full calendar here
full calendar here
w's Leaders T o r r o m o T g n oday i p o l e v e D Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk 2016 C E N T R A L S C H O O L S 2017 www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Welcome to the 2016-17 school year! This calendar is designed to help students and their families start the school year off right. It lists many of the major school and district events and is full of helpful information and reminders. The calendar is printed in August, so changes are inevitable. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the district’s website at www.RCSCSD.org, where you will find calendar dates and news from our schools. Our Schools «« A.W. Becker Elementary Also look for newsletters and building-level publications distributed throughout the school year. We look forward to learning with you in 2016-17! THE RCS VISION «« All students will be challenged to reach their full potential. «« As a district, we will provide the breadth and depth of experiences that will excite our students and prepare them to excel as citizens in a global community. «« We will demonstrate empathy, compassion, civility and foster respect for self, others, property and the environment. «« We are committed to open communication with all stakeholders. «« Our district will be a place where staff and students will be successful. «« The community will support the educational process and take pride in our schools and in the work and accomplishments of our students and staff. DISTRICT MISSION S TAT E M E N T The Ravena-CoeymansSelkirk Central School District strives to be an exemplary 21st-century learning community whose graduates are well-prepared to excel in a complex, interconnected and changing world. 1146 Route 9W Selkirk, NY 12158 756-5200 ext. 5000 Principal – Tricia Carlton Secretary – Sarah Trombley «« Pieter B. Coeymans Elementary 66 Church Street Coeymans, NY 12045 756-5200 ext. 4000 Principal – Hakim Jones Secretaries – Sandra Krein and Theresa Shear «« RCS Middle School 2025 Route 9W Ravena 12143 756-5200 ext. 3000 Principal – Pam Black Secretaries – Patricia Houle and Janice Radley Guidance – Terry Morehouse «« RCS Senior High School 2025 Route 9W Ravena 12143 756-5200 ext. 2000 Principal – Tom DiAcetis Assistant Principal – TBD Secretaries – Carol Buck, Barbara Gallagher and Jordan Glover Guidance - Kim Moore Special Education – Karen King and Janet Wilkins SUNDAY AUGUST 2016 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 456789 10 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, UPK and Kindergarten Superintendent Superintendent Labor Day GRADES 1-12 Welcome Start (by Conference Day, Conference Day, NO SCHOOL September 2016 OCTOBER 2016 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031 MONDAY STAFF ONLY Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS STAFF ONLY Fall Continuing Education in-person registration, 6:30-8 p.m., HS Aquatic Lobby UPK and Kindergarten Welcome Start (by appointment only) appointment only) 111213141516 17 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, UNIVERSAL PREKINDERGARTEN FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten Welcome Start (by appointment only) AWB Open House, Grades 1-2, 6:30 p.m. AWB Open House, Grades 3-5, 7 p.m. PBC Meet ‘n' Greet with PTO, 6:30 p.m. AWB Welcome Back Social, 5:30 p.m. PBC Save Around Entertainment books sale thru Sept. 30 18 1920212223 24 PBC Book Fair thru Sept. 23 MS Open House, 6:15 p.m. Board of Education, 7 p.m., High School Recognition Awards, at HS AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. PBC Grades 3-5 Open House, 6:30 p.m. HS Open House, 6:30 p.m. PBC Grades 1-2 Open House, 6:30 p.m. Autumnal Equinox 25 2627282930 AWB Fall Pictures HS Financial Aid Night, 6:30 p.m., DLR, HS PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. AWB Apple Run HS Fall Pep Rally MS Fall Picture Day PBC Cross Country Run www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District That cute face could be in an RCS publication At RCS, student safety is our top priority, and we have an obligation to protect our students’ identities and to keep information confidential. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law, allows schools to disclose appropriately designated directory information without written parental consent unless the parents have advised the school district to the contrary. RCS publishes student directory information (name, grade, awards, activities, photographs, etc.) on the district website, in school publications or in media releases to recognize student achievement or depict district activities. The primary venues for releasing this type of information include, but are not limited to: • Yearbooks; • Honor roll or other recognition lists in newspapers or outside publications; • A playbill or program; • Sports stories in newspapers including photos of athletes and/or team statistics showing member’s weight and height; • A photo of your child in the district newsletter depicting him or her at work in the classroom or during activities. Parents who do not want their child(ren)’s directory information or picture released must send a letter stating such to their child’s school principal. This letter must SPORTS SCHEDULES RCS is a member of the Colonial Council. Please remember that sports schedules are subject to frequent changes. The athletic department posts upcoming games and other activities on the athletic webpage at http://www.rcscsd.org/Athletics/Athletics_ home.cfm on the right under “Sports Schedules.” Contact the RCS Athletic Office and athletic coordinator Robert Dorrance at 756-5200 ext. 2016 with any questions. identify their child, grade and teacher and be sent by Oct. 1, 2016. Be advised this is an “all or nothing” policy. Either a student’s information can be released or it cannot. Capital Project Highlights To be completed by Sept. 2, 2016: Elementary schools: Replace second floor windows Replace skylights in art and music classrooms Complete bus loop reconfiguration and safety upgrades (AWB only) Repave exterior basketball court (PBC only) Replace damaged/loose vinyl asbestos tile flooring Replace boilers and controls (AWB only) Redesign library into a media center Replace gymnasium lighting Replace kitchen exhaust hood and provide fire suppression Middle and high schools: Provide all-weather, synthetic field inside existing running track Replace kitchen loading dock (HS only) Replace damaged/loose vinyl asbestos tile flooring Complete kitchen upgrades, equipment and freezer (HS onlyl) Complete roof replacement on transportation building To be completed Fall 2016: Additional bus access road To be completed by Nov. 1, 2016: Upgrade rear play/ athletic fields at AWB and PBC To be completed by Dec. 1, 2016: Upgrade auditorium at HS SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 2016 SMTWTFS 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 252627282930 NOVEMBER 2016 SMTWTFS 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27282930 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 SAT exam 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., HS HS Homecoming Dance 7 p.m., HS 2 34567 8 AWB Book Fair thru Oct. 7 Board of Education, 7 p.m., AWB Recognition Awards, at AWB Class of 2018 Ring Ceremony, 7 p.m., HS Emergency Early Evacuation Drill - students released 15 minutes early End of five-week interim period, MS/HS Rosh Hashanah (begins at sundown) October 2016 9 1011121314 15 AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. HS Picture Day PBC Apple Run PSAT 8-11 a.m., HS Columbus Day (observed) NO SCHOOL PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. Yom Kippur (begins at sundown) 16 1718 192021 22 AWB Scholastic Book Fair thru Oct. 21 Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS PBC Fall Pictures Professional Development Day - Early dismissal UPK to Grade 12 HS Drama Club Cabaret, 6 p.m., Cafeteria, HS AWB Literacy Night National School Bus Safety Week thru Oct. 21 PBC Fall Fundraiser goes home 23 2425 262728 29 AWB Trunk or Treat 6 p.m. PBC Trunk or Treat 30 31 www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District How To . . . «« Report a student absence: Call the school nurse’s office on the day of the absence, and remember to follow up by sending a note to confirm the absence when your child returns to school. «« Get assignments for students who are ill: Contact the main office of your child’s school. «« Determine a school attendance zone: Call the transportation office at 756-5200, x 7009. «« Contact the Board of Education: Attend a board meeting, write a board member via the District Office or send an email to school board members (visit www.rcscsd.org and follow the “Board of Education” link). «« Get permission to use a school building or grounds: Call the business office at 7565200 ext. 6000 or download and complete the online facilities use form (visit www.rcssd.org and follow quick link) «« Qualify for free or reduced- price lunches: Contact the food service director at 756-5200 ext. 2437 or fill out the application, which is available at all schools and can be found in the district’s fall newsletter. «« Resolve questions about buses: Call the head bus driver at 756-5200 ext. 7009. «« File a Freedom of Information Request: Call the district clerk at 7565200 ext. 6000. «« Schedule a meeting with a teacher: Call, email or send a note to the teacher, administrator or school counselor. «« Get information about im- munizations, physicals, etc.: Contact the school nurse. «« Register a new student: Call for an appointment with the district registrar at 756-5200 ext. 3034. Bring the child’s birth certificate, immunization record, proof of residency and most recent report card. «« Resolve a classroom-related problem: Contact the teacher first. If your concern is unresolved, contact the principal. «« Get information about spe- cial education services: Call the special education director at 756-5200 ext. 3025. «« Get information about emo- tional and academic support services: Call the school guidance counselor or guidance counseling center. «« Get information about school taxes: Call the business office at 756-5200 ext. 6011. ««Offer to be a school volunteer: Contact the building principal. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed in classrooms and offices. «« Withdraw a student: Contact the school and sign a request for release of official records. «« Obtain working papers: Call high school main office at 756-5200, x 2001. «« Curriculum Information Review or discuss areas of curriculum: Contact the teacher first, then the principal. If not resolved, contact the director of curriculum and instruction at 756-5200, x 6003. «« Resolve a building-related problem: Contact the principal first. If your concern is unresolved, contact the superintendent of schools at 756-5200, ext. 6003. «« Request transcripts: Contact the HS counseling center at 756-5200 ext. 2007. District Directory District Mailing Address: Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk District Office 15 Mountain Road P.O. Box 100 Ravena, NY 12143 (518) 756-5200 Superintendent of Schools Robert K. Libby - ext. 6003 Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Brian Bailey - ext. 6003 School Business Administrator Joanne Moran - ext. 6000 Aquatics Coordinator Kyle Kearney - ext. 2161 Communications Specialists Stephanie Hunter - ext. 6017 Continuing Ed. Coordinator Pat Hommel - ext. 2534 Kelly Perrine-Natalie - ext 2534 CSE/CPSE Director Ann Jackson - ext. 3033 District Clerk Suzanne Starr - ext. 6000 Facilities Director Obi Ifedigbo - ext. 7001 Food Service Director Doug Porter - ext. 2437 Registrar TBD - ext. 3034 Technology Director Bill Schrom - ext. 7005 Head Bus Driver Jen Houck - ext. 7009 Treasurer Jamie Maloney - ext. 6001 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1234 5 OCTOBER 2016 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031 PBC Fall fundraiser due GCMEA Fall All-County Festival, Cairo-Durham HS 678910 11 12 AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. November 2016 DECEMBER 2016 SMTWTFS 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 Board of Education, 7 p.m., PBC Recognition Awards, at PBC Veterans Day NO SCHOOL End of first marking period, MS/HS Daylight Saving Time Ends 131415161718 19 Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS PBC Hands on Science Night, 6 p.m. NYSSMA Area All-State Festival, Saratoga HS End of first trimester, UPK to Grade 5 NYSSMA Area All-State Festival, Saratoga HS American Education Week thru Nov. 18 202122232425 26 Thanksgiving THANKSGIVING RECESS - NO SCHOOL 27282930 MS Picture make-up day HS Picture make-up day www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Connecting with RCS RCS offers many ways for parents and community members to communicate, stay involved and keep apprised of the latest district news and announcements. RCS encourages parents to maintain regular contact with their child’s teachers, to ask questions and to know what is going on in the classroom and beyond. The district also welcomes community members to follow district news, ask questions and attend board of education meetings, athletic events, drama presentations, concerts and other celebrations of our students’ work and learning. To call the district office or any school, simply dial 756-5200 and choose the appropriate extension. All school personnel can be reached via email. If you know the person’s first and last name, you can email them by combining their first initial and last name and adding @rcscsd.org. You can also direct your questions to the RCS Communications Office at 756-5200, ext. 6017. School closings When winter weather brings snow and ice, you can count on RCS to make good decisions about student safety. When district officials make the decision to close, delay or dismiss school early, notifying parents, students and staff is the main priority. Through Blackboard Connect (the district’s automated phone messaging system), School News Notifier (the district’s opt-in email notification system), the district website (www.rcscsd.org), Facebook and traditional media outlets, getting the word out has never been faster. Follow RCS on Facebook Visit the RCS website (www. rcscsd.org) and click on the Facebook icon or go to www.facebook.com/RCSschools. Calling RCS grads! Reconnect with old friends and classmates by joining the district’s growing online alumni database at www.rcscsd.org. Want to receive important information from RCS right in your email inbox or by text to your cell phone? Sign up today! Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District is pleased to offer School News Notifier (SNN), an email notification system designed to help keep parents and the community in touch with what is happening in RCS schools. Receive information about upcoming school events, emergency closings and delays and more – right in your inbox or sent by text to your cell phone! SNN is an opt-in email alert system. Users can choose to receive any or all of the alerts, and they can unsubscribe at any time. Simply visit our district website, www.rcscsd.org, click on the SNN icon and follow the on-screen instructions to create a user profile today! SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2016 SMTWTFS 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27282930 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 Parent Conferences (UPK to Grade 8 only) Half Day AWB Jump Rope for Heart PBC Picture makeup day MS Book Fair thru Dec. 7 HS Natural Helpers/ Student Volunteers Blood Drive, HS NYSSMA Conference AllState Festival, Rochester NYSSMA Conference AllState Festival, Rochester NYSSMA Conference AllState Festival, Rochester 456789 10 Parent Conferences (UPK to Grade 8 only) Half Day NYSSMA Conference AllState Festival, Rochester December 2016 JANUARY 2017 SMTWTFS 1234567 8 91011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 MONDAY AWB Grade 5 Band and Chorus Winter Concert, 7 p.m. PBC Grade 5 Band and Chorus Winter Concert, 7 p.m. AWB Cookies with Santa, 6 p.m. AWB PTA Applebee's Pancake Breakfast Board of Education, 7 p.m., Middle School Recognition Awards, at MS 111213141516 17 Parent Conferences - K to Grade 12 - NO SCHOOL Staff Only PBC Grade 2 and 4 Concert, 7 p.m., HS AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. MS Grade 6 Band and Chorus Winter Concert 7 p.m. End of five-week interim period, MS/HS Lewis Johnson Memorial Duals MS Grade 7 and 8 Band and Chorus Winter Concert, 7 p.m. 18 1920212223 24 Snow Date for Winter Concert AWB Grade 2 and 4 Concert, 7 p.m., HS HS Band and Chorus Winter Concert 7:30 p.m. PBC Holiday Book Fair thru Dec. 22 PBC Cookies with Santa, 6:30 p.m. Winter Solstice Snow Date for Winter Concert Hanukkah (begins at sundown) 25 2627282930 31 Christmas Kwanzaa begins HOLIDAY RECESS - NO SCHOOL New Year's Eve www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Information you should know... Please take a moment to read through this important information for parents, students and community members. Community use of facilities Community use of district buildings is encouraged by the Board of Education. Fees are charged to defray associated expenses. Any organization using school athletic facilities (including the gyms, fields or pool) or engaging in fundraising activities in the schools must purchase liability insurance naming the school district as an additional insured. Interested groups should make arrangements by contacting the business office at 756-5200 ext. 6000. Discrimination laws RCS complies with Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and does not discriminate on the basis of age, actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sex, sexual orientation or gender (including gender identity and expression) in admissions, participation or employment. Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator/Section 504, Brian Bailey, at 756-5200, ext. 6003. Free or reduced-price school meals In accordance with the National School Lunch Act, the RCS Central School District provides free or reduced-price school lunches/breakfasts for students from needy families. Application forms are included in the Chalkboard newsletter, which is mailed to all parents in August. Forms are also available in all school offices and the district website (www.rcscsd. org). Families must apply each year even if they have participated during the previous school year. Enrollment and registration All new students entering the RavenaCoeymans-Selkirk Central School District must register with the Registrar’s Office. Please call the Registrar’s Office at 756-5200 ext. 3034 before visiting to ensure someone is available to assist you. Information on what is required to register your child is available on the district website (www.rcscsd.org and click on “Register Your Child.”) Note: Please see the January calendar for specific dates for kindergarten registration. Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) All parents/guardians will have the right to obtain the APPR quality ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s current teacher(s) and principal(s) once the scores are officially available in accordance with state law. All requests must be submitted in writing on a schoolprovided form. Pesticide notification On occasion, pesticides and fertilizers may be applied at our schools. Schools are required to maintain a list of staff and persons in parental relation who wish to receive 48-hour prior written notification of pesticide applications at relevant facilities. Anyone wishing to receive 48hour prior written notification of pesticide application should call the Obi Ifedigbo at 756-5200, ext. 7001 and specify the building. Student Codes of Conduct Each school has a handbook that includes a Code of Conduct for students. The code sets forth desired and prohibited student behavior and the range of consequences that may result from violations of the code. These codes of conduct are re-evaluated and updated annually. Each fall, copies of the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct are given to all secondary pupils and elementary parents. Copies are also available at the main office of each school and under “Resources” on each school’s homepage of the district website (www.rcscsd.org). Students with Disabilities All recommendations for placement of students with disabilities are made to the Board of Education by the Committee on Special Education. Local programs and local schools are used whenever possible to meet the child’s educational needs. For more information, call the CSE/CPSE office at 756-5200, ext. 3033. Parents of a child with disabilities who reside in the district and who are interested in serving as a parent representative on the CPSE or the CSE should contact the CSE/ CPSE office. The district has an active special education support group, ACT (Advocating for Children Together), and welcomes new members. For more information about the group, contact Mary MacDonald at 767-3129 or mmacdonald@nycap. rr.com. SUNDAY DECEMBER 2016 SMTWTFS 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 FEBRUARY 2017 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 123456 7 Board of Education, New Year’s 7 p.m., HS Day HOLIDAY RECESS 8 9 10111213 14 PBC UPK and Kindergarten registration and Fun Fair, 4 p.m. AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. Professional Development Day - Early dismissal UPK to Grade 12 AWB UPK and Kindergarten Registration January 2017 15161718 1920 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day MS/HS Select Ensembles Concert, 7 p.m. AWB Math Family Fun Night, 6:30 p.m. Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS (observed) NO SCHOOL PBC Spring Art fundraiser goes home 22232425 2627 28 29 NYS Regents Exams 30 NYS Regents Exams NYS Regents Exams NYS Regents Exams PBC Paint ‘n' Snack, 6:30 p.m. End of second marking period, MS/HS MS Science Olympiad Invitational 31 www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Immunization, absence and after-school requirements Immunizations All RCS parents are reminded of immunization requirements for school entry. Students new to the district as well as those in grades K, 2, 4, 7 and 10 are required by state law to have health exams. This may be done by the family doctor or school physician. Children must be immunized against measles, polio, diphtheria, mumps, rubella, Tdap, hepatitis B, haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) and varicella. New York state now also requires students entering seventh and 12th grades to be vaccinated against meningococcal disease. Excuse forms RCS requires students to submit a written excuse upon returning to school after an absence. The excuse must include the student’s name, the reason for the absence, the dates of the absence and a parent/ guardian’s signature. After-school participation To be eligible to participate in an athletic game, practice, activity or event, students must be in school that day for at least five hours or else present an acceptable absence excuse. Medication Information If your child must take physician-prescribed or over-the-counter medication during school hours, the school nurse must administer the medication. A doctor’s order is required. Also, the medication cannot be transported on a bus. Breakfast and lunch offer a nutritious option at RCS All RCS schools provide healthy, nutritious and kid-appealing breakfast and lunch offerings daily. To make it easier for parents to pay for school meals, the mySchoolBucks system provides a convenient and secure pre-payment system for families. It allows parents to deposit funds into their child’s account, as well as view balances and purchase history. You can find the link to mySchoolBucks by visiting the Food Services page on the RCS website (www.rcscsd.org). Applications for free and reduced lunch for eligible students can be found online and are mailed home as part of the Chalkboard newslet- ter. If you have questions about the lunch program at RCS or if you have suggestions for helping RCS support students in maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, contact Food Services Director, Doug Porter at 756-5200 ext. 2437 or email dporter@rcscsd.org. mySchoolBucks Mobile App Now there is a mySchoolBucks mobile smartphone app for Apple iOS and Android phones. Learn more about it at www.rcscsd.org. School Meals Elementary Breakfast.$1.50 Elementary Lunch.......$2.50 MS/HS Breakfast.........$1.75 MS/HS Lunch...............$2.85 Reduced-Price Meal....$0.25 To download the free and reduced lunch application, access the mySchoolBucks online payment system and more information about the RCS school breakfast and lunch program, visit the website at www. rcscsd.org/FoodServices/ foodserviceshome.cfm SUNDAY JANUARY 2017 SMTWTFS 1234567 8 91011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 PBC Spring Art fundraiser due Groundhog Day 56789 10 11 Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS February 2017 MARCH 2017 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 MONDAY AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. 1213141516 17 18 UPK Lottery thru end of February PBC BINGO and Ice Cream Social, 6:30 p.m. Spring Continuing Education in-person registration 6:30 to 8 p.m., HS Aquatics Lobby Valentine's Day 1920212223 24 25 Presidents’ Day WINTER RECESS - NO SCHOOL 262728 AWB Book Fair thru March 6 Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Music to our ears... March is “Music in Our Schools Month” (MIOSM) across New York state. RCS is proud to have a music program that offers opportunities for music instruction for all ability levels. From our classroom music curriculum to active participation in Band and Chorus - which often begins in the fifth grade and continues, for many, all the way through senior year - to our award-winning Band and Chorus ensembles in the middle and high schools, the RCS music program is very active both in and out of the community. Students have the opportunity to enjoy music each year at RCS with general music classes at every grade level and two high school electives, music theory and music history. Students participate in numerous concerts, All-County Festivals and Solo and Ensemble Festivals sponsored by the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA). They also have the opportunity to participate in our extra-curricular ensembles, including jazz ensemble and select chorus. STARS Program Many of our students perform with the Empire State Youth Orchestra and Empire State Youth Orchestra Melodies of Christmas Chorale, Albany Pro Musica Apprenticeship Program and Capital Region Wind Ensemble. The RCS School District collaborates with STARS INTERGEN INC., a not-forprofit that provides intergenerational programming for residents in the towns of Coeymans and Bethlehem. STARS – Seniors Teaching And Reaching out to Students – enhances the educational experience for RCS students in grades Pre-K through 12. The unique partnership draws upon the knowledge and experience of retirees aged 60 and older to enrich the lives of RCS students by promoting academic success while fostering inter-generational contact that helps students and seniors better understand and appreciate each other. For more information on the program, and STARS’ contributions to RCS, visit www.rcscsd.org/STARS/ STARS_home.cfm To contact STARS: Mail: P.O. Box 785 Coeymans, NY 12045 Phone: 518-756-7389 Email: Starsintergen@gmail.com SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2017 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728 APRIL 2017 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 AWB Literacy Night End of second trimester, UPK to Grade 5 PBC March Madness 10 a.m. Ash Wednesday 56789 10 11 AWB Spring Pictures AWB Gym Show, 6:30 p.m., HS PBC Spring Pictures Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS AWB Grade 5 MIOSM Band and Chorus Concert, 7 p.m. PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. Professional Development Day - Early dismissal UPK to Grade 12 PBC Grade 5 MIOSM Band and Chorus Concert, 7 p.m. End of five-week interim period, MS/HS HS Drama Production, 7 p.m. HS Drama Production, 7 p.m. 1213141516 17 18 March 2017 HS Drama Production, 2 p.m. Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. Parent Conferences - UPK to Grade 8 only Half Day MS/HS 6-12 MIOSM Vocal Concert, 7 p.m. Daylight Saving Time Begins St. Patrick's Day 1920212223 24 25 Parent Conferences - UPK to Grade 8 only Half Day Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS MS Spring Picture Day GCMEA Spring All-County Festival, CoxsackieAthens HS College Information Night, 6:30 p.m., HS College Awareness Day, HS GCMEA Spring All County Festival, CoxsackieAthens HS Vernal Equinox 262728293031 Grade 3-8 NYS ELA Assessments Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS Grade 3-8 NYS ELA Assessments Grade 3-8 NYS ELA Assessments MS/HS 6-12 MIOSM Instrumental Concert 7 p.m. www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Preparing for college and careers at RCS RCS students are being challenged every day to become the leaders of tomorrow. From the RCS Scholars program to Advanced Placement classes, RCS offers challenging opportunities for students to perform at their highest academic levels. Universal Pre-K RCS’s Universal Pre-K program provides the district’s youngest learners the opportunity to get off to a good start by helping them build social and academic skills that prepare them for a successful school career. Reach/Enrichment Program This program provides enrichment classes for highly skilled learners in grades 3-5. RCS Scholars The RCS Scholars program is for students who excel in the area of verbal skills. Students in the program often perform at least two grade levels above their peers in reading and written language. Scholars meets once a week for two and a half hours. Challenge Math The Challenge Math Program is open to students in grades 3-5. The Challenge Math Program is for students identified to be of high academic ability in the area of mathematics. Activities in this program are meant to enrich the classroom experience by exposing students to a more complex and advanced curriculum. Challenge Math groups meet for one pull-out session weekly for one hour. MS Accelerated Program This program offers seventh- and eighth-graders the opportunity to take advanced and high school earth science and math courses. Advanced Placement The AP program provides students with an opportunity to take college-level courses and, with passage of the AP exams, potentially earn college credits. Even if credits are not available, the courses provide students with an advantage when applying to colleges. University in High School The University in High School Program provides high-performing students an opportunity to take college-level courses during the school day at RCS. The courses—such as American History 101 and Biology 100 —are taught by RCS teachers approved by the University at Albany. New Visions/BOCES Through a partnership with Capital Region BOCES, the New Visions Program provides juniors and seniors an opportunity for in-depth, on-the-job training in medical, legal and other professions. Career & Tech/BOCES A variety of career and technical programs—ranging from automotive to information technology and construction to health careers—are available to students during their junior and senior years. The programs have led to scholarships and dozens of awards for RCS students. Tech Valley High Through a partnership between Capital Region BOCES and Questar III, RCS sends students to the innovative Tech Valley High School. At Tech Valley, students learn through project-based methods to specialize in a mathematics, science and technology curriculum. RCS Spotlight on Success: Among the 133 graduates in the Class of 2016: 59 planned to attend at two-year college 52 were off to a fouryear college 19 were headed into the workforce 1 was enlisting in the military 2 were unsure of their future plans In addition, 54 students received a Regents diploma, 47 received an Advanced Regents diploma, 19 received an Advanced Regents with Honors diploma or Regents with Honors diploma, 12 students received a Career Development and Occupational Studies credential (5 of those students also received either a Regents or local diploma) and 6 students received a local diploma. SUNDAY MARCH 2017 SMTWTFS 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 MAY 2017 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 34567 8 AWB Kindergarten Screening AWB Kindergarten Screening AWB Kindergarten Screening AWB Kindergarten Screening End of third marking period, MS/HS PBC Father/Daughter Dance, 6:30 p.m. Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival #1, Bethlehem MS NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival #1 Bethlehem MS 9 1011121314 15 PBC Kindergarten Screening NYSSMA Instrumental Majors Festival, Shaker HS Palm Sunday April 2017 National Library Week thru Aptil 15 Passover (begins at sundown) PBC Kindergarten Screening NYSSMA Instrumental Majors Festival, Shaker HS NYSSMA Choral Majors Festival, Niskayuna HS Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS PBC Kindergarten Screening PBC Kindergarten Screening AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. NYSSMA Choral Majors Festival, Niskayuna HS PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. Good Friday NYSSMA Choral Majors Festival, Niskayuna HS SPRING RECESS 161718 192021 22 SPRING RECESS - NO SCHOOL Easter 232425 262728 29 30 PBC Book Fair thru April 28 Board of Education/ BOCES budget vote, 7 p.m., HS NYSSMA Instrumental Majors Festival, Ballston Spa HS NYSSMA Instrumental Majors Festival, Ballston Spa HS AWB Father/Special Someone/Daughter Dance PBC Math Family Fun Night, Learning Fair and Art Show www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District The 2016-17 Board of Education James Latter, President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2019 Edward Reville, Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2018 Howard Engel, III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2018 Kristen Hill-Burns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2018 Tina Hotaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2017 Jason Hyslop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2019 Michael Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2017 William McFerran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2017 Kristen Rexford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . term expires June 30, 2019 Board of Education Meetings Board meetings are held on Tuesdays – dates are listed in this calendar and on the district website (www.rcscsd.org). Unless otherwise noted, meetings begin at 6 p.m. with an executive session and return to open session at 7 p.m. Meeting agendas, approved minutes and supporting documents can be found online, and meetings can be viewed live or in archived videos through the district website by accessing the link on the “Board of Education” page. Board members are elected at-large from throughout the district. The district welcomes communication, involvement and input from residents. Running for the Board The RCS Board of Education has nine members who are elected for three-year terms and serve without salary. Vacancies are filled during the budget vote each May. Interested candidates must be 18 years or older, must have resided in the district for at least one year prior to the election and must file nominating petitions. For more information, contact the district clerk at 756-5200 ext. 6000. Voter Eligibility To vote on the school district budget and BOE election, you must be: • 18 years of age or older • a U.S. citizen • a resident of the district at least 30 days prior to the budget vote date Absentee ballots Eligible voters who are unable to vote in person due to illness, out-of-town commitments or disability can vote by absentee ballot. Applications for absentee ballots are available at the district website (www. rcscsd.org) or by calling 756-5200, ext. 6000. They can also be picked up in person at the RCS Business Office at 15 Mountain Road in Ravena. Date and location Voting takes place across New York state on the third Tuesday of May - this year that is May 16, 2017. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Voting will be held at RCS High School, 2025 Route 9W in Ravena. SUNDAY APRIL 2017 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 JUNE 2017 SMTWTFS 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 252627282930 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12 345 6 Teacher Appreciation Week, May thru May 5 Grade 3-8 NYS Math Assessments Grade 3-8 NYS Math Assessments Grade 3-8 NYS Math Assessments AP US History Exam, 8 a.m., HS SAT 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., HS Board of Education/ Budget Hearing, 7 p.m., HS Project ACES MS Drama Production, 7p.m. MS Drama Production, 7p.m. MS Drama Production, 7p.m. Teacher Appreciation Day 7 8 9 101112 13 AP Biology Exam, 8 a.m., HS AP Calculus Exam, 8 a.m., HS AWB Science/Art/ Wellness Fair, 6:30 p.m. AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. AP English Lang & Comp Exam, 8 a.m., HS MS/HS Select Ensembles Concert, 7 p.m. AP World History Exam, 8 a.m., HS AP Statistics Exam, 12 p.m., HS National School Nurse Day End of five-week interim period, MS/HS PBC Teacher Appreciation Breakfast PBC Mother/Son Dance, 6:30 p.m. NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival #2 NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival #2, Queensbury HS Junior Prom, 7 p.m. 141516 1718 19 20 ANNUAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET VOTE 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M., HS MS Evening of the Arts, 6:30 p.m HS Natural Helpers/ Student Volunteers Blood Drive, HS MS Grade 6 Band and Chorus Spring Concert, 7 p.m. AWB Field Day Grade 5 and 6 Carnival Night, 6:30 p.m. Grade 6 Orientation for Parents, 6:45 p.m. May 2017 Mother's Day 212223 2425 26 27 NHS Induction Ceremony, 6:30 p.m. MS Grade 7 and 8 Band and Chorus Spring Concert, 7 p.m. Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS HS Band and Chorus Spring Concert, 7:30 p.m. PBC Habitat Day Contingent Day - No school if one emergency day remains. 28293031 NYS Science Memorial Day (observed) NO SCHOOL Performance Test MS www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District RCS students show their character Character education plays an important role at RCS. Setting high expectations for students and rewarding positive behavior are just two of the ways we encourage character growth. Lessons often extend from the classroom into the community, where RCS students, faculty and staff strive to increase awareness of global and local issues by looking for ways to support neighbors in need. Here are a few ways that RCS students are making a difference in their community: Elementary schools A.W. Becker fourth- and fifthgrade Student Government officers and representatives packed more than 150, two-pound bags of granola for the Regional Food Bank. Pieter B. Coeymans fifth-grade Student Council raised $1,000 for the Regional Food Bank of NENY with their “Change to Make a Change” project. Students from A.W. Becker and Pieter B. Coeymans created cards to thank veterans who were taking an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. Nearly 30 elementary and middle school students were honored at the Sandra G. Morley Physical Education Student Leadership Awards for demonstrating responsible personal and social behavior, sportsmanship and citizenship; a desire to learn and improve; exhibiting a physically active lifestyle; and demonstrating leadership and a positive influence on peers. Middle School Twelve RCS Middle School students attended the Best Buddies Friendship Ball, an all-inclusive dance experience that celebrates people of all different abilities. RCS middle and high school students participated in the Best Buddies Friendship Walk in Albany. The walk raised more than $100,000 for Best Buddies New York to help clubs across the state. Middle school students hosted a Legacy Ball, dedicated to grandparents and senior citizens who have helped shape the RCS community. High School Natural Helpers Club at the high school raised nearly $1,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the club raised over $500 for the Regional Food Bank. The boys varsity basketball team volunteered with Equinox, a nonprofit community organization in the Capital Region, to prepare Thanksgiving meals and purchased toys for the local Toys for Tots drive. Three RCS High School students were honored with Physical Education Leadership Awards. Two juniors were honored at the Capital District YMCA’s 19th annual Student and Educator Breakfast for their hard work and dedication in the classroom and the community. The Natural Helpers Club and student volunteers hosted a blood drive and collected 73 units of blood with the potential to save 219 lives. 23 middle school students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. To be considered for the National Junior Honor Society at RCS Middle School students must have a grade point average of 90 or above each quarter with fewer than six unexcused absences and no disciplinary referrals. They must also be ranked in the top 10 percent of the student body in all aspects of character and leadership as determined by a survey competed by their teachers. 18 high school students were inducted into the National Honor Society. Candidates must first have a cumulative grade point average of 90 percent or higher and then be selected by members of a Faculty Council for meeting high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character. In the Class of 2016 there were 30 National Honor Society members and three National Technical Honor Society members. Graduating seniors were recognized at the annual Senior Awards Night, where 34 students were inducted into the RCS Hall of Fame and 150 local scholarships and awards totaling $66,000 were given to nearly 60 RCS seniors. SUNDAY MAY 2017 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 JULY 2017 SMTWTFS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 Grade 4 and 8 NYS Science Performance Test Senior Awards Night, 6:30 p.m., HS PBC Grade 5 Band and Chorus Spring Concert, 7 p.m. Early dismissal UPK to Grade 5 MS/HS Music Department Assembly for AWB and PBC Grades 3, 4 and 5 MS Semi-Formal Dance 6:30 p.m. SAT 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., HS NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival #3, GuilderlandFarnsworth MS NYSSMA Festival #3 456789 10 PBC PTO, 6:30 p.m. Grade 4 and 8 NYS Science Written Assessment RCS Sports Association Awards Banquet Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS AWB Grade 5 Band and Chorus Spring Concert, 7 p.m. AWB Habitat Day PBC Color Run, 6 p.m. PBC Grade 1 and 3 Concert, 7 p.m., HS 111213141516 17 PBC UPK Screening Day NYS Regents Exams NYS Regents Exams NYS Regents Exams NYS Regents Exams AWB UPK Screening Day PBC UPK Screening Day AWB UPK Screening Day PBC Field Day AWB Grades 1 and 3 Concert, 7 p.m., HS June 2017 AWB PTA, 6:45 p.m. Flag Day 18 1920212223 24 Father's Day NYS Regents Exams NYS Regents Exams Board of Education, 7 p.m., HS NYS Regents Exams AWB Pre-K Blast Off Grade 8 Moving Up Ceremony, 6:30 p.m. AWB Kindergarten Graduation Last day of school* (see note below) PBC Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, 10 a.m. AWB Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, 10 a.m. Regents Rating Day Class of 2017 Graduation, 9 a.m., Empire State Plaza Convention Center, Albany Summer Solstice 25 2627282930 *Note Regarding Last Day of School K-8: The scheduling of the last day(s) of school is based on the estimated usage of emergency cancellation days during the year. School may end earlier based on the usage of fewer emergency school cancellation days. www.rcscsd.org Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District This is what makes RCS unique... A.W. Becker teachers Jen McGuiness, Sarah Pulcher and Speech-Language Pathologist Gillian Flynn helped raise $6,500 for charity in the two-day Ragnar Relay race that spanned nearly 200 miles. Students in Jackie Franks' first-grade reading group at Pieter B. Coeymans signed the book Happy! for Safyre Terry whose Christmas wish was to receive cards to put on her tree. Safyre survived a house fire in 2013 but lost her father and siblings in the fire. RCS high school wrestling team members Naphtali Steward, Dave Ingraham and Keith Houghtaling were named Section II Class CC champions leading their team to the Section II Division title, where all 12 wrestlers placed within the top sixth in their weight class and 11 scored double-digit team points. Eleven RCS High School students were chosen to participate in this year’s Empire State Youth Orchestra Melodies of Christmas Chorale, to perform along with the Empire State Youth Orchestra at Proctors Theatre. A.W. Becker fifth-grader Kayla Stanton was recognized at the MAAC basketball tournament for winning the 2016 MAAC Gives Back Essay Contest. The contest was open to students in three states and challenged students to write about an important life skill that they learned through being part of a team. High school student Jake Wamsley was cast in the leading roll, Riff, the leader of the Jets, in the CR Kids production of the musi- cal West Side Story at the Egg. Students and staff at Pieter B. Coeymans paid tribute to local veterans by creating an honor board where they posted pictures of family members who have served in the military. Senior Haley Irvis received a full athletic scholarship for softball from Division I college, Long Island University. J.T. Lyle, a fifth-grader at A.W. Becker, won the February Act of Kindness competition sponsored by the Albany County District Attorney David Soares. Lyle was recognized for teaching a student with autism how to play basketball. More than 100 middle and high school musicians were selected to participate in the Greene County Music Edu- cators Association fall and spring All-County Music Festivals. Operation Christmas was a success as Pieter B. Coeymans teamed up with Toys for Tots to present a bag of gifts for each of the 63 families adopted last holiday season. The Girls Varsity Swimming and Diving team broke two longstanding RCS records this season. Gillian Birch now holds the record for the 200-yard individual medley, while she, Gillian Bartlett, Emily Sulik and Hailey Morgan hold the new record for the 200 Free relay. Coach Gary VanDerzee pulled in his 200 football win this season, becoming only the fourth section II coach to accomplish the feat. RCS middle and high school students brought in large crowds for their production of "Beauty and the Beast." PARENT TODAY is a must-read Parent Today is a free email newsletter and companion website designed to help build a stronger bridge between families and the classroom. Parent Today’s monthly electronic newsletter encourages and empowers parents with research-based information and resources that supports teachers and strengthens the bridge between families and your classrooms. Parent Today addresses four “chapters” of a child’s life – early learners, elementary school, the middle years and high school – with stories about what is happening in the classroom and students’ lives. Sign up today by visiting the RCS website at www.rcscsd.org and clicking on the Parent Today icon. It’s that easy! SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT JUNE 2017 SMTWTFS 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 252627282930 1 234567 8 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12 34 5 SEPTEMBER 2017 SMTWTFS 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 6 7 8 9 10 1112 Independence Day July 2017 161718 192021 22 232425 262728 29 30 31 131415161718 19 August 2017 91011121314 15 20 27 21 22 23 Grade 6 Orientation 10 a.m. 24 Grade 9 Orientation 6 p.m., HS Grade 7 and 8 Schedule Pickup, 12 p.m. 28 29 30 31 25 26 BOARD OF EDUCATION James Latter, President Edward Reville, Vice President Howard Engel, III Kristen Hill-Burns Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 79 Albany, New York 15 Mountain Road P.O. Box 100 Ravena, New York 12143 518.756.5200 www.rcscsd.org Tina Hotaling Jason Hyslop Michael Jones William McFerran Kristen Rexford Robert K. Libby, Superintendent of Schools rlibby@rcscsd.org 756-5200, EXT. 6003 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER Brian Bailey, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction bbailey@rcscsd.org 756-5200, EXT. 6003 Stephanie Hunter, Editor Published in cooperation with the Capital Region BOCES Communications Service. RCS Senior High School RCS Middle School A.W. Becker Elementary Pieter B. Coeymans Elementary
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