Committee Meeting Minutes 80th
Committee Meeting Minutes 80th
Selesa Hillhomes JMB R3LLT, Block R, Selesa Hillhomes, BukitTinggi, 28750 Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur Tel no:09-233 0707 Fax no:09-233 0706 Email: Website : www.selesa hi I I homesjm Minutes of the 8O't Joint Management Committee Meeting Venue Date Attendance v Absent with Apologies No. t Meeting Room, JMB Office, R3LLT, Selesa Hillhomes, Bukit Tinggi, 28750 Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur 8th November 2015 at 2.30pm Ms Rozanna Chung BintiAbdullah (Rozanna) (M112) Gan Sian Soon (Albert) (T8L6S) Charles Philomen A/L V.David (Charles) (C3L2V) Chong Mun Cheng (Mun Cheng) (G1L4A) Ra hma n (Developer Representative) Tan Chuan Tee (Jonie) (N2Ga) Chung Nyat Dau (Andolyn) (P3L5Y) Matters/ Resolution Minutes of the 79th meeting Proposed by Mun Cheng, and Seconded by Charles Committee status update Resigned - Liew (due to other commitment), Lim (resign due to frequent travelling), Paul (resign due to seldom travel to Selesa Hillhomes) Action bv Target NA NA NA NA Absent 3 times or more - Simon (automatically out of committee due to poor attendance) 2 Mr Choong (Resident in Selesa Hillhomes) profesion in insurance conducted a training/briefing related to Selesa Hillhomes to all committee members llPage 3 Rozanna suggested netting to chase away the birds that caused bird shits. 4 Block B land erosion. Need to act on the counter measu re immediately. 5 Try out solar light. 6 To identify Selesa Hillhomes (logo etc) at guardhouse. 7 lncrease visitor temporary parking space for registration purpose. 8 Fence up empty space in at guardhouse to have better control of trespassing especia lly pedestria n. 9 Rozanna propose to extend Management office working hour on Saturday to 5.30pm to accommodate weekend owners. Majority of the committees (Charles, Mun Cheng, Albert) agree for Rozanna to claim JMB for her car back screen damaged caused by JMB tightening control of general day to day operation of JMB to ensure integrity of the JMB dealings. JMB has written to United Highland for owner contacts that not contactable by JMB in case United Highland have other contact means to owner that the contact information JMB currentlv have. JMB requested United Highland to check whether Owne's/ seller's maintena nce fees paid up before request JMB to change the ownership of the sales. Rahman suggested to share 50% of the administration charges buyer pay. 10 tt t2 Prepared by: Confirmed by: 'ff*%r Gan Siain Sobn, Albert (Secretary) ilpii. Rozffi-a Chung Abdullah (e hairman)
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l) Planning to install additional CCTV for safety and security purposes.