2010Mar - Bishop Montgomery High School


2010Mar - Bishop Montgomery High School
Christ centered
academically dedicated
physically knowledgeable
socially responsible
high school
5430 Torrance Boulevard
Torrance, California 90503
(310) 540 - 2021
Parent Newsletter - March 2010
from the
Ms. Rosemary Distaso-Libbon - Principal
Dear Parents,
As I considered writing this letter, I couldn’t help but reflect on our last school
Mass, the Junior Ring Mass, during Catholic Schools Week. We celebrated the
Juniors who declared by the symbol of their school rings that they are members
of this community and they are committed to its goals. Their rings are a
declaration of community and a reminder that we are all connected—connected
with every member of our present school community but also connected to all
of the Bishop Montgomery students of the past and to those yet to come. It
was really a wonderful celebration made even more special by the parents who
were present to celebrate with us.
are a few dates on your March calendar that I would like to highlight:
March 3-6: Drama Production, Thomas More Hall
March 10: BMHS Summer School Priority Registration begins
March 12: Incoming 9th grade registration, Class of 2014
March 14: Daylight Savings Time begins
March 16: Christian Service Awards, Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral
March 17: Re-Registration Day, grades 9-11
March 17-19: Kairos
March 19: Feast of St. Joseph, Bishop’s Holiday
March 26: Athletic Awards, 12:45
March 28: Palm Sunday
March 30: Undergraduate Awards, gym
Christ centered
from the
I want to thank the Admissions Committee for their dedication and hard work during the review of the incoming freshmen
applications. It is always so interesting to read the applications from our eighth grade students, and believe me; we read every
word of every application—more than once! I’m sure that each one of you remembers the high school application process,
certainly an experience not without anxiety! I want to say thank you to Mrs. Casey Dunn, our Admissions Director, to Mrs.
Dierks and Mrs. Loehr who did our presentations on high school nights, to Mrs. Pittelkau for her organization of the many, many
files, and to Ms. Yvette Vigon, our Vice-Principal who contributes to the admissions and registration process in such a crucial
way. Our entire school community owes a debt of gratitude to all those who participate in this process.
Thomas Merton, one my favorite spiritual writers, offers the following meditation. I share it with you hoping that reading it is
an opportunity for you as it was for me to reflect on the promise that each day holds to receive God’s grace.
Every moment and every event of man’s life on earth plants something in his soul. For just as the wind carries thousands of
winged seeds, so each moment brings with it germs of spiritual vitality that come to rest imperceptibly in the minds and wills
of men. Most of these unnumbered seeds perish and are lost, because men are not prepared to receive them: for such seeds
as these cannot spring up anywhere except in the good soil of freedom, spontaneity and love.
……”The seed is the word of God.”...Every expression of the will of God is in some sense a “word” of God and therefore a
“seed” of new life……..
If these seeds would take root in my liberty, and if His will would grow from my freedom, I would become the love that He is,
and my harvest would be His glory and my own joy.
From New Seeds of Contemplation
Thomas Merton
Finally, my prayer for all of us is that Holy Week will be a deeply prayerful time spent in preparation and anticipation of the
Risen Christ who is the source of our salvation. How amazing that the story of Jesus Christ does not end with the Crucifixion,
but is fulfilled in the glory of the Resurrection and that through His sacrifice we can become transformed, become new in
Christ. I wish you a Happy Easter.
Rosemary Libbon
guidance &
Ms. Yvette Vigón - Vice Principal - ext. 231
Mrs. Casey Dunn - Guidance/Studies Coordinator - ext. 226
With the first semester completed, I’d like to recognize those students who have earned
Dean’s List and Principal’s Honor Roll status. Dean’s List students achieved total grade
point averages ranging from 3.50 to 3.99. Principal’s Honor Roll recipients earned
GPAs of 4.00 or greater. Both accomplishments require a level of commitment and
dedication that deserve our recognition. Many of these students are involved in
extracurricular activities and must balance multiple responsibilities in addition to
the rigor of their studies. We are especially proud of these students and want to
extend our congratulations.
The Undergraduate Awards ceremony will take place Tuesday, March 30th from
10:00 – 12:00. Invitations will be mailed approximately two weeks before
the ceremony. Students will be recognized for receiving department awards
(academic excellence in a given class), Principal’s Honor Roll designation,
George Montgomery Scholar status (highest GPA in the grade), and Student of the
Each February, our guidance counselors conduct small group advising sessions
with freshmen students. These sessions took place February 9th, 10th, and 11th.
The primary focus is to help students plan for summer school, if applicable, and
the 2010-2011 school year. We hope that you will also discuss course selection
with your child before re-registration materials are distributed March 9th. In
addition, student questions will be answered regarding a four-year plan and what
is required for college admission.
Re-registration will take place on a standard weekday, Wednesday, March 17th. Reregistration Day is a mandatory school day for all students grades 9-11. Please do
not make appointments or travel plans on this day before 1:00. Between March 9th
and March 17th, please review your child’s course selections for next year and affix
your signature at the bottom of the course request sheet. Your help in these matters
is greatly appreciated.
As I mentioned last month, many local organizations are now publishing and distributing
their scholarship applications. Those students who have attained high academic marks
and are involved in the school and the community are strongly encouraged to apply for
academically dedicated
guidance &
these grant awards. Also, both the FAFSA and the Cal Grant forms must be submitted or postmarked no later than March 2nd.
If your child may be attending a California college or university, public or private, two-year or four-year, he or she should
complete the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form. The form is available at http://www.csac.ca.gov/. Hopefully, both you and
your child have applied for and received a pin number to be used as the electronic signature for the FAFSA if you will be
submitting online. If your child has not completed and mailed the Cal Grant, he or she should do so as soon as possible.
If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact me at extension 226.
Casey Dunn
Guidance/Studies Coordinator
information from
the tuition office
All tuition and fees must be current, including the February payment by February 20th, 2010; otherwise, your student will not
be allowed to Re-register for the 2010-2011 school year on March 17th, 2010. Class selections cannot be held
If your account is delinquent, payments must be made in cash, money order, or credit card. No personal checks will be
accepted for any past due account.
All Senior Accounts must be current by Friday, MARCH 19, 2010 in order for your student to purchase a prom bid and/or grad
night ticket.
If your account is currently in arrears, the past due amount, including the March payment, must be paid in cash, money
order, or credit card. No personal checks will be accepted for past due accounts.
The opportunity for students to purchase these tickets begins on March 26, 2010. Please be certain your student is cleared to
do so. In addition, if any senior account is in arrears at the time of senior finals which begin on May 19th, your student will not
be allowed to sit for finals.
All students received a Summer School Registration Packet at Re-registration meetings on March 9th.
Parents, please note dates and deadlines.
Students may be absent no more than 3 days in order to receive credit for a 5-week course.
Students may be absent no more than 1.5 days in order to receive credit for a 2.5-week course.
We are asking that our BMHS students sign up for their classes early, before registration opens to the public on May 5th.
We do our best to accommodate our own students as a priority.
Tuesday, March 9 .....................……...............................................………..........................Registration Materials Available
Wednesday, March 10 ..….…………...............................................……......................Priority BMHS Registration Begins*
Wednesday, May 5 .....................................................................…..................................……….....Open Registration Begins
Tuesday, June 15................................................………….Last Day for BMHS Student Refund (Less $100 registration fee)
Wednesday, June 16…...................................…......……...........................................................................Registration Closes
Monday, June 21..........................................................…………..................................................................First Day of Class
Friday/Monday, July 2 - 5…………................................................................................................................School Holidays
Friday, July 23………....................................................................………………………………......................FINAL EXAMS
*If BMHS students are taking a course as a prerequisite for a Fall ‘10 course, we strongly encourage these students to
register prior to Wednesday, March 17. A separate check with the proper summer school fees must be presented when
Units Driver’s Education and Study Skills
Summer Conditioning Course for Athletics
Advancement/Elective/Make-up Class
One Period Review Class
Advancement/Elective Class
The fee for each course includes a non-refundable $100 registration charge
Books must be purchased by the student.
Daily Schedule:
Period 1................................8:00 a.m. – 10:12 a.m.
Period 2...............................10:30 a.m. – 12:42 p.m.
Final Exams:
Period 1................................8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Period 2................................9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
First Semester:
Drivers’ Education course:
Second Semester:
June 21 – July 8
June 21 – July 9
July 9 – July 23
All summer school forms must be completed and accompanied by summer school fees, in full, in order to register for summer
school. Please remember if your student is taking a summer school course as a prerequisite for a Fall 2010 course he/she must
register for summer school on or prior to Wednesday, March 17. Parents and students should take summer school options into
consideration when requesting next year’s classes as part of the upcoming 2010 - 2011 re-registration process on Wednesday,
March 17.
NOTE: If a student is absent more than 3 days in a 5 week course or 1 ½ days in a 2.5 week course, no credit will be
given for the course and no refund or tuition credit will be given. No final exam will be given early, therefore if a student
is absent on the last day of school, a zero will be given for the final exam.
principal’s honor roll
Alpine Robert
Awad Aimee
Belandres Denice
Bell Lisa
Butler-Santiel Shelby
Campbell Lauren
Campbell Maggie
Capicoy Jessica
Castaneda Joseph
Comon S. Wyatt
Cunningham Brieanna
Duffy Megan
Dung Kimberly
Eskander Monica
Estrada Itzel
Fleming Joseph
Hadley Michael
Higa Grant
Hinshilwood Joy
Hoffman Mary
Holdbrook-Smith Arielsela
Hugo Lauren
Jing Jennifer
Kuljis Matthew
Lee Dani
Leon Marissa
Lipp Shannon
Magpantay Ron
Marafino Brian
Martin Adriana
Martis Tyler
Marzolino Jill
Misak Stephen
Munoz Caroline
Nathan Kyler
Nicolas Crisel Bianca
Nogimura Yoshiki
Nunez Krystal
Oliva Victor
Park Claire
Peirce James
Perez Luis
Samson Ryan
Santos Jazmine
Schultz Matthew
Simone Mia
Smith Sierra
Spielman Lora
Tripp Paige
Urbanczyk Chloe
Villalon Melissa
Von Helmolt Chloe
Vrana Khristine
Walcher Austin
White Lauren
Abraham Danielle
Austria Angheline
Baldo Alyssa
Balter Madison
Barreras Anthony
Baumgartner Alexandra
Beauzil Yves
Benedetti Danielle
Bessler Stephanie
Bibbo Meridith
Brookshire Devon
Cabahug Eric
Capulong Andrew
Carleo Cosette
Castillo Hanna
Catbagan Lea
Chavez Vanessa
Cho Sukjin
Costantini Paulina
Cuevas Diane-Joy
Dargen Emily
Davies Miranda
DiPol Nicholas
Donnelly Clarissa
Gang Summer
Garbe Andrew
Gatbonton Judd
Gonzalez Amie
Gresham Jessica
Grove Annie
Gryder III James
Hambly Eric
Haro Jesse
Hentrup Austin
Heppell Laura
Hylton Kathryn
Jacota Diana
Johnson Talor
Kent Devon
Kim Somyung
Kitamura Marin
Kosidlak Corrine
Lee Helen
Lee Jane
Legacion Caren
London Spencer
Lozano Jessica
Magula Vanessa
McGillivray Kaitlin
Miller Bret
Moran Gacinta
Morken Erin
Nguyen Diane
Nieman Dylan
Park Cazimir
Pendleton Clarissa
Plascencia Christine
Pollard Ellis
Quintana Julie-Anne
Rickard Tanner
Shimizu Amanda
Sims Cara
Sitter Katherine
Smet Melissa
Soberano Arianne
Thayer Michele
Turner Isiah
Tyler Cameron
Uesugi Justin
Underhill Grace
Vigil John
Vo Andrew
Vo Carolyn
Von Helmolt MacKenzie
Vuong Catherynn
Warren Steven
Weigley Joshua
Windisch Nikki
Abraham Alison
Adamowicz Janeal
Balderas Jaclyn
Bell Laura
Bernas Malyssa
Budrovich Evan
Budrovich Vincent
Callinan Kevin
Carr Brandon
Conard Dwayne
Cook Sally
Cruz Amanda
Cutuli Clare
Day Eunique
Dazet Eric
De la Mata Ryan
Dela Torre Ienna
Diamond Kayla
Dirain Jared
Dotson Aaron
El Jechin Diego
Elder Carly
Elston Crystal
Espindola David
Espinosa Chelsea
Fabbri Martin
Fernando Thanushka
Fitzgerrell Heather
Franco Daisy
Frei Blaire
Galang Stephanie
Galdamez Jonathan
Gallo Cristina
Garcia Daniela
Geber Daniel
Glasco Alison
Glymph Michelle
Guillermo Austin
Gutierrez Areli
Hadley Danielle
Hernandez Alejandro
Horejsi Robert
Inugay Akemi
Jacobson Hannah
Kamehaiku Corey
Kavanaugh Alexander
Kim Justin
Koeppel Aaron
Koppenhaver Scott
Laner Katherine
Larriva Sophia
Lee Cody
Legler Daniel
Lewin Alisha
McLaughlin John
Mikhael Mirna
Milan Kaitlyn
Miller Marissa
Miyamoto Joel
Mladinich David
Moncayo Michelle Kathryn
Moorhead Constance
Mungoma Delight
Naghibi Sahar
Natsumeda Alan
Nelson Joshua
Nevarez Andrew
Nguyen Hanh
Nguyen Kevin
Nguyen Louna
Nguyen Ryan
Nwonwu Eunice
Ocampo Lauren
Omatsu Barry
Oshiro Ashley
Parr Timothy
Perera Chelsea
Petredis Mitchell
Porche Peyton
Rizzo Siena
Ruiz Alejandro
Saavedra Jonathan
Sandoval Chloe
Sansbury Taylor
Schwarzkopf Savana
Shinn Erin
Song David
Sonoda Margaret
Sur Patrick
Tellez Alex
Tin Colleen
Torres Monica Clare
Uyemura Wayne
Valentino Bernard
Varghese Ruben
Vasquez Maxine
Vassilopoulou Andigoni
Villalobos Brendon
Viloria Brendan
Weldin Cody
Yoon Carolyn
Young Justin
Alamares Angelica
Almazan Jon
Anderson James
Aquino Michael
Arevalo Elizabeth
Aspiras Romar
Ballister Rachel
Baril Molly
Bordenave Andrew
Bricker Gabrielle
Buendia Melissa
Cannata Andrew
Carleo Cerise
Castaneda Eden
Crabtree Taryl
Dargen Matthew
De Guzman Jason
Decena Kristina
Di NapoliPriscilla
Di Pasupil Kevin
Duarte Daniel
Estrada Dana
Evangelista Janell
Falcon Giovanni
Flanagan Kieran
Foster Ashley
Grove Charles
Hamala Unaloto
Hashimoto Kelly
Heppell Christopher
Holmbeck Erika
Huynh David
Jafari Nashaw
Jaquez Melissa
Jemison Desiree
Jusko John
Kissinger Andrew
Kretsch Cileah
Leach Michelle
Ledford Brynna
Lopez Justine
Lopez Samuel
Lopez Stephen
Lozano Rebecca
Lubbers Anthony
Marsella Michael
Martin Annette
Mathews Jerry
McCleary Jennifer Marie
McLaughlin Edward
Mendoza Sarah
Ngabo Joseph
Nguyen Patrick
Olsen Kyle
Panchal Viraj
Park Eric
Petersen Andrew
Puente Teresa
Redondo Paola
Robinson Kimberly
Rohrer Michelle
Salisbury Leslie
Sarmiento Annalyn
Schott Janey
Smet Marguerite
Stevens Chelsea
Teotico Catherine
Tobias Sara
Uy Danielle
Villalpando Brandon
Yang Michael
Zamora Stephanie
Zaragoza Sandra
dean’s list
Aaron, Chelsey
Allohn, Dela
Ameresekere, Chamith
Amis, Sydney
Anderson, Brandon
Aragon, Andrew
Arianpour, Kyon
Ascueta, Ressie Jane
Athan, Kendra
Atienza, Lea
Bachawati, Georges
Balcer, Christopher
Balthazar, Joelle
Barrett, Sionan
Beck, Laura
Bernstein, Anne
Berouty, Melissa
Bertucci, Austin
Blackwell, Kennedy
Blair, Andrew
Blee, John
Bongard, Danielle
Booker, Jordan
Boyd Jr., Eric
Bruccoleri, Joseph
Buckingham, Taylor-Jade
Burschinger, Steven
Cabrera, Lizette
Calloway, Alexandra (Ally)
Caluag, Nicole Kristin
Cardenas, Kristine
Cardoso, Adrian
Carrera, Ivana
Carrillo, Christian
Castellanos, Jesus
Chavez, Darlene
Chehade, Hana
Cherry, Cameron
Cogan, Kerry
Collins, Kyle
Contreras, Emily
Corbett, Paige
Costa, Mary Grace
Crear, Maurice-Ravel
Crespin, Nestor
Crutchfield, Ryan
Cruz, Kevin
Dang, Kathy
Davis, Chandler
Deyden, Blake
Diab, Rachel
Diaz, Anthony
Discipulo, Erin
Dong, Eric
Dorsey, Monica
Duarte, Katharine
Duda, Martin
Duke, Niobe
Dumadag, Maria Lourdes
Dung, Kathleen
Dunn, Amanda
Duran, Jacklyn
Dyda, Megan
Encina, Jonalbert
Espindola, Evelyn
Esquivel, Jr., Freddy
Everhart, Cara
Farentinos, Jade
Farfan, Curtis
Farrell, Jessica
Fasano, Brittany
Fassil, Dagim
Fausto, Chelsea
Fernandez, Anthony
Fernandez, Nicholas
Ficklin, Nurisha
Figueroa, Cristina
Fisher, Kelly
Flores, Jessica
Flores, Kevin
Fontanetta, Alexandria
Foreman, Kyla
Fuller, Megan
Gabaldon, Jared
Gallo, Joshua
Garalde, Joseph
Garcia, Natalie
Garfield, Steven
Glover, Bryant
Gomez, Matthew
Gomez, Megan
Gonzales, Michael
Gonzalez, Alejandra
Gonzalez, Diana
Gonzalez, Kimberly
Gonzalez, Nicholak
Gonzalez, Walter
Goodman, Tyler
Granucci, Ryan
Graybill, Aaron
Gregoris, Gianna
Gregory, Amira
Grove, Aaron
Gualano, Genavieve
Guevara, Christina
Gutierrez, David
Gutierrez, Lucas
Hall Jr., Victor
Halsey, Taylor
Harris, Matthew
Hart, Candace
Hart, Zachary
Harvey, Tyler
Haydel, Emily
Henry, Megan
Hernandez, Cristina
Hernandez, Perla
Herrera, Daniel
Hicks, Tiffany
Hodges, Cassie
Hogan, Lauren
Horist, Makenzie
Huben, Christopher
Hyun, Mathew
Ibarra, Suzzette
Isidro, Janine
Jamison, Erin
Johnson, Melissa
Jones, Brianna
Jones, Michaela
Jung, Jason
Kalianov, Julia
Keaton, Quinci
Keeling, Amelia
Khoury, Peter
Kim, Sojung
Kohly, Peter
Kurata, Kimberly
LaBarbera, Brian
LaPonza, William
Lara, Aurora
Lau, Shelley
Le, Allison
Ledesma, Elizabeth
Lee, Cameron
Lee, Jeehyo
Lee, Jiha
Lee, Robert
Lee, Sara
Legaspi, Jonathan
Leonard, Nicole
Lewin, Ericka
Linayao, Nikolas-Jordan
Lippert, Ryan
Liptzin, Cherisse
Lobo, Tristan
Lomas, Bryce
Lomboy, Brandon
Loperena, Frank
Magalona, Sienna
Magana, Nicholas
Maldonado, Pedro
Manzo, Karlie
Marotta, Dominique
Matis, Alyssa
Matthews, Kyle
Matthews, Nayesha
Mazzolini, Ross
McCall, Juliette
McFadden, LaShawn
Medina, Marissa
Meek, Amanda
Meyer, Emily
Meza, Adrian
Mihara, Kristin
Mihara, Thomas
Miranda, Jarrett
Mitchell, Adam
Moeller, Cameron
Munoz, Skyler
Murphy, Ryan
Murray Jr., Lamond
Naramore, Carly
Nesicolaci, Amanda
Nestojko, Veronica
Nguyen, Belinda
Nieves, Erica
Nieves, Miko
Noble, Leah
Novakovic, Mladen
Numa, Alex
Ochoa, Kristy
O’Dell, Erica
Pacio, Kenneth Ian
Palacios, Jeremy
Parsons, Hannah
Patao, Matthew
Pereyra, Lauren
Perlas, Joanne
Pettway, Kamara
Pham, Mac
Pham, Peter
Plungas, Eric
Pourhabib, Christina
Provenzano, Alexa
Pruitt, Sarah
Purcella, Anthony
Quijije, Nicolas
Quimson, Joseph
Ramirez, Emily
Ramirez, Matthew
Ray, Helen
Reganit, Jennifer
Reid, Ashton
Reyes, Chaynna
Reynoso, Matthew
Richelli, Kathryn
Rivera, Kristina
Robert, Elise
Rodriguez, Jasmin
Rodriguez, Katelyn
Rodriguez, Michael
Rogers, Michael
Romero, Michael
Ruiz, Jonahs
Salceda, Max
Sandoval, Edward
Santiago, James
Santomin, Joseph Jr.
Sarmiento, Katrina
Satalich, Megan
Sato, Jamie
Scott, Naya
Sewani, Faiza
Shanahan, Danielle
Sharp, Aaron
Sharpe, Alexa
Sharpe, Kyla
Shin, Eun Gyeong
Siaki, Paul
Silva, Alejandra
Sisson, Neil
Skaropoulos-Chase, Stephanie
Smith, Karlygush
Snowden, Tyler
Sonoda, Robert
Stenzel, Melissa
Stratton, Seth
Subia, Mazie
Swanson, Kris
Tagami, Brett
Talcott, Taylre
Tammen, Anastasia
Thomas, Imani
Toia, Sammi
Toland, Jacob
Toland, Jordan
Tong, Bernice
Townley, Nina
Tran, Michael
Valdovinos, Salvador
Valdovinos, Sergio
Valenzuela, Mark
Vega, Lauren
Vega, Sara
Villa, Ben
Viloria, Lauren
Viloria, Maria Kristina
Vu, Julie
Waldron, Roshini
Washington, Kamila
Waters, Taylor
Watts, Joshua
Weigley, Jennifer
Wellmer, Chelsea
West, Morgan
West, Tristan
Whitaker, Diallo
Williams, Ronald
Wimbish, Jaylen
Wood, Jessica
Wright, Morgan
Zavala, Jose
Zavala, Marisol
from the
discipline office
Ms. Yvette Vigón - Vice Principal - ext. 231
Mr. Lee Flores - Dean of Men - ext. 232
Student Drop-off and Pick-up: Thank you for your cooperation with the Student Drop-off
and Pick-up procedures. The Traffic Division of the Torrance Police Department and Bishop
Montgomery HS appreciate your efforts in keeping our students and our community safe.
Please continue to drop-off your student at the drop-off zone located in the parking lot
adjacent to the school. Students who get off a vehicle on a non-drop-off zone may be
subject to a disciplinary violation. In addition, please refrain from dropping off students
on the street in front of the school or on the parking lots of our neighboring businesses.
They will appreciate your courtesy. Lastly, between 7:30-7:50AM the traffic flow on
Torrance Blvd. is heavier. Unfortunately, the heavy traffic flow makes it difficult for
parents coming westbound on Torrance Blvd and parents trying to exit the campus.
Please note that you can avoid the traffic and the last minute rush by dropping-off
your student 10-20 minutes earlier, especially on Friday. Once again, thank you for
patience and cooperation. Lastly, in the interest of your student’s safety, please
refrain from dropping of your children in the middle of the street. Many concerned
parents and members of the community have called the school to report that
students are being dropped off in the middle of Palos Verdes Blvd. and Henrietta St.
We encourage you to drop off your children on campus. However, if you choose to
drop off your student on a neighboring street, safely pull over to do so.
Parking On/Off Campus
Parents, please remind your students that they must have their parking placard
hanging on the rearview mirror when they are parking on campus. Students are
required to have a parking permit in order to park on campus.
If your students are parking off-campus, please have them abide by the following
1. Turn down music when entering local neighborhoods
2. Avoid parking on the side streets on Henrietta and Palos Verdes Blvd. (Vehicles are
less visible more susceptible to burglary)
3. Do not leave any valuables visible.
4. Do not block residential driveways and do not park too close to the trash cans on
trash collection days.
5. Do not throw any trash on the street.
Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated.
Jackets: Have we forgotten? The ONLY logo jackets acceptable to wear during the school day are
official BMHS jackets or BMHS athletic team jackets. Students wearing logo jackets or jackets with
socially responsible
from the
discipline office
graphics and emblems that are not affiliated with a Bishop Montgomery High School or a
BMHS athletic team will be receiving violations/detentions.
Sweatshirts: BMHS sweatshirts are the ONLY sweatshirts that are allowed. They
DO NOT SHRINK, please purchase a size appropriate for your student. During the 2nd
Semester, Seniors are allowed to wear a non-hooded college sweatshirt of the college
they will be attending.
Prom Time. Prom is just around the corner. As a reminder, “the school does not permit
renting of hotel rooms or other facilities for students’ use for activities pre- or postBishop Montgomery dances. The school does not assume responsibility or liability for
damages, loss of property, or injury caused when such rental agreements are incurred
by students or their parents.” (Parent-Student Handbook, page. 31)
Prom Dress Attire. The dance is formal, Parent-Student Handbook pg. 31.
Gentlemen are required to wear tuxes or suits. Ties are required unless dress shirts
with a mandarin collar are worn. Gentlemen may not wear earrings, sunglasses, hats,
gloves nor may they carry canes.
Ladies may wear one pair of earrings but may not wear sunglasses. Fitted dresses
may not be excessively tight. Dresses should be comfortable for dancing and sitting.
The slit on the dress may not exceed three inches above the knee. Sleeveless and
strapless dresses are permitted provided that the bodice appropriately covers the
chest and back. Backless dresses may not fall below mid-back. Ladies are reminded
that the display of excessive cleavage is inappropriate and unbecoming. DRESSES
Additionally, the dress material which covers the chest to mid-thigh area must be
opaque not transparent (mesh or chiffon style material is not permitted in this area).
Dress shoes are required for ladies and gentlemen. The hotel requires that shoes
remain on at all times while on the premises. Students’ attire should be appropriate,
modest and in good taste.
We live near the intersection of
Western Ave & Palos Verdes Drive
North (behind the Fresh N Easy
Market or Starbucks that are on the
We Want To RideShare as soon as
possible. We are flexible and want
this to be a Win-Win for both our
Vince & Barbara Budrovich
(310) 539-6399
Looking for a morning carpool from
the San Pedro area. We are willing
to pay anyone interested.
Please contact Elaine Reimer
(310) 831-9732
Looking for a carpool from PVE (Via
Cornel). New to the area. Please
call: Mrs. Flores
(571) 215-2828
Mrs. Milana McDermott - Dean of Student Life - ext. 273
Here are some important dates to keep in mind for the month of March:
Blood Drive with Providence Little Company of Mary Hospital
Key Club sponsored our annual blood drive on campus on Tuesday, February 9th. This
is a great way for our Bishop students, faculty and parents to help support important
needs in our local community. Thanks to all the students, faculty and parents who
participated this year.
Club Proposals for 2010-2011
Bishop’s active club program continues to be a great way for students to become
more involved at student life. Club proposals for the 2010-2011 school-year will
be accepted this spring. Both existing clubs and new clubs can submit proposals.
Further details on dates and deadlines will be given in morning announcements.
Spring Spirit Week
The Bishop community celebrates Spring Spirit Week March 1st - March 5th. This
is a week filled with great ways for our students to show their school spirit at
class color day, black & gold day, our first annual Lunchtime Concert in the Park
and a final all-school celebration that brings the whole community together.
Show your spirit, Knights!
Applications for 2010-2011 ASB and Class Officers
This is an important time as students select their student government leaders
for the next school year. Student government provides an excellent opportunity
for students to hone leadership skills and take an active role in their school
community. Please encourage your students to run for an office and get more
involved in their school next year.
All elected officers will be required to participate in the summer leadership
training and planning meetings June 9th-16th. Students are invited to stop by the
Activities Office for more details.
ASB OFFICERS: Elections for ASB Officers will take place during period one on
Wednesday, March 10th. Applications will be distributed during a lunch meeting on
Wednesday, February 24th in the Activities Office. Applications are due on Tuesday, March
socially responsible
CLASS OFFICERS: Elections for Class Officers will take place the week of March 29th. If your student is interested in running
for class office, they should attend a mandatory informational meeting on Tuesday, March 16th. Application packets will be
distributed only at this meeting and will be due on Tuesday, March 23rd.
Spirit Squad Applications for 2010-2011
Is your student interested in trying out for the 2010-2011 Spirit Squad? If so, there is a mandatory meeting on Thursday, March
18th in the Activities Office. Both new and returning members are required to attend. Applications will only be distributed at
this meeting, so don’t miss out! Applications are due on Thursday, March 25th.
There are many upcoming activities this spring for all Knights! Please encourage your students to participate in these upcoming
events. Their involvement in these activities makes for great high school experiences and wonderful memories for years to
graduation 2010
Each graduating senior will be allotted seven graduation tickets for the Friday, May 28 ceremony. These tickets will be
distributed on Wednesday, May 19 at graduation practice and cannot be replaced if lost. The seven tickets will be for seats
in the bleachers. ALL guests attending Bishop Montgomery’s graduation ceremony will be required to present a ticket at the
gate for admission. Additional tickets for the ceremony are not available from the school and should be obtained from other
seniors who may not need all of their allotted tickets.
Please do not contact any of the school offices for additional tickets.
The bleachers will open for seating at 11:30am on graduation day, May 28, for ceremony seating. All persons, regardless of age,
must present a ticket to enter the bleachers. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
A canopy tent with seating will be available in the north end zone of the field (side view of ceremony) for guests who are
in wheelchairs, who may have difficulty climbing stairs, or who need shade during the ceremony. Faculty members will be
available at the tent to assist guests before, after, and during the ceremony. To obtain a ticket for tent seating, graduates may
exchange one or more bleacher tickets in the front office after graduation practice on May 19. Seating will be limited under
the canopy and we request that only guests requiring this special seating utilize this service. Tickets will be available for
exchange in the front office on a first come, first served basis.
Questions? Please call Dione Dierks at 310.540.2021, ext. 244.
Mr. Andy Marafino - Director of Development & Alumni - ext. 246 - development@bmhs-la.org
Mrs. Dione Dierks - Assistant Director - ext. 249 - ddierks@bmhs-la.org
Mrs. Amy Traxler - Assistant Director - ext. 249 - atraxler@bmhs-la.org
The Black & Gold Night “New York, New York” fundraiser on Feb.6 was a great success.
Over 250 parents, alumni, friends, faculty and staff joined us for a night of dinner,
dancing, live and silent auctions and Hall of Fame inductions at the Manhattan Beach
Marriott. Thanks to the generous support of those in attendance, the evening was a
profitable one for BMHS and the proceeds will go towards Bishop’s tuition assistance
program and new and on-going campus improvements.
Special thanks to the many, many people in our Bishop community who made this
Black & Gold Night our best yet with donations to our silent auction, solicitations
to friends, employers, and local businesses for auction donations, and for the
volunteering of their time and talents before and during the event. This year,
over 75 of our BMHS families will receive tuition credit for the 1,095 PSI hours
they offered, in the above-mentioned ways, to help guarantee the success of
“New York, New York.” Next year, can we count on you, too?
Did you make a donation to Black & Gold Night? If your donation totaled less
than a full semester’s worth of hours ($150 = 10 hours), you or your student
must bring your PSI hours form to the Development Office to have the amount
of hours equivalent to the value of your donation signed off. The Development
Office cannot directly credit hours with the tuition office unless they are for a full
semester’s worth of hours. Partial hours will only be credited on the PSI form.
Also, if your donation was valued at one semester’s worth of hours plus a few
additional (i.e. $180 = 12 hours), you have been credited for one full semester’s
hours, but need to have the remaining partial hours signed off by the Development
Office on your PSI hours form. Questions??? Call the Development Office at ext 249.
socially responsible
We would like to thank the following for helping persons and businesses for making this year’s Black & Gold Night a
resounding success:
Event Sponsors
The following persons and businesses
assisted us in underwriting this event
with monetary, product, or service
Ms. Julie Blumfield
Ms. Lisa Burns
Mr. John Hong
Josten’s – Mr. & Mrs. John Zavala
Mrs. Irene Kosidlak
Ms. Pamela Light
See’s Candies – Ms. Donna Gamble
Shanahan Printing & Graphics, Inc.
Ms. Lori Toia
Ms. Pamela Martis
Big Apple Benefactors
The following persons and businesses
assisted in underwriting this event with a
monetary donation or with the purchase of
an ad in the evening’s program:
* We thank these patrons for also making a
donation(s) to our silent auction.
American Martyrs Catholic Church
The Areyan Family
The Arnett Family
The Bender Family
The Berry Family
Bishop Joseph Sartoris
BMHS Cross Country Team
The Campbell Family
The Carver Family
Del Amo Construction
The Diab Family
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Distaso
Mrs. Kathy Dieter
The Forney Family
The Hammerle Family
Head to Toe Physical Therapy
The Hinshilwood Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kidwell
The Lau Family
Mr. Rob McGarry *
Plaza Del Amo Animal Hospital
The Randazzo Family
The Salisbury Family
The Scott Family
The Spain Family
St. James Church
St. Joseph High School
St. Lawrence Martyr Church
The Traxler Family
The Vegher Family
The Vezzuto Family
Vincent’s Painting Co.
The Yanko Family
The following persons and businesses
donated items to our live and silent auctions
and/or Big Apple Balloon Burst:
Fassil Abebe
Ace Party Rents
Amuse Music
Anaheim Marriott
Aquarium of the Pacific
Mark & Lisa Athan
BeachSports Surf and Beach Camps
PCH SK8 Camps
Behind the Wheel Driving School
Benedetti Family
BMHS Boosters
Boulevard Wholesale Florist
The Bower Family
Sonya Broom-Wimbish
Derek & Terri Brown
Budding Artistes
Burger King
The Burschinger Family
Javier Cano
Capellino Family
Captain’s Treasure Chest Jewelry
The Capulong Family
Children’s Discovery Museum of the Desert
Civic Light Opera of South Bay Cities
- Hermosa Beach Playhouse
CKE Restaurants, Inc.
CMS Design Portraitures
Creative Cakery
Crowne Plaza Hotel
The De Guzman Family
The Discipulo Family
Don Wilson Builders/Susan Raya
Doubletree Hotel South Bay - Torrance
Dream Dinners
DreamWorks Animation
The Driskill Family
Emerald Transportation & Limousine Service
EXXonMobil Corporation
The Fabbri Family
The Fisher Family
Ford Theatre Foundation
Friar Tux
Friends of Bishop Montgomery
Gable House Bowl - Laser Storm
Michael and Elizabeth Galindo
Garden Fresh Restaurant Corp.
Billy and Teresita Garfield
Virginia Gonzales
Good Stuff Restaurants
Grad Images
The Griss Family
Charles and Christina Grove
Guiliano’s Delicatessan
Jerry and Cathy Hall
Greg and Ann Hambly
Hennessy’s Tavern
Hof’s Hut
Holiday Inn - Torrance
Michael Hopkins, DDS
The Hugo Family
The Huntington Library, Art Collections,
and Botanical Gardens
Lilibeth Ilar
In-N-Out Burger
The Ireland Family
Island’s - Manhattan Beach
Greg & Angelica Jaquez
Joey Ikemoto Photography
Kim Johnson-Woods
Danielle Kithcart
La Palma Skin and Body Care
Dale and Marie Larson
Laugh Factory
Lifetouch Prestige Portraiture
Lomeli’s Restaurant
Los Angeles Dodgers
Los Angeles Kings Hockey Club
Los Angeles Lakers
Regina Lozano
Lumens Flashlights
The Magalona Family
Manhattan Beach Marriott
Mary M Photography
Peter Mazzella, DDS
Rob McGarry & Dr. Erin Hamilton
The Mercado Family
Doris and Greg Morton
Museum of Tolerance
Anita Neumann-Kavanaugh
Norris Community Theater
Victor Nunez
Pacific Park
Paintball USA
The Palacios Family
Paradise Restaurant
Pasadena Playhouse
Paul Henry Family - AON Risk Services
Paul’s Photo
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Platinum El Paseo
Portofino Hotel & Yacht Club
QT Technology, Inc.
Quest College Counseling
Debby Rhilinger
Riviera Fitness Club
Roclord Studio
Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation
Round Table Pizza
Ruby’s Diner
Sammy’s Woodfired Pizza
Santa Monica Playhouse
Sea World
Shade Hotel
Shamrock Tutoring
Sizzler Forbco Management Corp.
Tangee Smith-Hill
Sony Pictures Studio Tour
South Bay Galleria
St. James School
The Stenzel Family
Sweet Serenity Day Spa
The Comedy & Magic Club
The Lakes at El Segundo
The Original Red Onion
The Toia Family
Torrance Costco
Torrance Marriott
Ultra Lux Salon and Lounge
Universal Studios
Haley Van de Mark
The Villafana Family
Villa Hermosa Plant Shop
Wild Rivers Water Park
Diane Wise-West
The Wofford-Rizzo Family
Melia Womack
Zoological Society of San Diego
Event Volunteers
The Development Office would like to thank
the following persons for their help and
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Abrahams
Ms. Suzanne Anderson
Ms. Georgina Baquet
Mr. Doug Bell
Ms. Evelyn Cabrera
Ms. Christine Collette
Ms. Christina Grove
Ms. Sandra Gryder
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Hagmaier
Mr. Alex Haro
Ms. Cheryl Hugo
Ms. Almaz Legesse
Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Linayao
Ms. Patti Loehr
Ms. Cathy Magula
Ms. Judi Maylone
Ms. Amy Meyer
Ms. Jo Montoya
Ms. Lynn Norton
Ms. Elizabeth Penazola
Ms. Megan Pollard
Mr. Steve Rios
Ms. Linda Schwarzkopf
Ms. Samishai Scott
Ms. Colleen Shinn
Ms. Mary Simon
Ms. Eileen Sisson
Ms. Debbie Skelley
Mr. Steve Miller - Assistant Principal - ext. 241
Mr. Kareem Mutrie - Director of Athletics - ext. 255
Ms. Alexa Johnson – Director of Athletics – ext. 269
Come out and support our Spring Sports!
Spring Coaches
Varsity Head Coach: Andy Marafino
Asst. Coach: Eric Fuller
Asst. Coach: Brian Monreal
Asst. Coach: Rich Petroshanoff
JV Head Coach: Ryan Skelley
Asst. Coach: Thomas Reid
Asst. Coach: Drake Munoz
Boys Tennis
Varsity Head Coach: Alex Angel
JV Head Coach: Jason Jones
Asst. Coach: George Monreal
Varsity Head Coach: Jimmy Legaspi
Asst. Coach: Mike Wells
JV Head Coach: Kasey Cowden
Asst. Coach: Daniel Cowden
Boys & Girls Track and Field
Varsity Head Coach: Martin Haynes
Asst. Coach: John Haberstroh
Asst. Coach: Brian Haynes
Boys Volleyball
Varsity Head Coach: Kevin Norman
Asst. Coach: Carrie Rey
Frosh/Soph Head Coach: Liz Hazel
Boys Golf
Varsity Head Coach: Martin VonKanel
Asst. Coach: James McCloud
Boys & Girls Swimming
Varsity Head Coach: Amy Traxler
Asst. Coach: Mary Gilker
March 2010
The next Mothers’ Club meeting will be held on
Monday, March 15th at 7:00 PM in the faculty center. At this meeting:
Mothers’ Club shirts, sweaters, aprons and canvas bags will be on sale.
Junior moms will provide refreshments! If you are a Junior mom, please contact:
Debra Dazet ericandcolinsma@yahoo.com or
Diane Legler diane.legler@ngc.com
Guest Speaker Ms. Donna Carrico , World Financial Group-“Planning for College”
Need PSI hours? Sign Up for the following events:
Spring Undergrad Awards
Volunteers needed to set up, serve refreshments,
and clean up.
Senior Luau
Volunteers needed to serve lunch to our seniors.
Details to follow.
March 30, 2010
April 23, 2010
Teachers’ Appreciation
May 14, 2010
Volunteers needed to serve lunch to our faculty
and administration.
Volunteers must come to the meeting to sign up to volunteer. If you would like to volunteer, but cannot make it to
the meeting, please call after March 15, 2010 to see if there are volunteer opportunities available.
Please feel free to call us if you have any questions
Jane Park bmhsmothersclub@gmail.com
Theresa DiNapoli (310) 529-1028 dinapoli2000@aol.com
Do you know your teenager? Really? Are you willing? Notice what is happening with your breathe and in
your body when you ask yourself these questions.
Are your teenagers listening? Are you listening? Everyone is listening to something. It could be that
endless chatter that goes on in the head. It could be the news. It could be another person.
Students come to the Choices Counseling Office for a variety of reasons. The vast majority of students
would love to be more open with their parents. Why don’t they? Most of the reasons are fear based. “I’m
afraid my mom will judge and criticize me.” “My parents are too busy taking care of us; I don’t want to add
to their problems.” “My dad might think less of me.” “They don’t really listen.” The pressure to fulfill parental
and societal expectations often leads to great anxiety and sometimes depression.
The mind in connection with the heart is infinite in its creativity. This kind of creativity is inspired in the
spaciousness of unconditional listening. Unconditional listening is without agenda. It is without judgment.
It is without criticism. Everyone is changed in this process. It takes great courage to risk that kind of
openness and allow something new to happen in the family.
Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD, Trauma Specialist and Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of
Medicine, states that healing happens when two people move together in tune with each other. The healing
isn’t about specific words it is about noticing the rhythm of another and meeting him or her there.
What does that mean? For example, your daughter attended a party and saw a young man there who
she likes. He didn’t pay much attention to her. You don’t like him, so you are greatly relieved. As a loving,
relieved parent, you let her know that there will be others. In your relief, you may not notice her upset. You
may not notice the change in her breathing when she talks about him. You may not notice that she is less
interested in the things she normally loves. Is it possible to be fully present with her and let her know that
you see that his impact on her is great? Is it possible to be interested in what she sees in him? Is it possible
to stay with her experience long enough to notice what is really happening with her beyond your idea? Is
it possible to talk with her about her experience and listen to her without lecture, lesson, or a piece of your
history? This kind of attunement between two people can alleviate depression, anxiety.
Does this mean that a teenager has permission to do whatever he or she wants to do? No. Does it
mean that a parent cannot say “no”? No, it does not. It is usually on the foundation of loving trust that
effective discipline is built. Without this foundation, discipline is usually ineffective. Ineffective discipline is
often discovered when a parent realizes that the teenager has been saying one thing and doing another.
Unconditional listening is a cornerstone to establish loving trust between two people. Setting clear
boundaries does not include criticism or demeaning conversation. Sometimes that is easier said than done.
So, here is some good news. Dr. van der Kolk also states that the brain grows in the process of repair and
renewal in relationship. Perfection is not required or even desirable. Great news! This news may relieve
the guilt which often accompanies parenting. The repair has many avenues which are only limited by the
creativity of the people involved. Repair could be an apology or forgiveness. It could be a change in attitude
from “I’m right” to “I’m willing to understand.” It could be the willingness to surrender the manipulative aspect
of anger and hurt feelings to the empowerment of vulnerable connection. Everyone makes mistakes. Is
it possible to love yourself and your teenager in the midst of the mistake? Sadness, anger, hurt, anxiety,
depression are just waiting to be transformed to love and appreciation. Let unconditional listening be your
guide. It’s love.
Janet Dion, MA, MFT
Choices Counseling Office
(310) 540-2021, x263
June 18, 2010
• 18 holes of Golf/w cart
• Dinner
• Prizes
• Goodie Bag
Lakewood Golf Course
Entry Fee $130
First 80 golfers
First Tee Time 10:30am
Dinner Only $40
Format: 4-Man scramble
With Handicap
For more information please call Ed Miranda @
email: moraga_ed@yahoo.com
Dinner will be at the course: Lakewood
Dinner starts at 6:30pm
Entry Deadline is June 04, 2010
Make check payable to Ed Miranda
Or Dane Larsen
Send your Entry to: Ed Miranda
15139 Florwood Ave.
@ y
Lawndale, Ca. 90260
A. Marafino 310-540-2021 X-246
email: amarafino@bmhs-la.org
“All donations will go to the Morgan Miranda scholarship at Bishop Montgomery High School”
$130 Per Golfer
Corporate Sponsorship of a Hole –
Donation $150
Family and Friends Sponsorship of a Hole Donation $50
$470 Corporate Sponsorship Foursome
Dinner Only $40
E-Mail or
Phone No.
Mail or
Phone No.
E-Mail or
Phone No.
E-Mail or
Phone No.