April 26, 2009 - St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
April 26, 2009 - St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola 980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 • (212) 288-3588 www.stignatiusloyola.org “ B u i l d i n g a C o m m u n i t y o f D i s c i p l e s ” April 26, 2009 Third Sunday of Easter W “Behold, the Man!” hen Pilate brought Jesus before the crowd as he was sitting in judgement on him, he presented him with the introduction: “Behold, the Man!” Now that we have celebrated the Resurrection of the Lord, we must never forget this phrase which is at the heart of our faith. The Risen Lord is the same Jesus who was presented by Pilate to the crowd as “the man.” We must never forget that Jesus is human, like us in all things, except sin. In the joy of Easter and his victory over death, we must never lose sight of his humanity. flesh, I will see my God.” It was in her flesh that many people found the presence of the living Spirit of Jesus. She was born in Philadelphia. At the age of 22 she married an Episcopalian priest, Pierce Connolly, and moved with him first to Mississippi and then to Louisiana. It was in the south that her husband’s study of the Church led him to rethink his position. In her love for him, she followed him in his new quest, and they were both received into the Catholic Church. She bore him 5 children. One died only seven weeks after birth; two months later, her two year old son was knocked by a dog into a vat of boiling sugar cane juice. Cornelia held his small suffering body until he died some 41 hours later. This weekend we celebrate the feast of St. Mark, the Evangelist. He is not only the writer of the earliest gospel, but he is also the one who portrays Jesus most vividly in his humanity. It is in Mark that the emotions of Jesus are most often After his conversion, Pierce desired to berevealed. In this gospel, Jesus’ family think come a Catholic priest. In those days this was him mad. It is also in Mark that Jesus shows only possible if Cornelia and he both signed a impatience with the slowness of his disciples solemn promise that they would never live toto understand. And at the end of the passion, gether again as husband and wife. She agreed, Jesus is shown as feeling abandoned not only by though this was very painful. She brought the his disciples, but by the Father in heaven. Even three children to London, where the newly at his death, his divine status seems revealed by tolerated Catholic Church needed schools to his humanity at its weakest, when the centurion, educate its children. Cornelia was invited to supervising the crucifixion, seeing the way he found a new religious family, the Sisters of the died, says: “Truly, this man was God’s Son!” A Holy Child Jesus, to establish an institution to Roman Governor proclaims Jesus a man, and educate young girls. It was shortly after this a Roman officer says this man is God’s Son. that Pierce decided to return to the Episcopal “Head of Christ” (c.1494) Church and sued in the courts to have his wife Another important message in Mark’s gospel is Leonardo da Vinci in the oldest ending of the gospel. The oldest return to him. She eventually won the case to manuscripts have the gospel end with the story remain as a religious, but her husband took the of the empty tomb and the message of the young man that children from her and moved back to the United States. She the women find sitting in the tomb that “He is not here.” The never saw her children again. She never deviated from the call young man gives the women the mission to tell Peter and the of the Lord. Her religious family grew and brought the love disciples that Jesus is to go before them to Galilee, where they of Jesus to men and women in many countries and has grown will see him. In these earliest manuscripts, there is no appearparticularly strong in West Africa. ance of the Risen Jesus. It is as if the Gospel writer is telling his In the extraordinary story of this great woman, we see the readers that they are to find Jesus in the communities in which power of the suffering Christ, and the revelation of God’s love. they live. Jesus will be found living in those who have accepted It is still in humans like us that his risen life continues to be him in faith. As Jesus says in John’s Gospel: “Blessed are those revealed and brings the good news to the world, “He is risen, who have not seen, yet believed.” indeed!” We are so privileged to be his disciples. May our faith Just a week ago we celebrated the 130th anniversary of the and its reflection in our lives continue the great mission he left death of Cornelia Connelly. She was born 200 years ago this his disciples before returning to the Father. past January 15th. Here was a woman, fully human, who revealed the life of the risen Lord. Her dying words were: “In this Fr. Ugo Nacciarone, S.J. Scripture Readings for the Week Monday, April 27th (Feast of St. Peter Canisius) Acts 6:8-15 They could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke Psalm 119 John 6:22-29 Do not work for food that perishes but for food that endures to eternal life Tuesday, April 28th (Third Tuesday of Easter) Announced Masses for the Week Monday, April 27th 8:30 MEM Patrick O’Donoghue 12:10 MEM Rosalie Raimonde 5:30 MEM Joseph Madden Tuesday, April 28th 8:30 MEM Anthony Butkus 12:10 MEM Dr. Anthony Giambalvo 5:30 MEM Eugene Rameker Acts 7:51-8:1a Lord Jesus, receive my spirit Psalm 31 John 6:30-35 It was not Moses, but my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven Wednesday, April 29th 8:30 MEM Devon Lam 12:10 MEM Pierre Clerdent 5:30 MEM Virginia Kirshner Wednesday, April 29th (Feast of St. Catherine of Siena) Thursday, April 30th 8:30 MEM Anthony Butkus 12:10 MEM Kevin Naughton 5:30 MEM William Powers Acts 8:1b-8 They went about preaching the word Psalm 66 John 6:35-40 This is the will of my Father, that all who see the Son may have eternal life Thursday, April 30th (Third Thursday of Easter) Acts 8:26-40 Look, there is water. What is to prevent my being baptized? Psalm 66 John 6:44-51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven Friday, May 1st (Third Friday of Easter) Acts 9:1-20 This man is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles Psalm 117 John 6:52-59 My Flesh is true food, and my Blood is true drink Saturday, May 2nd (Feast of St. Athanasius) Acts 9:31-42 The Church was being built up, and with the consolation of the Holy Spirit she grew in numbers Psalm 116 John 6:60-69 To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life Sunday, May 3rd (Fourth Sunday of Easter) Acts 4:8-12 There is no salvation through anyone else Psalm 118 I John 3:1-2 We shall see God as he really is John 10:11-18 The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep Friday, May 1st 8:30 MEM Sergio Ferraro 12:10 MEM John A. Rooney 5:30 MEM Epifanio & Concesa Sarte Saturday, May 2nd 8:30 MEM Mark Joseph Fizulich There will be an Easter Memorial Liturgy on Wednesday, April 29 at 7:00 PM in the Church to remember all parishioners, as well as family members, who died during 2008. All are welcome to attend. Family members are invited to bring a framed photograph of the deceased. A reception will follow in Wallace Hall. Pastoral Visits Available for Homebound and Ill Parishioners Parishioners have been trained for the ministry of pastoral visiting to the homebound and chronically ill in our Parish. If you are interested in having a visit arranged for yourself or another person, please contact Sr. Kathryn King. She can be reached at 212.288.3588 or kingk@stignatiusloyola.org PLEASE OPEN FOR PAGES 3 AND 4 THIS WEEK OF INTEREST TO PARISHIONERS Sunday, April 26: You can help create long-term solutions to the global hunger crisis! Join the Bread for the World 2009 Offering of Letters sponsored by Ignatian Social Justice. Stop at one of the tables in the narthex after Mass, where you will be able to sign letters addressed to our representatives in Washington promoting economic growth in low-income countries and supporting the efforts of poor people to lift themselves out of hunger and poverty. We are collecting donations for the Mercy Center in the South Bronx. Mercy Center is a community center and a place of hope for women and their families. The collection period began on Ash Wednesday and will conclude the end of April. Loose change, bills and checks are welcome! Please bring donations to the Parish House in care of Joanne Cunneen. Sunday, April 26 through Wednesday, April 29 - SVdP Food Drive. As we think about bread for the world, let’s also think about hunger in our own backyard. The St. Vincent de Paul Society will be holding a Food Drive to benefit the Yorkville Common Pantry beginning Sunday, April 26, through Wednesday, April 29. Please bring new, unopened dry food and canned food to the Parish House. Sunday, April 26, immediately following the 11 AM Wallace Hall Mass: Family Faith-Sharing (McKinnon Hall) Monday, April 27, 7:00 PM - Social Justice Talk and Information Night. Please see details below. Wednesday, April 29, 7:00 PM - Easter Memorial Liturgy. All are welcome. Please see details at left. Wednesday, April 29, 7:00 PM - Ignatian Social Justice Meeting. Come and learn about short-term and long-term social justice advocacy opportunities. All are welcome. Wednesday, April 29, 7:00 PM - St. Vincent de Paul Meeting. All are welcome. “From Cross to Resurrection: Continuing the Journey of Charity and Justice” Monday, April 27 at 7:00 PM Wallace Hall Speaker: Fr. Mark Hallinan, S.J., Assistant for Social Ministries for the New York Province Please join us for this Social Justice Talk and Information Evening. As we transition from Lent, through Easter, and back to Ordinary Time, this is a wonderful opportunity to explore ways in which you can continue to “take something on” through prayer, service or advocacy. Representatives from our Parish’s Social Justice Ministries, including members of the Lenten Cross Project Team, look forward to greeting you. Light refreshments will be served. RSVP to Diane Boyle boyled@stignatiusloyola.org or 212-288-3588 Parishioners are invited to attend the Sixth Annual Jesuit Volunteer Corps Benefit in the Regis High School Courtyard on Wednesday, May 13 from 6:30-8:30PM The event will benefit the work of the JVC, which comprises 350 volunteers working with poor and marginalized populations across the US and in seven countries around the world. Jackie and Chris Keber, Saint Ignatius parishioners, will co-chair this year’s benefit. For more information, please call 410-244-1744 or register at www.jesuitvolunteers.org/jvcthebenefit ONE COMMUNITY... ONE FAITH... ONE BODY IN CHRIST! The 2009 Cardinal’s Appeal is in its final stages in our Parish. The Appeal is a vital source of funding for the programs and ministries that sustain the parishes across our Archdiocese. Thank you for considering a pledge to the 2009 Appeal. Payment Details: Please make your check payable to The Cardinal’s Appeal (be sure to note our Parish, “Church of St. Ignatius Loyola,” in the memo section). Place the check in the collection basket, or bring it to the Parish House. The check can also be mailed to: 2009 Cardinal’s Appeal, 1011 First Avenue, New York, NY 10022. You can also make a gift online at www.cardinalsappeal.org MAY EVENTS Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30 PM The St. Ignatius Loyola Book Club led by Fr. James Martin. This month’s selection is Exiles by Ron Hansen. Everyone contributes to a pizza dinner prior to the discussion. The Parish Ministry Council cordially invites St. Ignatius Parishioners active in Ministry to Ministry Night Annual Supper Social Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30 PM RSVP by Monday, May 4 Please call 212-288-3588 or email: church@stignatiusloyola.org We look forward to sharing a meal together! St. Vincent de Paul Society Join Boomers & Beyond (50+ Catholics who are single, divorced or widowed) for drinks, and to “Welcome Spring at the Roof Garden of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.” Friday, May 15 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Cash Bar. In case of rain, location will change to the Balcony Bar, overlooking the Great Hall. For further information, email BoomersandBeyond.eastside@gmail.com (preferred) or call 646-241-1332. Annual Spring Benefit St. Ignatius Loyola Day Nursery The Central Park Boathouse Friday, May 15, 2009 7:00 PM to Midnight $175 per person Mother’s Day Senior Luncheon Dinner - Dancing - Raffle Prizes Live Auction - Silent Auction RSVP by Tuesday, May 5 Tickets are available at the Parish House, 980 Park Avenue and the Day Nursery, 240 East 84th Street Saturday, May 9 at 1:00 PM in Wallace Hall Please call 212-288-3588 or email: church@stignatiusloyola.org All seniors, whether Mothers or not, are most cordially invited! For additional information please call 212-734-6427 or 0372 Wednesday, May 13 at 8:00 PM Sacred Music in a Sacred Space Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb Vaughan Williams’ Mass in G Minor Handel’s Dixit Dominus Preferred Seating: $45 General Seating: $35 or $25 (students/seniors) 7:00 PM Pre-Concert Organ Recital Nancianne Parrella, organ Tickets are available at the Parish House, by calling 212-288-2520, or online at www.smssconcerts.org SVdP Blood Drive Sunday, May 17 from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM McKinnon Hall Sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society Blood donations save lives! Tuesday, May 19 at 7:30 PM St. Ignatius Spiritual Community Reading Group This month’s selection is With Head and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman We welcome new members. For additional information, please contact Jane Campbell at 212-536-7746 or jtcjane@aol.com A WOODSTOCK FORUM MUSLIMS & CHRISTIANS: WHERE DO WE STAND? TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2009 7:00 PM Wallace Hall The Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola 980 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 The proliferation of publications and programs about Islam in recent years might lead one to believe that in the West we know more now than we ever did about Muslims. Yet so much of this production lacks the critical element of personal experience. In this forum, three Jesuits who have lived and worked with Muslims over many years in various parts of the world reflect on our future together. MODERATOR Mehmet Pacaci, ProfessorofQur’anicSciences,FacultyofDivinity,AnkaraUniversity,Turkey willmoderatetheForum. Please join us at the Forum as we examine and discuss the following: x Arewecondemnedtoanever-deepeningconflictwithMuslims? x WherearethesignsofhopeinMuslim-Christianrelations? x Whatkindoffuturedowewanttoconstructtogether? PANELISTS Daniel A. Madigan, S.J., is the Jeanette W. and Otto J. Ruesch Family Associate Professor in the Department of Theology at Georgetown University and a Senior Fellow at both the Woodstock Theological Center and the Al-Waleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. He was also the founding director of the Institute for the Study of Religions and Cultures at the Pontifical Gregorian University,Rome. Patrick J. Ryan, S.J., VicePresidentofUniversityMissionandMinistryatFordhamUniversity, spent26yearsinWestAfrica.HecompletedadoctorateatHarvardUniversityinthecomparative historyofreligion,specializinginArabicandIslamicstudies.HewasthefirstPresidentofLoyola JesuitCollege,ahighschoolinNigeria’sfederalcapital,Abuja. Aloysious Mowe, S.J., isaWoodstockinternationalvisitingfellowanddirectorofInterfaithandCivil SocietyProjectsfortheMiddleEasternGraduatesCenterinMalaysia.Hisareaofspecializationis IslamicLaw,inparticularthelawofadministrationinanIslamicstate. This forum is co-sponsored by St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, Loyola School, and Woodstock Theological Center. Church of St. Ignatius Loyola 980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 Fax: (212) 734-3671 www.stignatiusloyola.org BULLETIN BOARD Blood Drive: Sunday, April 26, 9:30 AM 2:00 PM. St. Monica’s Church Auditorium, 413 East 79 Street. For information, call 212-288-6251. 7th Grade girls and their parents are invited to a Sneak Peek Open House at Dominican Academy, 44 East 68th Street, on Tuesday, April 28 at 4:30 PM. To RSVP or for further information, please contact Mrs. Jo Ann Fannon, Associate Director of Admissions, 212-744-0195 or jfannon@dominicanacademy.org St. Paul and Spirituality. Speaker: Rev. Lawrence Boadt, CSP. Saturday, May 2, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. St. Nicolas of Myra Byzantine Catholic Church, 768 North Street, White Plains. Fee: $20 (Sr. discount available). Register by Wednesday, April 29. Call: 914-946-5729 The Edith Stein Guild presents Edith Stein and Our Blessed Mother Mary: Saturday, May 2. 10:00 AM Mass, 11:00 Presentation by Stephen Kass, M.Th. Church of Our Lady of Peace, 237 East 62 Street. Light refreshments. Donation: $15 Sisters of Charity Fundraiser: Thursday, May 7, 6:00 - 9:00 PM. The Yale Club of New York, 50 Vanderbilt Avenue. Fr. James Martin, SJ, will be the guest of honor at the Sisters of Charity Annual Spring Benefit. For more information, go to www.scny.org or contact Bill Hurley at 718.549.2248 or bhurley@scny.org PARISH STAFF Parish Administrator Rev. George M. Witt, S.J. Pastoral Associates Joanne Cunneen Rev. Peter W. Gyves, S.J. Kathryn King, F.S.P. Senior Priest Associates Rev. William Bergen, S.J. Rev. John F. Replogle, S.J. Rev. Ugo R. Nacciarone, S.J. Assisting Priests (Sunday) Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. Rev. Stephen Katsouros, S.J. Rev. James Martin, S.J. Music Ministries Kent Tritle, Director Nancianne Parrella Renée Anne Louprette Robert Reuter Mary Huff Philip Anderson Erin Acheson, Administrator Staff information: on the website at music/music staff • (212) 288-3588 Religious Education for Children Joanne Cunneen, M.A., M.S. Director (212) 861-4764 • St. Ignatius Loyola Grammar School Ms. Mary Larkin, M.S. Ed. Principal 48 East 84 Street New York, NY 10028 (212) 861-3820 Fax: (212) 879-8248 • St. Ignatius Loyola Day Nursery Ms. Theodora Crist, M.S. Executive Director 240 East 84 Street New York, NY 10028 (212) 734-6427 Fax: (212) 734-6972 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Assistant to the Parish Administrator Sundays at the 9:30AM Mass and the Diane M. Boyle 11AM Mass in Wallace Hall. Administrative Assistant Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays and First Patricia Schneider Saturdays at 9AM (Lady Chapel) Director of Facilities Centering Prayer: Mondays and Sona M. Olson Thursdays at 6:30PM Mother-Daughter Overnight Retreat Events Coordinator Confessions: 5PM Saturday or by Bethany Spirituality Center, Highland Mills. Emily Holtz appointment. Communal Penance 7:00 PM arrival on Friday, May 8 and 1:00 Treasurer PM departure on Saturday, May 9. Suggested Services are celebrated during Advent Fernando Castro offering: $55/pp (includes program, private and Lent. bedroom accommodations, Friday night Weekday Masses Monday-Friday Baptisms: Please call Joanne Cunneen at refreshments, Saturday breakfast and lunch). 8:30AM, 12:10PM and 5:30PM the Parish House to arrange for a Baptism For information or registration, please visit and the preparation given prior to Bapwww.bethanyspiritualitycenter.org or call Saturday: 8:30 AM (845) 460-3061. tism. Masses for Next Weekend: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Merton and Judaism: The Prophetic Contact Maureen Fullam, M.A., Director, Voice – Thomas Merton, Heschel and Saturday Vigil: 5:30PM Fr. Ugo Vatican II. Speaker: Dr. Edward K. Kaplan. Sunday: 8:00AM Fr. Gyves at the Parish House. Saturday, May 9, 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Corpus 9:30AM Fr. Replogle Marriages: The Bride or Groom should Christi Church, 529 West 121 Street. Free to Wallace Hall 11:00AM Fr. Replogle call Joanne Cunneen at the Parish House Chapter members; $5.00 for non-members. Information: 212-666-9350 or www.corpus- Solemn 11:00AM Fr. Witt to begin preparation for Marriage, normally 7:30PM Fr. Witt one year in advance. christi-nyc.org/MertonSociety.htm Visits to the Sick: Please contact the Parish House between 9AM-9PM. Music Information: (212) 288-2520 E-mail: music@stignatiusloyola.org
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980 Park Avenue at 84th Street • New York, New York 10028 • (212) 288-3588