September 25, 2011
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola 980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 • (212) 288-3588 “ B u i l d i n g W a C o m m u n i t y Here I am, Lord! hen someone in a biblical story says “Here I am,” you know that dramatic changes are about to happen. In Exodus, Moses hears the divine call and responds, “Here I am.” But as he learns his part in God’s plan for delivering the people of Israel from Egypt, Moses comes up with all sorts of reasons for non-participation. As a young boy, Samuel receives his call. He answers, “Here I am,” but he’s confused about the source of the call and needs some mentoring before he can step into his assigned leadership role. Isaiah receives his call in a vision and promptly declares himself lost in sinfulness. Only after he receives a cleansing of sin can he respond to the Lord, “Here am I! Send me.” And then he becomes a prophet during extremely precarious, anxious times for the people of Israel. In the Acts of the Apostles, the disciple Ananias answers God’s call with the words “Here I am, Lord.” God then describes the assignment: Pay a visit to Paul and restore the sight Paul lost on the road to Damascus. Ananias objects to this healing mission on the grounds of Paul’s dreadful past behavior. Finally, after God explains his plan regarding Paul, Ananias agrees to do his part. Can’t do it; need more information; I’m not worthy; you really want me to work with that person? I can identify all too readily with these responses, which is probably why I find the story of Zacchaeus so refreshing. He was perched in a sycamore tree observing Jesus from a distance until, like so many sinners in the Gospels, he receives a call from Jesus. Zacchaeus, Luke tells us, quickly comes down from the tree and welcomes Jesus into his home. Zacchaeus did not check his messages or his calendar, do a cost-benefit analysis or risk assessment, or set up a series of consultations. He just joyfully joins Jesus. None of these biblical characters knows what’s in store when they answer their call. They step forward, their lives change, and they bring about changes in their communities. Some theologians think that’s the way lay ministry works: you feel a beckoning, you say to someone “Here I am,” and as you pursue the work of your ministry, you begin to see changes in yourself and in the community you serve. In my experience as a lay minister, these theologians are on the right track. “For several decades and in growing numbers, lay men and women have been undertaking a wide variety of roles in Church o f D i s c i p l e s ” September 25, 2011 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time ministries,” the U.S. Catholic bishops wrote in Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, a document published in 2005 (and available at Because all baptized Christians are called to participate in bringing God’s kingdom to our world, according to the bishops, we all have a role in the mission of the church. More and more Catholics are embracing the role of building the church community through lay ministry. Our ministries differ because our gifts and graces differ, but as succinctly summarized by Edward Hahnenberg, a theologian who has served as consultant to the bishops’ Subcommittee on Lay Ministry, “Ever yone, by vir tue of their baptism, is qualified for ministry.” “Here I am, Lord.” At St. Ignatius, from deep downstairs in Hoefner Lounge to the top of the choir loft, the “Here I am” response of lay ministers seems to resonate continually. We see and hear the liturgical ministries and music ministries during Mass, and even a quick glance at this bulletin will give you an idea of the ministries that support our spiritual development and prayer life and faith formation, the Pari s h o u t reach ministries, and the ministries of care to bereaved, ill, and homebound people. While church leaders, observers from various fields, and lay ministers themselves may debate the foundations and frameworks of lay ministry, they agree that a fundamental change has occurred since the Second Vatican Council. “Laypersons were like fans who attend home games and cheer for the team,” writes Karen Smith, the editorial director of the national Catholic weekly America. But gradually in the wake of Vatican II, “the laity has been invited to move out of the spectator section and become players.” Next weekend, after each of our celebrations of the Eucharist at St. Ignatius, everyone is invited to McKinnon Hall for a celebration of our Parish ministries. You can learn about the ministries, talk with lay ministers if you wish, and maybe reflect on your way home about what “Here I am” means for you at this time in your life and in the life of our Parish. Emilie Trautmann St. Ignatius Loyola Parishioner To learn more about next weekend’s Celebration of Parish Ministries, please see page 5. THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE FROM THE PASTOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th Ignatian Young Adults: Ignatian Spirituality 101. 6:00 PM. Parish Lounge. Details on page 3. Dear Parishioners, It is always a pleasure to receive good news, and this week there are several items to share. The first is that our Grammar School has been designated a 2011 National Blue Ribbon School. A total of 305 schools throughout the United States were selected for this honor by the Department of Education. Saint Ignatius Loyola School is one of 49 private/parochial schools nationally and one of two schools in the New York Archdiocese to receive this designation. Congratulations to Principal Mary Larkin and to all those who worked so hard throughout the long and arduous application process. More information about the award can be found below. The second piece of good news is that the final numbers for the Spring Appeal are in. A total of $193,582 was raised. This represents an increase of more than 3% from last year. I am deeply grateful to all those who contributed. Lastly, I encourage you to make plans to join us as we celebrate our Parish Ministries after all Masses next weekend. It will be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about them and to see what’s planned for the coming year. - Fr. George Witt, S.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th Compassionate Care Series begins. 7:00 PM. Parish Lounge. Details on page 3. Ranger Rosary Ministry. 7:00 PM. Meeting Room. Supplies and instructions are provided. New members are welcome! Let’s Hear More! About David Briggs. 7:30 PM. Organ Loft. Details on page 4. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th Society of St. Vincent de Paul Meeting. 7:00 PM. Conference Room. All are welcome. Organ Recital: Renée Anne Louprette. 7:30 PM. Church. Details on page 4. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th Scripture Reflections Group. 7:00 PM. Conference Room. Led by Fr. Robert O’Brien, S.J., of the Murray-Weigel Jesuit Community in the Bronx. All are welcome. GRAMMAR SCHOOL Congratulations to Our Grammar School! The U.S. Secretary of Education, Mr. Arne Duncan, has designated Saint Ignatius Loyola School as a 2011 National Blue Ribbon School. To be considered for this award, a school must have scored among the top 10% nationally in stateadministered and other standardized tests. The school must demonstrate a consistently high level of achievement attained through a rigorous curriculum. The award is also based on a full review of all levels and areas of school life. Congratulations to the students, faculty, administration, and parents of Saint Ignatius Loyola School for this well-deserved award. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th Boomers & Beyond Homecoming Party. 7:00 PM. Wallace Hall. Details on page 5. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY NOW PLEASE REMEMBER US LATER! Remember St. Ignatius in Your Estate Plan. Leave a legacy to the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola by including a bequest in your will. Please contact Mary Reed, Director of Development at 212-288-3588 x632 or PLEASE OPEN FOR PAGES 3 AND 4 2 Family Day 2011: IGNATIAN YOUNG ADULTS Monday, September 26th Sunday Socials Fall Schedule DINNER MAKES A DIFFERENCE! The Sunday Socials are held in Wallace Hall at 8:30 PM, following the 7:30 PM Mass. They are hosted by the Ignatian Young Adults. All are welcome. To learn more about Family Day, log onto To receive updates on IYA events and other opportunities, you can follow us on Facebook at “Ignatian Young Adults (NYC)” Meeting Christ in Prayer Sunday Social Dates: Wednesdays, October 12th to December 7th Oct. 16 Nov. 13 Dec. 11 Oct. 30 Nov. 27 (please note date changes) Morning Session: 9:30 – 11:00 AM Evening Session: 7:00 – 8:30 PM Parish Lounge Ignatian Spirituality 101 “Meeting Christ in Prayer” is an eight-week program of spiritual renewal based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It is a fresh opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ, to grow in knowledge and understanding of Him, to imitate His love, and to renew one’s participation in His risen life. Each weekly gathering includes a guided meditation, faith-sharing, and orientation for the prayer of the following week. Open to both beginners in the spiritual journey and those committed to a prayer life for years, the commitment of participants is daily personal prayer of 30 minutes and an “examen,” or review of the day, in the evening. Suggested scale for offering: $30 – $50 to cover materials. To register, contact Sr. Kathryn King at the Parish House (212-288-3588) or Sunday, September 25th at 6:00 PM in the Parish Lounge All young adults are invited to attend this first in a series which will explore the Ignatian way of prayer and approach to the world. For more information or to RSVP, contact Fr. Anthony SooHoo, SJ, at the Parish House (212-288-3588) or Now on sale in the Parish House and in the Narthex after select Masses ... Eats & Sweets: Recipes from the IYA Sunday Socials Continuing to Pray Together is a group of prayer and faithsharing open to all who have completed the “Meeting Christ in Prayer” retreat. It is held on Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:00 AM in the Hoefner Lounge. If interested, please contact Sr. Kathryn King at the Parish House. Over 25 appetizer and dessert recipes. Full color photographs. $20.00 Seekers: Ongoing Support of Ministers of Compassionate Care A Weekend Retreat for Young Adults Monday, September 26th, 7:00 PM in the Parish Lounge An evening for those who are ministering to residents of DeWitt Nursing Home, the Lott Residence, Lenox Hill Hospital, and the homebound. Mr. Jack McGoldrick will share reflections on his many years of visiting the elderly ill. We will also have the opportunity to reflect on our own ministerial experiences. All ministers of compassionate care are invited. St. Ignatius Retreat House October 14th - 16th, 2011 What are you seeking? A retreat weekend for those in their 20’s and 30’s entitled Seekers will take place October 14th-16th at the beautiful St. Ignatius Retreat House in Manhasset, Long Island. Peer-led talks such as Knowing Ourselves, Naming What’s Important, and Prayer and Discernment will be shared. There will also be small group discussions, time for quiet reflection, and an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confession and celebrate Mass. Emmaus Bereavement Support Group Tuesdays, October 11th to November 29th 7:00 – 8:30 PM in the Parish Lounge A six session bereavement support group for men and women who have suffered the loss of a loved one three months or more prior to the beginning of the group. Led by trained facilitators, the group will explore the experience of loss, as well as some of the issues related to grief. Meals and lodging for the weekend start at $150 for a shared room and up to $300 for a private suite. For additional information and/or to register, visit Seekers_IgnatiusHouse_ Manhasset_registration To register for either program, contact Sr. Kathryn King at the Parish House (212-288-3588) or 3 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY B eginning later in the Fall, a group will meet here during the year to inquire into the Catholic faith, to come to know Jesus through the Gospels, and to pray and to prepare for the Easter Sacraments. This process is also open to those Catholic adults who have not received the Sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. For more information about this process, which is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), contact Maureen Fullam at 212-288-3588 or email Prayer Shawl Ministry is an outreach program to the sick by St. Ignatius Loyola Parish. The care and love of knitting and crocheting are combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches those in need of blessing and comfort. Prayer is knitted/crocheted into every shawl. Completed shawls will be donated to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Interested participants simply sign up, knit or crochet away, and bring the completed shawl to the Parish House. To sign on as a participant, contact Sr. Kathryn King at the Parish House (212-288-3588). Announced Masses and Readings for the Week Monday, September 26th (St. Cosmas & St. Damian) Zechariah 8:1-8 Psalm 102 Luke 9:46-50 8:30 MEM Dr. Emil Wittek 12:10 MEM John B., John A., & Elizabeth A. Rooney 5:30 MEM Ignazio Peluso MUSIC Mander Organ Recital Series: RENÉE ANNE LOUPRETTE Tuesday, September 27th (St. Vincent de Paul) Zechariah 8:20-23 Psalm 87 Luke 9:51-56 8:30 MEM John J. Barry 12:10 MEM Paul Charron 5:30 MEM William Conroy Associate Director of Music and the Arts, Trinity Wall Street Organ Faculty, John J. Cali School of Music, Montclair State University, NJ Wednesday, September 28th Wednesday, September 28th at 7:30 PM (St. Wenceslaus, St. Lawrence Ruiz & comps.) Nehemiah 2:1-8 Psalm 137 Luke 9:57-62 8:30 MEM Dorothy Neves Kentler 12:10 MEM Paul Charron 5:30 MEM Kathleen Ann Bartone An Americana program featuring the world premiere commission by renowned organist-composer David Briggs, Mannahatta. Tickets are $20, or $15 for students and seniors, and are available in the Parish House, online at or by calling 212-288-2520. Let’s Hear More! About Interested in Becoming Catholic? Thursday, September 29th (St. Gabriel, St. Michael, & St. Raphael) Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 Psalm 138 John 1:47-51 8:30 MEM Michael Waters 12:10 MEM Julia Kivlin 5:30 MEM Living & Deceased Members of the Wallace Family David Briggs Monday, September 26th at 7:30 PM. Organ Loft. Organist Renée Anne Louprette and composer David Briggs explore his world premiere commission Mannahatta, a musical depiction of Manhattan’s transition from unsettled forest to cosmopolitan capital. Free. Friday, September 30th (St. Jerome) Baruch 1:15-22 Psalm 79 Luke 10:13-16 8:30 ANN Robert Gallagher 12:10 MEM William Shields 5:30 MEM William Powers Calling All Singers! The volunteer choirs – Parish Community Choir, Canticum Sacrum and Wallace Hall Music Group – are looking for new members. Details and schedule information can be found in the Volunteer Choirs brochure in the Narthex, Wallace Hall literature rack, Parish House reception area, and online at Saturday, October 1st (St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus) Baruch 4:5-12, 27-29 Psalm 69 8:30 ANN Margaret Molnar Sunday, October 2nd Be a part of the wonderful music you hear each Sunday! Luke 10:17-24 (27th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Isaiah 5:1-7 Psalm 80 Philippians 4:6-9 Matthew 21:33-43 For more information, or to schedule an audition, contact the Music Office at 212-288-3588 ext. 612 or email 4 BOOMERS & BEYOND Homecoming Party Church of St. Ignatius Loyola Friday, September 30th CELEBRATION OF OUR PARISH MINISTRIES! 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM in Wallace Hall Boomers & Beyond invites you to... How well do you know our Parish? Do you know which ministry: Kick back your heels, see old friends and make some new ones. Wear your jeans or your jewels for a real “down home” homecoming… a little country and western music…maybe even take a turn on the dance floor. Raise your glass (open bar with wine, beer and soda) and enjoy a sampling of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres. All single and married Boomers over 50 are welcome to this special event. To find out the answers to these and other fun facts about our Parish Ministries, join us at the upcoming Celebration! Tickets: $25.00 if purchased by Sept. 26th/$35.00 after that date. Purchase tickets online at or send check payable to Boomers & Beyond (B&B, c/o St. Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Avenue, NY, NY, 10028). Questions: email (preferred) or 646-241-1332. Immediately following all Masses October 1st and 2nd in McKinnon Hall • Orders all of its supplies in miniature? • Goes on leaf-raking expeditions? • Takes a weekly census? • Finds itself regularly in stitches? “Here I am, Lord.” • See what’s planned for the coming year • Refreshments •Supervised Children’s Activities after the 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM Masses is an inter-parish social and community service organization for Catholics who are over 50. We l o o k f o r wa r d to welcoming you! LAY MINISTERS’ ENRICHMENT Your Call: To God, To Church, To Ministry Receive What You Are: An evening of prayer, reflection, and conversation on the Eucharist as God’s way of embracing us. Saturday, October 29th 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM in Wallace Hall Presenters: Preparation for the Challenge and Opportunity of the Revised Roman Missal Fr. Ugo Nacciarone, S.J. Presenter: Rev. George M. Witt, S.J., Pastor Facilitator: Sr. Kathryn King, F.S.P., Pastoral Associate Associate Pastor, Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, who will speak about discerning the call to ministry and Wednesday, October 5th at 7:00 PM Wallace Hall Pastoral Associate, Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, who will moderate a panel of lay ministers from St. Ignatius Sr. Kathryn King, F.S.P. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. The program will conclude with Mass. A ritual is more than what words alone communicate. Change is coming in some of the language used in the Mass in the English-speaking world. This introductory evening will be followed by a series of presentations about the upcoming changes in the liturgical texts of the Mass. Registration is limited (first-come, first-ser ved) and closes on Monday, October 24th. Please register with Fr. Ugo at or leave a message for him at 212-288-3588. To register, call the Parish House at 212-288-3588 or email CHURCH OF ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA * 980 PARK AVENUE * NEW YORK, NY 10028 212-288-3588 5 Church 980 Park Avenue of St. Ignatius Loyola 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 Fax: (212) 734-3671 at PARISH STAFF Gaudi’s Inspiration: The Word of God, Liturgy, and Art. A lecture about the Basilica of La Sagrada Família. Speaker: Lluís Cardinal Pastor Martínez Sistach, Archbishop of Barcelona. Rev. George M. Witt, S.J. Thursday, September 29th, 7:00 PM. Church of Pastoral Associates the Holy Family, 315 East 47th Street. The lecture Joanne Cunneen is sponsored by the American Bible Society and Kathryn King, F.S.P. is free of charge. Open House: Regis High School, an allscholarship Jesuit secondary school for Catholic boys, announces its Open House for 8th graders and their parents: Wednesday, October 5th, 5:30 to 8:30 PM. For additional information, please contact Eric Di Michele, Director of Admissions, at 212-288-1100 or Faithful Citizenship II: Keeping the Faith in a Season of Spin. Tuesday, October 18th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Presented by the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture. Pope Auditorium, Fordham University, 113 West 60th Street. Free and open to the public. RSVP: or 212-636-7347. For more information, visit ATTENTION PARENTS OF 8TH GRADERS! To qualify for entrance into almost all of our Catholic High Schools in the Archdiocese of New York, 8th grade students must take the TACHS – Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools. The examination will be held on Friday, November 4th, 2011. Catholic school students will receive applications in their own schools. Public school students may obtain applications from Catholic high schools participating in the program, Catholic elementary schools, or Parish religious education programs. Students may also register 7 days a week by visiting or by calling 1-866-618-2247. Paper applications must be received by the TACHS office no later than Wednesday, October 5th. The deadline for internet/telephone registration is Monday, October 17th. For additional details about the examination, visit or call the TACHS Admission Office at 1-866-618-2247. • (212) 288-3588 Religious Education for Children Joanne Cunneen, M.A., M.S. Director (212) 861-4764 St. Ignatius Loyola Associate Pastors Grammar School Rev. William J. Bergen, S.J. Ms. Mary Larkin, M.S. Ed. Rev. James L. Dugan, S.J. Rev. Ugo R. Nacciarone, S.J. Principal 48 East 84th Street Assisting Priests (Sunday) Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. New York, NY 10028 Rev. James Martin, S.J. (212) 861-3820 Fax: (212) 879-8248 Rev. Anthony P. SooHoo, S.J. Music Ministries St. Ignatius Loyola Scott Warren, Interim Director Day Nursery Nancianne Parrella Ms. Theodora Crist, M.S. Robert Reuter Executive Director Mary Huff 240 East 84th Street Michael Sheetz New York, NY 10028 Philip Anderson Erin Acheson, Administrator (212) 734-6427 Fax: (212) 734-6972 Staff information: on the website at music/music staff Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Director of Development Sundays at the 9:30 AM Mass and Mary Reed the 11:00 AM Mass in Wallace Hall. Assistant to the Pastor Eucharistic Adoration: First Saturdays Diane M. Boyle at 9:00 AM in the Lady Chapel. Administrative Assistant (Will resume on October 1st) Patricia Schneider Centering Prayer: Director of Facilities Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 PM Czeslaw “Chester” Ciupinski Events Coordinator Confessions: 5:00 PM Saturday or by Katy Krauland appointment. Communal Penance Services are celebrated during Advent and Treasurer Lent. Fernando Castro Weekday Masses Monday-Friday Baptisms: Please call Joanne Cunneen at the Parish House to arrange for a 8:30 AM, 12:10 PM and 5:30 PM Baptism and the preparation given prior to Baptism. Saturday: 8:30 AM Masses for Next Weekend: Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Fr. Bergen Sunday: 8:00 AM Fr. Judge 9:30 AM Fr. Bergen Wallace Hall 11:00 AM Fr. Dugan Solemn 11:00 AM Fr. Witt 7:30 PM Fr. Witt Music Information: (212) 288-2520 E-mail: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Contact Maureen Fullam, M.A., Director, at the Parish House. Marriages: The Bride or Groom should call Joanne Cunneen at the Parish House to begin preparation for Marriage, normally one year in advance. Visits to the Sick: Please contact the Parish House between 9:00 AM-9:00 PM.
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