February, 2015 Dear Friends of Mount Saint Joseph High School, As


February, 2015 Dear Friends of Mount Saint Joseph High School, As
Dear Friends of Mount Saint Joseph High School,
February, 2015
As I compose this letter on a snow holiday, and as we begin Catholic Schools Week, I reflect on my thirty years as a
teacher in Catholic education. I believe with all my heart that the Xaverian Brothers and lay faculty know how to educate
the whole person.
Having been raised by the Xaverian Brothers on a campus in Leonardtown, Maryland, I think of Catholic Schools Week
in a Xaverian School, and I know I was privy to an extraordinary education. The Brothers and lay teachers challenged me
to be a better person, spiritually, academically, and even athletically. When I left my Xaverian high school, I had grown
tremendously, and I will be eternally thankful for all that those teachers did for me. They challenged me in so many ways
that stretched me as a person.
Xaverian Education began in America in Louisville in 1854, some 150 years ago. While the challenges the Brothers
faced early on were great, they kept a deep commitment to Jesus’ clearly stated mission: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me
because he has anointed me to proclaim the Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim the freedom for the
prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the Year of the Lord’s favor.” Even
today, those words were echoed to me by Brother Ed Driscoll, Superior General of the Xaverian Brothers, in a message
to each president of the Xaverian schools.
Here at the Mount, we are part of a bigger organization. We have sister schools up north in Danvers, Lowell, Malden,
Westwood, and Shrewsbury, Massachusetts; in Connecticut, we have schools in Middletown and Uncasville; and in New
York City, Bay Ridge and East Flatbush. Here in Maryland, we have schools in Baltimore, Olney, and Leonardtown, and
it all began in Louisville, Kentucky at Saint X. We strive, as schools in the Xaverian system, to model ourselves after
Jesus and have a goal of creating young people who do the Lord’s work and serve others. Many of you might not know
that we are in constant contact with our sister Xaverian Schools in the United States. We share Board Members, best
practices, and our Xaverian spirit on a regular basis, with President and Principal Meetings, gatherings of students on
retreat, and, every other year, members of the Board of Directors gather to share the Xaverian Charism. While we are a
small part of a larger Catholic school system in America, we are all thriving with a common spirit and Xaverian virtueshumility, simplicity, trust, zeal, and compassion. And while we may be in different parts of the country, we share
common values and a common goal towards excellence.
In the words of our former President, Brother James Kelly, in the simplicity of the Xaverian Brothers, he sums it up very
eloquently, “Our goal is to create men that God intends them to be.” I would ask you to pray for the Mount and all our
Xaverian Schools in the United States and our missions around the world, as we strive to create students who help make
the world a better place within the spirit of the Xaverians.
George E. Andrews, Jr.
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and
reverent, all adjectives that describe the desired characteristics of what a Boy Scout of America should be. It has
been our tradition at Mount Saint Joseph to recognize the members of this great organization and the Mount
members who have received the honor of becoming an Eagle Scout. We are very proud of these young men, not
only because of the hard work and determination with which the special rank signifies, but also because they are
Mount Men who are about the task of becoming the men that God intends them to be. We are so blessed to have
a student population who believe that they too can be a good and loving person who can make a difference in this
Raising an adolescent boy is no easy task. We are successful at this venture when all stakeholders are
working in conjunction. Responsibilities of parents, teachers, family, coaches, organizational activities, social
schedules, friends, etc., must all work as support systems. A weak area could cause a derailment of our goal in
turning young boys into men. Men who matter!
Below is the photo of our 2014-2015 Eagle Scouts. Back row - Mr. Norton, Wyatt Montemorra,
Andrew O’Neil, James Moore, Evan Flesher, Aaron Gehring, Michael Haskell, Nicholas Gething. Middle
Row - Michael Hufker, Ryan Seidl, Andrew Burke, David Jahng and Zack Jones. Front Row - David Luco,
Matt Jackson, Eric Fly, Seth Rees, Tom Hoffmeister, Matt Marx and Mr. Andrews. Two other members
that received this rank are from the graduating Class of 2014, Elliot Hall and Tevin Luckie, are not pictured.
Congratulations to all and thanks to all those who helped these Eagle Scouts accomplish this worthy task!
As we venture through these cold days of February, we look to the future. While still focused on the
present, we yearn for spring and all that comes with the season of rebirth. The timing for Lent is perfect for
reflection on our lives and our faith in the Resurrection. God always gives us that chance for "new life!"
The same is true in an educational sense. As a school community, we continue to push our students
to do their very best each and every day, but we must also plan for the future. Our senior class should begin
thinking about graduation and what college life will bring. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors start planning their
classes for the new school year as the Studies Office, Counseling Department, and faculty work with parents and
students in building the appropriate and challenging course of studies for the 2015-2016 school year. In addition
to all of this, we are working with our prospective Class of 2019 as we conduct interviews, examine files, and
welcome new students and parents to the Mount Saint Joseph community.
We ask for the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit as we deliberate through these important decisions
throughout this month of February.
Let's pray for each other, especially during this Lenten season, stay warm, and think spring!
God bless,
Dave Norton
Mr. Greg McDivitt, Director of Studies
Long term projects are hard. They require organization, time management skills, and an ability to meet multiple
deadlines. A student often needs to be creative and flexible as he works as a member of a team to attack a problem that is open
-ended and has no clearly defined right or wrong approach. The element of choice energizes some students, but it causes others
stress. And parents often are affected too. To steal from a Dave Barry column I read years ago, projects often demonstrate
Newton’s First Law of Motion in families, which is to say that an object at rest remains at rest until that object remembers that
a final project is due at the end of the week, at which time the object runs into the kitchen and informs his parents that it is time
to go to the store immediately and pick up supplies vital to the success of the project.
I am writing about long term assignments because the best History Day projects were presented to panels of faculty
and volunteers at the end of January, and the annual Science Fair is at the end of this month. The work that freshmen will need
to do on their Solutions Showcase projects will ramp up in the second semester in preparation for final presentations in May.
These annual events challenge students to develop important skills that will help them greatly in the future, but learning these
skills can be difficult, and many of you have witnessed or even shared in the difficulty already. I want to thank you for your
involvement, and I encourage you to help your son keep a calendar at home for completion of intermediate project stages, to
guide him in “chunking” a large project down to smaller, manageable tasks, and for communicating with his teachers when you
have questions about expectations and how best to help. Our students complete some incredibly creative and insightful
projects; having them share with me the fruits of their labors is one of my favorite parts of the year.
First Semester Grades:
If you have concerns about your son’s academic performance in one or more classes, I encourage you to communicate
with his teachers by email or to set up appointments to meet with them in person in order to gain some insight into his struggles
and to explore ways to help him improve. I also encourage your son to seek his teachers out for extra help and to take
advantage of the peer tutoring provided each Monday and Wednesday after school by members of the National Honor
Society. I know that asking for help is not always the easiest thing for a teenage boy to do, particularly when it comes to
struggles in school, but I also know that often just a little nudging can help a young man make that first step towards being an
effective self-advocate who seeks assistance when necessary.
Members of the Counseling Department and the Studies Office will meet with students who performed poorly in the
second quarter and continue to monitor their progress. A student who fails a class for the year will be required to attend
summer school unless the class is not offered in the MSJ summer school program.
Course Selections for the
2015-2016 School Year
During the months of February and March, students will be meeting with me to discuss course selections for the 20152016 school year. Assemblies are scheduled during the homeroom period as follows:
Tuesday, February 10 - Juniors
Tuesday, February 17 - Sophomores
Monday, February 23 - Freshmen
During this time, course description booklets and selection sheets will be distributed. All options will be discussed
during the assembly. Helping your son with a careful review of the course description and registration documents is a crucial
part of the selection process. Please contact the Studies Office if you have additional questions.
Completed course selection sheets should be returned to your son’s guidance counselor by the following dates:
Juniors - Monday, February 23
Sophomores - Tuesday, March 3
Freshmen - Monday, March 9
Mr. Kraig Loovis, Athletic Director
Winter Sports Update
It’s hard to believe, but our winter sports teams have already reached the midpoint of their seasons. As we enter the
month of February the players and coaches are excited about the playoffs and championship meets. The basketball
team has a record of 17–7 with big wins over McDonogh and Glenelg Country. They also took first place in the
Catonsville Cup for the second year in a row. This year the event raised money for the “There Goes My Hero
Foundation” to fund blood cancer research. The varsity ice hockey team is looking forward to playing in the USA
American Heroes Hockey Challenge against DeMatha on Friday, February 6. This exciting game will raise money
for the Fisher House and the USA Warriors Ice Hockey Program. Our varsity wrestling team remains undefeated in
dual meets this year. They recently won the Loyola Duals; they were 5–0 defeating St. Paul’s and Loyola. They
now set their sights on the MIAA Tournament. The swim team has competed very well dropping close meets to
Loyola and Calvert Hall, while defeating rival Spalding. They now look forward to the MIAA Championships and
Easterns to be held at LaSalle University. Our indoor track team continues to finish in the top three at their MIAA
group meets. They anticipate the Last Track to Philly and the MIAA Championships.
MIAA Championship Events
Indoor Track – Friday, January 30 @ PG Sports Complex
Swimming – Saturday, February 7 @ McDonogh
Ice Hockey – Friday, February 13 @ Piney Orchard
Wrestling – Friday, February 13 and Saturday, February 14 @ MSJ
Basketball – Sunday, February 15 @ UMBC
Inclement Weather Policy
Mount Saint Joseph follows the Baltimore County Public Schools’ weather policy. If Mount Saint Joseph is closed
because of inclement weather, home-sporting events for the day will be postponed. For away games, call the sports
information line at 410-644-3300 ext. 345, or check the athletic announcement website for details.
Spring Sportsmanship Meetings
The spring sportsmanship meetings will be held on Tuesday, February 24, at 6:00 p.m. in the Smith Center for
golf, tennis, lacrosse, baseball, rugby, and track & field. These meetings are mandatory for all students who have
made a spring sports team or are still in the process of trying out for a spring sports team, and a parent. Attendance
will be taken at the meeting. If you have attended a fall or winter meeting this school year, you are not required to
attend. However, we are requesting that all spring athletes and a parent attend if possible. Anyone who cannot
attend this meeting must notify Mr. Loovis prior to the meeting. Mr. Loovis can be reached by phone 410-6443300, ext. 212, or by email kloovis@admin.msjnet.edu. Please bring your medical insurance information with you
to this meeting. Reminder, all athletes must have a current physical on file in the nurse’s office before trying out for
a spring sport. If there is a question regarding the updated physical, please contact the school nurse.
Mr. Chuck Belzner, Director of School Counseling
Please Note: The Junior/Sophomore Parents’ College Night will be held Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 p.m. in the
cafeteria. This is an excellent opportunity to gain information regarding the college admissions process.
There will be a number of helpful resources available.
SCHOLARSHIP AWARD LETTERS TO MRS. MNKANDE. Sometimes colleges do not advise the Counseling
Office of acceptances or rejections. As soon as students are notified by the college, they should inform Mrs. Mnkande.
Seniors should also advise of any scholarship monies they have been awarded. It is essential students turn in all letters, as
this information is needed for the graduation awards assembly and the commencement program.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship information can be accessed from the MSJ website at www.msjnet.edu/counseling.
Financial Aid: Financial aid materials for the academic year 2015 – 2016 for Maryland residents may be viewed and
downloaded on the Maryland Higher Education Commission’s website www.mhec.state.md.us. Information about federal
student aid, including the 2015 FAFSA forms, can be found at www.fafsa.ed.gov and www.StudentAid.gov.
Selective Service System: If your son is turning eighteen, he is required by law to register with the Selective
Service System. If he fails to register, he can be denied important opportunities such as student loans, government jobs
and a driver’s license in most states. It’s easy and can be done online, at www.sss.gov. For more details, contact
Mrs. Mnkande.
The next available SAT and ACT testing dates are listed below. Register at the appropriate
website in order to take the exam. MSJ will host the March SAT Test.
SAT Test only
SAT Test/Subjects Tests
SAT Test/Subjects Tests
March 14, 2015
May 2, 2015
June 6, 2015
To register for the exams go to www.sat.org/register
ACT Test
ACT Test
ACT Test
February 7, 2015
April 18, 2015
June 13, 2015
To register for the exam go to www.actstudent.org/start
Career Day
Every other year, Mount Saint Joseph holds a Career Day for our sophomores and juniors. Our next
one is scheduled for Friday, April 17, and we need your help to make it a huge success. This event is
an excellent opportunity for our students to explore career options by hearing from people in the
field. If you are interested in being a presenter at Career Day 2015, please contact Kevin Shearer in
the counseling department for further information and details. He can be reached by email at
kevin@admin.msjnet.edu or by telephone at 410-644-3300 ext. 351. Please be sure to include your
job title or profession and all contact information in your correspondence, including your name,
mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address.
National Honor Society
National Honor Society applications for current
sophomores and juniors will be accepted from
Monday, February 2 through Tuesday, February 17.
Applications will be submitted online. Interested
students must have a minimum 3.3 cumulative,
weighted GPA to apply. Questions? Please contact
Ms. Slingluff or Mr. Kauffman.
Graduation Tuxedos
A representative from CY’S of Catonsville will be
taking measurements for the senior graduation tuxedos on
Wednesday, February 4, and Thursday, February 5
from 9:00 a.m. - l:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Students
should check the bulletin board in Ryken Hall for their
appointment date and time. The cost of the tuxedo rental
is part of the senior fee. Students may rent black dress
shoes for an additional cost of $12.00. Checks for rental
shoes should be made payable to Cy’s of Catonsville.
Senior Class Parents
we need your help!
Parents are invited to help plan the Senior Class
Post-Prom Party. The first meeting for the parent
planning committee will be held on Wednesday,
February 4, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
For more information, contact Ms. Jodi
Carroll, at jcarroll@admin.msjnet.edu.
This year’s Science Fair will be held Monday,
February 23, through Thursday, February 26.
Students will exhibit projects from environmental issues,
life science and physical science.
If you are currently working or studying the field
of science or engineering and would like to
participate as a judge on Monday,
February 23, from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.,
please contact Allison White at
On Thursday, February 26, at
7:00 p.m. in the auditorium, we will have
an awards ceremony and a guest speaker. Parents and
friends are invited to attend.
Inclement Weather Policy
If school is going to be cancelled because of
weather conditions, this fact will be announced over the
radio stations. The best source is station WBAL (1090 on
the AM dial). Mount Saint Joseph will not be mentioned
by name. Whenever Baltimore County secondary schools
cancel school because of snow conditions, Mount Saint
Joseph will automatically be closed. If Baltimore County
opens one or two hours late because of weather, Mount
Saint Joseph will do likewise. If Baltimore County opens
more than two hours late, Mount Saint Joseph will open
only two hours late. If Baltimore County is closed or on
vacation, we will follow Howard County.
Basket and Bag Bingo
To Benefit My Brother’s Keeper
A Basket and Bag Bingo featuring Longaberger baskets and Vera Bradley bags filled with specialty items
will be held on Sunday, March 1, at 2:00 p.m. in the Mount Saint Joseph High School cafeteria.
Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Bingo starts at 2:00 p.m.
Eighteen regular games and three special games. Tickets on sale now at $20.00 each.
Tickets can be purchased by contacting Kathy Holden, 301-490-7918 or kholden123@gmail.com
or mail your check in a self addressed stamped envelope made payable to My Brother’s Keeper to
Kathy Holden, 8120 Calla Lilly Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043.
Please consider bringing a roll of paper towels,
lemonade mix, drink boxes, individually wrapped breakfast bars
or sandwich size plastic baggies. All items will be donated to My Brother’s Keeper.
Mr. Clay Bonham, Director of Mount Ministries
It was with deep regret that we had to cancel this year's Martin Luther King, Jr. prayer service. The past few
years have seen a decline in attendance and participation which has resulted in our rethinking the way we celebrate and
honor a man who did so much for our nation. It is our hope that next year we will devote a portion of a school day for
a school-wide prayer service and lecture series. By doing so, we will afford this man and his holiday the honor that it is
due. In the meantime, our No Bystanders Club will be sponsoring a movie trip and discussion to the movie "Selma"
in February.
On Wednesday, February 11, we will sponsor our sophomore retreat that will be held on the Mount campus.
The day will focus on the theme of human dignity and will run from 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. It is our hope that all
sophomores will come away from the day with a renewed sense of what they can do to stem any
discrimination they witness on campus.
We also wish to welcome our new Deacon candidate, Dan Michaud, who will be with us
through the 2015 calendar year. Mount Saint Joseph is his ministry placement and he is excited to get
involved in all aspects of Campus Ministry!!
We will be inducting our newest (and largest group) of XBSS students at the end of the
month. Reminder: Lent begins with our annual Ash Wednesday Prayer services on February 18.
Please remember in your prayers our deceased: Jason Anderson ’90; William Purnell, father of senior Will Purnell; Jerry
Przybyla, father of Tom Przybyla ’82, Dave Przybyla ’83 and grandfather of Tim Burke ’13 and junior Andrew Burke; Helen Healy,
grandmother of faculty member Patrick Martel ’04 and staff member Katie Yost; Cora Andrews, aunt of the President of the Mount
George Andrews and faculty member Nikki Kelley; Scott Flannery ’84; Jaime Farkas Jacobs, former MSJ faculty member; Bruce
Doyle ’72; William Fitzpatrick, father of former MSJ principal Barry Fitzpatrick; Dr. Michael Ellis ’57; Richard Fairhurst, grandfather
of sophomore Brian McNelly; Mary Wright, mother of Nicholas Wright ’01; Ryan Foster, nephew of staff member Arlene Beach;
Ann Hatchel, aunt of freshman Roderick Hart; Edward Stromberg ’76, brother of James ’70 and John ’77; Joseph von Paris, Sr. ’40,
father of Joseph von Paris, Jr. ’66, Michael von Paris ’70, David von Paris ’77 and Eric von Paris ’78; Matthew Druck, friend of
junior Augie Geiermann; Cynthia Stearns Reeves, aunt of faculty member Kate Chapman; Charles Fertitta ’55.
Please remember in your prayers our sick: Mary Wiedel, faculty member; Mark Parr ’74; Donna Canuel, wife of MSJ Board
member Scott Canuel ’90; Kathy Casella, sister-in-law of faculty member George Kapusinski; Charlie Counselman ’34; Msgr. Art
Valenzano; Chuck Payne ’86, father of junior Ryan Payne and freshman Rob Payne; Lisa Roscia, friend of Jonathan Cupps ’14 and
David Cupps ’11; Steven Rosier ’03; Ray Leimkuhler, grandfather of sophomore Nick Viennas; John DeBoy ’93; Susan Wathen,
mother of sophomore Alex Wathen; Valerie Davis, wife of John Davis ’71; Julius Prezelski, Sr., father of faculty member Julius
Prezelski; Carolyn and David Belzner, mother and brother of faculty member Chuck Belzner; Jean Wright, grandmother of senior
Nevone McCrimmon; John J. Patrick ’99; Sharon Rees, mother of senior Seth Rees; Naamah Kendrick, staff member and grandmother of Chad ’05 and Brandon ’09; Rob Berzonsky, uncle of senior Ryan Slattery and junior Michael Slattery; Sue McClure, mother of
freshman Zach Warden; Jake Offut son of Joe Offut ’90; Sarah Humlie, friend of faculty member Adam Kaufman; Patrick Burns,
friend of sophomore Sam Bresnahan; John Hall ’76; Marion Roesler, sister of Roger Davis ’55 and mother of David Roesler ’80;
Terrance and Jim Breen, brothers of faculty member Tim Breen; Sallie Williams, friend of school nurse Pam Bezirdjian; Bruce Fox,
brother-in-law of staff member Cindy Drenner; Ed Molloy, father of faculty member Mary Abdo and grandfather of faculty member
Kevin Abdo ’07.
February Meeting – The Mothers’ Club and Fathers’ Club invite all parents to join us for a combined meeting on Tuesday,
February 3, from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria. Our guest speakers will be Ms. Thadine Coyne, moderator for
the Mothers’ Club and Mr. Bernd McDivitt, moderator for the Fathers’ Club. This will be a fun and informative evening and
all are welcome!! If you have any questions regarding the meeting contact, Joanie Hynes, President of Mothers’ Club,
joaniehynes@comcast.net, 443-375-0002.
Outreach Committee – The Outreach Committee works closely with My Brother’s Keeper to assist the residents of the
Irvington community. They are in need of cold weather clothing in adult sizes please. Sweaters, hats, gloves and scarves are
especially needed. Please continue to donate travel sized toiletry items. All these items can be dropped off at any time by you
or your son(s) to Ms. Thadine Coyne’s office. We also have for sale in the MSJ Book Store Saint Joseph medals, hand-made
ceramic mugs, and custom-made Mothers’ Club charm bracelets. All proceeds directly benefit MBK. Thank you for your
support! To learn more, please contact Donna Saia 410-530-4199 or Joanne Davis 410-340-1537.
Fashion Show – Join us for the 49th Annual Mothers' Club Fashion Show, a stellar event that will astonish and amaze!
This is such a colorful, joy-filled event with moms and senior sons modeling the latest fashions on the runway. All profits go
toward scholarship funds at the Mount. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, March 15, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. for an
exceptional event at a new locale - Martin's West in Woodlawn. Tickets are $50.00, which will offer you a delicious lunch,
music by DJ John Scavilla and the MSJ Jazz Band, raffles, auction items, and, of course, those MSJ mothers and their sons
modeling casual and formal fashions! Tickets will be on sale at the February Mothers’ Club meeting or you may contact
Pat Randall patrandall57@comcast.net or send the form below to Pat at the address noted.
The Mother-Son Fashion show has a good start on its gift and gourmet items for the 2015 Fashion Show. We would
love to receive the following items as donations: gift cards or gift certificates from the following places: department stores,
restaurants, grocery stores, gasoline, craft stores, and/or any specialty shops that you like. If you work somewhere that would
like to donate, we have letters that you can obtain from our committee if you "request" a donation from a business or service
that you frequent. You can present the letter and then the business has a written idea of what the Fashion Show is all about
and also a form to give them with our federal I.D. number for their own tax purposes. We would also like any tickets to events
(sporting or fine arts) that you would be willing to donate. If you have new items that you would like to donate, please send
them to the main office.
Donations can be brought to the Mothers' Club meetings in February and March and to any Fashion Show meeting
held the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the MSJ Cafeteria. If you prefer, you may send the items into the main office marked
"Fashion Show 2015" as soon as possible so we can build those loaded raffle baskets. You may also contact Joy Parson
jpmparson@comcast.net, Angie Moseman angiemoseman@comcast.net, or Theresa Ballinger tballinger@verizon.net with
questions. Any other questions, please contact the Fashion Show chair, Mary Scavilla crackerbox18@gmail.com or
410-382-0785. Thank you so much for your support!
Fashion Show Reservation Ticket Order Form
$50.00 per person
Telephone Number:______________________
Number of Tickets:________________ Total Amount Enclosed:___________________
Please make checks payable to Mount Saint Joseph Mothers’ Club. Send
your payment and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Pat Randall,
1016 Lyndhurst Street, Baltimore, MD 21229.
Tuesday, February 3
7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria
Joint Fathers’ Club – Mothers’ Club Special Event
This co-sponsored event will feature as its guest speaker, Ms. Thadine Coyne, Moderator for the Mothers’ Club and
Mr. Bernd McDivitt, Moderator for the Fathers’ Club. This will be a fun and informative evening and all are welcome. Contact
Mike Myers, President of Fathers’ Club, trainermike@comcast.net, 443-804-5218 if you have any questions regarding this
meeting. Note: This meeting will be on a Tuesday instead of our normal Monday meeting day and will substitute for our
February general meeting.
67th Annual Father--Son Communion Breakfast
Sunday, March 22
10:00 a.m. in the auditorium
This year’s Fathers’ Club Communion Breakfast will once again include our invitation to the grandfathers of seniors
of the class of 2015. The grandfathers of seniors will be guests of the Mount! This event will replace the former
Grandparents/Seniors’ event that occurred close to graduation. The seniors’ grandfathers’ meal will
be complimentary; however, their names must be included on the response form. Fr. Michael
Murphy ’82, MSJ chaplain, will preside at the 10:00 a.m. Mass that will be celebrated in the
auditorium, and right after Mass a hearty breakfast will be served in the cafeteria. Our speaker this
year will be Mr. Phil Turner, English teacher, cross-county and track coach, and correspondent for
the Maryland Gazette.
Father/Son/Senior Grandfather Communion Breakfast Ticket Order Form
Tickets for the breakfast are $20.00 per person and may be purchased from either the Business Office, Mrs. Sexton in
the Studies Office, or Mr. Bernd McDivitt in room 209. So that we may have an accurate count for the caterer, please
purchase your tickets by Monday, March 16.
A reservation form can also be found on the ‘School News’ page of the MSJ home page. Simply complete this form and
have your son bring it to school along with cash or check in an envelope marked ‘Father-Son Communion Breakfast’.
Your son will receive your tickets once he turns in the form with payment. Please do this as soon as possible as seating is
For questions, please contact Mr. Bernd McDivitt 410-644-3300, ext. 272 or by e-mail: bmcdivitt@admin.msjnet.edu.
Grandfather/Grandfathers names____________________________________________________________________________
Total number of tickets requested____________________________________________________________________________
Total amount enclosed_______________________
Father-Son Golf Tournament
Polish up those clubs for our annual MSJ Fathers’ Club Family-Son Golf Tournament to be held at the Compass
Pointe Golf Course on Friday, April 10. This event is for golfers and duffers of all skill levels and provides a day of fun
and camaraderie for our entire St. Joe family. Look for more information in the coming weeks in the Fathers’ Club
section of the MSJ web site. There will also be an opportunity to support this event by purchasing an ad
and/or sponsoring a hole. In the meantime, questions can be directed to Patrick Nussear, tournament
coordinator, 410-247-1502 or pajonus@gmail.com. Hope to see you there!
Coming Events
Spring Campus Clean-up ― Saturday, April 18
Father-Senior Son Mass & Dinner ― Thursday, May 7
Buy Your Bull & Oyster Roast Tickets Today!
Join the Mount’s Alumni Association for plenty of great food and fun!
Saturday, February 21, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. Memorial Gym
$55.00 per person prior to February 6 and $60.00 after February 6
**No Refunds**
Get your group together and order your tickets today!
For tickets, call Laura Rzepkowski at 410-646-4700
or go to www.msjnet.edu/BullRoast.
All activities take place on campus unless otherwise indicated. Please remember that the school
calendar is always subject to change. Follow updates to the school calendar at
www.msjnet.edu under Quicklinks>School Calendar.
8th grade Speech Tournament
Founders Hall
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
MIAA Wrestling Tournament
Smith Center
Day 3
Day 4
Honor Assembly-Juniors
10:15 am
Mothers’ Club/Fathers’ Club combined
7:00 pm
President’s Day-SCHOOL CLOSED
Day 1
Honor Assembly-Sophomores10:15 am
Junior Retreat departs
Graduation tuxedo measuring for
seniors - cafe
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Post Prom Parent Meeting-Café 7:00 pm
Day 4
Sophomore Course Selection
10:15 am
Ash Wednesday - Special Schedule
Day 2
BCL Quarterfinals
and 7:00 pm - Smith Center
Day 2
Junior Retreat
Graduation tuxedo measuring for
seniors - cafe
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Day 3
Junior Retreat
Hockey for Heroes Challenge Gardens Ice House
Day 4
Current Kelly Scholars
Day 1
Junior Course Selection
10:15 am
Mother’s Club Fashion Show Meeting
7:00 pm
Day 2
Dress Down for Our Daily Bread
Faculty Meeting
7:45 am
Sophomore Retreat
10:00 am - 2:30 pm
Day 3
Decision Letters Mailed
for class of 2019
Alumni Bull/Oyster Roast
Day 4
Junior course selections due
Freshman course selection
10:15 am
Science Fair Judging
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Day 1
Spring Sportsmanship Meetings:
Golf, Tennis, Track & Field
Lacrosse & Rugby
Smith Center
6:00 pm
DePaul Parent Meeting
7:00 pm
Day 2
Day 3
Science Fair Awards - Aud.
Day 3
Professional Day – NO SCHOOL
MIAA Wrestling Tournament Smith Center
5:00 pm
Day 4
Senior Project Proposals
MoJo Rock - Auditorium
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
Principal's List
Alexander Whittaker
Jordan Woo
Daniel Jordan
Jonathon Ladd, Jr.
Matthew Hlavin
Aaron Johnson
Clark Brill
Jacob Brown
Jack Bright
Tyler Collins
Joseph Pereira
Hunter Petrik
Luke Alli
Owen Zaleski
Timothy McManus
Samuel Monaco
Alexander Buttrum
Brendon Dawkins
Jesse Pontzer
Samuel Cook
Jordan Ehart
Kirk Reardon
James Moore
Lihan Bao
Kyle Botsford
Corey Reckord
Ryan Corn
Joseph Filetto, Jr.
Shawn Reed
Andrew Brinker
Tristan Beaumont
Connor Spedding
Christopher Barber
Jacob Dahl
Ethan Gaeng
Ian Reger
Ryan DeMar
Jadan Blue
Kolbey Barnes
Tyler D'anna
James Glover
Vincent Romeo
Cole Evans
David Boutin
First Honors
Alexander Boettinger
Christian Dovel
Nicholas Grazioli
Bailey Sansone
Bennett Holmes
Bryan Costabile
Spencer Brinkman
Drew Ehlers
Cameron Haislip
Alexander Schultz
Anant Johnson
Matthew Cremen
Robert Callahan, Jr.
Andrew Burke
Cole Gable
Nigel Haughton
Colin Scott
James Latoff
Michael Erickson
Patrick Connelly
Nicholas Caporlette
Andrew Gibbons
Nicholas Hershfeld
John Snyder
Andrew Lukas
Eric Fly
Griffin Corbett
Maliek Carr
Matthew Jackson
Jonathan Hess
Brett St. Martin
Edward Madera
August Geiermann
Matthew Cunningham
Garvey, Killian
Colby Jews
Alec Himmelheber
Franklin Stevens
Mark Mansfield
Mark Haver
Bryson Dulay
Dylan Gwinn
Zachary Jones
Ryan Hockstra
Ryan Stiller
Daniel Miller
Thomas Kreuzburg
Cyrus Emadi
Jacob Hansen
John McCabe
Matthew Hoskins
Thomas Strassner
Mark Oliver
Zachary Lintz
John Gething
Daniel Hoskins
Andrew O'Neil
Tioluwani Iluyomade
Hayden Toth
Michael Sirinakis
Emanuel Patterson
Timothy Hrabinski
Brendan Hughes
Mark Overmier
Savon Jones
Zachary Warden
Thomas Strehl
Justin Raff
Patrick Larkin
Trever Hyatt
Christopher Jo Palting
Aidan Keagle
Evan Yagel
Thomas Trott, Jr.
Kevin Roche
Ryan Reitterer
Jalen Jones
Nicholas Restivo
Jacob Kotwicki
Licheng Yang
Thomas Vaccaro
Max Rogers
Craig Rodgers
Paul Kaschak
Austin Robertson
Kyle Lacey
Sergio Villafane
John Scavilla, III
Jonathan Sloop
Christopher Kosiba
Brandon Shaffer
Brian Lenzer
William Ballinger
Wesley Schrum
Marcus Suri
John Lawrence
Jeremy Singh
Joshua Lyons
Michael Bangert
Jonathan Harrison
Nicholas Sirinakis
Jacob Walter
Blaise Martineau
Ryan Slattery
Michael Malcotti
Esteban Benson
Kyle Starling
Paul Warner
Peter McKernan
Sean Turner
Parker Mangum
Ryan Bibeau
Everette Jackson
Zachary Stoll
Brandon White
Jonathan Ocampo
Nicholas Whittaker
Anthony Matiga
William Boylan
Conrad Keidel
Joseph Telegadas
Joseph Zietowski
Joshua Pieniazek
Anthony Wichers
Colin McEwan
Joseph Carrigan
Daenyun Kim
Andrew Wood
Erik Reitterer
Nicholas Willertz
Kieran McKinnon
Nicholas Crabbs
Matthew Morell
Jacob Wyandt
Jeffrey Rodgers
Rashaan Williams
Dane Milleker
Miguel de Guzman
Patrick Brunner
Joseph Ruf
Tyree Myers
Nicholas Deleon
Isaac Scharbach
Bryan Schuman
Kenneth Crist
Dalton Schuman
Second Honors
John Nguyen
William Eliou
Joseph Shelton
Anthony Cegelski
Joseph Dipietro
John Sullivan
Rory Nilan
Jacob Facius
John Stilling, IV
Cameron Dorr
Matthew Dovel
Bailey Tabor
Michael Stromberg
Brett Dryden
Brian Gorman
Kile Weller
Connor Ganley
Thomas Hill
Bryan Bolesta
William Augustin, V
Nolan O'Donnell
Noah Blonder
Benjamin Oursler
Ramond Bradshaw, Jr. Robert Payne
C. Furr
Dylan Gerrity
Bishop Graham
Steven Greenlow
William Hartman
Carter Williams
Sean Wolfe
Brendan Jones
Jesse Kotwicki
Ryan Seidl
Mark Simms, Jr.
Zachary Denison
William Derenge
Andrew James Morrison
Robert Moseman
Sean Hilton
Sean Zaleski
Ryan Leimbach
Paul Singleton
Cleon Dickerson, Jr.
Nicholas Nadolny
Michael Lochary
Thomas Singleton
Andrew Domshick, III
Edward Nottingham, III
Ian Hostelley
Connor Hurley
James Lucas
Michael Slattery
Joseph Dowling
Kyle Offerman
Nigel Jackson
Steven Alford, Jr
Patrick Maclean
John Uhler
Jack Ehlers
Dylan Olszewski
Alexander Jenkins
Trevor Basso
Norman Mann, III
Isaiah Washington
Aaron Gehring
Da'Trell Pitts
Brenton Johns
Ian Bates
Jack Mansfield
Dominic Watts
Brendan Gillan
Tyler Ramsburg
Stephen Kirby
Patrick Bevan
Patrick Michael
Stephen White
Hunter Glagola
Seth Rees
Matthew Lamm
William Brothers
Randolph Miller, Jr.
James Woody, II
Aleja Gonzalez-Bazurto
Cory Reitterer
Emmett Langan
Theodore Brunner
Adam Miller
Nicholas Worthington
Dominic Goodney
Adam Roth
Benjamin Luman
David Burke
Hayden Montemorra
James Yachera
Stephen Goralski, Jr.
Eli Sarnecki
Michael Massimilla
Logan Byas
Calvin Montgomery
Kobe Yancy
Brandon Greenway
Luke Sarnecki
Jack McCanna
James Callas
Raymond Murray, III
Michael Zieglar
John Griffin
Hayden Seay
Ryan Milton
Zachary Carr
Brendan O'Brien
Christopher Groleau
Matthew Sekira
Sean Moran
Brendan Cashen
Peter Ogden
Brett Altenburg
Conor Habiger
Alexander Seymour
Cole Morgan
Michael Caulfield, Jr.
Ryan Payne
Kellan Barrett
Matthew Hostutler
Matthew Shallow
Darryl Morsell
Quinton Coe
Oscar Perdomo
Brandon Batts
Joshua Hubbard
Brian Springmann
Ikenna Obi
Ryan Cox
Gabriel Persels
Andrew Bledsoe
Michael Hufker
Erik Stoner
Alexander Paschal
Justus Croyle
Wade Pines
Jacob Bolesta
William Hutchins, Jr.
Paul Stromberg
Jacob Pieniazek
Charles Davis
Luke Pontzer
Alexander Boulter
John Hutchison
Tyler Thomas
Michael Pistillo
Vincent DeBlasio
Joshua Ranieri
Andre Brown, III
Nicholas Janos
Michael Troisi
Zachary Putman
Joshua DeBoy
Logan Rill
John Brunner
Maureese Jones
Collin Turner
Andrew Robbins
Kevin Delaney
Alex Rosa
Shawn Carter
Clifton Kilpatrick
Sean Updike
Sam Robertson
Patrick Dennin
Zachary Rouk
Joseph Chambers
Calvin Komiske
Jacob Walls
Jason Schneck
Jarvis Doles
Andrew Rudrow
Nigelmarquis Chey
Parker Komiske
Xavier Washington
Cornelius Schuster
Tyler Emanuel
Justin Russell
Akeem Cinque
Christopher Krabbe
Schuyler Williams
Hunter Sheely
Andrei Forczyk
Jesse Russo
Casey Cline
Christopher Lowry
Benjamin Wilson
Timothy Stevick
Nicholas Hammett
Benjamin Saia
Alexandre Coajou
Joseph Lucas
Brenden Wrisk
Paul Sullivan
Matthew Hess
Daniel Sauter
Joseph Coale
David Luco
Joseph Trehey
Colin Howard
Braden Scranton
Montrae Coston
Tylar Martin
Nicholas Viennas
Keenen Jackson
James Scully, Jr.
Nicolas Crockett
Michael McClain
Kyle Watson
Connor Jangro
Andrew Seegers
Brian Cromer
Aaron McDuffie
Cameron Williams
Zachary Johnson
Anthony DeLeon
Matthew Meekins