august meeting - Central Cal BMW Riders
august meeting - Central Cal BMW Riders
AUGUST 2014 BMW MOA Charter #147 CCBR Web Site BMW RA Charter #203 AUGUST MEETING At Alice’s Restaurant Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 9:30 AM 17288 Skyline Boulevard, Woodside, CA 94062 - (650) 851-0303 For Details go to Many thanks to Peter Sandberg for organizing this meeting. page number 1 The President Says!! By Bob Kuykendall TAKING TIME AND REMEMBERING Over the last several weeks, there have been moments when I have been reminded that we need to "take time" – for many reasons. 1. relishing summer trips with family and friends. 2. time away from work 3. enjoying a solo ride on your favorite road 4. or fill in your reason: _______________________________________________________ To that end the Club's events for August can perhaps provide those "take time" moments for you. Best of Both worlds at Alice’s (Courtesy- South Bay Riders) Peter Sandberg is putting together a visit to the famous Bay Area bike hot spot, Alice’s Restaurant on Skyline Blvd. Brunch will be followed by a ride to curvy road Nirvana. Alice’s is a place where you can see all makes, kinds, ages of both the bikes and the bikers- so come look, eat and ride with Peter on August 10. Do you remember the Attack of the Flies – not the movie - the BASH in Mariposa in 2002? Well, Jon Beining wants to remind people to sign up for the BASH in Quincy as there will be no flies. Only good times, good rides, and good friends. This year’s BASH is looking really good!! Before the summer ends I will take time to enjoy the cooler coastal areas of Marin and Sonoma Counties with a mid-week ride to Bodega Bay to preview a restaurant and ride route for a future Club ride. I also hope to remember what is like to ride a solo BMW again as I hope to have a new to me, solo BMW oil head by then. Don’t know the exact date yet, but I will send out an email blast with the details so you can. If you like the longer multi-day trips, take a look Norcal’s Range of Light Gypsy Tour at Todt Clark races up the curves to So, there are more than enough activities in August to take Alice’s on his new BWR (Big time and remember. Wheels Racer) (Source: page number 2 page number 3 HUGE CONTEST WITH $750 IN PRIZES – Continues for 2014 We have a great contest going for members who submit pieces for the 2014 Exhaust Notes. Prizes will be awarded at our December 2014 meeting. Categories may include, but are not limited to: Dual Sport – Adventure – Domestic or Foreign rides with photos – Evaluation of motorcycle equipment – Farkles – Clothing – Service providers with photos – Comedy – Photos of CCBR Meetings and Rides. Captions make them even better! 1. TEXT: Send the text of your article in the body of an email or attach it as a .doc file. 2. PICTURES: Please do not embed pictures in text. Attach them to the email as .jpg files. ● WITH CAPTIONS: Identify each picture by file name and write a caption for it. Include this in the body of the email or in the .doc file. ● WITHOUT CAPTIONS: Pictures of members enjoying themselves while gathered for meetings or events are welcome. Try to have them looking at the camera and appearing to be having a great time. 3. Send your e-mail to 2014 EVENT CALENDAR – For details go to Many thanks to our Event Calendar Editors - Jay MacDonald for meetings and Phil James for rides. page number 4 page number 5 A TIP FROM YOUR WEBMASTER: THE HOW AND WHY OF KEEPING YOUR CCBR WEBSITE PROFILE UP TO DATE FIRST THE WHY: Your Officers and Directors want you to receive the maximum benefit from your membership in CCBR. They have observed that more active members enjoy their membership much more than less active members. Increasing contact and camaraderie increases the fun for all. Your profile includes not only your contact information, but also informs the Board of your level of interest in helping out as a future Officer, Director, Extraordinary Volunteer or Event Volunteer. What’s an Extraordinary Volunteer? Check out the back page of your Exhaust Notes where they are listed: Chairman of the Spring Fling, Exhaust Notes Editor and Head Honcho for BASH Information. . A Typical Profile Screen AND NOW THE HOW: 1. Go to our website at 2. Login – upper right on the screen 3. "View profile" just below your name 4. "Edit profile" – update your profile information 5. "Save" – lower left page number 6 PICTURES by Bob Rasters, Phil James, TJ Forsyth, Scott Wynter and Todt Clark Who: Eight happy riders What: Last Sunday Ride Where: Alice’s on Skyline Blvd. to Phil's Fish Market in Moss Landing June 29, 2014 When: Highlights: Trying to keep Phil in sight. Waiting to order lunch at Moss Landing We were all really tired after the ride – dead tired. page number 7 page number 8 NEWS FROM THE ROAD…….. By Glenda Oxford It has been a good month. We went from Maine to New Hampshire, camping not too far from Concord, the state capital. As we were setting up camp, someone saw the bike on the trailer and asked if we were here for bike week. That got our attention and we wanted to know where bike week happened. As it turned out, bike week was in Laconia, New Hampshire, an easy ride from our campground. It is the oldest bike week celebration in the country, and this was year 91. Of course we knew there would be a lot of Harley's, but we decided to go see what was happening. Even though we were there on a Monday afternoon, there was a crowd. We spent several hours checking out the vendors and people watching, then headed home. From New Hampshire, we headed through Vermont to Lake George, New York. There we found the best rides of our trip in the Adirondack Mountains. The roads were good, the scenery was beautiful, and there were even a few twisties, although nothing to match our Sierras. We were still having more rain than sun, so we were limited as to how many rides we could get in. Being caught in a thunderstorm would not be our idea of fun. We stopped on the way to Laconia for a Blizzard at Dairy Queen. Jim was too cheap to buy one for Clucky, so she stole his. Our most interesting ride was with a group dedicated to building a monument honoring the veterans and servicemen serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. We read about the ride in the local paper and decided to join them. Most of the riders were veterans from as far back as the Korean War. It was a hundred mile ride through New York and Vermont. For once, the weather was perfect, and the ride planner did an outstanding job. There were somewhere around 60 to 70 riders of all ages, and were escorted through every town on the route by police, sheriff or fire personnel. We met some really great people and hope to help them in their efforts. A few of the bikes at Laconia. We were definitely outnumbered, we saw three BMWs, a few Hondas and LOTS of Harleys. The group of veterans who made the ride for the monument. page number 9 page number 10 From Lake George we went across New York to Niagara Falls. This was only a 3 day stopover to see the falls, so the bike stayed on the trailer. We spent one full day at Niagara Falls State Park. We did all the tourist things: taking the Maid of the Mist up to the bottom of the Falls, and doing the Cave Tour to what is called the Hurricane Deck at the foot of the falls. Our second day was spent taking a ride on the Erie Canal through two of the locks. This part of the canal is primarily used for recreation, although the parts closer to New York are still used commercially. Picture from the road The sign where the monument We arrived in Pennsylvania to more rain and thunderstorms. We will be erected visited Gettysburg under cloudy skies, but it was an emotional experience. The weather seemed appropriate for the occasion. It's hard to imagine the number of men and boys involved in this three day battle, and the number killed and wounded. This is definitely a must see for anyone coming to Pennsylvania. We love traveling, but still miss getting together with our friends at home. Everyone stay cool and enjoy the rides. Niagara Falls in the sunshine. Locks filling on the Erie Canal page number 11 PICTURES by Rich Alves What: CCBR July Meeting Where: Mike’s Grillhouse in Modesto When: Sunday, July 13 Who: CCBR members and Guests Highlights: CCBR members begged Ellen Kuykendall to please put them on the BASH Volunteer List. A nice lunch with friends. Weather was cooler than expected. A very nice turnout for a warm summer day. a shful. I see a b g in y la p as e. There Our Prez w oluted lifelin v n o c ry e v in his long and be a Japan to rs a e p p a even future. A selfie page number 12 o ’t e ? Do n ie lf e s fa ven as k. GPS AND YOU: INTRODUCTION TO USING GARMIN BASECAMP FOR PC Part 4 - Routes – By Rich Alves Over a series of articles I will be covering some of the basics of using Garmin's BaseCamp for PC software. Garmin also has a BaseCamp for Mac version which is slightly different. However, some of what you learn about the PC version may be helpful in understanding the Mac version. (Abbreviations: RC = right click, LC = left click, DRC = double right click, etc.) What are Routes? According to Garmin, “Routes are pre-defined paths created from a group of location points (Waypoints) entered into the GPS receiver (or BaseCamp) in the sequence you desire to navigate them." Import the BASH 4 file, that you exported last month, back into My Collection: ● LC My Collection / LC File / LC Import into “My Collection” ● LC the BASH 4 file that you exported and saved last month / LC Open You’ve previously created a route named Home to BASH by LCing the New Route tool and dragging the Start Point and Destination into the proper box. Insert a Waypoint into the existing Home to BASH Route. ● LC Valero and drag it into the Home to BASH route. Do the same for Cornucopia-Lunch. ●In the Route Window, LC and drag Valero and CornucopiaLunch up where they belong between Home and BASH. ●LC Recalculate. ●LC to close the Route window. page number 13 Using the Insert, Move Point and Erase tools on the existing Home to BASH Route: #2 ● LC the Insert tool ● LC the route between Sacramento and Yuba City. #1 #4 ● Move the tool to Lincoln and LC ● You have inserted a point in Lincoln. The route has recalculated and changed to go through Lincoln. ● RC to deactivate the Insert tool. #3 ● LC the Erase tool ● Locate the inserted point in Colusa and LC This is our starting route. ● LC the Move Point tool. ● LC on the point you inserted in Lincoln. Drag the tool to Colusa. ● You have moved the inserted point. The route has recalculated and changed to go through Colusa instead of Lincoln. page number 14 ● You have erased the insertedpoint. The route has recalculated back to your original starting route.. Use the Route tool to create a different route to the BASH. #1 #2 #3 ● LC on the New Route tool and then close the New Route window. ● Hold the Route tool over the Home waypoint and LC. ● Move the Route tool over Truckee and LC ● Then move the Route tool over Placerville and LC ● Move the Route tool over the BASH waypoint and LC. ● RC to deactivate the Route tool. #4 ● You have now created a second route to the BASH. Basecamp automatically named it Home to BASH1 (#1). #1 ● You decide you want to ride the original route. RC and delete Home to BASH 1 from all lists. Rename, Export, Save your BASH list to use next month and Delete it from My Collection: RC BASH list / Rename / BASH 5 / Enter / LC File / LC Export / LC Export “BASH 5” / find a location on your computer that you will remember / LC Save / RC BASH 5 / LC Remove and Delete Unique Content / LC Delete To be concluded next month: Part 5 – Sharing BaseCamp Files page number 15 ********** STUFF TO THE EDITOR Phil James forwarded this to your Editor. It was sent to him by former CCBR member Roger Edwards. Roger has retired to Points East and continues his journey through life as an itinerant Guzzi motorcycle bum. He always has a smile on his face and a story worth telling. Whenever possible he’s seated next to his good friend, just a wee bit of the cheapest possible, white tequila. Ah, sweet memories. page number 16 With a Tarzanian yell of, “I want my mommie!” Todt Clark plunges into the mighty Amazonian Puddle Rich, Attached are a few (late) photos [of the July CCBR meeting] for the EN if you have not finalized it yet. Rich Meissner Pre-Meal discussion Phil makes an important point Dave Gordon, Linda & Mike Crawford Sidecars always draw a (small) crowd page number 17 CENTRAL CAL BMW RIDERS 2014 OFFICERS, BOARD MEMBERS and EXTRAORDINARY VOLUNTEERS President Bob Kuykendall (925) 570-9957 Vice-President Rich Alves (925) 240-6970 Secretary Rich Meissner (209) 578-1933 Treasurer Ellen Kuykendall (925) 300-3512 Director - BASH Jon Beining (707) 763-3063 Director - Meetings Jay MacDonald (209) 966-3895 Director - Membership Ray Trujillo (916) 601-9141 Director - Outreach Peter Sandberg (510) 606-0980 Director - Rides Phil James (925) 372-8155 Director - Webmaster Ollie Wright (510) 637-9299 BASH Information Dave Gordon (925) 989-8372 Exhaust Notes Editor Rich Alves (925) 240-6970 Spring Fling Chairman Kim Dromlewicz (925) 672-2112 IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU KEEP YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS CURRENT All of your membership information is filed under your email address on our web site. If you change your email address you must also update it in your member profile. If you have any difficulties, please contact our Webmaster. Ÿ Go to and Login using your old email address and password., Click "View profile" below your name on the upper right. Click "Edit profile" / Update your E-mail address / Click "Save" Exhaust Notes is published monthly by Central California BMW Riders, 3064 Rossmoor Parkway #3, Walnut Creek, CA., 94595. Email: All information furnished herein is provided by and for the members of Central Cal BMW Riders. Unless otherwise stated, none of the information (including technical material) printed herein bears any endorsement or approval by CCBR or the Editor. The Board of Directors and Editor cannot be held liable for its accuracy. page number 18
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