Nur Syahirah Naufal - Selesa Hillhomes JMB
Nur Syahirah Naufal - Selesa Hillhomes JMB
BADAN PENGURUSAN BERSAMA SELESA HILLHOMES Bukit Tineei. 28750. Pahane. Bukit TinEei, 28750 Bentone. Pahane. MalaEle Minutes of the 7th Annual General Meeting at Badan Pengurusan Bersama Selesa Hitlhomes Held on 5'hSeptember 2015 (sunday) at 9:30 a.m. at the Multi-Purpose Hall, Bukit Tinggi, Benton& 28750 Pahang Darul Makmur. Present As per Attendance List Stratified Property Management Sdn. Bhd. Officers: Rahman Rahasmizam Habibur Mohd Azam Bin Husin Way Nur Syahirah Naufal Jesse James Kwok Chee NOTICE OF 7TH Secretariat Senior Manager / Master of Ceremony ( MC) Resident Manager Credit ControlCum LegalAffairs Manager Registration Registration Registration ANNUAL GENERAT TVIEETING Notice of the 7'h Annual General Meeting of Selesa Hillhomes was distributed and posted, the latter where required, to all parcel owners. lt was displayed in all notice boards of every apartment blocks, two (2) weeks before the appointed date of Annual General Meeting (AGM). Number of eligible voters: - 349 Attendance comprises: - a) 73 owners & b) 43 proxies...Total attendance is 116 in total. to order at 10.15 am in accordance with clause 15 of the second schbdule of Strata Management Act 2013 (Act 757) which states the following: - The meeting was brought 15 (1) One half of the proprietors entitled to vote present either in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at General Meeting. (2) lf within half an hour after the time appointed for a general meeting, a quorum is not present, those proprietors entitled to vote who are present shall constitute a quorum. AGENDA L: L.L t.2 1.3 t.4 ELECTION OF PRESIDING CHAIRMAN Proposed to the chair: - En. Wan Kamarul Zaman Bin Wan Yaacob (P4L3S) Proposed by: - Pn Rozzana Chung Abdullah ( Ml"L2) Seconded by: - Ms" Chung Nyat Dau ( P3L5Y Voted: - 79 For anci 0 Against ) 1.5 1..6 L.7 The Presiding Chairman, En. Wan Kamarul extended a warm hearty welcome to all residents especially those who are from Singapore. He also thanked all the outgoing members of MC for their hard work and contribution. The outgoing committee members were invited to join him at the front table. The Presiding Chairman after confirming that the requisite quorum was present called the 7th Annual General Meeting of Badan Pengurusan Bersama Selesa Hillhomes to order around 10:45 a.m. Agenda 7 was odopted AGENDA 2,L 2: OPENING REMARKS BY CHAIRMAN SELESA HIIIHOMES JMB Mr. Chew Hoe Peng (C2L6Z), the outgoing Chairman discussed the legality of his position as the current Chairman of Selesa Hillhomes. The Developer has declared this AGM invalid, as Mr. Chew is not the "purchaser" of his unit, merely the beneficiary of his late father's property. 2.2 Mr. Chairman explained that he has obtained the Form F, which declares him as the Administrator, and he has a letter from COB recognizing his position as the Chairman of JMB Selesa till the 7'h.AGM. This AGM is thus valid and recognized by the COB of Bentong. 2:3 2,4 At this juncture, Mr. Chong Kian Shoo ( T2L5H ) reminds that if the Developer were to insist on the invalidity of Mr. Chew's position as the Chairman of JMB Selesa, then it follows that all decisions and actions of Mr. Chew during this period deems invalid. Ms. Rozzana Chung ( lvl1"L2 ) reminds that this will include Mr. Chew's action of pulling out the court cases with the developer in 2015. Mr. Chew Hoe Peng (C2L6Z) shared the challenges and work done during his tenure of ten months. a) All abandoned cars were removed b) Triangular glass panels in many blocks causing safety issues as mentioned at last AGM had been repaired. c) Water tanks on all blocks were cleaned and missing covers were replaced. d) Rubbish and building debris around water tanks had been removed for health and safety. e) The 3 poly pipes supplying all water have been replaced by a ductile iron pipe, which should last for tens of years. f) Big efforts have gone into landscaping. Hundreds of trees and shrub have been planted. g) A vegetable garden has been established. h) Entrance boom gate being installed. i) 1OO Fire Extinguishers has been purchased for 18 blocks. j) Road surfaces have been mended. k) Termite treatment for affected trees carried out. l) Planning to install additional CCTV for safety and security purposes. m) As for Finances, the JMB upon taking office in November 2014 inherited a negative balance of ( - rm 20,000) Presently the amount stands at a pproximately rm 345,654.50. 2.5 Mr. Chew also enumerates the problems encountered by the outgoing Joint Management Committee. a) Developer and associated companies owe JMB over RM 500,000.00. b) Blocks N and R slopes are marginally stable causing safety concerns. c) Developer trying to discredit and unseat committee members. d) Attempts to issue restriction order on the Chairman, changing locks and e) trying to obtain custody of JMB cheque books. Secretary, Abdol Rahman and Treasurer, Yip Seck Weng were removed from the committee for discrediting the Joint Management Committee in accordance with Act 757. f) Concerns for availability of car parks for owners and residents. g) Rubbish and noise caused by large groups of commercial visitors in a residentialarea. The Chairman closed his opening remarks. Agendo 2 wos adopted" AGENDA 3: TO RECEIVE AND CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE 5'* AND GENERAT MEETING HEID ON g" 3.1 NOVEMBER 2014 & to all 9th residents/owners of Selesa Hillhomes. Presiding Chairman opened to the floor confirm the minutes of the 3.3 AUGUST 2013 The minutes of the 5th and 5'h Annual General Meeting held last 18th August 2013 and November 2014 respectively have been circulated g.2 18TH 6" ANNUAL to make any proposal whether to receive and and 6th AGM. Mr" Chong Kian Shoo (T2L5H) proposed to receive and confirm the minutes of 5th and Sth 6th AGM. lt was seconded by Mr. Foo Sai Mun (T7L5A) and unanimously agreed by the floor with no objection. Agendo 3 wds odopted. AGENDA 4: TO DECTDE WHETHER TO CONFIRM, VARY OR EXTEND INSURANCES EFFECTED BY THE SELESA HITLHOMES JMB 4.L Mr" Chew Hoe Peng, informed the attendees as for the year 2OL4-2O15the insurance coverage on fire and other perils for Selesa Hillhomes is based on total coverage of RM 55,000,000.00 and premium payable was at of RM 38,000.00. 4.2 Mr" Chong Sin Ee (EL11) proposed tg empower the New Committee to go ahead with the lnsurance Policy subject to committee reviewing the existing terms and conditions. It , was seconded and unanimously agreed by the floor with 97 votes and objection.Agenda 4 was adopted. no AGENDA 5: TO PRESENTTHE AUDITED ACCOUNTS & REPORTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31sr MAY zo15 & 31sr MAY 2014 5.1 On behalf of the committee,Mr. Andy Yap, Accountant of Selesa Hillhomes since 2009 present theaudited accounts and reports for the year ending 31't May 2015 & 31't May 2014. The reports was prepared by other accountant and audited by external auditor. to Malaysia Laws whatever external audit should be signed by Strata Accountant. Mr. Andy Yap tabled the audited accounts and reports pertaining to income and expenditure as well as the balance sheet for, the accounts ended 31't May 2015 and Pursuant 31't May 2014. 5.2 The Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31't May 2014 and 31't May 2015 having been circulated was taken as read. 5"3 5.4 5.5 Item 31't May 2015 31't May 2014 Total lncome RM1,450,2oO.OO RM 1,572,966.00 Total Expenditure RM 1,253,597.00 RM 1,807,036.00 Amount due from owners RM 4,933,697.00 RM 4,961,050.00 Sinking Fund RM (18,352.00) RM 290,635.00 Cash and Bank Balances RM322,691.00 RM 417,968.00 Surplus (deficit) for the year RM 196,603.00 RM (234,070.00) All payment received was shown under income and the defaulters highlighted in the current assets. The balance sheet showed that the management managed to reduce the deficit from RM (234,070.00) to RM 196,603.00; credit to be given to the combined effort of the management and JMB. Mr, Chew Hoe Peng explained why the sinking funds shown a deficit. The previous JMB due to advice from the accountant utilized the sinking fund instead of management fund to do renovation works such as painting works, replaced the 3 poly pipes that supplies water all over Selesa Hillhomes with ductile iron. To clarify the issue Mr. Chew states that it's only a matter of accounting process. After having answered to all inquiries and further deliberatiohs, the meeting approved that the Audited Statement of Accounts for the financial period ended on 3L't May 2015 and 31't May 2OL4 as a correct record of the financial positions of Badan Pengurusan Bersama Selesa Hillhomes. of accounts for the year ending 5"6 Sai Mun Foo (T7L5A) proposed the audited statement 5.7 31't May 2014 be approved and was seconded by Chong Kian Shoo (T2L5H). lt was unanimously agreed by the floor with 74 votes and no objection receives. Chuah Peng Lai (F312) proposed the audited statement of accounts for the year ending 31-'t May 2015 be approved and was seconded by Sai Mun Foo (T7L5A). lt was unanimously agreed by the floor with 90 votes and no objection. Agendo 5 wos odopted. AGENDA 5: TO DECIDE WHETHER TO CONFIRM OR VARY ANY AMOUNTS DETERMINED AS CONTRIBUTTONS TO THE MANAGEMENT FUND 5.1 Presiding Chairman opened the floor to make any suggestions/proposals whether to increase or maintain the current management fund. 6.2 Mdm Lee Annie (P2L4X) proposed to maintain the current management fund since the account found to be quite healthy. lt was seconded by Rozzana Chung Binti Abdullah (M112) and unanimously agreed by the floor. (82 agreed and 9 disagreedl. Agenda 4 was odopted. AGENDA 7: TO DETERMTNE LANDSLIDE PROBLEM AT BLOCK R AND ATLOCATION REPAIR WORKS COST ESTIMATED FROM RMsOO THOUSAND UP TO RM 2.5 MILLION 7.t Mr. Chew Hoe Peng brought to the notice of all residents/owners present at the AGM that according from the Geotechnical report in 2013, the slope in block N and R is defined as marginally stable. The slope behind N block is 1.06 and R Block is less than 1. (The standard safe reading is at 1.5 7.2 7.3 ) Mr. Chew raised the issue for the Body to give a mandate to the next Committee to move forward, investigate and undertake whatever necessary actions needed . to determine the responsible party for the landslide in Block N and.R. The Presiding Chairman reminded that should a landslide happen, the entire estate could be closed as in the case of the Highland Towers. Therefore this landslide issue should be given priority. AGENDA8: TO GIVING MANDATE TO SELESA HITLHOMES JMB TO INVESTIGATE AND TAKE FURTHER ACTION FOR LANDSLIDE PROBTEM AT BLOCK N 8.1 & R PresidingChairman sulgests that agenda 7 and 8 should go together since both agendas are related to each other. 8.2 Mr. Chong Kian Shoo (T2L5H) framed the resolution to cover Agenda 7 and 8 as follows: To givemandate to the next committee to undertake the necessary geotechnical and engineering study pertaining to slope block N and B. R up to maximum limit of RM 100,000.00. The JMCIMB is to be indemnified from any future cost/expenses arising from the future lawsuits with regards to above mentioned duties" Notwithstanding any provisions herein contained, any payment or part of any future payment shall be made "Without Prejudice" to the committee or the future committee to seek payment from the defaulted party or any party. The above three resoJutions A, B and C were proposed by Mr. Chong Kian Shoo ( T2L5H ) and seconded by Mdm Chung Nyat Dau ( P3L5Y ). lt was put to vote: - 82 agreed, 9 disagreed. Agenda 8 wos odopted. AGENDA 9: STRATA TITLE, !T APPEARS THAT DESPITE THE ASSURANCE FROM DEVETOPER THAT APPuCATTON HAS BEEN FttLED, THERE tS NO DEFINITE ANSWER ASTO WHEN THE STMTATITLE WILI BE ISSUED 9.1 Presiding Chairman opened to the floor to make any suggestion/proposal on which the next Committee can undertake pertaining to Strata Title. Mr. Chong Kian Shoo (T2L5H) proposed to authorized the Committee or future Committee at the cost of Committee to seek all possible avenues including but not limited to consult or engage any legal assistance on the issues relating to the Strata Title which has been outstanding for many years. It was seconded by Foo Sai Mun (T7L5A) and unanimously agreed by the floor with 87 votes and no objection. AGENDA 10: TO DECIDE AND SET STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE (SOP) for expenditures. JMB Financial Expenditure SOP 6th September 2015 AGM Tender procedure for jgbs from RM5.000 onwards: a. Notice of invitation to Tender/Quotation is to be placed at the notice board of every block for at least two weeks. b. The final date and time for submission shall be specified. c. Tender/Quotation documents shall be deposited into a sealed box in the JMB office. d. The opening of the sealed box shall be witnessed by at least two committee members and one JMB staff 5J0.1:.t=oj:4O;0O0 The office bearer( Chairman or Secretary or Treasurer) can authorize the sp.ending up to RM 2,OOO|- for urgent repairs. "Urgent repairs" is defined as any repair when delayed, will cause more damage. 10.1 Foo Sai Mun (T7L5A) proposed It to inrease the amounts from rm40, 000 to rm L00,000. Thus follows that the third level be changed to above rm 100,001.00. Chong Kian Shoo (T2L5H) :;,',"#:: AGENDA tl.L 11: jff #:ffi :":, ff#l'#I ror rowi },1,'# ng resu rts (76 a gre ed, 1 TO SEEK APPROVAT FOR LEGAT EXPENSES INCURRED IN THE DEFENSE of THETR POSITION AS COMMITTEE MEMBER OF SELESA HIIIHOMES JMB Foo Sai Mun (T7L5A) proposed to approve any legal expenses without limit incurred in relation to the performance of their duties as Committee Member of Selesa Hillhomes. The committee was also reminded to look into Act 757, which has a provision for such expense. Chuah Peng Lai seconded it. The motion was put to vote with the following results :.(72 agreed, 1 disagree and 43 abstained). A genda ll was adopted. AGENDA 12: v TO APPOINT AND APPROVED COMPANY AUDITOR TO CARRY OUT THE AUDIT TO THE MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT AND STNKING FUND ACCOUNT THE JOTNT MANAGEMENT BODY, FOR THE PERIOD FIXED BY THIS GENERAT MEETING t2.L Mr. Tan Song Hor (OalVZl proposed to appoint PS Yap, lsma and Associates to carry out audit to the Maintenance Account and Sinking Fund. lt was seconded by Chung Nyat Dau (P3L5Y) and unanimously agreed by the floor with 77 votes and no objection received. Agenda L2 was adopted. AGENDA 13: TO DETERMTNE THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII AND TO ETECT COUNCIT MEMBERS FOR THE YEAR 2015.2016 13.1 The current Committee Members of Selesa Hillhomes for dissolved the year 2Ot4-2015 have been at 1:30 p.m. The Presiding Chairman was given a mandate by the floor to continue with the Agenda 13. 1[3.2 NO. The nomination of the new Committee Members wbs carried out through nomination 'form's given to each and every resident/owner that is eligible to vote before the actual 7th AGM' The following Joint Management Body committee Members for the year 20152016 were nominated; NAME NRIC NO. UNIT NO. L LIEW CHEW KEAT 690223-01-s693 H1L3C 2 OEI KOK EONG s30918-08-562s 82GN 3 ROZZANA CHUNG BT ABDULLAH 580402-tO-6224 M1L2 4 WAN KAMARULZAMAN WAN YMCOB 550320-03-5429 P4L3S 5 CHUNG NYAT DAU s70721-to-s634 P3LsY POStTtON TO BE DECIDED ON lSTJMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON 1ST JMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON lSTJMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON lSTJMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON lSTJMB MEETING 6 TAN CHUAN TEE 761106-08-6413 N2GQ 7 CHARIES PHTLOMEN AIL DAVTD 521017-01-5115 C3L2V 8 FOO SAI MUN 560117-08-5073 T7L5A 9 LIM HAE CHENG 460914-08-5133 T6GA 10 CHONG MUN CHENG 680623-08-s1s4 G1L4A lL GAN SIAN SOON 710219-13-5089 M3L3 TO BE DECIDED ON 1STJMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON.lSTJMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON l.STJMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON 1ST JMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON lSTJMB MEETING TO BE DECIDED ON lSTJMB MEETING ITWAS RESOLVED: "That the nominees for the Management Committee, whose nominations were duly proposed and seconded by the owners/floor members, be and are hereby deemed elected unopposed as to their appointment". 13.3 L3.4 13.5 13.5 13,7 The elected Council Members will announce and update their confirmed positions during their 1't JtVIB Meeting for the year 2015-20L6. Each newly elected Council Member introduced himselfy'herself to the floor and seeks cooperation from them to work together towards improvement of Selesa Hillhomes as a safe, healthy and a pleasant place to stay.. Presiding Chairman opened to the floor to decide the number of Council Members for Selesa HillhomesiMB for the year 2015-2016. Foo Sai Mun (T7L5A) proposed to have 7( plus 1 Developers representative) council members. lt was seconded by Chew Hoe peng (C2L6Z). Rozzanna Chung Bt Abdullah (ML12) proposed to have 1t council members (allnominees) and this was seconded by James pang Tiang Hock (e3L X). A vote by a show of hands was carried out. The result was 17 voted for 7 council members, 6Tvoted for LL council members and32abstained. The floor adopted 11 council Members since having the majority votes. Agendo 13 was odopted. AGENDA t4.L 14.2 14: OTHER MATTERS There is a request from the floor that for expenses exceeding rm 50,000/-, a notice be sent out to the residents. The Presiding Chairman added that owners would be given 7 days to oppose the expenditure. After which it is deemed as "No objection,,. A request is also recorded for an improved channel of communications via a Website to keep owners updated on issues. 14.3 Mr. Jerry Tan from Singapore recorded a Word of Thanks to the Presiding Chairman and urge the new committee to work as a team for common good. He also pledge support from the Singaporean owners. L4.4 There beingno further matters, the 7th Annual General Meeting of Badan Pengurusan Selesa Hillhomes ended at 2:00p.m. with vote of thanks to the Presiding Chairman, Committee and attendees. Jessie James For Stratified Property Sdn Bhd And Edited by Rozzana ChungAbdullah
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