Committee Meeting Minutes 81th
Committee Meeting Minutes 81th
Selesa Hillhomes JMB R3L1T, Block R, Selesa Hillhomes, BukitTinggi, 28750 Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur Tel no: 09-233 0707 Fax no:09-233 OTOG Email:!.com Website : www.selesa hill homesjm Minutes of the 81't Joint Management Committee Meeting Meeting Room, JMB Office, R3LLT, Selesa Hillhomes, Bukit Tinggi, 28750 Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur L3th December 2Ot5 at 3.30pm Ms Rozanna Chung Binti Abdullah (Rozanna) (M112) Charles Philomen A/L V.David (Charles) (C3L2V) Chong Mun Cheng (Mun Cheng) (GLL4A) Rahma n (Developer Representative) Chung Nyat Dau (Andolyn) (P3L5Y) Andy Yap (Accountant) Rozhan Zai nudd in ( Bu ilding Ma nagement Su pervisor) Venue Date Attendance Absent with Apologies No. Gan Sian Soon (Albert) (T8L6S) Matters/ Resolution Minutes of 80'n meeting was adopted by:Proposer: Charles Seconded : Chong Mun Cheng Action bv Status 1 The meeting started with introduction of Rozhan Zainuddin as our new Building Management Supervisors. He will commence duty on L6th December 2015. NA NA 2 Mr Andy Yap explained the financial statements and clarified queries from committee. NA NA a) lt is bstablished that JMB does not charged compound interest 'as claimed by certain owners. llPage JMB charges !O% per annum on late charges. to avoid confusion on the billing, Andy will !ook into way to separating the billing of maintenance, quit rent, b) ln order insurance in one invoice and water usage in another invoice. This is so that at the next EGM we can propose to stop water supply to defaulters. 3 Mr Jonie Tan officially tendered in his resignation date 4th December 2015 4 Follow-up on items mentioned in previous minutes. 4.1 NA Rozzana Strata Title Need to follow up closely with PTG on the progress forward. Contact person Farhan 09-57 12677 I 80. Rahman feedback the strata application is on hold by land office due to new fees/charges have not finalized. Require regular follow up. Rahman commented Developer does not oblige to answer JMB as this is personal or individual owner's matter" 2lPage NA -No new information from Developer. (status remain same) Open 4.2 lnsurance claims on :- i. Albert of Block N and R. Amount RM 86,551.50 from United Highland Sdn Bhd for Open Land slides geotech study. Pending provide complete -Rahman will resent the document ASAP information to Maphilindo I nternationa l, refer attached letter. Point 1,2,3 not available. Point 4 Available. Point 5 pend Rahman to provide. II ccTV (RM 3,538.00) Open AIG responded invalid claim. Pending official letter from AIG Chris Phang. 1il. Misdeed Claim (approx. Closed 47,OOO) AIG responded the claim is invalid. Refer attached letter from AlG. 4.3 United Highland's claims i. Rozzana : -Rahman 15,000) and water deposits informs that the deposits are for common area. Rozzana will have to confirm this claim from records or with accountant. (approx.. RM 100,000), maintenance arrears mainly clubhouse and block ii. Open TNB deposits (approx.. RM K. Rahman suggest JMB write official letter to United Highland. 4.4 Accounting related 3lPage Andolyn Open Collection of owings from aging accounts of errant owners. To set up SOP. lt. To develop an Admin job scope and SOP on incoming payment and receipts, outgoing records of payments to suppliers -Currently the list of defaulters are being solved legal letters and will eventually end up as claims at the tribunal as per Act 757. and misc bills. Update on the implementation. 1il. Finance Projection for the year 4.5Engineering Dept Andolyn will attend ASAP Charles ldentify and proper storage of Done building drawings for the purpose of reference in repairs and maintenance. ii. New format for Complains / Done Feedback forms ilt. lnventory of equipment and building material Done ldentify job skills of current JMB handymen - To upgrade Done or replace where ever necessary Only one water pump is working therefore it is urgent to repair the other pump as soon as possible 4lPage This portfolio is being handled by Mr David Lau, the Open vi" Consultant Building Management To equip maintenance staffs with adequate safety such as safety boot, helmet, proper uniform and etc 5 En. Rahman and En. Rozhan will follow-up. lT and communications/ Security Dept Mun Cheng 5.1 Upgrade website, improve current communication media to reduce work load of printing invoices etc. * Using social media to improve social interaction and participation of owners -This has been done and the fees paid. - It is agreed by committee members to spend RM338 a year for hosting website. Open -Rozhan will take over the handling of the website. -Documents to upload to website is minutes of meeting, forms, advertisement, a n nou nceme nt, calendar. Statement of account is more appropriate to publish it on notice board. 6 7 To oversee the issuance of Access Cards ( need an SOP for this eg. Charges for the cards and the number of cards for each unit ). -start with 2 cards per unit. Each RM50. -3'd card RMlOO -Lost card RM150 -Distribute of card 1't Nov -1't Jan 2OLG effective -Non-access card holder have to register at guardhouse. Housekeeping and La ndscaping 7.1 Study and monitor the efficency of 5lPage Rozhan will test Open with the laptop containing the data of card holders at the security post. Rozzana -lt is suggested Open cu rrent term ite treatment. 7.2To study and recommend pest control eg. Stray cats, birds, mosquitoes, snakes etc. that we put up notices to remind residents not to feed the stray. *Rahman takes up this role since the Paul/Simon had resigned from committee member. 8 lnternal Audit Observations on areas of weakness lnconsistent filing procedures. Mun Cheng -This is an active list and will ii. No enforcement of procedures outlined in existing SOP for procurement and payment. 1il. No Quotation from varied contractors were obtained for outsource maintenance job. This has resulted in unhealthy monopoly and uncompetitive pricing. tv. No Purchase Orders were issued for jobs done without Quotations. V. Invoice from contractors without signatures and company stamp were accepted for payment. vl. No Authorization Letter or identification details were recorded when cheques were collected on behalf of the payee. vil. lnternet banking; we recommend the following : 6lPage No online transfer of fund. Only for the purpose of viewing status of account. be monitored regularly. Open Maintenance staff not equipped with safety shoes, helmet, belts etc when attending to their tasks. No list of outsource contractors and supplies leading to unhealthy monopoly a nd uncompetitive pricing. No inventory list on parts and tools for maintenance. Staff salary to be banked in by the office to prevent staff from taking time off to do banking. Daily attendance of staff there should always be :1 admin + 2 maintenance staff Or ladmin+RM+L maintenance staff available during working hours. Any Other Matter 9.1 Feedback to post master to distribute all letters to mailbox directly TlPage -After consultation with COB, we were advised to complain to the government department as there is certain KPI which post office should follow. - Wil! set address from coB. 9.2To allow internet banking for viewing only not fund transfer. - Done 9"3 To trace back where the car towing (unclaimed cars for years) money have gone to. -This is already a police case and the lawyer is also prepared a case against Sia Poh Hong as she was the person liasing with the towing company. 9.4 Agreed transportation claim. - Bentong = RM 35 -Current procedure -KL=RM50 - Produce receipts for parking and toll as additional claims. - Any further destination at RM 0.50 Meeting ended at 5pm. Prepared by: Confirmed by: /@k RozzaiE-ffin! Abdullah On behalf of secretary SlPage Chung Nyat Dau Treasures
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