Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman and AA Khan
Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman and AA Khan
Review of Research Review of Research International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal International Recognition Research Journal Associated & Indexed by EBSCO, USA Certificate ISSN 2249-894X DOI Prefix : 10.9780 Journal DOI : 10.9780/2249849X ISSN 2249-849X Impact Factor : 3.1402 (UIF) Impact Factor 3.1402 (UIF) Article Review Report This is to certify that our Review Board Accepted Research Paper of Dr. /Shri. /Smt.: Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman and A A Khan Topic:Use Of Video In Elt For Material Development College:Assistant Professor of English , MM College Technology , Raipur , CG , India. The Research paper is Original & Innovative it is Done Double Blind Peer Reviewed. Your Article is Published in The Month of January Year 2015 Received : 15th Dec . 2014, Published: 1st Jan .2015 Vol : IV Issue : IV, January - 2015 Authorised Signature USE OF VIDEO IN ELT FOR MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT Laxmi Book Publication 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur-413005 Maharashtra India Contact Detail: +91-0217-2372010 / 9595-359-435 e-Mail: Website: Your Article QR Code ORIGINAL ARTICLE Ashok Yakkaldevi Editor-in-Chief See your article on Mobile Author’s Profile Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman India Present Designation: Assistant Professor of English , M.M. College Technology , Raipur , CG , India. Education: B.Com., M.A.(English)., M.Phil., D.C.P.A. Short Profile : Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman is working as an Assistant Professor at Department of English in M.M. College Technology , Raipur , CG , India. He has B.Com., M.A.(English)., M.Phil., D.C.P.A. He has published research papers on "Material Development for a Language Based Lesson","Power to Write Right","The Need for Eclectic Method in English Language Teaching","Freud's Psychoanalytical Approach to Literary Criticism Analysis" and "Material Development for a Skill Based Lesson". He has published 2 Books on "TopDown for Kids and Bottom-Up for Adults – A Contrastive Study in the Teaching of Spoken English" and " A Probe into Teaching of English to Indian Students with special reference to first year college students of Chhattisgarh". Contact Us: Laxmi Book Publication 258/34m Raviwar Peth, Solapur-413005 India Contact: +91-217-2372010 / 9595-359-435 e-Mail: Website: DRJI =:: Your Article is Deposited in Following::= GO ARTICLE DOAJ ZOTERO (United States) (Sweden) (United States) GOOGLE SCHOLAR (United States) (India) CITULIKE (United States) MY NET RESEARCH (United States) DIGG MENDALEY DELECIOUS FIGSHARE ENDNOTE Easybib.Com (United States) (United Kingdom) (United States) (United States) (Ireland) (United States) Correspondence to, Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman and A A Khan Assistant Professor of English , MM College Technology , Raipur , CG , India. (Guide) Professor& Head , Department of English , Govt. DT College UTAI , Durg, CG , India. Authorized Signature Rajani Kota Review Editor Happy Writing Happy Writing ABSTRACT: We have always talked about recorded material and audio material only. But of course, we can also bring in video in the form of film clips, DVD or online video extracts for our learners to listen and learn while they watch. Abstract Report: The Title Accurately Said The Study was About. Very High High Average Low Very Low 1. Interest of the topic to the readers INTRODUCTION: Therefore, video extracts can be used as a main focus of a lesson sequence or as parts of other longer sequences. Sometimes we might get learners to watch a whole programme, but at other times they will only watch a short two-or three-minute sequence. Introduction Report: This Article Include Full Introduction, Methods, Results & Introduction Section. 2. Originally & Novelty of the ideas 3. Importance of the proposed ideas 4. Timelines 5. Sufficient information to support the assertions made & conclusion drawn 6. Quality of writing(Organization, Clarity, Accuracy Grammer) METHODS & MATERIALS: Must add methods and materials in your article. 7. References & Citation(Up-to-date, Appropriate Sufficient) Methods & Materials Report: Methods & Materials used to per research topic. RESULT: Must add result in your article. Result Report: Results are as per aims and objective and useful to further research . CONCLUSION: Must add Conclusion in your article. Conclusion Report: TThus,the research have wider scope for new academician and research scholars. REFERENCES: Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching, 4th Edition 2007, Pearson Longman Doff Adrian and Jones Christopher, Language in Use Video, New Delhi: Foundation Books,2000 Reference Report: There are Places where the Author Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman and A A Khan Need to Cite a Reference, but Have Not Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman and A A Khan Mohammed Tausif ur Rahman and A A Khan