View - Kerala PSC


View - Kerala PSC
SINCE 1985
Vol. 25
PSC Bulletin, Official Publication of Kerala Public Service Commission
Issue 21
July 1, 2014
Page 24
1000 tNm-tZym-Øc- ß
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C≥-d¿-hyq- t{]m-{Kmw- Pq-sse 2014
Call Centre: 0471-2554000
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ap≥ ]n.-Fk
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9˛6˛2014\v- A¥-cn-®p. am[-ya-{]-h¿ØI-\pw, tIcf IuapZn FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬
t_m¿Uv AssU- z - k - d p- a m- b n- c p- ∂ p.
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bqWn-b≥ cwKØpw kPo-ha
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H‰ØhW cPn-kvt-{Sj≥t^m-t´m- kw-_\v-[n-® \n¿-t±i߃1.-1.-2012 ap-X¬- {]m-_-ey-Øn-ep-≈- h-¨-˛-ssSw- c-Pn-kv-t{S-j≥,- I- Ω o- j - s ‚- Hu- t Zym- K n- I - sh- _ v- s sk- ‰ m- b
w w hgn- \SØn-btijam-Wv- DtZymKm¿-∞n-Iƒ- hn-hn-[ Xkv-Xn-IIƒ-°m-bn- At]£ ka¿-∏nt°≠Xv.- t^m-t´m- A]vt- em-Uv- sNøp-tºmƒ- ]co-£m¿-XY
v- nIƒ- Xm-sg ]dbp-∂ Im-cy-߃- {]tXy-Iw- {i≤n-t°≠Xm-W.v 1.- t^m-t´m-Iƒ- 31.-12.-2010 \p-tijw- FSp-ØXpw- t^m-t´mbn¬- DtZym-Km¿-Xv-Yn-bp-sS t]cpw- t^m-t´m FSp-Ø XobXn-bpw- ]Xn-®n-cn-°p-Ibpw- thWw.
2. ]co-£m¿-XvYn-bp-sS ap-Jhpw- tXm-fp-Ifp-sS ap-Iƒ-`m-Khpwhy-IX
-v am-bn- ]Xn-™n-cn-°Ø° hn-[Øn-ep-≈ ]m-kt-v ]m¿´v- sskkn-ep-≈ If¿-/ªm-°v- & ssh‰v- t^m-t´m-bm-bn-cn°Ww.3. -shfp-ØtXm- Cfw- \n-dØn-tem- D≈ ]iv-Nm-ØeØn¬Cfw- \n-dØn-ep-≈ hkv-{Xw- [cn-®v- FSp-Ø t^m-t´m-bmbn-cn-°Ww.4.- ap-Jw- t\scbpw- ]q¿-Æam-bpw- t^m-t´m-bp-sS a≤y-`m-KØv]Xn-™n-cn-°Ww.v- am-bn- Im-WØ° hn-[Øn-em-bn-cn-°Ww.5.- IÆp-Iƒ- hy-IX
6.- A]v-tem-Uv- sNøp-∂ t^m-t´m-Iƒ- 200 ]n-Iv-sk¬- h x
150 ]n-Ivs
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K B ^b¬ sskkn¬- A[n-Icn-°m-ØXp-am-bn-cn-°Ww.7.- k¨-•m-kv,- sXm-∏n- F∂n-h [cn-®v- FSp-ØXpw- ap-JØns≥-d Hcp- hiw- am-{Xw- Im-WØ°hn-[ap-≈Xpw- ap-Jw- hyIv-Xa√m-ØXp-am-b t^m-t´m-Iƒ- kzo-Im-cy-a√.
8.- ""aXm-Nm-cØn-s≥-d `m-Kam-bn- sXm-∏n-/in-tcm-hkv-{Xw- [cn®v- FSp-Ø t^m-t´m- a‰v- \n¿-t±ißf\p-kcn-®m-sW¶n¬kzo-Im-cy-am-Wv.-
hcn°mcpsS {i≤bv°v
68413 hscbp≈ hcn°mcpsS Imemh[n Pqsse 1
e-°tØmsSbmWv Ahkm\n°p∂Xv
hcnkwJy (\qdpcq])
aWn-tbm¿U-dmbn Abt°≠ hnemkw:
]ªn-Iv- dn-tej≥-kv- Hm-^o-k¿,tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-ho-kv- IΩnj≥,]´w- ]m-ekv- ]n.-H., Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cw-˛695004
h-cn-°m¿- _p-≈-‰n-≥ kw-_-‘n-®v- I-sØ-gp-Xp-tºm-gpwt^m-¨- sN-øp-tºm-gpw- _p-≈-‰n-\n-s‚- te-_-en-ep-≈k-_v-kv-ss{I-_¿- \-º¿- Ir-Xy-am-bn- kq-Nn-∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.-
{io.- Atim-I≥- Ncp-hn¬ ˛ sNb¿-am≥
saº¿-, tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥
tUm.- sI Dj
saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥
tUm.- Po-h≥- Fw- sI
saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥
AUz.- hn- Fkv- lco-{µ\m-Yvsaº¿, tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥
{io.- ]n- in-hZm-k≥saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥
]ªnIv dntej≥kv Hm^ok¿
{io.- F≥- kµo-]v-, t^m¨ : 0471 2546368 OR 9446412483
k¿°ptej≥ (]n.B¿.bqWn‰v): 0471 2546270
Kk‰v hnPvRm]-\Ø
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Db¿∂/XØp-ey tbmK-yX
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aptJ\ At]£ ka¿∏n-∏n-°p-∂X
- n-\p≈ am¿§ \n¿t±-iw.
H‰-Øh-W- c-Pn-kv-t{S-j-\n-eq-sS- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fp-sS- A-t]-£-Iƒ- kzo-I-cn-°p-∂-Xn\m-bn- {]-kv-Xp-X- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fp-sS- kv-s]-jy¬- dqƒ- \n-jv-°¿-jn-®n-´p-≈- tbm-Ky-XIƒ- B-Wv- Dƒ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈-Xv.- hn-⁄m-]-\-Øn¬- \n-jv-°¿-jn-®n-´p-≈- tbmKy-X-Iƒ- C-√m-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- A-t]-£- k-a¿-∏n-°p-tºmƒ- ineligible bu
tton B-bn-cn-°pw- Zr-iy-am-hp-I.- {]-kv-Xp-X- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- ineligible- _-´-Wn-\vXm-sg-bp-≈- why I am ineligible- F-∂- en-¶n¬- ¢n-°v- sN-ø-Ww.- A-t∏mƒ- Zr-iy-amIp-∂- Have Equivalent or higher button ¢n-°v- sN-øp-tºmƒ- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- s{]mss^-en¬- tc-J-s∏-Sp-Øn-b- tbm-Ky-X- H-cp- h-i-Øpw- hn-⁄m-]-\-Øn-se- tbm-Ky-Xa-dp-h-i-Øpw- e-`y-am-Ipw.- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- A-bm-fp-sS- tbm-Ky-X-I-fn¬- \n-∂pw- _‘-s∏-´- tbm-Ky-Xb
- v°
- v- X-Øp-ey- tbm-Ky-X- sX-cs
- ™-Sp-Øv- A-t]-£- k-a¿-∏n-t°≠-Xm-Wv.- G-sXm-cp- tbm-Ky-X-bpw- a-s‰m-cp- tbm-Ky-X-tbm-Sv- Xp-ey-X-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn\p-≈- ku-I-cyw- e-`y-am-Wv.- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- {]-am-W- ]-cn-tim-[-\m-th-f-bn¬- Xp-eyX- sX-fn-bn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.-
The qualification prescribed in the Special Rules for a post is included in
One Time Registration profile. The candidates who do not possess the prescribed
qualification for a post, will see an ‘ineligible’ button while trying to apply for the
post. Then click the ‘why I am ineligible’ link below the ineligible button. Then click
the ‘Have Equivalent or higher’button. The qualification furnished by the candidate
in the profile and the one prescribed for the post will be displayed simultaneously
on the screen. The candidate can select the qualification equivalent to or higher
than the qualification he/she possess, and can apply for the post. Any type of
qualification can be equated. Candidate shall prove equivalency at the time of
verification of certificates.
Xn- c p- Ø v 13˛06˛2014 Xob-Xn-bnse tIcf k¿°m¿ Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v hn⁄m-]\ {]Imcw Im‰-K-dn\-º¿ 246/2014 apX¬ 333/2014 hsc-bp≈ XkvXn-I-I-fpsS hn⁄m-]\w 15˛06˛2014 Xob-Xnbnse _p≈-‰n-\n¬ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-cp-∂p. XkvXn-I-I-fpsS tbmK-y-X-I-tfm-sSm∏w "KS &
SSR Part II Rule 10 (a) ii'' _m[-I-amWv F∂v tN¿Øv hmbn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
2014 Pq-sse- 1
C≥-d¿-hyq- t{]m-{Kmw- Pqsse - 2014
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Bkv-Ym-\ B^o-kv,- Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cwsl. category Name of Post & Dept.
No No
1. 455/10 Higher Secondary School Teacher
Chemistry (Jr & Sr.), Non Vocational
Teacher (Jr. & Sr.) - Kerala Higher
Secondary Education Kerala Vocational
Higher Secondary Education
2. 268/11 Medical Officer (Ayurveda)Assistant
Insurance Medical Officer (Ayurveda)Indian Systems of Medicine/Insurance
Medical Services
3. 39/11 Non Vocational Teacher Biology
(Jr & Sr.) Kerala Vocational Higher
Secondary Education
4. 14/10 Accountant - Kerala Tourism
Development Corporation Limited
Suitability Assessment of PH Candidates
5. 354/13 Higher Secondary School Teacher (Jr)
-Sanskrit NCA - L.C - Higher Secondary
6. 569/13 Higher Secondary School Teacher (Jr)
- English S.R for S.T - Higher Secondary
7. 79/10 Vocational Instructor in Computer
Application - NCA - OBC Kerala
Vocational Higher Secondary Education
8. 225/13 Lecturer in Tamil - NCA –Ezhava Collegiate Education
9. 232/13 Research Assistant (Linguistics)N C A - Ezhava KIRTA D S
10. 422/13 Agricultural Officer (S.R for S.T)
11. 144/11 Maintenance Assistant (Mechanical)Foam Mattings (India) Limited
12. 61/13 Electrician (S.R for S.T) Kerala
State Film Development Corporation
2014 July
sI]n-Fkv-kn- taJem/Pn-√m- B^o-kv,-FdWm-Ip-fw09,10,11
16,17,18 1. 455/10 Higher Secondary School Teacher
Chemistry (Jr & Sr.), Non Vocational
Teacher (Jr. & Sr.) - Kerala Higher
Secondary Education Kerala Vocational
Higher Secondary Education
2. 268/11 Medical Officer (Ayurveda)Assistant
Insurance Medical Officer (Ayurveda)Indian Systems of Medicine/Insurance
Medical Services
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,-Be∏pg
1. 249/12 U.P. School Assistant (Malayalam)
S.R for P.H- Education
2. 260/12 Last Grade Servants (S.R for P.H)-
sl. category Name of Post & Dept.
No No
Various (Suitability Assessment
of P.H Candidates)
3. 259/12 Villageman (S.R for P.H) Revenue
Suitability Assessment of P.H
4. 132/12 L.D.Typist - N.C.C/ Sainik Welfare
Suitability Assessment of P.H
2014 July
sl. category Name of Post & Dept.
No No
Malayalam Medium - NCA P.H Education
191/13 Full Time Junior Language Teacher
(Arabic) UPS NCAEzha/ Billava/Thiyya Education
435/09 Forester (Kannur Circle) - Forest
2014 July
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,-IÆq¿-
1. 476/10 Assistant Time Keeper - Printing
(Suitability Assessment of P.H
2. 507/09 Physical Education Teacher UPS
-Malayalam Medium Education
3. 176/12, Lower Division Clerk (Ex-servicemen
177/12 only)NCA-L.C, Muslim NCC/Sainik
W elfare
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- Imk¿tIm-Sv16,17,18 1. 259/12 Village man (S.R for P.H) -Revenue
Suitability Assessment of P.H
1.08.2014 2. 260/12 Last Grade Servants (S.R for P.H)
3. 39/11 Non Vocational Teacher Biology
-Various Suitability Assessment
(Jr & Sr.) Kerala Vocational Higher
of P.H Candidates
Secondary Education
3. 346/10 Part Time Junior Language Teacher
sI]n-Fkv-kn- taJem-/Pn-√m- B^o-kv,-tIm-gn-t°m-Sv(Urdu) Education
1. 39/11
Non Vocational Teacher Biology
02,03,04 4. 737/12 High School Assistant (Natural
Science) -Malayalam Medium(Jr & Sr.) Kerala Vocational Higher
N C A -P.H -Education
Secondary Education
5. 369/13 Full Time Junior Language Teacher
2. 455/10 Higher Secondary School Teacher
(Arabic) LPS –NCAViswakarma
Chemistry (Jr & Sr.), Non Vocational
– Education
Teacher (Jr. & Sr.) - Kerala Higher
6. 163/12 Physical Education Teacher H.S
Secondary Education Kerala Vocational
-Malayalam Medium (NCA-SIUC N/A.I)
Higher Secondary Education
- Education
3. 268/11 Medical Officer (Ayurveda)Assistant
03,04,09 7. 747/12 Peon/Watchman - Part II - NCA
Insurance Medical Officer (Ayurveda)10,11,16
District Co-operative Bank
Indian Systems of Medicine/Insurance
17,18,23 8. 244/09 Cinema Operator -Information and
Medical Services
Public Relations
31,1.08.14 9. 157/10 Sergeant (Direct & By Transfer)
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,-hb\m-S- v– Various
1 737/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science)
]n.-F-kv.-kn. Adn-bn∏v
H‰-Ø-hW cPn-kvt{S-j≥ (01˛01˛2012) hgn-bp≈ At]-£-Iƒ°v
01˛07˛2014 apX¬ sF.-kn. tiJ-cn-°p-∂-X√
H‰-Ø-hW cPn-kvt{S-j≥ aptJ\ At]£ £Wn-®n-´p≈ XkvXn-IIƒ°v 01˛07˛2014 apX¬ \S-Øp∂ ]co-£-Iƒ°v DtZ-ym-Km¿∞n-I-fn¬
\n∂pw sFU‚n-^n-t°-j≥ k¿´n-^n-°‰v tiJ-cn-°p∂X√. CXn≥
{]Imcw 01˛07˛2014 apX¬ \S-Øp∂ CØcw ]co-£-I-fpsS AUvanj≥ Sn°-‰n¬ sFU‚n-^n-t°-j≥ k¿´n-^n-°‰v D≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-X-√.
sFU‚n-^n-t°-j≥ k¿´n-^n-°‰v Hgn-hm-°n-s°m≠pw t^mt´m AUvanj≥ Sn°‰ns‚ apIƒ `mKØv {Iao-I-cn-®p-sIm-≠p≈ ]pXp-°nb AUvanj≥ Sn°‰v Bbn-cn°pw DtZ-ym-Km¿∞n-I-ƒ°v Uu¨temUv sNøp-∂Xn-\mbn sh_vssk-‰n¬ \¬In-bn-´p-≈-Xv. 04˛07˛2014, 08˛07˛2014 F∂o
Xob-Xn-I-fnse ]co-£-Iƒ°v ]gb coXn-bn-ep-ff AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰pIƒ e`n® DtZ-ym--Km¿∞n-I-ƒ°v AXv D]tbm-Kn®v ]co£ Fgp-Xm-hp∂-Xm-Wv. CØcw AUvan-j≥ Sn°-‰p-Iƒ e`n® DtZ-ym-Km¿∞nIfn¬
\n∂pw sFU‚n^n-t°-j≥ k¿´n-^n-°‰v tiJ-cn-°p-∂-X-√. DtZ-ymKm¿∞n-Iƒ ]co£ Fgp-Xp-∂-Xn\v IΩo-j≥ AwKo-I-cn-®n-´p≈ t^mt´m
]Xn® Xncn-®-dn-bn¬ Im¿Uv lmP-cm-°-Ww F∂pw,- t^mt´m-bn¬ t]cv,
t^mt´m FSpØ XobXn F∂nh D≠m-bn-cn-°-W-sa∂pw D≈ \n_-‘\-I-fn¬ am‰-an-√.
2014 Pq-sse- 1
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
C¥-y≥ knÃw-kv- Hm-^v- sa-Un-kn-≥/C-≥jp-d-≥kv- sa-Un-°¬- k¿-ho-k-kvh-Ip-∏n¬- sa-Un-°¬- Hm-^o-k¿- (Bbp¿-th-Zw-)-/-A-kn-kv-‰-‚ v- C-≥jp-d-≥kvsa-Un-°¬- Hm-^o-k¿- (B-bp¿-th-Zw-)(Im-‰-K-dn- \-º¿- 268/-2011)- X-kv-Xn-I-bpsS- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- ]-cn-tim-[-\,- A-`n-apJw- F-∂n-h- 2014 Pq-sse- 2 ap-X¬- sI.]n.-F-kv.-kn.- B-ÿm-\- B-^o-kv- Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw,- F-d-Wm-Ip-fw- do-Pn-bW¬- Hm-^o-kv- F-∂n-hn-S-ß-fn¬- h-®pw2014 Pq-sse- 7 ap-X¬- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv- doPn-b-W¬- Hm-^o-kn¬- h-®pw- cm-hn-se7 a-Wn-ap-X¬- \-S-Øp-∂p.- D-tZym-Km¿∞n-Iƒ-°v- C-‚¿-hyq- sa-tΩm- A-b-®n´p-≠v.- 25˛-06˛-2014 h-sc- C-‚¿-hyq- satΩm- e-`n-°m-Ø- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-IƒsI.-]n.-F-kv.-kn.- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- Bÿm-\- B-^o-kp-am-bn- _-‘-s∏ i - Z - a m- b - C- ‚ ¿- h yq- sjU- y qƒ
w w F∂- sh-_vssk-‰n¬- \¬-In-bn-´p-≠v.-
C≥-d¿-hyq-hn-s≥-d hn-iZhnhc߃°v - 2014 Pq- s se amkØn-se C≥d¿-hyq- t{]m-{KmwIm-WpI.3
Un-∏m¿-´v-sa≥-d¬- sSkv-‰vK E R A L A PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION
No. DEI (1) 2690/2014/EW
Act, 1976
Panchayat Tests
Dated: 20.06.2014.
The Departmental Tests notified in extra ordinary Kerala Gazette No. 1052 dated
Civil Judicial Test
Kerala Panchayat Manual
Published by the Law Times,
(Act and Rules)
Code of Civil Procedure
Published by the Law Times Cochin-
I Paper
22.04.2014 will be held from 31.07.2014 to 22.08.2014 at the places shown below in
accordance with the Time-table appended to this notification. The tests will be objective type (OMR valuation) except the tests for the IInd class Language Test in
Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada, Minority Language Test in Kannada and Tamil.
Swami Law House Ernakulam &
Law Books Centre Ernakulam
Village Officers Test
Kerala Village Manual
Government Publication only
Excise Test Part - A
The Kerala Abkari Act
B.G.Harindranath, Swamy Law
I & II Papers
House, Ernakulam.
29. Thrissur
30. Kunnamkulam
Revenue Test Paper
Sri. G.Suresh
Sri.George Johnson and
31. Irinjalakuda
32 Chalakudy
33. Palakkad
34. Mannarkad
Sri.Dominic Johnson
35. Ottapalam
36. Alathoor
Revenue Test
Paper – III
37. Chittoor
38. Malappuram
11. Mavelikara
39. Nilambur
12. Chengannur
40. Manjeri
13. Alappuzha
41. Ponnani
14. Haripad
42. Thirur
15. Thakazhi
43. Tenhipalam
16. Cherthala
44. Kozhikode
17. Kottayam
45 Quilandy
18. Pala
46. Vadakara
19. North Paravur
47. Kalpetta
20. Thodupuzha
48 Sulthanbathery
21. Peerumedu
49. Mananthavady
22. Udumbanchola
50. Thalassery
23. Painavu
51. Kannur
24. Ernakulam
25. Kattappana
53 Payyannur
26. Thrippoonithura
54. Kanhangad
27. Moovattupuzha
55. Kasaragod
28. Vaikkom
56. Kavarathi Islands
Revenue Test
Universal Publications, Law Publish
W orkers Rules
2)The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
ing Company Pvt. Ltd, NewDelhi
I Paper
3)The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
(should not be a guide or treatise)
4)The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
allowed upto January 2016 or till the
5) The Employees Compensation
publication of Govt. Book whichever
is earlier.
can be answered by referring to books.
V. Candidates shall bring with them their own text books for answering the papers for
which the use of books is allowed. No candidates will be allowed to share books
with or give books to or take books from any other candidate during the course of
The use of the books containing
“With Books”.
VI. Candidates are not allowed to bring and use calculators, Mobile Phones and other
electronic equipments inside the examination hall.
VII. Any candidate who does not behave properly towards the Chief Superintendents
or Assistant Superintendents or Additional Chief Superintendents of the examination or is found to have had recourse to malpractice of any kind in the examination
hall, will be ejected from the examination hall. The answer script of such candidates are liable to be invalidated. He/she is liable to be debarred from appearing
again for the Departmental Tests of such time as the Commission may decide.
The matter may also be reported to the Heads of Departments and Director of
Vigilance Department, for further action. The same penalty will be imposed on
any candidate who attempts to canvass or influence the Examiner or a Member
The following publications are permitted for reference.
of the Commission or their staff in connection with the examination or on whose
behalf such attempt is made by any other person.
Note: -1 It is the responsibility of the candidates to see by referring to the heading on
Any private publication
the question paper that they get the question paper meant for the test for
which they have applied and to write their Register Number on the top of the
Motor Vehicles
question paper booklets.
Department Test
Law of Motor Vehicles in Kerala
Sri.A.Gangadharan BA, BL
I Paper
Law of Motor Vehicles in Kerala
Sri. G.Suresh for AG Publications,
2 The admission tickets of the Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test-II Paper
Law of Taxes on Motor Vehicles
Department Test
3 Candidates who wish to change their Centre of examination owing to transfer from one station to another may apply for the same on or before 16.07.2014
showing the reason for the change of centre to the Joint Secretary, Depart-
B.A. B.L.
The Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation
and Kerala Jail Officers Test III Paper (practical test) will be issued separately.
Sri. A. K. Avirah, Advocate, Ernakulam
and Sri. Parameswaran Moothath,
II Paper
1) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
those specifically mentioned in the notification to answer the question paper that
will however be permitted in the examination hall for paper that can be answered
Motor Vehicles
Kerala Head Load
IV. Candidates shall not use in the examination hall private publications other than
and Rules by Government amending the codes prescribed in the reference books
(should not be a guide or treatise)
published by Sas Publications,
Act, 1923
notes or commentaries and guides, digest, summaries etc. is prohibited.
Part II – Paper I
Edited by S. Seetharaman Potty and
Book whichever is earlier.
didates will be allowed to use only the text books prescribed in the respective
The constitution of India (Bare Act)
Sri.Dominic Johnson
2016 or till the publication of Govt.
tion hall have been indicated in the Time-table with the words “With Books”. Can-
Account Test (Higher)
Sri.George Johnson and
Ernakulam allowed upto January
III. The question papers that can be answered by referring to books in the examina-
Name of Books
Paper – IV
Admission Tickets can be downloaded from PSC Website. (
Sri.Sugathan, Advocate, Ernakulam
10. Thiruvalla
subjects which are published by Government.
Sri. Sugathan, Advocate, Ernakulam
mental Tests, Kerala Public Service Commission, Thiruvananthapuram - 4
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
2014 Pq-sse- 1
sufficiently early. They will be admitted for the test in the new centre only if
intimation sanctioning change of centre received from the Joint Secretary
Thiruvananthapuram-4 is
produced before the Chief Superintendents of
4 Pointed attention of the candidates is also invited to the revised instructions
Running Sl. No. for
Sl. No. each day
Candidates should hand over to the Assistant
Superintendents their Identification Certificates duly identified by the Head
on the admission tickets.
of the Office or Institution where they are working along with original chalan
receipts remitting examination fee.
5 The candidate should sign against his/her name in the list of candidates at
the time of examination failure to which will result in the invalidation of his/
her answer script.
6 Answer scripts containing any mark of identification will be invalidated.
Candidates should not write their register numbers anywhere in the answer
books except in the space provided for the purpose.
VIII (A) Answer scripts of candidates are liable to be invalidated for violation of
instructions such as
(1) Writing admission tickets number, name or anything else intended to give a clue
to the identity of the candidates on any part of the answer sheet other than the
space specifically provided for writing the admission ticket number.
(2) Failure to write and bubble or failure to write and bubble correctly and distinctly
the admission ticket number & paper code number in the space provided.
(3) Failure or refusal to sign on the proper space against the name of the candidate
in the subject-wise list presented to him/her by the invigilator at the time of examination for obtaining the signature:
(4) Attending
a test for which the candidate had not applied for and not been
admitted vide admission tickets:
(5) Appearing for test at a center other than the one to which the candidate is admitted without obtaining specific sanction from the Joint Secretary;
(6) Bringing unauthorized books into the examination hall irrespective of the fact
whether the candidate has referred to it or not.
(7) Bringing calculators, Mobile phones and other electronic equipments inside the
examination hall irrespective of the fact whether the candidate has used it or not;
(8) Failure to produce Identification Certificate and Admission Tickets duly attested.
(9) Producing Identification Certificate and Admission Ticket bearing no PSC emblem.
(10) Failure to produce original chalan receipt of remitting Examination Fee.
(11) Producing Admission Ticket instead of Identification Certificate.
(B) In the following cases of malpractices reported the answer script of the candidate
will be invalidated and the candidate will be debarred for a minimum period of two
years from appearing for Departmental Test:1. Answering from unauthorized reference books, notes, digests etc.
2. Copying down answers from another candidates script or allowing or aiding or
conniving in copying
3. Using reference books with guide sheets, notes etc. stitched in between folios of
the reference books and
4. Making appeals etc. abusing malignantly institution or person which are irrelevant to the question.
5. Using calculators, Mobile phones and other electronic equipments inside the examination hall.
If any candidate makes any unauthorized correction of the entries regarding
names of center, subjects etc. in the admission tickets, the answer script of the
candidate will be invalidated and he or she will be debarred from appearing for
Departmental Test for a minimum period of three years.
(D) For misbehaving towards the Chief Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents
or any other Inspecting Officers of the Commission or for committing any other
irregularity or improper action not covered by any of the item mentioned in ‘A’,‘B’
and ‘C’ above, the answer script will be invalidated and the candidate will be
awarded such other punishment as deemed fit by the Commission depending
upon the gravity of the irregularity or offence, as the case may be.
Sd/Office of the Kerala Public Service Commission,
Thiruvananthapuram - 4
2014 Pq-sse- 1
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
THURSDAY 31.07.2014
(07:30 a.m to 09:30 a.m) 2 hours
Account Test (Lower) – I Paper
Kerala Service Rules (with
books) Common Paper
Account Test (Lower) for the Ministerial
& Executive Staff of KSEB – I Paper
Kerala Municipal Test – I Paper
II. FRIDAY 01.08.2014
(07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Account Test (Lower) II Paper
Kerala Financial Code Vol.I&II
and Kerala Budget Manual (with
books) (Common Paper)
Account Test (L) for the Ministerial and
Executive Staff of KSEB - II Paper-KFC
09.30 a.m to 10.15 a.m (45 minutes)
Second Class Language Test in
Translation from Tamil to
Malayalam (Part A Written)
Second Class Language Test in
Translation from Kannada to
Malayalam (Part A Written)
III. MONDAY 04.08.2014
(07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Account Test (Lower) III Paper
Kerala Account Code Vol.I (with
books) and Introduction to the
Indian Government Account and
Audit V Edition except chapters
12, 26, 27, 28 & 29 (without books)
Account Test for Executive Officers
Kerala Financial Code Vol. I and II
-I Paper
Kerala Account Code Vol.I &
Kerala Budget Manual Chapter I to
IV, VI & VII (with books)
05.08.2014 (07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Account Test (Lower) IV Paper
Kerala Treasury Code Vol.I&II
and Kerala Account Code Vol.II
(with books)
07:30 a.m to 09:30 a.m
(2.00 hours)
Account Test for Executive Officers- II Paper Kerala Service Rules (with books)
V. WEDNESDAY 06.08.2014
(07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Account Test (H) Part I- II Paper
Kerala Financial Code Vols.I&II
(Common Test for those working in
and Kerala budget Manual (with
PWD and KSEB also)
07.08.2014 (07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Account Test (Higher) Part II- I paper
Introduction to the Indian Govt.
(Common Test for those working in PWD Accounts and Audit V Edition,
and KSEB also)
except Chapters 12, 26, 27, 28 &
29 (without books) the Constitution
of India (with books) and Kerala
Account Code Vol.I (with books)
(07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Account Test (Higher) Part II – II Paper
Kerala Treasury Code Vol.I&II
(Common Test for those working in PWD
and Kerala Account Code Vol.II
and KSEB also)
(with books)
VIII. MONDAY 11.08.2014
(07:30 a.m to 09:30 a.m) 2 hours
Account Test (H) Part II- III Paper
Kerala Service Rules (with books)
(Common Test for those working in
PWD and KSEB also)
12.08.2014 (07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m ) 1.30 hours
Account Test (Higher) Part I – I Paper
Kerala Public Works Account Code
(For those working in PWD and KSEB only) and Kerala Account Code Vol.III
(with books)
Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Tax
Kerala General Sales Tax Act 1963
Test – I Paper
and Rules there under Central
sales Tax Act 1956 etc. (with
Civil Judicial Test – I Paper
India Civil Procedure Code and the
kerala Civil Rules of Practice (with
books) (See instruction III above)
Forest Test for Clerical and Protective
The Kerala Forest Code (with
Staff – I Paper
Kerala Jail Officers Test – I Paper
a) India Penal Code – Chapters
2,3,4,9 and Sections 135, 136,
138, 220 to 225 A, 225 B and 227.
b) Criminal Procedure Code 1973
(Act II of 1974) Chapters I, II, III,
c)Travancore Cochin Prisons Act
(XVIII of 1950) and the Kerala
Prisons Rules
d) Lunacy Act (Central ) (with books)
Kerala State Probation Test Part I – I Paper Indian Penal Code
Departmental Test on Laws Relating to
Motor Vehicles – I Paper ( for members of
the Kerala Transport Services, Kerala
Transport Subordinate Service and Ministerial
Staff of the Motor Vehicles Department)
Local Fund Audit Department Test
(Lower – I Paper)
Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and Central
Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 and
the Kerala Motor VehiclesRules
1989 (with books)
(see instruction III above)
1. Acts and Rules (with Books).
(a) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder.
Kerala Municipal Test- II Paper
Panchayat Test-I Paper
Test on Kerala Police Manual
Departmental Test for the Ministerial
Staff of the Vigilance - I Paper
Kerala Registration Test Part I – I Paper
(b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994
and the Rules thereunder.
(c) The Kerala Panchayat Raj
Act 1994 and the Rules thereunder.
(d) Other Enactments:
(i) The Charitable Endowments
Act and the Rules thereunder.
(ii) The Madras Hindu Religious
and Charitable Endowments Act
and the Rules thereunder.
(iii) The Travancore - Cochin
Hindu Religious Institutions Act.
Panchayat Manual and the
Kerala Municipal Corporation
Manual published by Government
can be used as reference books
as per G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin.
Dated; 9.5.1984.
Kerala Financial Code Vol.I&II
Kerala Account Code/Vols. I and
II and Kerala Budget Manual
(with books)
Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994
and Rules (with Books) excluding
subject specified under Paper III
with specific reference to citizens
charter, Ombudsman, Tributed for
LSGI’s etc.
Note:- Allowed to use Kerala
Panchayath Manual (Act &
Rules) Published by Law Times,
Kerala Police Manual (with
books) (Common Paper)
The Indian Registration Act, The
Kerala Registration Rules and the
Table of Fees as prescribed
Rules and the Table of Fees as
prescribed by the Kerala Govt.
(with books)
Revenue Test – I Paper (with books)
1. Land Acquisition Act – 1894
2. Kerala Land Relinquishment
Act –1958
3. Kerala Survey and Boundaries
4. Kerala Escheats and Forfeitures
Act 1968
5.Kerala Treasure Troves Act – 1968
6. Kerala Requisitioning and
Acquisition of Property Act 1981
7. Kerala Road Fund Act – 2001
8. Kerala Land Utilisation Order –
9. Kerala protection of Paddy
Land and Wet Land Act – 2008
10. National Highway Act – 1956
Note:- Village Manual is permitted
for Revenue Test IV th paper only
07.30 a.m to 09.30 a.m (2.00 hours)
Excise Test Part “A” – I Paper
Abkari Act and Rules and
Notification (with books)
(07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
District Office Manual Test
District Office Manual
Deptl Test for the Staff of the K.P.S.C.
The K.P.S.C. Office Manual
Manual of Office Procedure Test
Deptl Test for the Ministerial Staffof
Manual of Office Procedure for
Vigilance Division – II Paper
use in Offices other than
Deptl Test for the Ministerial Staffof
Secretariat (Common Paper)
Secretariat Manual Test
The Kerala SecretariatOffice Manual
18.08.2014 (07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Agri. Income Tax and Sales Tax – II Paper Agricultural Income Tax Act and
the Rules thereunder (with books)
Civil Judicial Test- II Paper
Indian Limitation Act, The Kerala
Civil Court Act, The Kerala Court
Fee and Suit Valuation Act and
Kerala Stamp Act (with books)
Forest Test ( for Clerical and
Law - The Kerala Forest Act and
Protective Staff) - II Paper
Rules thereunder (with books)
Kerala State Probation Test Part I-II Paper Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
(Act 2 of 1974) Security Section
(Chapter VIII – Sections 106 to
124) Maintenance of Public Order
and Tranquility (Chapter X
Sections 129-132 G.O.Ms 3/76/LA
and SWD dated 5-1-1976)
Departmental Test on Laws relating to
Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation
Motor Vehicle-II Paper (For Kerala
Act, 1976 and Rules made
Transport Service, and Kerala Transport
thereunder (with books)
Subordinate Service and Ministerial Staff
) (see instruction III above).
of Motor Vehicles Department
Local Fund Audit Department Test
General Knowledge, Precis and
(Lower)-II Paper
Panchayat Test - II Paper
Kerala Public Works Department
Test-I Paper
Departmental Test for the Ministerial
Staff of KSEB-I Paper
Departmental Test for the Executive
Staff of KSEB – I Paper
Kerala Registration Test Part I-II Paper
(a) Office Procedure in Local
Fund Audit Office including
Precis and Draft writing.
(b) Principles and Procedure of
Audit of Fund Accounts.
Allied Acts and Rules including
KMBR Registration & Birth &
Death Act 1969, Hindu Marriage
Act 1955, Local Fund Audit Act
1994, Registration of marriages
(common) Rules 2008, Cinema
Registration Act 1958, Local
Bodies Entertainment Tax Act
1961, Public Health Act 1955,
(T.C.), Public Health Act 1939
(Madras) (with books)
Note:- Allowed to use Kerala
Panchayath Manual (Act & Rules)
Published by Law Times, Cochin-11)
Kerala Public Works Department
Code, (with books) (common paper)
Kerala Registration Manual and
Circular Order (with books)
Revenue Test – II Paper (with books)
1. Kerala Government Land
Assignment Act – 1960
2.Kerala Restriction on Transfer
by and Restoration of Lands to
Scheduled Tribes Act – 1999
3. Kerala Scheduled Tribe
(Restoration on Transfer of Lands
and Restoration of Alienated Land
Act – 1975)
4.Kerala Land Conservancy Act – 1957
5. Kerala Land Development Act – 1964
6. Kerala Land Development
Corporation Limited (Special
Powers) Act – 1974
7. Kerala Service Inam Lands
(Vesting and Enfranchisement)
Act – 1981
8. Kerala Highway Protection Act – 1999
9. Kerala Protection of River
Bank’s and Regulation of
Removal of Sand Act – 2001
10. Kerala Stay of eviction
proceedings Act – 2001
11. Kerala Private Forest (Vesting
and Assignment) Act – 1971
12. Sree Pandaravaka Lands
(Vesting and Enfranchisement)
Act – 1971
13. Sreepadam Lands Enfran
chisement Act – 1969
14. Malabar Land Registration
Act – 1895
15. Kannan Devan Hills (Resump
tion of Lands) Act – 1971
16. Scheduled Tribes and Other
Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recog
nition of Forest Rights) Act 2006
07.30 a.m to 09.30 a.m (2.00 hours)
Excise Test Part “A” – II Paper
Prohibition Act and Rules,
Medicinal and Toilet Preparation
Act and Rules, the narcotics
Drugs and Psychotropic
Substance Act 1985 and the
Rules made thereunder by the
Government of India and
Government of Kerala, Spirituous
Preparations, Interstate Trade and
Commerce Control Act and Rules
(with books)
19.08.2014 (07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Criminal Judicial Test-I Paper
Criminal Procedure Code 1973
(Act II of 1974) and the
Travancore Kochi Criminal Rules
of Practices (with books)
Kerala State Probation Test Part II-I paper (a) Probation of Offenders Act,
1958 Central and the Kerala
Probation of Offenders Rules, 1960
(b) Immoral Traffic Prevention Act,
1986 and the Rules framed thereunder.
(c) Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and
the Rules framed thereunder and
(d) Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act 2000
(Central Act)
(e) Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Rules 2003
(State Rules)
(f) Juvenile Justice (Care and
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
2014 Pq-sse- 1
Local Fund Audit Department Test
(Higher)-I Paper
Departmental Test on Code of Criminal
Procedure and Kerala Manual of Office
Procedure for Motor Vehicles Inspectors
in the Kerala Transport Service.
Panchayath Test –III Paper
Kerala Public Works Department
Test- II Paper
Departmental test for the Ministerial
Staff of KSEB – II Paper
Departmental test for the Executive
Staff of KSEB- II Paper
Kerala Registration Test Part II
Revenue Test – III Paper (with books)
2014 Pq-sse- 1
Protection of Children) Amend
ment Act 2006 (Central Act)
(g) Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Rules 2007
(Central Model Rules 2007)
Acts and Rules as described
hereunder (with books).
(a) Constitution of India.
(b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and
the Rules thereunder.
(c) The Court of Wards Act and
Rules thereunder.
(d) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder.
(e) Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994.
(f)The Kerala Local Authorities
Entertainment Tax Act and the
Rules thereunder.
(g) The Kerala Local Authorities
Loans Act and Rules thereunder.
(h) The Kerala Places of Public
Resort Act and the Rules thereunder.
(i) The Public Health Act and the
Rules thereunder.
(j) The Food Adulteration Act and
the Rules thereunder.
(k) The Town Planning Act and the
Rules thereunder.
(l) The Kerala Cattle Trespass Act
and the Rules thereunder.
(m) The Madras Hindu Religious
and Charitable Endowments Act
and Rules thereunder.
(n) The Travancore Cochin
Hindu Religious Institutions Act.
(o) The Charitable Endowments
Acts and Rules thereunder.
(p)The Kerala University Act and
the Statutes thereunder.
(q) The Cochin University Act
and the Statutes thereunder.
(r) The Calicut University Act and
the Statutes thereunder.
(s) The Kerala Agricultural
University Act and the Statutes
(t) The Kerala State Housing
Board Act and the Rules thereunder.
Note:- Panchayat Manual and the
Kerala Municipal Corporation
Manual published by Government
can be used as reference books
as per G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin.
Dated; 9.5.1984.
Criminal Procedure Code 1973
(Act II of 1974) Chapters I to VII,
and Kerala Manual of Office
Procedure (with books)
Acts, Rules, Manuals, Govern
ment Orders/Circulars in respect
of Accounts, Audit (LF,A G, Social)
Budgeting, Store Purchasing,
Public Works Governing the PRIs
and functions transferred to PRIs.
(with books)
Note:- Allowed to use Kerala
Panchayath Manual (Act & Rules)
Published by Law Times, Cochin-11)
Kerala Public Works Account Code
(with books) (Common Paper)
Forest Test (for Executive and Controlling
Staff)-I Paper
Kerala Stamp Act and Rules there
under and Indian Stamp Act in
respect of documents specified in
entry 91 of list I (Union List of the
VII schedule of the constitution of
India and Rules relating to those
documents) (with books)
1. Kerala Land Reforms Act – 1963
2. Kerala Land Tax Act – 1961
3. Kerala Revenue Recovery Act –
4. Kerala Public Accountants Act –
5. Kerala Board of Revenue
Abolition Act – 1996
6. Transfer of Registry Rules – 1966
7. Kerala Plantation Tax Act – 1960
8. Kerala Building Tax Act – 1975
9. Kerala Building (Leases and
Rent Control) Act – 1965
10. Kerala Stamp Act 1959
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
General Law
a. Kerala Forest Act and Rules
b. The Kerala Land Acquisition Act
c. The Boundary Act
d. The Cattle Trespass Act
e. Indian Penal Code Chapters 1
to 5, 9 to 11, 17, 18, 23 and
f. The Indian Criminal Procedure
Code 1973, Chapters 1, 5, 6, 7,
15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27 & 30
Labour Department Test Part I
Plantation Labour Act 1961.
Minimum Wages Act 1948 etc.
and Rules thereunder adminis
tered by Labour Department(with
07.30 a.m to 09.30 a.m (2.00 hours)
Excise Test Part B (Criminal Law)
Criminal Procedure Code 1973
(Act II of 1974), Evidence Act and
Indian Penal Code (with books)
WEDNESDAY- 20.08.2014 (07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Account Test Lower for the Ministerial and Elements of Commercial Accounts.
Executive Staff of KSEB-III Paper
Book Keeping all chapters except
chapters 13 and 15 dealing in
Partnership Accounts and
Company. Accounts respectively,
of the book. Double Entry Book
Keeping by Jamshed R Batliboi.
Criminal Judicial Test – II Paper
The Indian Penal Code (with books)
Kerala Jail Officers Test – II Paper
Sociology, Penology and
Local Fund Audit Department Test
Finances of Local Bodies and
(Higher)- II Paper
Principles of Local Fund Audit,
Principles and Procedure in the
Indian Audit Code and Audit
Manual with special reference to
Local Fund Account. (with book)
Panchayat Test – IV Paper
Constitution 73rd, 74th Amend
ments, Provisions of WritJurisdiction
Cr.PC 1973 – Chapter VI (of
process to compel appearance)
Chapter VII (of process to compel
production of documents)
Chapter X (Public nuisances)
C.P.C 1908 – Section 15 to
20,60,79,80 and order XVI, XXI
RTI Act – 2005, Disaster
Management, Centrally Spon
sored Schemes viz, NREGS,
RInF, SGSY, PMGSY etc. various
Social Security pension, the
Person with disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Right
and Full Participation) Act – 1995,
Decentralised Planning of PRIs,
Five Year Plan with reference to
the functions specified under
Schedule III, IV, V of Kerala
Panchayat Raj Act 1994. Betta
service deliver, Front Office
system, Good Governance, Civil
registration online, Hospital
Kiosks, Environmental Protection
Act 1986. (with books)
Note:- Allowed to use Kerala
Panchayath Manual (Act & Rules)
Published by Law Times, Cochin-11)
Kerala Port Department Test (with books) 1. The Kerala Port Department Manual
2.The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (Act
XV of 1908)
3.The Merchant Shipping Act,
1958 (Act XLIV of 1958)
4. The Indian Light House Act
5. The Madras Minor Ports Harbor
Crafts Rules, 1953
6. Port Conservancy Rules, Port
Pier Rules governing the
W arehousing of goods in the
Government sheds and go downs
at the Port of Travancore-Cochin,
Port Cargo Boats Rules and
Rules for the working of Tugs
“Alappuzha” and “Venad” issued
in Notification No. PWC 4-3496
55/PWC dated 18/10/1955
amended from time to time.
7. Note for the guidance of
Officers in Common Wealth
Countries Overseas, Territories
and the Irish Republic (British
Merchant Shipping and Seaman
Revised). Issued by the Ministry
of Transport 1963.
(i) The Merchant Shipping
(Registration of Sailing Vessels)
Rules, 1960.
(ii) The Merchant Shipping (Tonnage
fee Measurement of Sailing
Vessels) Rules, 1960.
(iii) The Sailing Vessels (Assign
ment of Free Board) Rules, 1960.
(iv) The Sailing Vessels
(Statement of Crew) Rules, 1960
and the Sailing Vessels (Inspec
tion) Rules, 1962.
(v) The Indian Merchant Shipping
(Life Savings Appliances) Rules, 1956
(vi) Merchant Shipping (Dis
tressed Seamen) Rules 1960
(vii) Merchant Shipping (Continu
ous Discharge Certificates) Rules, 1960.
(viii) Mercantile Marine Circulars
issued by the Government of
India from time to time
(ix) Sea Rescue Operations
(x) The Inland Vessels Act 1917
as amended by the Inland vessels
Act 2007
(xi) Kerala Inland Vessels Rules 2010
(xii) International Maritime
Organization structure and functions
(xiii) UN Conventions and
Protocols on maritime law and
(xiv) Coastal Zone Regulation Rules
(xv) Dock workers Safety Rules
(xvi) Marine pollution and oil slicks.
Kerala Registration Test Part III
Miscellaneous Acts etc. (with books)
Forest Test (for Executive and Controlling Law-The Kerala Forest Act and
Staff)-II Paper
Rules thereunder (with books)
Kerala State Probation Test Part II – II Paper Principles of the Probation System
(Probation and related measures
– A publication issued by the
United Nations)
Labour Department Test – Part II
Industrial Disputes Act 1947,
Indian Trade Union Act and the
Rules thereunder administered by
the Labour Department (with books)
Test in Kerala Education Act and Rules
Kerala Education Act and Rules.
THURSDAY 21.08.2014 (07:30 a.m to 09:00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Department Test for the Assistant
1. Electricity Act 2003
Electrical Inspectors in the Electrical
2. Supply codes approved by the
Inspectorate – I Paper (with books)
Kerala State Electricity Regulating
3. Indian Electricity Rules 1956 and
4. Codes prescribed by BIS
Department Test for the Executive Staff
Electricity (Supply) Act. Electric
of KSEB- III Paper
ity Act and Rules, Stores
Accounting Rules, Tariffs and
Revenue Accounting Rules.
Department Test for the Ministerial Staff Electricity (Supply) Act-Chapter I
of KSEB-III Paper
to IV & VI), Stores, Accounting
Rules, Tariffs and Revenue
Accounting Rules.
Department Test for the Employment
Placement work (this will cover
Exchange Procedure-I Paper
placement work including
placement of physically handi
capped) and collections of
employment market information
based on the following chapters in
Parts I, II and IV of the National
Employment Service Manual Vol.
I and II (with the connected E.E
Minutes/Notes/ Amendments etc.
issued from time to time.
Chapters V to XIII, XVI, and XVIII
of Part I and all chapters of Part
Forest Test (for Executive and Controlling
Staff) - III Paper
Kerala Co-operative Test-I Paper
Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test-I Paper
Local Fund Audit Department Test
(Higher)-III Paper
Kerala Municipal Test III Paper
Municipal Departmental Test
Canal Rules Test
and Part IV, NESM (Vol.I) with
relevant portion of NESM Vol.II.
(NESM 1984 edition with
subsequent changes.)
Procedure-The Kerala Forest
Code and Department Rules
(with books)
Elements of Banking.
A Hand book of Kerala Prison
Rules and Kerala Sub Jail Rules.
Book keeping and Accountancy
Act and Rules Special Service
Rules and Standing Orders etc
(with Books) (Common Paper)
Canal Rules and Regulations
(Travancore & Cochin)
Kerala State Housing Board Act and Rules. Kerala State Housing Board Act
1971 (19 of 1971) Kerala State
Housing Board Establishment
Regulations 1977, Kerala State
Housing Board (Maintenance of
Accounts). Rules 1984, Kerala
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
State Housing Board Allotment
Regulation (with book)
Animal Husbandry Department Test
Animal Husbandry Department
Manual (with books)
SC Development Department Test
Hand Book of the Harijan Welfare
(One Paper)
Department (with Books).
Labour Department Test Part III
The Contract Labour Act 1970.
The payment of Gratuity Act 1972
etc. Administered by the Labour
Department (with books)
Agricultural Income Tax and Sales
Book Keeping Theory and
Tax Test-III Paper
7.30 a.m to 9.30 a.m
(2 hours)
Minority Language Test in Kannada
Translation from English to
(Written Test)
Kannada and Translation from
Kannada to English.
Minority Language Test in Tamil
Translation from English to Tamil
(Written Test)
and Translation from Tamil to English
X V. FRIDAY 22.08.2014 (7.30 a.m to 9.00 a.m) 1.30 hours
Account Test (Lower) for the Ministerial and Kerala Account Code Vol. I and
Executive Staff of KSEB-IV Paper
Kerala Treasury Code Volume I
(with Books)
Departmental Test for the Assistant
1. Kerala State Electricity Duty Act
Electrical Inspector in the Electrical
and Rules 1963
Inspectorate – II Paper (with books)
2. Kerala State Electricity
Licensing Board Rules 1973
3. Kerala Cinema (Regulations)
Act 1958 and
4. Kerala Cinema (Regulations)
Rules 1988
Departmental Tests for Employment
Special Scheme and General
Exchange Procedure-II Paper
Instructions (this will cover special
schemes like vocational guidance
Employment counseling occupa
tional research etc.) and Chapters on
(i)Study and development of the
employment Opportunities
(ii) Public Relations and publicity
(iii)Various general instruction
and Inspection and technical
evaluation of employment
exchange based on the following
chapters in Part I and III of
Vol.I and II with
connected EE minutes/notes
amendments and etc issued
from time to time Chapters I to IV,
XIV, XV and XVII of Part I and all
chapters of Part III. NESM (Vol.I
with relevant portion of NESM
Vol. II)
Kerala Co/operative Test-II Paper
Principles of Co-operation and the
Co-operative- Societies Act and
Rules issued thereunder.
Kerala Jail Officers Test-IV Paper
First Aid, Personal Hygiene and
General Sanitation.
Test on Manual of Office Procedure (Police) Manual of Office Procedure (Police)
PWD Manual Test
The Kerala PWD Manual and
Additions/ Amendments to it from
time to time (with books)
Departmental Test on Kerala Head Load
1. Minimum Wages Act, 1948
W orkers Rules (with Books)
2.Payment of wages Act, 1936
3. Workmen compensation Act, 1923
4. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
5. Kerala Head Load Worker
(Regulation of Employment and
welfare) Scheme, 1983
6. Kerala Head Load Worker Act,1978
7. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
8. Kerala Head load worker
W elfare Board Staff (Appointment,
Service conditions, Code and
Conduct) Rules, 2002.
Revenue test - IV Paper
Unified Village Manual
(Unified Village Manual Test)
(with books)
Test in Weight and Measures Act and Rules 1.Standards of Weights and
Measures Act 1976.
2. Standards of Weights and
Measures (PC) Rules 1977.
3. Standards of Weights and
Measures (General) Rules 1987.
4. Standards of Weights and
Measures (Approval of Models)
Rules 1987.
5. Standards of Weights and
Measures (Interstate verification
and Stamping) Rules 1987.
6. Standards of Weights and
Measures (Numeration) Rules 1987.
7.Standards of Weights and
Measures (National Standards)
Rules 1987
8. Standards of Weights and
Measures (Enforcement) Act 1985
9. Standards of Weights and
Measures Enforcement) Act 1992
2014 Pq-sse- 1
m- Ie≠¿
m- Ie≠¿
- 2013
-‰v- ¿*
Examination Time includes half an hour as preparation time for the verification of Identification Certificates and ID Proofs of the Candidates appearing for
the examination.
7.30 A M to
09.15 A M
1.30 PM to
3.15 PM
7.30 A M to
9.15 PM
Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpwDtZym-Km¿-∞n-Ifp-sS FÆhpwDRUGS INSPECTO R
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:-Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Part II : Questions based on Qualification prescribed for the post.
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration
Profile in the Website from 11/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through the Website
w w from 15/07/2014
The objective type test (OMR valuation) for selection to the post of Lower Division Clerk (Cat.No.258/2012) in Various Departments (vide Item No.8 of programme No.10/2012 for the month of
October, 2012 was postponed. The examination is re-scheduled to be conducted as follows:4.
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
W ednesday
(Special recruitment from among
qualification prescribed for the post.
07.30 AM to
Physically Handicapped candidates
(All Dists)
Main Topics:- Part I - Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
09.15 A M
belonging to Partially Blind,
Part II - General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Deaf and Orthopaedically
Part III – General English Part IV - Regional Language (Malayalam./
Handicapped – Upper Extremities
Tamil/Kannada) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(minor) and Lower Extremities only
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam./Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through the
Website from 16/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions: English)
07.30 AM to
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
09.15 A M
Registration Profile in the Website from 17/07/2014
Mode of Examination:An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post
07.30 AM to
(Preliminary Test)
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15 A M
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: Part-I to VII Malayalam & VIII to X English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of Examination: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post
07.30 AM to
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15 A M
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of Examination:An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post
07.30 AM to
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15 A M
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of Examination:An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post
07.30 AM to
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15 A M
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of Examination:An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post
07.30 AM to
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15 A M
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of Examination:An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post
07.30 AM to
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15 A M
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of Examination:An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
07.30 AM to
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
09.15 A M
(Medium of Questions: English)
2014 Pq-sse- 1
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
{Ia Xo-bXn\w- kabw-
Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpwDtZym-Km¿-∞n-Ifp-sS FÆhpw-
07.30 AM to
09.15 A M
07.30 AM to
09.15 A M
09.30 AM to
12 Noon
09.30 AM to
12 Noon
09.30 AM to
12 Noon
7.30 A M to
9.15 PM
W ednesday
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
(Special recruitment from ST only)
W ednesday
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
(Special recruitment from SC/ST only)
W ednesday
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
(Special recruitment from
among Ex-Servicemen of
ST only)
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
(NCA Recruitment)
(KNR - SIUC Nadar/AI)
01.30 PM to
03.15 PM
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
Uniformed Forces
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of Examination:An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of Examination: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 18/07/2014
Mode of ExaminationAn Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: Part-I to VII Urdu & VIII to X English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 19/07/2014
Mode of ExaminationAn Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
qualification prescribed for the post (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: Part-I to VII Kannada & VIII to X English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 19/07/2014
Mode of ExaminationAn Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
(Medium of Questions: Part-I to VII Sanskrit & VIII to X English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 19/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Diploma in the Sanitary Hardware Fitter trade
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
(Maximum Marks : 100 (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their
One Time Registration Profile in the Website from 22/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:-Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
(Maximum Marks : 100 (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their
One Time Registration Profile in the Website from 23/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:-Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
(Maximum Marks : 100 (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their
One Time Registration Profile in the Website from 23/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:-Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
(Maximum Marks : 100 (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their
One Time Registration Profile in the Website from 23/07/2014
Common Test for Sl.Nos.19,20 & 21 above
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge , Current Affairs and
Renaissance in Kerala Part II a: Questions based on Physical Science
Part II b: Questions based on Natural Science Part III : Questions based on qualification prescribed
Current Affairs and Renaissance in Kerala. (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their
One Time Registration Profile in the Website from 03/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:-Part I : Questions Based on NTC Survey
Part II: Questions Based on NTC Draftsman Civil
Part III: General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Renaissance in Kerala
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)( Medium of Questions: English )
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 29/07/2014
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
2014 Pq-sse- 1
{Ia Xo-bXn\w- kabw25.
W ed
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
W ednesday
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
Xkv-Xn-Ibpw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpwDtZym-Km¿-∞n-Ifp-sS FÆhpwVILLAGEMAN
(Special Recruitment from among
Physically handicapped candidates
belonging to Partially Blind, Partially Deaf
and Orthopaedically Handicapped
[Upper Extremities (minor) Lower Extremities]
(Ex-Servicemen only)
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Renaissance in Kerala
Part II - General Science Part III : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability (Maximum Marks : 100)
(Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their
One Time Registration Profile in the Website from 30/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Renaissance in Kerala
Part II - General Science Part III : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
Part II b : Questions based on Computer Word Processing
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their
One Time Registration Profile in the Website from 30/07/2014
Common Test for Sl.Nos.25 & 26 above
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
Technical Education
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
01.30 PM to
03.15 PM
Kerala Land Development
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
(Special Recruitment for ST only)
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
(NCA – Physically Handicapped Partially Deaf)
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
(NCA – Physically Handicapped Partially Blind)
W ednesday
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
07.30 A M to
09.15 A M
(NCA - SC)
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on B.Com Degree
Part II a : Questions based on Typing and Document Formatting
Part II b : Questions based on Computer Word Processing
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from 31/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from 31/07/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Diploma in the trade
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from 2/08/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Part III : General English Part IV: Regional Language (Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from 5/08/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Part III : General English Part IV: Regional Language (Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from 5/08/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Part III : General English Part IV: Regional Language (Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from 5/08/2014
Common Test for Sl.Nos. 30, 31 & 32 above
01.30 A M to
03.15 A M
2014 Pq-sse- 1
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions:English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from 6/08/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:- Part I a : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Part Ib : General Science Part II - General English
Part III : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from 7/08/2014
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification
prescribed for the post. (Maximum Marks : 100)
(Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) ( Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
registrationProfile in the Website from8/08/2014
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
PSC ]co-£Ifn¬Bh¿-Øn-°p-∂h Dƒ-s∏sS
1000 tNm-tZym-Ø-c-߃B¿ kn kptcjvIpam¿
eoK¬ Ahb¿s\ v, `cWLS\, B[p\nI C¥y, C¥y≥ `qanimkv{Xw Dƒs∏sS _ncpZ\nehmcØnep≈
tNmZy߃°v {]m[m\yw \¬InbmWv Cu e°w Xømdm°nbncn°p∂Xv. anUn¬ CuÃnse {][m\cmPyßsf
temIk©mcØn¬ ]cnNbs∏Smw. PmXnhyhÿbpsS Im¿°iy߃s°Xnsc an{it`mP\ØneqsS {]XnIcn®
ktlmZc≥ Aø∏s\°pdn®mWv Cu e°w tIcf \thm∞m\w. tIcfØnse Pn√Ifn¬ CSp°n kµ¿in°mw.
{KmahnIk\hpw XncphnXmwIqdnse `cWm[nImcnIfpw XpScp∂p. thƒUv tPm{K^nbmWv IzÃy≥ _mKnse hnjbw
tIcf \thm∞m\w
ktlmZc≥ Aø∏≥
1. Fd-Wm-Ip-fw- Pn-√-bn-se- ssh-∏n-≥ Zzo-]n-se- sNdm-bn- Ip-º-f-Øp-]-d-ºn¬-ho-´n¬- Cu-g-h-k-ap-ZmwK-am-b- sIm-®m-hp- ssh-Zy-s‚-bpw- D-Æq-en-bp-sS-bpwH-º-Xv- a-°-fn¬- G-‰-hpw- H-Sp-hn-e-sØ-Xm-bn- 1889
B-K-kv-Xv- 21˛-\v- k-tlm-Z-c-≥ A-ø-∏-≥ P-\n-®p.2.- -km-aq-ln-I- ]-cn-jv-I¿-Øm-hv,- Nn-¥-I-≥,- ]-{X-{]h¿-Ø-I-≥ F-∂o- \n-e-I-fn¬- {]-kn-≤n- t\-Sn-bA-t±-lw- {io-\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp-hn-s‚- in-jy-≥ Bbn-cn-°p-tºm-gpw- \m-kv-Xn-I-\pw- a-X-\n-tj-[n-bpwB-bn-cp-∂p.3.- -_m-ey-Øn¬-Ø-s∂- ]n-Xm-hv- a-cn-®p.- tPy-jv-T-\mb- A-Nyp-X≥
- ssh-Zy-cm-Wv- A-t±-ls
- Ø- h-f¿-Ønb-Xv.4.- -sN-dm-bn,- h-S-°-≥ ]-d-hq¿,- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv- F-∂n-hnS-ßf
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13.- a
- n-{i-hn-hm-lw- t{]m-’m-ln-∏n-°p-∂X
- n-\p-th-≠n-bpw- Aø-∏-≥ {]-b-Xv-\n-®p.14.- -tIm-gn-t°m-Sv- B-ÿm-\-am-b- B-fl-hn-Zym-kw-L-hp-ambpw- k-tlm-Z-c-≥ A-ø-∏-≥ k-l-I-cn-®p.15.- -1928˛¬- F-d-Wm-Ip-f-Øv- B-cw-`n-®- bp-‡n-hmZn- am-knI-bp-sS- ÿm-]-I-cn¬- {]-ap-J-\m-bn-cp-∂p- k-tlm-Z-c-≥
A-ø-∏-≥.- am-kn-I-bp-sS- B-]v-X-hm-Iy- t«m-Iw- A-ø-∏\m-Wv- c-Nn-®X
- v.- C-{]-Im-ca
- m-WX
- v˛bp‡ntb¥n a\pjys‚-/-_p-≤n- i-‡n- J-\n-®-Xn¬-/-e-`n-®-Xn-√m-sbm-∂pw-/tem-I- hn-⁄m-\- cm-in-bn-¬.
16. Aø-∏-≥ B-cw-`n-®- a-s‰m-cp- {]-kn-≤o-I-c-W-am-Wv- the-°m-c-≥.17.- -]n-∂o-Sv- cm-jv-{So-b- {]-h¿-Ø-\-Øn¬- k-Po-h-am-b- Aø-∏-≥ sIm-®o-cm-Py-sØ- tkm-jy-en-Ãv- {]-ÿm-\-Øns‚- t\-Xm-hm-bn.18.- s
- Im-®o-cm-Py-Øv- D-Øc
- h
- m-Z`- c
- W
- h
- pw- {]m-b]
- q¿-Øn-thm-
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
´-h-Im-i-hpw- t\-Sn-sb-Sp-°m-≥ hn-{i-an-√m-sX- {]h¿-Øn-®- k-tlm-Z-c-≥ A-ø-∏-≥ 1928˛¬- sIm®n-≥ e-Pn-t…-‰o-hv- Iu-¨-kn-en-te-°v- Xn-c-s™Sp-°-s∏-´p.-]n-∂o-Sv- 21 h¿-j-°m-ew- A-t±-lw- Cuÿm-\-Øv- Xp-S¿-∂p.19.- -sIm-®n-≥ e-Pn-t…-‰o-hv- Iu-¨-kn-ew-K-sa-∂- \ne-bn¬- ]-©m-b-Øv- Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n¬- I-cw-Xo-cph-bp-sS- A-Sn-ÿm-\-Øn¬- thm-´-h-Im-iw- \¬-Ip∂-Xn-s\-Xn-sc-bpw- sIm-®o-cm-Py-Øv- D-Ø-c-hm-Z- `c-W-Iq-Sw- ÿm-]n-°p-∂-Xn-\p-th-≠n-bpw- i-‡nbp-‡w- hm-Zn-®- t\-Xm-hm-Wv- k-tlm-Z-c-≥ A-ø∏-≥.- {]m-b]
- q¿-Øn- thm-´h
- I
- m-iw- t\-Sn-sb-Sp-°m≥ A-t±-lw- A-£o-Ww- {]-b-Xv-\n-®p.20.- -1936˛¬- Sn.-sI.-\m-b¿- cq-]-h-Xv-I-cn-®,- sIm-®o-cmPy-sØ- B-Zy-sØ- cm-{„o-b- ]m¿-´n-bm-b- sIm®n-≥ tÃ-‰v- tIm-¨-{K-kn-s‚- t\-Xm-°-fn-sem-cmfm-bn-cp-∂p- A-ø-∏-≥.21.- -1938˛¬- k-tlm-Z-c-≥ A-ø-∏-≥ F-kv-F-≥Un-]ntbm-Kw- {]-kn-U-‚m-bn.- C-tX-h¿-jw-X-s∂- At±-lw- tkm-jy-en-kv-‰v- ]m¿-´n-°v- cq-]w-\¬-In.22.- -]-\-ºn-≈n- tKm-hn-µ-ta-t\m-≥,- kn.-B¿.-C-øp-Æn,Sn.-sI.-\m-b¿- F-∂n-h¿-s°m-∏w- 1946 Un-kw-_¿H-º-Xn-\v- k-tlm-Z-c-≥ A-ø-∏-\pw- sIm-®o-cm-PyØv- a-{¥n-bm-bn- ÿm-\-ta-‰p.- tI-c-f- N-cn-{X-Ønse- B-Zy-sØ- P-\-Io-b- a-{¥n-k-`-bm-Wn-Xv.- F∂m¬,- C-Xn-\v- ap-Jy-a-{¥n-tbm- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n-tbmD-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√,23.- k
- zm-X{- ¥ym-\¥
- c
- w- sIm-®n-bn¬- D-Øc
- h
- m-Z`- c
- W
- wÿm-]n-®-Xn-\p-ti-jw- 1947sk-]v-Xw-_¿- H-∂n\v- ]-\-ºn-≈n- tKm-hn-µ-ta-t\m-≥ {]-[m-\-a-{¥n-bmbn- Np-aX
- e
- t- b-‰- a-{¥n-k`
- b
- n-epw- k-tlm-Zc
- ≥
- Aø-∏-≥ a-{¥n-bm-bn.24.- -sIm-®o- cm-jv-{So-b-Øn¬- h-en-b- am-‰-߃- h-cpØn-b- cm-tP-{µ-ssa-Xm-\w- kw-`-h-tØm-sS- A-Xph-sc- {]-Pm-aW
- vU
- e
- Ø
- n¬-\n-∂v- A-I∂
- p-\n-∂n-cp∂- k-tlm-Zc
- ≥
- A-ø∏
- ≥
- Dƒ-s∏-sS- ]-e- t\-Xm°-fpw- A-Xn¬- tN¿-∂v- ]m¿-´n-b- i-‡n-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ Xo-cp-am-\n-®p.25.- 1- 948˛¬- sIm-®n-bn¬- Np-aX
- e
- t- b-‰- C-°≠
- h
- m-cy¿a-{¥n-k-`-bn-epw- A-ø-∏-≥ Aw-K-am-bn-cp-∂p.26.- -1949˛-se- Xn-cp-˛-sIm-®n- cq-]-h-Xv-I-c-W-ti-jw- At±-lw- ]-d-hq¿- Sn.-sI.-\m-cm-b-W- ]n-≈-bp-sS- t\Xr-Xz-Øn-ep-≈- a-{¥n-k-`-bn-epw- Aw-K-am-bn.- Btcm-Ky-Im-c-W-ß-fm¬- ]n-∂o-Sv- A-ø-∏-≥ a-{¥n-]Zw- cm-Pn-h-®p- (1950).- {I-ta-W- A-t±-lw- k-Po-hcm-{„o-b- {]-h¿-Ø-\-ß-fn¬-\n-∂v- ]n-≥hm-ßn.27.- -1968 am¿-®v- B-dmw- Xo-b-Xn- k-tlm-Z-c-≥ A-ø-∏≥ A-¥-cn-®p.28.- -s N- d m- b n- b n- e m- W v - k- t lm- Z - c - ≥ A- ø - ∏ - ≥ kv am-c-Iw.
2014 Pq-sse- 1
29. ]›n-ta-jy-bn-se- H-cp- C-…m-an-Iv- dn-∏_
- vfn-°m-Wv- C-dm-≥.- an-Un¬- Cu-Ãn-se- G‰-hpw- h-en-b- c-≠m-as
- Ø- cm-Py-am-Wn-Xv.30.- X
- e
- ÿ
- m-b- sS-ld
v- m-≥ cm-Py-sØ- G‰-hpw- h-en-b- \-K-c-am-Wv.31.- -t]¿-jy-\m-Wv- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- `m-j.- \mW-bw- dn-bm¬.32.- b
- p-Wn-‰d
- n- {]-kn-U≥
- jy¬- C-…m-an-Iv- dn∏-ªn-°m-b- C-dm-s‚- \n-b-a-\n¿-am-W-k`-bp-sS- t]-cv- C-…m-an-Iv- I-¨-kƒ-t´-‰ohv- A-kw-ªn- F-∂m-Wv.33.- -B-cy-≥am-cp-sS- \m-Sv- F-∂m-Wv- C-dm-≥
F-∂- ]-Z-Øn-\¿-Yw.- t]¿-jy- F-∂m-Wv]-g-b- t]-cv.34.- {- ]m-No-\- C-¥y-bn¬- `-cW
- w- \-SØ
- n-bn-cp∂- ]m¿-Yn-b≥
- am-cp-sS- \m-Sv- C-dm-\m-Wv.35.- -C-dm-s‚- tZ-io-b- I-hn-bm-b- ^n¿-Zu-knbm-Wv- jm-\m-a- c-Nn-®X
- v.- t]¿-jy-≥ tlm-
38.- -C-dm-\n¬- ]-sØm-≥]-Xmw- i-X-I-Øns‚- a-[y-Øn¬- _-lm-hp-≈- ÿm-]n-®a-X-am-Wv- _-lm-bn-kw.- _-lm-hp-≈-bpsS- b-Ym¿-Y-t]-cv- an¿-k- lp-ssk-≥ Aen- \q-dn.39.- -tem-I-Øm-Zy-am-bn- B-Sn-s\- h-f¿-Øn-bXpw- Kn-Øm-dp-≠m-°n-b-Xpw- ap-¥n-cn-ßbn¬-\n-∂v- ho-™p-≠m-°n-b-Xpw- t]¿jy-°m-cm-Wv.40.- -H-a¿- J-ømw- t]¿-jy-≥ `m-j-bn¬- c-Nn®- Ir-Xn-bm-Wv- dp-_m-bn-bm-Øv.41.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- Xn-tbm{Im-‰n-Iv- tÃ-‰v- B-Wv- C-dm-≥.- h-Øn-°m\pw- Xn-tbm-{Im-‰n-Iv- tÃ-‰n-\p-Zm-l-c-Wam-Wv.42.- -1979 G-{]n¬- H-∂n-\m-Wv- C-dm-≥ C-…man-Iv- dn-∏-ªn-°m-b-Xv.- C-dm-\n¬- C-…man-I- dn-∏ª
- n-Iv- ÿm-]n-®X
- v- B-bØ
- p-≈sJm-ssa-\n-bm-Wv.43.- -{]-kn-U-‚ v- Xn-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-Sp-s∂-¶nepw- A-t±-lw- a-X-ta-[m-hn-I-fp-am-bn- A[n-Im-cw- ]-¶n-Sp-∂p.44.- s
- \m-t_¬- k-Ωm-\w- t\-Sn-b- B-Zy-sØC-dm-\n-b-\pw- ap-…nw- h-\n-X-bp-am-Wv- jndn-≥ C-_m-Zn.- Cu- A-hm¿-Uv- `-c-W-IqSw- ]n-Sn-s®-Sp-Ø-Xm-bn- hm¿-Ø-bp-≠mbn-cp-∂p.- A-Xv- i-cn-bm-sW-¶n¬- `-c-WIq-Sw- k-Ωm-\w- ]n-Sn-s®-Sp-Ø- B-Zy- s\mt_¬- k-Ωm-\- tP-Xm-hm-W-h¿.45.- -G-jy-≥ sK-bnw-kn-\v- th-Zn-bm-b- B-Zyan-Un¬- Cu-kv-‰v- cm-Py-am-Wv- C-dm-≥.1974˛-se- sS-lv-dm-≥ G-jy-≥ sK-bnwtkm-sS-bm-Wv- Cu- hn-ti-j-Ww- C-dm-≥
48.- -A-d-_n,- Ip¿-Zn-jv,- kn-dn-b-Iv- F-∂o-hbm-Wv- C-dm-°n-s‚- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- `m-jIƒ.- C-dm-°n- Zn-\m¿- B-Wv- \m-W-bw.49.- -s^-U-d¬- ]m¿-e-sa-‚-dn- tIm-¨-Ãn-‰yqj-W¬- dn-∏-ªn-Iv- B-b- C-dm-°n-s‚- \nb-a\
- n¿-am-Wk
- `
- b
- m-Wv- Iu-¨k
- n¬- Hm^v- d-{]-k-‚o-hv-kv.50.- -1932 H-Iv-tSm-_¿- aq-∂n-\v- bp-ssW-‰-UvIn-Mv-U-Øn¬-\n-∂v- kzm-X-{¥yw- t\-Snb- C-dm-°v- 1958˛¬- dn-∏-ªn-°m-bn- {]Jym-]n-°-s∏-´p.51.- -a-\p-jy-N-cn-{X-Øn-se- B-Zy- kw-kv-Imc-am-Wv- sa-tkm-s]m-´m-an-b-≥ kw-kv-Im-
a¿- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- C-t±-l-am-Wv.36.- k
- u-cm-jv{- S-aX
- w- A-Yh
- m- ]m-gvk
- n-aX
- Ø
- ns‚- ÿm-]-I-≥ skm-cm-jv-ÿ- B-Wv.37.- -C-dm-\n-se- P-\-kw-Jy-bp-sS- 90 i-X-am\-hpw- jn-b- ap-…n-ß-fm-Wv- (C-…m-an-seG-‰-hpw- h-en-b- hn-`m-Kw- kp-∂n-bm-Wv-).-
46. ]›n-ta-jy-bn¬- sa-tkm-s]m-´-an-b- XS-Øn¬- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂- cm-Py-am-Wv- Cdm-°v.47.- -C-dm-°n-s‚- ]-g-b-t]-cm-Wv- sa-tkm-s]m´-an-b.- \-Zn-Iƒ-°p- a-t[y-bp-≈- {]-tZ-iwF-∂m-Wv- B- t]-cn-\¿-Yw.- bq-{^-´o-kv,ssS-{Kn-kv- \-Zn-Iƒ-°v- C-S-bn-em-Wn-Xv.-
cw.-F-gp-Øp-hn-Zy- B-Zy-am-bn- B-hn-jvI-cn-®-Xv- sa-skm-s]m-´m-an-b-bm-Wv.-C-dm-°n-s‚- X-e-ÿm-\-am-b- _m-Kv-Zm-ZvA-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂X
- v- A-td-_y-≥ cm-{Xn-If
- psS- \-Kc
- w- F-∂m-Wv.- cm-Py-sØ- G-‰h
- pwh-en-b- \-Kc
- a
- m-Wv- ssS-{Kn-kv- \-Zn-bp-sSXo-cØ
- v- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂- _m-KvZ- m-Zv.-sI-bv-tdm- I-gn-™m¬- A-d-_v-tem-IsØ- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- \-K-c-am-Wv- _m-KvZm-Zv.- sS-lvd
- m-≥ I-gn-™m¬- ]-›n-ta-jybn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- \-K-c-hpw- _m-KvZm-Zm-Wv.-H-cp- Im-e-Øv- s\-_p-°-Zv-s\- ¿- ]-WnI-gn-∏n-®- Xq-°p- ]q-t¥m-´w- ÿn-Xn- sNbvX
- n-cp-∂- _m-_n-tem-¨- C-dm-°n-em-Wv.A-e-Iv-km-≠¿- Z- t{K-‰v- A-¥-cn-®-Xv- Chn-sS-h-®m-Wv.-]p-cm-X-\- \-K-c-am-b- D¿- C-dm-°n-em-Wv.tem-IØ
- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- \-Kc
- a
- m-bn- D¿-
hn-ti-jn-∏n-°-s∏-Sp-∂p.56.- C
- d
- m-°n-se- Xp-da
- p-J- \-Kc
- a
- m-Wv- _-kd
v- .57.- I
- yq-Wn-t^mw- en-]n- B-hn-jvI
- c
- n-®X
- v- saskm-s]m-´m-an-b-≥ kw-kv-Im-c-am-Wv.58.- -jn-b- ap-…n-ß-fp-sS- ]p-Wy-ÿ-e-am-bI¿-_m-e- C-dm-°n-em-Wv.59.- -{]m-No-\-Im-e-Øv- _m-_n-tem-Wn-b- F∂-dn-b-s∏-´n-cp-∂-Xv- C-dm-°n-s‚- a-[y-˛Z-£n-W- `m-K-ß-fm-Wv.- _m-_n-tem-¨B-bn-cp-∂p- X-e-ÿm-\w.60.- -_m-_n-tem-Wn-b-bn-se- {]-i-kv-X-am-bXq-°p-]q-t¥m-´w- \n¿-an-®-Xv- s\-_p-°Zv-s\- ¿- c-≠m-a-\m-Wv.61.- -_m-_n-tem-Wn-b-≥ km-{am-Py-Øn-seB-Zy-sØ- N-{I-h¿-Øn- B-bn-cp-∂- lΩp-d-_n- B-Wv- tem-I-Øn-se- B-ZysØ- \n-b-a-Zm-Xm-hv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂Xv.- tem-I-N-cn-{X-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- enJn-X- \n-b-a-kw-ln-X- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂l-Ωp-dm-_o-kv- tIm-Un-s‚- D-]⁄
m-Xmhm-Wn-t±-lw.62.- -Z-£n-W- C-dm-°v- H-cp- Im-e-Øv- A-dn-bs∏-´n-cp-∂- t]-cm-Wv- kp-ta¿.- C-dm-°ns‚- h-S°
- ≥
- `m-Kw- {]m-No-\I
- m-eØ
- v- Akn-dn-b- F-∂pw- A-dn-b-s∏-´n-cp-∂p.63.- -kp-ta-dn-b-bn-epw- A-kn-dn-b-bn-epw- D-]tbm-KØ
- n-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂- {]m-No-\- en-]nbm-Wv- Iyp-Wn-t^mw.64.- -1979 ap-X¬- 2003 h-sc- C-dm-°v- `-cn-®,_m-Øv- ]m¿-´n- t\-Xm-hm-Wv- k-±mw- lpssk-≥.- A-ta-cn-°-bp-sS-bpw- {_n-´-s‚bpw- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn-ep-≈- _-lp-cm-jv-{Sssk-\n-I- \-S-]-Sn-bv-s°m-Sp-hn¬- H-fnhn¬-t]m-b- k-±mw- lp-ssk-s\- {]-tXyI- Zu-Xy-kw-Lw- 2003 Un-kw-_d
- n¬- ]nSn-Iq-Sn.- Xp-S¿-∂v- 1982˛¬- \-S-∂- jn-bIq-´s
- °m-eb
- p-sS- t]-cn¬- hn-Nm-cW
- s
- Nbv-Xv- Xq-°n-te-‰n- (2006).65.- -1990˛¬- k-±mw- lp-ssk-≥ Ip-ssh-‰v- ]nSn-®S- °
- n-bX
- m-Wv- Kƒ-^v- bp-≤Ø
- n-\v- Imc-Wa
- m-bX
- v.- A-ta-cn-°b
- p-sS- C-Ss
- ]-Se
- neq-sS- Ip-ssh-‰v- tam-Nn-°-s∏-´p.66.- -C-dm-°n- F-b¿-th-bv-kv- B-Wv- C-dm-°ns‚- tZ-io-b- hn-am-\- k-¿hokv.
XncphnXmwIq¿ `cWm[nImcnIƒ
Ku-cn- ]m¿-hXo-`m-bn67. cm-ah¿-a (kzm-Xn-Xn-cp-\mƒ)- cm-PIp-amc\v- {]mbw- Xn-I-bp-∂-Xp-h-sc-bp-≈- Ime-tØ-°v- do-P-‚m-bn.- \n-b-an-°-s∏-Sptºmƒ- Ku-cn- ]m¿-h-Xo-`m-bn-°v- 13 h-b v- {]m-b-ta- D-≠m-bn-cp-∂p-≈q.68.- -km-aq-ln-I-˛-`-c-W-cw-K-ß-fn¬- ]p-tcm-Ka-\m-fl-I-am-b- kw-`-h-hn-Im-k-ß-fm¬{i-t≤-b-am-Wv- A-h-cp-sS- `-c-W-Im-ew.69.- -1814¬- Zn-hm-≥ ]-Z-hn-bn¬-\n-∂p- hn-c-an®- a-¨-tdm- 1818¬- d-kn-U-‚p-tZym-KØn¬-\n-∂p- ]n-cn-™p-t]m-Ipw-h-sc- Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-s‚- `-cW
- I
- m-cy-ßf
- n¬- Bh-iy-am-b- \n¿-tZ-i-߃- \¬-In.70.- A
- ¥
- c
- n-®- X-s‚- k-tlm-Zc
- n-bp-sS- `¿-Ømhv- cm-P-cm-P-h¿-a- tIm-bn-Ø-ºp-cm-s‚- c£m-I¿-Xr-Xzw- A-h¿-°v- Xp-W-bm-bn.71.- -Ku-cn- ]m¿-h-Xo-`m-bn-bp-sS- `-c-W-Im-eØv- Ir-jn-°pw- hm-Wn-Py-Øn-\pw- K-W\o-b-am-b- ]p-tcm-K-Xn-bp-≠m-bn.72.- I
- ®
- h
- S- k
- u-Ic
- y-Øn-\m-bn- P-eK
- X
- m-KX
- wsa-®-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn-\m-bn- Xn-cp-h\
- ¥
- ]
- pc-sØ- I-Tn-\w-Ip-fw- Im-be
- p-am-bn- _-‘n∏n-°p-∂- tXm-Spw- ]m¿-hX
- o-]p-Ø\
- m-dpw- Cu-
2014 Pq-sse- 1
78.- Im-e-Øm-Wv- \n¿-an-®-Xv.73.- 1- 816¬- e-≠≥
- an-j\
- v- \m-K¿-tIm-hn-en¬hn-Zym-eb
- w- ÿm-]n-°m-\p-≈- ku-Ic
- yw\¬-In.74.- -N¿-®v- an-j-≥ skm-ssk-‰n-°v- B-e-∏p-gbn-epw- tIm-´-b-Øpw- {]-h¿-Ø-\w- \-SØm-≥ k-lm-bh
- pw- sN-bvX
- p-sIm-Sp-Øp.75.- -sIm-√w- Pn-√-bn-se- I-√-S-bn-ep-≈- H-cpXp-cp-Øv- (a-¨-tdm- Xp-cp-Øv-)- N¿-®v- an-
j-≥ skm-ssk-‰n-°v- hn-´p-sIm-Sp-Øp.A-h¿-°v- kp-dn-bm-\n- {In-kv-Xym-\n-Iƒ°n-Sb
- n¬- hn-Zym-`ym-kw- {]-Nc
- n-∏n-°p-∂Xn-\p-th-≠n-bm-bn-cp-∂p- C-Xv.-Cu- h-I- \-S-]-Sn-I-fn¬- tI-W¬- a-¨tdm-bp-sS- {]-tXy-I- Xm¬-]c
- y-hpw- D-≠mbn-cp-∂p.k
- m-aq-ln-I- kzm-X{- ¥yw- D-d∏
- m-°p-∂- \nc-h-[n- cm-P-Io-b- hn-fw-_-c-߃- C-°me-Øp-≠m-bn.l
- n-µp-aX
- m-\p-jT
-v m-\t- Øm-S\
- p-_‘
- n-®p-≈tPm-en-Iƒ-°-v Ip-Sn-bm-∑m-cm-b- {In-kX
-v ym\n-Is
- f-s°m-≠-v Du-gn-bw- F-∂- tk-h\
- wsN-øm-≥ ]m-Sp-≈X
- √
- - F-∂p- hn-e°
- n.-Rm-b-dm-gv-N- Zn-h-k-ß-fn¬- {In-kv-Xym\n-I-sf-s°m-≠v- s]m-Xp-ÿm-]-\-ßfn¬- {]-hr-Øn- sN-øn-∏n-°-cp-Xv- F-∂Xm-bn-cp-∂p- a-s‰m-cp- hn-fw-_-cw.-B-[m-c-ß-sf- Hm-e-bn¬- F-gp-Xp-∂-Xv\n¿-Zn-„-am-b- kv-‰m-ºp-I-tfm-Sp-Iq-Sn-bmbn-cn-°-Ww- F-∂pw- hy-h-ÿ- sN-bv-Xp.-iq-{Z-Pm-Xn-bn¬-s]-Sp-∂-h-cpw- a-‰p-≈-hcpw- kz¿-Ww,- sh-≈n- F-∂n-h-sIm-≠vB-`c
- W
- w- [-cn-°p-∂X
- n-s‚- \n-b{- ¥-Ww]n-≥h-en-®p.-
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
82.- -tZ-h-kzw- Ip-Sn-bm-∑m-cm-sW-¶n¬- sN-´nbm-∑m¿- Xp-Sß
- n-bp-≈- Pm-Xn-If
- n¬-\n-∂vX-e-∏-Ww- Cu-Sm-°m-≥ ]m-Sp-≈-X-√- F∂pw- D-Ø-c-hn-´p.- tI-kp-I-fn¬- {]-Xn-Ifm-bn-´p-≈- I-£n-I-fp-am-bn- \ym-bm-[n-]∑m¿- kz-Im-cy-am-bn- tIm-SX
- n-bn¬-ht- ®m,{]-Xn-I-fp-sS- Kr-l-ß-fn¬-h-t®m- kw-`mj-Ww- \-S-Øp-∂-Xpw- {]-Xn-Iƒ- \ym-bm[n-]-∑m-cp-sS- ho-Sp-I-fn¬-t]m-bn- Im-Wp∂-Xpw- \n-tcm-[n-®p.83.- -Im-∏n-°r-jn- Xp-S-ßp-∂-Xn-\v- s]m-Xp-shAw-Ko-Im-cw- \¬-In-b-Xm-bn-cp-∂p- a-s‰mcp- ]-cn-jv-Im-cw.84.- P
- m-Xn-bp-sS-tbm- ]-Zh
- n-bp-sS-tbm- hy-Xymkw- _m-[-I-am-Im-sX- F-√m-h¿-°pw- hoSp-Iƒ- Hm-Sp-ta-bp-∂X
- n-\p-≈- A-hI
- m-iwA-\p-h-Zn-®p-sIm-≠v- H-cp- cm-P-Io-b- hnfw-_-c-hpw- C-°m-e-Øp-≠m-bn.85.- 1- 829¬- cm-ah
- ¿-a- cm-PI
- p-am-c\
- v- 16 h-b - v]q¿-Øn-bm-bt- Xm-sS- dm-Wn- cm-Py-`m-ct- a¬]n-®p-sIm-Sp-Øp.- ]n-∂o-Sp-≈- Im-ew- s]mXp-Po-hn-XØ
- n¬-\n-∂p-sam-gn-™-v hn-{i-aP
- ohn-Xw- \-bn-®p.- {]-Pm-t£-a- X¬-]c
- b
- m-bH-cp- `-cW
- m-[n-Im-cn-bm-bn- N-cn-{Xw- dm-WnKu-cn- ]m¿-hX
- o-`m-bn-sb- hn-eb
- n-cp-Øp-∂p.-
tIcfØnse Pn√Iƒ
86. IpSn-tb-‰-°m-cp-sS- Pn-√- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂p.87.- -G-‰-hpw- P-\-km-{µ-X- Ip-d-™,- tI-c-fØn-se- Pn-√88.- G
- ‰
- h
- pw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Ip-cp-ap-fI
- p¬-]m-Zn-∏n°p-∂- Pn-√89.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- h-\-hn-kv-Xr-Xn- G-‰-hpwIq-Sp-X-ep-≈- Pn-√90.- -P-e-ssh-Zyp-Xn- D¬-]m-Z-\-Øn¬- kwÿm-\-Øv- H-∂mw-ÿm-\-ap-≈- Pn-√91.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- hn-kv-Xo¿-W-ap-≈- c≠m-a-sØ- Pn-√92.- -G-‰-hpw- P-\-km-{µ-X- Ip-d-™- Pn-√93.- t- I-cf
- Ø
- n-se- G-‰h
- pw- Iq-Sp-X¬- a-et- bmc-{]-tZ-i-ap-≈- Pn-√94.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- k-a-X-e-{]-tZ-iw- G-‰-hpwIp-d-hp-≈- Pn-√.95.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- a-sÆm-en-∏v- \-S-°p∂- tI-c-f-Øn-se- Pn-√96.- -C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- _m-e-ku-lrZ- Pn-√.-
B- Z y- t Ø- X v
97.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- h-\y-Po-hn-kt¶-Xw-˛- tX-°-Sn98.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tZ-io-tbm-Zym-
\w-˛- C-c-hn-Ip-fw99.- -C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- I-am-\- A-Ws°-´v-˛- C-Sp-°n100.--tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- P-e-ssh-ZypX- ]-≤-Xn-˛- ]-≈n-hm-k¬101.- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- B-Zy-am-bn- ssh-Zyp-Xn- D]-tbm-Kn-®p- {]-h¿-Øn-®- hy-hk
- m-b- kwcw-`w-˛- I-Æ-≥ tZ-h-≥ -I-º-\n102.--kz-¥a
- m-bn- ssh-Zyp-Xn- D¬-]m-Zn-∏n-®v- hnX-c-Ww- sN-bv-X,- kw-ÿm-\-sØ- BZy-sØ- {Km-a-]-©m-b-Øv-˛- am-¶p-fw103.--H-cp- k-hn-ti-j- k-ky-Øn-\m-bn-am-{XwC-¥y-bn¬- \n-e-hn¬-h-∂- B-Zy- D-Zym\w-˛- Ip-dn-™n- km-Mv-Nz-dn104.--C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- am-Xr-Im- I-∂pIm-en- {Km-aw-˛- am-´p-s∏-´n105.--tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ssl-U¬- Sqdn-kw- ]-≤-Xn- aq-∂m-dn-e-mWv.
106.--tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- D-b-cw-Iq-Sn-bsIm-Sp-ap-Sn-˛- B-\-ap-Sn- (8842 A-Sn- A-Yhm- 2695 ao.-)107.--tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- D-b-c-Øn¬- ÿnXn-sN-øp-∂- ]-´-Ww-˛- aq-∂m¿108.--tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- `q-K¿-`ssh-Zyp-Xn-\n-e-bw-˛- aq-e-a-‰w- (\m-Sp-ImWn- a-e-bp-sS- Xm-gv-hm-c-Øv- ÿm-]n-®ncn-°p-∂p-)109.--tI-c-f-Øn¬- kz-Im-cy-ta-J-e-bn-se- G‰-hpw- h-en-b- P-es
- sh-Zyp-X- ]-≤X
- n-˛- Ip-
Øp-¶¬- (cm-Pm-°m-Sv- ]-©m-b-Øv-)110.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- P-\-kw-Jy- Ip-d™- ]-©m-b-Øv-˛- h-´-h-S111.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- sN-dn-b- tZ-iotbm-Zym-\w-˛- ]m-ºm-Spw-tNm-e112.- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- kw-ÿm-\-]m-X- G-‰-hpwIq-Sp-X-ep-≈- Pn-√- C-Sp-°n-bm-Wv.113.- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- N-µ-\-ac-ß-fp-≈- Pn-√- C-Sp-°n-bm-Wv.114.- -C-Sp-°n- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- `m-K-am-bn- sN-dptXm-Wn-bn¬- \n¿-an-®- A-W-s°-´m-WvtI-cf
- Ø
- n-se- G-‰h
- pw- D-bc
- w- Iq-Sn-b- AW-s°-´v.-
{][m\ hy‡nIƒ
{][m\ ÿm]\߃
131. tX°-Sn- h-\y-Po-hn- k-t¶-Xw- 1934¬ÿm-]n-®- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- cm-Pm-hv-˛- NnØn-c- Xn-cp-\mƒ132.--I-Æ-≥ tZ-h-≥ a-e-\n-c-I-fn¬- tX-bn-etØm-´w- ÿm-]n-°m-≥ {_n-´o-jp-Im-c\m-b- tPm-¨- Um-\n-tb¬- a-¨-tdm-bv°v- 1877˛¬- ÿ-ew- ]m-´-Øn-\p- sIm-SpØ-Xv-˛- ]q-™m-dn-se- tI-c-f- h¿-a- cm-P(C-t∏mƒ- I-Æ-≥ tZ-h-≥ tX-bn-e-tØm´w- Sm-‰- So- I-º-\n-bp-sS- D-S-a-ÿ-X-bnem-Wv-)
143.CSp°n- Pn-√-bn¬- C-t¥m-˛-kzn-kv- t{]mP-Iv-Sv- ÿm-]n-°-s∏-´- ÿ-ew-˛- am-´ps∏-´n144.--Ge
- w- K-th-jW
- t- I-{µw-˛- ]m-ºm-Spw-]m-d-
{][m\ ÿe߃
115.- t- X-°S- n-bp-sS- I-hm-Sw- F-∂d
- n-bs
- ∏-Sp-∂Xv-˛- Ip-a-fn116.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- Im-iv-ao¿,- Z-£n-tW-¥ybn-se- Im-iv-ao¿- F-∂o- t]-cp-I-fn¬- Adn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- -ÿ-ew-˛- aq-∂m¿117.- N
- µ
- \
- a
- c
- ß
- f
- p-sS- \m-Sv- F-∂d
- n-bs
- ∏-Sp-∂ÿ-ew-˛- a-d-bq¿118.- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- hn-t\m-Z-k-©m-cn-I-fp-sSkp-h¿-W{- Xn-tIm-Ww- F-∂d
- n-bs
- ∏-Sp-∂Xv- ˛- aq-∂m¿,- C-Sp-°n,- tX-°-Sn- (D-Øtc-¥y-bn¬- k-©m-cn-I-fp-sS- kp-h¿-W{Xn-tIm-Ww- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- U¬ln-˛-P-bv-]q¿-˛-B-{K- F-∂n-h-bm-Wv-).-
133.\oe-°p-dn-™n-bv-°v- {]-kn-≤-am-b- ÿew-˛-aq-∂m¿- (\o-e-°p-dn-™n-bp-sS- kky-im-kv-{X-\m-aamWv Strobilanthes
Kunthiana. G‰-hp-sam-Sp-hn¬ aq∂mdn¬ \oe-°p-dn™n- ]q-Ø-Xv- 2006emWv.- C-\n- 2018˛¬- ]q-°pw-)134.--ap-\n-b-d-Iƒ-°p- {]-kn-≤-am-b- ÿ-ew-˛a-d-bq¿135.--aw-K-fm-tZ-hn- t£-{Xw- G-Xp- Pn-√-bn¬˛- C-Sp-°n- (t£-{X-Øn-se- D-’-h-am-WvNn-{Xm-]u¿-Wa
- n.- B- A-hk
- c
- Ø
- n¬-am{X-ta- C-hn-tS-°v- k-µ¿-i-I-sc- A-\p-hZn-°m-dp-≈q-).-
{][m\s∏´ hkv X pXIƒ
119. hep-∏-Øn¬- F-{Xmw- ÿm-\-am-Wv- CSp-°n- Pn-√-bv-°v-˛-c-≠mw-ÿm-\w120.--G-Xv- ]-©m-b-Øn-em-Wv- B-\-ap-Sn-˛- aq∂m¿121.- C
- S- p-°n- A-Ws
- °-´v- s]-cn-bm-dn-s‚- t]mj-I-\-Zn-bm-b- sN-dp-tXm-Wn-bn-em-Wv\n¿-an-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv.122.--]≈
- n-hm-k¬- ]-≤X
- n- G-Xp-\Z- n-bn¬-˛- apXn-c-∏p-g123.--G-Xp- \-Zn-bp-sS- t]m-j-I-\-Zn-bm-Wv- apXn-c-∏p-g-˛- s]-cn-bm¿124.--C-Sp-°n- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- ÿm-]n-X-ti-jn-˛780 sa-Km-hm-´v125.--Cc
- h
- n-Ip-fs
- Ø- tZ-io-tbm-Zym-\a
- m-bn- {]Jym-]n-®- h¿-jw-˛- 1978
126.--sN-¶p-fw- ]-≤-Xn- G-Xp- \-Zn-bn¬-˛- ap-Xnc-∏p-g127.--sXm-Ω-≥Ip-Øv,- tX-≥am-cn-°p-Øv- sh-
- m-tZ-hn- t£-{X-Øn-s‚- `q-cn-`m-Kh
- pwtI-c-f-Øn-epw- _m-°n- X-an-gv-\m-´n-ep-amWv.- s]-cn-bm¿- h-\y-Po-hn- k-t¶-X-Ønse- C-S-Xn-ßn-b- Im-´n-\p-≈n-se- t£{X-am-Wn-Xv.137.--tX-°-Sn- h-\y-Po-hn- k-t¶-X-Øn-s‚- ]g-b- t]-cv-˛- s\-√n-°mw-]-´n138.--CS- p-°n- Pn-√b
- n¬- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv- Im-‰n¬\n-∂v- ssh-Zyp-Xn- D¬-]m-Zn-∏n-°p-∂- ]≤-Xn- ÿm-]n-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv-˛- cm-a-°¬ta-Sv- ({]-i-kv-X-am-b- Ip-d-h-≥˛-Ip-d-Ønin¬-]w- cm-a-°¬-ta-´n-em-Wv-)139.--CS- p-°n-bp-sS- hm-Wn-Py- B-ÿm-\w-˛- I´-∏-\140.--kq-^n- k-∂ym-kn-hc
- y-\m-b- ]o¿-ap-lΩ
- Zn-s‚- t]-cn¬-\n-∂v- t]-cp-≠m-b- ÿ-eam-Wv- ]o-cp-taSv.
A]q¿h hkv X pXIƒ
145.]≈n-hm-k¬- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- \n¿-am-WwB-cw-`n-®-Xv- 1935em-Wv.- ]q¿-Øn-bm-b-Xv1940˛¬.146.--sd-bn¬-th- sse-≥ C-√m-Ø,- tI-c-f-Ønse- Pn-√-Iƒ-˛- C-Sp-°n,- h-b-\m-Sv147.--C-Sp-°n- Pn-√-bn-se- G-I- ap-\n-kn-∏m-en‰n-˛- sXm-Sp-]p-g148.--G-Xp- a-e-Iƒ-°n-S-bn-em-Wv- C-Sp-°n- AW-s°-´v-˛- Ip-d-h-≥˛-Ip-d-Øn- a-e-Iƒ149.--aq-∂m-dn¬- kw-K-an-°p-∂- \-Zn-Iƒ-˛- apXn-c-∏p-g,- \-√-X-Æn,- Ip-≠-f150.--CS- p-°n- A-Ws
- °-´n-s‚- \n¿-am-WØ
- n¬k-l-I-cn-®- cm-Pyw-˛- Im-\-U151.- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- N-µ-\- Un-Ãn-e-dn-bp-≈- GI- ÿ-ew-˛- a-d-bq¿152.--]p-d-t¥m-Sn¬- \-£-{X-Nn-”-ap-≈- B-aI-sf- I-≠p-hc
- p-∂- ÿ-ew-˛- Nn-∂m¿- kmMv-Nz-dn153.--tI-c-f-Øn¬- h-c-bm-Sp-Iƒ- Im-W-s∏-Sp∂- G-I- ÿ-ew-˛- cm-P-a-e154.--tZ-hn-Ip-fw- Xm-eq-°n¬- aq-∂m¿- ]-©mb-Øn-em-Wv- B-\-ap-Sn.155.--tI-c-f-Øn¬- sh-fp-Øp-≈n- D¬-]m-Zn-∏n°p-∂- G-I- Pn-√-˛- C-Sp-°n156.--tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- a-g- Ip-d-®v- e-`n-°p∂- ÿ-ew-˛- Nn-∂m¿- (C-sXm-cp- a-g-\ng¬- {]-tZ-i-am-Wv-).157.--tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-I- tKm-{X-h¿-K- cm-Pmhv- C-Sp-°n- Pn-√b
- n-se- D-Sp-º≥
- tNm-e- Xmeq-°n-se- Im-©n-bm¿- ]-©m-b-Øn-setIm-gn-a-e-bn-em-Wv.158.--No-b∏
- m-d- sh-≈®
- m-´w,- Io-gm¿-Ip-Øv- sh≈-®m-´w- F-∂n-h- C-Sp-°n- Pn-√b
- n-em-Wv.159.--Pn-√m- B-ÿm-\-Øp-\n-∂v- am-dn- sXm-Sp]p-g-bn-em-Wv- Pn-√m-t°m-S-Xn- (C-tX- {]tXy-I-X-bp-≈- a-‰p- Pn-√m-t°m-S-Xn-I-fmWv- a-t©-cn-bpw- X-e-t»-cn-bpw-).160.--sh-fp-Øp-≈n- Ir-jn-°v- {]-kn-≤a
- m-Wv- h´-h-S.161.- -a-e-¶-c- F-tÃ-‰v- kq-{]-≠m-bn-cp-∂- U_v-fyp.-sP.-tPm-¨- B-Wv- C-Sp-°n- {]-tZi-sØ- ssh-Zyp-tXm¬-]m-Z-\- km-[y-X-
{][m\ kw`h߃
≈-®m-´-߃- G-Xp- Pn-√-bn¬-˛- C-Sp-°n128.--G-Xp- hn-t√-Pv- F-d-Wm-Ip-fw- Pn-√-tbm-SvtN¿-Ø-t∏m-fm-Wv- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- Pn-√sb-∂- _-lp-a-Xn- C-Sp-°n- Pn-√-bv-°v- \jv-S-s∏-´-Xv-˛- Ip-´-ºp-g129.--GX
- p- ar-KØ
- n-s‚- kw-c£
- W
- Ø
- n-\m-WvC-c-hn-Ip-fw- (cm-P-a-e-)- tZ-io-tbm-Zym-\w{]-kn-≤w-˛- \o-eK
- n-cn- Xm¿- (h-cb
- m-Sv)- .- imkv-{X-\m-aw- Nilgiritragus{Sm-Kk
- v- ssl-tem-{In-bk
- v- F-∂pwC-Xv- A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂p.130.--a-e-¶-c- ]-≤-Xn- G-Xv- Pn-√-bn-em-Wv-˛- CSp-°n- (sXm-Sp-]p-g-bm-dn¬- \n¿-an-®n-cn°p--∂p)
141. ap√s∏-cn-bm¿- A-W-s°-´n-s‚- \n¿-amWw- ]q¿-Øn-bm-b- h¿-jw- ˛-1895 (ap-√s∏-cn-bm¿- A-Ws
- °-´n-s‚- kw-`c
- W
- n-bnse- P-e-\n-c-∏v- 136 A-Sn-bn¬-\n-∂v- 142
A-Sn-bm-bn- D-b¿-Øm-\p-≈- X-an-gv-\m-Svk¿-°m-cn-s‚- {i-aw- kp-c-£n-X-Xz-Øns‚- t]-cn¬- tI-c-fw- F-Xn¿-°p-∂-XmWv- ap-√-s∏-cn-bm¿- X¿-°w-)142.--tX-bn-e- sIm-≠p-t]m-Ip-∂-Xn-\m-bn- IÆ-≥ tZ-h-≥ I-º-\n- \n¿-an-®- Ip-≠-fhm-en- sd-bn¬-th- 1924˛-se- A-Xn-`-b-¶c-am-b- Im-e-h¿-j-Øn¬- X-I¿-∂p-X-cn∏-W-am-bn-t∏m-bn.- ]n-∂o-S-Xv- ]p-\¿-\n¿an-®n-√.- A-Xn-s‚- A-h-in-jv-S-߃- C∂pw- Nn-e- `m-K-ß-fn¬- Im-Wm-≥ km[n°pw.
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
B-Zy-am-bn- a-\- n-em-°n-b-Xv.- Cu- {]tZ-iw- tPm-Wn-\v- Im-Wn-®p-sIm-Sp-ØsIm-ep-º≥
- F-∂- B-Zn-hm-kn- X-eh
- s
- ‚{]-Xn-a- sN-dp-tXm-Wn- Um-an-\-cn-In¬ÿm-]n-®n-´p-≠v.162.--tX-°-Sn- h-\y-Po-hn- k-t¶-Xw- ÿm-]n°p-∂-Xn-\v- Nn-Øn-c- Xn-cp-\mƒ- a-lm-cmPm-hn-s\- D-]-tZ-in-®-Xv- tdm-_n-≥k-¨F-∂- D-tZym-K-ÿ-\m-bn-cp-∂-p.
2014 Pq-sse- 1
dqd¬ Ce-Iv{Sn-^n-t°-j≥
164.cmPy-sa-ºm-Sp-ap≈ {Kma-ß-fpsS sshZyp-Xo-I-cWw
- n\v Iº-\n-\n-ba
- {- ]-Imcw cq]-hXvIc
- n® dqd¬ Ce-Iv{Sn-^n-t°-j≥ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ 1969
Pqsse 25-˛\v \ne-hn¬h-∂p.
sNdpInS I¿jI hnIk\ GP≥kn
(Small Farmers Development Agency)- 1971®s∏´ Im¿jnI kmt¶XnI hnZy e`yam-°p-I,sN-dp-In-S- hm-bv-]-Iƒ- e-`y-am-°p-I,- sN-dp-In-S- P-e-tkN-\- D-d-hn-S-߃- sa-®s
- ∏-Sp-Øp-I,- Ir-jn- A-\p-_‘
- {]-h¿-Ø\
- ß
- f
- m-b- ar-Kk
- w-c£
- w-Ww,- ]m-ep¬-]m-Z\
- w,tlm¿-´n-Iƒ-®¿- Xp-Sß
- n-b- {]-h¿-Ø\
- ß
- f
- n-eq-sS- I¿j-Ic
- p-sS- h-cp-am-\- h¿-[\
- h
- n-\p- k-lm-bn-°p-I- Xp-Sß
- nh-bm-bn-cp-∂p- 1971˛¬- \n-eh
- n¬-h∂
- - Cu- ]-≤X
- n-bp-sS{]-h¿-Ø\
- ß
- ƒ.167.- 1980¬- C-Xv- sF.-B¿.-Un.-]n.-bn¬- e-bn-∏-n®p.
hcƒ® _m[nX {]tZi߃°mbp≈ ]≤Xn
(Drought Prone Area Programme)-1 973
168.hcƒ® _m-[n-X- {]-tZ-i-ß-fn-se- Im¿-jn-I- hn-I-k-\Øn-\m-bn- 1973¬- Cu- ]-≤-Xn- B-cw-`n-®p.- Ir-jn-bpwI-∂p-Im-en- k-ºØ
- pw- kw-c£
- n-°p-I,- P-\ß
- f
- p-sS- kmaq-ln-I-hpw- km-º-Øn-I-hp-am-b- hn-I-k-\w- F-∂n-h-bmbn-cp-∂p- {]-[m-\- e-£y-߃.169.-tI-{µ-˛k
- w-ÿm-\- k¿-°m-cp-Iƒ- 50:-50 F-∂- {I-aØ
- n¬]-≤-Xn-s®-e-hp- h-ln-°-W-sa-∂m-bn-cp-∂p- hyhÿ.
Iam≥Uv Gcnb hnIk\ ]≤Xn
(Command Area Development Programme) - 1974
170.Pee-`y-X- h¿-[n-∏n-°p-∂X
- n-eq-sS- Im¿-jn-I- D¬-]m-Z\
- h¿-[n-∏n-°p-I- F-∂X
- m-bn-cp-∂p- Cu- ]-≤X
- n-bp-sS- {]m-Yan-I- e-£yw.171.- `q-K¿-`- P-et- k-N\
- w- sa-®s
- ∏-Sp-ج,- a-gs
- h-≈- kw-`c
- W-hpw- hn-\n-tbm-Kh
- pw,- P-ek
- w-c£
- W
- Ø
- n-\n-Wß
- pw-hn[w- `q-an-bp-sS- {I-ao-Ic
- W
- w,- I-\m-ep-If
- p-sS- hn-Ik
- \
- wF-∂o-h- I-am-≥Uv- G-cn-b- hn-Ik
- \
- - ]-≤X
- n-bp-sS- {]h¿-Ø-\-ß-fmWv.
{]m¥h¬°cn°s∏´ I¿-jI
- ¿-°pwI¿-jI
- s
- Øm-gn-em-fn-Iƒ-°pam-bp≈
hnIk\ GP≥kn (Marginal Farmers and
Agricultural Labours Development Agency)-1975
172.SFDAamXr-I-bn¬- B-cw-`n-®- Cu- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- sNe- h v - tI- { µ- k¿- ° m- c m- W v - h- l - n ®Xv . 1977¬ CXv
SFDAbn¬ ebn∏n®p.
Ccp- ] - X n\ ]cn- ] mSn (1975)
173.Zmcn{Zyw C√m-Xm-°p-I, km[m-c-W-°m-cs‚ PohnX
\ne-hmcw sa®-s∏-Sp-ØpI F∂o e£y-ß-tfmsS
1975¬ `mcX k¿°m¿ Bhn-jvI-cn® Ccp-]-Xn\ ]cn]mSnbn¬ 1982-epw 1986-˛epw ]cn-jvIm-c-߃ hcp-ØpI-bp-≠m-bn.
174. \mjW¬ tIma¨ an\naw t{]m{Kmw, sFIy-cm-jv{S-
k-`-bpsS ant√-\nbw Uh-e-]vsa‚ v tKmƒkv, km¿°v
tkmjy¬ Nm¿´¿ F∂nh hn`m-h\w sNøp∂ XcØn¬ ]p\-cm-hn-jvI-cn® Ccp-]-Xn\ ]cn-]mSn˛ 2006
\ne-hn¬h-∂Xv 2007 G{]n¬ H∂n-\m-Wv.
^pUv t^m¿ h¿°v t{]m{Kmw-˛1977
175.Zcn-{Z-{Km-ao-W¿-°v- sXm-gn-en-√m-Ø- Im-e-ß-fn¬- sXmgn-eh
- k
- c
- ß
- ƒ- \¬-In- k-aq-lØ
- n¬- ÿm-bn-bm-b- Bkv-Xn-Iƒ- kr-jv-Sn-°p-I- F-∂- e-£y-tØm-sS- Cu- ]≤-Xn- 1977 G-{]n¬- H-∂n-\v- B-cw-`n-®p.176.- ÿm-bn-bm-b- t\-´-ß-sfm-∂pw- D-≠m-°m-≥ Cu- ]-≤Xn- ° p- I- g n- ™ n- √ .- 1980¬ NREP F∂t]cn¬
sUU¿´v sUh-e]
- vsa‚v t{]m{Kmw (1977-˛78)
177.hcƒ-®-bp-sS-bpw- a-cp-h-Xv-I-c-W-Øn-s‚-bpw- {]-Xn-Iqe- ^-e-ß-sf- A-Xn-Po-hn-®v- Im¿-jn-tIm-Xv-]m-Z-\-hpwI-∂p-Im-en- k-º-Øpw- h¿-[n-∏n-°p-I,- ]-cn-ÿn-Xn- k¥p-e-\-Øn-\p-≈- ]-≤-Xn-Iƒ- t{]m¬-km-ln-∏n-°p-IF-∂n-h-bm-bn-cp-∂p- Cu- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- e-£yw.178.- tI-{µ-˛-kw-ÿm-\- k¿-°m-cp-Iƒ- 75:-25 F-∂- {I-aØn¬- ]- ≤ - X n- s ®- e - h p- h- l n- ° - W - s a- ∂ m- b n- c p- ∂ phyhÿ.
{KmaoW bphP\߃°v
kzbw sXmgnen\pth≠nbp≈ ]cnioe\w
(Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment T RYSEM)- 1979
179.{KmaoW bphP\߃°v kzbw sXmgn¬- I-s≠-Øp∂-Xn-\m-bn- km-t¶-Xn-I- ]-cn-io-e-\w- \¬-Ip-I,- kwcw-`-I-Xz-ti-jn- hn-I-kn-∏n-°p-I,- ]-c-º-cm-K-X- ssh-ZKv-[yw- hn-I-kn-∏n-°p-I- ap-X-em-b-h-bm-bn-cp-∂p- Cu- ]≤-Xn-bp-sS- e-£y-߃.180.- 1979 B-K-kv-Xv- 15\v- B-cw-`n-®- ]-≤-Xn- 1999 G-{]n¬H-∂n-\v- kz¿-W- P-b-¥n- {Km-a- kz-tdm-kv-Km¿- tbm-P-\bn¬- e-bn-∏-n®p.
tZiob sXmgn¬Zm\ ]≤Xn
(National Rural Employment Programme-NREP)- 1980
181. ^pUv t^m¿- h¿-°v- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- ]-cn-jv-Ir-X- cq-]-amb- C-Xv- 1980 H-Iv-tSm-_¿- c-≠n-\v- \n-e-hn¬-h-∂p.182.- 50%- kw-ÿm-\- ]-¶m-fn-Ø-tØm-Sp-Iq-Sn-b- tI-{µ-]-≤Xn-bm-Wn-Xv. sXm-gn-eh
- k
- c
- ß
- ƒ- kr-jvS- n-°e
- m-bn-cp-∂pe-£yw.- 1989¬- Cu- ]-≤-Xn- P-h-l¿- tdm-kv-Km¿- tbmP-\-bn¬- e-bn-∏-n®p.
kwtbmPnX {KmahnIk\ ]cn]mSn
( Integrated Rural Development Programme)-1980
183.Bdmw- ]-Zv-[-Xn- Im-e-b-f-hn¬- 1980¬- Xp-S-°w-Ip-dn-®{Km-a-hn-I-k-\- ]-≤-Xn-bm-Wn-Xv.- A-∂v- C-¥y-bn¬- \ne-hn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂- 5000˛¬- A-[n-Iw- tªm-°p-If
- n¬]-≤X
- n- \-S∏
- m-°n.- Zm-cn-{Zy-tc-Jb
- v°
- v- Xm-sg-bp-≈- IpSpw-_ß
- s
- f- Xn-cs
- ™-Sp-Øv- A-h¿-°v- kz-bw- kw-cw-`߃- B-cw-`n-°p-∂-Xn-\v- B-h-iy-am-b- km-º-Øn-I- klm-bw- \¬-In- A-h-sc- Zm-cn-{Zy-tc-J-bv-°v- ap-I-fn¬- FØn-°p-I-bm-Wv- Cu- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- {]-[m-\- e-£yw.-
184.- C-Xn-\p-th-≠n- [-\-Im-cy-ÿm-]-\-ß-fn¬-\n-∂v- hm-bv]-bpw- k¿-°m-cn¬-\n-∂v- k-_k
v- n-Un-bpw- e-`y-am-°n.- ]≤-Xn- \-SØ
- n-∏n-\m-hi
- y-am-b- [-\k
- l
- m-bw- tI-{µ-˛k
- wÿm-\- k¿-°m-cp-Iƒ- 50:-50 F-∂- A-\p-]m-XØ
- n¬- sNe-hg- n-®p.- Hm-tcm- Pn-√m- B-ÿm-\Ø
- n-epw- Hm-tcm- Pn-√m{Km-a- hn-Ik
- \
- - G-P≥
- kn-°v- cq-]w- \¬-In.- A-t¥ym-Zb
- ]-≤X
- n- {]-Im-ca
- m-Wv- sF.-B¿.-Un.-]n.- \-S∏
- m-°n-bX
- v.- G‰-hpw- Ip-d™
- h-cp-am-\°
- m-cn¬-\n-∂v- Kp-Wt- `m-‡m-°sf- Xn-cs
- ™-Sp-°p-∂- {]-{In-bb
- m-Wv- A-t¥ym-Zb
- .185.- s
- N-dp-In-S˛- ]
- c
- n-an-X- I¿-jI
- ¿,- I¿-jI
- s
- Øm-gn-em-fn-Iƒ,{Km-ao-W- ssI-sØm-gn-ep-Im¿- F-∂n-ß-s\- Zm-cn-{Zy-tcJ-bv-°v- Io-gn-ep-≈- F-√m-h-cpw- e-£y-hn-`m-K-Øn¬-s∏´n-cp-∂p.- B-sI- hm¿-jn-I- e-£y-Øn-s‚- 50 i-X-am\w- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn- ]-´n-I- h¿-K-°m¿-°m-bpw- 40 i-X-am\w- kv-{Xo-Iƒ-°m-bpw- 3 i-X-am-\w- hn-I-emw-K¿-°mbpw- kw-h-c-Ww- sN-bv-Xn-cp-∂p.186.- -C-µn-cm-Km-‘n-bp-sS- Im-e-Øm-Wv- Cu- ]-≤-Xn- B-cw`n-®-Xv.- hm-Pv-t]-bn- k¿-°m¿- 1999 G-{]n¬- H-∂n-\vCu- ]-≤-Xn-sb- kz¿-W- P-b-¥n- {Km-a- kz-tdm-kv-Km¿tbm-P-\-bn¬- e-b-n∏n®p.
{KmaoW h\nXm iniphnIk\ ]cn]mSn
(Development of W omen and Children
in Rural Area-DWCRA)-1983 ˛ 8
187.kwtbm-Pn-X- {Km-a-hn-I-k-\-]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- D-]-]-≤-Xn-bmb- {Km-ao-W- h-\n-Xm- in-ip-hn-I-k-\- ]-cn-]m-Sn-bp-sS- e£yw- Zm-cn-{Zy-tc-J-bv-°v- Xm-sg-bp-≈- {Km-ao-W- Ip-Spw_-ßf
- n-se- h-\n-XI
- f
- p-sS- Iq-´m-b- sXm-gn¬-kw-cw-`ß
- ƒ°v- t{]m¬-km-l-\w- \¬-Ip-I-sb-∂-Xm-Wv.188.- Cu- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- Io-gn¬- cq-]w-sIm-≈p-∂- h-\n-Xmkw-L-߃-°v- sF.-B¿.-Un.-]n.-\n-_-‘-\-Iƒ-°v- hnt[-b-am-bn- _m-¶v- hm-bv-]-bpw- k-_v-kn-Un-bpw- \¬-Ip∂p.- 1983˛-84em-Wv- Cu- ]-≤-Xn- B-cw-`n-®-Xv.- Kp-Wt`m-‡m-°-fp-sS- 50%- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn-˛-]-´n-I-h¿-K-Øn-sekv-{Xo-Iƒ- B-bncn°pw.
{KmaoW `qclnX sXmgn¬ `{ZXm ]cn]mSn
( Rural Landless Employment Guarantee
- 4
Programme-RLEGP)- 1983˛ 8
189.1983˛-84 ¬- B-Wv- Cu- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- Xp-S-°w.- `q-c-lnX- sXm-gn-em-fn- Ip-Spw-_-ß-fn-se- H-cmƒ-s°-¶n-epw- h¿j-Øn¬- Ip-d-™-Xv- 100 {]-hr-Øn-Zn-\-߃- D-≠m-°ns°m-Sp-°p-I- F-∂-Xm-bn-cp-∂p- ]-≤-Xn-bp-sS- ap-Jy-e£yw.- tZ-io-b- sXm-gn¬-Zm-\- ]-≤-Xn-bpw- Cu- k-a-bØv- \n-e-hn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂p.
Cµncm Bhmkv tbmP\˛1985
190.R L E G PbpsS- A-\p-_-‘- ]-≤-Xn-bm-bn- 1985¬- Bcw-`n-®p.- 1989ap-X¬- P-h-l¿- tdm-kv-Km¿- tbm-P-\-bpsS- `m-K-am-bn.- 1996 P-\-h-cn- H-∂p-ap-X¬- kz-X-{¥-]-≤Xn-bm-bn.- ]-´n-I-˛-]-´n-I-h¿-K-Øn¬-s∏-´-h¿-°pw- Zm-cn{Zy-tc-Jb
- v°
- v- Xm-sg-bp-≈- a-‰p-hn-`m-KØ
- n¬-s∏-´h
- ¿-°pwho-Sp-\n¿-an-°m-\pw- ]p-\-cp-≤m-c-W-Øn-\pw- km-º-ØnI- k-lm-bw- \¬-Ip-∂- ]-≤-Xn-bm-Wv- C-Xv.- ]-≤-Xns®-e-hv- tI-{µ-˛-kw-ÿm-\- k¿-°m-cp-Iƒ- 75:-25 F-∂A-\p-]m-X-Øn-em-Wv- h-ln°p∂Xv.
Question Bag
W orld Geography
191. tem-I-Øv- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- t]¿- h-[in-£-bv-°v- hn-t[-b-am-Ip-∂- cm-Pyw-˛ssN-\192.- -tem-I-sØ- B-Zy-sØ- a-\-»m-kv-{X- ]co-£-W-im-e- G-Xv- cm-Py-Øm-Wv- ÿm]n-®-Xv-˛- P¿-a-\n193.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- kzm`m-hn-I- d-∫¿D¬-]m-Zn-∏n-°p-∂- cm-Pyw-˛-Xm-bv-e-≥Uv194.- -G-Xv- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- bq-tdm-]y-≥ `m-K-amWv- t{X-kv-˛- Xp¿-°n195.- -G-‰-hpw- P-\-km-{µ-X- Iq-Sn-b- G-jy-≥
cm-Pyw-˛- knw-K-∏q¿196.- -Cw-•o-jv- A-£-c-am-em- {I-a-Øn¬- BZy-sØ- cm-Pyw-˛- A-^v-Km-\n-kv-Xm-≥
2014 Pq-sse- 1
197.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-Øn¬-\n-∂m-Wv- \-ao-_n-bkzm-X-{¥yw- t\-Sn-b-Xv-˛-Z-£n-Wm-{^n-°198.- -Cu-ÿ- Zzo-]v- G-Xp- cm-Py-Øn-t‚-XmWv-˛- Nn-en199.- G
- ‰
- h
- pw- h-en-b- em-‰n-\t- a-cn-°≥
- cm-Pyw˛- {_-ko¬200.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- I-S¬-Øo-c-ap-≈- cmPyw-˛-Im-\-U201.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- Nm-c-kw-L-S-\-bmWv- sam- m-Zv-˛- C-{k-tb¬202.- -bq-tdm-∏n-se- tcm-Kn- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂cm-Pyw-˛- Xp¿-°n203.- -B-Zm-an-s‚- sIm-Sp-ap-Sn- G-Xv- cm-Py-ØmWv-˛- {io-e-¶204.- -C¥
- y-≥ D-]`- q-JW
- U
-v Ø
- n¬- H-cp- hn-tZ-ii-IX
-v n-bp-sS-bpw- ta¬-t°m-ba-v b
- °
-v p- hn-t[-
b-am-Im-Ø- H-tc-sbm-cp- cm-Pyw-˛t- \-∏mƒ205.- -C-¥y-bn¬- Im-∏n-°p-cp- sIm-≠p-h-∂-XvF-hn-sS-\n-∂m-Wv-˛-ku-Zn- A-td-_y206.- -]-Xm-I-bn¬- `q-]-Sw- B-te-J-\w- sN-bvXn-´p-≈- cm-Py-߃-˛- ssk-{]-kv,- sImtkm-thm207.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-Øn-s≥d- ]-g-b- t]-cm-Wv- PSv-em-≥Uv-˛-sU-∑m¿-°v208.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- P-\-km-{µ-X- IqSn-b- Zzo-]p-cm-jv-{Sw-˛- knw-K-∏q¿209.- -H-∂n-e-[n-Iw- cm-Py-ß-fp-sS- {]-Y-a- h-\nX- ]-Z-a-e-¶-cn-®- G-I- h-\n-X-bm-Wv- t{K°- am-tj¬.- A-Xn¬- H-cp- cm-Pyw- samkmw-_n-°m-Wv.- a-t‰- cm-Py-ta-Xv-˛-Z-£nWm-{^n-°210.- -knw-_m-_v-sh-bp-sS- ]-g-b- t]-cv-˛- k-tX-
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
¨- sdm-tU-jy211.- K
- p-en-kvY
- m-≥ sIm-´m-cw- G-Xp- cm-Py-ØmWv-˛- C-dm-≥
212.- -tdmw- \-K-c-Øn-\p-≈n¬- ÿn-Xn- sN-øp∂- cm-Pyw- ˛- h-Øn-°m-≥
213.- -tem-I-Øm-Zy-am-bn- aq-ey-h¿-[n-X- \n-IpXn- \-S-∏m-°n-b- cm-Pyw-˛- {^m-≥kv214.- -U-®v- Cu-Ãv- C-≥Uo-kv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏´n-cp-∂- cm-Pyw-˛- C-≥sUm-\n-jy215.- -U-b-‰v- G-Xv- cm-Py-sØ- ]m¿-e-sa-‚m-Wv˛- P-∏m-≥
216.- -kp-ep- h¿-£-°m¿- Xm-a-kn-°p-∂- cmPyw-˛- Z-£n-Wm-{^n-°217.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-Øv- {]-Nm-c-Øn-ep-≈- Nn-In’m-k-{º-Zm-b-am-Wv- AIyp]MvN¿-˛
218.- -G-jy-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- hn-kv-Xo¿-Ww- Ipd-™- cm-Pyw-˛- am-e-Zzo-]v219.- -sX-t°- A-ta-cn-°-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- hnkv-Xo¿-Ww- Iq-Sn-b- cm-Pyw-˛- {_-ko¬220.- -G-‰-hpw- P-\-kw-Jy- Iq-Sn-b- tIm-a-¨sh¬-Øv- Aw-K-cm-Pyw-˛- C-¥y221.- -sX-t°- A-ta-cn-°-bn-se- I-c-_-‘n-Xcm-Py-߃-˛- s_m-fo-hn-b,- ]-cm-tKz222.- -ssN-\-˛-d-jy- F-∂o- cm-Py-ß-fp-sS- AXn¿-Øn-bm-b- \-Zn-˛- A-ap¿223.- -lp-Sp-˛- Xp-Sv-kn- h¿-K-߃- X-Ωn-ep-≈I-em-]Ø
- n-\v- th-Zn-bm-b- B-{^n-°≥
- cmPyw-˛-dp-hm-≠224.- -lw-Kd- n-bp-sS- X-eÿ
- m-\w- ˛-_p-Um-s]-Ã-v
225.- -Nmƒ-Uv- Um¿-hn-≥ X-s≥d- \n-co-£-W߃- \-S-Øm-≥ sX-c-s™-Sp-Ø- Km-e∏m-tKm-kv- Zzo-]p-Iƒ- C-t∏mƒ- G-Xp- cmPy-Øn-s≥d- \n-b{- ¥-WØ
- n-em-Wv˛- C
- I
- ztUm¿- 226.- -ta-∏n-fn-s‚- \m-Sv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- cmPyw-˛- Im-\-U227.- -Uyp-dm-‚ v- sse-≥ G-sXm-s°- cm-Py߃-°n-Sb
- n-em-Wv˛- - ]-gb
- - {_n-´o-jv- km{am-Py-hpw- A-^v-Km-\n-kv-Xm-\pw228.- -kmw-_n-bb
- p-sS- X-eÿ
m-\w-˛- ep-km-°229.- -tI-∏v- sI-∂-Un- D-]-{K-l-hn-£-]-W-tI{µw- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv-˛- ^v-tfm-dn-U- (bp.F-kv.-F.-)230.- -kv-t]-kv- j-´n¬- A-b-®- B-Zy- G-jy≥ cm-Pyw-˛- ssN-\231.- -ka
- p-{Z-\n-c∏
- n¬-\n-∂pw- Xm-sg-bm-bn- ÿnXn- sN-øp-∂- X-eÿ
m-\- \-Kc
- w- G-Xpcm-Py-Øn-t‚-Xm-Wv˛- - s\-X¿-e≥
- Uvk
- v232.- -k-bmw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-´n-cp-∂- cm-Pyw-˛-Xmbv-e-≥Uv233.- Ã
- m-Nyp- Hm-^v- en-_¿-´n- G-Xp- cm-Py-ØmWv- kv-Ym-]n-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv-˛- bp.-F-kv.-F.234.- -Im-‘-lm¿- G-Xv- cm-Py-Øm-Wv-˛-A-^vKm-\n-kv-Xm-≥
235.- -I-_p-In,- t\m- F-∂n-h- G-Xv- cm-Py-sØ\m-S-I-cq-]-ß-fm-Wv- ˛-P-∏m-≥
236.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- sN-dn-b- ]-c-am[n-Im-c- cm-jv-{Sw- ˛- h-Øn-°m-≥
237.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-sØ- hm-®v- I-º-\n-I-fm-Wvdm-tUm,- tdm-f-Iv-kv- F-∂n-h-˛- kzn-‰v-k¿e-‚ v238.- -Cw-•o-jv- A-£-c-am-em-{I-a-Øn¬- A-hkm-\w-h-cp-∂- X-e-ÿm-\w-˛- km-{K-_v239.- -H-cp- tdm-Up-t]m-ep-an-√m-Ø- bq-tdm-]y≥ \-K-cw-˛- sh-\o-kv240.- -X-lv-cn¿- kv-Iz-b¿- G-Xv- cm-Py-Øm-Wv-˛Cu-Pn-]v-Xv241.- -tem-I-tØ-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- I-S¬-Øo-cap-≈- cm-Pyw-˛- Im-\-U242.- -Xm-jv-sI-‚ v- C-t∏mƒ- G-Xp- cm-Py-Øv-˛D-kv-_-°n-ÿm-≥
243.- -ln-kv-]m-\n-tbm-f- Zzo-]n-se- cm-Py-߃˛- sUm-an-\n-°≥
- dn-∏ª
- n-°pw- sl-bvØ
- nbpw244.- -Xp¿-°n-bp-sS- X-e-ÿm-\w-˛- A-¶m-d245.- -Z-£n-W-]q¿-th-jy-bn-se- G-I- I-c-_≤- cm-Pyw-˛- em-thm-kv246.- -tem-I-sØ- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- B-W-h-Zpc-¥w- (1986)- \-S-∂- sN¿-tWm-_n¬- GXp- cm-Py-Øm-Wv- -˛-D-{I-bn-≥
247.- -ln-_m-°p-j- F-∂- hm-°v- G-Xv- cm-PysØ- P-\-X-bp-am-bn- _-‘-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂p-˛- P-∏m-≥
248.- -k-∂ym-kn-am-cp-sS- cm-Pyw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏Sp-∂-Xv-˛- sIm-dn-b249.- K
- c
- p-V- G-Xp- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- F-b¿-e≥
- kvB-Wv-˛- C-s¥m-\n-jy250.- -hn-kv-Xo¿-W-Øn¬- H-∂mw-kv-Ym-\-ap-≈A-ta-cn-°-≥ kv-t‰-‰v-˛- A-em-kv-I251.- I
- c
- o-_n-b≥
- cm-jv{- S-ßf
- n¬-h®
- v- G-‰h
- pwh-ep-Xv-˛- Iyq-_252.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- sN-dn-b- dn-∏-ªnIv-˛- \u-dp253.- -Kq¿-J-Iƒ- G-Xp-cm-Py-sØ- P-\-hn-`m-Kw˛- t\-∏mƒ254.- -c-≠p- h-en-b- P-e-k-Rv-P-b-ß-sf- XΩn¬- _-‘n-∏n-°p-∂- C-Sp-ßn-b- P-e`m-Kw-˛- kv-{S-bn-‰v255.- -B-a-tkm-¨- \-Zn- H-gp-Ip-∂- cm-Py-߃-
˛- {_-ko¬,- s]-dp,- sIm-fw-_n-b256.- -tem-I-sØ- G-‰-hpw- P-\-km-{µ-X- Ip-d™- cm-Pyw-˛- aw-tKm-fn-b257.- -Cu-ÿ- Zzo-]v- G-Xv- k-ap-{Z-Øn-em-Wv-˛]-k-^n-Iv- k-ap-{Zw258.- -Cu-Pn-]v-Xn-s‚- `m-K-am-b- kn-\m-bv- D-]Zzo-]v- G-Xv- h-≥I-c-bn-em-Wv- ˛-G-jy259.- -c-≠p- h-en-b- I-c-`m-K-ß-sf- X-Ωn¬- _‘n-∏n-°p-∂- C-Sp-ßn-b- I-c-`m-Kw-˛- Ckv-Xp-a-kv260.- -cm-{Xn-Im-e- B-Im-i-Øn¬- Im-Wp-∂G-‰-hpw- Xn-f-°-ap-≈- \-£-{Xw-˛- kn-dnb-kv261.- -G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- {K-lw-˛- hym-gw262.- -tem-I-sØ- G-‰-hpw- P-\-km-{µ-X- Iq-Snb- cm-Pyw-˛- sam-Wm-t°m263.- -Z-£n-W- ssN-\m-°-S¬- G-Xv- Zzo-]n-s‚`m-K-am-Wv-˛-]-k-^n-Iv- k-ap-{Zw264.- -Zn- _n-Kv- B-∏nƒ- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- \K-cw-˛- \yq-tbm¿-°v265.- -Ba
- t- km-¨- I-gn-™m¬- tem-Is
- Ø- G‰-hpw- h-en-b- D-jvW
- t- a-Je
- m- a-g°
- m-SpIƒ- G-Xv- \-Zo-XS- Ø
- n-em-Wv˛- - tImw-tKm266.- -B-Im-i-Øv- sh-fp-Ø- ta-L-i-I-e-ßfm-bn- Im-W-s∏-Sp-∂- ta-L-߃-˛- kntdm- Ip-ap-e-kv- ta-L-߃267.- -sN-Ω-cn-bm-Sn-s‚- tcm-a-s°-´p-Iƒ-t]mse- Im-W-s∏-Sp-∂- ta-L-߃-˛- Ip-ape-kv- ta-L-߃268.- -C-¥y-≥ hw-i-P¿- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X-ep-≈Zzo-]p-cm-jv-{S-߃-˛- au-do-jy-kv,- ^n-Pn269.- -C-¥y-bn¬- tX-bn-e-bpw- Im-∏n-bpw- Irjn-sN-øp-∂- {]-tZ-iw-˛- Z-£n-tW-¥y270.- -ssS-^q-¨- D-jv-W-N-{I-hm-Xw- F-hn-sSbm-Wv- ho-ip-∂-Xv-˛- ssN-\271.- C
- S- n-ta-Lß
- ƒ- F-∂d
- n-bs
- ∏-Sp-∂- ta-Lß-fp-sS- t]-cv-˛- Ip-ap-tem-\nw-_-kv- taL-߃272.- -cm-Py-ß-fn-√m-Ø- G-I- `q-J-Wv-Uw-˛- A‚m¿-´n-°273.- -G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- \-£-{X- k-aq-lw-˛ssl-{U274.- -tem-I-sØ- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- a-cp-`q-an-˛k-lm-d275.- -tPm¿-Zm-≥ \-Zn-bp-sS- ]-X-\w- G-Xp- IS-en¬-˛- Nm-hp-I-S¬276.- -c-≠p- th-en-tb-‰-߃-°n-S-bn-ep-≈- CS-th-f-˛- 12 a-Wn-°q¿- 25 an-\n-´v277.- -cm-jv-S-X-{¥-im-kv-{X-]-c-am-bn- {Ko-≥em≥Uv- G-Xv- h-≥I-c-bp-sS- `m-K-am-Wv-˛- bqtdm-∏v278.- -F-dn-{Xn-b-≥ I-S¬- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-´n-cp-∂Xv- G-Xm-Wv-˛- sN-¶-S¬279.- -bp-dm-\-kv- {K-l-sØ- I-≠p-]n-Sn-®-Xv-˛Xn-tbm-U¿- sl¿-j¬280.- -C-¥ym-k-ap-{Z-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-bZzo-]v-˛- a-U-Km-kv-I¿281.- -tKm-_n- a-cp-`q-an- G-Xv- cm-Py-Øm-Wv-˛aw-tKm-fn-b282.- -D-dpw-_w-_- F-∂- t]-cv- F-¥p-am-bn- _‘-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p-˛- \-Zn283.- -Zn-h-k-Øn¬- \m-ep-X-h-W- th-en-tb-‰wkw-`-hn-°p-∂- tem-I-Øn-se- G-I- ÿew-˛- Cw-•-≠n-se- k-Xmw-]v-S-¨284.- -D-c-K-ß-fn-√m-Ø- h-≥I-c-˛-A-‚m¿-´n-°285.- -Z-£n-Wm-{^n-°,- \-ao-_n-b- F-∂o- cmPy-ß-fp-sS- A-Xn¿-Øn-bm-b- \-Zn-˛- Hmd-©v286.- -U-b-a-‚ n-\- {S-©v- G-Xv- k-ap-{Z-Øn-seG-‰-hpw- B-gw-Iq-Sn-b- `m-K-am-Wv-˛-C-¥y≥a-lm-k-ap-{Zw287.- -Um-\yq-_v- \-Zn- sN-∂p-tN-cp-∂- I-S¬-˛I-cn-¶-S¬288.- -F-h-d-Ãn-s\-°mƒ- D-b-c-ap-≈-Xpw- ]-k^n-Iv- k-ap-{Z-Øn¬- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂-Xpam-b- ]¿-h-Xw-˛- au-\m-In289.- -Z£
- n-Wm-b\
- t- c-J- c-≠p-{]m-hi
- yw- ap-dn®p- I-Ss
- ∂m-gp-Ip-∂- \-Zn- ˛-enw-t]m-t]m290.- -F-h-d-Ãv- Xn-_-‰n¬- A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- t]cv-˛- tNm-tam-ep-Mv-a291.- -F-kv-In-tam-I-fp-sS- ho-Sv-˛- C-•p292.- -d-jy-≥ P-\-kw-Jy-bp-sS- `q-cn-`m-K-hpwG-Xv- h-≥I-c-bn-em-Wv-˛- bq-tdm-∏v293.- -F-{X- In-tem-ao-‰¿- D-b-c-Øn-em-Wv- Hm-
tkm-¨- ]m-fn- ÿn-Xn- sN-øp-∂-Xv-˛- 15
ap-X¬- 60 In.-ao.-h-sc294.- -ssi-Xy-°-S¬- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv-˛-N-{µ-≥
295.- -tIm-\m¿- \-Zn- D¬-`-hn-°p-∂- cm-Pyw-˛A-^v-Km-\n-ÿm-≥
296.- -C-¥y-≥a-lm-k-ap-{Zw,- A-d-_n-°-S¬,_w-Kmƒ- Dƒ-°-S¬- F-∂n-h- kw-K-an°p-∂- ÿ-ew-˛-I-\ym-Ip-am-cn297.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- D-b¿-∂- th-entb-‰w- A-\p-`-h-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- F-hn-sS-˛- I\-U-bn-se- ^-≠n- Dƒ-°-S-en¬298.- -t]-cn-s‚- D¬-`-h-Øn-\v- {Ko-°v-˛-tdm-a-≥
]p-cm-W-ß-fp-am-bn- _-‘-an-√m-Ø- {Klw-˛- `q-an299.- -t{K-‰v- t…-hv- X-Sm-Iw- G-Xv- cm-Py-ØmWv-˛- Im-\-U300.- -Uo-tKm- Km¿-jy- Zzo-]v- G-Xp- k-ap-{ZØn¬-˛- C-¥y-≥a-lm-k-ap-{Zw301.- -Xp¿-°n-bp-sS- G-jy-≥ `m-K-am-Wv- ˛-Gjym-ssa-\¿302.- -tem-I-sØ- G-‰-hpw- ho-Xn-Iq-Sn-b- sh≈-®m-´w-˛- tJm-¨- (em-thm-kn¬-)303.- -Cu-Pn-]v-Xn-s‚- G-jy-≥ `m-Kw-˛- kn-\mbv- D-]-Zzo-]v304.- k
- v]
- m-\n-jv- `m-j- \n-eh
- n-ep-≈- H-tc-sbmcp- B-{^n-°-≥ cm-Pyw-˛-C-Iz-t‰m-dn-b¬Kn-\n305.- -kv-{Xo-Iƒ-°v- \n¿-_-‘n-X- ssk-\n-Itk-h-\w- hy-h-ÿ- sN-øp-∂- G-I- cmPyw-˛- C-{k-tb¬306.- -Inw-_¿-en- h-{P-J-\n- G-Xp- cm-Py-ØmWv-˛- Z-£n-Wm-{^n-°307.- -In-an-Km-tbm- G-Xp- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- tZ-iob-Km-\-am-Wv-˛- P-∏m-≥
308.- -G-‰-hpw- P-\-km-{µ-X-Iq-Sn-b- Zzo-]p- cmjv-{Sw-˛- knw-K-∏q¿309.- -hn-kv-Xo¿-Ww- G-‰-hpw- Ip-d-™- A-tacn-°-≥ kw-kv-Ym-\w-˛- tdm-Uv- sF-e-≥dv310.- t- \m-{X-Umw- I-Øo-{U¬- G-Xv- cm-Py-Øv˛- {^m-≥kv311.- -t]m¿-®p-Ko-kv- Cu-Ãv- B-{^n-°-bp-sS]p-Xn-b- t]-cv-˛- sam-kmw-_n-Iv312.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- em-≥Uvtem-°v-Uv- cm-Pyw-˛- I-k-Jv-ÿm-≥
313.- G
- X
- p- cm-Py-am-Wv- se-tkm-sØ-sb- ]q¿W-am-bpw- Np-‰n- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂-Xv-˛-Z£n-Wm-{^n-°314.- h
- n-kvX
- o¿-Wm-Sn-ÿm-\Ø
- n¬- tem-IØ
- vC-¥y-bp-sS- ÿm-\w-˛- G-gv315.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-sØ- kzm-X-{¥y- {]-ÿm\-am-Wv- au- au-˛- sI-\n-b316.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- ssk-\yap-≈- cm-Pyw-˛- ssN-\- (]o-∏nƒ-kv- en_-td-j-≥ B¿-an-)317.- I
- º
- q-®n-bb
- p-sS- ]p-Xn-b- t]-cv˛- - Iw-t_mUn-b318.- -I-c-`m-Kw- ap-gp-h-≥ k-\-K¬- F-∂- cmPy-Øm¬- Np-‰-s∏-´- cm-Pyw-˛- Kmw-_n-b319.- -kv-Im-≥Un-t\-hn-b- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂{]-tZ-i-Øn¬- Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂- cm-Py-߃˛- t\m¿-th,- kzo-U-≥,- sU-∑m¿-°v320.- k
- z¿-WØ
- n-s‚- D-]t- `m-KØ
- n¬- G-‰h
- pwap-∂n¬- \n¬-°p-∂- cm-Pyw-˛- C-¥y321.- -sX-t°- A-ta-cn-°-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- P-\kw-Jy- Iq-Sn-b- cm-Pyw-˛- {_-ko¬322.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- sN-dn-b- kn-‰ntÃ-‰v- ˛- h-Øn-°m-≥
323.- -tem-I-Øm-Zy-am-bn- t]-∏¿- I-d-≥kn- D]-tbm-Kn-®- cm-Pyw-˛- ssN-\324.- -h-\n-X,- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n-bm-b- B-Zy-sØap-…nw- cm-Pyw-˛- ]m-In-kv-Xm-≥
325.- -tem-I-sØ- G-‰-hpw- D-b-cw-Iq-Sn-b- X-ekv-Ym-\-\-K-c-ap-≈- sX-t°- A-ta-cn-°≥ cm-Pyw-˛-s_m-fo-hn-b326.- -s_-bv-°¬- X-Sm-Iw- G-Xv- cm-Py-Øv-˛d-jy327.- -bp.-F-kv.-F.-bn-se- kw-ÿm-\-ß-fn¬G-‰-hpw- P-\-kw-Jy- Iq-Sn-b-Xv-˛- Im-ent^m¿-Wn-b328.- -G-‰-hpw- D-b-c-Øn¬- ÿn-Xn- sN-øp-∂X-e-ÿm-\- \-K-c-ap-≈- cm-Pyw-˛- s_mfo-hn-b329.- -em-‰n-\-ta-cn-°-bn-se- ]p-cm-X-\- P-\-hn`m-Ka
- m-b- B-kvs
- S-°p-Iƒ- C-∂s
- Ø- G-
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
Xv- cm-Py-Øm-Wv-˛- sa-Iv-kn-t°m330.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-°m-cm-Wv- X-ß-fp-sS- cm-PysØ- {Uq-°v-˛-bp¬- F-∂p- hn-fn-°p-∂Xv-˛- `q-´m-≥
331.- -P-∏m-≥Im¿- A-cn-bn¬-\n-∂p- \n¿-an-°p∂- ]m-\o-bw- ˛- tk-°v332.- -t^m¿-tam-k-bp-sS- C-t∏m-g-sØ- t]-cv˛- X-bv-hm-≥
333.- -P-∏m-s‚- sU-t{Sm-bn-‰v- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂- \-K-cw-˛- \-tKm-b334.- -s{Iw-en-≥ F-hn-sS-bm-Wv-˛- tam-kv-tIm335.- -sa-{Sn-Iv- kw-hn-[m-\w- B-Zy-am-bn- \-S-∏m°n-b- cm-Pyw-˛- {^m-≥kv336.- -t]¿-jy C-t∏mƒ- G-Xv- t]-cn-em-Wv- Adn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- C-dm-≥
337.- -sk-≥ _p-≤-a-X-hn-`m-Kw- G-Xp- cm-PyØm-Wv- D-Zv-`-hn-®-Xv-˛- ssN-\338.- -F-hn-S-sØ- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n-bp-sS- h-k-Xnbm-Wv- 24 k-k-Iv-kv- ss{U-hv-˛- I-\-U339.- -P-∏m-s‚- ]n-‰v-kv-_¿-Kv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂- \-K-cw-˛- bp-hm-´340.- -G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- cm-P-Ip-Spw-_w- D-≈- cmPyw-˛- ku-Zn- A-td-_y341.- -F-tXym-]y-bp-sS- X-e-ÿm-\w-˛- B-Unkv- A-_m-_342.- -G-‰-hpw- ]-g-°-ap-≈- tZ-io-b-Km-\w- GXp- cm-Py-Øn-t‚-Xv-˛- P-∏m-≥
343.- -cm-Py-Øn-s≥d-bpw- \-Zn-bp-sS-bpw- t]-cvH-∂m-b-Xn-\v- D-Zm-l-c-Ww-˛-tPm¿-Zm-≥
344.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- P-\-kw-Jy-bp-≈- Ata-cn-°-≥ kv-t‰-‰v-˛- Im-en-t^m¿-Wn-b345.- -G-Xp- \-K-c-Øn-em-Wv- ssSw- kv-Iz-b¿-˛\yq-tbm¿-°v346.- -D-∏n-\v- \n-Ip-Xn- Np-a-Øn-b- B-Zy- cm-Pyw˛- ssN-\347.- -d-jy-bp-sS- tZ-io-b- ar-Kw-˛- I-c-Sn348.- -c-≠p- `q-J-Wv-U-ß-fn¬- ÿn-Xn- sN-øp∂- \-K-cw-˛- C-kv-Xmw-_pƒ349.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- k-ap-{Z- A-Xn¿-ØnI-fp-≈- cm-Pyw-˛- C-s¥m-\o-jy350.- -I-S-em-kv- B-Zy-am-bn- D-]-tbm-Kn-®- cmPyw-˛- ssN-\351.- -dm-Uv-¢n-^v- tc-J- th¿-Xn-cn-°p-∂- cm-Py߃- ˛- C-¥y-bpw- ]m-In-kv-Xm-\pw352.- -Ip-cn-in-s‚- Nn-{X-ap-≈- ]-Xm-I-bp-≈- cmPyw-˛- kzn-‰v-k¿-e-‚ v353.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- tdm-t_m-´p-Iƒ- GXp- cm-Py-Øm-Wp-≈-Xv-˛-P-∏m-≥
354.- h
- o-Xn-bp-am-bn- Xm-cX
- a
- y-s∏-Sp-Øp-tºmƒG-‰-hpw- \o-fw- Iq-Sn-b- cm-Pyw- F-∂- hnti-j-Ww- kz-¥-am-°p-∂- sX-t°- Ata-cn-°-≥ cm-Pyw-˛-Nn-en355.- -h-S-t°- A-ta-cn-°-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- hn-kvXo¿-Ww- Iq-Sn-b- cm-Pyw-˛- Im-\-U356.- -G-Xv- cm-Py-sØ- cm-jv-{So-b- I-£n-bmWv- ]o-∏nƒ-kv- A-e-b-≥kv- t^m¿- Utam-{I-kn-˛- Xm-bv-e-≥Uv357.- -I-\m-ep-I-fp-sS- \m-Sv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂Xv-˛- ]m-In-kv-Xm-≥
358.- -I-fn-a-¨- ]m-{X-߃- B-Zy-am-bn- D-]tbm-Kn-®- cm-Pyw-˛- ssN-\359.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-am-Wv- A-em-kv-I- {]-tZ-iwbp.-F-kv.-F.-bv-°p- \¬-In-b-Xv-˛- d-jy360.- -G-Xp-cm-Py-Øn-s‚- hn-am-\- k¿-ho-kmWv- K-cp-U-˛- C-s¥m-\o-jy361.- -G-Xv- bq-tdm-]y-≥ cm-Py-Øm-Wv- cm-jv{S-Ø-e-h-≥ {Km-≥Uv- Uyq-°v- F-∂-dnb-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛-e-Iv-kw-_¿-Kv362.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- cm-Pyw-˛d-jy363.- -N-Xp-cm-Ir-Xn-bn-e-√m-Ø- tZ-io-b- ]-XmI-bp-≈- H-tc-sbm-cp- cm-Pyw-˛t- \-∏mƒ- (c≠p- {Xn-tIm-W-߃- tN¿-∂-Xm-Wv- t\∏m-fn-s≥d- tZ-io-b-]-Xm-I-)364.- -P-\-kw-Jy-bp-am-bn- Xm-c-X-ayw- sN-øptºmƒ- G-‰-hpw- D-b¿-∂- h-[-in-£m- \nc-°p-≈- cm-Pyw-˛- knw-K-∏q¿365.- I
- n-g°
- t- \-jy-≥ I-Sp-hI
- ƒ- F-∂d
- n-bs
- ∏Sp-∂-Xv-˛- Xm-bv-hm-≥,- knw-K-∏q¿,-tlmt¶mw-Kv,- Z-£n-W- sIm-dn-b366.- -G-Xp- cm-Py-sØ- ssk-\n-I-\m-Wv- tSman- A-‰v-In-≥kv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛{_n-´-¨367.- -GX
- p- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- ]-Xm-Ib
- m-W-v Hmƒ-U-v
2014 Pq-sse- 1
t•m-dn- F-∂d- n-bs
- ∏-Sp-∂X
- ˛-v - bp.-Fk
- .v F
- .368.--In-hn- F-∂- ]-£n-bp-sS- P-∑t- Z-iw-˛- \yqkn-e-≥Uv369.--Im-\-U-bp-sS-bpw- A-ta-cn-°-bp-sS-bpwA-Xn¿-Øn-˛- 49˛mw- k-am-¥-c- tc-J370.--Ãm-ºp-I-fn¬- kp-thm-an- F-∂-®-Sn-°p∂- cm-Pyw-˛- ^n-≥e-≥Uv371.- -k-º-∂-Xo-cw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- cm-Pyw˛- tIm-Ãm-dn-°372.--Kƒ-^p- cm-Py-ß-fn¬- Zzo-]v-˛- _-l-dn-≥
- N
- X
- p-cm-Ir-Xn-bn-ep-≈- tZ-io-b- ]-XmI-bp-≈- cm-Pyw-˛- kzn-‰v-k¿-e-≥Uv374.--kv-Im-≥Un-t\-hn-b-≥ cm-Py-߃- G-Xvh-≥I-c-bp-sS- `m-K-am-Wv-˛- bq-tdm-∏v 375.--Ic
- o-_n-b≥
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- m-jv{- S-ßf
- n¬- P-\k
- wJy-bn¬- ap-∂n-ep-≈-Xv- ˛-Iyq-_376.--tem-I-Øm-Zy-am-bn- sXm-gn-em-fn- kw-LS-\-I-sf- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®- cm-Pyw-˛- Cw-•-≠v377.--kp-h¿-W- ]-tKm-U-I-fp-sS- \m-Sv- F-∂dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- cm-Pyw-˛- aym-≥a¿378.--G-Xv- cm-Py-Øm-Wv- ip-`-{]-Xo-£m- ap\-ºv-˛-Z-£n-Wm-{^n-°379.--Cu-^¬- tKm-]p-cw- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv˛- - ]mco-kv380.--G-Xp- cm-Py-Øm-Wv- l-Kn-b- tkm-^n-b˛- Xp¿-°n381.- h
- m-jnw-KvS- ¨
- - sa-tΩm-dn-b¬- F-hn-sS-bmWv-˛-hm-jnw-Kv-S-¨- Un.-kn.382.--G-Xp- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- ]-g-b- t]-cm-Wvsl¬-th-jy-˛- kzn-‰v-k¿-e-≥Uv383.--hn-b-∂- G-Xp- \-Zn-bp-sS- Xo-c-Øm-Wv-˛Um-\yq-_v384.--G-Xv- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- tZ-io-b- Im-bn-I- hnt\m-Z-am-Wv- _-kv-Im-jn-˛-A-^v-Km-\n-kvXm-≥
385.--kp-tam- Kp-kv-Xn- G-Xv- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- tZio-b- Im-bn-I- hn-t\m-Z-am-Wv-˛- P-∏m-≥
386.--tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- sN-dn-b- cm-Pyw˛- h-Øn-°m-≥
387.--Hm-kv-t{S-en-b-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- \K-cw-˛- kn-Uv-\n388.--G-Xv- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- tZ-io-b-Km-\-am-Wvan-√n- X-cm-\-˛-A-^v-Km-\n-kv-Xm-≥
- p- h-≥I-cI
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- n-em-bn- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂sa-s{Sm-s]m-fn-‰-≥ \-K-c-am-b- C-kv-Xm≥_pƒ- G-Xv- cm-Py-Øm-Wv˛- - Xp¿-°n-
390.- -C-Sn-an-∂-en-s‚- \m-Sv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂cm-Pyw-˛- `q-´m-≥
391.- -G-sXm-s°- cm-Py-ß-fp-sS- A-Xn¿-Øn°n-S-bn-em-Wv- \-bm-{K-˛- bp.-F-kv.-F.-˛Im-\-U392.- -h-S-t°- B-{^n-°-bn-te-bpw- A-td-_ybn-te-bpw- Nq-Sp-≈- a-cp-°m-‰p-Iƒ-°p- ]d-bp-∂- t]-cv-˛- kn-aq-¨-kv393.- -`q-an-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- X-Wp-∏p-≈- ÿ-ew˛- sh¿-tJm-bm-≥kv-Iv394.- -]-k-^n-Iv- k-ap-{Z-Øn-\v- B- t]-cp- \¬In-b-Xv-˛- a-K-√-≥
395.- -hn-Iv-tSm-dn-b- Zzo-]v- G-Xv- h-≥I-c-bn-emWv-˛-h-S-t°- A-ta-cn-°396.- -im-¥- k-ap-{Z-sØ-bpw- A-Xv-em-‚ n-Iv- kap-{Z-sØ-bpw- _-‘n-∏n-°p-∂- I-\m¬˛- ]-\m-a- I-\m¬397.- -G-Xv- h-≥I-c-bn-em-Wv- H-dm-Mv- D-´m-s\Im-Wp-∂-Xv-˛-G-jy398.- ]
- n-ca
- n-Up-Iƒ- G-Xp- \-Zn-bp-sS- Xo-cØ
- mWv- ˛- ss\¬399.- -G-Xv- h-≥I-c-bn-em-Wv- kn¬-°v- dq-´v- AY-hm- ]-´v- ]m-X-˛-G-jy400.- -]p¬-ta-Sp-Iƒ- Im-Wm-Ø- G-I- `q-J-WvUw- ˛-A-‚m¿-´n-°401.- -G-Xv- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- G-jy-≥ `m-K-am-WvG-jym-ssa-\¿- A-Y-hm- A-\-t‰m-fn-b-˛Xp¿-°n402.- ]
- q¿-Wa
- m-bn- C-¥y-bn-eq-sS- H-gp-Ip-∂- \Zn-I-fn¬- \o-f-Øn¬- H-∂mw- ÿm-\-ap≈- \-Zn- ˛-tKm-Zm-h-cn403.- -G-Xv- h-≥I-c-bn-em-Wv- \-bm-{K- sh-≈®m-´w-˛-h-S-t°- A-ta-cn-°404.- -]q¿-W-am-bpw- k-ap-{Z-\n-c-∏n-\p-ap-I-fn¬ÿn-Xn- sN-øp-∂- h-≥I-c-˛-A-‚m¿-´n-°405.- G
- X
- v- {K-lØ
- n-em-Wv- h-kvX
- p-°ƒ-°v- G‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- `m-cw- A-\p-`-h-s∏-Sp-∂Xv-˛- hym-gw406.- H
- t- c- D-bc
- Ø
- n-ep-≈- ÿ-eß
- s
- f- _-‘n∏n-®p-sIm-≠v- `q-]-S-Øn¬- h-c-bv-°p-∂tc-J-˛- tIm-≠q¿- tc-J407.- -hy-Xy-kv-X- `q-]-S-ß-fp-sS- k-am-lm-cw-˛A-‰v-e-kv408.- -i-‡-am-b- td-Un-tbm- X-cw-K-߃- ]p-ds∏-Sp-hn-°p-∂- {K-lw-˛- hym-gw409.- -G-Xp- \-K-c-Øn-em-Wv- ssSw- kv-Iz-b¿-˛-
\yq-tbm¿-°v410.- G
- X
- p- `q-JW
- vU
- Ø
- n-em-Wv- A-‰ve
- k
- v- ]¿h-Xw-˛- B-{^n-°411.- -i-cm-i-cn- D-b-cw- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X-ep-≈h-≥I-c-˛-A-‚m¿-´n-°412.- -`q-an-bp-sS- Np-‰-f-hv- B-Zy-am-bn- I-W-°m°n-b-Xv-˛- C-dm-tØm-kv-X-\o-kv413.- -H-cp- hym-g-h-´w- F-{X- h¿-j-am-Wv-˛- 12
414.- -Hm-kv-t{S-en-b-≥ h-≥I-c-sb-bpw- Sm-kvam-\n-b- Zzo-]n-t\-bpw- th¿-Xn-cn-°p-∂I-S-en-Sp-°v-˛- _m-kv- I-S-en-Sp-°v415.- -_p-[-≥ F-{X- Zn-h-kw-sIm-≠m-Wv- kqcy-s\- {]-Z-£n-Ww- sN-øp-∂-Xv-˛- 88
416.- -hn-b-∂,- s_¬-t{K-Uv,- _p-Um-s]-Ãv,{_m-´n-…m-h- F-∂o- X-e-ÿm-\- \-K-cnI-sf- _-‘n-∏n-°p-∂- \-Zn-˛- Um-\yq-_v417.- -H-cp- hym-g-h-´-°m-ew- F-∂-Xp-sIm-≠vA¿-Y-am-°p-∂- Im-ew-˛- 12 h¿-jw418.- -hn-ip-≤- ]¿-h-Xw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv˛- ^yq-Pn-bm-a419.- h
- n-Ivt- Sm-dn-b- X-Sm-Iw- G-Xv- h-≥I-cb
- n¬˛- B-{^n-°420.--`q-an-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- Zzo-]-k-aqlw-˛- C-≥sUm-\n-jy421.- -hn-Iv-tSm-dn-bm- sh-≈-®m-´w- I-s≠-Øn≠-b-Xv-˛- tU-hn-Uv- en-hn-Mv-Ã-¨422.--`q-a-[y-tc-J-sb- c-≠p- X-h-W- ap-dn-s®mgp-Ip-∂- \-Zn-˛- tImw-tKm423.--G-jy-bpw- B-{^n-°-bpw- X-Ωn-ep-≈- Ic-_-‘w- th¿-s]-Sp-Ø-s∏-´-Xn-\p- Imc-Ww-˛- kq-b-kv- I-\m¬424.--`q-an-bp-sS- D-]c
- n-Xe
- h
- p-am-bn- tN¿-∂p-InS-°p-∂- A-¥-co-£-]m-fn-˛- t{Sm-t∏m-kv^n-b¿425.--]-™n-s°-´p-Iƒ-t]m-se- B-Im-i-Øvhym-]n-®p-In-S-°p-∂- ta-L-߃-˛- Iypap-e-kv426.--_mƒ-°-≥ cm-Py-߃- G-Xv- h-≥I-cbn-em-Wv- ˛- bq-tdm-∏v427.--G-Xv- k-ap-{Z-Øn-em-Wv- k¿-Km-tkm- IS¬-˛-A-Xv-em-‚ n-Iv- k-ap-{Zw428.--`m-c-Xo-b- k-¶¬-]-ß-fn-se- _r-l-kv]-Xn- G-Xp- {K-l-am-Wv-˛- hym-gw429.--`q-a-[y-tc-J- I-S-∂p- t]m-Ip-∂- Zzo-]p-Ifn¬- G-‰-hpw- hn-kv-Xo¿-Ww- Iq-Sn-b-Xv-˛t_m¿-Wn-tbm-
430.- -G-Xp- {K-l-Øn-s‚- D-]-{K-l-am-Wv- ancm-≥U-˛- bp-dm-\-kv431.- -G-Xv- k-ap-{Z-Xo-c-Øm-Wv- km-≥{^m≥kn-kv-tIm-˛-]-k-^n-Iv- k-ap-{Zw432.- -H-cp- cm-Py-Øn-\p- ]q¿-W- A-[n-Im-c-ap≈- k-ap-{Z-`m-Kw- Xo-c-Øp-\n-∂v- F-{XZq- c w- h- s c- b m- W v - ˛ - 12 t\m- ´ n- ° ¬ssa¬433.- -G-Xv- h-≥I-c-bn-se- D-b-cw-Iq-Sn-b- `m-Kam-Wv- hn-≥k-¨- am-kn-^v-˛-A-‚m¿-´n-°434.- -H-cp- cm-Py-Øn-s‚- t]-cn-e-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂G-I- k-ap-{Zw-˛- C-¥y-≥ a-lm-k-ap-{Zw435.- -hn-Iv-tSm-dn-b- sh-≈-®m-´w- G-Xv- \-Zn-bnem-Wv-˛- kmw-_-kn436.- -H-cp- Un-{Kn- tc-Jmw-iw- hy-Xym-k-ap-≈c-≠p- ÿ-e-߃- X-Ωn-ep-≈- k-a-b-hyXym-kw-˛- 4 an-\n-´v437.- -h-ep-∏-Øn¬- aq-∂mw- ÿm-\-Øp-≈- kap-{Zw-˛-C-¥y-≥a-lm-k-ap-{Zw438.- -G-Xp- tc-J-bv-°-∏-dp-Øm-Wv- a-™v- Dcp-Im-Ø-Xv-˛- kv-t\m-sse-≥
439.- -h-k-¥-k-a-cm-{X-Zn-\w-˛- am¿-®v- 21
440.- -h-kv-Xp-°ƒ-°v- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- `mcw- A-\p-`-h-s∏-Sp-∂- {K-lw-˛- hym-gw441.- G
- X
- p- cm-Py-sØ- {]-[m-\\
- Z- n-bm-Wv- sFcm-h-Xn-˛- aym-≥a¿442.- -`q-an-bn¬-\n-∂v- G-‰-hpw- h-ep-∏-Øn¬Im-Wm-hp-∂- \-£-{Xw-˛- kq-cy-≥
443.- -G-Xp- {K-l-am-Wv- {[p-h-{]-tZ-i-߃- kqcy-\-`n-ap-J-am-bn- {]-Z-£n-Ww- sN-øp-∂Xv-˛- bp-dm-\-kv444.- -`q-an-bn-se- ]m-fn-I-fn¬- a-[y-tØ-Xv-˛- am‚n¬445.- -G-Xv- {K-l-sØ-°p-dn-®v- ]-Tn-°p-∂- ]≤-Xn-bm-Wv- Im-kn-\n- an-j-≥˛- i-\n446.- -I-ayp-Wn-kw- sIm-Sp-ap-Sn- A-Y-hm- Ckv-am-bn¬- k-am-\n- sIm-Sp-ap-Sn- ÿn-XnsN-øp-∂- cm-Pyw-˛- X-Pn-°n-ÿm-≥
447.- -I-c-_-≤-cm-Py-ß-fn-√m-Ø- G-I- h-≥Ic-˛-h-S-t°- A-ta-cn-°448.- -`q-an-bp-sS- km-¶¬-]n-I- A-£w- ew-_Øn¬-\n-∂v- F-{X- Un-{Kn- N-cn-™m-Wvkv-Yn-Xn-sN-øp-∂-Xv-˛- 23.-5 Un-{Kn449.- -G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- Zzo-]v-˛- {Ko-≥e-≥Uv450.- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- \-Zn-˛- Ba-tkm--¨-
Indian Geography
Indian Geography-1
1. Which port city in India is situated in
Salsette island?
(a) Chennai
(b) Mumbai
(c) Kolkatta
(d) Visakhapatnam
2. Kalimpong is a hill station in the state of:
(a) West Bengal
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Himachal Pradesh
3. The speediest river in India:
(a) Narmada
(b) Tapti
(c) Luni
(d) Tista
4. The largest producer of jute in India:
(a) Karnataka
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) West Bengal
(d) Andhra Pradesh
5. Wellington island is in the state of:
(b) Karnataka
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Kerala
6. Where is Satish Dhawan Space Centre:
(a) Thumba
(b) Bangalore
(c) Sriharikota
(d) New Delhi
7. Jog falls, the highest water fall in India, is
situated in the river:
(a) Kaveri
(b) Sharavati
(c) Godavari
(d) Krishna
8. In which part of India, Patkai ranges
(a) Western
(b) Eastern
(c) Southern
(d) Northern
9. The national highway which is not
connected to other national highways:
(a) NH 222
(b) NH 223
(c) NH 224
(d) NH 225
10. Dona Paula is a chief port in the state of:
2014 Pq-sse- 1
(a) Orissa
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Gujarat
(d) Goa
11. The first modern paper mill in India was
established in Sehrampur in ....... in 1832.
(a) West Bengal
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Tamil Nadu
12. Majuli, the largest river island in India is
(a) Manipur
(b) Assam
(c) Nagaland
(d) Mizoram
13. With which country has India the longest
(a) Pakistan
(b) China
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Myanmar
14. Which among the following is the largest
producer of Asbestos in India?
(b) Jammu Kashmir
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Sikkim
15. The river island Majuli is in the river:
(b) Ganga
(c) Yamuna
(d) Indus
16. Tista is a tributary of the river:
(b) Indus
(c) Brahmaputra (d) Narmada
17. Which lake in India is famous for prawn
(b) Sambhar
(c) Wular
(d) Lonar
18. INS Kadamba is at:
(b) Mumbai
(c) Karwar
(d) Kochi
19. The river that was declared as the
national river of India:
(b) Brahmaputra
(c) Ganga
(d) Narmada
20. Rana Pratap sagar dam is in the river:
(b) Chambal
(c) Ganga
(d) Yamuna
21. The most populous island in India:
(a) Majuli
(b) Kavarati
(c) Salsette
(d) Middle Andaman
22. In which state is Maikal Hills?
(b) Jammu Kashmir
(c) Chhatisgarh
(d) West Bengal
23. Which is a tributary of Krishna?
(b) Penganga
(c) Vainganga
(d) Tungabhadra
24. Which country has the largest cattle
(a)India (b) Russia (c) China (d) USA
25. In which river is Kolkata port situated?
(b) Hoogly
(c) Damodar
(d) Mahanadi
1 (b) 2(a) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5(d)6(c) 7(b) 8(b) 9(b)
10(d)11(a) 12(b) 13(c) 14(a) 15(a)16(c) 17(a)
18(c) 19(c) 20(b)21 (c) 22(c) 23 (d) 24 (a)
Indian Geography-2
1. Kalinadi hydel project is in the state of:
(a)Madhya Pradesh(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Karnataka
(d) Andhra Pradesh
2. Which south Indian state is known as the
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
‘Rice bowl of India’?
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Karnataka
(d) Andhra Pradesh
3. Which river is known as Siang, Dihang in
Arunachal Pradesh?
(b) Brahmaputra
(c) Ganga
(d) Yamuna
4. Kasiranga National Park in Assam is
famous for the animal:
(a)White Tiger
(b) Wild Ass
(c) Lion tailed Macaque
(d) One horned Rhino
5. The North-South corridor connects
Srinagar and .......
(b) Kanyakumari
(c) Thiruvananthapuram
(d) Rameswaram
6. Zawar mines in Rajastan is famous for
the mineral:
(b) Gold
(c) Mica
(d) Zinc
7. Where is Vir Savarkar airport?
(b) Port Blair
(c) Mumbai
(d) Pune
8. The southernmost major port in India:
(b) Tutucorin
(c) Chennai
(d) Ennore
9. Barren Island is a part of:
(b) Nicobar
(c) Lakshadweep (d) Tamil Nadu
10. The cities of Hyderabad and
Secundarabad are seperated by:
(a) Nizam Sagar lake
(b) Nagarjuna Sagar lake
(c) Krishnaraja Sagar
(d) Hussain Sagar lake
11. The smallest neighbouring country of India:
(b) Maldives
(c) Nepal
(d) Bangladesh
12. Yamuna originates from Yamunotri in the
state of:
(a)Himachal Pradesh
(b) Jammu Kashmir(c) Uttarakhand
(d) Uttar Pradesh
13. The Oldest rocks in India:
(a) Himalayas
(b) Aravallis
(c) Karakoram
(d) Shiwalik
14. The district in Jammu and Kashmir 37,555 of which is under illegal occupation
by China.
(a) Kargil
(b) Poonch
(c) Ladakh
(d) Anantnag
15. Ahmedabad is on the banks of:
(a) Ganga
(b) Sabarmathi
(c) Yamuna
(d) Indus
16. The setting for Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Jungle
(a)Manas National Park
(b) Shivpuri National Park
(c) Corbet National Park
(d) Kanha National Park
17. The hot dry wind that blows in north India
during summer is:
(a) Fohn
(b) Chinook
(c) Loo
(d) Westerlies
18. Which of the following states has common
border with Pakistan?
(a) J&K, Punjab, Rajastan,Gujarat
(b) J&K, Rajastan,U.P., Gujarat
(c) J&K, Punjab, H.P., Haryana
(d) H.P., Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat
19. Karnataka is the largest producer of:
(b) Coffee
(c) Jute
(d) Tapioca
20. Keolodeo National Park is in the state of:
(b) Rajastan
(c) Orissa
(d) Madhya Pradesh
21. Koyna is a tributary of the river:
(b) Krishna
(c) Kaveri
(d) Mahanadi
22. The only south east Asian country that
shares border with India:
(b) Nepal
(c) Myanmar
(d) Srilanka
23. The state in India with the largest
percentage of rural population:
(a) Kerala (b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Punjab
24. The largest river basin in India:
(b) Indus
(c) Brahmaputra (d) Kaveri
25. Which state is known as the Heart of India?
(a)Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajastan
(c) Madhya Pradesh(d) Jharkhand
1 (c) 2(d) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5(b) 6(d) 7(b) 8(b) 9(a)
10(d) 11(b) 12(c) 13(b) 14(c) 15(b) 16(d) 17(c)
18(a) 19(b) 20(b) 21 (b) 22(c) 23 (b) 24 (a)
Indian Geography-3
1. On which river is the Bhakra Nangal
project built?
(a) Kosi
(b) Beas
(c) Jhulum
(d) Sutlej
2. Which state is called as the ‘Tea garden
of India’?
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Assam
(d) West Bengal
3. Nagarjuna Sagar dam is in the river:
(b) Godavari
(c) Tapti
(d) Krishna
4. The highest peak of western ghats or
Sahyadri is Anaimudi. It is in:
(a) Kerala
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Karnataka
(d) Andhra Pradesh
5. Gulmarg is a hill station in the state of:
(a)Uttar Pradesh (b) Jammu Kashmir
(c) Uttarakhand
(d) Rajastan
6. Sardar Vallabh Bhai airport is situated at:
(b) Gandhinagar
(c) Allahabad
(d) Ahmedabad
7. India’s first large scale steel plant in
private sector was established at:
(a) Kulti
(b) Burnpur
(c) Jamshedpur
(d) Digboi
8. Which of the following is a tributary of
(b) Ken
(c) Betwa
(d) All of these
9. Rajgir Hills are in the state of:
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Rajastan
(d) Gujarat
10. The nearest country to Nicobar islands:
(b) Myanmar
(c) Maldives
(d) Indonesia
11. Manikaran Power Project is in the state of:
(a)Arunachal Pradesh
(b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Uttar Pradesh
12. In which state Ambassador car factory is
(b) West Bengal
(c) Maharashtra
(d) U.P.
13. Osman Sagar Reservoir in Andhra
Pradesh is in ..... river.
(b) Krishna
(c) Vainganga
(d) Musi
14. Pimpri and Rishikesh are famous for ......
(b) Fertilizer
(c) Newsprint
(d) Cement
15. The river that originates in the northern
slopes of Kailas range in India near the
Mansarovar lake:
(b) Brahmaputra
(c) Ganga
(d) Narmada
16. Nanda Devi peak form a part of:
(a) Assam Himalayas
(b) Kumaon Himalayas
(c) Nepal Himalayas
(d) Punjab Himalayas
17. The largest neighbouring country of India:
(b) China
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Myanmar
18. Which state receives rain fall from north
east monsoon?
(a) Orissa
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Kerala
19. The state which is the largest producer
of silk in India:
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) ) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka
20. Chittaranjan Locomotive Works is in the
state of:
(b) UP
(c) West Bengal
(d) MP
21. The only crator lake in India:
(b) Kolleru
(c) Lonar
(d) Pulikat
22. The first private port in India:
(b) Mundra
(c) Krishnapatnam (d) Adani
23. The second largest Union Territory in
India, in terms of area:
(a) Andaman and Nicobar (b) Delhi
(c) Pondicherry
(d) Chandigarh
24. Which river was known an Aksini in
ancient times?
(b) Jhulum
(c) Ravi
(d) Beas
25. The world’s highest road connects:
(a) Leh- Manali
(b) Leh- Srinagar
(c) Manali- Kangra (d) Gangtok- Darjeeling
1 (d) 2(c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5(b) 6(d) 7(c) 8(d) 9(a)
10(d)11(b) 12(b) 13(d) 14(a) 15(a) 16(b)
17(b) 18(c) 19(d) 20(c) 21 (c) 22(a) 23 (b)
24 (a) 25(a)
Indian Geography-4
1. Ranjeet Sagar Dam is situated on the river:
(b) Chenab
(c) Ravi
(d) Beas
2. In India, Tropic of Cancer doesn’t pass
through which one of the following states:
(a) Jharkhand
(b) West Bengal
(c) Gujarat
(d) Maharashtra
3. Which river is known as ‘Vridha Ganga’?
(b) Godavari
(c) Krishna
(d) Narmada
4. Where is INS Shivaji?
(a)Port Blair
(b) Goa
(c) Lonavala
(d) Visakhapatnam
5. The largest agro based industry in India:
(a)Cotton textiles (b) Sugar
(c) Silk
(d) Jute
6. The largest religion in Lakshadweep:
(a) Hinduism
(b) Islam
(c) Christianity
(d) Jainism
7. When does South West Monsoon blow?
(b) May-September
(c) October- November
(d) None of these
8. In which state is Wular lake?
(a)Jammu Kashmir (b) Orissa
(c) West Bengal
(d) Rajastan
9. Which is the eastern most state in India?
(b) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Mizoram
(d) Tripura
10. Indira Gandhi airport which has the
longest runway in India is at:
(b) Allahabad
(c) New Delhi
(d) Lucknow
11. The Uri, Salal, Dulhasti hydel projects
are in .......
(a)Jammu Kashmir
(b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Punjab
12. In which river is Jog falls?
(b) Indravati
(c) Sharavati
(d) Bhima
13. Mussoorie is a hill station in........ where
the Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of
Administration is situated:
(b) Uttarakhand
(c) Rajastan
(d) Jammu Kashmir
14. Where is Gulf of Mannar located?
(a) West of Gujarat (b) East of Tamil Nadu
(c) West of Kerala
(d) South of Kanyakumari
15. The highest hill station in South India:
(b) Munnar
(c) Udagamandalam (d) Kodaikanal
16. Which of the following states has deposits
of copper, lead and zinc together:
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Karnataka
(c) Rajastan
(d) Bihar
17. Dhootsagar waterfalls is in...... river:
(b) Bhima
(c) Mandovi
(d) Musi
18. Kasauli is a hill station in:
(a)West Bengal
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Himachal Pradesh
19. Elephanta island is in:
(b) Kerala
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Andhra Pradesh
20. Nathu La is in Himalayas. La means:
(a)Pass (b) Glacier (c) Valley (d) Mountain
21. Dhariwal in Punjab is famous for:
(b) Cycles
(c) Wool
(d) Milk products
22. The maximum daily range of temperature
can be observed at:
(a) Chennai (b) Thiruvananthapuram
(c) Delhi
(d) Mumbai
23. Which river enters from Nepal to India
and the basin of which includes Tibet,
Nepal and India?
(a)Hugly (b) Kosi (c) Narmada(d) Sarayu
24. Where are tea and coffee both grown?
(a) NW India
(b) NE India
(c) Central India (d) Southern India
25. The name of which state means the
‘Abode of God’?
(b) Jammu Kashmir
(c) Punjab
(d) Rajastan
1 (d) 2(d) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5(a) 6(b) 7(b) 8(a) 9(b)
10(c) 11(a) 12(c) 13(b) 14(b) 15(c) 16(c)
17(c) 18(d) 19(a) 20(a)21 (c) 22(c) 23 (b) 24
(d) 25(a)
Legal Awareness
Legal Awareness-1
1. Who was the first Chairman of National
Human Rights Commission?
(a) Js. J.S.Varma (b) Js. A.S.Anand
(c) Js. Rangnath Mishra
(d) Js.M.N.Venkitachellayya
2. A person who knowingly and voluntarily
participates with another in a criminal
(a) Accomplice
(b) Martinet
(c) Truant
(d) Pagan
3. Release of a accused on finding that he
is not guilty under criminal law:
(a) Summons
(b) Acquittal
(c) Prorogue
(d) Bail
4. The person who makes and subscribes
an affidavit.
(a) Defendant
(b) Attorney
(c) Affiant
(d) None of these
5. To take into custody by legal authority.
(a) Arrest
(b) Bail
(c) Surrender
(d) Elope
The name of a writ having for its object
to bring a person before a court
(a) Mandamus
(b) Habeus Corpus
(c) Certiorari
(d) None of these
A voluntary, written, or printed declaration
of facts, confirmed by oath of the party
making it before a person with authority
to administer the oath
(a) Affidavit
(b) Writ
(c) Summons
(d) Verdict
The hearing of a dispute by an impartial
third person or persons (chosen by the
parties), whose award the parties agree
to accept.
(a) Court Martial (b) Arbitration
(c) Alteration
(d) Alibi
A foreign-born person who has not
qualified as a citizen of the country.
(a) Plaintiff
(b) Alien
(c) Culprit
(d) Guarenter
10. A private, disinterested person chosen by
the parties in arbitration to hear evidence
concerning the dispute and to make an
award based on the evidence.
(a) Arbitrator
(b) Defendant
(c) Plaintiff
(d) Counsel
11. The criminal offence of exhorting money
with threats of detrimental action, as such
exposure of some misconduct on the part
of the victim:
(a) Black Market (b) Blackmail
(c) Kidnap
(d) None of these
12. An agreement to stop war:
(a) Guarentee
(b) Memorandum
(c) Armistice
(d) Amnesty
13. Concealing of objects by various means
to deceive the enemy about their location
and thereby protecting them from air and
land attacks:
(a) Sabotage
(b) Camouflage
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
(c) Guerilla warfare (d) None of these
14. Enquiry Commissions are appointed
under the Commission of Enquiry Act of:
(a) 1952
(b) 1955
(c) 1960
(d) 1962
15. Gestapo was the secret police in:
(a) Russia
(b) France
(c) Italy
(d) Germany
16. In which prison the assassin of
Mahathma Gandhi was hanged?
(a) Chennai
(b) Ambala
(c) Yervada
(d) Thihar
17. Indian Evidence Act was passed by the
British Parliament in:
(a) 1872
(b) 1858
(c) 1861
(d) 1891
18. The headquarters of INTERPOL:
(a) London
(b) Vienna
(c) Geneva
(d) Lyons
19. The Governor General who organised
Police Force in India for the first time:
2014 Pq-sse- 1
(a) Dalhousie
(b) Rippon
(c) Curzon
(d) Cornwallis
20.The reduction of a sentence, as from death
to life imprisonment.
(a) Arbitration
(b) Commutation
(c) Attachment
(d) Parole
21. Tranined IPS Officers will be posted for
the first time as:
(a) DSP
(b) ASP
(c) DIG
(d) Commandant
22. Which one of the following abbreviations
are correctly matched?
(a) PoW- Prisoner of War
(b) PoK-Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
(c) MOU- Memorandum of
(d) All are correct
23. The Prime Minister of India when CBI
was created:
(a) Indira Gandhi (b) Rajiv Gandhi
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) None of these
24. Which one of the following charectors
were created by Arthur Conal Doyle?
(a) Mandrake
(b) James Bond 007
(c) Sherlock Holmes
(d) None of these
25. The IPS Cadre is controlled by:
(a) President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Defence Minister
(d) Home Ministry of Govt of India
1 (c) 2(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5(a) 6(b) 7(a) 8(b) 9(b)
10(a)11(b) 12(c) 13(b) 14(a) 15(d) 16(b) 17(a)
18(d) 19(d) 20(b) 21(b) 22(d) 23(c) 24(c)
Legal A wareness-2
1. Which is the first country to legalise mercy
killing in entire region:
(a) USA
(b) Netherlands
(c) Japan
(d) India
2. The offence of being disobedient or to be
disrespectful of a court of law:
(a) Habeus Corpus (b) Quo Warranto
(c) Contempt of Court (d) Quarentine
3. The type of writ petition described as best
assurance for human liberty:
(a) Mandamus
(b) Quo Warrnato
(c) Certiorari
(d) Habeus Corpus
4. Period of compulsory isolation or
detention enforced against travellers not
in possession of required health
(a) Quarentine
(b) Curfew
(c) Hibernation
(d) Detention
5. The social disgrace abolished by Article
17 of the Constitution:
(a) Dowry
(b) Untouchability
(c) Bribe
(d) Corrpution
6. Regulation enjoining withdrawl of persons
from the streets or the closing of
establishments or places of assembly at
a stated hour:
(a) Quarentine
(b) Curfew
(c) Certiorari
(d) Habeus Corpus
7. Lie detector is otherwise known as:
(a) Polygraph
(b) Kymograph
(c) Black box
(d) None of these
8. An officer publicly authorised to certify
deeds and documents:
(a) Vigilance Officer (b) Attorney General
(c) Notary Public (d) Ombudsman
9. The full form of F.I.R.:
(a) First Identification Report
(b) First Information Report
(c) First Inspection Report
(d) First Interrogation Report
10. Prosecution of very high officials such as
president, chief justice etc:
(a) Court Martial (b) Impeachment
(c) Quarentine
(d) Armistice
11. A proceeding brought to a higher court to
review a lower court decision.
(a) Appeal
(b) Bail
(c) Allegation
(d) Court Martial
12. A statement of the issues in a written
document (a pleading) which a person is
prepared to prove in court.
(a) Plea
(b) Alteration
(c) Allegation
(d) Bail
13. The act of illegal entry with the intent to steal.
2014 Pq-sse- 1
(a) Stalemate
(b) Immigration
(c) Elopement
(d) Burglary
14. Capital crime means:
(a) A crime punishable by life imprisonment
(b) A crime punishable by death
(c) A crime punishable by deporting
(d) None of these
15. The legal process by which the
government takes private land for public
use, paying the owners a fair price.
(a) Attachment
(b) Condemnation
(c) Auction
(d) None of these
16. Taking a person’s property to satisfy a
court-ordered debt.
(a) Arbitration
(b) Attachment
(c) Bail
(d) Trial
17. One who applies to the court for legal
(a) Defendant
(b) Plaintiff
(c) Counsel
(d) Convict
18. The Home Minister of India during the
demolition of Babri Masjid:
(a) PV Narasimha Rao
(b) Manmohan Singh
(c) S.B.Chawan
(d) V.P.Singh
19. Tear gas is otherwise known as:
(a) Lachrymator
(b) Hallucinogen
(c) Analgesic
(d) Anaesthetic
20. The chemical used by Vigilance
authorities to trap corrupted officials:
(a) Potassium permanganate
(b) Phenophthalein
(c) Chloroacetophenon
(d) Trichloromethane
21. The constitution of which country is known
as ‘Lawyer’s Paradise’?
(a) Britain
(b) USA
(c) India
(d) Canada
22. The famous Hindi film star Sanjay Dutt
was detained under connection with
the Mumbai blasts of 1993:
(a) PTA
(b) FERA
(c) TADA
(d) MISA
23. The National Human Rights Commission
was established in:
(a) 1990
(b) 1991
(c) 1992
(d) 1993
24. The principle behind Dactylography
(Finger printing):
(a) All human beings have finger prints
(b) Finger prints are indelible
(c) No two finger prints are identical
(d) None of these
25. Which one of the following chemical is
used as tear gas?
(a) Benzyl chloride (b) Trichloromethane
(c) Potassium permanganate
(d) Phenophthalein
1 (b) 2(c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5(b) 6(b) 7(a) 8(c) 9(b)
10(b) 11(a) 12(c) 13(d) 14(b) 15(b) 16(b)
17(b) 18(c) 19(a) 20(b) 21(c) 22(c) 23(d) 24(c)
Legal Awareness-3
1. The first chairman of the National Human
Rights Commission:
(a) A.S. Anand
(b) Venkitachelliah
(c) Ranganath Mishra (d) None of these
2. Which country started Special Branch of
Police for the first time?
(a) England
(b) USA
(c) India
(d) China
3. Borstel Schools are established for
offenders below the age of:
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 16
4. Books banned by the Government are
known as:
(a) Black Books
(b) Green Books
(c) Red Books
(d) Yellow Books
5. Who argued for the first time for the
inclusion of Fundamental Rights in the
Constitution of India?
(a) MK Gandhi
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Motilal Nehru (d) BR Ambedkar
6. Who was the exponent of the first
Criminal Code in the world?
(a) Hannibal
(b) Romulus
(c) Alexander
(d) Hammurabi
7. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is the
secret police of:
(a) USA (b) UK (c) France (d) Russia
8. The headquarters of the European Court
of Justice:
(a) Geneva
(b) London
(c) Luxembourg
(d) Hague
9. The headquarters of the International
Court of Justice:
(a) New York
(b) The Hague
(c) Geneva
(d) London
10. Who introduced the Preventive Detention
Bill in the Parliament?
(a) JB Kripalani
(b) BR Ambedkar
(c) Lal Bahadur Shashri (d) Sardar Patel
11. Temporary cessation or suspension of
(a) Armistice
(b) Curfew
(c) Espionage
(d) Quarentine
12. Trial of persons who violated military law:
(a) Court Martial (b) Impeachment
(c) Curfew (d) Contempt of Court
13. The action of digging of buried dead body
for re-post mortem:
(a) Excavation
(b) Exhumation
(c) Super imposing (d) None of these
14. The term ‘Modus Operandi’ means:
(a) Method of Operation
(b) Methode of performance
(c) Method of Attack
(d) None of these
15. General pardon given to offenders:
(a) Armistice
(b) Truce
(c) Court Martial (d) Amnesty
16. The law which prevents the reproduction
of literary or artistic works:
(a) Copyright
(b) Patent
(c) Easement
(d) None of these
17. The responsibility of national defence
rests with:
(a) The president (b) The prime minister
(c) The cabinet (d) The defence minister
18. A judgment of guilt against a criminal
(a) Order
(b) Decree
(c) Conviction
(d) None of these
19. A tax on the privilege of transferring
property to others after a person’s death:
(a) Estate duty
(b) Excise duty
(c) Corporate tax (d) None of these
20. A writ of review issued by a higher court
to a lower court.
(a) Certiorari
(b) Quo warranto
(c) Habeus Corpus (d) None of these
21. An act in violation of the penal laws of a
(a) Sedition
(b) Crime
(c) Anarchy
(d) None of these
22. Detaining of a person by lawful process
or authority to assure his or her
appearance to any hearing:
(a) Parole
(b) Custody
(c) Prosecution
(d) None of these
23. Formal written charge that a person has
committed a criminal offense.
(a) Verdict
(b) Decree
(c) Complaint
(d) None of these
24. Persons or businesses that cannot pay
their debts:
(a) Alien
(b) Plaintiff
(c) Bankrupt
(d) Intestate
25. Rules or laws adopted by an association
or corporation to govern its actions.
(a) Bylaws
(b) Will
(c) Charter
(d) Quorum
1 (c) 2(a) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5(c) 6(d) 7(a) 8(c) 9(b)
10(d)11(a) 12(a) 13(b) 14(a) 15(d) 16(a) 17(c)
18(c) 19(a) 20(a) 21(b) 22(b) 23(c) 24(c) 25(a)
Legal A wareness-4
1. The word ‘Police’ was coined by:
(a) Edgar Hoover (b) Robert Peel
(c) William Bentick (d) O.W.Wilson
2. An order issued by a court asking a person
to appear before it is called:
(a) Warrant
(b) Writ
(c) Summons
(d) Appeal
3. The prime minister of India when RAW
(Research and Analysis Wing) was
(a) Indira Gandhi (b) Rajiv Gandhi
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) None of these
4. The first person in India who was detained
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
under POTA (Prevention of Terrorist
Activities Act):
(a) Sanjaya Dutt (b) AK Gopalan
(c) Vaiko (Y. Gopalaswamy)
(d) None of these
5. The Executive Magistrate of a district:
(a) RDO
(b) Tahsildar
(c) District Collector (d) DSP
6. The Judicial System of India is
influenced by:
(a) USA
(b) Australia
(c) Japan
(d) Canada
7. Al-Qaida is a:
(a) Sunni extremist group
(b) Shia extremist group
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
8. The International Police Commission was
set up in:
(a) 1914 (b) 1918 (c) 1923 (d) 1933
9. The Criminology Institute under the Home
Ministry of India is at:
(a) New Delhi
(b) Hyderabad
(c) Chennai
(d) Ghaziabad
10. The first state in India where a ruling
government was dismissed by invoking
Article 356 of the Constitution:
(a) Punjab
(b) Andhra
(c) Kerala
11. The act of releasing a person under police
custody, with some conditions:
(a) Parole
(b) Bail
(c) Trial
(d) None of these
12. Pentagon is the defence headquarters of:
(a) UK (b) USA (c) Russia (d) France
13. The exponents of Indian Penal Code:
(a) Indian Law Commission
(b) Constituent Assembly
(c) Cabinet Mission (d) None of these
14. Who headed the Indian Law
(a) Thomas Monroe(b) Jonathan Duncan
(c) Robert Palk
(d) Lord Macaulay
15. The first country to organise the modern
police force:
(a) England
(b) France
(c) USA
(d) Russia
16. The full form of C.I.D.:
(a) Criminal Information Department
(b) Criminal Identification Department
(c) Criminal Investigation Department
(d) Criminal Interrogation Department
17. The first country in the world to start a
Finger Print Bureau:
(a) USA
(b) England
(c) India
(d) France
18. The country where the system of
Ombudsman was started:
(a) Norway
(b) Sweden
(c) Germany
(d) Italy
19. The study of law making:
(a) Nomology
(b) Jurisprudence
(c) Penology
(d) Criminology
20. An order from the Supreme Court or High
Court to restrain a person acting in an
office to which he is not entitled:
(a) Habeus Corpus (b) Certiorari
(c) Quo Warranto (d) Prohibition
21. Maintenance of Internal Security Act
(MISA) was passed by the Parliament in:
(a) 1956 (b) 1971 (c) 1973 (d) 1977
22. Suppression of Immoral Traffic in Woman
and Girls Act (SITA) was passed by
Parliament in:
(a) 1971 (b) 1972 (c) 1956 (d) 1985
23. Conservation of Foreign Exchange and
Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act
(COFEPOSA) was passed by Parliament in:
(a) 1971 (b) 1973 (c) 1975 (d) 1977
24. Terrorist and Disruptive Activities
(Prevention) Act was passed by
Parliament in:
(a) 1985
(b) 1986
(c) 1987
(d) 1988
25. The temporary release of prisoners:
(a) Parole
(b) Bail
(c) Summons
(d) None of these
1 (b) 2(c) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5(c) 6(a) 7(a) 8(c) 9(a)
10(c) 11(b) 12(b) 13(a) 14(d) 15(a) 16(c)
17(c) 18(b) 19(a) 20(c) 21(b) 22(a) 23(a)
24(a) 25(a)
Constitution of India
Constitution of India -1
1. Deputy Speaker submits his resignation to:
(a)Prime Minister (b) President
(c) Speaker
(d) Chief Whip
2. A minister should become a member of
either house of Parliament within a period of ..... months, if he is not already a
(a)3 (b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 6
3. Who has the power to determine the
structure of administration of a Union
(b) President
(c) Prime Minister (d) Speaker
4. To be appointed as a judge of Supreme
Court, a person should have been an
advocate of a High Court for atleast ......
(a)10 (b) 15 (c) 5 (d) 20
5. Who determines the composition and
conditions of service of a Public Service
(a)Chief Minister (b) Home Minister
(c) Governor
(d) None of these
6. The President may, for violaion of the
Constitution, be removed from office by
(a) Impeachment
(b) electoral college consisting of members of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Legislative Assemblies
(c) Prime Minister
(d) a no-confidence motion
7. India is a secular state because –––––
(a) it is a socialist country
(b) it treats all religions alike
(c) there is no religion of the people
(d) religious beliefs and practices are dis
8. Who of the following linked the Directive
Principles with a cheque payable at the
convenience of the Bank ?
(a) A. K. Aiyar
(b) H. Kunzru
(c) H. V. Kamath (d) K. T. Shah
9. Who is the authority to grant permission
to a member of Lok Sabha to speak in
his mother tongue if he does not know
English or Hindi?
(a)Prime Minister (b) Chief Whip
(c) Speaker
(d) Deputy Speaker
10. The Monsoon session of Lok Sabha begins in the month of:
(b) July
(c) August
(d) September
11.The makers of the Constitution borrowed
the idea of Directive Principles of State
Policy from the Constitution of:
(b) Ireland
(c) USA
(d) Canada
12.Which Schedule of the Constitution was
added by the first amendment of the Constitution?
(b) Ninth
(c) Tenth
(d) Twelfth
13.As a non-member who can participate to
the proceedings of either House of Parliament?
(a) Vice President
(b)Attorney General
(c) Chief Justice
(d) Chief Election Commissioner
14. The Election Commission in India is constituted in:
(a) every six years (b) every five years
(c) every ten years (d) It is a permanent
Constitutional body
15.To be appointed as the Advocate General
of the State,the person should possess
the qualifications necessary for appointment as:
(a) A Judge of the High Court
(b) A Judge of the Supreme Court
(c) The Chief Minister of the State
(d) The Chief Secretary of the State
16.The speaker of Lok Sabha submits his
resignation to:
(a) President
(b) Vice President
(c) Deputy Speaker (d) Prime Minister
17.The form of government in India is:
(b) Semi Presidential
(c) Parliamentary (d) Theocratic
18.Under which Article of the Constitution a
citizen can approach the High Court if he
has been denied Fundamental Rights:
(a) 226
(b) 228
(c) 108
(d) 331
19. Who has the power to form new state
from the territory of any state in India?
(b) Supreme Court
(c) Delimitation Commission
(d) Prime Minister
20.In case of President dies and the Vice
President and Supreme Court Chief Justice are not available who acts as the
(a)Speaker (b) Deputy Prime Minister
(c) Seniormost judge of Supreme Court
(d) Prime Minister
21.Directive Principles are included in
Part...... of the Constitution:
(b) III
(c) IV
(d) V
22.Seventh Schedule of the Constitition contains details about:
(a)Panchayat Raj (b) Three lists
(c) Languages
(d) Anti defection law
23. The Indian Constitution is regarded as –
(a) Federal
(b) Unitary
(c) Parliamentary
(d) Federal in form and unitary in Spirit
24.The total number of nominated members
in Parliament:
(a)14 (b) 24 (c) 12 (d) 17
25.The first hour of every sitting of Lok Sabha
is called the .......
(a)Zero Hour
(b) Question Hour
(c) Question Period (d) Question time
1 (c) 2(d) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5(c) 6(a) 7(b) 8(d) 9(c)
10(b) 11(b) 12(b) 13(b) 14(d) 15(a) 16(c)
17(c) 18(a) 19(a) 20(c)2 1 (c) 22(b) 23 (d) 24
(a, Loksabha-2, Rajyasabha-12) 25(b)
Constitution of India -2
1. “The state shall have no religion of its own
and all persons shall be equally entilted
to freedom of conscience and right freely
to profess, practice and propagate religion”- This principle is termed:
(b) Federalism
(c) Republic
(d) Secularism
2. Which of the following words included in
the preamble through the 42nd Amendment:
(a)Socialist, Secular
(b) Socialist, Liberal
(c) Socialist, Federal
(d) Socialist, Democratic
3 .The South Indian states with Legislative
(a)Kerala and Tamil Nadu
(b) Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
(c) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
(d) Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
4 .As per the provisions of the Constitution,
the strength of State Legislative Assembly is limited upto:
(a)552 (b) 450 (c) 550 (d) 500
5. In which part of the Constitution the Fundamental Rights are included?
(a)VI (b) II (c) III (d)I
6. Which Article of the Constitution is related
to ‘Abolition of untouchability’?
(a)20 (b) 16 (c) 17 (d) 15
7. The number of Fundamental Rights at
(c) 7 (d) 5
8. The Artilcles of the Constitution related
to Directive Principles of State Policy:
(a)36 to 51
(b) 12 to 35
(c) 40 to 51
(d) 22 to 32
9. The 42nd Amendment was introduced after the recommendations of ..............
(a)Swaran Singh (b) Narasimham
(c) Belwant Rai Mehtha(d) Ashok Mehtha
10. The idea of placing the residuary powers
with the centre has been influenced by
the Constitution of:
(a)South Africa
(b) Britain
(c) USA
(d) Canada
11. Which Article of the Constitution is related
to prohibition of discrimination on the
grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or
place of birth?
(a)16 (b) 15 (c) 17 (d) 14
12. Which Amendment of the Constitution
changed its charecterisation from
‘Soverign Democratic Republic’ to ‘Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic’?
(a)40th (b) 42nd (c) 44th (d) 52nd
13.The retiring age of the judge of Supreme
(a)58 (b) 60 (c) 62 (d) 65
14. The provisions regarding trade and commerce has been copied from:
(b) USA
(c) Canada
(d) Germany
15.Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed for a period of ..... years:
(a)5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 6
16.What grounds does the Constitution lay
down for the removal of Governor?
(a) Incapacity
(b) Misbehaviour
(c) Violation of rules
(d) No grounds
17. Joint Public Service Commission for two
states can be constituted by Parliament,
if a resolution to that effect is passed by:
(a) The Legislatures of States concerned
(b) Chief Ministers of states
(c) Governors of states
(d) None of these
18. Economic justice has been incorporated
in the Constitution of India under
(a)Fundamental Rights
(b) Residuary Powers
(c) Fundamental Duties
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy
19.14. The difference between Fundamental
Rights and Directive Principles of state
policy is
(a) Fundamental Rights are guaranteed
under the law, but Directive Principles are
onlymoral laws to be observed by the citizen
(b) Directive Principles can be enforced
in a court of law, whereas Fundamental
Rights cannot be enforced
(c) Directive Principles are in the nature
of direction to the Legislature and Executive and assurance to the people what
they can expect from the State, whereas
FundamentalRights are basic rights of the
(d) none of these
20.The Amendment that included Bodo,
Dogri, Maithili and Santhali in the Eighth
Schedule of the Constitution making a
total of 22:
(a)86th (b) 92nd (c) 97th (d) 100th
21. Which Schedule contains Panchayat Raj?
(a)10th (b) 11th (c) 12th (d) 9th
22. As per the provisions of the Constitution
the maximum number of members of Lok
Sabha is limited as:
(a)552 (b) 550 (c) 545 (d) 543
23.The minimum age required to become a
member of Rajya Sabha:
(b) 21
(c) 25
(d) 30
24.The number of indirectly elected members
to the Rajya Sabha from Union Territories:
(b) 20
(c) 4
(d) 15
25. Which part of the Constitution of India
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
represent the quintessence, the
philosophy and the ideals or soul of the
(a)Fundamental Rights
(b) Fundamental duties
(c) Directive Principles
(d) Preamble
1 (d) 2(a) 3 (d) 4 (d) 5(c) 6(c) 7(a) 8(a) 9(a)
10(d) 11(b) 12(b) 13(d) 14(a) 15(d) 16(d)
17(a) 18(d) 19(c) 20(b)21 (b) 22(a) 23 (d)
24 (c) 25(d)
Constitution of India-3
.When a public officer commits an action
which infringes a person’s Fundamental
Rights, a writ of ...... is issued by the
(a)Quo Warranto (b) Mandamus
(c) Certiorari
(d) Prohibition
2. The Constitution of India was brought into
force on:
(a)15th August, 1947
(b) 26th January 1950
(c) 26th November 1949
(d) 22nd August, 1947
3. Anti defection law was included in the .....
Schedule of the Constitution:
(b) Eighth
(c) Ninth
(d) Tenth
4. The number of elected members in Lok
Sabha at present:
(a)550 (b) 545 (c) 543 (d) 530
5. What is referred to as an ‘epitome’ of the
broad features of the Constitution?
(a)Fundamental Rights
(b) Fundamental duties
(c) Directive Principles
(d) Preamble
6. Which Fundamental Right was considered to be the heart and soul of the Constitution by Dr.B.R. Ambedkar?
(a)Right to Constitutional Remedies
(b) Right to Equality
(c) Right to Freedom
(d) Right against exploitation
7. The number of indirectly elected members to the Rajya Sabha from the States:
(a)250 (b) 229 (c) 233 (d) 245
8. The idea of the President is the executive
head of the state has been copied from:
(b) Germany
(c) USA
(d) Canada
9. Legislative Assembly of which state has
the tenure of six years?
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Jammu & Kashmir (d) Sikkim
10.The President of India is the......
(a) Ex officio chairman of Planning
(b) Ex officio chairman of National
Development Council
(c) Ex officio chairman of Inter-state
(d) Supreme Commander of Armed
11. Which amendment of the Constitution
empowered the Parliament to amend any
part of the Constitution including
(a)24 (b) 42 (c) 44 (d) 26
12. The Amendment that made the right to
free and compulsory education a
‘Fundamental Right’?
(a)92nd (b) 74th (c) 80th (d) 86th
13. National Security Act (NSA) was passed
by the Parliament in:
(a)1961 (b) 1980 (c) 1984 (d) 1982
14.The number of Articles related to
Fundamental Rights when the original
constitution was brought into force:
(a)24 (b) 23 (c) 26 (d) 27
15.Who among the following has no role in
the presidential election?
(a)Members of the Legislative Council
2014 Pq-sse- 1
(b) Members of the Legislative Assembly
(c) Members of Lok Sabha
(d) Members of Rajya Sabha
16. Who administers the oath of office of the
(a)Chief Minister (b) Speaker
(c) Chief Justice of HC (d) President
17. The minimum age prescribed for
appointment as a judge of High Court/
Supreme Court:
(b) 40
(c) No prescribed age (d) 25
18. An element of popular participation in
Legislative process was introduced for the
first time through the:
(a)Victoria’s Proclamation, 1858
(b) Indian Councils Act, 1861
(c) Govt of India Act, 1919
(d) Regulating Act, 1773
19.The system of parliamentary democracy in
India has been modelled on the system of:
(b) Germany
(c) Britain
(d) Ireland
20. Who is the counter part of Attorney
General in the state?
(a)Accountant General
(b) Advocate General
(c) Director General of Prosecutions
(d) None of these
21.The best example of presidential government is:
(a) Saudi Arabia (b) India
(c) Myanmar
(d) USA
22. Which one of the following writs can lie
only against a person holding a public
(a)Habeus Corpus (b) Mandamus
(c) Prohibition
(d) Certiorari
23.Which agency is the coordinator among
Union Government, Planning Commission and State Governments?
(a) National Integration Council
(b) Finance Commission
(c) National Development Council
(d) Inter state Council
24.Articles 29 and 30 deals with:
(a)Right to Freedom of Religion
(b) Cultural and Educational Rights
(c) Articles 32 to 35
(d) Right to equality
25.Whose contribution is Cabinet system?
(a) Robert Walpole (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) Oliver Cromwell
1 (b) 2(b) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5(d) 6(a) 7(b) 8(c) 9(c)
10(d) 11(a) 12(d) 13(b) 14(a) 15(a) 16(c)
17(c) 18(b) 19(c) 20(b)21 (d) 22(b) 23 (c) 24
(b)2 5(a)
Constitution of India-4
1. Joint sittings of two houses of the parliament are presided over by
(a) President of India
(b) Speaker of Loksabha
( c) Chairman of Rajyasabha
(d) An MP, Specially nomited by the
2. Which type of emergency has been imposed only one time in India so far?
(a) Internal Emergency
(b)State Emergency
(c)External Emergency
(d)Financial Emergency
3. Supreme Court of India enjoys:
(a) Original Jurisdictions
(b) Advisory Jurisdictions
(c) Appellate and advisory Jurisdictions
(d) Original, appellate and advisory
4. As per the provisions of Charter Act of
1833, a Law Commission (for consolidating, codyfying and improving Indian laws)
was constituted under the chairmanship of:
(a) Lord Bentick (b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(c) Lord Macaulay (d) Lord Dalhousie
5. Select the correct order of Indian table of
precedence:1. President 2. Prime Minister 3. Governor 4. Vice President
(a)1,2,3,4 (b) 1,4,2,3(c) 1,3,2,4 (d) 1,2,4,3
6. Right to Information is:
(a) Fundamental Right
(b) Constitutional Right
(c) Natural Right (d) legal Right
7. Minority rights are given in :
(a) Article 25 -28 (b) Article 29 and 30
(c) Article 31
(d) Article 32
8. The Vice-President of India can be removed from the office :
(a)By a resolution in the Council of states
approved by Lok sabha
(b) By a resolution of Lok Sabha agreed
to by the council of states
(c) By a resolution adopted by the two
House meeting in a joint session
(d) Following the normal process of
9. Which of the following is not a fundamental duty ?
(a) To respect national Anthem
( b) To protect monuments and places of
national importance
(c) To safeguard private property
(d) To protect and improve the natural
10. Which part of the Constitution refers to
the responsibility of the state towards international peace and security?
(a )Fundamental rights
(b) Directive Principles of State Policy
(c)Emergency provisions
(d)Preamble of the constitution
11. Which one of the following is not a writ
provided in the Constitution of India?
(b) Quo Warranto
(c) Habeus Corpus (d) Injunction
12. The chairman of the first Law Commission:
(b) G.S.Nanda
(c) M. C. Setalvad (d) H.J.Kania
13. The famous painter who was entrusted
with the task of beautifying the original
manuscript of the Constitution:
(a)Amrita Shergil (b) Nandalal Bose
(c) M.F.Hussain
(d) KCS Panicker
14. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs is headed by:
(a)Finance Minister
(b) Commerce Minister
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Cabinet Secretary
15. What portion of the members of the Legislative Council are elected by University
(a)1/12 (b) 1/6 (c) 1/4 (d) 1/3
16. The number of languages in the Eighth
Schedule when it was brought into force?
(a)14 (b) 15 (c) 18 (d) 22
17. The Lok Sabha must meet atleast ......
times in a year.
(a)2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
18. The first speaker of Lok Sabha:
(a)G.V. Mavlankar (b) Ananthasayanam
Ayyankar(c) HJ Kania
(d) Hukkum Singh
19. A member of Public Service Commission
can be removed only on the report of:
(a)High Court
(b) Supreme Court
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
20.The number of Articles under the Directive Principles when the Constitution was
brought into force:
(a)16 (b) 15 (c) 17 (d) 18
21.The final appellate tribunal in India is:
(a) High Court
(b) Supreme Court
(c) Central Administrative Tribunal
(d) None of these
22.The minimum age prescribed to become
the Vice President of India:
(a) 35 (b) 30
(c) 25
(d) No prescribed age
23.Which writ is called the bulwark of personal freedom?
(a) Mandamus
(b) Habeus Corpus
(c) Quo Warranto (d) Prohibition
24.Which of the following Directive Principle
cannot be termed ‘Gandhian’?
(a) Prevention of cow slaughter
(b) Promotion of cottage industries
(c) Establishment of village panchayats
(d) Uniform civil code for the country
25.The real executive authority of the state
is vested in:
(a)Chief Mini ster (b) Home Minister
(c) Governor (d) Council of Ministers
1 (b) 2(a) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5(b) 6(d) 7(b) 8(a) 9(c)
10(b) 11(d) 12(c) 13(b) 14(c) 15(a) 16(a)
17(a) 18(a) 19(b) 20(a) 21(b) 22(a) 23(b)
24(d) 25(d)
Modern India
Modern India-1
1. Who is the founder of the Indian National
(a) Gandhiji
(b) WC Bannerjee
(c) AO Hume
(d) SN Bannerjee
2. Who was the Viceroy when
Archaeological Survey of India was
(b) Dufferin
(c) Curzon
(d) Ripon
3. Who popularised the worship of
Ganapathi in Maharashtra?
(a) BR Ambedkar (b) BG Tilak
(c) KT Telang
(d) VD Savarkar
4. The candidate whom Gandhiji supported
when election was conducted to the post
of president of Indian National Congress
in 1939?
(a) Nehru
(b) Rajendraprasad
(c) JB Kripalani (d) Pattabhi Seetharamaiah
5. The first muslim to become the president
of Indian National Congress:
(a) Jinnah
(b) Badruddin Tyabji
(c) Syed Ahmed Khan (d) Maulana Azad
Gandhiji conducted Champaran
Satyagraha for:
(a) Cotton farmers (b) Indigo farmers
(c) Ground nut farmers (d) Jute farmers
7. Who founded the Benarus Hindu
(a)Gandhiji (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy
(c) Madan Mohan Malavya
(d) PD Tandon
8. Who got lathi blows while protesting
against Simon Commission, which
became fatal to him?
(a) Netaji Bose
(b) Lajpath Rai
2014 Pq-sse- 1
(c) Bhagat Singh (d) Jatin Das
9. Who was called the Bismark of India?
(a) Gandhji
(b) Sardar Patel
(c) BR Ambedkar (d) VP Menon
10. Who was called the Grand old man of
(a) Gandhiji
(b) Nehru
(c) Dadabhai Navroji(d) WC Bannerjee
11. Who gave the slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’?
(a)Bhagat Singh (b) Ajith Singh
(c) Muhammad Ali (d) Muhammad Iqbal
12. Who raised the slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’
for the first time?
(a)Lajpath Rai (b) Subhas Chandra Bose
(c) Bhagat Singh (d) Motilal Nehru
13. Who was defeated by Subhas Chandra
Bose in 1939 when he was elected to the
post of Congress president?
(a)Rajendraprasad (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Pattabhi Seetharamaiah
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
14. Who was elected the president of INC
when Subhas Chandra Bose resigned?
(a)Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) C.Rajagopalachari
(c) Rajendraprasad (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
15. Who was the president of INC when it
split in the Surat session in 1907?
(a)Rash Behari Ghosh (b) GK Gokhale
(c) AC Majumdar (d) MM Malavya
16. Why Gandhiji called for the boycott of the
Simon Commission?
(a) None of the members was Indian
(b) India was dragged into the Second
World War
(c) The Commission refused to come to India
(d) None of these
17. Who presided over the all party
conference in 1928?
(a)Motilal Nehru (b) MA Ansari
(c) Rajendraprasad (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
18. Who was the Viceroy when the Naval
Mutiny (1946) was held?
(b) Mountbatten
(c) Irwin
(d) Linlithgo
19. Who authored ‘India wins Freedom’?
(a) Rajendraprasad (b) Rajagopalachari
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Sardar Patel
20. Who was known as the ‘spiritual heir’ of
Mahathma Gandhi?
(a) Vinoba Bhave (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Abbas Tyabji
(d) Jamnalal Bajaj
21. Name the revolutionary leader who turned
into an ascetic in the later years of his life:
(a) BG Tilak
(b) Bhagat Singh
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal
(d) Aurobindo Ghosh
22. Whom Gandhiji called ‘the great sentinel’?
(a) Rajendraprasad
(b) Subhas Chandra Bose
(c) Rabindranath Tagore
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
23. The Viceroy who introduced financial
(b) Lytton
(c) Mayo
(d) Hardinge I
24. Who founded the ‘Servants of India
(a) MG Ranade
(b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(c) GK Gokhale
(d) MK Gandhi
25. Who gave the slogan ‘Jai Hind’?
(a) Tagore
(b) Gandhiji
(c) Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
(d) Nehru
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
1 (c) 2(c) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5(b) 6(b) 7(c) 8(b) 9(b)
10(c) 11(d) 12(c) 13(c) 14(c) 15(a) 16(a) 17(b)
18(a) 19(c) 20(a) 21 (d) 22(c) 23 (c) 24 (c)
2 5(c)
Modern India-2
1. In which year Gopala Krishana Gokhale,
the political guru of Gandhiji, passed
(a) 1913 (b) 1914 (c) 1915 (d) 1916
2. The first and last Indian to become the
Governor General of independenr India:
(b) Rajendraprasad
(c) Rajagopalachari (d) S Radhakrishnan
3. India Councils Act of 1861 was passed
during the tenure of:
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Canning
(d) Mayo
4. Name the nationalist leader who was born
in Mecca:
(a)Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(d) Muhammad Iqbal
5. Who led the activities of the Theosophical
Society in India?
(b) Gandhiji
(c) Annie Besant (d) Vinoba Bhave
6. Who was instumental in the integration
of princely states after the independence?
(a) Sardar Patel
(b) BR Ambedkar
(c) Baldev Singh (d) Lal Bahadur Shastri
7. Who was the founder of Muslim League?
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(b) Agha Khan
(c) Liaqat Ali Khan
(d) Muhammad Iqbal
8. Who wrote ‘Gitarahasya’?
(a) Sardar Patel
(b) Gandhiji
(c) Aurobindo (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
9. The first foreigner to become the
president of INC?
(a)AO Hume (b) William Wedderburn
(c) George Yule
(d) Alfred Webb
10. The Viceroy who established two colleges
for the education and political training of
the Indian Princes:
(a)Dufferin (b) Mayo(c) Minto(d) Curzon
11. The Viceroy during the Dandi March of
(b) Chelmsford
(c) Linlithgo
(d) Irwin
12. Who said ‘Swarajya is my birth right’?
(a) Sardar Patel
(b) Gandhiji
(c) Nehru
(d) BG Tilak
13. Who was called the hero of the Bardoli
(a) Gandhiji
(b) Nehru
(c) Vinoba Bhave (d) Sardar Patel
14. Who was popularly called Rajaji?
(a)Rajendraprasad (b) Rajagopalachari
(c) Raja Ram Mohun Roy(d) Raj Guru
15. Who was the political guru of Gopala
Krishna Gokhale?
(a) Dadabhai Navroji (b) WC Bannerjee
(c) SN Bannerjee (d) MG Ranade
16. Who was the president of Indian National
Congress when it launched Quit India
(a) Subash Bose (b) JB Kripalani
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru(d) Abul Kalam Azad
17. Who was the Viceroy when the grand
coronation of George V was held at Delhi?
(a)Hardinge I
(b) Hardinge II
(c) Minto II
(d) Chelmsford
18. The leader of national movement whose
birth day is August 15:
(a)Vinoba Bhave (b) Bhagat Singh
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) Aurobindo Ghosh
19. The Viceroy when the Doctrine of Lapse
was officially withdrawn:
(a)Mayo (b) Dufferin(c) Canning(d) Curzon
20. In which jail Gandhiji was imprisoned when
he was arrested for salt satyagraha?
(a) Pune
(b) Nrw Delhi
(c) Kolkata
(d) Chennai
21. In which year Gandhiji was arrested for
the first time in India?
(a) 1917 (b) 1918 (c) 1919 (d) 1920
22. Who was the Viceroy when Diarchy was
introduced in provinces as per the Govt
of India Act, 1919?
(b) Hardinge II
(c) Wellington
(d) Chelmsford
23. Who is called the ‘mother of Indian
(a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Annie Besant
(c) Madam Bhikaji Cama
(d) Aruna Asaf Ali
24. Who was known as ‘the lion of Punjab’?
(a)Bhagat Singh (b) Lajpath Rai
(c) Ajith Singh (d) Chandrasekhar Azad
25. Whom Sarojini Naidu once called the
‘Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity’?
(b) Nehru
(c) Jinnah
(d) Ambedkar
1 (c) 2(c) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5(c) 6(a) 7(b) 8(d) 9(c)
10(b) 11(d) 12(d) 13(d) 14(b) 15(d) 16(d)
17(b) 18(d) 19(c) 20(a)21(a) 22(d) 23(c) 24(b)
Modern India-3
1. Whom Gandhiji called Rajarshi?
(a) Vinoba Bhave (b) D.K.Karve
(c) Purushotham Das Tandon (d) Gokhale
2. Who was the Viceroy when communal
reservation was introduced for Muslims?
(a)Minto II
(b) Hardinge II
(d) Reading
3. Who started the Khilafat movement in
(a) Gandhiji
(b) Ali brothers
(c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(d) Syed Ahmed Khan
4. Who founded Forward Bloc?
(a)Motilal Nehru
(b) Bhagat Singh
(c) Gandhiji (d) Subhas Chandra Bose
5. The incident which compelled Gandhiji to
repeal non-cooperation movement?
(a) Wagon tragedy (b) Jallianwallabagh
Massacre (c) Chauri-Chaura incident
(d) Champaran satyagraha
6. Who was called the Queen of the Quit
India Movement?
(a)Annie Besant (b) Vijayalekshmi Pandit
(c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Aruna Asaf Ali
7. Who said ‘Give me blood, I shall give you
(a)Subhas Chandra Bose (b) Gandhiji
(c) Nehru (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
8. Who was the president of INC when India
got independence?
(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) JB Kripalani
9. The Viceroy who introduced Budget
system in India:
(b) Dufferin
(c) Mayo
(d) Curzon
10. Who put forwarded the ‘Fourteen Point
(a)Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Nehru
(c) Gandhiji
(d) Rajagopalachari
11. Gandhijji
imprisonment for ...... days in his life.
(a) 2338 (b) 1338 (c) 3338 (d) 3120
12. Who was the Viceroy when Minto-Morley
reforms were introduced?
(a)Hardinge II
(b) Minto
(c) Morley
(d) Chelmsford
13. Who coined the term Pakistan for the first
(b)Liaqat Ali
(c) Rehmat Ali
(d) Shoukat Ali
14. Who started the journal ‘New India’?
(a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Annie Besant
(c) Madam Bhikaji Cama
(d) Aruna Asaf Ali
15. In which year Indian National Congress
approved the Basic Education System
propounded by Gandhiji?
(a) 1935 (b) 1936 (c) 1937 (d) 1938
16. Who authored ‘Arctic Home in the
(a) Lalpath Rai (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Dayanand Saraswathy
17. During which agitation Gandhiji gave the
slogan’ Do or die’?
(a) Salt satyagraha
(b) Champaran Satyagraha
(c) Quit India movement
(d) Kheda satyagraha
18. The only Viceroy who was assassinated
while he was in power:
(a)Dufferin (b) Curzon(c) Mayo(d) Ripon
19. The first Indian woman to become the
president of Indian National Congress:
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Vijayalekshmi Pandit
(c) Annie Besant (d) Sarojini Naidu
20. Who mooted the idea of separate
province for Muslims for the first time?
(b) Liaqat Ali
(c) Rehmat Ali (d) Muhammad Iqbal
21. Who headed Cabinet Mission?
(a) Stafford Crips (b) AV Alexander
(c) Cyril Radcliff
(d) Pethic Lawrence
22. Who is regarded as the father of the ‘Two
Nation Theory’?
(a)Muhammad Iqbal
(b) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(c) Nehru
(d) Rajagopalachari
23. Who was the last Governor General of
British India?
(a)Rajagopalachari (b) Lord Wavell
(c) Lord Mountbatten (d) Lord Linlithgo
24. The date in which Gandhiji violated salt
law in Dandi beach:
(a) 1930 March 12 (b) 1930 April 6
(c) 1930 May 5
(d) 1930 April 16
25. In which state the Sevagram Ashram of
Mahathma Gandhi is situated?
(a) Karnataka
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Gujarat
(d) U.P.
1 (c) 2(a) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5(c) 6(d) 7(a) 8(d) 9(a)
10(a) 11(a) 12(b) 13(c) 14(b) 15(d) 16(c) 17(c)
18(c) 19(d) 20(d)21(d) 22(b) 23(c) 24(b) 25(b)
Modern India-4
1. Name the leader who was known as
(a)Madan Mohan Malavya
(b) Jayaprakash Narayan
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Vinoba Bhave
2. The only Keralite to become the president
of INC:
(a)John Mathai
(b) RK Shanmugham Chetty
(c) C Sankaran Nair(d) K Kelappan
3. The Viceroy who resigned after the Ilbert
Bill controversy:
(b) Lytton
(c) Ripon
(d) Canning
4. Who advised Gandhiji to make a visit to
the whole country before entering into
Indian politics?
(a) Dadabhai Navroji
(b) Pheroz Shah Mehta
(c) Gopala Krishna Gokhale
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
5. Who was called ‘Lok Manya’?
(a)Madan Mohan Malavya
(b) Jayaprakash Narayan
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
6. Who was popularly called ‘Bengal Tiger’?
(a)SC Bose
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Bankim Chandra Chatterji
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal
7. The Viceroy who formed the ‘Safety Valve
(a)Canning (b) Mayo(c) Curzon(d) Dufferin
8. Who established Indian Trade Union
Federation in 1929?
(a)NG ranga
(b)Swami Sahajanand Saraswati
(c) EMS Nambuthirippad (d) NM Joshi
9. Who led the Quit India Movement?
(b) Nehru
(c) Abul Kalam Azad (d) No one
10. Who was known as the ‘saint of Pavnar’?
(b) Vinoba Bhave
(c) Jamnalal Bajaj (d) VD Paluskar
11. Who organised the raid in Chittagong
Goverment armoury?
(a)Surya Sen
(b) Khudiram Bose
(c) Chandrasekhar Azad (d) Lala Hardayal
12. Labour Acts were introduced for the first
time in India during the reign of:
(b) Ripon
(c) Curzon
(d) Northbrook
13. Who published Al Hilal and Al Balagh?
(a)Badshah Khan (b) Muhammad Ali
(c) Muhammad Iqbal
(d) Abul Kalam Azad
14. Who introduced separate civil service for
(b) Lytton
(c) Ripon
(d) Dufferin
15. Who shot dead Michael O’Dyer to avenge
for the Jallian Walla Bagh Massacre?
(a)Bhagat Singh (b) Surya Sen
(c) Chandrasekhar Azad
(d) Uddam Singh
16. The Viceroy who survived a bomb
explosion at Chandni Chowk in New Delhi
in 1912:
(a)Minto II
(b) Hardinge II
(c) Chelsmsford
(d) Reading
17. Who took initiative as the president of INC
to constitute the first National Planning
Committee under INC?
(b) Gandhiji
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Subhas Chandra Bose
18. Who were the Ali Brothers in the national
(a)Muhammad Ali and Rehmat Ali
(b) Rehmat Ali and Shoukat Ali
(c) Shoukat Ali and Muhammad Ali
(d) None of these
19. Who wrote ‘India Divided’?
(a)Abul Kalam Azad(b) Rajagopalachari
(c) Rajendraprasad (d) Ambedkar
20. Name the revolutionary who was shot
dead in an encounter with police at a
public park in Allahabad:
(a)Surya Sen
(b) Khudiram Bose
(c) Chandrasekhar Azad
(d) Lala Hardyal
21. The Viceroy who ruled for the longest
(b) Irwin
(c) Linlithgo
(d) Mayo
22. Who headed the boundary commission
appointed to demarcate the boundary
between India and Pakistan?
(a)Sir Stafford Crips (b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Cyril Radcliff
(d) Pethic Lawrence
23. Which one of the following was a
moderate Congress leader?
(a)Lajpath Rai (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal (d) GK Gokhale
24. The ideal state envisaged by Gandiji:
(a) Ram Rajya
(b) Grama Swaraj
(c) Hind Swaraj
(d) Dharma Rajya
25. Who founded the Hindu Maha Sabha?
(a)VD Savarkar
(b) Madan Mohan Malavya
(c) SP Mukherjee (d) Hedgewar
1 (a) 2(c) 3 (c) 4 (c) 5(c) 6(d) 7(d) 8(d) 9(d)
10(b) 11(a) 12(b) 13(d) 14(b) 15(d) 16(b)
17(d) 18(c) 19(c) 20(c)21(c) 22(c) 23(d) 24(a)
General English
General English-1
1. ____ prejudice is the child of ignorance.
(a)a (b) an (c) the (d) No article
2. I usually do my shopping ____ the city
(a) at (b) in (c) on (d) None of these
3. Sanjiv lives _____ near Ernakulam.
(b) anywhere
(c) somewhere
(d) something
4. ‘Conscientious’ means:
(a)Aware (b) Obedient to conscience
(c) Scientific
(d) Serious
5. Choose the word opposite in meaning to
the word ‘Exorbitant’:
(b) Excessive
(c) Odd
(d) Insufficient
6. Last year I went to Paris and Rome. I
liked ___ cities very much.
(b) either
(c) both
(d) None of these
7. The contractor ____ the work by the end
of this year.
(a)will complete (b) will have completed
(c) complete
(d) completed
8. Select the correctly spelt word:
(b) Rendazvous
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
(c) Rendezvous
(d) Rendezvus
9. He sings _____.
(b) delightful
(c) delight
(d) delighted
10. The word that does not mean ‘joyous’ is:
(b) elated
(c) euphoric
(d) doleful
11. Actions speak ____.
(a)your character (b) louder than words
2014 Pq-sse- 1
(c) your quality
(d) who you are
12. The station platform was crowded ____
people waiting for the train.
(a)with (b) that (c) about (d) over
13. The antonym of ‘Fair’ is:
(a) Foolish (b) False (c) Foul (d) Fat
14. ‘Better- half’ means:
(a)Brother (b) Sister(c) Mother (d) Wife
15. The opposite of ‘Action’:
(b) enaction
(c) dis action
(d) non action
16. Choose the phrasal verb which means
(a) call for (b) call off (c) call at (d) call up
17. A false written or printed statement that
damages somebody’s reputation.
(b) Petition
(c) Deponent
(d) Libel
18. ‘Do away with’ means:
(a)Escape (b) Steal (c) Destroy (d) Elope
19. One who feeds only on fruits.
(b) Fructarian
(c) Herbivorous
(d) Omnivorous
20. ‘Slander’ means:
(a)to praise
(b) to applaud
(c) to defame
(d) to commend
21. She____ singing when I entered the room.
(b) will be
(c) has been
(d) was
22. Collect the ____ from all possible sources.
(b) pieces of data
(c) data
(d) datae
23. Kerala is blessed with _____ vegetation.
(b) luxuriant
(c) lustrous
(d) industrious
24. ‘To have an axe to grind’ means:
(a)A private end to serve
(b) To fail to arouse interest
(c) To have no result
(d) To work for both ends
25. A group of men _____ creating trouble.
(b) was
(c) being
(d) have been
1 (d) 2(b) 3 (c) 4 (b) 5(d) 6(c) 7(b) 8(c) 9(a)
10(d) 11(b) 12(a) 13(c) 14(d) 15(a) 16(a) 17(d)
18(c) 19(b) 20(c) 21(d) 22(c) 23(b) 24(a) 25(b)
General English-2
1. How will you prevent the bacteria ____
the system.
(a)to enter
(b) from entering
(c) entered
(d) entrance
2. Let us not discuss ___ it.
(b) from
(c) about (d) No preposition needed
3. ‘Sine die’ means:
(a) Without any definite date
(b) Right to interfere
(c) Common language (d) A false step
4. A sentry must be:
(a)alive (b) hostile (c) polite (d) alert
5. All of us must be prepared to die ___ our
(a)of (b) from (c) for (d) by
6. The idiom ‘lose heart’ means:
(a) break one’s heart (b) lose hope
(c) fall in love
(d) weep
7. Admitting a person to the citizenship of a
state to which he does not belong:
(a) Alienation
(b) Deprivation
(c) Naturalisation (d) Termination
8. The baby loves ____ toys.
(a)his (b) her (c) one’s (d) its
9. You are placed under suspension untill
____ orders.
(a)farther (b) future (c) further (d) next
10. Hari’s house is bigger than ____
(a)my (b) their (c) our (d) yours
11. Some people ____ from voting.
(b) abstained
(c) refused
(d) declined
12. Epilogue is:
(a)Introductory part of a literary work
(b) Story line of a literary work
(c) Concluding part of a literary work
(d) Synopsis of a literary work
13. ____ she had many misfortunes, she is
always cheerful.
(b) In spite of
(c) Although
(d) Always
14. This is a holy shrine and not a place for
every Tom, Dick and ___.
(a)Mary (b) Sundry (c) Gopi (d) Harry
15. The art of elegant speech or writing:
(b) Calligraphy
(c) Eugenics
(d) Obnoxious
16. Finding fault ___ others is a bad habit.
(a)in (b) with
(c) of (d) about
17. The old gentleman ____ to be a very good
friend of my grandfather:
(a)turned in
(b) turned over
(c) turned out
(d) turned up
18. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(b) Bouqet
(c) Banquett
(d) Budjet
19. The rat race among the leaders is
revolting (Choose the alternative which
expresses the meaning of the idiom
(b) Nepotism
(c) Favouritism
(d) Fierce competition for power
20. Covered carriage of travelling pilgrims:
(b) Artillery
(c) Caravan
(d) Crew
21. The violence in the plant _____ Maruti’s
net profit by 5.41%.
(a)mark (b) push in (c) boost (d) dip
22. I _____ playing tennis with Sania for a
week now.
(a)has played
(b) played
(c) have been playing (d) was playing
23. Which word has the correct spelling?
(b) Precition
(c) Presicion
(d) Precicion
24. Choose the right sentence in indirect speech.
He said to me, “what are you doing?”
(a)He asked me what I was doing
(b) He asked me what he was doing
(c) He asked me what I did
(d) He asked me what I were doing of
25. A sea abounding in islands:
(b) Gulf
(c) Archipelago
(d) Isthmus
1 (b) 2(d) 3 (a) 4 (d) 5(c) 6(b) 7(c) 8(d) 9(c)
10(d) 11(b) 12(c) 13(c) 14(d) 15(a) 16(b)
17(c) 18(a) 19(d) 20(c)21(d) 22(c) 23(a)
24(a) 25(c)
General English-3
1. Traffic will be ____ through the side
streets while the main road is resurfaced.
(b) gone
(c) changed
(d) diverted
2. You are not a believer, ___?
(a)some time
(b) are you
(c) aren’t you
(d) were you
3. The train started after the guard ____
(give) the signal (Use the correct form of
verb given in bracket):
(b) will be given
(c) had given
(d) is giving
4. I ___ him for his determination.
(b) wished
(c) cared
(d) disturbed
5. The wood always _____ on water.
(b) floats
(c) was floating
(d) float
6. Raju is a ___ football player than Ram.
(b) worst
(c) worse
(d) None of these
7. He is the best speaker ____ is available.
(a)which (b) that (c) whom (d) what
8. The word with the correct spelling is:
(b) Celibration
(c) Celebraition
(d) Celeberation
9. To do away with a rule:
(b) Annihilate
(c) Attenuate
(d) Abrogate
10. There is keen ____ in each trade.
(b) contest
(c) competition
(d) co-operation
11. This is the boy____ all praise.
(a) whose
(b) whom
(c) who
(d) whoever
12. Donkeys _____.
(a) chatter (b) coo (c) bray (d) mew
13. There won’t be any trouble,_____?
(a) will there
(b) shall there
(c) won’t there
(d) can’t there
14. The chief minister with two of his ministers
_____ here.
(a) are (b) were (c) is (d) have been
15. The young one of cat:
(a) calf (b) puppy (c) cub (d) kitten
16. None of the workmen arrived in
time,_____? (use tag)
(a) didn’t they
(b) did they
(c) weren’t they
(d) were they
17. Bulls_____.
(a) grunt (b) bleat (c) bellow (d) buzz
18. Fish is reared in:
(a) stream (b) river (c) sea (d) aquarium
19. The opposite of ‘dense’ is:
(a) thick
(b) small
(c) sparse
(d) none of these
20.The antonym of ‘SAVOURY’:
(a) Unpalatable
(b) Apathetic
(c) Clandestine
(d) Pliant
21. Sita _____ to the radio when a lizard fell
on her arm.
(b) was listening
(c) listen
(d) is listening
22. Our hen _____ twenty eggs last night.
(a)lay (b) lied (c) lays (d) laid
23. The boy was deprived _____. his books.
(a) of (b) off (c) with (d) about
24. Find out the wrongly spelt word:
(b) Elaborate
(c) Psycophant
(d) Concord
25. _____ tired, Raju went to bed early.
(a) Been (b) Being (c) Be (d) Has been
1 (d) 2(b) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5(b) 6(c) 7(b) 8(a) 9(d)
10(c)11(b) 12(c) 13(a) 14(c) 15(d) 16(b) 17(c)
18(d) 19(c) 20(a) 21(b) 22(d) 23(a) 24(c)
General English-4
1. Choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word
(b) genuinely
(c) secretly
(d) somewhat
2. Every leaf and every flower ____ the glory
of God.
(a) proclaim
(b) proclaims
(c) are proclaiming (d) None of these
3. The bus service isn’t very good at night.
There are ____ buses after 9 o’clock.
(a)few (b) a few (c) little (d) a little
4. The judge decided to fine the man Rs.500
instead of sending him to ____.
(a)a prison
(b) the prison
(c) prison
(d) None of these
5. The meaning of ‘Dairy’:
(a)Milk Depot
(b) A daily note book
(c) Fight between two persons
(d) None of these
6. Where will you be ____ Christmas?
(a)on (b) at (c) in (d) None of these
7. Select the correctly spelt word:
(b) Synchronous
(c) Synchronus
(d) Synchronos
8. I’m hopeless ___ telling lies.
(a)at (b) with (c) for (d) by
9. ‘Corrigendum’ means:
(a)Correction made in a book after printing
(b) One retired from active service
(c) Official status (d) Superfluous
10. Nobody lives in this house, ____?
(a)do they
(b) are they
(c) isn’t it
(d) will they
11. Take this bottle and pour some milk _____
that jug.
(a)inside (b) in (c) within (d) into
12. The word ‘fame’ rhymes with:
(a)fan (b) father (c) came (d) can
13. A person who kills somebody especially
for political reasons.
(b) Assassin
(c) Fugitive
(d) Vagabond
14. I went to a Korean restaurant on Thursday
even though I had eaten Korean food
three days____.
(a) before (b) since (c) till (d) ago
15. A drawing on transparent paper:
(b) Negative
(c) Blue print
(d) Transparency
16. Find out which part of the sentence has
an error?
(a)The number of boys (b) in this team
(c) are ten
(d) No error
17. A small shop that sells fashionable
clothes, cosmetics, etc.
(a)Boutique (b) Store (c) Stall (d) Booth
18. I tried to keep the child away from the pool.
In this sentence ‘keep away from’ means:
(a)Assist to come near
(b) Prevent from coming close
(c) Encourage to come near
(d) None of these
19. The meaning of ‘Confidential’:
(b) Honest
(c) Secret
(d) Accurate
20. My brother is taller ____ my sister.
(a)to (b) over (c) than (d) for
21. The synonym of ‘weak’ is:
(a) feeble (b) strong(c) firm (d) obstinate
22. The box of books _____ yesterday.
(a) were opened (b) was opened
(c) had opened
(d) had been opened
23_____ exciting the journey was.
(a) When (b) How (c) What (d) Who
24. The word nearest in meaning to
(a) Remorseless (b) Malevolent
(c) Honourable
(d) Tender-hearted
25. The prefix ‘hetero’ means:
(a) six
(b) different
(c) excessive
(d) whole
1 (a) 2(b) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5(a) 6(b) 7(b) 8(a) 9(a)
10(a) 11(d) 12(c) 13(b) 14(a) 15(d) 16(c)
17(a) 18(b) 19(c) 20(c) 21(a) 22(b) 23(b)
24(d) 25(b)
Test of Arithmetic and Mental Ability
Test of Arithmetic and
Mental Ability-1
1. Ram is 4 times as old as his son. Four
years hence, the sum of their age will be
43 years. Then the present age of the
son is:
2014 Pq-sse- 1
(a) 7 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 3 years
(d) 6 years
2. If GO=32, SHE=49, then SOME will be
equal to:
(a) 56 (b) 58 (c) 62 (d) 64
3. A man covers 600 metres in five minutes.
His speed in kmph is:
(a) 7.2 (b) 13.4 (c) 3.6 (d) 8.4
4. MISTAKE: 4356127 :: STEAM:?
(a) 13457 (b) 75614(c) 65741 (d) 56714
5. In a train accident 10% of the total
passengers died on the spot and 5% of
the rest, later in the hospital. If the
number of survivors is 1710, how many
passengers were originally there?
(a) 1980 (b) 2000 (c) 2040 (d) 1800
]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥
6. Select the odd one:
(a) Mercury
(b) Bromine
(c) Aluminium
(d) Sodium
7. A sells a box to B at a profit of 15%. B
sells the same to C for Rs.1012 and
makes a profit of 10%. A’s cost price is:
(a) Rs.720
(b) Rs.680
(c) Rs.880
(d) Rs.800
1. R.N. 44588/86Reg. No. KL/TV (N)34/2012-14
2. Licence No. for posting without pre payment - KL/TV(N)/WPP/165/2012-14
8. In a certain code, DECEMBER is written
as ERMBCEDE, which word will be
written as ERMBVENO in that code?
9. An article is sold at a loss of 29%. Had it
sold for Rs.84 more, the profit would have
been 11%. The cost price of the article
must be:
(a) 210 (b) 200 (c) 180 (d) 170
10. Which word cannot be formed using the
letters of the word ‘APPROXIMATELY’?
(a) APEX
11. In a parade, the cadets are asked to stand
in columns of 45, then 18 columns are
formed. If only 30 cadets are asked to
stand in each column, how many columns
would be formed?
(a) 25 (b) 27 (c) 33 (d) None of these
12. 14,9,5,2,__
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 3 (d) 0
13. The least number to be added to 2887 so
that the sum may be a perfect square:
(a) 29 (b) 78 (c) 1 (d) 5
15. A and B together invested Rs.15000 in a
business. At the end of the year, out of a
profit of Rs.2000, B’s share was Rs.600.
A’s investment was:
(b) Rs.8,250
(c) Rs.10,500
(d) Rs.11,250
16. AZ,CW,ET,GQ,___
(a) IP (b) IN (c) JQ (d) JN
17. What is 15% of 60 +45% of 80?
(a) 27 (b) 39 (c) 45 (d) 48
18. Giant: Dwarf :: Genius:?
(a) Gentle (b) Prodigy (c) Tiny (d) Idiot
19. When the income tax is 7 paise on a
rupee, a person has to pay Rs.60 more
than when tax is 5 paise on a rupee. The
income tax of the man must be:
(a) Rs.2200
(b) Rs.2400
C-S-Xp-]-£- {]-ÿm-\-ß-fp-sS- ap-∂-Wnt∏m-cm-fn-bpw- hn-πq-h- {]-ÿm-\-ß-fn-seB-Zy-sØ- h-\n-Xm- {]-h-¿-Ø-Icn¬- {]ap-J-bp-am-b- Iq-Øm-´p-Ip-fw- ta-cn-- A-¥cn-®p.- kzm-X-{¥y-k-a-c- t]m-cm-´-ß-ƒ-°nsS- {Iq-c-am-b- t]m-eo-kv- a-¿-±-\-Øn-\pwC-c-bm-bn-´p-≠v-. Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn¬- Zn-hm≥ `-c-W-Øn-s\-Xn-sc- \-S-∂- P-\-Io-bt]m-cm-´-ß-ƒ-°v t\-Xr-Xzw- \-¬-In--b-hcn¬- {]-[m-\n-bm-bn-cp-∂p- ta-cn.tem-I-I-∏n¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- tKmƒF-∂- sd-t°m-Un-s\m-∏w- C-\n- an-tdm-…m-
(c) Rs.2750
(d) Rs.3000
20. The angle between hour hand minute
hand of a clock when the time is 2.30:
(a) 150 (b) 105 (c) 120 (d) 95
21. A man spent 10% of his money and then
Rs.500 and then 10% of the remaining. If
he had Rs.360 left, then he initially had:
(a) 750 (b) 800 (c) 900 (d) 1000
22. Which one is different from others?
(a) 81:243 (b) 64:192 (c) 16:64 (d) 25:75
23. A train travels from station X to station Y
at a speed of 20kmph and returns at the
rate of 30kmph. The average for the
whole journey was ___ kmph.
(a) 25 (b) 24 (c) 35 (d) 40
24. Carbon: Diamond :: Corundum :?
(a) Garnet
(b) Pearl
(c) Pukhraj
(d) Ruby
25. A car travels 100 metres in 9 seconds.
The speed of the car in kmph:
(a) 45 (b) 40 (c) 32 (d) 36
1(a)2(a; sum of position of the letter from end)
3 (a)4(d)5(b)6(b)7(d)8(c)9(a) 10(b) 11(b)
Test of Arithmetic and
Mental Ability-2
1. The production in an industy is decreased
by 20% due to retirement of the senior
employees. By what percent should the
working hours be increased to restore the
original production?
(a) 18 (b) 22 (c) 25 (d) 20
2. Select the odd one:
(a) Puducherry
(b) Lakshadweep
(c) Chandigarh
(d) Lucknow
3. A earns 25% more than B. If they together
earn Rs.2700 during the year, the amount
that B earns annually is:
(b) Rs.1200
hv- t¢m-sk- F-∂- t]-cp-≠m-Ipw.- {_ko-en-s‚- C-Xn-lm-k-Xm-cw- sdm-Wm-ƒtUmbp-sS- t]-cn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂- sd-t°mUn-s\m-∏-am-Wv- C-t∏mƒ- t¢m-sk.
hn-Jym-X- Nn-{X-Im-c≥
- en-b\
- m-¿- sU- Umhn-©n-bp-sS- {]-i-kv-X-am-b- "sam-Wm-enk-'- tem-IØ
- n-se- B-Zy- {Xn-am-\- (3Un-)Nn-{X-c-N-\-bp-sS- `m-K-am-bn-cp-s∂-∂v- Kth-j-I¿-.- sam-Wm-en-k-bp-sS- Iq-S-∏n-ds∏-∂v- hn-ti-jn-°-s∏-Sp-∂- Um-hn-©n-
(c) Rs.1350(d) Rs.1250
4. Smoke: Pollution :: War :?
(b) Peace
(c) Treaty
(d) Destruction
5. The least number which must be
subtracted from 6708 to make it exactly
divisible by 9:
(a)1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
6. Which is the odd one?
(b) Chandigarh
(c) Goa
(d) Lakshadweep
7. The difference between four times and nine
times of a number is 45. The number is:
(a) 9 (b) 12 (c) 15 (d) 17
8. FOREST is coded as 573268 and PARROT
is coded as 143378. How PROTEST is
(b) 1378268
(c) 3718268
(d) 3781628
9. 8% of a number is 72. What is the 20% of
that number?
(a) 150 (b) 120 (c) 220 (d) 180
10. Drama: Stage :: Tennis:?
(b) Net
(c) Court
(d) Racket
11. The surface area of a cube is 54
What will be its volume in cubic cms?
(a)9 (b) 27 (c) 16
(d) 64
12. M x N: 13:14 :: F x R = ?
(a)14 x 15 (b) 5 x17(c) 6 x 18 (d) 7x 19
13. Age of A,B and C are in the ratio 1:2:3. The
sum of their ages is 90. The age of C is:
(a)60 (b) 51 (c) 45 (d) 39
14. Which one is different from others?
(a) IJCD (b) WYTS (c) QRKL (d) PQMN
15. A car completes a journey in 10 hours. If
it covers half the distance at 40 kmph and
the rest at 60kmph, then the length of the
journey is:
(a)400 km
(b) 480 km
(c) 380 km
(d) 300 km
16. Arrange the following in meaningful order:
1.Adult 2.Child 3. Infant 4. Boy 5.Adolescent
(b) 2,3,4,1,5
(c) 2,3,5,4,1
(d) 3,2,4,5,1
bp-sS- X-s∂ "-sF-kv¬-h¿-Øv-'- "sam-Wmen-k-'-bp-am-bn- \-S-Øn-b- Xm-c-X-ay-]-T-\Øn-em-Wv- I-s≠-Ø-¬-.- P-¿-sa-\n-bn-se_mw-s_-¿-Kv- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bn-se- Kth-jI
- ≥
- t¢m-kv- {In-Ãn-b≥
- Im-¿_
- vW
- ns‚- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn-em-Wv- C-cp-Nn-{X-ß-fpwim-kv-{Xo-b-am-bn- ]-cn-tim-[n-®v- Cu- \nK-a-\-Øn¬- F-Øn-b-Xv.- 1410 \pw- 1455
\pw- C-S-bn¬- Um-hn-©n- h-c-®- Nn-{X-amWv- "-sF-kv¬-h¿-Øv-'-≠-I-sf- X-S-bp-∂- I-h-N-ß-fn¬D-]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂- kq-∏¿- ss^-_¿- sIhv-em¿- I-≠p-]n-Sn-®- A-ta-cn-°-≥ sI-anÃv- kv-s‰-^m-\n- tIm-e-Iv- A-¥-cn-®p.1946¬- I-cn-b¿- Xp-S-ßn-b- kv-s‰-^m-\n\m-ep-Z-i-I-tØm-fw- Up-t]m-fiv- sI-an°¬- I-º-\n-bn¬- sI-an-Ãm-bn- tPm-ent\m-°n.- _p-≈‰
- v- {]q-^n¬- D-]t- bm-Kn-°p∂- Im-Tn-\yw- Iq-Sn-b- ]-Zm-¿Y
- I
- Ø
- n-\m-bp≈- A-t\z-jW
- a
- m-Wv- kvs
- ‰-^m-\n-sb- sIhve
- m¿- ss^-_d
- n-s≥d- I-≠p-]n-Sn-Ø-Ønte-°v- \-bn-®-Xv.- `m-cw- Ip-d-™-Xpw- F∂m¬- Ão-en-t\-°mƒ- A-©p-a-S-ßv- ImTn-\y-ap-≈-Xp-am-Wv- Cu- ss^-_-¿-.C-Xp-h-sc- I-s≠-Øn-b-Xn¬- \o-fw- IqSn-b- td-Un-tbm- sP-‰p-If
- p-≈- kvs
- s]-d¬Km-eI
- vk
- n-sb- C-¥y-≥ tPym-Xn-»m-kv{- Xkw-Lw- I-s≠-Øn.- ]p-sW-bn-se- C-‚¿bq-Wn-th-gk
v- n-‰n- sk-‚¿- t^m¿- A-ktv- {Sm-
Rupees 5.00
July 1, 2014
17. Price of petrol is increased by 25%. How
much percent must a car owner reduce
the consumption of petrol so as not to
increase his expenditure on petrol?
(a)25% (b) 30% (c) 50% (d) 20%
18. In which of the following words do the
vowels occur in their natural alphabetical
19. The marked price of an article is 20% above
the cost price. A discount of 10% is allowed
to a consumer. The profit percent is:
(a)10% (b) 8% (c) 9% (d) 15%
20. In a code language SINGER is written as
AIBCED. How can GINGER be written in
the same code?
21. The average of 5 number is 38. The
average of first four numbers is 45. The
fifth number is:
(b) 10
(c) 11
(d) 12
22. Darwin: Evolution :: Archimedes :?
(b) Lubrication
(c) Buoyancy
(d) Liquids
23. If six men earn Rs.150 in 10 days, then
the earning of 8 men in 7 days is:
(a)Rs.140 (b) Rs.70(c) Rs.210 (d) Rs.175
24. Select the odd one:
(b) Colombus
(c) Aryabhatta
(d) Bhaskara
25. A sells a box to B at a profit of 10%. B
sells the same to C for Rs.924 and makes
a profit of 5%. A’s cost price must be:
(a) 840
(b) 800
(c) 820
(d) 780
1 (c) 2(d) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5(c) 6(c) 7(a) 8(b) 9(d)
10(c) 11(b) 12(c) 13(c) 14(b) 15(b) 16(d) 17(d)
18(d) 19(b) 20(d ) 21(b) 22(c) 23(a) 24(b)
W-an- B-≥-Uv- A-kv-t{Sm- ^n-kn-Iv-kn-seim-kv-{X-⁄-≥ tUm.- sPm-bv-Zo-]v- _mKv-Nn-bp-sS- t\-Xr-Xz-Øn-ep-≈- K-th-j-Ikw-L-am-Wv- A-]q-¿-hX-I-fp-≈- Km-e-Ivkn- I-s≠-Øn-b-Xv.- `q-an-bn¬- \n-∂v- 112
tIm-Sn- {]-Im-ih
- ¿
- j
- w- A-Is
- e-bp-≈- CuKm-e-Iv-kn-bn¬- \n-∂p-≈- td-Un-tbm- sP‰p-I-ƒ-°v- 52 e-£w- {]-Im-i-h-¿-jw \of-ap-≠v.- ]p-sW-bn-ep-≈- P-bn-‚ v- ao-‰¿- thhv- td-Un-tbm- sS-e-kv-tIm-∏n-s‚-bpw- C‚¿- bq-Wn-th-gv-kn-‰n- sk-‚¿- t^m¿- Akv-t{Sm-W-an- B-≥Uv- A-kv-t{Sm-^n-kn-Ivkn-s‚- Io-gn-ep-≈- sF-bp-°- Kn-cm-h-√nH-_v-k¿-th-‰-dn-bp-sS-bpw- k-lm-b-tØmSp-Iq-Sn-bm-bn-cp-∂p- I-≠p-]n-Sn-Øwhn-Jym-X- ln-µn- I-hn- tI-Zm-¿-\m--Yv- knßn-\v- km-ln-Xy-cw-K-sØ- hn-in-„- ]p-ckv-Im-c-am-b- ⁄m-\-]o-Tw.- 2013se- ]p-ckv-Im-c-Øn-\m-Wv- F-¨-]-Xp-Im-c-\m-bA-t±-ls
- Ø- ip-]m-¿i
- - sN-bvX
- X
- v.- ⁄m\-]o-Tw- e-`n-°p-∂- ]-Øm-a-sØ- ln-µnkm-ln-Xy-Im-c-\m-Wv- tI-Zm-¿-\m--Yv- kn-Mv.11 e-£w- cq-]-bpw- {]-i-kv-Xn-]-{X-hp-a-Sßp-∂-Xm-Wv- ]p-c-kv-Im-cw. -
Views and ideas expressed in the articles published in PSC Bulletin are not, necessarily, those of the Commission. Edited and Published by P.C.Binoy, Secretary, Kerala Public Service
Commission on behalf of Kerala Public Service Commission and Printed by him at P. Krishna Pillai Memorial Printing & Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, Thiruvananthapuram.