January 2016 McNews Online - Bishop McNamara High School


January 2016 McNews Online - Bishop McNamara High School
January 2016
Bishop McNamara’s Family Newsletter
School Closing Policy
 Bishop McNamara High School generally follows the
Prince George’s County Public Schools policy
(www.pgcps.org) in regard to cancellation, late opening
and early dismissal of students. Please listen to local radio
and TV stations for announcements.
 Families should, however, access local media, the
school website or call the school to check for special information regarding BMHS in the event that the school
schedule differs from the decision made by PG County. An
evaluation by the BMHS administration will determine
whether or not after school/evening events will take place
in the event of an early dismissal.
 Unplanned Canceled School Distance Learning: After
two days of cancelled school, one Maroon day and one
Gold day, assignments will be posted on teachers’ websites by 9am for each day thereafter. Students are expected
to work from a distance to maintain the learning process.
These distance learning assignments will be for the classes
scheduled on each day that was canceled, after the first two
Canned Food Drive
Over 7 tons of food collected!
Food and financial contributions were donated to Mount Calvary Ladies of Charity, Bethel House, Inc., Assumption Outreach,
St. Bernadine's Church Food Pantry, Loretta & Mary’s Pantry
and S.O.M.E.
Special thanks to those parent and student volunteers who
helped in the sorting and boxing of canned goods! Thank you
to everyone who contributed to help us bring hope to the hungry this holiday season!
Class of 2015 Graduates Return Day
We are thrilled to invite the class of 2015 to campus for
Graduate Return Day on January 14, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in the
Library. This event will give graduates the opportunity to
reconnect with classmates, teachers, coaches, and the administration of the School. Be sure to wear a t-shirt or sweatshirt
of the college or university you are currently attending.
To register, complete the google doc at:
For further information, please contact Robert Nolte, Director of Alumni Relations at Robert.nolte@bmhs.org or
301.735.8401 ext. 111.
Vol. 25, No. 7
State of the School Address
Join us for the State of the School Address, when
President/CEO Dr. Marco J. Clark ’85 will review
for us the successes of the past year, and guide us
in new initiatives for the next year. Our last 50
years have been extraordinary, but now we look to
the next 50 years to exceed extraordinary!
Join us on January 19th at 6:30 p.m. for Dr. Clark’s
State of the School Address.
RSVP to advancement@bmhs.org we hope to see you and share
in the excitement for our next year!
Junior Commissioning Ceremony
Thursday, January 28th
Mt. Calvary Church at 6:00pm
The Junior Commissioning Service is the important time
when the entire Junior class comes together for a prayer service and celebration ceremony, followed by a reception. Every Bishop McNamara student is a leader, and we challenge
our students to be Christian leaders that strive “to think with
Christ.” Upperclassmen specifically have both the responsibility and the privilege of serving as role models and trailblazers for the student body–and we believe this ought to
begin with prayer and celebration of their gifts. At the ceremony, there will be blessing for all the Juniors and the
McNamara pins which they each will receive. This is also
the opportunity for students with class rings to have them
blessed, as well. Then the Juniors are sent out,
“commissioned,” as the leaders of the school for their final
three semesters. The ceremony is followed by a reception in
the cafeteria, provided by the sophomore class. We strongly
encourage parents/guardians to join us in support and prayer
for their students. Don’t miss this important ceremony in
Mt. Calvary Church at 6:00pm
on Thursday, January 28th!
Second Quarter ends January 22nd!!!
When we return in January, there are only 14 days left in the
quarter. The final day of second quar ter is January 22nd.
Quarter 2 Report Cards will be available
February 2 on Maccess.
Bishop McNamara High School • 6800 Marlboro Pike • Forestville, MD 20747 • 301-735-8401 • http://www.bmhs.org
Holy Cross Mission:
Kairos 32 was held December 2-4 at Loyola Retreat Center. We thank you for keeping these juniors in your prayers!
March for Life and Youth Rally Mass:
On Friday, January 22nd students have the opportunity to attend the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. as
well as the youth rally and Mass beforehand in the Verizon Center. This is an opportunity to stand up for the
respect of all life, from conception until death. Students will leave McNamara at 6:15am and return by 4pm.
The cost is $15, which includes transportation and a ‘BMHS For Life’ winter hat. Students may sign up in Campus Ministry. Forms are due by January 8th.
Students who would like to attend the march with their church group must bring an official note on church letterhead to the Attendance office BEFORE January 22nd in order for the day to be counted as a field trip rather than a
day of absence.
Junior Commissioning Service: This impor tant event for all J unior students is coming up on Thursday, January 28th, at 6:00 p.m. at Mt. Calvar y Chur ch. See the separ ate ar ticle for mor e detailed infor mation!
Check out our Campus Ministry blog at bmhsministry.wordpress.com - each week a couple of students are posting
spiritual reflections for our community!
Our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/bmhsministry) is updated frequently with the morning prayer that is read at
school for the day. Please check it out!
We’re also on Twitter! @BMHS_Ministry
Holy Cross Service
Pre-Approved Service Site Lists can be found on the BMHS website: click on “Faith & Service,” navigate to
“Approved Service Opportunities,” then click on list for the appropriate grade level.
Daily Mass in the Chapel at 7:15am
(please note change in time)
January 6: Feast of St. Andre Bessette, CSC
Liturgy. Parents, friends, and alumni are
always welcome to join us at 8:15 a.m.
January 8: Per mission slips due for the
March for Life
January 20: Anniver sar y of the death of Blessed
Father Basil Moreau, CSC in 1873.
January 22: Mar ch for Life
January 28: J unior Commissioning Ser vice
at 6 p.m.
Feb 5: Senior Retreat
Black History Month Assembly
Catholic Schools Week
4pm Report Cards on Maccess (Quarter 2)
Senior Retreat
Holy Cross Week
Ash Wednesday Prayer Service
Life Day
Birthday of Blessed Fr. Basil Moreau, CSC
11-14 Romeo Center Urban Challenge
12-15 NO CLASSES—Winter Break
FADE Senior Showcase
Father/Daughter Dance
24-26 Kairos 33
Talent Show
Quarter 3 Progress Reports on Maccess
Contact Rosemary Pezzuto at info@campfireusa-patuxent.org or check out www.campfireusapatuxent.org for more information.
 The following opportunities are available for teens to complete service projects during the
Christmas week. go to http://bit.ly/tiadecjanservce15 to sign up for activities.
 Do not forget to bring your gifts for needy children or low income seniors. Ideas attached-Put in box in lobby or bring to room 205 (SEE FLYER ON LAST PAGE)
Make sure you check link.
Monday Dec 21st--Help wrap holiday gift for children at the Camp Fire Office in Greenbelt--9-1 bring 5 dollars for Pizza
Tuesday- Holiday party for children living in homelessness. Afternoon. bring cookies or cupcakes for the
Wednesday--Opportunity for a group of teens to go to A senior center to talk about activities we can plan
with seniors for the Spring 11-130 bring a brown bag lunch.
Thursday Dec 24th--Deliver Holiday gifts to families. I need some parents to help drive to the delivery
Second Semester Tuition Payment
Due January 15, 2016
 Semester Tuition Payments due January 15, 2016. This
is last day to pay second semester tuition in full and
receive a $50 discount. You may pay on-line at
www.bmhs.org. Select Business Office under Quicklinks.
Then select Online Payments.
 Students may not attend second semester classes if any
tuition for the first semester is outstanding.
 For questions or concerns about your child’s tuition account, please contact mary.gessner@bmhs.org
BMHS Financial Aid Applications
2016-2017 School Year
Deadline was December 15, 2015
Any applications submitted/completed after December 15,
2015 will be considered in the SECOND round of allocations
in the spring, if funds remain available. Families requesting
consideration for financial aid must apply online and submit
the necessary supporting documentation directly to FACTS
Grant & Aid Assessment. The online application is available
at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3FS09. Paper applications are not available. Supporting documents may be faxed
to 866-315-9264 or mailed to:
FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment
PO Box 82524
Lincoln, NE 68501-2524
2016-2017 Tuition and Fees
Will be included in the February McNews along
with information on re-registration, other fees and
payment plans.
Please note: The re-registration fee of $300 for
2016-17 returning students is due before March
10, 2016; after 3/10/16, the re-registration fee
increases to $400.
Parent Volunteer Service Opportunities
Volunteer Service Hours Coordinator: Alice Case 301735-8401 x122 or alice.case@bmhs.org
Concession Stand Workers: Volunteer s needed to wor k
at basketball games. Call Diane McDuffie at 202-398-7846.
Moreau Scholarship Exam: J anuar y 16th. 7:30am1:00pm. Volunteers needed as host/hostesses. Call Patricia
Garber at 301-735-8401 x113.
Phonathon: Volunteer s needed 6-9pm on Monday March
7th, Tuesday March 8th, Wednesday March 9th. and Thursday, March 10th. Earn 5 hours of service for each 3-hour
shift. Light dinner and training provided. Contact Alice
Case at 301-735-8401 x122 or
The Dance Program is in need of parent volunteers.
We have 4 committees: Fundraising, Communication, Performance, and Costume. If you are interested in helping
out in any of these areas please e-mail us dance@bmhs.org.
Parent Club Opportunities
Volunteers needed for: Mother Son Brunch If you’re
interested in helping plan the Mother Son Brunch, please
contact us at parentsclub@bmhs.org.
Mother Daughter Brunch Committee: If you’re interested in helping plan the Mother Daughter Brunch, please
contact us at parentsclub@bmhs.org.
Parents’ Club Meeting
Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM
For more information, check out the Parents’ Club link
at www.bmhs.org!
Driver's Education Class
January 4th through January 15th
Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors
Passport to the Future Award
A grant is made to the Bishop McNamara High
School Social Studies department to provide a U.S.
passport for up to six (6) deserving students in
their senior year who are in good academic standing.
A qualified candidate:
 Does not hold a current valid U.S. passport or
whose valid passport is due to expire by December 31, 2016
 Is in good academic standing (not less than a C
average at the end of the first semester) in
course of Global Studies, including Honors
 Meets all passport application deadlines
 Completes an award-winning 300-word typed
essay that makes a compelling case for why
they want a passport and how they intend to
use it. The essay should be submitted by
deadline to Mr. Pozniak or Mr. Williams.
3:15pm - 6:30pm; Fee: $350.
Register at http://www.gregsdrivingschool.net
Mustang Shop online
Parents, Grandparents!!! check out our great deals.
The Mustang shop is having an after Christmas
January 2016. Get savings from 15% to 50% on
Nike Hoodies, Nike T-Shirts, Men's and Women's Fleece Jackets, Kid's Hoodies, Nike Polo's and
many more selected items. Don't wait, check us
out onwww.bmhs.org and click on the Store page
in the lower right corner.
Labels for Education
The Parents’ Club is collecting labels from Campbell products to earn free merchandise for McNamara. Please contact
Sandi Hodges at 301-868-2402 with questions. Collection
box is located in the main office.
Post Cereals are also now a Label for Education partner.
Father/Daughter Dance
February 20th
Mother Daughter /Brunch
March 12th
Father/Son Breakfast
March 19th
Mother/Son Brunch
April 16th
For more information, Email us at
Catholic Schools Week
February 1st-5th
Holy Cross Week
February 8-11
Attention Class of 2018 Ladies
All 10th grade girls must have a current physical on
file in the nurse’s office in order to participate in
their second semester PE 2 class. E-mail
nurse@bmhs.org with any questions.
Monday, January 11th, at 6:30PM
Fine Arts Theater
Basketball Games
Although Bishop McNamara students with a valid school
ID can enter free, there is a $5.00 charge per person for
others to come to home basketball games.
Get a Sports Pass Package
Contact Diane McDuffie at (202) 398-7846 (before 8PM)
$30 Sports Pass Package: 7 passes and goodies
$65 Sports Pass Package: unlimited home games &
Please note: pass is non-transferable
Counselor Corner
PSAT Test Results: Students will be receiving an e-mail from College Board with
their PSAT score results in the next few
weeks. The e-mail will include instructions
on accessing the online test scores. Counselors will meet with freshman, sophomore
and junior students after Christmas break to
distribute printed score reports and the actual test booklets. Please review the scores
with your students and call your child’s
counselor with any questions.
Second Semester Schedule Change Policy:
Any “drop class” or “add class” schedule
changes for 2nd semester must first be approved by the teacher and/or guidance
counselor. A letter from a parent and a $40
fee must be submitted to the Counseling
Center before the change can be finalized.
All changes should be submitted by January 15, 2016.
Ms. Di Clemente (freshmen): x145 or
Mr. Jones (sophomores): x143 or
Ms. Owens (juniors): x146 or
Ms. Treichel (seniors A-L): x140 or
Ms. Auchmoody (srs K-Z): x144 or
Support McNamara’s Annual Fund
Combined Federal Campaign—#62489
MD State Employees and Retirees—#6137
United Way—#8895
BMHS Fine Arts Scholarships for
applicants to the Class of 2020
Auditions will be on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday
January 4-6, 2016 from 3:30 - 6pm in the Fine Arts
No experience or preparation needed.
Performances will be held on March 18, 19 & 20, Need
more info? email: Mary.MitchellDonahue@bmhs.org
Information available online www.bmhs.org
Registrations for scholarship appointments/ portfolio submissions are open now thru January 8, 2016
Saturday, April 16
BMHS Fine Arts Theatre, 10am - 6pm
Students in grade 5 - 8 will participate in workshops on
acting, singing, dancing, and theatre technology. Participants will perform in a Showcase audience of friends
and family, starting at 5pm. More information and the
Registration Form can be found at: https://
Friday, January 29th - $205.00
The Importance of Being Earnest
By Oscar Wilde
Music Trip 2016 UPDATE
Late January
Contact your music teacher
if you have any questions.
FADE Colloquium #4
Alan Binstock
Thursday, January 14th, 2016; 7:00 p.m.
Fine Arts Theater
Free and Open to the Public!
We hope to see you there!
Alan Binstock was born and raised in the Bronx. His formal fine arts education began in New York's High
School of Music and Art, followed by undergraduate studies at Hunter College. After teaching Fine Arts in a
South Bronx Junior High School, and a year of travel, he settled in Boulder, Colorado, developing sculpture
and jewelry of wood, stone, silver and deer antler. His work at the time was greatly influenced by the amorphous forms of Jans Arp and Henry Moore. While working at Quest Foundry, he was exposed to all phases of
wax modeling, bronze casting and finishing. At this time he became a student of Yoga, later a teacher and director at the Boulder Integral Yoga Institute. This pursuit was continued at the Satchidananda Ashram in Connecticut. Mr. Binstock worked as a carpenter, building homes, and later as a cabinetmaker for a sailboat manufacturer, learning about finely crafted details. A four-year graduate program at the University of Maryland
School of Architecture gave him a new perspective in three dimensional design. He has worked for many years
as a Registered Architect and Project Manager in several area firms and at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. This ongoing education in construction methods and materials, and his studies in Yoga continue to inform
his sculpture and challenge his aesthetic directions.

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