Marc hh Newsletter


Marc hh Newsletter
March Newsletter
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Thursday 17th March 10.00am, Hobsonville Bowling Club,
Memorial Park Lane, off Hobsonville Road
Morning Tea: Adventure Walking
Meet & Greet: Creative Writing
Mini Speaker: French Culture & Language
Barry Watkin (Intensive Care Paramedic)
Barry served 19 years in the Ambulance service before joining ARHT in 1987. In his role
as Chief Paramedic he was responsible for maintaining and developing specific treatment
procedures in an aero medical environment and ensuring the team of paramedics had
access to the best medical resources whilst, at the same time, working on the roster as
paramedic on the helicopter. Now in semi-retirement Barry continues to support ARHT in
a part-time community liaison role with a focus on educating the public and other agencies
about the important work that ARHT does.
Allyson Gofton, our February guest speaker, certainly entertained us with her down to earth presentation
covering her year in a remote farmhouse in the small French rural village Caixon which is situated in
the Hautes-Pyrenees. To take a young family into unknown territory where French is the main language
spoken and the French rural culture steeped in history was certainly an amazing journey. It proved that
coming out of your comfort zone and working through what seemed like an unachievable mountain
certainly paid off. Plans are afoot to take the family back later this year for another year.
Being New Zealanders we are lucky to have the democratic right to vote and this month history could be
made when it comes to our flag... to change or not to change. Whatever happens it seems opinions will
be divided as ever!
Carol Denton
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible"
Audrey Hepburn
A very warm welcome to Nigel Dempster, Helen Annett, and Rae Fletcher. We look forward to seeing
you in one of our many groups.
The Convenors have had their first meeting for 2016. U3A Hobsonville now has 20 groups up and running so
there was much for Convenors to share about what each group was planning for the year. A number of the
groups have reached their capacity in numbers and have waiting lists. There was discussion on the
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importance of group members letting their Convenors know whether they will be attending a meeting or
not, not just out of courtesy but also their absence may allow someone on the waiting list to attend for that
meeting. If new members wish to join a group they need to contact Claire Brickell, Group Convenor Co ordinator as their first port of call.
SUBSCRIPTION: Individual : $35.00 pa. Couple : $65.00 pa
If your preference is to have your monthly newsletter sent by post please ADD $8 to fees above.
Payment Options
(1) Direct Credit to: U3A Hobsonville
Bank Account 12 3085 0503478 00 ASB Westgate
(Please ensure your name is shown on the transfer)
(2) Send your cheque, made out to ‘U3A Hobsonville’ to:
The Treasurer
U3A Hobsonville
PO Box 317-025
Hobsonville 0664
(3) Cash at one of our monthly Meetings
A skeleton plan for the year has been drawn up and will cover topics of antique interest –
wood, flowers, glass, china, kitchen antiques, games and handcrafts to name a few and,
of course, suggestions would always be welcome.
There are vacancies in the group for like-minded people who would like to share/improve
their knowledge of things from a bygone age. A good opportunity to bring forgotten things
into the light, blow off the dust and re-discover the history, personal and factual, of forsaken treasures.
Next Meeting: Thursday 7th April. Time: 1.30pm. Group Vacancy.
ART/OPERA/THEATRE Convenor: Jan Edmonds
More exciting offerings were discussed at our monthly meeting at the Manurewa
Garden where we were able to view the Sculpture exhibition before the weather closed
in. Plans have been made to attend such diverse entertainment as: Roger Hall's play
'You Can Always Give Them Back', Auckland Choral: Carmina Burana, NZSO:
Beethoven & Brahms, Met Opera: The Pearl Fishers, APO: The Topp Twins; Ten
Tenors at Aotea and 'Evita' the musical. At the time of writing five group members were enjoying the NZ
Ballet’s Speed of Light.
A most unique experience this month was Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' at the pop-up Globe. A very
Kiwi rendition with Trinculo's boots being gumboots and the 'glistering apparel' hanging on Ariel's line,
was in fact 'All Black'. A highly comedic note was added with the liberal sprinkling in both costumes and
sets of bright 'Water Safety' orange. Lisa Harrow playing Prospero was a bonus. Next Meeting:
Monday 21st March. Time: 10.00am to take in the nearby Harbourview Sculpture Trail .
BOOK GROUP: Convenor: Vera Morris
It was our group’s turn to talk at the next General meeting and we discussed the form this
would take at the beginning of the meeting. The group resolved to continue reading our own
individual choice of books this year with the possibility of once or twice reviewing the same
title as a group. Over the course of the evening we reviewed thirteen books which we had read during
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the Christmas break providing us with some exciting new authors to add to our collection. A great way
to relax as we had all made the most of the holidays to catch up on some light reading. Next Meeting:
Wednesday 9th March. Time: 7.00pm.
CRAFT CREATORS: Convenor: Judy Peace
This month our craft group is back to meeting twice a month after the Christmas break.
The holidays and warm weather have stifled progress on ongoing projects such as
teddy bears, knitting, patchwork and embroidery and we are looking at new activities for
the year. With this in mind our first March gathering will be a visit to Gordonton in the
Waikato to Grandmother's Garden, a patchwork and quilting shop where we hope to be inspired and
also enjoy a day out of Auckland. Next Meeting: Wednesday 23rd March. Time: 9.30am.
COMPUTER GROUP 1: Convenor: David Thompson
We viewed TV Reports on Cyber Crime including Ransom-ware. What do Internet
Providers (ISPs) want to know about us and why. Our viewing histories Netflix saves
and how they can restrict future choices. Kids toys now enabling web access for young
children – VTech toys and who is responsible if their details get hacked. North Korea
have written their own operating system copied from Apple’s IOS, but have included
comprehensive hacking tools for their own use.
Digital death. What happens to your data, your electronic devices and your web identity on your passing.
We then had a look at a hilarious take on how to treat SPAM.
Our meeting ended with a discussion on the venue and the generous offer of the Deli Brothers to hold
our meetings there. As it is an excellent venue for us everyone agreed to combine the two Computer
Groups and revert to holding one monthly meeting in the future. Next Meeting: Friday 11th March.
Time: 1.30pm. Place: Deli Brothers Cafe,116a Hobsonville Road.
CURRENT EVENTS: Convenor: Maureen Briggs
There was a short discussion re “chemical spraying” vs hot water – 20 years using hot
steam effectively is being reconsidered on a cost basis!!
We became sidetracked
discussing weeds in the environment, especially privet. Council considers this to be a
noxious weed but privet is all along the edge of motorways – their land! (just one
The hot topic was Donald Trump as President – God help America (and the world) if that happens –
scary stuff!! One in our group likened his thinking to Hitler. Quote (ex MSN): “Trump is a racist, Trump's
business record is unimpressive and ethically dodgy, Trump's policy ideas are terrible” “He inherited his
wealth and is an unsuccessful businessman” - we will be watching the finals!
Possible future topics: Supreme Court (apolitical?); Auckland is not feeding itself (where have our
market gardens gone?); stoats, rabbits, weasels - more of a threat to our native birds than cats I am told.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 22nd March. Time: 10.00 am.
FAMILY HISTORY: Convenor: Claire Brickell.
This month the group focused on how best to record Family History in this age.
Both digital and hard copy recording methods were looked at. Some group
members are attending a one day workshop led by Jan Gow who will speak on
Family History on the Internet. Next meeting: Tuesday 12th April. Time: 1.30pm.
Group Vacancy.
FILM BUFFS: Convenor: Joane Clarke
Hail, Caesar. In the early 1950s, Eddie Mannix is busy at work trying to solve all the
problems of the actors and filmmakers at Capitol Pictures. His latest assignments
involve a disgruntled director, a singing cowboy, a beautiful swimmer and a handsome
dancer. As if all this wasn't enough, Mannix faces his biggest challenge when Baird
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Whitlock gets kidnapped while in costume for the swords-and-sandals
epic Hail, Caesar If the studio doesn't pay $100,000, it's the end of
the line for the movie star. This movie was thoroughly enjoyed by all
as it returned us to yesteryear, with the costumes, dancing, language
used by actors over this period and the film sets with vintage cars.
Wonderful food was had by all at the downstairs Restaurant and
Winery. A roam around the shops followed. Next meeting: Monday
4th April. Group Vacancy.
What a great success the picnic was… Andrew and Claire Brickell provided breakfast
with coffee and croissants. Catering was organised by Mary Elcoat and her merry
The choreography from Thea and Elaine resulted in some spirited dancing which
brought much happy laughter. It was worth waiting for Toulouse-Lautrec to appear. It
was hard to recognise Mary King. It looks as though Rene has become a permanent
fixture so Don, be ready for next year. The venue, music, dancing, games, props,
quizzes and also the appearance of Monet, Van Gogh and Renoir were very popular. Val captured us
all on her trusty camera and these were displayed at the February General meeting.
The French film Festival is currently running and several of our members are going to see the movies to
help brush up on their language and culture. Next Meeting postponed till Friday 15th April Time:
GOURMET 1: Convenor: Val Baker
An informal meeting was held at the end of January where Estonia was the chosen
cuisine. Lots of checking with Mr Google, but everyone came up with a different dish
again… mainly made from root veggies, soups and grains. Beautifully hosted by Roz.
The theme for our February get together was Fiji (timely after the terrible cyclone),
Claire hosted this time and there was Fijian music playing in the background to set the
tone. We had a delicious selection of sweet and savoury; a Fijian fish dish called kokoda, a delicate
prawn curry, a selection of chicken curry, salads and sweet cakes – traditional honey cake and banana
cake … a totally successful and enjoyable day. Next Meeting: Tuesday 29th March – an outing with
both groups.
PLAY READING: Convenor: Mary King
At the March meeting we welcomed a (hopefully) new member who contributed greatly
to the cast when we read Act 1 of An Ideal Husband, by Oscar Wilde. This play gave
rise to some comment and some interesting discussions ensued. We completed the
meeting by reading a couple of very funny revue sketches by Harold Pinter. Act 2 of
the Wilde play to be continued next meeting. Are there any men who see themselves as Lord Goring?
If so, do come and join us. Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April. Time: 1.30pm. Group Vacancy.
Our last meeting for 2015 was a lunch held at Soljans winery. All agreed it was a lovely
spread and felt we needed more exercise after the meal.
February showed an increase in members wishing to stretch and breathe - a good sign.
Although the group is almost full, we are fortunate to be able to accommodate all those in
the group . We started our postures very slowly with most people asking for weight loss
poses…. something we can work on slowly! The year began well with enthusiasm - may it continue to
be so. Next Meeting dates: 2nd and last Thursday of each month.
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TRAVEL CLUB: Convenor: Kay Smith
A very well attended meeting with Ideas and planning for future trips, both local and national
well discussed. Margaret Raby and Cynthia Blair presented their perspectives of Out Back
travel in Australia. Both speakers were interesting and entertaining and the group enjoyed
hearing about their different experiences. Remote, challenging and very adventurous. Our
Guest Speaker Toni Paltridge (Cruise Marketing Manager) gave an interesting presentation
on River Cruising in Europe. Two of the group, Tiina Delacey and Del Lupton won the “name in the hat”
draw to be Toni’s guests as visitors for the morning on a cruise ship in Auckland Harbour. Our monthly
Travel Quiz was prepared and presented by Angela Chambers, an informative and challenging quiz won
by Aline Gee. Next Meeting: Day Trip Howick Village 1st April.
WALKING HISTORY: Convenor: Carol Denton
We could not have wished for a better day to be taken on a
guided tour of North Head, walk through some of the tunnels
and see actual guns including the 8 inch BLHP "disappearing
gun" and saluting battery. The first significant development
of North Head was the arming of the Head in1870 with two
Armstrong 40 pounder RBL field guns from the 1863 battle at
Meremere and the associated construction of barracks close
to the summit which, somewhat altered, still remain. North
Head continued as a defensive position until 1950 when it became only a training establishment until
1964. The Navy remained, with parts of the Head occupied by the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park until 1996
when the area was handed over to DOC. The views of the Waitemata Harbour and Auckland city from
North Head were stunning and many of us had never walked the tunnels or walked to the summit. We
all left feeling we had enjoyed a great experience and learnt how strategic North Head was in the
defence of Auckland during the late 19th Century. Next Meeting: Thursday 7th April. Time: 10.00am.
WINE APPRECIATION: Convenor: Don Chambers
Well we hit the road again in February and spent an extremely enjoyable afternoon at
Heron’s Flight in Matakana. For those of us who ventured north last year we again had the
pleasure of being regaled with the history of the region plus what is happening in the
present by wine maker David Hoskins. It was obvious from what we learnt that vineyard
ownership of the Matakana Vineyards is no longer in the hands of those inspired pioneers
who put New Zealand’s wine industry on the map. Thank goodness for the likes of David
Hoskins who still adheres to some tried and true methods to produce some beautiful expressive wines.
From the beautifully slightly dry Rosé, much darker than some of the more mass produced Rosé we see
around today to that inky black Sangiovese that you could still admire as it was swallowed. These were
wines produced to fit a very definite market segment. I suspect that another visit next year would not go
amiss. Next Meeting: Tuesday 5th April. Time: 11.00am.
WORLD HISTORY: Convenor: Andrew Brickell
This newly formed group held its first meeting on Wednesday 2nd March. Seven
members attended and were asked which aspects of world history were of particular
interest which they might be willing to offer in future meetings as a presentation or a
short topic. Possible topics mentioned included Tudor England, Egyptian history, Greek
mythology, France and England, Eastern Europe, Netherlands, China (esp. Ch'ing
Dynasty), arrivals of people in NZ, Pompeii, ancient Egypt again, ‘every past moment is history’, preMaori settlers, Gallipoli, Russia, the Danube, Wars of the Roses, Central Asia, early 19 th Century USA.
As a main topic, the 2014 book on Richard III’s exhumation was reviewed. This book tells the tale of his
death and the recent search for the body, discovery and reburial of this English King. Next
Meeting: Wednesday 6th April. Time: 10.00 am. Group Vacancy.
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Saturday 13th February 2016
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