loud on December 11 and 12 in the BCS auditorium. With a large cast of 30, plus the addition of the 3/4 choir of over 25 students, it was wonderful to have such great participation. It was truly a school-wide effort with so many teachers and staff members lending their time and talents and donating needed props and supplies. All of these pieces came together to present a holiday show that students and audiences won’t soon forget! The support of the community was evident as the show opened to a full house and brought in a great crowd for the second performance as well. It was wonderful for our performers to feel such an outpouring of support. Many of the actors are excitedly looking forward to more opportunities to perform on stage in the future! So stay tuned for upcoming productions! BCS Welcomes New District Administrator Chris Gagliardo will join the staff at BCS on January 4 to work as a District Administrator. He replaces our former CSE Chairperson Kelly Dunham who resigned at the beginning of the school year. Mr. Gagliardo is a lifetime resident of the Southern Tier. A graduate of Portville Central School, where he met his wife, Chris moved on to seek higher education at St. Bonaventure University. Here he received his undergraduate degree in sociology, masters degree in adolescent education and professional certification as a school building leader. During his time at St. Bonaventure, Chris was a Cadet in their ROTC program, earning his Commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Upon graduation he went to the U.S. Army Flight School program to be a Rotary Wing Pilot in CH-47D Helicopters. During his time in the U.S. Army and NY Army National Guard, he led soldiers in the War on Terror During Operation Enduring Freedom 07-08 in Afghanistan. Upon his return he was employed as a high school social studies teacher with the Cattaraugus/Allegany BOCES based at Elm Street Academy where he worked for almost 10 years, filling various other responsibilities in conjunction with his classroom teaching. Chris and his wife Tiffany have four children, Autumn, Brenton, Brock, and Alana. The two spend a lot of time with their kids either leading the local Cub Scout pack, or coaching varied youth sports and programs. The whole family are avid campers and sportsmen, spending many summers on the lake camping and boating. When this new opportunity became available in Belfast, Mr. Gagliardo immediately sought it out because of his desire Chris Gagliardo to be involved administratively in a small, rural school district. To be a part of a school that values community and morals is something he has wanted since the start of his educational career. Mr. Gagliardo is very excited to start this new position and begin a career as a Bulldog! Board of Education Update November 10, 2015 • At 6:33 p.m. President Hull called the meeting to order. • Superintendent May introduced Christopher Gagliardo as the recommended candidate for Director of Pupil Personnel. • The Board received the Budget Status and Revenue Status Reports for September, the Warrant Reports for September, and the Internal Claims Auditor’s Report to the Board of Education for September. Mr. Lingenfelter presented quarterly budget transfers and Real Property Tax corrections. • Mrs. May presented the discipline report for the month of October. She stated that the annual senior citizens’ Christmas dinner will be held on December 12, 2015. Board members and spouses are welcome to attend. • Mrs. May provided enrollment numbers for the month of October, winter sports schedules, and upcoming events. She also provided a building project update, stating most of the phase work is done. We are looking at the phone system, and the energy performance work is in line for review at the State Education Department. • The Board approved the following as presented: - the minutes of the October 13, 2015 regular meeting - the treasurer’s report for the month of September - to accept the tax collector’s report for 2014-2015 and direct that the lists of the delinquent tax items, with the addition of the two percent penalty, be certified to the office of the county treasurer and/or other tax enforcement officer - to accept the budget calendar for 2016 - a revision to the Affordable Care Act schedule as presented - the district response to the auditor’s management letter - CSE and CPSE recommendations - to allow Belfast Central School girls to compete on Friendship Central School’s 2015-16 cheerleading squad Belfast Central School - appointment of Danielle Bainbridge to the position of modified softball coach for the 2015-16 season - winter sports chaperones as follows: Melanie Miller, Ron Webb, Lisa Denning, Josh Hazelton, Mary Paulsen, and Michelle Calanni - to abolish the position of Committee on Special Education Chairperson, to approve the creation of a new position, Director of Pupil Personnel, and to appoint Christopher Gagliardo to this probationary position commencing on January 4, 2016 - a student teacher placement for Juliana Evans, a Houghton College student, working with Mrs. Preston in English 7-12, October 26 to December 11, 2015 - volunteers for basketball for the 2015-16 season as follows: Taylor Button, girls’ varsity basketball, Sarah Ely, boys’ modified basketball, Carolyn Burr and Elizabeth Hamer, girls’ modified basketball - Leah Robertson as a non-certified substitute teacher for the 2015-16 school year - attendance at the December 3rd ACASB Meeting • At 7:15 p.m., the meeting adjourned. Order Easter Chocolate Today The Class of 2016 will be selling Niagara Chocolate from January 11-22. See a member of the senior class or contact Carolyn Burr or Mary Enders for more information! 2 January 2016 2016-17 Budget Calendar At the regular Board meeting of November 10, 2015, the Board of Education adopted the budget calendar below, establishing the timetable for preparing a budget for the upcoming 2016-17 school year. Budget preparation is conducted in open session at regular meetings. Residents of the district are welcome at these meetings and may, at the discretion of the Board, provide suggestion and comment. Our Board members will try to create and present a budget that is fair to our students and affordable to our taxpayers. For your information and convenience, meeting dates and areas of the budget to be addressed are included January 12, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 1. General Support Items which include the following: a. Board of Education b. District Clerk & District Meeting c. Chief School Administrator d. Business Office e. Operation & Maintenance f. Audit, Tax Collector & Legal Fees g. Special Items February 9, 2016 Paw & Bulldog Ornaments Build Connections at BCS At the December 1st faculty meeting, Christmas ornaments for every student at BCS were created. The ornaments were placed on trees generously donated to BCS by Jean Snyder of Jean’s Farm Market in Belfast. When thanked for being such an asset to our community, Jean humbly stated that she is not a hero, “Just someone who loves Belfast.” Each student also received a personalized note from a teacher or staff member at BCS. David Yochum, middle school math teacher, said, “It was a great way to reflect on the connection I have with the kids.” Anne Cater, Curriculum Coordinator who developed the idea of paws and bulldogs for each student, said, “These are the personal touches that let kids know what an integral part of the school and community they truly are.” Cody Cobb summed up the student perspective by exclaiming, “Oh boy, I never knew a teacher could like me so much.” Regular Board Meeting 1. Transportation portion which includes the following: a. Pupil Transportation b. Bus Garage 2. Community Service and Census 3. Undistributed portion which includes the following: a. Employee Benefits b. Debt Service c. Inter-fund Transfers March 8, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 1. Instructional portion which includes the following: a. Teaching/Supervision b. Programs for the Disabled c. Occupational Education & Summer School d. Library & Audiovisual e. Attendance, Guidance, Health & Psychological Services f. Athletics 2. Estimated Revenues April 12, 2016 Regular Board Meeting – ADOPT FINAL BUDGET May 10, 2016 Regular Meeting - Budget Hearing May 17, 2016 Budget Vote Belfast Central School Important Financial Aid Meeting Jan. 21st for Juniors and Seniors A financial aid information night for JUNIORS AND SENIORS will be held January 21, at 5 p.m. in the high school library. ALL college-bound seniors and their parents should attend this meeting! The entire financial aid process will be reviewed and questions will be addressed by a financial aid expert. The financial aid process is changing beginning with this year’s juniors, so we are inviting both seniors AND juniors to attend so families may gain a better understanding of the financial aid changes and how they will affect the timeline for applying for both college admission AND financial aid. We strongly encourage all families with college-bound students to attend this informational meeting! 3 January 2016 White House: Alexa, Heather, Abby, Lucy Bald Eagle: Logan, Donivan, Maddex, Monica Second Graders Use Recycling to Create Historical Symbols Mt. Rushmore: Callahan, Rachel, Leon, Cory After studying our Country’s national symbols through a core curriculum inquiry, the second grade students in Mrs. Hazelton’s and Mrs. Romance’s classes worked together to create the symbols out of recycled materials. The students worked together to complete research to determine the historical significance and importance of each symbol. Then, they planned out how they would build their symbols using the materials that were available. It was fun to see the students problem solve and work together as a team to develop their “blueprints.” At the completion of the projects, the students used their speaking and listening skills to present and learn more about each symbol. We have many talented and creative architects in 2nd grade! American Flag: Izabella, Mariah, Bryce, Cylie Statue of Liberty (above): Summer, Emalee, Zakk Presidential Seal (left): David, Tate, Chloe, Finn Liberty Bell: Addisyn, Kaylee, Preston, Will Belfast Central School 4 January 2016 The following received recognition for being Belfast’s Best. They were nominated for the reasons noted. A certificate and a pen were awarded to them for their fine efforts. Congratulations to the following: Marty Sabato for working with a student after school, tutoring. Thanks! – Mr. Roche Mrs. Atherton for being so helpful and cheerful in my class. – Mrs. Mullen Mrs. Gilbert – I love playing on your computers and playing “Thinking Things.” – Michael Gordon Mrs. Ross – I miss looking at the books in your preschool classroom. – Carson Foster Mr. Sullivan for playing tricks on us when we race. – Violet Edwards Mrs. Burr for being willing to help students in your free time and making a speech at the NHS meeting. – Michaela Pastorius Mrs. Heaney for dedication to the play and compassion towards each individual. – Sarah Marsh Mrs. Marsh for donating time to make the play successful. – The Cast Mrs. Mullen & Mrs. Weaver for being great mentors & always being there to help out with any situation. – Mrs. Bainbridge Mr. Keiser for working hard to keep our preschool clean & safe, helping with special tasks, & protecting our favorite toys. Thanks Jesse for caring so much about the preschoolers. – Belfast Preschool Staff & Students Mr. Dedrick for your help in cutting wood for our holiday gift making projects and having it done within 30 minutes!! Thank you for going above and beyond! You are the Best! – Belfast Preschool Staff & Students Mrs. Bogdan for working hard every day helping Mrs. Ross & the preschoolers. She shares great ideas for helping all students achieve success & loves us all as her family. Mrs. Bogdan is also artistic & loves to read books! We love our Mrs. Bogdan! – Preschoolers & Especially Mrs. Ross Library Has OverDrive eBooks and Audio Books Available Did your child get an iPad or tablet for Christmas? Looking for something educational they can do on it? Download an eBook or audio book from OverDrive! The OverDrive collection is an extension of BCS’ physical library, only it’s online with 24/7 access to eBooks and audio books. It’s convenient for students to check out titles at home, on the weekends, or during school breaks with no worry about misplacing a book or running up late fees – these digital titles automatically return at the end of the lending period! OverDrive can help students of all ages read more and improve comprehension. Struggling or reluctant readers, learningBelfast Central School challenged, second-language learners, and gifted readers can benefit from the service. • Enrich vocabulary and improve comprehension and pronunciation • Introduce students to books above their reading level • Teach critical listening • Help busy kids find time to read To use OverDrive, students browse our secure custom website, borrow with OverDrive app, and enjoy anytime, anywhere on a computer, tablet, smartphone or eReader. To learn more, contact Michele Gilbert at mgilbert@belf.wnyric.org or 585-3652646, ext. 3309 during school hours. 5 Enders Graduates from Natural Helpers Training Jaiden Enders is pictured above after receiving her diploma at Natural Helpers in Ulysses, PA at Penn York Camp on November 10. The diploma marks completion of an intense three-day training packed into a day and a half at the woodsy retreat center. Graduating with Jaiden were Matt Weaver, Max Miller, Selene Hamer, and Christianna Hansgen. The Natural Helpers are selected by their peers as someone they would go to in the event that they had a problem. Natural Helpers is an evidence-based program that is over 35 years old. Suicide prevention is the ultimate goal of the program sponsored by Allegany County Alcohol and Substance Abuse (ACASA). Belfast students attended Natural Helpers with sixth graders from Immaculate Conception School, Wellsville Central School, Bolivar-Richburg Central School, and Friendship Central School. In addition, ACASA offers many opportunities to our students to create radio spots, interact with adult facilitators at Partners for Prevention in Allegany County (PPAC), and assists with our PROMISES campaign for an alcohol-free Prom Night. “We are proud of our Natural Helpers and pleased to forge strong community partnerships between our youth and service providers in Allegany County,” boasts Superintendent Judy May. Mrs. May was a guest at the retreat this year and enjoyed her glimpse into the Natural Helpers training process. January 2016 Belfast Central School 6 January 2016 Mores Scenes from ‘Stocking Stuffers’ Belfast Central School’s Mission Statement The mission of the Belfast Central School is to work together to provide a comprehensive, equitable, and quality education for all students based on the belief that all children can and will learn. The community, faculty, staff, parents, and students will cooperatively foster each individual’s intellectual, moral, social, civic, and physical development so that Belfast Central School will continue to be looked upon as an example of excellence in rural education in New York State. Belfast Central School 7 January 2016 First Quarter Aw Belfast Central School recognizes our youth for their outstanding academics. O in grades K-8. On November 20, students in grades 3-12 were rewarded for attain ing students received recognition for their outstanding achievements: Three Musketeers award to a student who works well with others in all situations: Summer Buchholz, Logan Estabrook, Erica Hull, Kailob Lipka, George Merrell, III, Colin Stork Mr. Goodbar for the student who is always being a good friend to classmates: Derek Calanni, Emma Calanni, McKylie Elliott, Carson Foster, Finn Heaney, Tate Jenkins, Dennis Rehler, Jackson Southwick, Harley Wardhaugh Jolly Rancher award for the student who is happy to learn everyday: Elizabeth Brundage, Benjamin Cater, Bryce Conley, Nevaeh Elliott, Carter Fenti, Cassondra Guilford, Anglique JonesMitchell, Carissa Mura, Natalee Lindo Positive Sportsmanship: Gym - (5) Brianna Morton, (6) Matthew Weaver, (7) Collin Preston, (8) Rachel Marsh; Art - (5) Connor Hull, (6) Selene Hamer, (7) None, (8) Hanah Helms; Music - (5) Canaan Sullivan, (6) Destiny Cantrell, (7) Cierra Wallace, (8) Sarah Lindo; Library Media - (5) Jason Amidon, (6) Christianna Hansgen; Family & Consumer Science - (7) Devin Harriger, (8) McKayla Cross; Spanish - (8) Caleb Caiazza Super Star Awards: Math - (5) Justin Hill, (6) Ian Smith, (7) Melvin Hamer, (8) Kennedy Male; ELA - (5) Brianna Morton, (6) Jaiden Enders, (7) Aidan Heaney, (8) Elisa Houser; Science - (5) Justin Hill, (6) Nate Rogers, (7) Melvin Hamer, (8) Hunter Enders; Social Studies - (5) Anna Drozdowski, (6) Matthew Weaver, (7) Melvin Hamer, (8) Hunter Enders Honor Roll: 5th grade - Jas Anna Drozdowski, Emily Elliott, Andrew Klos, Jacob Lindo, Bria grade - Alicia Borden, Destiny C Hamer, Christianna Hansgen, M Smith, Matthew Weaver Honor Roll: 7th grade - Ta Brianna Elliott, Keltsie Francis, Hunt, Lillian Mahon, Adison Ma Milky Way Award is given to the student who is setting an example for others by having quality work that was “out of this world”: Landen Blocho, Cylie Burrows, Emalee Carmen, Owen Heaney, Jenna Hill, Dillion Kelley, Madeline White, Madison Yackeren Starburst award for a “star” student who worked hard every day in all areas: Isabelle Guilford, Allyson Hazelton, Khloe Jenkins, Josilyn Kirch, Kaylee Knorr, Noah Miller, Mariah Patton, Danika Scott, Abigail Sullivan Snickers award for a student with a good sense of humor and ability to make others laugh daily: Chris Weaver, Wyatt Weaver Dove Award is for the class peacemaker: Sarah Hazelton, Heather Padden, Grant Preston Belfast Central School Honor Roll: 3rd grade - Mat Calanni, Joseph Elliott, Sadie E Natalee Lindo, Jaizelyn Marcell Stanton, Caden Stork, Kayliegh Zillgitt; 4th grade - Jacob Borden Cater, Cassondra Guilford, Mar Audrey Hugan, Tristan Jenkins, Kyle McCumiskey, Abigail Sulliv 8 M&M award for being a “m student: Carley Burrows for re Afton Hamer, Owen Heaney for Dillion Kelly for math, Tye Willar Wilson for math January 2016 wards Assembly On November 19, 2015, we held our first quarter awards assembly for students ning honor or high honor roll status at our first honor roll breakfast. The follow- Most Improved: 5th - Garrett Taylor, 6th - Riley Cassidy, 7th - Christopher Fuller, 8th - Adelaide Sullivan tthew Barren, Catherine Estabrook, Allyson Hazelton, lo, Hannah Southwick, Alex h Wojcik, Clayton Wright, Sophie n, Carley Burrows, Matthew ry Hamer, Ashlyn Hoffman, , Alliyah Knorr, Austin Layman, van, Christopher Weaver Honor Roll: 8th grade - Andrew Blocho, Hailie Cantrell, McKayla Cross, Hunter Enders, Carter Guilford, Nathaniel Hurd, Sarah Lindo, Rachel Marsh, Hailey Mitchell, Adelaide Sullivan Outstanding Effort: 5th - Isabelle Male, 6th - Ian Smith, 7th - Jason Drozdowski, 8th - Kyle Comstock son Amidon, Zane Cartwright, , Justin Hill, Connor Hull, anna Morton, Connor Stork; 6th Cantrell, Jaiden Enders, Selene Max Miller, Colton Morgan, Ian aela Bisig, Jason Drozdowski, Kylie Francis, Tia Hale, Joslin ale, Kelsi Morton, Dylan Sutton marvelous and magnificent” eading, Addisyn Ely for reading, r math, Jenna Hill for math, rd for math & reading, Raelynn Belfast Central School High Honor Roll: 3rd grade - Jenna Hill, Dillion Kelly, Danika Scott, Morgan Yackeren; 4th grade Michael Frazier, Owen Heaney, Sean Mahon Citizenship: 5th - Montgomery Wilson, 6th Alicia Borden; 7th - Brianna Elliott, 8th - Rachel Marsh High Honor Roll: 5th grade - Canaan Sullivan; 7th grade - Nicholas Ellison, Mia Enders, Melvin Hamer, Aidan Heaney, Christian Lingenfelter, Christian Lopez, Emma Sullivan, Cierra Wallace; 8th grade - Kyle Comstock, Elisa Houser, Kennedy Male Lifesaver Award is for the student always lending a hand to help others in class: Colden Caiazza, Aiden Cassidy, Richard Elliott, William Guilford, Alexander Stanton, Bayleigh Tallman, Sophie Zillgitt 9 Principal’s Award: 5th - Trevor Clark, 6th - Matthew Weaver, 7th - Nicholas Ellison, 8th Carter Guilford Skittles Award is for a student who is always full of colorful ideas: Kamdon Brown, Catherine Calanni, Marley Kirch, Kadin Logue, Lucy Simzer, Anthony Snyder January 2016 Walking for Health at BCS From January 4 – March 31, Belfast Central School cordially invites any adult member of the community who is interested in using the school as a place to walk to come to school between the hours of 5 and 7 each night when school is in session. Those who come in and use the building for walking should use the following guidelines: • The hours available for walking are 5 to 7 p.m. only. • The walking route will only be open on days when the school is in session (no school holidays or snow days). • Enter and exit only at the doors near the GREENHOUSE. • Park in the lot near the GREENHOUSE OFF OF SOUTH STREET. • Please stay in the hallways. Please do not use locker rooms. • Walking is for adults only (older than school age). No children are allowed to walk at these times. • Please take off all outdoor footwear and change into your walking shoes at school. This will eliminate the tracking of water and dirt and make the route safer. Please follow these guidelines so that we can keep this route available. Thank you! Thankfulness Abounds! Kindergarten, first, and second graders went all out for our annual Thanksgiving Feast! All classes prepared homemade food for our family-style luncheon. Then we decorated the auditorium with our hand-crafted artifacts. Finally, all of the kids dressed as Pilgrims and Native Americans. This feast provided a culminating activity for lessons in our classroom related to the first Thanksgiving. Prior to the feast, students read books about historical Native Americans and Pilgrims. They wrote books explaining how to make homemade bread, and they explored maps of the world. How Exciting! Middle School News: Student Council Happy New Year Belfast! The new year has a lot of great opportunities for the middle schoolers. We have glo-bowling trips, fund-raisers, a dance, and activity days! The glo-bowling trip will be happening on January 15th. This annual trip is always exciting, and speaking of exciting trips, the Washington D.C trip is coming up for 8th graders. This trip is an incredible educational experience for students to see where our country is lead. But to change the subject, basketball season is upon us! The bulldogs are doing an amazing job at squashing their athletic opponents. Go bulldogs! Aidan Heaney, signing off. Belfast Central School PTO Donates Popcorn Machine Thank you to the Belfast PTO for the beautiful new popcorn machine. Pictured (l-r) are J. Zuver, T. West, and E. Broshar. 10 January 2016 Pesticide Use Notification The Belfast Central School District utilizes an Integrated Pest Management Plan that emphasizes the use of non-chemical solutions when pest removal from the district buildings or grounds is necessary. This plan is available for inspection in the district office. Our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) committee has developed a comprehensive plan to promote proper storage of food items and to prevent any possibilities of unwanted pests. If it becomes necessary to eliminate pests, traps, environmental modifications, and/or mechanical means are utilized whenever possible. Occasionally, chemical pesticides may be used for serious or unsafe pest infestations for which other non-chemical means are either inappropriate or ineffective. You have the right to be informed prior to any pesticide application made to the school grounds and buildings. In certain emergencies, pesticides may be applied without prior notice, but you will be provided notice following any such application. If you need prior notification, please complete the information below and submit to: Eileen Ostrander, Belfast Central School, 1 King Street, Belfast, NY 14711. Please feel free to call 365-9940 if you have questions. Pesticide Prior Use Notification Request (Please print) Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________________________________ Child’s Name:______________________________________________________ Street Address:______________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________ Zip Code:____________ Telephone Numbers: Daytime_________________ Evening_______________ Please check one: ___ I wish to be notified prior to a scheduled pesticide treatment inside of the building. ___ I wish to be notified prior to a scheduled pesticide treatment on the grounds of the school. ___ Both of the above Signature _______________________________________ Date _____________ Belfast Central School 11 Baseball & Softball Little League Info If you live in the Belfast School District, and are ages 9-12, you are eligible to play Little League Baseball and Softball in Fillmore. If you are interested, sign-ups will be held Feb. 6, and again on Feb. 27, in the lobby of the Fillmore Central School. All games are held in Fillmore. To sign up, you need your birth certificate and two proofs of residency. Thank You Houghton! What do college students need right before final exams? Homemade muffins and candy delivered to their classroom. On December 8, Professor Jeff Weisman’s education class received goodies from Belfast students who were tutored by future teachers from Houghton College. In addition, the students received coupons from gracious local businesses contacted by Home to School Coordinator, Jane Foster. Bernie’s Place and 3 Bums Pizza in Houghton, along with Amy Kenyon, hair and make up artist and tanning salon in Belfast, offered discounts as a thank you to these college students who enrich the lives of students at BCS. I want to say Thanks to ... Belfast Lions Club Members for delivering Christmas dinners to senior citizens. – Mrs. May January 2016 2015-16 BCS District Calendar SEPTEMBER T W T F 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 S M 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 JANUARY T W T F 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 MAY T W T F 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 S M 8/31-9/1 9/2 9/4-9/7 10/12 10/13 11/10 Staff Dev. Days Students’ 1st Day Labor Day Holiday Columbus Day Staff Dev. Day Early Dismissal S 5 12 19 26 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 7 14 21 28 S M 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 OCTOBER T W T F 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 FEBRUARY S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 JUNE S M T W T 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 11/10 11/11 11/25-27 12/21-1/1 1/18 1/26-29 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 NOVEMBER T W T F 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 MARCH S M T W T 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 S 6 13 20 27 F S 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 F 4 11 18 25 S 7 14 21 28 S 5 12 19 26 S M 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 DECEMBER T W T F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 S M T APRIL W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 5 12 19 26 S 2 9 16 23 30 First Day of School for Students School Closed Faculty Meeting, 3:15 - 4 p.m. No Students - Teacher Inservice/Conf. Early Dismissal Note: February 15 & 16 and March 21 may be make-up days of school, if there is a need for additional days of instruction to meet the minimum session requirement of the Commissioner’s Regulation. Parent Conferences Veterans’ Day Thanksgiving Recess Winter Recess Martin Luther King Day Regents Exams 2/15-19 3/17 3/17 3/21-25 4/5-7 4/13-15 Winter Recess Open House Early Dismissal Spring Recess ELA Exams Gr. 3-8 Math Exams Gr. 3-8 5/30 6/14-22 6/23 6/24 Memorial Day Regents Exams Regents Rating Day Graduation Juniors Reminded about SATs & ACTs Now is the time for juniors to begin thinking about taking standardized tests that are often required for college admission. The SAT is undergoing a change in format beginning with the March administration date. Some juniors may wish to take the current version of the SAT in January and consider taking the new version later in the spring. Since colleges will consider either score and will use the highest scores in determining acceptance and scholarship eligibility, it is to a student’s benefit to take BOTH the SAT and the ACT. Juniors have received registration information and guidance about these tests. Please contact the guidance office with any questions. Test dates and registration information are available for the SAT at www.collegeboard.org and for the ACT at www.actstudent.org Belfast Central School New Honor Society Members Congratulations to the following students for their induction into National Honor Society and Junior National Honor Society! National Honor Society: Ethan Blocho, Rylea Comstock, Gabriel Lindo, Megan Rose Junior National Honor Society: Kyle Comstock, Hunter Enders, Elisa Houser, Nathaniel Hurd, Hunter Lincoln, Kennedy Male, Rachel Marsh 12 January 2016 Drop Off / Pick Up & Parking Rules Student Council Gives Back to Community On December 4th, the Student Council went Christmas shopping for less fortunate children who live in the community. They shopped at BonTon and Kmart for the gifts and clothes. It was an overwhelming feeling of joy for every student who shopped. The experience is very rewarding to our students. Pictured (l-r) are: S. Marsh, J. Zuver, S. Ace, D. Connelly, E. Cole, M. Hamer, M. Rose, T. West, K. West and E. Broshar. Date Date Event 1/1 1/4 1/5 No School – Winter Recess Boys’ JV & V Basketball - Fillmore 6 / 7:30 p.m. Girls’ JV & V Basketball @ Fillmore 6 / 7:30 p.m. Boys’ JV & V Basketball - Friendship 6 / 7:30 p.m. Girls’ JV & V B-ball @ Cuba-Rushford 6 / 7:30 p.m. Boys’ Varsity Basketball @ Canaseraga 7 p.m. Girls’ Mod Basketball @ Cuba-Rushford 10 a.m. Boys’ Mod Basketball @ Cuba-Rushford 11:15 a.m. Girls’ JV & Varsity Basketball - GVCS 6 / 7:30 p.m. Board of Education Meeting 6:30 p.m. Boys’ JV & V Basketball @ C.G.Finney 6 / 7:30 p.m. Girls’ Modified Basketball @ Andover 5 p.m. Boys’ Modified Basketball @Andover 6:15 p.m. Belfast Public Library Board Meeting 6 p.m. Girls’ Varsity Basketball @ Hinsdale 6 p.m. Boys’ Varsity Basketball @ Hinsdale 7:30 p.m. Girls’ JV Basketball – GVCS Tournament TBA Boys’ Varsity Basketball - A.U. Showcase 8 p.m. Girls’ Modified Basketball @ Whitesville 10 a.m. Boys’ Modified Basketball @ Whitesville 11:15 a.m. Girls’ JV Basketball – GVCS Tournament TBA Girls’ Varsity Basketball – Scio 6 p.m. No School – Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday Town Board Mtg. – Belfast Town Hall 7 p.m. 1/7 1//8 1/9 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1/18 Belfast Central School Time 13 1/19 We ask all parents not to drop off or pick up their children in the parking lot behind the school before and after school. Parents should use the drop off lane in front of the main entrance on King Street. In order to keep our students safe, our teachers dismiss all students who walk to school out of the front doors only. Walkers will not leave by the playground doors because this encourages parents to use the back parking lot as a drop off and pick up site, thereby putting students in a potentially dangerous situation. The front doors are unlocked before and after school for this reason. Please be diligent in observing the NO PARKING signs located around the school. The parking lot near the bus garage off South Street and the front lot on King Street usually have spots available when the lot along Sherman Street is full. We appreciate your cooperation! Event Time Boys’ Modified Basketball - Friendship Girls’ Modified Basketball- Friendship Girls’ Varsity Basketball - Canaseraga 1/20 Boys’ JV & V Basketball - Andover 1/21 Financial Aid Night Boys’ Modified Basketball- Houghton Girls’ JV & V Basketball - Fillmore 1/22 Girls’ JV & V Basketball - Whitesville Boys’ JV & Varsity Basketball @ Scio 1/23 SAT Test Girls’ Modified Basketball @ Hinsdale Boys’ Modified Basketball @Hinsdale 1/26 Boys’ JV & V Basketball – Whitesville 1/26-29 Regents Exams 1/27 Girls’ Modified Basketball @ GVCS Boys’ Modified Basketball @GVCS Girls’ JV & Varsity Basketball - Andover 1/28 Boys’ JV B-ball – Andover Tournament 1/29 Boys’ V Basketball – Andover Tournament Girls’ JV & V Basketball - Friendship Boys’ JV & V B-ball – Andover Tournament 1/30 Boys’ Modified Basketball – Scio Girls’ Modified Basketball – Scio 5 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 / 7:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 / 7:30 p.m. 6 / 7:30 p.m. 6 / 7:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 6 / 7:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6 / 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 / 7:30 p.m. TBA 10 a.m. 11:15 a.m. January 2016 Swing Into Spring Pancake Breakfast & Craft/Vendor Show Sponsored by the Belfast PTO Where: Belfast Central School 1 King Street, Belfast NY 14711 (park at the back by the bus garage and enter near auditorium) Pancake Breakfast (Cafeteria) Craft/Vendor show (Auditorium) When: Saturday, March 5, 2016 Spreading Holiday Cheer Time: With the help of BCS students, the Belfast Teachers’ Association decorated a tree in the Town Park. Representing our student body were (above): S. Hamer, A. Borden, J. Enders and M. Miller. Making decorations for the Town Park tree with Mrs. Paulsen are (below): A. Fuller, S. Carrier, C. Hull, and B. Morton Pancake Breakfast: 8am – 11am Craft/Vendor Show: 9am – 1pm Cost: Pancake Breakfast: Adult: $5 Kids (2-10): $3 Under 2: Free Family Maximum: $20 Craft/Vendor Show: No admission charge Face Painting, Slushies, Raffles and a Bake Sale! Questions: Contact Shelly Calanni at 585-307-7579 Apply for Enhanced STAR THANK YOU! THANK YOU! A huge thanks to the many people that made this year’s Family Gift Giving another success! The smile on all of the children’s faces with their bag of wrapped presents for their familiies is priceless. Your generosity and kindness is greatly appreciated. There was an abundance of wonderful items that were donated by community members and faculty/staff from Belfast. Again, a HUGE thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Belfast Central School Enhanced STAR, it’s not too late to apply! If you own a home that is your primary residence, you may qualify for the Enhanced STAR (School Tax Relief) Program. The Enhanced STAR program is for senior citizens over age 65 and with an income lower than the rate set by the state. It is a single-page form that needs to be filled out each year. To receive an application for Enhanced STAR or if you have any questions at all pertaining to the STAR program, please call the tax assessor for your township. ALLEN: Duane Aylor 10044 Old State Road Dalton, NY 14836 (585) 567-4767 (home) 14 ANGELICA, BELFAST, CANEADEA & NEW HUDSON: Russell Heslin PO Box 38 Rushford , NY 14777 (585) 437-2206, x 204 (Rushford Town Hall) (585) 437-2529 (fax) January 2016 First Quarter Honor Rolls Listed for Grades 9-12 HONOR ROLL (85-92% avg.) GRADE 9: Kayleigh Blocho, Ashley Estabrook, Julia Lindo GRADE 10: Sydney Ace, Danielle Cassady, Rylea Comstock, Daniel Geyer, Morgan Hamer GRADE 11: Christian Babbitt, Erin Cole, Travis Hale, MacKenzie Hamer, Emery Owens, Reilly Shannon, Tyler West GRADE 12: Dakota Bentley, Brandon Durrigan, Brent Taylor-Gughiocello, Kaela West, Jesse Zuver HIGH HONOR ROLL ( 93% or above) GRADE 9: Noah Bentley, Adam Enders, Mackenzie Hurd, Kevin McCu- miskey GRADE 10: Ethan Blocho, Samantha Burgio, Gabriel Lindo, Megan Rose GRADE 11: Hannah Arnold, Eryn Broshar, Michael Hamer, Hannah Lindo, Sarah Marsh, Michaela Pastorius GRADE 12: Arica Enders, Jessica Williams, Mari Zillgitt Belfast Public Library News January is that time of year when everyone starts thinking about how they can improve their everyday lives. We are going to eat healthier. We will lose some weight. We will get a better grip on our finances. Well, the library has a book for all your personal needs. Stop in and check us out. What better way to save money…? A library card is free and we have movies, books, e-books, music, magazines, and computers that you can use. There is something for everyone! Now that Christmas and New Year’s Day is over, it is time to turn your thoughts to Valentine’s Day. What better gift to give than a book? If you are at a loss for that perfect gift, stop into the library and have a book dedicated to that special someone. You can purchase one of our new books and have it dedicated to your sweetheart. We will put a dedication plate in the front of the book you have chosen and your sweetheart can be the first to check it out. NEWS FROM THE ANNEX Winter and the New Year inspire me to think about all the wonderful authors of our past and present. I look forward to snow days because they give me permission to curl up in a warm corner and read. Lately I have been drawn to the classics, and I am rereading stories that L. M. Montgomery wrote about two budding young authors who grew up on Prince Edward Island during the early 1900’s. Meet Ann and Emily each with their own series and trials. DO NOT FORGET: • Tuesday Night Crafts 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Craft projects are geared for 1st grade and up. • Monday Mornings 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. we have Story Time with crafts, stories, games, and social time Belfast Central School New Library Hours Monday, Wednesday & Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Board Meetings 2nd Wednesday of the Month 6 p.m. at 63 Sherman Street New Adult Fiction The Mistletoe Inn by Richard Paul Evans Cross Justice by James Patterson All Dressed in White by Mary Higgins Clark Tricky Twenty-two by Janet Evanovich Secret Sisters by Jayne Ann Krentz Precious Gifts by Danielle Steel Mercy’s Rain by Cindy K. Sproles Havoc for Sale by John Jakes Large Print: The Lopsided Christmas Cake by Wanda and Jean Brunstetter Gemini by Carol Cassella Circling the Sun by Paula McLain The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand Seven Deadlies by Gigi Levangie The Purity of Vengeance by Jussi AdlerOlsen Talk by Michael Smerconis Young Adult/Teen Celtic Viking by Lexy Timms Celtic Rune by Lexy Timms On the Edge by Ilona Andrews Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews Fate’s Edge by Ilona Andrews Steel’s Edge by Ilona Andrews 15 Important Attendance Reminder Please remind your child that they are required to be IN first period class at 8:05 a.m. Note that excused and unexcused Absent, Tardy, and Early Dismissal dates are documented. At the end of each quarter a letter will be sent home with report cards to inform parents of attendance dates. Excuses are required in order to change “A”=(Absent) to “E”= (Absent Excused), and “T”= (Tardy) to “L”=(Tardy Excused). Excuses should be sent in within 24 hours of returning to school. A list of excused absences is in the student handbook. When a parent request is made for a student to be excused early for a Doctor/Dentist/Ortho/Counseling/Professional visit, a note from the professional’s office should be turned in to the school within 24 hours of returning to school. You may also request doctor’s notes be faxed to 585365-2648. You do not have to take your child to a doctor to have an illness excused. A note stating that your child is ill, briefly tell why (symptoms), with a signature and dates of absence is still an acceptable excuse. Please call Mrs. Doris Warner 365-8297, with any questions regarding school attendance. January 2016 For your convenience, our newsletter is available on our website – www.belfast.wnyric.org Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Houghton, NY 14744 Permit #10 Belfast Central School District 1 King Street Belfast, NY 14711 www.belfast.wnyric.org BOARD OF EDUCATION Richard Hull, Jr., President Randa Harrington,Vice President Cecy Curcio Chris Enders Patricia Krotz Janine Preston Josie Preston ECRWSS Or Current Resident Boxholder Belfast, NY 14711