Hillcrest Highlights - Hillcrest United Methodist Church
Hillcrest Highlights - Hillcrest United Methodist Church
Hillcrest United Methodist Church 5112 Raywood Lane Nashville TN 37211 Phone: (615) 832-0157 Fax: (615) 832-9442 Preschool: (615) 831-1001 info@hillcrestumc.org www.hillcrestumc.org Hillcrest Highlights Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Nashville Tenn. Permit No. 1298 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED A Publication of Hillcrest United Methodist Church October, 2013 March 2016 Hillcrest United Methodist Church is a family of diverse people, with a variety of gifts, called to discipleship, led by one spirit, and united in service and mission to God. A Message From Keri Hillcrest Worship JOIN US ON SUNDAY MORNING COMMUNION 8:30 AM WORSHIP 10:15 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:00 A.M. Church Staff Senior Pastor: Cherie Parker Minister of Music: Mike Castellaw Minister of Children & Youth: Keri Cress Director of Lay Ministries & Outreach: Bud Whipple Organist: Carl Hester Pianist: Sarah Williams Andrews Director of Nursery Ministries: Debbie Rhoads Nursery Workers: Leah Watkins and Lu Rhoads Administrative Assistant: Martie Rader Turner Leadership Scholar: Allison LeBrun Pre-school Staff Preschool Director: Robin Dyer Teachers: Teresa Parsons Jennifer Allman Brett Parsons Heather Hobbs Christi Fidler Ashlee Jesse For information about the preschool call 615-831-1001. Our building is maintained by Jan-Pro. If you find any area of the building in need of attention please let us know by calling the church office. Mark your calendars! March 20 is our Easter Egg Hunt! Not only is this a great time of fun and fellowship for our Hillcrest family, this is also one of our church wide neighborhood outreach events. We hope that in opening our doors and inviting our neighbors we will have opportunities to introduce our visitors to Hillcrest, have moments of authentic conversation, and demonstrate the love of Christ in the community where we gather to worship. We hope they will come for the candy and the hotdogs and stay because there is a family here that would be better with them. While we have a sign up list with plenty of tasks to complete, this is a mission! The tasks include help facilitate opportunities for relationships. Our tasks involve donating stuffed eggs (no chocolate, please), working in the kitchen, helping guide groups to the age level areas, and hiding eggs. Our mission is about fishing for people and introducing them into the life of this body of Christ. What if we learned someone’s name and invited them to Worship, or our Sunday School class! What if this person came for Worship or Sunday School and we invited them to lunch! I once heard it said that the moment someone enters the community of a church, the whole dynamic changes, or it does when we make room! Room for people to live into a life Jesus called us all into, a life that involves the gifts and talents of each member working towards the common goal of living into the kingdom of God. This is an exciting time of new life and new beginning, in our journey towards Easter and in the world around us, I pray we will share this hope with our friends and neighbors on March 20th I hope you will find your place to serve and be at the Easter Egg Hunt this year! Look for the sign-up sheet in the Welcome Area! Peace, Keri Upcoming Dates: Easter Egg Hunt Vacation Bible School March 20th June 5th-9th Page 7 Page 2 HUMC Calendar of Events Our nursery (for Pre-K and younger) is open for Sunday School and Sunday Worship with no reservations needed. Additionally, we seek to provide childcare for parents attending Bible studies or meetings. Leaders, please reserve your event two weeks in advance. Highlighted (*) events have childcare provided. For other events, parents must call the church office at 832-0157 to reserve a space for your child. Although we always try to accommodate last minute situations, we need your reservation 48 hours in advance. Tuesday March 1 9:30 am ESL to Go 10:00 am Widows Helping Others 8:00 pm AA/Alanon Wednesday March 2 9:00 am Staff Meeting 10:00 am Dulcimer Group 12:00 pm Lenten Luncheon at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church 6:00 pm Ballroom Dance Class 7:00 pm Wesley Choir Rehearsal Thursday, March 3 8:30 am Citizenship Classes 9:30 am ESL to Go 7:00 pm Men’s Volleyball Friday, March 4 4:00 pm Room In the Inn Saturday March 5 8:00 pm AA/Alanon Sunday, March 6 8:30 am Communion 9:00 am *Sunday School 10:15 am *Worship 5:00 pm PUSH (youth) Monday, March 7 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 6:30 pm Cub/Boy Scout Troop 1161 Tuesday, 9:30 am 5:15 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm March 8 ESL to Go Valor Basketball Trustees Meeting E. Tusculum Neighborhood Watch 8:00 pm AA/Alanon Wednesday, , March 9 9:00am Staff Meeting 10:00 am Dulcimer Group 10:30 am Coasters 12:00 pm Lenten Luncheon at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church 6:00 pm Ballroom Dance Class 7:00 pm Wesley Choir Rehearsal Thursday, March 10 8:30 am Citizenship Classes 9:30 am ESL to Go 6:00 pm Dan Beard District Mtg. 7:00 pm Men’s Volleyball Saturday, March 12 4:00 pm Boy Scout Pack Pine Wood Derby 8:00 pm AA/AlAnon Sunday, March 13 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:15 am 5:00 pm Communion *Sunday School *Worship PUSH (youth) Monday, March 14 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 6:30 pm Cub/Boy Scout Troop 1161 Tuesday, March 15 9:30 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm 8:00 pm ESL to Go Honeys Finance Meeting AA/Alanon Wednesday, March 16 9:00 am Staff Meeting 10:00 am Dulcimer Group 12:00 pm Lenten Luncheon at Tusculum Cumberland Presbyterian 6:00 pm Ballroom Dance Class 7:00 pm Wesley Choir Rehearsal Thursday, March 17 8:30 am Citizenship Classes 9:30 am ESL to Go 7:00 pm Men’s Volleyball Friday, March 18 4:00 pm Room In the Inn (final weekend) Saturday, March 19 Wednesday, March 23 9:00 am Staff Meeting 10:00 am Dulcimer Group 12:00 pm Lenten Luncheon at Tusculum Cumberland Presbyterian 5:30 pm Holy Week Meal and Bible Study at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church 6:00 pm Ballroom Dance Class 7:00 pm Wesley Choir Rehearsal Thursday, March 24 8:30 am Citizenship Classes 9:30 am ESL to G 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service at Cumberland Presbyterian Church 7:00 pm Men’s Volleyball Friday, March 25 7:00 pm Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Hillcrest UMC Saturday, March 26 8:00 am Men’s Breakfast 8:00 pm AA/Alanon Sunday, March 27 6:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:15 am Easter Sunrise Service Communion Service *Sunday School *Worship Monday, March 28 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 8:00 am Justice for our Neighbors(JFON) Tuesday, March 29 8:00 pm AA/Alanon 9:30 am ESL to Go 8:00 pm AA/Alanon Sunday, March 20 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:15 am 4:00 pm Communion *Sunday School *Worship Easter Egg Hunt Monday, March 21 10:00 am United Methodist Women 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study Tuesday, March 22 Friday, March 11 4:00 pm Open Table Resource Center Committee 8:00 pm AA/Alanon 9:30 am ESL to Go 10:30 am Honeys 6:30 pm Staff Parish Relations Wednesday, March 30 10:00 am 10:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Dulcimer Group Staff Meeting Ballroom Dance Class Wesley Choir Rehearsal Thursday, March 31 8:30 am Citizenship Classes 9:30 am ESL to Go 7:00 pm Men’s Volleyball We have a choice about how to face whatever happens to us in life. I can choose to respond negatively, or I can choose to find something to be grateful for in the situations in my life. Is there something, somewhere in what is happening to me, that I can find grace or a reason for gratitude? So, frost bit flowering quince can reframed become: "What a gift to have that first glimpse of spring color and beauty in the middle of winter?” And my frustration with my delayed and cancelled flights home reframed becomes: “How wonderful that I get to spend another night with my daughter instead of in the Chicago Midway terminal.” And, regarding the rain? Reframed it might be: “How good this isn’t snow closings school and messing up traffic again.” Youth Our youth have been challenged to allow this season of Lent to be a time of reflection and refocusing! We challenged our young people to have dedicated time each day to spend in pray and scripture reading. During Sunday night PUSH (or UMYF) this past week, we were introduced to different practices of prayer and scripture reading. We walked a labyrinth, meditated on scripture using art journaling, considered fasting, and we practiced silence. This season is a reminder of so many things as well as a Think of your own disappointments. Can reminder of the path that Jesus walked from kingship to they be reframed? During these last few weeks of servant to execution to the resurrection. Our youth began Lent, I invite you each day, each moment -- to a journey at Warmth in Winter considering a life of followlook for gratitude – to name it – to express it -ing Jesus. The journey continues as we prepare for iD and to feel it. . . Weekend when we take a deeper look at The Way-the way I am challenging myself to look for some- of following Jesus. thing to be grateful for in the situations I find my- iD Weekend is April 1-3 and will be here before you know self in. When faced with a disappointment, I will it! During iD Weekend our Senior High youth will be takreframe it in such a way that I recognize in it ing on the leadership and teaching. The Senior High will something I can be thankful for. When I get dis- be leading our youth in worship, prayer, and in their servcouraged about a matter, I will flip it and find the anthood. Each Senior High youth will have an opportunigood that is in it somewhere. When I experience ty to give a talk and share with their peers about the action something negative, I will seek to find within it of God in their lives. The other aspect of iD Weekend is something to be grateful for. I hope you will do that the youth feels the support of the church; it is an exthis with me. Together maybe we can start a new perience of rooting our young people in the life of the way of looking at life. body of Christ. The Leadership Team has met and is in In closing, I offer these words about grati- the beginning of recruiting adults to be present in small tude from the apostle Paul: groups, seeking a kitchen crew, playing instruments, taking Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; photos, baking cookies, and being in the prayer chapel give thanks in all circumstances; over the weekend. If this is something you are interested for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for in, please contact Keri. Look for information in the Welyou. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) come Area about how you can get in on this powerful experience! Blessings in this Holy Season! Upcoming Dates: iD Weekend April 1-3 Alleluia Auction May 1 Graduation Breakfast May 15 Mountain TOP June 19-25 Page 3 Page 6 A Message from Cherie. . . . Our Lenten luncheons are underway. We have had two at Hillcrest UMC. Our next two are at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church (March 2 and 9) and the last two are Tusculum Cumberland Presbyterian Church (March 16 and 23). Several folks from the other two churches have come to Hillcrest for the first two of these gatherings. I hope we have a good crowd from Hillcrest show up at the next four. If you would like to carpool over to Tusculum Hills Baptist, let’s meet at Hillcrest at 11:40 on Wednesday, and ride over together. Please be sure to contact Tusculum Hills Baptist Church, 615-833-6519 by Tuesday noon to make a reservation to eat lunch. At our first Lenten Lunch, I offered the following meditation. I offer it now for those of you who could not be present: Awhile back I made a confession in one of my sermons. My confession was and is that I am a glass-half-empty kind of person. I’m not sure how I came to be one. A case can be made for it being genetic or environmental. However it came to be part of who I am, I experience this outlook on life every day. . . . “Oh look, that flowering quince was blooming last week; too bad it got bitten by the frost.” “Oh no, my flight from Omaha to Chicago was delayed, and then my connection to Nashville was cancelled. Now I won’t get home tonight.” “It’s raining. . . .again!” When I have been focused on the negative for too many days in a row, I realize it is time to go have lunch or coffee with a friend of mine who is most definitely a glass-half-full kind of person. She consistently looks at life with gratitude no matter what her circumstances. She recently went through foot surgery and had six weeks at home staying off her foot. This meant she could not walk at all, she could not take a shower on her own, she had to rely on others to get her food or anything else around the house. She has managed to live through these days of dependence with pain and discomfort, but also with grace, humor and with a lot of gratitude. She truly is an inspiration to be around. As she said, “Being grateful (in such moments) means the same thing it does as when you are capable, strong and independent, and can do everything you want to do for yourself or have everything going your way. It means looking for the graces in your life, the abundance and goodness that are always there for you, and it means focusing on what you have in your life rather than focusing on what you don’t have.” (Susan Ragsdale, “How to Teach Yourself to Live with Gratitude”) She calls it “reframing” how you experience life. For example, as she said: “I can’t walk on my own two feet” but . . . I am ever so grateful for knee scooters to help me get around (now) in a playful, fun way that makes me smile AND mobile at the same time. “I can’t take a shower on my own” Reframed becomes: I am grateful I am married and have someone living with me who can help me. THAT is a blessing. “I have to rely on others to get food for me.” Reframed: I am blessed to have family and friends who are willing to bring me a meal or fix something for me. “I have to rely on others to run errands for me” Reframed: I am blessed that others are willing to go to the bank or the post office while they’re doing their errands. I am experiencing abundance and grace. “Reframing is how you begin the practice of implementing gratitude into your daily life. It’s the starting point.” It might even be called “flipping” the situation – that is looking within a difficult, challenging, trying situation for what is good, however small it may be, and then giving thanks for it. (Continued on page 7) Happy Birthday Sharon Steeley Caleb Potter Jamie Powell Lynn Booker Jim Barker Brett Parsons Adam Dyer Sue Conder Allison Carter Charles Tate Lin Webster Tammy Smith Mike Worden Ruth Gower Carla Richards David Kline Jerry Strickland Sandra Kihm Charles Parsons Amaris Liana Diaz Ed Pyles Joyce Ogu Myra Powell Hugh Stills Sarah Krogman Roger Rhoads Kaitlynn Vaughn Mark Coleman Norman Corea Andrew Joyce Parker Austin 01-Mar 02-Mar 03-Mar 04-Mar 04-Mar 06-Mar 06-Mar 07-Mar 07-Mar 09-Mar 09-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar 16-Mar 17-Mar 17-Mar 22-Mar 22-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 29-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar Joe & Sheyl Reed 02-Mar David & Elaine Kline 06-Mar Jerry & Debbie Reeves 13-Mar Bob & Jamie Powell 14-Mar Marcus & Robin Stewart 14-Mar Willie & Louise Ryan 15-Mar Prayer Concerns The following requests were received from our Hillcrest family. You may add a concern to this list by filling out a Prayer Concern form located in the pew and placing it in the offering plate or in the prayer box at the front of the church. In order to keep our Prayer List current, please contact the church office when it is time to remove a name from the list. Jerry Reeves Wanda and Bud Seagraff Doc and Barbara Barton John Burke Mike Webb Ruth Gower Judy Sircher Reba Brown Charlie and Joann Tate Christina Smith Village Church Emma Richards Betty Poirier Norma Tekell Maurice and Rita Rowland Trish and Martin Collier Cathy Brashears Stephen Webster Jamie Powell Gradie Darter Julie Campbell Janice Elliott MacKenzie Carson Diana Hanvy Dot King Page 4 Page 5 Please, add to your prayer list our Active Duty Veterans: March 14, 2016 10:30 am Risen!! Movie and lunch (movie optional) Meet at the church to ride the bus for lunch at Peter D’s in Murfreesboro. Remember to sign up in the Welcome Center. Coasters March 9, 2016 P. Connor Worden, (USAF) Son of Mike Worden & Grandson of Betty Worden. Connor is now stateside. He arrived safe and sound! Joseph Strickland, (USAF) Son of Sandra & Jerry Strickland, Brad Pyburn, (Colonel - USAF) Jackie’s husband & Son in law of Anita & Jack Wheeler Mike Howard, (Brigadier General – US Army) Son in law of Reba & the late Robert Brown and husband of Robert’s daughter Ester. 03/01 - WHO meeting 03/02 - Lenten Luncheon at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church 03/09 - Coasters Luncheon 03/09 - Lenten Luncheon at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church 03/15 - Honeys 03/15 – Finance Meeting 03/16 - Lenten Luncheon at Tusculum Cumberland Presbyterian Church 03/20 - Easter Egg Hunt 03/21 - United Methodist Women’s meeting 03/22 -Staff Parish Relations Committee 03/23 - Lenten Luncheon at Tusculum Cumberland Presbyterian Church 03/23 - Holy Week Meal and Bible Study at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church 03/24 - Maundy Thursday Service at Tusculum Cumberland Presbyterian Church. 03/25 - Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Hillcrest United Methodist Church 03/27 - Easter Sunrise Service, Easter Communion and Worship Service If you know of other Active Duty Veterans, please let us know so we can put them on our prayer lists. These are the folks and ones like them that make sure we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. Please pray that God will keep them safe wherever they might be. Community Lent and Easter Schedule Wednesday - March 2 and 9 at noon at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church 4930 Nolensville Road 615-833-6519 Wednesday – March 16 and 23 at noon at Y’all mark your calendars! The TwangTusculum Cumberland Presbyterian Church town Players are going to play for us at Coasters 477 McMurray Drive 615-833-0742 in March. Holy Week Services The Twangtown Players are the Dulcimer Wednesday – March 23, Holy Week Meal and Bible Group that comes and plays/practices here at Study will be held at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church Hillcrest nearly every Wednesday morning from at 5:30 pm 10:00am until noon. That’s why I like to work March 24 – Maundy Thursday Communion Service 7 on Wednesdays. Come and fellowship with us, pm at Tusculum Cumberland Presbyterian Church stay and have lunch and enjoy the music of the March 25 - Good Friday Tenebrae Service will be Twangtown Players. We gather at 10:30am, we’ll held at Hillcrest United Methodist Church at 7 pm enjoy the music and we’ll eat lunch around 11:30am. March 27 – Easter Sunrise Service, Sunday morning at 6 am at Hillcrest UMC As always, lunch is $3.00 each. So Mark your calendars and we’ll look for you on March March 27 – Easter Communion Service, 9th. Sunday morning at 8:30 am at Hillcrest UMC March 27 – Easter Sunday Service, Sunday morning at 10:15 am at Hillcrest UMC Robert Brown Memorial Bible Study The Robert Brown Memorial Bible Study is currently meeting on Monday evenings in Room #14 from 6:30 - 8:00pm. All men are invited! How To Submit Information for the Newsletter Information for the newsletter may be submitted by e-mail or by completing an Activity/Event information form and leaving the completed form in Administrative Assistant’s mailbox. Please note that the deadline to submit information is firm. Any submission received after the deadline will be published in the following month’s edition. If the submission is time sensitive, it will be published in the daily e-mails and bulletin. Activity/Event forms are located in the outer office on the book shelf to the right of the copy machine, and on the church website (www.hillcrestumc.org). Our Tithes and Offerings as of February 21 Worship Attendance 160 Weekly Offering $6,873.00 YTD Offering $55,959.00 Weekly Wattie Fund Offering $465.00 YTD Wattie Fund Offering $4,185.00 Hillcrest Highlights Newsletter Publication Schedule Time Period Covered Deadline for Information/Articles For the period covering April 2016 Articles need to be submitted by March 24, 2016 at noon. Newsletters will be mailed on March 31st For the period covering May 2016 Articles need to be submitted by April 26, 2016 at noon. Newsletters will be mailed on April 31st. Please email articles to: martie@hillcrestumc.org