January 25, 2015 - St. Ignatius Loyola Parish


January 25, 2015 - St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola
980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 • (212) 288-3588
“ B u ild i ng
C o m m uni t y
o f
D i s c i pl e s”
January 25, 2015
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
My Trip to Vietnam: Walking with Christ Half a World Away
y name is Céline. I am a 10th-grade student. I
am a member of the Wallace Hall Family Mass
community at St. Ignatius. During the Thanksgiving
Break, I traveled to Vietnam. The trip was organized by my
school as a service learning program. I told Father Witt about
my experience. He suggested that I share my amazing journey
with the parish community.
The purpose of the trip was to help children in
two orphanages in Hue and in Hanoi. We brought with us
107 toothbrushes and toothpaste along with 12 computers
to give to the children. The orphanage in Hue was founded
by a couple who run a non-profit organization dedicated
to help Les Sampaniers, people who live
in their boats in difficult conditions and
who were particularly affected by 2004’s
Indian Ocean Tsunami. The organization
also provides housing for many families.
The orphanage cares for orphans and for
children who still have parents who are
unable to take care of them.
In Hue, we went to visit the primary
school. We taught the children how to
brush their teeth. Imagine performing a
live tooth-brushing demonstration in a
classroom! We sang and mimicked “Head,
shoulders, knees and toes.” The children
responded enthusiastically and sang to
us the Itsy Bitsy Spider in Vietnamese. At
first, it was hard to communicate as they
didn’t speak English but, after a while, we found a way to
communicate by signs. At the orphanage, the children and
a craftsman taught us how to make kites. This reminded me
that even though we went there to teach, we could also learn
from them. At the end of our stay in Hue, it was difficult to
leave as we had grown attached to the children.
Our stay at the second orphanage in Hanoi was
shorter. The children were more advanced in English as well
as in French, which made communication easier. We ran a
number of workshops to help them improve their foreign
language and computer skills. In my workshop, alongside two
classmates, I taught IT, pronunciation, and public speaking.
We helped three kids become familiar with the basic use of
Microsoft Word. We used computer translating games to
help them improve their English and practiced songs that
we all knew to help them with their pronunciation. As I was
discussing with a college student, I learned that in Vietnam
speaking English opens many doors to build a sustainable
future. We got to know the students individually and still keep
in touch.
This trip was also an opportunity to broaden
my knowledge of the world’s cultures. We contemplated
magnificent landscapes and cultural sites such as the temple of
Literature, the Imperial City and Halong Bay. We visited local
marketplaces where we were able to observe and sometimes
participate in people’s customs. In temples and houses of rich
and poor alike, there were memorials for the ancestors of the
family, who are believed to watch over the
current generations and help in everyday life.
What did this service trip bring
to me? First, it reminded me of my
Confirmation a year ago. At the ceremony,
the Bishop summarized very well what I
had experienced in community service: God
wants me to be happy, and what makes me
happy is helping others. I was able to feel
this way again. Second, I was blessed with
many Christ-sightings. People were always
humble and smiling. It showed me that you
don’t need a lot to be happy — all you need
is love, hope, and compassion. Nobody was
unforgiving, even men who had been injured
in the Vietnam War. People were living in
poor conditions but sharing the few things they had. One girl
gave me a handmade flower, a true piece of art built with the
little she had.
In conclusion, I’d like to relate my experience with
Father SooHoo’s homily at the Family Mass on January 18th.
He recommended that we listen to the world around us, to
our inner feelings, and to people around us. During the trip,
I was very attentive to the new world that I was discovering.
I got to see hardships as well as hope and happiness. I was
attentive to my own feelings, including a deep sense of my
desire to help people one way or another. Maybe this is my
calling from God. I do not know yet. I returned transformed
and while I cannot tell where this will lead me, I know that
caring for others makes me happy.
— Céline Christory
Parishioner of St. Ignatius Loyola
Catholic Schools Week
January 25th – January 31st
Feeding Our Neighbors:
Archdiocesan-Wide Food Drive
begins today and runs through
Sunday, February 1st.
Details on page 5.
Catholic Schools Week is an annual
national celebration of C atholic
elementary and secondary schools and the important
role they play in providing a values-added education for
America’s young people.
Family Mass Location Change
Job Transition Support Group
Wednesday, January 28th
10:00 AM in the Parish Lounge
Bringing together a group of experienced professionals
looking to secure employment, we hope to help
one another in the job search process.
Because of an event being held in
Wallace Hall, 11:00 AM Family Mass
for today will take place in the Grammar School’s
McKinnon Hall.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please bring your resume.
For more information, contact John Holewa at jfholewa@
gmail.com or Christian Nolan at ctnolan59@gmail.com
Bridge with Boomers. 1:00 PM.
Meeting Room. Details on page 3.
Slave Labor & Consumerism
A forum featuring
David B. Couturier, OFM. Cap.
Ranger Rosary Ministry. 7:00 PM.
Meeting Room. Over 10,000 rosaries
and counting! Join us in making
rosaries to send to our military.
New members are welcome!
Thursday, February 5th at 7:00 PM, Wallace Hall
Co-Sponsored by the parishes of St. Ignatius Loyola
& St. Francis Xavier
Emmaus Bereavement Support Group.
7:00 PM. Parish Lounge.
Details on page 3.
This interactive discussion will focus on the labor issues,
human coercion, and sex exploitation that are all
a part of human slavery in today’s world.
RSVP by Sunday, February 1st to AntiSlaveryRSVP@gmail.com
(preferred) or call 212-288-3588.
Job Transition Support Group.
10:00 AM. Parish Lounge.
Details at upper right.
David B. Couturier, OFM. Cap. is a Professor
of Pastoral Planning and Church Management
at Indiana’s Graduate Theological Foundation.
He teaches in the Department of Franciscan
Studies at St. Bonaventure University in
Olean, NY, and is a Professor in the Department of
Theology at the Pontifical Antonianum University in Rome.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Meeting.
7:00 PM. Conference Room.
All are welcome.
New Parishioners: We welcome new
parishioners and invite you to fill out a
Parishioner Registration Card located
in the pew racks, at the Parish House,
and online at www.stignatiusloyola.org
Registration is our only means of
certifying membership in the Parish.
Shelter Weekend. Wallace Hall.
To inquire about volunteering,
email svdp.shelter980@gmail.com
Lay Ministers’ Enrichment: Worship the Lord
in the Beauty of Holiness: Music and
Worship at St. Ignatius Loyola. Led
by K. Scott Warren & the St. Ignatius
Loyola Music Staff. 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM.
Wallace Hall. Details on page 3.
You’ve notified your friends, you’ve notified your
credit cards, you’ve notified your magazines.
Please don’t forget to notify your church.
All Lay Ministers at the Church of
St. Ignatius Loyola are invited to attend.
Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness:
Music and Worship at St. Ignatius Loyola
Continental breakfast will be available
beginning at 9:15 AM.
Lunch will also be provided.
with K. Scott Warren &
the St. Ignatius Loyola Music Staff
Come explore how music inspires and
deepens our worship and our spiritual lives.
Space is limited.
To register online, scan the QR code at left
with your smartphone or visit
Saturday, January 31st
9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Wallace Hall
Contact layministersenrichment@gmail.com
with questions.
Sunday Socials Fall/Winter Schedule
The Sunday Socials are held in Wallace Hall
at 8:30 PM, following the 7:30 PM Mass.
They are hosted by the Ignatian Young
Adults. All young adults (ages 21–39) are welcome.
To receive updates on
Sunday Social Dates:
IYA events and other
Feb. 8 Feb. 22
opportunities, you can
March 22
follow us on Facebook at
“Ignatian Young Adults (NYC).”
A six-session support group for those who
have experienced the death of a loved one will
begin on Tuesday evening, January 27th, in
the Parish Lounge, from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
The sessions, both educational and supportive,
are run by experienced facilitators.
Registration is required. See box below.
IYA Knitting Group
Meeting Christ in Prayer is an interactive
8-week guided prayer experience for small
groups. Based on the Spiritual Exercises of
St. Ignatius Loyola, it introduces participants
to various ways of praying and provides an opportunity to
support one another through faith sharing.
All IYAs are welcome to join us as we craft for
charity. If you have questions or would like to
be placed on the mailing list, contact Amy at
Monday, February 9th
7:00 PM in the Conference Room
Morning Sessions: Tuesdays, February 3rd – March 25th*
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Evening Sessions: Wednesdays, February 4th – March 25th*
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
*Note: Both sessions will conclude at the evening meeting
on Wednesday, March 25th
Bridge with Boomers
Monday, January 26th
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Meeting Room
What does it offer?
Weekly meetings are 90 minutes long and include group
prayer, guided meditation, small group faith sharing, and
an orientation for the following week’s prayer or prayer
techniques. The cost of the program is a sliding scale of
$30-$50 and covers all materials. Scholarships are available.
For information and/or to register for either the
Emmaus Bereavement Support Group or Meeting
Christ in Prayer, please contact Sr. Kathryn King at the
Parish House or email kingk@saintignatiusloyola.org
Join us for a friendly game of bridge in the afternoon.
No need to bring your own partner or cards.
All levels of expertise are welcome.
“Bridge is too important to take seriously.” – Oscar Wilde
is an inter-parish social
and community service organization
for Catholics who are over 50.
Interested in becoming Catholic? Call 212-288-3588 or email church@stignatiusloyola.org
Announced Masses and
Readings for the Week
Calling All Singers!
The volunteer choirs — Parish Community
Choir, Canticum Sacrum, and Wallace Hall
Music Choir — are looking for new members. Details and
schedule information can be found online at stignatiusloyola.org
Monday, January 26th
(St. Timothy & St. Titus)
2 Timothy 1:1–8 Psalm 98 Mark 3:22–30
8:30 MEM Emil Wittek
12:10 MEM Sheila Lane
5:30 MEM Michael Scanlon Sample
Tuesday, January 27th
(Third Tuesday in Ordinary Time)
Hebrews 10:1–10 Psalm 40 Mark 3:31–35
8:30 MEM Mae Rooney
12:10 MEM George Terriberry
5:30 MEM John Manning, Sr.
Wednesday, January 28th
(St. Thomas Aquinas)
Hebrews 10:11–18 Psalm 110 Mark 4:1–20
8:30 MEM John & Nora Reilly
12:10 MEM Margaret Phelan
5:30 MEM Wilson J. Sweeney
Thursday, January 29th
(Third Thursday in Ordinary Time)
Hebrews 10:19–25 Psalm 24 Mark 4:21–25
8:30 MEM Rita & Peter Gallagher
12:10 LVG Josephine Stigliano
5:30 MEM Eira Toral-Sukhra Family
Friday, January 30th
(Third Friday in Ordinary Time)
Hebrews 10:32–39 Psalm 37 Mark 4:26–34
8:30 MEM Thomas F. Regan
12:10 MEM Hilda Handal
5:30 MEM William Powers
Saturday, January 31st
(St. John Bosco)
Hebrews 11:1–2, 8–19 Luke 1 Mark 4:35–41
8:30 MEM Rose Schultz
Sunday, February 1st
(Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Deuteronomy 18:15–20
Psalm 95
1 Corinthians 7:32–35
Mark 1:21–28
Be a part of the wonderful music you hear each Sunday!
For more information or to schedule an audition, email
the Music Office at music@stignatiusloyola.org
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps
(IVC) makes a difference in the
lives of people in need through
service and prayerful reflection.
Relying on their experience, IVC volunteers are older adults
who serve in community agencies and schools as tutors,
counselors, legal advisors, business consultants, nurses and
teachers. They are men and women for others who seek to
develop and enrich their own spiritual lives through individual
and communal reflection in the tradition of St. Ignatius Loyola.
For more information about IVC, visit IVCUSA.org or
contact Mary Ellen O’Driscoll, Metro New York
Area Director, at 212-924-7900 x1707.
The Jesuit Collaborative invites you to share the gift
of Ignatian spirituality and the opportunity to meet
interesting people who are ready to further develop
their spiritual lives. Please visit us at www.jesuitcollaborative.org
More than 10,000 New Yorkers are currently
waiting for a life-saving transplant... in other
words, they are waiting for a chance to live.
New York ranks 49th out of 50 states with regard
to the percentage of residents registered as organ
donors. New York ranks 3rd in the country in people waiting
for organ donations, yet only 23% of New Yorkers are registered
organ donors.
The Roman Catholic Church has long supported organ and tissue
donation. In this context, donation is seen as an opportunity for
individuals to foster a culture that values life.
Learn more about becoming a donor by visiting the New York
Organ Donor website: http://www.donatelifeny.org/
Copies of the brochure Organ and Tissue Donation: A Catholic
Perspective are available in the Narthex and at the Parish House.
Remember St. Ignatius in Your Estate Plan.
Pray as You Go
Pray as You Go is a daily prayer session designed
for use on your iPod or other portable MP3 player.
Over the years, gifts left to the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola
in wills, bequests, and memorials have helped us to continue
to operate: as a place of worship, as a place to protect and
teach our children, and as a caring and generous parish where
parishioners may come for spiritual guidance.
3-Minute Retreats
Take a short prayer break right at your computer.
Spend some time reflecting on a Scripture passage.
If you would like information about planned giving,
contact Fernando Castro, Treasurer,
at 212-288-3588 x651 or castrof@stignatiusloyola.org
Won’t you join us as we begin the
Lenten Season by sharing a meal
and reflecting on the road we will
travel together this Lent?
Dinner will consist of meatless
lasagna, salad, and beverages.
Can you contribute a dessert?
A limited number will be accepted.
Please let us know when you RSVP.
Families are encouraged to attend!
To RSVP, email IWSILSUPPER@gmail.com
by Monday, February 16th.
Join Fr. Witt, Members of the Parish Staff,
and Members of our Parish Ministries for
The Ignatian Way
Lenten Dinner
Saturday, February 21st in Wallace Hall
immediately following
the 5:30 PM Mass.
Now in its third year,
the Ignatian Way Dinner is a wonderful
opportunity to come together as a
Parish Community.
Feeding Our Neighbors:
Archdiocesan-Wide Food Campaign
with Training Choir II and Middle School Choir
Paulus Triptych for Organ: Still be my vision
Rachmaninoff Vespers: Priidite, poklonimsia &
Blazhen muzh
Vaughan Williams Rhosmedrye /
The Lord My Shepherd Is
Dilworth, arr. Shine on me
Paulus Triptych for Organ: Like an ever-rolling stream
The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola
will be participating in the food drive scheduled
from today through Sunday, February 1st.
Donations will go to the Community Pantry at
the Church of St. Gregory the Great.
Please bring non-perishable foods to the
Parish House.
7:30 PM MASS
J.S. Bach Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (BWV 654)
Bliss It is Well with my Soul
de Cabezon Tiento del Octavo Tono
While all donations are greatly appreciated,
these items are especially welcome:
• 100% fruit juices
• beans (canned or dry)
• canned fish
(salmon, sardines, or tuna)
• canned fruits
• canned meat
(chicken, beef, or ham)
• canned stews
(chicken or beef)
• canned vegetables
• coffee/tea
• couscous
• dried fruits
• dry cereal and hot cereal
(farina, grits, or oatmeal)
• dry milk packets
• flour/cornmeal/baking
• nutritional beverages
(Boost, Ensure, Carnation
Instant Breakfast)
• nuts
• pasta/noodles
• peanut butter
• personal care items
• rice
• shelf-stable milk
• soy/almond/rice milk
• spices
• tomato sauce
• vegetable soups
• whole wheat crackers
Sara Murphy & Michael Sheetz
Thursday, February 12th at 6:30 PM
Wallace Hall
Caritas Concerts have the appeal of the
less formal 19th-century salon concerts.
The evenings begin and end with light
refreshments and a chance to mingle with the
performers, and intimate seating places the
audience in close proximity to the music.
All proceeds will benefit the LifeWay Network.
Tickets: $50
Call 212-288-2520 for 24/7 ticket ordering.
Tickets can also be purchased at
Every item counts!
Thank you for your generosity.
Coming in February ...
The space is available for a variety of events
including fundraisers, lectures, receptions,
and formal banquet-style dinners.
For more information, contact Caroline Fernandes at
212-288-3588 or fernandesc@saintignatiusloyola.org
Parishioners are invited to commit to
a positive act of service, advocacy, or
prayer during the Lenten Season.
Sponsored by Ignatian Social Justice.
St. Ignatius Loyola
980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 • (212) 288-3588
Fax: (212) 734-3671
Corpus Christi Chapter of the International
Thomas Merton Society presents Between
Music and Silence: Merton and the Future of Pastor
Rev. George M. Witt, S.J.
Faith. Saturday, January 31st, 2:00 PM-7:00 PM.
Keynote Speaker: Christopher Pramuk, Associate Associate Pastors
Professor of Theology, Xavier University,
Rev. William J. Bergen, S.J.
Cincinnati, OH. Corpus Christi Church, 529
Rev. Thomas H. Feely, S.J.
West 121st Street. A Mass will be celebrated
Rev. Michael P. Hilbert, S.J.
at 5:00 PM, followed by a gala reception. For Pastoral Associates
more information, call 212-666-9350 or visit
Joanne Cunneen
Carly-Anne Gannon
Resume Clinic: Thursday, February 5th. Free
private sessions will be held at St. Francis House,
135 West 31st Street, to assist unemployed
individuals, as well as others facing possible layoffs,
or career transitions. Volunteers will be available
to assist in updating/editing resumes. Call 212736-8500 x357 for an individual appointment.
Participants should email a draft to resume@
stfrancisnyc.org No walk-ins can be accepted.
World Marriage Day, February 8th, 2015:
Longest Married Couple Search.
The search begins for the longest married couple
in the Archdiocese of New York. To enter, couples
must be sacramentally married for a minimum of
65 years and reside in the Archdiocese of New York.
The longest married couple(s) will be honored on
Sunday, February 8th at the 12:00 PM Mass at the
Church of St. Patrick, 26 Hunter Street, Highland
Mills, NY. A reception will follow. Cost: $15 per
couple. A limited number of tickets are available.
For further information or reservations,
contact Izabella Nagle at 646-794-3190
or izabella.nagle@archny.org
Mail entries to: Family Life/Respect Life Office,
1011 First Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022
Attn: Izabella Nagle.
Deadline for entries is Friday, January 30th.
Sunday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Every Sunday (except the month of July)
following the 12:00 PM Noon Mass and at
5:30 PM. Saint Joseph’s Church, 404 East
87th Street. An opportunity for quiet prayer
and silent adoration. All are welcome.
For your convenience...
To reach the Giving page on
the parish website, scan the
QR Code at left with your
smartphone’s camera.
Kathryn King, F.S.P.
Assisting Priests (Sunday)
Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J.
Rev. James Martin, S.J.
Rev. Anthony P. SooHoo, S.J.
Music Ministries
Scott Warren, Director
Nancianne Parrella
Robert Reuter
Michael Sheetz
Maureen Haley
Philip Anderson
Sara Murphy, Administrator
Staff information: on the website
at music/music staff
Assistant to the Pastor
Diane M. Boyle
Administrative Assistant
Patricia Schneider
Communications Coordinator
Elizabeth O’Sullivan
Director of Facilities
Czeslaw “Chester” Ciupinski
Asst. to the Director of Facilities
Caroline Fernandes
Fernando Castro
Weekday Masses
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM, 12:10 PM, and 5:30 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM
Religious Education
for Children
Ms. Carly-Anne Gannon, M.Phil., M.Ed.
(212) 861-4764
St. Ignatius Loyola
Grammar School
Ms. Mary Larkin, Principal
M.S. Ed. (Admin.), M.S. Ed. (Literacy)
48 East 84th Street
New York, NY 10028
(212) 861-3820 Fax: (212) 879-8248
St. Ignatius Loyola
Day Nursery
Ms. Theodora Crist, M.S.
Executive Director
240 East 84th Street
New York, NY 10028
(212) 734-6427 Fax: (212) 734-6972
Children’s Liturgy of the Word:
Sundays at the 9:30 AM Mass and
the 11:00 AM Mass in Wallace Hall.
Centering Prayer:
Mondays at 6:30 PM
4:30 PM Saturday or by appointment.
Communal Penance Services are
celebrated during Advent and Lent.
Baptisms: Please call Joanne Cunneen at the
Parish House (212-288-3588 x632) to arrange
for a Baptism and the preparation
given prior to Baptism.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults:
Contact Maureen Fullam, M.A., Director,
at the Parish House.
Masses for Next Weekend:
Marriages: The Bride or Groom should
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Fr. Bergen call Joanne Cunneen at the Parish House
8:00 AM Fr. Hilbert (212-288-3588 x632) to begin preparation for
9:30 AM Fr. Bergen Marriage, normally one year in advance.
Wallace Hall 11:00 AM Fr. Witt
Visits to the Sick: Please contact
the Parish House between the hours of
11:00 AM Fr. Feely
9:00 AM and 9:00 PM.
7:30 PM Fr. Feely
Music Information: (212) 288-2520 Email: music@stignatiusloyola.org

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