February 2015 Bishop McNamara`s Family Newsletter Vol. 25, No. 7
February 2015 Bishop McNamara`s Family Newsletter Vol. 25, No. 7
February 2015 Bishop McNamara’s Family Newsletter Counselor Corner 2015-2016 Scheduling Process Second week of February: Counselors visit classrooms to hand out course bulletins and selection forms. Selection sheets MUST BE SIGNED by a parent or guardian. Students, parents, counselors will have time to discuss course selections. Teachers will sign selection sheets on February 23 and February 24. First week of March: Counselors visit classrooms to collect course selection sheets. Mid-March: Students receive course verification sheets. They should see their counselor if there are ANY errors or changes. QUARTER 2 REPORT CARD DISTRIBUTION: Thursday, February 5th, 4-7PM. Report Cards will be distributed from the Fine Arts Concourse. Teachers will be available for short conferences. If you need more than 5 minutes with a teacher, please arrange for an appointment. Quarter 2 Report Cards will be posted by 4 pm to the Parent Portal on Friday, Feb. 6th Forgotten Portal password or locked out? Email support@bmhs.org. Third Quarter Progress Reports are scheduled to be available on the Parent Portal by 4 p.m. on February 27th. If you have questions about your child's progress report call your student's guidance counselor at 301735-8401. Ms. Di Clemente (freshmen): x145 or Erica.DiClemente@bmhs.org Ms. Wilson (sophomores): x 143 or Dannel.Wilson@bmhs.org Ms. Owens (juniors): x 146 or Kristian.Owens@bmhs.org Ms. Auchmoody (seniors L-Z): x 144 or JenniferAuchmoody@bmhs.org Ms. Treichel (seniors A-K): x140 or Clare.Treichel@bmhs.org STUDENT DROP-OFF Parents are reminded that students are not to be dropped off in the front circle or the driveway. All students are to exit vehicles in the back parking lot. Please follow the security guards directions. Vol. 25, No. 7 Winter Break No Classes February 13th-16th Bishop McNamara Class of 2019 Acceptances Mailing: February 20th Admissions Honor Coffee: February 28th Accepted Students Day: March 7th ON-LINE Re-Registration for Classes of ’16, ’17 & ’18 available on-line on February 20th The registration process will takes place on-line. Please ensure your Parent Portal has an accurate e-mail address listed as you will receive a link in late February to register for the 2015-16 school year. Your log-in and password for this link are the same as those for the parent portal. E-mail support@bmhs.org for log in help. In order to avoid the $100.00 late fee, registration must be completed by Monday, March 10, 2015. Questions? Please contact Mrs. Ball at Peggy.Ball@bmhs.org or 301-735-8401 x125 or Mrs. Garber at Patricia.Garber@bmhs.org or x113. 2015-2016 Tuition and Fees Will be announced via e-mail in mid February School Closing Policy >Bishop McNamara High School generally follows the PG County Public Schools policy (www.pgcps.or g) in regard to cancellation, late opening and early dismissal of students. Please listen to local radio and TV stations for announcements. BMHS school telephone message system will announce any changes. >Families should, however, access local media, the school website or call the school to check for special information regarding BMHS in the event that the school schedule differs from the decision made by PG County. An evaluation by the BMHS administration will determine whether or not after school/evening events will take place in the event of an early dismissal. >Unplanned Canceled School Distance Learning: After two days of canceled school, one Maroon day and one Gold day, assignments will be posted on teachers’ websites by 9am for each day from there after. Students are expected to work from a distance to maintain the learning process. These distance learning assignments will be for the classes scheduled on each day that was canceled, after the first two days. Bishop McNamara High School • 6800 Marlboro Pike • Forestville, MD 20747 • 301-735-8401 • http://www.bmhs.org UPCOMING EVENTS SAVE THESE DATES Parents’ Club Meeting Tuesday, February 24th Topic: Internship and Volunteer Service Fair It’s not too early to start planning for the summer. Come to the next Parents’ Club meeting for information on student internships, volunteer service, summer learning and employment opportunities. Find out what you need to know about requirements, deadlines, applications and qualifications. For more info, check out the Parents’ Club link at www.bmhs.org. A light dinner starts at 6:30and the meeting begins at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria. ICE NIGHT NOTE: Date to be Determined The FACE club will be hosting ICE Night (InterCultural Exchange Night) sometime in April in the Fine Arts Theater. Come enjoy an evening celebrating Bishop McNamara’s incredible cultural diversity. There will be cultural performances, entertainment and the opportunity to taste exotic foods from our various cultures. Cost: $5.00. Mustang Cup Golf Tournament Father/Daughter Dance Saturday February 21, 8-11pm at BMHS Tickets on sale February 1st - 17th $30 a couple includes light appetizers, drinks, desserts and music provided by Ultrasound Deejays Any questions, contact Mrs. Corley at linda.corley@bmhs.org La Reine Reunion Sunday, March 1, 2015 PLEASE SEE FLYER ON PAGE 6 7th Annual Mother/Daughter Brunch March 7, 2015 PLEASE SEE FLYER ON PAGE 7 Friday, May 1st Renditions Golf Course The Mustang Cup Golf Tournament, in memory of Phil Terry, will be held on Fr iday, May 1st at the Renditions Golf Course. Information will be available on the website by mid February. Please plan on registering your foursome early...we will sell out! There are sponsorships at many levels available for businesses and individuals. For additional information contact L’oreal Edmondson at loreal.edmondson@bmhs.org or 301-735-8401 x134 Driver's Education Class February 2nd through February 17th 3:15pm - 6:30pm; Fee: $350. Register at http://www.gregsdrivingschool.net Annual Spring Phon-a-thon Mother/Son Brunch May 3, 2015 Committee Chair: Contact Charlene Howard Next meeting date: January 14th; 7PM at the school. For more Information: Contact: Choward@achsdc.org PENNIES FOR PATIENTS February 2-12 Student Council will be sponsoring the Pennies for Patients Drive from February 2-12 to help in the fight against Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma. Every penny counts! Keep an eye out for our online donation page! Please contact Ms. De Leonibus at Angela.DeLeonibus @bmhs.org with any questions. “50 Years of Excellence in Education” March 1st-4th Please consider making a pledge to support our academic and co-curricular programs if you get a call from one of our wonderful volunteers! Labels for Education The Parents’ Club is collecting labels from Campbell products (soups and juices including V8), Prego, Pepperidge Farm, Swanson Broth, and FrancoAmerican Gravies to ear n fr ee mer chandise for McNamara. Click on www.labelsforeducation.com for more information. Please contact Sandi Hodges at 301-868-2402 with questions. Collection box is located in the main office. Holy Cross Mission: Campus Ministry Kairos 29 will be held February 18-20 at Loyola Retreat Center. We ask you to keep the retreatants &team members in your prayers. Check out our Campus Ministry blog at bmhsministry.wordpress.com – a few students are posting spiritual reflections each week for our community! Our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/bmhsministry) is updated daily with the morning prayer that is read at school for the day. Please check it out! We’re also on Twitter! @BMHS_Ministry Holy Cross Service Students who have fulfilled their service hour requirements: Seniors 24%, Juniors 15%, Sophomores 18%, Freshmen 31%. Deadline to complete service hours: Seniors have less than 3 months to complete their hours; Juniors have less than 2 ½ months to complete their hours, Sophomores have less than 2 months to complete their hours; Freshmen have just over 1 ½ months to complete their hours. Students who do not complete their hours by the deadline will receive a time extension and will have to complete 5 additional hours. All students must complete and submit the Service Agreement & Action Plan. No service hours will be recorded for a student until this document is received by the Campus Ministry office. The document is available through the ‘Service Hour Forms’ page in the Holy Cross Service section of the BMHS website. Students can view their total number of required service hours recorded by our office in the Maccess gradebook (this is not the same as the gradebook in the portal). Students will need to access their “Holy Cross Service” course in Maccess. To the right of the “Calendar” button, there is a “Gradebook” button for Holy Cross Service. Once students have completed (and submitted) the minimum number of service hours, they will see that their grade is marked as “complete.” This is updated on the 1st and 15th of each month. Pre-Approved Service Site Lists can be found on the BMHS website: click on “Faith & Service,” navigate to “Approved Service Opportunities,” then click on list for the appropriate grade level. Our Lady Queen of Peace Soup Kitchen: Juniors may sign-up to volunteer at this soup kitchen during the school day (they are permitted to take advantage of this in-school opportunity once during the school year). We also need volunteers to drive and volunteer with students during the school day from 7:45 a.m.–11:15 a.m. Please contact Ms. Longest at rachel.longest@bmhs.org if interested. FEBRUARY EVENTS Daily Mass in the Chapel at 7am February 9-12: Holy Cr oss Week February 11: Bir thday of Blessed Fr . Basil Mor eau, CSC (founder of the Congr egation of Holy Cross) Litur gy – All are always welcome to join us at 8:15am for School Masses! February 18: Ash Wednesday Pr ayer Ser vice – All are welcome to join us at 8:15am February 18-20: Kairos 29 Contact Rosemary Pezzuto at info@campfireusa-patuxent.org or check out www.campfireusa-patuxent.org for more information. Teens in Action Meets weekly from 3-430 in the school library. Teens work on and plan service projects, participate in learning projects, and engage in career and leadership opportunities. Enrollment is open to all students. Teens pay a membership fee to cover membership and dues. Feb and March Activities include the following Service and Leadership Opportunities Mentoring Middle School Students in Technology Working with planning a service project for Veterans In February Hosting a party for homeless children and Families. Planning a service trip for Spring Break Attending the National Service Learning Conference in April Enrolling and beginning the Congressional Leadership Program. Working on a Teen Driving Safety project for the Spring. Hearing and Vision Screening For Freshmen Will be provided by the Prince George’s County Health Department for all freshmen on May 6th & 7th. Black History Month AM Assembly Monday, February 23rd Spring Blood Drive; March 24 8:00 AM—1:00 PM McNamara students age 16 and older, families, and members of the community are encouraged to donate blood—one pint of blood can save three lives. Contact angela.deleonibus@bmhs.org for more information or to sign up as a blood donor. March Calendar 1-4 Spring Phon-a-Thon 6PM Winter Sports Ceremony Mother/Daughter Brunch 2015-2016 Registration Contracts Due Spring Play SAT at McNamara Feast of St. Joseph Liturgy PG County Music Festival End of 3rd Quarter WAMTC Elementary Band Festival at BMHS 24 Blood Drive 25 6pm Board of Directors Mtg 25-27 Kairos 27 3rd Quarter Reports on Portal 26-28 Dance Festival 28-April 6 Easter Recess 3 7 10 13-15 14 19 19-21 20 22 FADE COLLOQUIUM #5 THEATRE WORKSHOP Senior Showcase, Wednesday, February 11th at 7:00 pm in the Fine Arts Theater. All are welcome to attend and support our talented seniors. FADE COLLOQUIUM #6 “Footworks Percussive Dance Ensemble” Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Fine Arts Theater. All are welcome to attend this fine combination of: live music, singing, comedy, and percussive dance. Saturday, April 11, 2015 BMHS Fine Arts Theater, 10am - 6pm Students in grades 5 - 8 will participate in workshops on acting, improvisation and theatre technology. Participants will perform in a Showcase audience of friends and family, starting at 5pm. More information and the Registration Form can be found here . Sankofa Nights Presents: SPRING PLAY The Madwoman of Chaillot by Jean Giraudoux March 13, 14, and 15, 2015 Student Performers can pre-order tickets until February 9th, 2015 Student Tickets will be sold in the BMHS Cafeteria during lunch on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 (Non-performing students may purchase one ticket for themselves). Tickets go on sale to the general public at www.bmhs.org from: Tuesday, Feb 17, 2015 – Wednesday, Mar 11, 2015. All tickets are $10.00. Music Trip News……. ATLANTA 2015 The third payment was due January 30th– If you are behind, please send in your payment. The Final Payment is due on Friday, March 20th, 2015 – All fees must be paid. Mandatory student/parent/guardian meeting, Monday, April 13th @ 7:00 pm in the Main Gym. Trip dates are: Wednesday, April 15 – Sunday, April 19, 2015. Exact Departure and Arrival times to be announced at a later date. Spring Dance Festival March 26, 27, and 28, 2015 Student Performers can pre-order tickets until Friday, February 20, 2015. Student Tickets will be sold in the BMHS Cafeteria during lunch on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. (Non-performing students can purchase one ticket for themselves). Tickets go on sale to the general public at www.bmhs.org on March 2, 2015. All tickets are $10.00. Mandatory rehearsal: in the Fine Arts & Athletic Center: · Wednesday, March 18th 3-8:30pm · Monday, March 23rd 3-8:30pm · Tuesday, March 24th 3-8:30pm A detailed schedule will be given to dance students at a later date. “Cristo” April 23rd – April 26th, 2015 Student Performers can pre-order tickets until Friday, March 13, 2015. Student Tickets will be sold in the BMHS Cafeteria during lunch on Tuesday, March 17, 2015. (Non-performing students can purchase one ticket for themselves). Tickets go on sale to the general public at www.bmhs.org on Monday, March 23, 2015. All tickets are $10.00. Spring Music Concerts Various Dates in April & May Tickets for ALL of the Spring Music Concerts will go on sale to the general public at www.bmhs.org on March 19, 2015. Jazz Lab & Jazz Ensemble – April 8, 2015 Concert Band, Symphonic Band, & Percussion Ensemble – April 30, 2015 Choir Concert – May 1, 2015 String Orchestra & Wind Ensemble Concert – May 8, 2015 Spring Sports Practices Start February 23rd Spring Sports: Golf, Women’s and Men’s Lacrosse, Softball, Baseball, Track and Men’s Tennis. All students participating in a spring sport must have a current Medical Evaluation of Student Form (dated after June 1, 2014), the Concussion Form and an Emergency Medical Authorization for Athletic Participation Form on file. Questions? Call the athletic office at 301735-8401 x103. Parent Portal Please update your Parent Portal and ensure accuracy of information It is vital that your Parent Portal has an accurate e-mail address listed as you will r eceive a link in late Febr uar y to register your student(s) for the 2015-16 school year Your updates to the household from the parent portal do not become final until they are “accepted” by “support”—you may be called to confirm an entry. Need help or have questions, contact Support@bmhs.org or Mrs. Vinci at 301-735-8401 x147. BMHS Financial Aid Applications Parent Volunteer Service Opportunities 2015-2016 School Year Deadline was December 15, 2014 Volunteer Service Hours Coordinator: Alice Case Phone: 301-735-8401 x122 or E-mail Any applications submitted/completed after December 15, 2014 will be considered in the SECOND round of allocations in the spring, if funds remain available. Families requesting consideration for financial aid must apply online and submit the necessary supporting documentation directly to FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. The online application is available at BMHS FACTS. Paper applications are not available. Supporting documents may be faxed to 866-315-9264 or mailed to: Concession Stand Workers: Volunteer s needed to work at basketball games. Call Diane McDuffie at 202-398-7846. Queen of Peace Soup Kitchen: in need of dr ivers to drive and volunteer with students during the school day from 8:00 am – 11:15am. Please contact Ms. Longest at rachel.longest@bmhs.org if interested. FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment PO Box 82524 Lincoln, NE 68501-2524 Phonathon: Volunteer s needed fr om 2-5pm and 5-8pm on Sunday, March 1st and 6-9pm on Monday March 2, Tuesday March 3 and Wednesday March 4. Earn 5 hours of service for each 3-hour shift. Light dinner and training provided. Contact Alice Case at 301-735-8401 x122 or alice.case@bmhs.org Parent Club Opportunities Contact: rahdst@gmail.com Used Uniform Sales Coordinator: We ar e looking for a parent volunteer to coordinate the Parents Club used uniform sales. Please contact Eva Stattel at evastattel@verizon.net. Volunteers needed for: Mother Son Brunch Committee: Contact: Choward@achsdc.org for more information. FACTS Tuition Management If you have any questions regarding your child’s tuition account or payment terms, please contact Mrs. Gessner at Mary.Gessner@bmhs.org or 301-735-8401 x158. “Unforgettable Spirit” Scholarship Sophomores and Juniors are invited to compete for this scholarship in memory of Randell Duncan ’00. The focus of the scholarship application is “stopping teen and young adult violence." Information and applications are available from the main office and Ms. Jolly. The deadline for application is March 15. The Carousel Uniforms is celebrating our 38th Anniversary. As a "thank you" to our valued clients, we are offering a 38% off ONE item to each student for the month of February! Passport to the Future Award Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor up to 5 Seniors will be awarded a U.S. Passport at this year's graduation ceremony. Award winners will be selected based upon an essay they submit to Mr. Williams or Mr. Pozniak. Further information regarding this award will be presented to every Global Studies class in February. For further information, please contact, L'oreal Edmondson, Director of Advancement at loreal.edmondson@bmhs.org The eligibility requirements are listed below.: Students in their senior year who: Do not hold a current valid U.S. passport (or whose valid passport is due to expire by December 31 of the current year) Are in good academic standing (not less than a C average at the end of the first semester) in course of Global Studies including Honors Submit an award-winning essay Meet all passport application criteria and deadlines SAGE DINING LUNCH MENU is available on the BMHS website under SAGE Attendance Office Notes 301-735-8401 x149 Absences: Please call the attendance office by 10am to report student absences and follow up with a note when they return. Early dismissals: Please send in wr itten notification, send an email (frank.oliver@bmhs.org) or call (301-735-8401 x149) before pick-up time. Your student is then given a pass to be in the attendance office at the time you designate. This helps alleviate class disruptions caused by failure of notification beforehand. Student illness during the day. It is school policy that students must report to the attendance office to call parents—they should not call parents themselves. · Pick up of student: If someone other than the parent is coming to pick up the student, that person’s name must be submitted to the attendance office. LA REINE HIGH SCHOOL REUNION March 1, 2015 Bishop McNamara High School is honored to host and invite you to the La Reine High School Reunion on Sunday, March 1, 2015 in celebration of our enduring Catholic partnership with the school, as well as our own 50th-year anniversary. 10:30 AM - Mass at Mt. Calvary Catholic Church 12:00 PM - Reception in the Bishop McNamara Fine Arts and Athletics Center 12:45 - 3:00 PM - optional Tour of La Reine & Bishop McNamara (transportation provided) 3:00 PM - Speaking presentation $20 PER PERSON Please RSVP at La Reine Reunion Contact Melissa Antonio Huar LR ‘91 at melissa.antoniohuar@bmhs.org or 301.735.8401 ext. 138 Bishop McNamara is located at 6800 Marlboro Pike Forestville, MD 20747 Limited Tickets! Tickets on sale now! First Come First Serve! Daughters: Mother Tributes Due no later than February 16, 2015