turning it around
turning it around
FRESNO COUNTY DIRECTORY OF RECYCLING TURNING IT AROUND 2016 YOUR GUIDE TO RECYCLING OPTIONS AND SERVICES IN FRESNO COUNTY INFORMACIÓN DE RECOLECTOR DE RESIDUOS PROGRAMA DE AREA DE SERVICIO EXCLUSIVO DEL CONDADO DE FRESNO TABLE of CONTENTS TABLA DE CONTENIDO Using This Recycling Directory Cómo Usar Este Directorio De Reciclado.......................................................1 We Want to Hear From You! Queremos oír de usted.......................................................................2 Websites and Hotline Resources Sitios De Internet/Líneas Directas.........2 Landfills/Transfer Stations Sitios Para Llevar Los Desechos/Basaura................................................2 Antifreeze Anticongelante...............................................................3 Appliances (Large) Electrodomesticos (Grandes) Refrigerators Refrigeradores...........................................................3 Appliances (Small) Electrodomesticos (Pequeños)................................3 Asphalt / Concrete Asfalto, Concreto ................................................3 Auto Parts Piezas De Auto...............................................................3 Batteries (Alkaline) Baterías (Alcalina)..............................................3 Batteries (Rechargeable) Baterías (Recargables)................................3 Batteries (Vehicle) Baterías (Vehiculos).............................................3 Cardboard Papel Cartón..................................................................3 Carpet / Carpet Pad Alfombra / Forros..............................................3 Cell Phones Teléfonos Celulares........................................................3 Chipboard Papel Cartulina...............................................................3 CRV - Recycling: Aluminum, Glass and Plastic CRV Recipientes De Crv [Recipientes De Aluminio, Vidrio Y Plastico]..................4 Computer Equipment (Electronic Waste) Equipos De Computación (DeSechos Electrónicos)...................................5 Construction & Demolition Construcción y Demolición .......................5 Dirt Tierra.....................................................................................5 E-Waste DeSechos Electrónicos.......................................................................5 USING THIS RECYCLING DIRECTORY Thank you for making an effort to recycle. We need your support in order to comply with AB 939, the State law that requires us to reduce the amount of waste going to local landfills by 50%. Please take the time to call before you go to a recycler. Besides directions, you can get information on any changes in hours or materials accepted. Every effort has been made to provide you with the most complete, accurate, and up-to-date information possible, but things change. Do share with us your ideas for improving this directory, including information on additional recycling opportunities in Fresno County. NEW! Look for the throughout the directory. Locations marked with the are HHW Network Locations. Network Locations accept the most common HHW items such as paint, batteries, bulbs, tubes, e-waste, and sharps. Each location is listed under the type of material it collects. For more information and Additional Network Locations, contact the Fresno County Resources Division at (559) 600-4259. CÓMO USAR ESTE DIRECTORIO DE RECICLADO Queremos agadecerle por hacer el esfuerzo de reciclar. Necesitamos su apoyo para cumplir con la ley el Estado AB 939, la cual requiere que reduzcamos la cantidad de basura que va a los vertederos de basura locales en un 50%. Por favor tóme unos minutos para llamar antes de ir a un reciclador. Además de instrucciones de cómo llegar, usted podrá conseguir información acerca de cambios en horarios o de los materiales que están recibiendo. Se ha hecho todo el esfuerzo possible para poveerle la información más completa, más precisa y actualizada possible, pero las cosas cambian. ¡NUEVO! Las ubicaciones que tienen la letra son parte de La Red de Desechos Domesticos Peligrosos (DDP). Estas ubicaciones aceptan los tipos mas comunes de DDP como pintura, pilas, bombillas y tubos fluorescentes, desechos electronicos, y tambien los punzantes. Para mas informacion y mas ubicaciones, llame la Division de Recursos al Departamento de Obras Publicas y Planificacion a (559) 600-4259. Fluorescent Tubes / Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL's) (lámparas fluorescentes compactas) ....................................................5 Glass - Mixed Vidrio Mezclado.........................................................5 Grease - Kitchen Grasa De Cocina.....................................................5 Green Waste Desecho Verde (Arbustos Y Árboles).................................5 Gypsum Placas Para Pared Y Yeso.......................................................5 Metal - Iron Metales Ferrosos..........................................................6 Metal - Other Metales N0 Ferrosos (Estaño, Bronce Y Cobre)...................6 Oil / Oil Filters and Transmission Fluid Aceite, Filtros Y Líquido De Transmision............................................. 6-7 Oxygen Tanks Tanques de Oxigeno...................................................7 Paint Pintura.................................................................................7 Plastic Bags Bolsas de Plastico..................................................... 7-9 Reusable Packaging Materials Materiales de Embalaje Reutilizables....................................................7 Reuse / Household Goods Artículos Reusables, Artículos Del Hogar........7 Sharps Agujas/Lancetas............................................................... 7-8 Tanks (Propane/Butane) Tanques (Propano y Butano)..........................8 Thermostats / Thermometers Termostatos / Termómetros....................8 Tires Llantas..................................................................................8 Toner Cartuchos De Tóner.................................................................8 Paper: Junk Mail, Magazines, Mixed Paper, Newspaper, Office Paper, Phone Books and Treated Paper Papel (Correo Basura, Revistas, Papel Mezclado, Periodicos, De Oficina, Directorios Telefónicos Y Tratado).........................................................9 Vehicles Vehículos..........................................................................9 Water Heaters Calentadores De Agua................................................9 Plastic Recycling (Non CRV) Plastico..............................................10 Construction and Demolition Debris Guide Guía de residuos de demolición y construcción.....................................11 Household Hazardous Waste Opciones De Desechos Residenciales Peligrosos....................................12 Special Programs - Special Handling Programas Especiales – Manipulación Especial................................ 13-14 Municipal Programs Programas Municipales....................................15 Waste Hauler Information Exclusive Service Area Program (ESAP).........................................16 WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! QUEREMOS OIR DE PARTE DE USTED The County’s Solid Waste Management Program is managed by Fresno County Resources Division. Please call (559) 600-4259 or e-mail at recycling@co.fresno.ca.us with any comments, suggestions, or questions, or log onto the County's website at: www.co.fresno.ca.us Comparta con nosotros sus ideas de cómo mejorar este directorio. Visite el sitio web del Condado en www.co.fresno.ca.us –Recycling y provee su comentarios, sugerencias usando encuesta de satisfacción del cliente. and fill out the Customer Satisfaction Survey by clicking on Recycling. WEBSITES and HOTLINE RESOURCES SITIOS DE INTERNET/ LÍNEAS DIRECTAS PROGRAM & WEB ADDRESS HOTLINE PROGRAM & WEB ADDRESS HOTLINE Batteries www.1800battery.com 1-800-822-8837 1-800-8-BATTERY Fresno/Clovis Freecycle www.freecycle.org USA None Available 1-800-732-9253 Master Gardener Program (UC Cooperative Extension) http://MGfresno.ucdavis.edu Fresno 559-456-7285 1-916-341-6489 National Recycling Coalition (NRC) www.nrc-recycle.org Washington, DC 1-202-618-2107 1-800-258-7466 Packing P-Nut Hotline www.loosefillpackaging.com 1-800-828-2214 1-800-728-6942 Plastic Recycling www.plasticssource.com 1-800-243-5790 1-916-322-4027 RCRA – Hazardous Waste Laws (EPA) www.epa.gov/osw/laws-regs/regs.htm 1-800-424-9346 202-736-3200 Beverage Container Recycling www.bottlesandcans.com www.calrecycle.ca.gov Sacramento, CA Construction & Demolition (List of Processors & Coll) www.calrecycle.ca.gov/ConDemo/Recyclers California Propane Tanks www.bluerhino.com Hazardous Waste Rules (CA Dept. Of Toxics) www.dtsc.ca.gov Sacramento, CA Recycling Legislation www.calrecycle.ca.gov Sacramento, CA Free Online Classified Ads for Recycling www.calrecycle.ca.gov/calmax Sacramento, CA 1-916-341-6199 Cell Phone (donation options) www.wirelessfoundation.org USA City of Fresno Recycling Program www.fresnorecycles.org Fresno 559-621-1111 Steel Recycling Institute www.recycle-steel.org USA 1-800-937-1226 Computer Recycling Center (Ideas) www.crc.org San Francisco 415-643-6290 WasteWi$e Program (EPA) www.epa.gov/epawaste/partnership/wastewise USA 1-800-EPA-WISE 1-800-372-9473 Craig’s List (Free Online Classified Ads) http://fresno.craigslist.org/ USA None Available Restore – Habitat for Humanity www.restorefresno.org Fresno 559-237-7867 Direct Relief International (Accepts Medical supplies) www.directrelief.org Santa Barbara 805-964-4767 CA Auto Dismantlers Association (SCADA) www.scada1.com Sacramento, CA 1-877-275-7223 Earth 911 (Environmental programs) www.earth911.com California 1-800-CLEAN-UP How to Stop Junk Mail, Email, Phone Calls www.obviously.com/junkmail/ None Available Environmental Health Information www.co.fresno.ca.us Fresno 559-600-3357 Greene Concepts (free Ink 4 Life Refill System) www.inkonline.net/injet-refill-systems/freeink4life-refill-system.html 888-438-7313 None Available Greene Concepts (online Store) www.inkonline.net 888-438-7313 Flourescent Lights/Ballasts www.lamprecycle.org Landfills/Transfer Stations (Disposal Sites): SITIOS PARA LLEVAR LOS DESECHOS/BASAURA L - Landfill T - Transfer Station P - Privately Operated C - Operated by the County of Fresno Vertedero de Basura Estación de Transferencia Operado en Forma Privada Operado por el Condado De Fresno NAME / ADDRESS American Avenue Disposal Site • 18950 W. American Avenue, Kerman CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) • 3457 S. Cedar Ave, Fresno Mid Valley Disposal #1 • 15300 W. Jensen, Kerman Rice Road (Allied) Transfer Station • 10463 N. Rice Road, Fresno Shaver Lake Transfer Station • Dinkey Creek Road, East of Hwy168 Waste Management Transfer Station • 5608 S. Villa Avenue, Fresno Tri County Transfer & Recycling • 1675 Dockery Ave, Selma, CA 93662 Mid Valley Disposal #2 • 1255 W. Elm, Coalinga, CA Mid Valley Disposal #3 • 2721 S. Elm, Fresno, CA Pena's Disposal • 12094 Ave. 408, Cutler, CA 93615 2 HOURS M-F 7am - 3pm, Sat 8am - 2:30pm / Sun Closed M-F 7am - 4:30pm, Sat 7am -3:30pm M-F 7am - 5pm, Sat 7am - 2pm M-F 7am - 4pm Call for Hours of Operation 7am - 6pm, Sat 7am - 2pm M-F 8am - 4pm M-F 8-4 Sat 8-1 M-F 8-5 M-F 8-4:30 KEY L/C T / P T / P T / P T/P T / P T / P T / P T / P T / P PHONE (559) 600-6138 (559) 233-1158 (559) 237-9425 (559) 434-9211 (559) 841-7756 (559) 834-9151 (559) 891-7694 (559) 237-925 (559) 499-1595 (559) 528-6997 ANTIFREEZE ANTICONGELANTE Bingham Toyota 895 W. Shaw Ave. • Clovis • 291-5544 Lube Plus 4796 E. Shields Ave. • Fresno • 255-2219 Matt’s Quick Lube 700 E. Elm Ave. • Coalinga • 934-1220 Triple A Radiator 418 N. Fresno • Fresno 255-3838 APPLIANCES (Large) ELECTRODOMESTICOS (Grandes) REFRIGERATORS REFRIGERADORES R These locations accept refrigerators. Air Condit. Salvage/Dismant. R Call for information • Fresno • 970-4721 American Avenue Disposal Site R 18950 W. American Ave. • Kerman (559) 600-6138 Authorized Appliance Service R Call for appointment • Fresno • 276-7589 Brunos Iron & Metal/Recycling R 3211 S. Golden State Boulevard • Fresno 233-6543 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Dreams Recycling (Site 1) 15401 W. California Ave. • Kerman 846-9551 SA Recycling 3489 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 237-6677 Schnitzer Steel 2727 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 233-3211 Mid Valley Disposal #1 15300 W. Jensen Ave. • Kerman • 237-9425 Thermal-Aire ArmandoRuiz@juno.com • Fresno • 441-8285 THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES ONLY ACCEPT REFRIGERATORS Las Siguientes Empresas Sólo Aceptan Refrigeradores Appliance Recycling Center R Southern Calif. Edison program Fresno County • (800) 456-2722 Jaco Environmental R (PG&E program) www.pge.com/res/rebates/ (800) 299-7573 Willie’s Home Appliance R Call for appointment • Fresno • 266-4328 APPLIANCES (Small) ELECTRODOMESTICOS (Pequeños) Brunos Iron & Metal/Recycling 3211 S. Golden State Boulevard • Fresno 233-6543 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Skee’s Recycling, Inc. 4638 E. Thomas Ave. • Fresno 255-8355 ASPHALT/CONCRETE ASFALTO Y CONCRETO Please see Resource Guide for disposal of construction and demolición debris on page 11 Consulte la Guía de recursos para la eliminación de la construcción y residuos de Demoliton en la página 11 AUTO PARTS PIEZAS DE AUTO Brunos Iron & Metal/Recycling 3211 S. Golden State Boulevard • Fresno 233-6543 Clovis Recycling 1059 Hobblitt, Clovis CA • 299-8807 SA Recycling 3489 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 237-6677 Levi’s Iron & Metal 2727 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 233-3211 Pick-A-Part Auto Wrecking 2274 E. Muscat Ave. • Fresno • 485-3071 Skee’s Recycling, Inc. 4628 E. Thomas Ave. • Fresno • 255-8355 BATTERIES (Alkaline) BATERÍAS (Alcalina) Biola Community Center 4925 N. 7th. Ave. • Biola • 843-2657 Orchard Supply Hardware 5445 N. Blackstone • Fresno • 431-3197 Household Quantities Only Orchard Supply Hardware 6055 N. Figarden Drive • Fresno • 274-9021 Household Quantities Only Orchard Supply Hardware 5653 E. Kings Canyon Rd. • Fresno • 251-2585 Household Quantities Only Orchard Supply Hardware 1536 E. Champlain Dr. • Fresno • 434-8144 Household Quantities Only Lowes 7651 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 436-6266 Household quantities. Riverdale Farm and Home Center 3371 W. Mt Whitney Ave. • Riverdale • 867-4437 Slumberger Lumber & Rental 14679 W. Whitesbridge Rd. • Kerman • 846-7347 Sorensen Machine Works/ True Value 837 Oller St. • Mendota • 559 655-4251 BATTERIES (Rechargeables) BATERÍAS (Recargables) Batteries Plus 3312 W. Shaw Ave • Fresno • 277-8288 J's Communications 550 W. Alluvial Ave • Fresno • 435-6619 Please see "Special Programs Special Handling" on page 13-14. Por favor, consulte "Programas especiales" en la página 13-14. BATTERIES (Vehicle) BATERÍAS (Vehiculo) Auto Zone Selma • Sanger • Fresno • Clovis • Kerman Reedley • Coalinga • Kingsburg Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. O'Reilly Auto Parts Fresno • Reedley • Sanger • Selma • Clovis Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. • 846-9551 Powerstride Battery 2545 E Jensen Ave. • Fresno • 268-5593 ReCyCo, Inc. Recycling Center 4585 E. Olive Ave. • Fresno • 255-9500 Seibert’s Battery Co. 2545 E. Jensen Ave. • Fresno • 268-5593 Sierra Marina, Inc. 45795 Tollhouse Rd • Shaver Lake • 841-3324 Skee’s Recycling, Inc. 4638 E. Thomas Ave. • Fresno •255-8355 Smith Auto Parts 187 S. Madera • Kerman • 846-9366 CARDBOARD PAPEL CARTÓN American Avenue Disposal Site 18950 W. American Ave. • Kerman • 600-6138 Dreams Recycling (Site 1) 15401 W. California Ave. • Kerman • 846-9551 ReCyCo, Inc. Recycling Center 4585 E. Olive Ave. • Fresno • 255-9500 CARPET/CARPET PAD ALFOMBRA/FORROS Please refer to the Resource Guide for the Disposal of Construction and Demolition Debris on Page 11. Consulte la Guía de recursos para la eliminación de la construcción y residuos de Demolición en la página 11 CELL PHONES TELÉFONOS CELULARES Please see "Special Programs Special Handling" on page 13-14. Ver "Especial manejo de programas – Programas Especialales" en la página 13-14." Coalinga Ace Hardware, Inc. 109 N. 5th St. • Coalinga • 935-2961 Battery Systems 4600 E. Lincoln Ave • Fowler • 486-0457 Harralson Hardware 22595 Colorado Rd. • San Joaquin • 693-4341 Bogie’s 20746 Pio Pico Ave. • Laton • 923-4634 Nelson's Ace Hardware 2125 10th St • Kingsburg • 896-3404 Dreams Recycling (Site 1) 15401 W. California Ave. • Kerman • 846-9551 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Joe’s Battery Service 2485 S. Cherry Ave. • Fresno • 264-9401 Mid Valley Disposal #1 15300 W. Jensen Ave. • Kerman • 237-9425 Jorgensen’s Batteries, Inc. 4740 E. Kings Canyon Rd • Fresno • 255-0800 Waste Management 5608 S. Villa Ave. • Fresno 8 834-9151 Nelson's Ace Hardware 2051 High Street • Selma • 896-3404 Orchard Supply Hardware 147 Shaw Ave. • Clovis • 298-1452 Household Quantities Only CHIPBOARD PAPEL CARTULINA 3 Estos proveedores aceptan contenedores CRV pero no pagan por estos artículos A C Market • 1145 Park Boulevard • Orange Cove • 735-9200 A-1 Recycling • 309-1001 Allan Company Recycling • 2607 E. Woodward Ave • Fresno • 264-4804 Allan Company Recycling • 2525 S. Sunland • Fresno • 264-4804 American Avenue Disposal Site • 18950 W. American Ave. • Kerman • 600-6138 H Bairos Recycling, Inc. • 2788 S. Orange Ave. • Fresno • 233-0922 Brunos Iron & Metal/Recycling • 3211 S. Golden State Boulevard • Fresno • 233-6543 Bulldog Recycling • 1631 N. Goldenstate Blvd. Fresno • 441-0618 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) • 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Clovis Recycling • 1059 Hobblitt, Clovis • Clovis • 299-7485 Clovis Recycling • 710 Jefferson Ave., Clovis Clovis Recycling • 29424 Auberry Rd., Prather Dreams Recycling (Site 1) • 15401 W. California Ave. • Kerman • 846-9551 Dreams Recycling (Site 2) • 15057 W. Whitesbridge Road • Kerman • 846-9551 Fowler Recycling • 208 N. 8th Street • Fowler • 307-7976 Fresno Recycling • 1701 S. Orange Ave. • Fresno • 264-6303 Gong’s Market #1 Southgate • 1825 Academy Ave. • Sanger • 875-5576* Local Conservation Corps • Drop-off/collection services • Fresno • 264-1048 H Mid Valley Disposal #1 • 15300 W. Jensen Ave. • Kerman • 237-9425 H Mr. G’s Country Store • 2259 W. Tahoe Street • Caruthers • 309-1001 NexCycle • (800) 969-2020 Pena’s Disposal Inc. • 12094 Ave. 408 Cutler-Yard • Cutler • 528-6997 ReCyCo, Inc. Recycling Center • 4585 E. Olive Ave. • Fresno • 255-9500 SA Recycling • 3489 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 237-6677 Save A Lot Market • 4790 E. Belmont Ave. • Fresno • 255-8355 SaveMart • 4043 W. Clinton Ave • Fresno* SaveMart • 4041 E. Ashlan Ave. • Fresno • 224-6064* SaveMart • 2066 W. Bullard Ave. • Fresno • 435-6083* SaveMart (#92) • 4120 N. West Ave. • Fresno • 224-6064* SaveMart (#71) • 659 E. Nees Ave. • Fresno • (909) 520-1700* Schnitzer Steel • 2727 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 233-3211 Skee’s Recycling, Inc. • 4638 E. Thomas Ave. • Fresno • 255-8355 Smart & Final • 3330 W. Shaw Ave • Fresno • 951-817-3207* Super Mercado Mexico • 1435 Fresno Street • Fresno • 706-2096 Super Value Market • 21282 S. Marks Ave. • Riverdale • 867-3585* Vons Food & Drug • 3100 Fowler Ave. • Clovis* Waste Management • 5608 S. Villa Ave. • Fresno • 834-4070 H Western Metal • 2910 S. Cherry Ave. • Fresno • 264-6246 Be sure to visit the Fresno County website to find even more information about how you can help "TURN IT AROUND" in Fresno County! www.co.fresno.ca.us *These locations are in the parking lot or vicinity of the retailer. 4 Estas ubicaciones estan en el estacionamiento o cerca de la tienda listada. PLASTIC RECIPIENTES DE CRV [Recipientes de aluminio, vidrio y plastico] accept CRV containers but do not pay for your items. GLASS California Redemption Value (CRV) Recycling for Aluminum, Glass and Plastic CRV containers ALUMINUM H These vendors will CRV - Recycling: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ COMPUTER EQUIPMENT EQUIPOS DE COMPUTACIÓN (Desechos Electrónicos) Many of the businesses listed in this section will also accept various computer related devices (hard drives, printers, mice and keyboards) as well as other office machines. Please call ahead to find out which types of electronics and computer equipment are accepted. Muchas de esas empresas enumeradas en esta sección también aceptará, relacionadas con la informática, varios dispositivos (discos duros, impresoras, ratones y teclados), así como otras máquinas de Oficina AJ Industrial (aka Dockery Recycling, Inc.) 1735 Dockery Ave. • Selma • 891-1885 Allan Company Recycling 2607 E. Woodward Ave. • Fresno • 264-4804 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Celan TV Recyclers 22 Van Ness Ave. • Fresno 264-4859 • 779-9974 Christian Electronic Recyclers 26115 Mateo Way • Madera • 803-7140 Specializes in large electronics such as copiers, etc. Se especializa en electrónica grande tales como copiadoras, etc. Dreams Recycling (Site 1) 15401 W. California Ave. • Kerman • 846-9551 Restore 1631 Railroad Ave. • Clovis • 237-7867 Harralson Hardware 22595 Colorado Rd. • San Joaquin • 693-4341 Video Warehouse & Electronics 5852 Cedar • Fresno • 441-8514 (pick-up only) Nelson's Ace Hardware 2125 10th St. • Kingsburg • 896-3404 CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION DEBRIS RESIDUOS DE DEMOLICIÓN Y CONSTRUCCIÓN Orchard Supply Hardware 5445 N. Blackstone • Fresno • 431-3197 Accepts Fluorescent Tubes and CFL. Consulte la Guía de recursos para la eliminación de la construcción y residuos de Demolición en la página 11. Orchard Supply Hardware 6055 N. Figarden Drive • Fresno • 274-9021 Accepts Fluorescent Tubes and CFL. DIRT TIERRA Please refer to the Resource Guide for the Disposal of Construction and Demolition Debris on Page 11. Consulte la Guía de recursos para la eliminación de la construcción y residuos de Demolición en la página 11. E- WASTE DESECHOS ELECTRÓNICOS Please see "Computer Equipment" on page 5. Consulte "Equipo de desechos electrónicos"en la página 5. FLUORESCENT TUBES AND CFL'S Electronic Recyclers of America 3243 S. East Ave #108 • Fresno • 442-3960 TUBOS FLUORESCENTE Y DE CFL E-Waste Recycling 15447 West A Street • Kerman • 221-0030 Goodwill Industries 3702 W. Shaw Ave. • Fresno • 298-7125 (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) (lámparas fluorescentes compactas) The following locations accept household quantities only. Las siguientes ubicaciones aceptan cantidades domésticas sólo. Goodwill Industries 239 W. Shaw Ave. • Clovis • 298-7125 Goodwill Industries Shaw & Armstrong Ave. • Clovis • 298-7125 Local Conservation Corps Drop-off/collection services • Fresno • 264-1048 Orchard Supply Hardware 147 W. Shaw Ave. • Clovis • 298-1452 Accepts Fluorescent Tubes and CFL. Please refer to the Resource Guide for the Disposal of Construction and Demolition Debris on Page 11. Dunn & Son Recycling 2740 E. Woodward • Fresno • 264-7782 EOC Local Conservation Corps 1805 E. California Ave • Fresno • 264-1048 Nelson's Ace Hardware 2051 High Street • Selma • 896-3404 Orchard Supply Hardware 5653 E. Kings Canyon Rd. • Fresno • 251-2585 Accepts Fluorescent Tubes and CFL. Orchard Supply Hardware 1536 E. Champlain Dr. • Fresno • 434-8144 Accepts Fluorescent Tubes and CFL. Home Depot 3272 W. Shaw • Freno • 277-9600 Accepts CFL - NO FLUORESCENT TUBES. Home Depot 7150 N. Abby • Fresno • 431-9860 Accepts Fluorescent Tubes and CFL. Home Depot 4864 E. Kings Canyon Rd. • Fresno • 455-9124 Accepts CFL - NO FLUORESCENT TUBES. Home Depot 845 W. Shaw • Clovis • 294-9600 Accepts CFLs and Fluorescent Tubes Home Depot 3175 Highland Ave. • Selma • 891-0506 Lowes 7651 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 436-6266 Accepts CFL - NO FLUORESCENT TUBES. Mid Valley Disposal #3 2721 S. Elm Ave. • Fresno • 237-9425 Biola Community Center 4925 N. 7th. Ave. • Biola • 843-2657 ReCyCo, Inc. Recycling Center 4585 E. Olive • Fresno • 255-9500 Coalinga Ace Hardware, Inc. 109 N. 5th St. • Coalinga • 935-2961 The following companies provide services to businesses primarily. Please call for information. Las siguientes empresas ofrecen servicios a las empresas principalmente. Por favor llame para obtener información. All Valley Environmental, Inc.Fresno 498-8378 Ameriguard Maintenance Services, LLC 4681 E. Vine Ave. • Fresno • (800) 347-7876 Baker Commodities, Inc. 16801 W. Jensen Ave. • Kerman • 237-4320 GREEN WASTE DESECHO VERDE (Arbustos y árboles) Please call to check that type and size of material is acceptable. Por favor, llame para verificar que el tipo y tamaño del material es aceptable. American Avenue Disposal Site 18950 W. American Ave. • Kerman • 600-6138 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Covanta Mendota, L.P. 400 Guillen Pkwy. • Mendota • 655-4921 EJ Gallo Winery 458-2565 Green Valley Recycling 2365 E. North Ave. • Fresno • 266-2650 Kroeker, Inc. 4627 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 237-3764 Mid Valley Disposal #1 15300 W. Jensen Ave. • Kerman • 237-9425 Riverdale Farm and Home Center 3371 W. Mt Whitney Ave. • Riverdale • 867-4437 Slumberger Lumber & Rental 14679 W. Whitesbridge Rd. • Kerman • 846-7347 Waste Management 5608 S. Villa Ave. • Fresno • 834-4070 Sorensen Machine Works/True Value 837 Oller St. • Mendota • 655-4251 West Coast Waste 3077 Golden State Frontage Rd.• Fresno 497-5320 VIDRIO MEZCLADO ACE Hardware Contact store in your area. Must call store to check on policy. GRASA DE COCINA Pena’s Disposal Inc. 12094 Ave. 408 Cutler-Yard • Cutler • 528-6997 Mid Valley Disposal #3 2721 S. Elm St. • Fresno • 499-1595 GLASS MIXED Mid Valley Disposal #1 15300 W. Jensen Ave. • Kerman • 237-9425 GREASE – KITCHEN GYPSUM PLACAS PARA PARED Y YESO Please refer to the Resource Guide for the Disposal of Construction and Demolition Debris on Page 11. Please refer to the Resource Guide for the Disposal of Construction and Demolition Debris on Page 11. Consulte la Guía de recursos para la eliminación de la construcción y residuos de Demolición en la página 11. Por favor consulte la guía de recursos para la eliminación de materiales de construcción y demolición en la página 11. 5 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE OPCIONES DE DESECHOS RESIDENCIALES PELIGROSOS (HHW) Please refer to page 12. Por favor, consulte la página 12. METAL – IRON METALES FERROSOS Allan Company Recycling 2525 S. Sunland Ave. • Fresno 264-4804 2607 E. Woodward Ave. • Fresno 264-4805 American Avenue Disposal Site 18950 W. American Ave. • Kerman 600-6138 Dreams Recycling (Site 1) 15401 W. California Ave. • Kerman 846-9551 Pick-A-Part Auto Wrecking 2274 E. Muscat Ave. • Fresno 485-3071 Schnitzer Steel 2727 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 233-3211 METAL – OTHER METALES N0 FERROSOS (estaño, bronce y cobre) Allan Company Recycling 2525 S. Sunland Ave. • Fresno • 264-4804 2607 E. Woodward Ave. • Fresno • 264-4805 American Avenue Disposal Site 18950 W. American Ave. • Kerman • 600-6138 Schnitzer Steel 2727 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 233-3211 OIL/FILTERS & TRANSMISSION FLUID ACEITE, FILTROS Y LÍQUIDO DE TRANSMISION T Ubicaciones con esta voluntad de símbolo T también aceptan líquido de transmisión. Alex Auto Diagnostics 650 Oller St. • Mendota • 655-7070 Bingham Toyota 895 W. Shaw Ave. • Clovis 294-3143 Bogie’s O'Reilly Auto Parts #1354 3031 N. Cedar Ave. • Fresno 224-6487 T 20746 Pio Pico Ave. • Laton • 923-4634 Asbury Environmental Service Compton • (800) 727-2879 Auto Zone #2815 2101 Whitson Street • Selma • 891-7186 Auto Zone #2862 1111 Academy Ave. • Sanger • 875-6071 Auto Zone #2876 820 E. California Street • Fresno 264-2893 T Auto Zone #2892 4674 E. Kings Canyon Rd. • Fresno • 252-6332 Auto Zone #2889 5384 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 225-1937 Auto Zone #3306 927 S. Clovis Ave. • Fresno • 455-1805 Auto Zone #3342 3785 W. Shields Ave. • Fresno • 277-3744 Auto Zone #3758 865 E. Manning Ave. • Parlier • 646-9982 Auto Zone #4001 2615 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 266-1415 Auto Zone #3712 6340 Fig Garden Drive • Fresno • 495-7127 Auto Zone #5315 2612 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 243-9192 Auto Zone #5316 4210 E. Belmont Ave. • Fresno • 252-7327 Auto Zone #5317 4031 N. Marks Ave. • Fresno • 229-6515 Auto Zone #5319 4266 E. Clinton Ave. • Fresno • 456-2248 Auto Zone #5322 343 W. Shaw Ave. • Clovis • 325-8596 Auto Zone #5324 15010 W. Whitesbridge Rd. • Kerman • 846-5319 Auto Zone #5325 1060 E. Manning Ave. • Reedley • 638-6088 Auto Zone #5919 45 Polk Street • Coalinga • 935-5816 Canyon Fork Ace Hardware 29181 Auberry Road • Prather 855-8348 Clovis Drop Shop 972 Barstow Ave., #E • Clovis • 299-5049 Clovis Oil Changer #607 816 Clovis Ave • Clovis 559-323-8187 T O'Reilly Auto Parts #230 608 Shaw Ave. • Clovis 299-7261 O'Reilly Auto Parts #4082 4323 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno 225-1396 Firestone Tire & Ser. #35E3 6512 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 432-2448 Firestone Tire & Ser. Center #35E2 790 Clovis Ave. • Clovis • 323-0157 O'Reilly Auto Parts #4224 739 Herndon Ave. #101 • Clovis 325-2055 O'Reilly Auto Parts #4244 4425 W. Ashlan Ave. • Fresno 271-0658 Foothill Auto Parts 29533 Auberry Road, #99 • Prather 855-3700 Foothill Auto Truck and Ag Parts (Napa) 190 Park Blvd. • Orange Cove 626-4041 O'Reilly Auto Parts #4299 6117 North Fig Garden Dr. • Fresno 275-6338 Fresno Lexus 777 W. Palmdon Drive • Fresno • 354-5500 Fresno Oil Changer #605 4510 W. Shaw Ave • Fresno 275-2860 T Jiffy Lube #3200 5316 W. Spruce Ave. • Fresno 276-2348 T Jiffy Lube #723 3896 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno 224-5823 T Jiffy Lube #1480 240 W. Ashlan Ave. • Clovis 348-0404 T O'Reilly Auto Parts #0334 6405 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno 432-2703 Leo's Tire Service & Wheels 22055 W. Manning • San Joaquin 960-1100 Lion Automotive, Inc. 2944 Phillip Ave. • Clovis 291-5466 Lithia Dodge of Fresno 6162 N. Blackstone • Fresno 431-4000 Lithia Hyundai of Fresno 5590 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno 435-3500 T T Lithia Nissan of Fresno 5580 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno 435-3500 Mathew Harley-Davidson 548 Blackstone Ave • Fresno 233-5279 Matt’s Quick Lube 700 E. Elm Ave. • Coalinga 934-1220 All of the locations under this heading will accept used oil. O'Reilly Auto Parts #1006 510 W. Olive Ave. • Fresno 486-4763 Baker's Auto Repair dba SpeeDee Oil Change & Repair 6504 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 431-0522 O'Reilly Auto Parts #1150 643 Bethel Ave. • Sanger 876-2004 Michael Cadillac 5735 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno 431-6000 Bear Mountain Auto Parts 31086 East Kings Canyon Road Squaw Valley • 332-2800 O'Reilly Auto Parts #1225 4969 E. Kings Canyon Rd. • Fresno 456-0996 Michael Toyota 50 W. Bullard Ave. • Fresno 431-6000 T Locations with this symbol will also accept transmission fluid. Todas las ubicaciones en esta partida aceptará el aceite usado. 6 Ubicaciones con esta voluntad de símbolo también acepta filtros de aceite usado. Big G’s Automotive Center 1091 North Street • Firebaugh 659-1169 T O'Reilly Auto Parts #1323 2654 Whitson Ave. • Selma 896-7340 T O'Reilly Auto Parts #4246 1375 N. Willow Ave. • Clovis 323-1298 Auto Zone #5939 959 Sierra Street • Kingsburg • 897-2013 Locations with this symbol will also accept used oil filters. T O'Reilly Auto Parts #4151 4158 N. West Ave. • Fresno 230-0993 Firestone Store #35E4 4330 W. Shaw Ave. • Fresno • 276-2221 O'Reilly Auto Parts #0692 1177 E. Manning Ave. • Reedley 638-1957 O'Reilly Auto Parts #1680 3071 W. Clinton Ave. • Fresno 271-9860 T Meineke Car Care Center 2121 Villa Ave. • Clovis 291-7360 T Midas Auto Service 3937 N. Blackstone Ave • Fresno 224-1700 T T Orange Cove Automotive 1045 W. Railroad Ave. Orange Cove • 626-7157 Wayne’s 3296 W. Mt. Whitney Ave. • Riverdale 867-3055 T Pep Boys #624 716 Broadway Street • Fresno • 264-3029 Pep Boys #639 3655 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno 225-8811 T Xpress Lube 4815 E. Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno • 251-1800 Pep Boys #668 693 W. Shaw Ave. • Clovis • 298-2557 OXYGEN TANKS Pep Boys #673 5615 E. Kings Canyon Rd. • Fresno • 251-6600 Pep Boys #777 4490 W. Shaw Ave. • Fresno • 276-7501 Pick-A-Part Auto Wrecking 2274 E. Muscat Ave. • Fresno • 485-3071 Pick-N-Pull Fresno 3230 E. Jensen Ave. • Fresno • 233-3882 R & R Auto Repair Shop 115 W. Merced Street • Fowler 834-2762 T Red Carpet Quick Lube 4433 N. Blackstone • Fresno 227-6221 Red Line Smog 620 E. Elm Ave • Coalinga 935-3491 T PAINT PINTURA Estos sitios aceptan la pintura de látex y a base de aceite, manchas y barniz en recipientes de hasta 5 galones en tamaño. Estos sitios NO aceptan: aerosoles (spray de pintura u otros productos de aerosol), envases sin etiquetas originales o contenedores que están vacías o con fugas. Frazee Paint 6584 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 448-8088 T T Sierra Marina, Inc. 45795 Tollhouse Rd. • Shaver Lake 841-3324 T Glidden Professional Paint Center 6679 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 439-6200 Kelly-Moore 4295 N. Blackstone • Fresno • 225-1094 Nelson's Ace Hardware 2051 High Street • Selma • 896-3404 Orchard Supply Hardware 147 W. Shaw Ave. • Clovis • 298-1452 Orchard Supply Hardware 1536 E. Champlain Dr. • Fresno • 274-9021 Singh Automotive & Diesel 12944 S. Elm Ave. • Caruthers 864-4800 SpeeDee Oil Change (Site 1) 6504 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno 431-0522 Ray Fisher Pharmacy 6629 N. Blackstone Ave • Fresno 437-3800 Dunn-Edwards Paints 4916 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 228-8826 T Rolinda Auto Parts & Repair 9191 W. Whitesbridge Rd. • Fresno 264-7686 SpeeDee Oil Change 736 Clovis Ave. • Clovis 323-8398 TANQUES DE OXIGENO These sites accept latex and oil-based house paint, stains and varnish in containers up to 5 gallons in size. These sites DO NOT accept: aerosols (spray paint or other spray products), containers without original labels, or containers that are empty or leaking. Ralph’s Triangle Service 36374 Lassen Ave. • Huron 945-9935 Ramon’s Tire & Auto Service 261 Oller Street • Mendota 655-3739 Westside Self Service Auto Dismantlers, Inc. 2641 W. Belmont Ave. • Fresno • 237-5591 Orchard Supply Hardware 5445 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 431-3197 T T Orchard Supply Hardware 5653 E. Kings Canyon Rd. • Fresno • 251-2585 Sunnyside Shell Service 5605 E. Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno • 252-3379 Orchard Supply Hardware 6055 N. Figarden Dr. • Fresno • 274-9021 Sanger Paint Supply, Inc. 730 N St. • Sanger • 875-8127 Sherwin Williams 4424 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 222-4838 PLASTIC BAGS BOLSAS DE PLÁSTICO All grocery stores are required to accept & recycle this material. Please check for dropoff bin at entrance. The County of Fresno encourages all residents to shop with reusable bags whenever possible. Todas las tiendas de comestibles tienen la obligacion de aceptar este material. Busque un contenedor en la entrada de la tienda donde usted puede depositar las bolsas de plastico. El Condado de Fresno alienta a todos los residentes que cuando hagan sus compras y sea posible, usen bolsas reutilizables. For CRV Plastic information, see chart on pages 4. Para informacion de plasticos con CRV vea el guia en las paginas 4. REUSABLE PACKAGING MATERIALS (SHIPPABLE CARDBOARD BOXES, PACKING PEANUTS, AND OTHER PACKAGING MATERIALS) MATERIALES DE EMBALAJE REUTILIZABLES The following locations accept household quantities only. Las siguientes ubicaciones aceptan cantidades domésticas sólo. Fresno Auction Company 650 Fulton Street • Fresno • 497-5549 Items accepted for auction only. Artículos aceptaron para su subasta sólo. Goodwill Industries 1025 Fulton Mall • Fresno • 224-0162 Goodwill Industries 6437 N. Blackstone Ave • Fresno • 224-0162 Goodwill Industries 3702 W. Shaw Ave. • Fresno • 274-1512 Goodwill Industries 239 W. Shaw Ave • Clovis • 298-7125 Highway City Thrift Store 5472 W. Shaw Ave. • Fresno • 275-6677 K-Caps 1139 Draper Street • Kingsburg • 897-7961 Nearly New Shop 1022 G Street • Reedley • 638-7697 The Restore 1631 Railroad Ave. • Clovis • 237-7867 The Restore 637 S. Lovers Lane • Visalia • 734-4056 SHARPS AGUJAS/LANCETAS CS&FD Medical Waste Disposal (559) 367-3600 Packaging Solution 7797 N. First Street • Fresno • 431-2182 Family Care Medical Clinic 141 N. Clark St., #A, Fresno • (559) 264-0565 Packaging Store 5132 N. Palm Avenue • Fresno • 229-1555 Firebaugh Family Health Center 944 O St. Firebaugh • (559) 659-3011 Postal Express & Gifts 1099 E. Champlain Dr, #A • Fresno • 434-6245 Fox Drugs 1939 High St., Selma • (559) 896-1645 The UPS Store 438 E. Shaw Avenue • Fresno • 225-6153 Fowler City Hall 128 S. 5th St., Selma, (559) 834-3113 REUSE Fresno County Regional HHW Facility Fresno County • (559) 600-4259 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Hazardous Disposal Specialists 9705 Hwy 267, #6 • Truckee • (800) 662-4374 ARTÍCULOS REUSABLES ARTÍCULOS DEL HOGAR Am-Vets 4125 E. Shields Ave. • Fresno • 222-2622 Baird Auctions & Appraisals 1328 N. Sierra Vista, B • Fresno • 456-8084 Items accepted for consignment only. Artículos aceptaron para su envío solamente. Sherwin Williams 5459 E. Lamona Ave. • Fresno • 252-3371 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Texaco Xpress Lube & Car Wash 4853 E. McKinley Ave. • Fresno • 452-9041 Coalinga Ace Hardware, Inc. 105 N. 5th St., • Coalinga • 935-2961 Consignment Emporium 4854 N. Blackstone • Fresno • 225-9718 T & J Arco 13495 E. Manning Ave. • Parlier • 646-2327 Canyon Fork Ace Hardware 29181 Auberry Road • Prather • 855-8348 Swanson Fahrney Ford 3105 Highland Ave. • Selma • 896-4121 Emerald Thrift Store 717 Van Ness Ave. • Fresno • 233-4764 Items accepted for consignment only. Artículos aceptaron para su envío solamente. HealthWise Services 4800 E. Lincoln Ave • Fowler • 834-3333 Kmart Pharmacy 333 Sierra St. • Kingsburg • 897-0180 Mendota Family Health Center 507 Oller Ave., Mendota • (559) 6554211 PARC Environmental (Pick up only) 2706 S. Railroad Ave. • Fresno • 233-7156 Parlier Police Department 8770 S. Mendocino Ave. • Parlier • 646-6601 Ray Fisher Pharmacy (Sharps) 6629 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 437-3800 This location charges a fee for sharps collection. 7 SHARPS Continued Reedley Community Center 100 N. East Ave., Reedley • (559) 637-4201 Reedley Police Department 843 G Street, Reedley • (559) 637-4250 Sanger Community Center 730 Recreation Ave. • Sanger • 876-6300 TANKS (Propane/Butane) TANQUES (pequeños cyclindros de metal – propano de parilla) NOTE: Most vendors offer EXCHANGE services only. NOTA: Mayoría de los proveedores ofrecen servicios de INTERCAMBIO únicamente. Selma Rural Health Clinic 2057 High St., Selma • (559) 891-9100 AmeriGas 2080 S. Golden State Blvd. • Fowler 834-3017 Selma Senior Center 2301 Selma St., Selma • (559) 891-2239 BlueRhino www.bluerhino.com • (800) 258-7466 T&M Hazardous Waste Management, LLC (559) 435-2331 Choice Food Market 2106 W. Olive Street • Fresno • 264-0255 Clevenger Mercantile ACE 2342 W. Tahoe Ave. • Caruthers • 864-3019 Excel Food Stores - Fresno Check White Pages for locations and THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ARE FOR CITY OF FRESNO RESIDENTS ONLY Northwest Policing Station 3781 N. Hughes, Fresno Fire Station 2 7114 N. West Ave., Fresno Fire Headquarters 911 H Street • Fresno Fire Station 6 4343 E. Gettysburg Ave. • Fresno Fire Station 8 1428 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno Northeast Policing Station 1450 E. Teague Ave. • Fresno Fire Station 5 3131 N. Fresno Street • Fresno MAIL IN SHARPS DISPOSAL EnviroMed Safety & Compliance www.enviromedinc.com, (877) 340-2430 XMED Disposal, Inc. www.xmeddisposal.com, (866) 735-9709 GRP & Associates www.sharpsdisposal.com, (800) 207-0976 phone numbers. Fastrip Praxair 2771 S. Maple • Fresno • 237-5521 Heating & Cooling LLC 5357 E. Home Avenue • Fresno Accepts only medium and large sized tanks. Call ahead for details. LampRecycling.com 2200 Ogden Ave. #100 • Lisle, IL (800) 909-9709 Acepta tanques sólo medianos y grandes tamaños. Llamar con anticipación para obtener detalles. QFS, Inc. 3808 N. Blackstone Ave. • Fresno • 224-3808 Quick Foods 4204 E. Olive Ave. • Fresno • 456-8349 Sanger Food Mart 1305 Jensen Ave. • Sanger • 875-1596 Save Mart Selma • Reedley • Clovis • Fresno • Sanger Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. Sears Retail #1098 1140 Shaw Ave. • Clovis • 298-4596 Suburban Propane 2874 S. Cherry Ave • Fresno 486-2770 1-800-776-7263 Kerman • Fresno • Mendota • Sanger Super Mercado Las Palms 553 Newmark Ave. • Parlier 646-2738 Food 4 Less - Fresno Town & Country Markets Reedley Check White Pages for locations and phone numbers. Check White Pages for locations and phone numbers. Food Maxx - Fresno Check White Pages for locations and phone numbers. Friant Depot Shell 17822 N. Friant Road • Friant • 822-4600 Griffin Gas & Liquor 2987 Willow Ave. • Clovis • 292-3426 Hansen’s Grocery 6464 W. McKinley Ave. • Fresno • 275-3956 SA Recycling 3489 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 237-6677 HWI Slumberger Lumber 14679 W. Whitesbridge Ave. • Kerman 846-7347 Johnny Quick - Fresno Check White Pages for locations and phone numbers. Kmart Stores Clovis • Kingsburg Check White Pages for locations and phone numbers. Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. Walgreens - Fresno • Clovis Western Manufacturning Corp. 2476 Railroad Ave. • Fresno • 445-9008 THERMOSTATS / THERMOMETERS TERMOSTATOS / TERMÓMETROS Vendors offer mail-in service only. Proveedores ofrecen servicio de correo sólo". Air Cycle Corp. 200 S. 25th Ave., Broadview, IL (800) 909-9709 MS Fuel - Fresno BASCO 1528 N Thesta Street • Fresno WCM (Waste & Compliance Management, Inc.) www.homesharpsdisposal.com • (877) 436-5480 8 United Refrigeration 1848 E. Griffith Way • Fresno • 559-228-0477 USACD 2670 E. Byrd Avenue • Fresno • 559-266-8169 TIRES LLANTAS American Avenue Disposal Site 18950 W. American Ave. • Kerman • 600-6138 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Central Tire Company 3815 East Belmont Ave. • Fresno • 264-7156 Fresno, City of City of Fresno residents only • 621-8400 Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. Stericycle, Inc., www.stericycle.com/mailback_programs/ sharps.html • (800) 355-8773 OR (800) 527-0666 Orchard Supply Hardware Clovis • Fresno Sigler Wholesale Distributors 2345 Los Angeles St. • Fresno • 559-487-1860 WalMart - Fresno • Clovis • Selma Baker Distributing Company 5449 E. Lamona Avenue • Fresno 559-455-9708 WM (Waste Management Healthcare Solutions) www.healthcare.wm.com • (866) 803-7561 Slakey Brothers 4333 North Effie St. • Fresno • 415-308-9140 Falcon Tire 1065 Simpson • Kingsburg • 897-7099 Lowe’s #1541 - Clovis • Fresno Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. RSD 2208 E. McKinley • Fresno • 559-233-0755 Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. Sharps Compliance, Inc. www.sharpsinc.com, (800) 772-5657 Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. Partners in Planet Protection Palmerton, PA • (866) 323-4777 Coast Appliance Parts 3260 E. McKinley • Fresno • 559-485-4444 Check the White Pages for individual locations and phone numbers. Geary Pacific Supply 3026 Business Park, Suite 102 • Fresno 800-620-3520 Ponderosa Market 33246 N. Auberry Road • Auberry • 855-2533 Goodman Distribution, Inc. 2620 East Byrd Ave. • Fresno • 559-233-2072 Lee’s Service 1445 I Street • Reedley • 638-3535 Mid Valley Disposal #1 15300 W. Jensen Ave. • Kerman 237-9425 Ramon’s Tire Service 261 Oller Street • Mendota • 655-3739 Sanger Tire Disposal 1078 North Ave. • Sanger • 875-7432 Village Tire 2031 Simpson Street • Kingsburg 897-5129 Wally’s Tire & Wheel 1020 N. Madera Ave. • Kerman • 846-6621 TONER CARTRIDGES CARTUCHOS DE TÓNER Canon, Inc. Call for information on program (800) 962-2708 Funding Factory www.fundingfactory.com • 888-883-8237 Hewlett-Packard https://www.hp.com/recycle • (800) 340-2445 Lanny Tech 812 N. Fulton Street • Fresno • 233-1951 Westside Auto Dismantling 2641 W. Belmont Ave. • Fresno • 237-5591 For GM/Chevy call 268-5500 For Chrysler/Dodge call 264-2277 For Toyota call 498-0480 S A Recycling 3489 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 237-6677 Blok Charity Auto Clearance 800-246-0493 Fresno Truck Wrecking 3536 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 441-0501 Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County 266-3117 Gonzalez Towing & Tire Shop 1297 Oller Street • Mendota • 655-4626 CA Council of the Blind (800) 449-8342 Specialized Parts Planet 4646 S. Chestnut Ave., #109 • Fresno For Honda call 266-0123 For Ford call 459-0790 Catholic Charities Diocese of Fresno 237-0851 National Kidney Foundation (888) 319-2277 Levi’s Iron & Metal 2727 S. Chestnut Ave. • Fresno • 233-3211 Pick-A-Part Auto Wrecking 2274 E. Muscat Ave. • Fresno • 485-3071 Pick-N-Pull Fresno 3230 E. Jensen Ave. • Fresno • 233-3882 Salvation Army (800) 958-7825 Paper Recycling: JUNK MAIL Junk Mail / Magazines / Mixed Paper / Newspaper Office Paper / Phone Books / Treated Paper PAPEL (correo basura, revistas, papel mezclado, periodicos, de oficina, directorios telefónicos y tratado) Allan Company Recycling • 2607 E. Woodward Avenue • Fresno • 264-4804 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Bairos Recycling, Inc. • 2788 S. Orange Avenue • Fresno • 233-0922 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) • 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 Clovis Recycling • 1059 Hobblitt • Clovis • 299-7485 TREATED PAPER Fresno Rescue Mission: Super Thrift Store 181 E. Sierra Ave. • Fresno • 440-0870 Air Conditioning Salvage/Dismant. Call for information • Fresno • 970-4721 PHONE BOOKS APF Motorcycle Salvage 3967 E. Central • Fresno • 237-6875 Jamie’s Auto Dismantling, Inc 2438 S. West Ave. • Fresno • 233-4674 CALENTADORES DE AGUA OFFICE PAPER American Red Cross (800) 435-7130 WATER HEATERS NEWSPAPER All American Truck & Auto Parts 4688 S. Chestnut Ave #101 • 264-3673 MIXED PAPER VEHÍCULOS MAGAZINES VEHICLES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Dreams Recycling (Site 1) • 15401 W. California Avenue • Kerman • 846-9551 ■ Dreams Recycling (Site 2) • 15057 W. Whitesbridge Road • Kerman • 846-9551 ■ Michelsen Packaging • 4165 S. Cherry Avenue • Fresno • 237-3819 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Mid Valley Disposal #1 • 15300 W. Jensen Ave. • Kerman • 237-9425 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ReCyCo, Inc. Recycling Center • 4585 E. Olive Avenue • Fresno • 255-9500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Rock-Tenn Recycling Company • 24 S. Thorne Ave • Fresno • 441-1166 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Mid Valley Disposal #3 • 2721 S. Elm Street • Fresno • 499-1595 Waste Management • 5608 S. Villa Avenue • Fresno • 834-4070 PLASTIC BAGS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BOLSAS DE PLÁSTICO All grocery stores are required to accept & recycle this material. Please check for drop-off bin at entrance. The County of Fresno encourages all residents to shop with reusable bags whenever possible. Todas las tiendas de comestibles tienen la obligacion de aceptar este material. Busque un contenedor en la entrada de la tienda donde usted puede depositar las bolsas de plastico. El Condado de Fresno alienta a todos los residentes que cuando hagan sus compras y sea posible, usen bolsas reutilizables. 9 MEDICATION/PHARMACEUTICALS (NO SHARPS) Medicina y farmacia (NO sostenidos) Or properly dispose of your medications at home with these steps: Ver la página 18 para obtener instrucciones para deshacerse de los medicamentos de casa. Dispose of unused, expired, or unwanted medications at these safe drop-off sites, no questions asked: Lugares Seguros Para Deshacerce De Drogas: For more information: healthcollaborative.org for the latest list of sites. Clovis Police Department 1233 5th St, Clovis, CA 93612 (559) 324-2400 Coalinga Police Department 270 N 6th St, Coalinga, CA 93210 (559) 935-2313 Fresno Co. Sheriff's Office 2200 Fresno St, Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 600-8400 Fresno Police Department 2323 Mariposa St, Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 621-7000 Mendota Police Department 1000 Airport Blvd Ste A, Mendota, CA 93640 (559) 655-9120 Orange Cove Police Department 550 Center Street, Orange Cove, CA 93646 (559) 626-5106 Parlier Police Department 8770 S Mendocino Ave, Parlier, CA 93648 (559) 646-6600 Reedley Police Department 843 G Street, Reedley, CA 93654 (559) 637-4250 Sanger Police Department 1700 7th St, Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 875-8521 Selma Police Department 1935 E. Front Street, Selma, CA 93662 (559) 896-2525 Fresno County Residents may also take their old medications to the following locations: 1. DO NOT FLUSH OR POUR unused medications down the toilet or drain. NO LAVE NI VIERTA medicamentos sin usar el inodoro o desagüe. 2. Put medications into a sealable bag or disposable container with a lid. Ponga los medicamentos en una bolsa plástica con cierre o contenedor desechable con una tapa. 3. Add water to dissolve the medication then mix with something like dirt, cat litter, or coffee grounds. Bag it or wrap the mixture and place in the trash. Añada agua para disolver el medicamento y luego mezclar con algo como suciedad, arena higiénica para gatos o granos de café. En una bolsa o envuelva la mezcla y arrojar a la basura. 4. Conceal or remove any personal information on drug containers before ...... placing in the trash. Ocultar o eliminar cualquier información personal en contenedores de droga antes de colocar en la basura. For more information on disposal contact: (559) 221-6315 Fowler Police Department 128 S 5th St, Fowler, CA 93625 (559) 834-2112 Kingsburg Police Department 1300 California St, Kingsburg, CA 93631 (559) 897-2931 THE FOLLOWING DRUG DROP-OFF LOCATIONS ARE FOR CITY OF FRESNO RESIDENTS ONLY CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling and Transfer Station) • 3457 S. Cedar Ave. • Fresno • 233-1158 #6 (EXPANDED) PLASTICOS SIN CRV PLASTICS #6 Plastic Recycling Non-CRV: PLASTICS #5 Fire Station 8 • 1428 S. Cedar Ave., Fresno Northeast Policing Station • 1450 E. Teague Ave., Fresno Fire Station 5 • 3131 N. Fresno Street, Fresno PLASTICS #4 Northwest Policing Station • 3781 N. Hughes • Fresno Fire Station 2 • 7114 N. West Ave. • Fresno Fire Headquarters • 911 H Street • Fresno Fire Station 6 • 4343 E. Gettysburg Ave., Fresno ■ ■ ■ ■ Clovis Pack & Ship • 1175 Shaw Avenue, #104 • Clovis • 297-9005 ■ Mail Boxes, Etc. • 7084 N. Cedar Avenue • Fresno • 297-3478 ■ Mail Boxes, Etc. • 2037 W. Bullard Avenue • Fresno • 436-5278 ■ ReCyCo, Inc. Recycling Center • 4585 E. Olive Avenue • Fresno • 255-9500 ■ ■ Mid Valley Disposal #3 • 2721 S. Elm Street • Fresno • 499-1595 ■ ■ For CRV Plastic information, see chart on pages 5-6. / Para información de Plasticos con CRV vea el guia en las paginas 5-6 10 ■ ■ Allan Company (No waXed boXes) 2525 Sunland, Fresno • 264-4804 Authorized Appliance Service Call for information Fresno • 276-7589 Barios Recycling, Inc. 2788 S. Orange Ave., Fresno • 233-0922 Brunos Iron & Metal 3211 S. Golden State Blvd., Fresno • 233-6543 Bulldog Recycling 9091 S. DeWolf Ave., Fowler • 441-0618 CARTS (Cedar Ave. Recycling & Transfer Station) 3457 S. Cedar Ave., Fresno • 233-1158 Clovis Recycling 1059 Hoblitt Ave., Clovis • 299-8807 Dreams Recycling (Site 2) 15401 W. California, Kerman • 846-9551 Fresno Recycling 1701 S. Orange Ave., Fresno • 264-6303 Green Valley Recycling 2365 E. North Ave., Fresno • 266-2650 Hazardous Waste Management Options* Opciones para manejar residuos peligrosos • Various • 600-4259 SA Recycling 3489 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno • 237-6677 Kroeker, Inc. 4627 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno • 237-3764 Levi's Iron & Metal, Inc. 2727 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno • 233-3211 Mid Valley Disposal #1 15300 W. Jensen Ave., Kerman • 237-9425 Nearly New Shop (Clean, suitable for resale only) 1022 G Street, Reedley • 638-7697 Pena's Disposal, Inc. 12094 Avenue 408, Cutler • 528-6997 PJ's Roll Off & Recycling Services P.O Box 8795, Fresno • 237-0900 Restore 1631 Railroad, Clovis • 237-7867 ReCyCo, Inc. Recycling Center 4585 E. Olive Ave., Fresno • 255-9500 Rice Road Transfer Station (Allied Waste) 10463 N. Rice Rd., Fresno • 434-9211 Selma Pallet & Crating, Inc 1651 Pacific, Selma • 896-7171 Skee's Recycling, Inc. 4638 E. Thomas Ave., Fresno • 255-8355 Rock-Tenn 24 S. Thorne Ave., Fresno • 441-1166 Mid Valley Disposal #3 2721 S. Elm Street, Fresno • 499-1595 Used Pallet Company 4115 S. Orange Ave., Fresno • 264-6664 Waste Management 5608 S. Villa Ave., Fresno • 834-9151 Western Metal 2910 S. Cherry Ave., Fresno • 264-6246 PERMITTED C&D PROCESSORS WOOD (UNTREATED) WATER HEATERS WALLBOARD, GYPSUM, SHEETROCK PALLETS METAL (NON FERROUS) METAL (FERROUS) METAL (ALUMINUM) GLASS (WINDOW) FREON CLEAN FILL DIRT CARPET & CARPET PAD CARDBOARD Guía de recursos para la eliminación o reciclaje de la construcción y residuos de demolición ASPHALT & CONCRETE Resource Guide for The Disposal of Construction & Demolition Debris XXXX X XXXXX XXXXX X XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXXX XXXX X X XX XX CALL FOR INFORMATION Llame para obtener más información X X XXX XXXX XXXXX XX X X XX XXXXX XXXXXX XX X XXXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXX XX CALL FOR INFORMATION Llame para obtener más información XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X X XX X XXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXX XX X X XX Visit www.lamprecycle.org or call Fresno County (Resources Division) at 600-4259 for more information. 11 HHW (Household Hazardous Waste) The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) items listed below should be handled with proper care and should not be put in your recycling or garbage bin. In order to protect the health of residents and the environment, you can take your HHW items to the Fresno County Regional HHW Facility, which replaces the County's previous drop-off event program. For no charge, residents of Fresno County, Clovis, Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Fresno, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, San Joaquin, and Selma will be able to drop off quantities up to 15 gallons/125 pounds of items like those listed below on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Facility will be closed on the following days in 2015 and 2016: 11/28/2015, 12/26/2015, 3/26/2016, 7/2/2016, 11/26/2016, and 12/24/2016. For a fee, qualified Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQGs) will be able to safely and legally dispose of quantities up to 27 gallons/220 pounds of HHW items. Qualified CESQGs must make an appointment BEFORE dropping off items. The County is developing a regional network (the Network) of local sites that will accept items such as batteries, bulbs, e-waste, paint, and sharps in your area. For more information regarding the Facility and the Network, please contact the Resources Division at 600-4259. • batteries • brake fluid • electronic waste: cathode ray tubes (computer monitors, television sets, etc.) • fertilizer • fluorescent lights • garden pesticides • gasoline • herbicides • laptop computers • game boxes and other devices with a screen including LCD and plasma screens • nail polish • old paint • oven cleaners • paint stripper pool chemicals • propane tanks • sharps (needles and lancets used at home by "self-medicators") • small appliances (e.g. coffee pots, toasters, dryers, phones, all types of recorders and players, office machines, computers, things with mercury, switches, and things that light up) • spot remover • tar • thermostats • toxic or caustic household cleaners • transmission fluid • used oil • varnish • wood preservatives For questions regarding the management of your HHW items, and to receive more information regarding the HHW Facility, please contact the Resources Division at (559) 600-4259. 12 HHW Desechos Residenciales Peligrosos Los artículos de hogar con residuos peligrosos/tóxicos (HHW) enumerados a continuación deben ser manejados con cuidado apropiado y no se deben colocar en su recipiente de reciclaje o basura. Con el fin de proteger la salud de los habitantes y el medio ambiente, usted puede llevar sus artículos materiales tóxicos al establecimiento permanente establecido por el Condado de Fresno (Fresno County Regional HHW). Los residentes del Condado de Fresno, Clovis, Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Fresno, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, San Joaquín y Selma podran llevar o dejar cantidades de 15 galones/125 libras de materiales tóxicos sin ningún cargo, durante los sábados entre las horas de 9:00 a 1:00. El Establecimiento estará cerrado durante los siguientes dias en 2015 y 2016: 11/28/2015, 12/26/2015, 3/26/2016, 7/2/2016, 11/26/2016, y 12/24/2016. Por una tarifa, generadores/negocios pequeños (calificados condicionalmente exentos por cantidad) serán capaz, de con seguridad y legalmente disponer de cantidades hasta 27 galones/220 libras de artículos materiales tóxicos. Las empresas deben hacer citas para estos servicios. El condado está desarrollando una red regional (la red) de sitios locales que aceptará artículos tales como baterías, bombillas, desechos electrónicos, pintura y objetos punzantes en su área. Para obtener más información sobre el establecimiento y la red, por favor póngase en contacto con la división de recursos de 600-4259. • Baterías • líquido de frenos • residuos electrónicos: los tubos de rayos catódicos (monitores de computadoras, televisores, etc) • fertilizantes • luces fluorescentes • pesticidas jardín • gasolina • herbicidas • ordenadores portátiles • cajas de juegos y otros dispositivos con una pantalla LCD y entre ellos pantallas de plasma • esmalte de uñas • pintura vieja • limpiadores para hornos • pintura de stripper químicos para piscinas • tanques de propano • objetos punzantes (agujas y lancetas usadas en el país por "auto-medicadores") • pequeños electrodomésticos (ollas como el café, tostadoras, secadores, móviles, todos tipos de grabadoras y reproductores, máquinas de oficina, computadoras, cosas con mercurio, interruptores, y cosas que se encienden) • quitamanchas • alquitrán • termostatos • limpiadores domésticos tóxicos o cáusticos • líquido de la transmisión • aceite usado • barniz • protectores de la madera Para preguntas y obtener más información sobre el establecimiento, por favor póngase en contacto con la división de recursos de 600-4259. SPECIAL PROGRAMS - SPECIAL HANDLING Ag Pesticide Containers American Avenue Disposal Site accepts triple-rinsed containers. Call American Avenue Disposal Site at 559-600-6138 for rules and disposal charges. Appliances – Major As of January 1, 2006, state law prohibits landfills and scrap dealers from accepting discarded major appliances without a “Certificate of Recycling” proving that all hazardous materials have been removed by a Certified Appliance Recycler (CAR). Please contact the County for the most current information on where major appliances may be taken for disposal by a CAR. Appliances – Small Small appliances that contain toxic materials (e.g., mercury switches, heavy metals and/ or lead solder) have been banned by the state from landfills in California. Please contact the County for the most current information on where small appliances may be taken for disposal. Ammunition, Gun Powder, Fireworks, Other Explosives Call the business office of your local fire station, police department, or sheriff’s station for information on how to handle these materials. Fresno County Sheriff's Department: 559600-3111 / Fresno Police Department: 559-621-7000. Batteries* 2) Good Option: Mail-In Program - Many types of medication can be mailed to disposal companies for a fee. Contact your local pharmacy or visit the California Department of Public Health website at www.cdph.ca.gov/certlic/medicalwaste/Pages/MailBack.aspx. 3) Acceptable Option: Place in Garbage - Follow the guidelines listed below BEFORE placing in garbage. 1. DO NOT FLUSH OR POUR unused medications down the toilet or drain. 2. Put medications into a sealable bag or disposable container with a lid. 3. Add water to dissolve the medication then mix with something like dirt, cat litter, or coffee grounds. Bag it or wrap the mixture and place in the trash. 4. Conceal or remove any personal information on drug containers before placing in the trash. Plastic Bags In July 2007, most large supermarkets and stores with pharmacies are required to provide a bin in which clean plastic carryout bags may be collected for recycling, and to make reusable bags available to customers for purchase. The County of Fresno encourages all residents to shop with reusable bags whenever possible. Railroad Ties/Telephone Poles/Treated Wood Wood treated with creosote, arsenic, lead paint, preservatives and other chemicals is considered a hazardous waste and is not accepted at local landfills. For disposal options, contact the County at 600-4259. Batteries are considered hazardous waste. Rechargeable batteries include nickel cadmium (NiCad), Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH), Litium Ion (LiION), and small-sealed lead batteries weighing up to 2 pounds each. Please visit www.call2recycle.org for more information. You may also call 1-800-8-BATTERY (1-800-822-8837) to find a location near you. The Fresno County Regional HHW Facility accepts all types of batteries for recycling. Also see the "BATTERIES" section of this guide. Roofing Material Cell Phones* See the medication/pharmaceuticals section of this guide for locations on where to dispose of old medications. It is illegal to place any cell phone into a landfill or your trash. Return the phone to the purchase location or donate it to charity. Cell phones are accepted at the HHW Facility. Fluorescent Light/Ballasts (Fixtures)* Ballasts may contain a hazardous chemical (PCB) and must be taken to the HHW Facility. Fluorescent Lights include tubes, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs, and High Intensity Light Bulbs. Fluorescent lights contain mercury, which is a hazardous chemical. It is illegal to place these in a landfill. Household quantities of fluorescent lights can be taken to the HHW Facility or most major hardware retailers. For information regarding recycling lamps/ lights larger than 4 feet, or for information regarding conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQG) programs, contact the County at 559-600-4259. Junk Mail Some composite shingles may contain asbestos. Special testing, packaging and noticing may be required before you can dispose of this item. Call the County for details before you start this kind of project. Pharmaceutical Drug Drop-off Program Sharps (Needles/Lancets - Home Users Only)* As of September 1, 2008, state law prohibits the placement of sharps in your trash or landfills; however they can be taken to the HHW Facility. Contact the County for information on proper disposal of these items. State law requires sharps to be transported in certified sharps or locally approved containers. See the Sharps section of this guide. Thermostats/Thermometers (Containing Mercury)* Many manufacturers will take back their own products for recycling. The Fresno County Regional Permanent HHW Facility accepts thermostats and thermometers for recycling. Please contact the County of Fresno at 600-4259 for additional information. Also, please see the thermostats and thermometers section of this guide. Vehicles – Abandoned There are web sites that can help you reduce junk mail. For information, please visit www. calrecycle.ca.gov/reducewaste/home/junkmail.htm City of Fresno – Code Enforcement 559-621-8400 or California Highway Patrol 559-441-5400 Medication/Pharmaceuticals (NO SHARPS) Fresno County, Resources Division 559-600-4259 It is illegal for medications to to be poured down sinks or placed in toilets, sewers, gutters, or into any body of water or placed in any location where the medication may end up in contact with water or ground water. There are three options currently available for disposal: 1) Best/Recommended Option: Drug Drop Boxes - Bring medications to one of the drug drop box locations listed in this guide. The pills should be removed from the original containers and placed in a plastic bag. If the medication is liquid, leave the medication in the original container and place in a plastic bag to avoid spills. Cross out or remove all personal information. *Items marked with an asterisk are accepted at Fresno County's new Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility located at the American Avenue Disposal Site at 18950 W. American Avenue, Kerman, CA 93630. For more information, contact the Resources Division at 559-600-4259. 13 PROGRAMAS ESPECIALES – MANIPULACIÓN ESPECIAL Envases De Pesticidas Agrícolas American Avenue Disposal Site acepta envases con enjuague triple. Llame a 559-600-6138 para más información sobre reglas y cargos por descarte. Electrodomésticos – Grandes A partir del 1˚de enero de 2006 la legislación estatal prohíbe que los vertederos y los comerciantes de chatarra acepten electrodomésticos grandes descartados sin un “Certificado de Reciclado” que demuestre que un Reciclador de Electrodomésticos Certificado (CAR, por sus siglas en inglés) ha removido todos los materiales peligrosos de ese electrodoméstico. Por favor, llame al Condado para recibir información mas actualizada sobre donde se pueden llevar los electrodomésticos grandes para que los descarte un CAR. 3) Opción aceptable: Disponer en basura - Siga las direcciones anotados a bajo antes de colocar en la basura. 1. NO LAVE NI VIERTA medicamentos sin usar el inodoro o desagüe. 2. Ponga los medicamentos en una bolsa plástica con cierre o contenedor desechable con una tapa. Electrodomésticos – Pequeños 3. Añada agua para disolver el medicamento y luego mezclar con algo como suciedad, arena higiénica para gatos o granos de café. En una bolsa o envuelva la mezcla y arrojar a la basura. Los pequeños electrodomésticos que contienenen materiales tóxicos (por ej., interruptores de mercurio, metales pesados y/o soldadura de plomo) están prohibidos en los vertederos en California. Llame al Condado para recibir información más actualizada sobre dónde se pueden llevar los electrodomésticos pequeños para su descarte. Bolsas de Plástico Municiones, Polvora Para Armas, Fuegos Artificiales, Otros Explosivos Llame a la Oficina de administración de su estación de bomberos local, Departamento de policía, o estación del Sheriff para obtener información sobre cómo manejar estos materiales. Fresno Departamento del Sheriff del Condado: 559-600-3111 / Departamento de Policía de Fresno: 559-621-7000. Pilas* Las baterías son consideradas residuos peligrosos. Incluyen la baterías recargables de níquel cadmio (NiCad), níquel Metal hidruro (NiMH), Ion de litio (Li-ion), y las baterías de plomo selladas pequeñas pesando hasta 2 libras cada uno. Por favor visite www. call2recycle.org para obtener más información. También puede llamar al 1-800-8-BATTERY (1-800-822-8837) para encontrar un lugar cerca de usted. Las instalaciones de Fresno County hogar residuos peligrosos (HHW) acepta todo tipo de baterías para su reciclaje. Consulte la categoria las pilas la sección de esta guía Teléfonos Celulares* Es ilegal poner cualquier teléfono celular en un vertedero o su basura. Favor de devolver el teléfono al lugar de compra o donarlo a obras de caridad. Los teléfonos celulares se aceptan en las instalaciones de HHW. Luz/balastros fluorescentes (accesorios)* Balastos pueden contener un químico peligroso (PCB) y deben tomarse para la instalación de materiales tóxicos. Luces fluorescentes incluyen tubos, bombillas fluorescentes compactas y bombillas con luz alta de intensidad. Las luces fluorescentes contienen mercurio, que es un producto químico peligroso. Es ilegal colocar éstos en un vertedero. Cantidades domésticas de luces fluorescentes pueden llevarse a las instalaciones de HHW permanente Regional del Condado de Fresno para la instalación de materiales tóxicos o a negocios de hardware. Para información sobre reciclaje/luces de las lámparas más de 4 pies, o para información sobre programas de pequeñas cantidades condicionalmente exentos generador (CESQG), póngase en contacto con el Condado de 559-600-4259. Papel – Correo Basura Existen sitios web que pueden ayudarle a reducir el correo basura. Para obtener información, por favor visite www.calrecycle.ca.gov/ reducewaste/home/junkmail.htm Medicina y farmacia (NO sostenidos) Es ilegal disponer de medicamentos en losa cántaros fregaderos o colocarse en retretes, alcantarillas, cunetas, o en cualquier cuerpo de agua o colocado en cualquier wherer ubicación que la medicación puede terminar en contacto con agua o agua subterránea. Hay tres opciones disponibles actualmente para la eliminación: 1) opción mejor/recomendada: Cajas par disponer las droga el lugar en una bolsa de plástico para evitar derrames. Tachar o eliminar toda la información personal. 14 2) buena opción: Programa de Mail-In - muchos tipos de medicamentos pueden ser enviados a empresas de disposición de pago. Póngase en contacto con su farmacia local o visite el sitio web de California Department of Public Health en www.cdph.ca.gov/ certlic/ medicalwaste/Pages/MailBack.aspx. 4. ocultar o eliminar cualquier información personal en contenedores de droga antes de colocar en la basura. A partir de Julio de 2007, la mayoria de los supermercados y tiendas grandes con farmacias deben ofrecer un tacho en el que se pueden recoolectar bolsas plásticas limpias para su reciclado y poner a disposición de los clients bolsas reutilizables en la venta. El Condado de Fresno alienta a todos los residentes que cuando hagan sus compras y sea posible, usen bolsas reutilizables. Durmientes De Ferrocarril/Postes De Telefóno/Madera Tratada La Madera tratada con creosta, arsénico, pintura con plomo, conservantes y otras sustancias químicas se considera un desperdicio peligroso y no se es aceptado en los vertederos de basura locales. Para conocer las opciones de descarte, póngase en contacto con el Condado de 559-600-4259. Materiales para Techos Algunos materiales para techos pueden contener asbestos. Pueden requerise pruebsa especiales, embalaje y etiquetado antes de descartar esto artículos. Llame al Condado para más detalles antes de comenzar este tipo de projecto. Drogas farmacéuticas drop-off Programa Consulte la sección "Medicina y Farmacia (NO sostenidos)" de esta guía. Objetos punzantes (agujas/lancetas - usuarios domésticos solamente)* A partir de 01 de septiembre de 2008, la ley estatal prohíbe la colocación de objetos punzantes en su basura o rellenos sanitarios sin embargo pueden adoptarse para la instalación de materiales tóxicos. Para obtener información sobre la eliminación adecuada de estos elementos, póngase en contacto con el condado. La ley estatal requiere objetos punzantes para transportarse en contenedores localmente aprobados o certificados para objetos punzantes. Consulte la sección agujas/lancetas de esta guía. Termostatos/Termómetros (Que Contengan Mercurio)* Muchos fabricantes llevarán sus propios productos para el reciclaje. Las instalaciones de HHW permanente Regional del Condado de Fresno estará aceptando los termostatos y termómetros para el reciclaje. Para obtener información adicional, por favor póngase en contacto con la división de recursos de 600-4259. Consulte la categoria los termostatos y termometros la sección de esta guía. Vehículos – Abandonados En la Ciudad de Fresno – Fiscalización de cumplimento – (559) 621-8400 En el Condado de Fresno – California Highway Patrol 559 441-5400 *Los artículos marcados con un asterisco son aceptadas en el establecimiento nuevo al Sitio de Disposición Avenida de América en 18950 W. American Avenue, Kerman, CA 93630. Para obtener más información sobre el estblecimiento, por favor póngase en contacto con la división de recursos de 600-4259. Grass / Leaves Junk Mail Magazines Metal / Tin Cans Mixed Paper Newspaper Office Paper ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ COALINGA237-9425 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 934-1229 Drop-off ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FIREBAUGH659-2501 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FOWLER834-9151 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 834-3113 Drop-off ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FRESNO621-1111 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Used Oil Glass - Mixed ■ Tires Glass - CRV ■ Plastic - CRV Cardboard ■ CITY Phone Books Brush / Trees CLOVIS324-2600 Curbside PROGRAMAS MUNICIPALES Oil Filters PHONEPROGRAM Aluminum Municipal Programs ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 621-8400 Drop-off HURON237-9425 Business/Commercial ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ KERMAN846-9372 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ KINGSBURG897-1066 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 897-1066 Drop-off ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ MENDOTA237-9425 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ORANGE COVE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 528-6997 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ PARLIER646-3545 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Drop-off ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ REEDLEY805-9023 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 637-4200 Drop-off ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SAN JOAQUIN ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SANGER875-6513 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Drop-off ■ ■ SELMA891-7694 Curbside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 626-4488 237-9425 Business/Commercial Curbside Business/Commercial ■ 896-0823 Drop-off ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Thank you for "TURNING IT AROUND" in Fresno County! Gracias por "Reciclar De Nuevo" en el Condado De Fresno On behalf of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors, the unincorporated portions of Fresno County, and the cities of: Clovis, Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Fresno, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, San Joaquin, Sanger and Selma. En nombre de la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Fresno, las porciones no incorporadas del Condado de Fresno y las ciudades de Clovis, Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Fresno, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, San Joaquin, Sanger y Selma, queremos agradecerle por hacer el esfuerzo de reciclar. To learn more about how you can help in our continuing recycling efforts visit the county's website: www.co.fresno.ca.us 15 WASTE HAULER INFORMATION Fresno County Exclusive Service Area Program (ESAP) County of Fresno Haulers' Exclusive Service Areas AB 939 Compliance Order: Program to Divert Residential and Commercial Solid Waste ´ 3 Republic Services (Allied Waste) 4 Waste-Management 6 IWS 8 Selma LLC 9 Pena 10 Miramonte 11 Tule Trash (Sequoia Disposal) 12 Granite (Rancheria) 13 Western (Ponderosa) 12 Ä 13 Å 168 12 3 9 BLACKSTONE DEWOLF MINNEWAWA CHESTNUT BELMONT 4 KINGS CANYON MCCALL FOWLER SHIELDS TEMPERANCE CEDAR BELMONT CHESTNUT O Å Ä 180 CALIFORNIA JENSEN ELM CORNELIA 168 B NORTH S AY Å Ä B JENSEN SN 6 SHIELDS VENTURA E FR SHAW W MCKINLEY ABB Y CALIFORNIA BULLARD ASHLAN H 3 WHITES BRIDGE 12 HERNDON R AI POLK 3 NEES SHAW FIRST ASHLAN 3 NEES FIFTH BULLARD EB 269 EN ER Å Ä D PALM BULLARD 99 AR WEST Å Ä 269 FI G WALNUT YA N MARKS BR WILLOW T FR I AN 41 W 198 Å Ä 43 198 Å Ä Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area WEST 33 41 (Not included in program) 245 63 8 2 Å Ä Å Ä 2 Å Ä Ä Å 10 MILBURN Ä Ä Å Å Å Ä 6 4 6 Incorporated Cities FRES NO 2 4 BRAWLEY 3 11 BLYTHE Å3 Ä 99 6 September 16 2014 NORTH CLOVIS 5 10 Mid-Valley (Firebaugh, Sunset, & Waste Connections) PEACH 0 Miles 20 2 2 CENTRAL W:\sas9508\projects\sally_maps\new_hauler_map\hauler_Sept2014.mxd HAULER ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE FAX REPUBLIC SERVICES (ALLIED WASTE/BFI) P.O. Box 9369 Fresno, CA 93792-9369 559 275-1551 559 275-8012 FIREBAUGH DISPOSAL see Mid Valley Disposal. On January 27, 2009, the County Board of Supervisors consented to the assignment of Firebaugh Disposal’s assets to Mid Valley Disposal. Mid Valley is now providing waste collection and recycling services to those customers formerly served by Firebaugh Disposal. GRANITE SOLID WASTE P.O. Box 268 Prather, CA 93651 559 298-3463 559 298-4277 INDUSTRIAL WASTE & SALVAGE – ORANGE AVE. DISPOSAL P.O. Box 446 Fresno, CA 93709-0446 559 233-1158 559 441-4140 MID VALLEY DISPOSAL P.O. Box 12385 Fresno, CA 93777-2385 559 237-9425 559 233-4614 MIRAMONTE SANITATION P.O. Box 129 Reedley, CA 93654-0129 559 638-1313 559 595-8609 PEÑA’S DISPOSAL 12094 Avenue 408 Cutler, CA 93615 559 528-3909 559 528-4030 RANCHERIA SOLID WASTE see Granite Solid Waste. On June 26, 2007, the County Board of Supervisors consented to the sale of Rancheria Solid Waste to Granite Solid Waste. Granite is now providing waste collection services to the customers formerly served by Rancheria Solid Waste. SELMA DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING P.O. Box 708 Selma, CA 93662 559 891-7694 559 891-7745 TULE TRASH COMPANY P.O. Box 288 Pixley, CA 93256 800 543-0223 559 757-5002 SEQUOIA DISPOSAL see Tule Trash Company. On April 24, 2012, the County Board of Supervisors consented to the sale of Sequoia Disposal to Tule Trash Company. Tule is now providing waste collection services to the customers formerly served by Sequoia. SUNSET WASTE SYSTEMS see Mid Valley Disposal. On September 16, 2014, the County Board of Supervisors consented to the assignment of Sunset Waste’s Exclusive Service Area Program (ESAP) Agreement to Mid Valley Disposal. Mid Valley is now providing waste collection and recycling services to those customers formerly served by Sunset Waste. WASTE CONNECTION see Mid Valley Disposal. On August 2, 2013, the County Board of Supervisors consented to the assignment of Waste Connections assets to Mid Valley Disposal. Mid Valley is now providing waste collection and recycling services to those customers formerly served by Waste Connections. 16 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF FRESNO 4333 E. Jefferson Fresno, CA 93725-0069 559 834-4070 559 834-3751 WESTERN SOLID WASTE (PONDEROSA) P.O. Box 254 Friant, CA 93626 559 298-5022 559 855-5223
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