June 2016 McNews Online - Bishop McNamara High School


June 2016 McNews Online - Bishop McNamara High School
June 2016
Bishop McNamara’s Family Newsletter
Underclassman Final Exam Schedule
Last Day of Regular Classes—Friday, June 3
Underclass Exams - Monday, June 6th-Thursday, June9th
1st session:
8:00 a.m. - 9:35 a.m.
2nd session:
9:45 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
June 6 Testing for periods 8 & 6
June 7 Testing for periods 4 & 2
June 8 Testing for periods 7 & 5
June 9 Testing for periods 3 & 1
Students report to school only if they are scheduled to
take an exam. They must report directly to their regular
No student will be permitted to sit for final exams unless all tuition obligations to Bishop McNamara have
been satisfied. Payments made after Apr il 30th must
be in cash, cashier's check, money order or by debit/credit
card. No personal checks.
Book Return
Students whoAll
not inare
who arrive late
in the or
will not be allowed
to take
their exam.
the event of an
by 2pm
on Friday,
absence, theAstudent
a legitimate
late feemust
be charged
day note
and must contact
arrangefor each book turned in after that date.
ments for a make-up test. All exams must be taken no
later than Thursday, June 11th.
After taking exams, students must leave the school
grounds. There is no aftercare during Final Exams. Please
make transportation arrangements—all students must be
picked up by 12:15pm.
There is no cafeteria service during exam week.
Student Council Officers 2016-2017
Student Council Officers:
President: Dana Hentz
Vice President: Madison Brown
Secretary/Treasurer: Gabrielle Rose
Senior Class Officers:
President: Alanna Imes
Vice President: Jasmine Cameron
Secretary/Treasurer: Jorden White
Public Relations: Bradley Myrthil
Junior Class Officers:
President: Jasmien Dantzler
Vice President: Jaide Cotton
Secretary/Treasurer: Lauryn Davis
Public Relations: Jada Prater
Sophomore Class Officers:
President: Sole Cala
Vice President: Chance Crockett
Secretary/Treasurer: Nailah Chambers
Public Relations: Jahna Crump
Vol. 26, No. 11
Class of 2020 Parents
Be sure to check your email for registration information for Freshman Orientation!
(McNamara Emerging Leadership Training)
is from June 14th - 18th
Summer Math Packets
Classes of ‘17, ‘18, and ‘19- Summer Math Packets will
be available online through Math XL by June 15th.
These are graded on-line. Deadline for submission
is Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at midnight.
Class of 2020– Summer Math Packets will be available
online through Math XLforschool.com by June 15th.
Directions on how to access the program on line will be
sent through the student emails by June 15, 2016. All the
incoming 9th graders will use a trial code for
the mathxlforschool.com that is limited to only 30
days. Please keep this in mind when starting the summer
work, students will only have 30days to complete assignments. These are graded on-line. Deadline for submission is Wednesday, August 29, 2016 at midnight. Questions? Contact Mrs. Angelina Diehlmann at
School Year 2016-2017
 Thursday, Aug 25- 6:30PM Freshman Student/
Parent Orientation
 Friday, Aug. 26- Fr eshman Retr eat
 Monday, Aug. 29- Fr eshman Or ientation Day
 Tuesday, Aug. 30- Book Day/Year book Pictur es
 Thursday, Sept. 1- Fir st full day of classes
CLASSES of 2017, 2018, 2019
 Tuesday, Aug. 30- Class of ‘17 Senior Kick-Off
 Wednesday, Aug. 31- Class of ‘17, ‘18 & ’19
Pictures /Orientation/Book Day/Yearbook
 Thursday, Sept. 1- First full day of classes
Bishop McNamara High School • 6800 Marlboro Pike • Forestville, MD 20747 • 301-735-8401 • http://www.bmhs.org
Counselors Corner—
Counselors will be
available from 8am until 12 noon Tues, Wed & Thurs
throughout June and July.
Call Mrs. Mendiola at 301-735-8401 x141 to make an
2016-2017 Class Scheduling Process
Classes of 2017, 2018, 2019
Schedules have been distributed to all students.
If a student has a selected course that was not scheduled
he/she should see his/her registration counselor by the
close of the school day, Thursday, June 9.
Any other schedule changes may be requested
during the summer by appointment only; parent or student initiated changes will incur a $40 fee. Counselors
will be available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. beginning June 14th. To
schedule an appointment contact Mrs. Mendiola at 301735-8401, Ext. 141, no earlier than June 13th.
Class of 2020
Students will receive their class schedules
through the mail in June.
As we prepare to close out another school year and turn
our sights to summer, may we suggest students continue to grow and develop intellectually.
 Look at summer school for enrichment or grade improvement in academic areas.
 Participate in summer programs such as pre-college
and intern experiences. See Enrichment Opportunities under the counseling link at www.bmhs.org or
on the Colleges tab in your Naviance account
Prepare for SAT’s by taking a class and using the
Method Test Prep program in your Naviance account.
Volunteer or start community service projects/
seniors consider completing your service requirement
Obtain a summer job.
Read, Read, Read!
Official and Unofficial Records
All financial obligations must be satisfied
before records will be released
At least 48 hours advance notice is needed to produce official
or unofficial records for any student.
Please call ahead during summer months.
Email the Registrar at Karen.Vinci@bmhs.org with
questions or to make an appointment.
4th Quarter Report Cards WILL NOT be mailed home
Report cards will be posted on Maccess
the week of June 20th.
>Report cards WILL NOT be posted for any students
with outstanding financial obligations (Bookstore, Aftercare, SAGE, Parent Service Hours, Tuition, Athletics, Fine Arts, etc.)
>Only cash, credit cards, money orders or cashier
checks will be accepted – no personal checks will be
>Questions about financial obligations – email
Lise.Carver@bmhs.org, Mike Fennell@bmhs.org or
>Questions about report cards email
Attention Class of 2017
The official yearbook photographer for 2016-2017 is
Lifetouch Prestige Portraits. This is the only photographer whose photos will appear in the yearbook
and the class composite photo. Photos fr om other
companies will not be accepted. During the summer,
information and an appointment card will be mailed
to students in the class of 2017 prior to picture day.
Questions? Contact Lifetouch at 1-800-445-1189 or
410-644-7700 or
email Answers@Lifetouch.com
Class of 2017 Senior Polos and Sweatshirts
Your Senior Polo's and Crew Sweatshirts are now for
sale! Go to the BMHS website and click on the "Store"
link at the bottom right and place your order. Or you can
go directly to shop.bmhs.org Please REMEMBER this is
your uniform for the entire senior school year, so make
sure you order what you will need. Also, you MUST stop
by the Mustang Shop and try on your correct size. The
last day to be able to order your 2017 senior polo and
or 2017 senior crew sweatshirt is by 12 noon June
Maryland State Work Permits
Students who need a work permit are no longer required to have a school official validate the work permit. Visit the Counseling Page on the BMHS website
(click on Academics, then Counseling, then Work Permit) for instructions on obtaining a work permit and a
link to the Maryland State Department of Labor’s website.
Varsity Football: August 2;
Freshmen Football: August 9;
All Others: August 15th
This is a reminder that all students trying out for a Fall Sport must have a valid Medical Evaluation of Student (physical) dated
after June 1, 2016, a Required Medical Authorization Form and a Concussion Form on file with the Registr ar at Bishop
McNamara High School. Deadline is August 1st. Do not give paperwork to a coach. Turn medical records in to the School Nurse
or Jessica Nash, Stephanie Tong, Athletic Trainers.
Summer Programs 2016
Tuesday, July 5th - Friday, July 29th
Walk In Registration: June 29th from 9 a.m. to noon
for all students
On Line Registration: May 31st—June 20th for cur rent BMHS students and the Class of 2020 at
www.bmhs.org click on Summer School 2016 under
the Academics Tab.
Any McNamara student who fails a course during the
regular school year is required to attend summer school
to make up and receive credit for the failed course. Students must attend the McNamara summer school unless
the required course is not offered at McNamara's summer school; in which case, the student may attend an
accredited summer school program preapproved by the
Principal. Any McNamara student who receives a D in
a math or foreign language course is required to attend
summer school in order to move to the next level.
BMHS Summer Dance Intensives
Grades 7-12
4 or more years of dance training required
Session 1-June 20-24 9:00 am-4:00 pm;$225.00 (until June
10th. After the 10th $275.00)
Session 2-June 27- July 1 9:00 am-4:00 pm;$225.00 (until
June 17th. After the 17th $275.00)
Sessions 1 and 2- $400.00 (until June 22nd. After the 22nd,
Our dynamic program offers classes in ballet, lyrical, hip
hop, jazz, African dance, contemporary, turns/ leaps/ conditioning, improvisation, Dance History and specialty classes.
Dance Camp participants can expect to learn technique, improvisation and choreography. The BMHS Dance Intensive
is a one-week program offered for 2 sessions for intermediate
level students (both current McNamara students and nonMcNamara students) who are dedicated, disciplined, and
generous in spirit. The program is designed to expose young
dancers to what the BMHS program is all about: refining
technique and performance, broadening understanding of
various dance styles and making new friends. Our dance
camp is taught by instructors who have years of experience
as teachers and performers. Before and aftercare are available at an additional cost.
BMHS students receive a $50 discount. You must register
with Mrs. Keithline directly to receive this discount.
More information and registration can be found at:
Driver’s Education Class
The next Driver's Ed class will run from
June 13th-June 24th
Students can register online at
The course is 10 classes from 3:15-6:30
in room 114 and costs $350.
Bishop McNamara
Summer Camp News
Registration is now open for 2016 Summer Camp Season.
Please visit www.bmhs.org for registration and camp details.
This year’s summer camps include:
Chemistry- An Element-ary- surprise
Theatre Middle School Musical Theatre Camp
Vocal Excellence
Dance Intensive
Middle School Mathematics
Middle School English Enhancement
3D Drawing and Animation
High School Level Academic Reading
High School Level Academic Writing
Be the Boss Entrepreneurial Camp
Stitch It Sewing and Fashion Camp
Please contact the Director of Summer Programs
Jeff Southworth at Jeffrey.Southworth@bmhs.org or 301735-8401 Ext 102
Middle School-Musical Theatre Summer Camp
Dates: 1 week sessions (July 11-15; July 18-22; July 25-29);
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (aftercare is available upon
request until 6 PM at $10 per hour)
Fee: $300 per session; $550 for 2 sessions; $850 for 3 sessions; Ages: Students entering Grades 5-8
Description: Join us for a week full (or 2 or 3) of singing,
dancing, and acting. Each week will end with a themed
showcase (week 1: Into the Fairy tales; week 2: Follow the
Yellow Brick Road; week 3: Kids on Broadway). During
each week campers will learn dialogue, blocking, music and
choreography. Each day will include singing, dancing, and
acting, as well as lots of theater games, crafts and summer
fun! We recognize each child’s unique talent and will give
them the necessary building blocks to grow as a performer.
Every child gets a “moment in the spotlight. Whatever their
prior experience, young actors will develop fine-tune thei
musical theater skills. The entire session promises to be
engaging, challenging, and inspiring.
Register at www.bmhs.org today!!
Vocal Excellence Camp
Dates: June 27 - July 1 and July 11 - 15
Times: 9 AM - 4 PM
Fee: $200 per session
Description: The Vocal Excellence camp is a 10 day, intensive workshop. The camp is designed for serious student
singers who wish to strengthen and develop vocal skills
while studying the art of singing. Master classes will provide
student singers hands-on opportunities to explore performance etiquette, posture, phrasing, style, and lyrical communication. Vocal techniques will include the formation of posture, breathing, phonation, articulation and resonance. Other
class will explore principles of sight-singing and music theory, Exercises centered on improvisation will be introduced.
Specific activities will foster the student singers ease with
gesturing and movement while singing.
2016 Fall Musical
Man of La Mancha
Auditions: 3:30-6:00pm
In the Fine Arts Theatre
Auditions are on 9/1, 9/2, 9/6
You MUST attend all three Audition Days to be considered for a part in the play!
Wednesday 9/7 will be reserved for call backs.
All are welcome – no experience necessary.
Performances: November 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20
Interested in Tech Crew? Come to the Theatre on the audition dates. Pick up, fill out and return a Tech Application form. Questions? Mary.MitchellDonahue@bmhs.org
Dance News…………………………..
Students- Are you looking for a class to put in place of the study hall in your schedule for next year? If you want to do something
fun that is also challenging and great exercise, think about signing up for a dance class. No need to contact us if you are signing up
at the Beginner level. You can go directly to your counselor. If you would like to see about moving into a higher level please contact Mrs. Keithline, Victoria.keithline@bmhs.org (Dance Track) or Ms. King, Cindy.king@bmhs.org (Tap Track) immediately.
Have Musical Talent?
Yes...No...Doesn’t matter...
The Band and Orchestra Program is looking for YOU! It is not too late to add a band or orchestra class to your course selections.
We are looking for students who are not currently in the program to join next year...we are especially looking for all String Instruments (Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass) as well as Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium and Tuba,
from beginner through advanced. Contact Mrs. Hardy at francine.amoshardy@bmhs.org or Mr. Conto at antho-
Parent Volunteer Service Opportunities
Volunteer Service Hours Coordinator:
Phone: 301-735-8401 x122 or loreal.edmondson@bmhs.org
Bookstore Information
In desperate need of parent volunteers to help with
book return from June 6th-9th fr om 7:30 AM12:00 noon. Contact Hector Cuellar at 301-7358401 x114 or email hector.cuellar@bmhs.org
Opportunities for 2016-2017
Book Return: Parents needed from 7:30
am to 12:00 noon June 6-9. Please contact
Hector Cuellar at 301-735-8401 x
114or hector.cuellar@bmhs.org if you are
interested in working.
Used Uniform Sale: Looking for volunteers for the sale on Friday, July 15 from 12
noon to 3 PM. If you can help, Contact
Dorinda Bowers - dvbowers@gmail.com
(301) 520-6321 or Jacqueline Oglesby –
joglesby232@gmail.com (202)262-2231
Teens In Action: parent volunteer s needed to mentor students Contact Rosemary
Pezzuto at
All books are due in the bookstore by
12 Noon on Thursday June 9th.
Should your student NOT return his or her text book at
the end of this time and date, as in the past, the cost of
replacing this text book will be issued and must be
paid in cask or credit card (sorry no checks) to the
bookstore ONLY! Your students report card will not
be issued until this payment is made. All payments regarding text books will NO LONGER be handle by
the business office or online pay. All inquiries and
payments MUST be done in the bookstore with Mr.
Cuellar, the bookstore manager.
2015-2016 Annual Report
Thank you for supporting Bishop McNamara High School
during our 2015 - 2016 fiscal year. For inclusion in this
year’s Annual Report, please fulfill all pledges by June
30, 2016. Donations received after July 1 will be credited in
the 2016 - 2017 Annual Report. Thanks!
Questions? Contact Loreal. Edmondson@bms.org or 301735-8401 x134
2016-2017 Tuition & Fees Payments
Annual Payment Plan Participants – Your full tuition payment (less $250 discount) is due on or before July 1st.
Semester Payment Plan Participants – Your half tuition
payment (less $50 discount) is due on or before July 1st.
Current FACTS participants - Tuition payments begin in
July. FACTS will charge your bank account a nonrefundable service fee after May 30th.
New Students - If you have not registered on-line with
FACTS Tuition Management Company, it is now assumed
that you will be paying your tuition in full or by semester, on
or before July 1st. If you have registered with FACTS, tuition payments will begin in July.
Please remember that tuition must be current (full, semester
or July & August payments received) before a student will be
issued a final schedule, receive textbooks, etc. on Orientation/Book Day
Questions: Contact Mrs. Gessner (x158) or
After School Study Hall Billing
Final bills for Afterschool Study Hall were mailed on
May 28th. After April 30th, all financial obligations
must be paid by cashier’s check, cash, money order or
debit/credit card. No personal checks will be accepted.
Please note that Afterschool Study Hall bills are financial obligations to the school and as stated in the
BMHS handbook, it is the practice of the school to
withhold distribution of report cards and/or other records of those students whose financial obligations are
not met. Questions? Email Mrs. Johnson at Deanna.Johnson@bmhs.org.
Summer Office Hours
8:00 AM.-1:00 PM;
June 13th-August 5th
2016-2017 Bus Transportation Information
Bishop McNamara High School
The Student Shuttle is offering transportation services to parents for students attending Bishop McNamara High School for
the 2016-2017 school year.
One way door to door service (home to school or school to home.)
Round trip door to door service (home to school AND school to home.)
Bus/van stop one-way service (Bus/van stop locations TBD subject to demand.)
Bus/van round trip service (Bus/van stop locations TBD subject to demand.)
Sick child pick up transportation service
Parents register directly with the Student Shuttle. www.thestudentshuttle.com Registration agreement is available online.
Call 301-806-0188 to speak with a representative.
Yearly transportation program registration fee is $150 per family and is non-refundable. Registration fee is required for
transportation and will hold a reservation for entire school year.
Bus/van stop service is $220 per month for round trip service and is based on demand. A minimum of 14 students are needed for this service. Door to door rates range for $75 per week to $175 per week depending upon pick up/drop off locations.
Sick Child pick up is $40 per occurrence.
Used Uniform Sale
Friday, July 15
12-3:00 PM
Donate Your Used Uniforms
See flyer at the end for details
July Calendar
Jul 5– July 29
Summer School
Full/Semester Tuition Payment due
No summer school/ Independence Day Holiday
Used Uniform Sale
Our SCHOOL UNIFORM COMPANIES will be hosting special hours just for BMHS families.
Carousel Clothing
June 25th 10AM-6PM
2939 Festival Way
Waldorf, Maryland 20601
Students are encouraged to come to the store as soon as possible to place their back to school uniform orders
Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms
Thursday, June 23 5-8 PM
Lanham Crossing Shopping Center
8807 Annapolis Road
Lanham, MD 20706
(240) 764-4545
Nurse’s Corner
For Parents/Guardians of ALL BMHS students:
We have new medical forms to be completed by Aug 1st for ALL Fall athletes
(including Dance Team and Cheerleading) and Aug 15th for ALL other students.
The following are the forms that are mandatory: these are all available for Parents in Maccess and some will be available on the website under Nurse's Corner.
Forms for Online Completion:
1. Student Health Questionnaire
2. Concussion Information
3. Medical Authorization
4. Medical Release and Permission to Treat
5. Cardiac Arrest Information
Forms for Download/ Print and Submit:
1. Physical Examination
2. Maryland Immunization Certification
3. Maryland State School Medical Administration Authorization Form
(mandatory for students requiring medication during school hours, including
Epi-Pens and Inhalers)
***Please review School Medication Policy and Health Room Policy***-also
available in Maccess
If you have any questions or concerns please email the School Nurse, Stacey
Slack, RN, BSN nurse@bmhs.org or call 301-735-8401 x-160
Medical Records for the Class of 2020:
Students playing a fall sport - August 1st. All
other students – August 15th
Turn forms into: Nur se’s Office OR
Jessica Nash, Stephanie Tong - Athletic Trainers
All 4 forms are required of every freshman
student, regardless if they play a sport.
1. Immunization Records
2. Medical Evaluation (Doctor’s Physical);
must be dated June 1st, 2016 or later
(Sports Physicals meet our requirements.)
3. Required Medical Authorization
4. Permission to Treat Form
5. Concussion Information Sheet
Email nurse@bmhs.org with questions
Important New Medical Forms,
Policies & Procedures
Medical Forms and Documentation have
changed for the 2016-17 school year. Starting
June 1st, all new medical forms & information
will be available via Maccess for parents to complete. It is mandatory that ALL students have
these forms completed for 2016-17 school year.
Dates & Deadline for all Medical Forms June 1st - Medical Forms will be available in
August 1st - Medical forms due for Students participating in Fall 2016 Sports
August 15th - Medical forms due for ALL other
Parent Profile - update in Maccess (“Update
Household Information”) prior to starting online
forms - update now so forms contain the latest
contact info. Cannot log into Maccess? Email
Holy Cross Mission:
Check out our Campus Ministry blog at bmhsministry.wordpress.com
Our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/bmhsministry) is updated often with the morning prayer that is
read at school for the day. Please check it out!
We’re also on Twitter! @BMHS_Ministry
We would like to thank all the students and families who participated in our events as this year concluded.
The Peer Ministry Commissioning Dinner, Senior Farewell Prayer Service, and Baccalaureate Mass were
excellent opportunities to remember who we are and who we are called to be, and to step forth, sent out on
a mission to love. Peace be with you this summer and always. Thank you for your prayers and support of
our department!
Holy Cross Service:
2015-2016 Service Program:
Total service hours submitted (as of 5/23/16): over 26,400!
Service hours are recorded and will be reported on your final report card
Students who did not submit valid service contracts for their required hours by the May 23rd deadline will
receive information about the summer school program, which they are required to complete in order to return to BMHS for the 2016-2017 school year.
2016-2017 Service Program:
Ms. Longest is visiting Theology classes to discuss the service requirements for the 2016-2017 school year.
This same information will be emailed to all families via their email address in Maccess. Information is
also found on our Faith and Service webpage.
Students may start working on their service hours for the next school year on June 10th.
Students need to ensure their service work is appropriate for the requirements of their grade level.
Lists of Pre-Approved Opportunities were updated in late May. Some sites wer e eliminated because
of their failure to provide the “interaction/direct contact” involved in the Holy Cross Service Program.
Please confirm that a site is approved before committing to volunteer with them.
If a student desires to volunteer at a site that is not on the List of Pre-Approved Opportunities for his/her
grade level, then the student must complete the Approval Request Form (this is an on-line form, found on
the Faith and Service webpage) or hours with that unapproved site may not be accepted for credit. Approval is only valid for the current school year and for the student submitting the request (anyone else
wishing to get approval for the same site must submit their own request).
For questions regarding the Holy Cross Service Program over the summer break, please contact Ms. Longest
at Rachel.Longest@bmhs.org
Camp Fire Teens in Action offers a number of leadership and service programs during the summer for youth 5 to 18. These include Points of Light GoLEAD, Camp CIT program, Intergenerational service project , Service Learning
Road Trips, a variety of other programs. Programs are open to any young person in 7th through
12th grades. We also host a 6 week enrichment program at St matthias in lanham for grades k
to 8. For more info contact Mrs Pezzuto at Rosemary.pezzuto@bmhs.org
Save up to 75% by Purchasing Previously
Owned Uniforms
Alumni Hall in Mount Calvary Convent
6704 Marlboro Pike
Next sale
July 15th, 2016
12-3 PM
Blazer $ 25
Vest $10
Tie $ 5
Pants $ 10
Blouses/Shirts $ 5.00
Patch $ 5.00
Exchanges will be made only on items that are clean and
in good condition for re-sale.
All donations are welcome!
For more details, contact:
Dorinda Bowers - (301) 520-6321
Jacqueline Oglesby – (202)262-2231

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