BMESSENGER Winter 2015 - Biomedical Engineering
BMESSENGER Winter 2015 - Biomedical Engineering
B M E S S E N G E R wi nter201 5 B I O M E D I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G t a n e w s u c d a v i s Letter from the Editor Hello everyone and welcome to BMESSENGER’s Winter 2015 Issue! What a great quarter it has been! Not only do we boast record amounts of members, we kicked things off with our very first Medical Make-a-thon (read more about it inside!), helped spread knowledge of Biomedical Engineering through our Outreach program, and held some really fun events for our members! Winter quarter is the heart of the school year, and you’ll see that this issue highlights the true heart of BMES: providing something wonderful for our members and our community! Included in this newsletter is an article on our very successful Medical Make-a-thon, World News on Biomedical Engineering, our Outreach events this quarter, and a testimonial from your fellow colleague on how amazing BMES has been for her. We really hope you enjoyed your quarter as much as we have! So what are you waiting for? Get that page turning! As always, if you are interested in writing for the newsletter, contact me at! Cheers, Philip Domondon Editor-in-Chief Medical Make-a-thon by Nazia Podana On January 18-19 2015, the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES at UC Davis) held an event for students to collaborate in groups and design a medical device within 30 hours. The purpose of this device was to help veterinary pathologists study bats with White Nose Syndrome. White Nose Syndrome is a growing disease affecting hibernating bats in caves. Fungus develops around their bodies due to the cold, eventually leading to the bats’ death. Veterinary pathologists needed a steady device that would be able to collect biopsy samples from the bats’ wings and then later taken to a laboratory setting for histology studies. In collaboration with BMES, the clients, Dr. Kevin Keel and Dr. Barbara Shock from the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, presented this challenge to students at the Medical Make-A-Thon. There were a total of 60 student participants who grouped together to form 12 different teams. The competition began early on a Saturday morning, where the participants checked in at 8 am. After breakfast, the students began fiercely brainstorming potential solutions. Throughout this brainstorm process, many representatives from industry came to observe and mentor the students at work. One of the main objectives of this hackathon-type event was not only to push the students to use computer-aided design (CAD), but also to have them learn the design cycle process and communicate well with their clients. Several diverse industries were present at the event to see this: Genentech, Boston Scientific, Shockwave Technologies, Think Surgical, Hantel Technologies, Alto Scientific, and other private consultants. Finally after working throughout the day, every group finalized a design at 5pm. Teams were then given 5 minutes to present their CAD files to judges and explain the function of their proposed device design. After the presentations, the judges chose 4 out of the 12 groups to move on to the manufacturing phase, where the 4 chosen teams were able to utilize the TEAM Design, Prototyping, and Fabrication Facilities 3D printers and laser cutter to create their device. The manufacturing phase began at 7pm at night, and the 4 teams worked all night to manufacture the final device product. However, the competition was not over for the remaining groups. Every team still needed to create a PowerPoint to present their knowledge of the problem, ability to make changes after feedback, and show off their completed design. On the second day at 11am, the participants submitted their final presentations. After presentation submissions, the four groups left for the veterinary medical school to test their devices on real bat wings to verify that the device actually punctures and was able to take samples. After the verification phase, every team presented their design and why it would be efficient for collecting samples. Finally, at 3pm the presentations were over and the award ceremony began. Multiple awards were given; Most Creative to Team SJSU, Highest Potential to Team Wayne Enterprise, two Honorable Mentions for the USC Travelers and Team Vaphio, and Best Overall Design. That award went to a group called Team N.A.S.A.L., who completed a manufactured design. The winning device was an outstanding device that mimicked the structure of a hand held piercing gun. With the winning device the user should be able to use the device with only one hand to collect samples from bat wings. Team Life Spiral in the Prototyping Facility with their finished Product The outcome of the event was thrilling. One student, Natalya Shelby, who was part of the best overall team describe the event as "a unique experience for everyone involved; for students like myself it was an excellent opportunity to not only apply skills that we've been learning in our classes, but also gain experience solving a real world problem with realistic constraints. I was lucky enough to be a part of the winning team, so we also got to use the TEAM facilities to manufacture a finished product. Our device was loosely based on a piercing gun, and it was the only Congratulations to Team N.A.S.A.L., overall Winner! prototype to successfully pierce the bat wing when we did testing after manufacturing. It was an incredible experience to work alongside so many other talented students and see all the amazing designs that were produced in such a short amount of time. I can't wait to see what will come out of next year's Make-A-Thon!" Team Life Spiral The Fun-gis Best Overall Winning Design! By Team N.A.S.A.L. The USC Travelers Event Highlight: Suture Clinic by Jon Chen Suturing is a skill usually associated with surgeons rather than engineers, but during the Suture Clinic a dozen of us BME’s were lucky enough to get suturing lessons from real professionals. We learned the basics from professionals from the UCDMC, who were informative and extremely helpful teachers. They taught us about the types of needles and the different materials used for thread. They also explained in detail how to use specific suturing techniques for different types of lacerations, and how wound healing and aesthetics are affected for different parts of the body. Even better, all of us got hands-on experience! We practiced suturing on severed pigs’ feet, because pig tissue is very similar to human tissue. We quickly realized that suturing looks deceptively easy. Making perfect sutures takes plenty of repeated practice, but I’d say it’s relatively easy to master compared to something like brain surgery. For me, tying knots was probably the hardest part at first, but an hour later I had managed to reconnect a severed tendon. By the end of the clinic I think everyone understood the basics. Suturing is an essential part of medical treatments, and is easy to pick up with practice. Anyone with an opportunity to learn should definitely go for it! It might be useful in a zombie apocalypse. A Glimpse of BMES at UC Davis by Jasmine Chen THE Biomedical Engineering Society. This name still rings in my mind since I first transferred into UC Davis back in Fall 2012. It all began with those first General Meetings where I was able to meet the officers, the Vice Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, and was moved by how many activities and events that the Society offers. Because of this I am proud to have been a part of the Biomedical Engineering Society for 3 years now! BMES is truly the largest and only organization and resource to our Biomedical Engineering majors. I applaud them for their success and longevity since their first establishment in 2008. From their last count in 2009, they increased their members from 34 to this year’s count of 165! Our chapter at UC Davis has also won 3 of the Biomedical Engineering Society’s Chapter honors consecutively for 3 years in a row! Because of BMES, I was able to be familiar with their officers, the faculty, our BME Academic Advisor, and BMES alumni which allowed me to grow as an individual and strengthen my interest and focus on why I wanted to become a Biomedical Engineer. I was fortunate to have participated with BMES at a whole new level when I joined the BMES Officers in 2014 as their Social Media Chair, sharing and spreading BMES news and events to our students, college, and regional communities. And besides myself, I’m sure there are many other students that have a similar, heart-warming experience with BMES as well! As the organization grew bigger and better, the year of 2014 was when BMES began organizing larger events that extended our BMES title to the greater Sacramento, CA region, and even across countries to Germany. BMES at UC Davis hosted their first conference on April 4th, 2014 and gathered many professionals to present the most current and innovative imaging research to improving and advancing medicine. This conference too was the first to be organized by undergraduate students: from inviting speakers across continents, ordering the meals of the conference, to designing the logo and brochures. It was a huge success to only motivate BMES even more to organize another large event! I am thankful to have been a part of The Medical Make-A-Thon, another one of its kind that BMES had organized this past January. It was great to see the gathering of student teams from across the CA region to design and fabricate a medical device within 30hrs. Another great success in collaborating students, faculty, and professionals in working together in a contributing project! You’re doing great, BMES at UC Davis, and I always look forward to what you have to offer next! BME World News by Carlos Sanchez Why did you choose to become a Biomedical Engineer? Do you want to make a difference? Leave a legacy? Sometimes it is easy to lose focus when you’ve got your mind thinking about that next midterm, that group project you’ve been putting off, that homework you haven’t started. So what’s keeping you interested? Here are some exciting developments out there in the field of Biomedical Engineering to remind you to keep that flame going! Biomechanics The world of biomechanics, which concerns itself with studying the mechanical and structural properties of biological tissues, is an absolutely fascinating field, as it allows the scientist to understand how a particular cell or tissue type will behave and adapt to their environment. From this vital information, one may utilize it for predictive modeling of the cell/tissue under pathological conditions or towards construction of an optimal microenvironment for tissue engineering purposes. However, characterizing the complex nature of cell-cell interactions, which are fundamental in immune processes, such as the trans-migration of white blood cells, can be quite difficult and often require the use of specialized tools and techniques. In recent news, researchers from the University of Michigan and Korea University proposed the construction of a novel, deformable microwell array for the capture and study of pairs of heterogeneous cells. To begin, the researchers developed an L-shaped microwell system composed of PDMS, in where the trapping of the cells under investigation depends on the elasticity of the PDMS substrate. By allowing the PDMS substrate to stretch in the two orthogonal directions, two different cells could be captured within the L-shaped microwell. Next, they were able to computationally observe direct cell-cell signaling, paracrine signaling and autocrine signaling phenomena, using 3D time-dependent diffusion simulation. From their initial experiments, the researchers were able to construct a high-density (36000 microwells in a 2.25 cm2 area) microwell array and confirm that the geometry of their L-shaped microwells allowed for the stretching of the PDMS and subsequent capture of the two different cells. Looking forward, the researchers are confident that their novel L-shaped microwell array could easily integrate into the tools used in cellular biomechanics and believe that this would be essential for studying hormone communication, cancer cell metastasis and immune interactions. Imaging One of the major challenges in diagnosing breast cancer in women expressing a BRCA gene mutation is the fact that current imaging modalities can return a negative screening. In order to improve the success rate of our advanced imaging techniques, researchers from the Radiological Society of North America have combined 2D localized correlated spectroscopy (L-COSY) with contrast enhanced 3T MRI and ultrasound in order to improve the detection of these malignant tumors at an early stage. Although patients screened using the 3T MRI and ultrasound showed no abnormalities, the 2D L-COSY technique revealed distinct regions of change, to which the researchers attribute to specific biochemical changes associated with early stage cancer development. Through the use of 2D L-COSY, the researchers have reported the detection of statistically significant metabolic and lipid pathway changes in women carrying the BRCA gene mutations, which they believe is strongly correlated with pre-malignancy. The implications of this new MR spectroscopic technique could allow scientists and medical professionals to rapidly diagnose the presence of probable tumor formation sites and may substantially improve the patient’s odds of successfully surviving the harrowing ordeal. The next steps for the researchers includes the application of their 2D L-COSY/ 3T MRI techniques to a larger population of women and a better characterization of what the lipid and metabolite changes actually represent. Biomaterials The development of polymeric materials that are able to withstand the harsh environment of the human circulatory system without being severely degraded or eliciting a significant immune rejection response is of utmost importance in a variety of different fields, including drug delivery, tissue engineering constructs and prosthetic implants. One of the principal ways scientists attempt to disguise their foreign materials is through the use of immunomodulatory compounds, such as PEG, that allow the material to avert the immune system until reaching their destination. With respect to this stealthy approach, scientists from Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a novel way of effectively disguising their biomaterials from the ever-seeking, discriminatory gaze of the immune system: molecular hats. Akin to walking around in a stylish yet unrecognizable hat, the researchers have developed modified RGD peptide molecules that essentially form molecular cages that obfuscate molecular binding domains that would normally cause the immune system to activate. They modified the RGD peptide cages with a photoliable DMNPB group located on the carboxylic acid side group of the aspartic acid residue, which can be removed upon exposure to UV light of wavelengths 350 – 365 nanometers. The researchers confirmed that their novel molecular hat constructs do trigger normal immune rejection mechanisms (such as inflammation and fibrous encapsulation) when exposed to the UV light and that the location and timing of molecular hat doffing could be controlled via light exposure through the skin. Subsequent experiments of their hat peptides also showed that doffing the molecular hats resulted in the vascularization of the biomaterial, as well as introducing the promise of developing alternative “hats” that would allow for UV light activation in deeper tissues, thus further extending its applications for a variety of different therapies. With these ambitious goals in mind, the researchers at GIT are optimistic that their molecular hats will become widely utilized in directed host-material integration, antigen recognition and tolerance induction and to the study of other complicated pathologies. Synthetic Biology Synthetic biology can be concisely defined as the creative application of fundamental engineering principles to design and/or construct biological systems that confer a novel functionality. As such, synthetic biologists are much more similar to electrical engineers than biotechnologists, in the sense that, in synthetic biology, we take the underlying genetic building blocks and reorganize them in new, interesting ways to create a variety of different products, one, in particular, being the construction of specific cellular biosensors. One particularly interesting use of these cellular biosensors has been towards the detection of toxic heavy metal contaminants in the environment; for this purpose, researchers have often referred to development of microbial biosensors, given that microbes possess the innate ability to sense the presence of these heavy metals and assess their toxicity. However, one of the current challenges to constructing viable microbial biosensors is how to efficiently and effectively relay bioluminescent data obtained to a remote collection site. To this end, researchers from Cornell University and the University of Minnesota have developed a novel arsenic-specific biosensor, using genetically engineered Shewanella oneidensis incorporated into a bioelectrochemical system (BES). Put quite simply, the BES amplifies the current output of the genetically engineered Shewanella oneidensis when in the presence of arsenic, thus allowing for accurate detection of the bioluminescent information from the microbes. On the genetic side, the researchers modified the metal reduction pathway in Shewanella oneidensis by adding an arsenic-specific promoter to control its activation, thus ensuring that when the microbes encounter arsenic in the environment, the metal reduction pathway will generate electrons, thus producing current, which can be detected and enhanced using a bioelectrochemical system. The researchers have confirmed that their construct works as theorized and have commented that the modularity of the metal reduction pathway allows for customization for different analytes, simply by replacing the arsenic-specific promoter to another analyte-specific promoter. Cell and Tissue Engineering One of the principal ambitions of tissue engineering is to successfully reconstruct the tissues of the body in such a way that the biomechanical and structural properties are indistinguishable from native tissues.However, one of the major problems with current regeneration tactics is that we have not been able to recapitulate the features of native tissues, most likely from the imbalance between biologic growth factors, scaffold and matrix requirements and the multiple cell interactions with these compounds. In recent news, researchers from Duke University have reported that they have successfully grown human skeletal muscle that reacts to electrical stimulation and pharmaceutical compounds in a manner similar to native skeletal muscle. The researchers utilized human skeletal muscle samples and incubated them in a growth media containing low glucose DMEM, a variety of different supplements and 10% fetal calf serum. They further expanded the growth of their muscle cell samples using a second growth media, which contained 5 ng/mL bFGF and 20% fetal calf serum and fabricated their myobundles via methods described in their paper. The researchers report that their biomimetic muscle tissue exhibited contractions and calcium channel fluctuations that are similar to native tissues and that their myobundles can be used to study a wide variety of different muscle pathologies. Medical Devices In addition to the rich amount of research-based work observed in the biomedical profession, there’s also a crucial need for engineers who like constructing novel mechanical, electrical, and optical devices that will, ultimately, aid and improve a patient’s life. To this extent, the realm of medical devices is a booming field that allows the biomedical engineer an opportunity to play around with macroscopic building blocks that will have eventual functionality within or as an extension to the human body. In recent news, researchers and engineers from the Michigan Technological University have created a novel, portable robotic prosthetic ankle with a built-in camera. Despite sounding a tad bit peculiar, the reasoning behind it is simple: the ankle camera relays the visual data to a computer-controlled actuator, which essentially allows the prosthetic to identify the topography of the ground. Coupled with a predictive software to determine where the patient wants to step next, the computer takes in the information from the camera to alter the stiffness of the ankle and applies the correct angle to the ankle, as would a biological foot and ankle. Put another way, the camera and computer actuator allow the prosthetic ankle to adapt precisely to whatever mechanical condition is imposed on the system, whether it be running, climbing, sitting, walking, etc. In addition, the actuator does not have to be directly mounted onto the prosthesis, thus allowing it to be easily portable within the confines of one’s pocket or backpack, and it allows for the user to activate the computer actuator when needed. The engineers hope to market the prosthetic ankle and make it available to patients around the world in need of a biomimetic prosthetic ankle. All in all, what a wonderful time it is to be a Biomedical Engineer! There are so many exciting things happening in our field, and we collaborate with so many professions and industries that it is quite true when they say that Biomedical Engineers are the Jack of all Trades in Engineering! So the next time you’re bogged down by stress, just remember you’re gaining the tools to actually make a difference in this world! Stay strong, study hard, and most of all, enjoy the little things in life! BMES Outreach Events by Nickie Sarmiento The BMES Outreach Committee has been super involved this past quarter! First, the committee visited the second graders of Beamer Elementary to do a synthetic biology activity where they created their own take-home bacteria. Through this, the students learned about heredity and DNA manipulation. The Outreach Committee was also asked to participate in the Society of Women Engineers Engineering Awareness Program for high school girls held at the Intel facility in Folsom. The committee represented the biomedical engineering group and held a workshop called “Break a Leg,” where they challenged the girls to test their teamwork and engineer their very own prosthetic leg. Nazia Podana also represented biomedical engineers on the open panel, where both parents and students asked questions about being a woman in the engineering field. If you want to get involved, it’s not too late! There are plenty of upcoming opportunities to join BMES Outreach events, including Girls’ Night Out with Girl Scouts of America encouraging the pursuit of careers in STEM and a fifth-grade-classroom visit focusing on circuits! Contact Natalya Shelby at for more information. Oureach: A Kodak Moment
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